Led Zeppelin Live Aid 1985 3 Stairway to Heaven Stereo (Read Description First)
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Channel: LeoLiar905
Views: 21,698,803
Rating: 4.7738647 out of 5
Keywords: Live, Aid, Led, Zeppelin, Rock, Roll, Robert, Plant, Jimmy, Page, John, Paul, Jones, Tony, Thompson, Phil, Collins, MTV, Restored, Stairway, to, Heaven
Id: CBk-iRihSUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2009
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People say it's the worst page performance. Being on heroin or such, guess bonzo can't even be replaced by 2 drummers lol
They get lots of hate for this but considering that they did not play together at all before this gig, JPJ basically shows up in the last minute, it is fine. The greatest drummer was missing obviously.
Oh no no this I do not like
People cutting Page some slack here saying that this wasn't a Zeppelin show and it was thrown together at the last second, but a musician of his calibre should be able to pick up a guitar and play a solo in the correct key. Not to mention that it is in A minor, which is one of the most perfect and easiest keys to play a guitar solo. This might actually be a perfect example of live Zeppelin post-75. A powerful almost magical performance of a song and then Page starts to solo and it derails. Nobody here wants to admit that he was an absolute mess from '75 (and possibly '73) forward. I love this band, but live, starting in the mid-70s, they were no longer the mythical "Led Zeppelin". Sometimes listening to them live I can't believe this is the same guitarist that is on the albums. It's night and day.
Personally, i absolutely love this performance. Sure, technically it's weak but the overall vibe is something else.