Lecture - Joseph Shulam - Heretical Rabbis of the Talmud: Witnesses to the Power of Yeshua's Gospel

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[Music] it's a delight and an honor to introduce to you Joe shulam some of you got to hear him a few years ago but he's back and we're grateful for that i was joe student in 1987 and we've been friends ever since Joe was born in Jerusalem a secular Jewish family he didn't grow up going to synagogue he thought he knew about Christianity because in high school he was assigned the Gospel of John in a class to read and so he read about John he read through John and thought he understood Jesus but then he also thought whenever he read John that that wasn't what he thought Christianity was all about and so he met some missionaries in high school and he had taught one of the missionary sons how to smoke and got in trouble and and the missionary asked Joe what are you gonna do about the resurrection and that was a pivotal moment in Joe's life as he began to wrestle with that for some time he decided to give his life to Yeshua as his Messiah was baptized and not long after that he had to leave the country and so he finished high school in Valdosta Georgia he went back to Israel and got a degree in chemistry then he came back to the United States he went to Lipscomb University where Mark went studied with Harvey Floyd and got a degree in New Testament he then went back to Israel to start a Messianic Jewish Church and a movement called Netta via nativ iya is a Jewish group of Messianic Christians that are impacting the world for Christ and Joe in Israel has a degree from Hebrew University in archaeology he has also been fully trained in rabbinic saat a rabbinic school in Jerusalem Joe speaks seven languages he travels around the world telling people about Christ he's been in over 20 countries this year and he won't stop because Joe more than anyone I've ever med personifies what it looks like to be an evangelist for Jesus and so I'm excited that he's here tonight I'm looking forward to his message about Jesus in the Talmud and I think also as he shares with some of what God is doing in Jerusalem that I think will warm your heart so in Hebrew you say Arif Tov can you say that Arif tove and with that we'll welcome Joe and look forward to a great night Shalom I'm thankful to God for the opportunity again to be here in the linear theological library I think mark and Becky and Charles and all the staff that have made this possible think Scott Sager for the introduction and thank God that it was short what I decided to teach this evening is unusual for Christians and even are unusual for Jews because it's material from the rabbinical texts of the Babylonian Talmud why would I want to teach Christians this lesson because all truth if it is not substantiated it's a myth truth has to be substantiated on witnesses on facts on archaeology on a lot of different kinds of material that make it believable now one of the things that makes people you know believable is if they have enemies if they don't have enemies they're not so believable so through the enemies of the gospel so to speak we can learn a lot about the biblical truth and I was going to use polemic texts but my good friend Scott Sager said make it more inspirational so that's what I listen to my friend and my student and I decided to use material that is inspirational from the Rabbinical text so that's what we're going to do tonight we're going to have three examples from the Rabbinical texts of great teachers and great people who became disciples of Jesus and it's recorded in the Talmud in the rabbinical texts the talmud is a collection of rabbinical arguments in America you've got football and basketball as you national sports in Israel and among the Jews arguing is our national sports and we're good at it and so I am going to start with a text that ties together the New Testament and the rabbinical text and Josephus and other historical texts in order to show you how important it is for us to look at the background of what was happening in the first century among the community of the Jewish disciples of Yeshua with the Pharisaic Jewish synagogue and communities so here we have a text a text taken from the Talmud from atracted called hagigah page 16a now the way that the rabbi's deal with their enemies is very simple they delete everything about them so they don't exist but sometimes they forget to delete something and in this case they for got to delete a character named Menachem and this text in the Talmud it says Hillel and Menachem did not differ Menachem went forth sharm i entered that's all we have in the talmud about this character Menachem but Hillel was the head of the Sanhedrin and the Sanhedrin always had a pair of men at its head because you can't be a judge in a Supreme Court by yourself you have to have a balance another judge that will balance you out if you disagree with you and that way make justice more visible so 11 Menachem were the Supreme Court judges in before the birth of Jesus in Jerusalem in the Sanhedrin and it's all it says Menachem went out and Shammai entered in his place Hillel and Shammai became a very well known rabbinical couple at that Supreme Court of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem so all battle we have the only mention of Menachem in the whole Talmud which is a library of itself it will easily feel to normal shelves in your library one set of the Talmud would be 30 40 volumes easily and all you have a mention of this character Menachem is in this one text that's interesting so who is this Menachem he spelled differently different English versions we find in Josephus the famous historian that was adopted by the Flavian family of Caesars with Bayesian and then his son Titus the one who destroyed Jerusalem they adopted Josephus who was in the Jewish general in the Galilee and lost the battle and it became a slave and they adopted him and that's why it's called Josephus Flavius his Hebrew name is yourself Ben material Joseph the son of Matthew but when he was adopted by the Caesars of the Flavian family became Josephus Flavius so in the antiquities of the Jews book 15 line 10 verse 5 it says this now there was one of these that should say heretics but Essenes the hebrew word is a mean heretic whose name was Menachem who had this testimony that he had not only conducted his life after an excellent manner but had the foreknowledge of future events given to him by God also this man once saw Herod when he was a child and going to school and saluted him King of the Jews but he's thinking that either he did not know him or that he was ingest put him in mind that he was but a private man but Menachem smiled to himself and clapped him on his backside with his hand in America today to go to jail slapped him on his backside with his hand and said however that be thou will be king and will be begin thy reign happily for God finds the worthy of it and do thou remember the blows that Menachem had given thee as being a sign of the change of thy fortune so that's it a historical text in a very highly respected Jewish historian in the 1st century and and so we have a mention of Menachem in the Talmud a very short mention Menahem went out and Shammai took his place and now we have this text in Josephus about the same Menachem who is a friend of Herod's during childhood so we know now what do we know about Menachem we know about Menachem that Menachem was had a prophetic gift that he was a friend of Herod during childhood and that he predicted that Herod will become the king and that he lived an excellent manner in other word about a devout manner now this is what we know about Menachem he was the head of the Sanhedrin he had a prophetic gift he was an excellent man an honorable man considered a prophet now we go to a few hundred years later the rabbi's are discussing the earlier texts that we read from the Talmud from the Mishnah Menachem went forth and Shammai entered now the rabbi's have to discuss what does it mean where did he go a by a rabbi that lived in the 3rd and beginning of the 4th century says he went forth into evil courses the word that is used in Hebrew here means he became a Christian that's what it means rabbie who is a Bey's friend and and his kind of sparring partner said no he went forth in the King's service thus it was also taught Menahem went forth to the King's service and there went with him 80 pairs of disciples dressed in silk ok that that is a discussion on the earlier texts between two rabbis that lived at the end of the 3rd century in other whatever menachem went he didn't go alone he took a hundred and sixty rabbinical disciples with him and they were all dressed in silk in other words they all did well in the stock market that that's what it essentially means now we're reading in the book of Acts now in the church that was in at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers Barnabas Simon who was called Niger Lucius decidely Cyrenian and man ayan who had been bought brought up with Herod the Tetrarch and Saul oh that's in the New Testament and I imagine every pastor and every Christian read the book of Acts at least once in their lifetime and they didn't stop to ask themselves who are these men who were the leaders of the church in Antioch Antioch in the first place that the disciples of Jesus were called Christians and here is a text that says who were the leaders of that church among the leaders of that church we find a guy named Menachem same name and what do we know about him that he was a prophet and a teacher of the law and a friend of Herod so we have three of the ingredients that we find in the Talmudic discussion by the rabbis in the book of Acts the name of the man is Menachem he is a prophet is a great teacher of the Torah of God's Word and he was a friend of eret no coincidence now what does that mean that the popular idea of the Jewish people is that only idiots ignorant Jews and educated Jews secular Jews become disciples of Jesus that's the common view of most of the Jews in the world even until this very day if you were a real educated Jew and you knew the law of Moses and the Torah you would never become a Christian you would never accept Jesus as the Messiah that's the common view but here we find out that a guy who was this day at the head of the Sanhedrin the head of the Supreme Court a garbled name of Menachem left the normative regular Pharaoh sake Jewish community and went out and that the rabbi's discussed well they go one of the rabbi's of ia said he became a heretic and another of the row I said no he went to the service of the King with 80 pairs of disciples dressed in silk is it the same man I proposed to you it's the same man why is it the same man the name is the same friend of Herod during childhood a prophet and a great teacher of the Torah there's nobody else that explains and and rabbi the great rabbi there in the in the third century early third century says he went in the service of the King which King it doesn't say but since the other rabbi say he went into a evil cultural became a Christian in other words the only king that you could imagine that he went to serve was the King of the Jews it wasn't the king of the Baptist and the Presbyterians and the Catholics and the Pentecostals he was the King of the Jews and remained the King of the Jews and this rabbi rabbi was a great Talmudic rabbis says he went in the service of the king so what is what is this show us first of all it shows us that inside the Talmudic texts that usually criticizes christians and criticizes jesus and talks about his birth and his death and his teaching was so attractive to the judge of the Supreme Court of the Jewish people in the Sanhedrin that he left his high position and went out and took with him 160 disciples a hundred and sixty disciples successful thus Jews to follow him and become one of the leaders of the church in Antioch I think that this is a tremendous encouragement especially to Jews who believed in Jesus like myself and like others that we have here in the crowd and this we learn from the texts that are supposed to be per lemma sizing against Jesus against the disciples of Jesus so this is a very interesting case and it's the first case that I want to propose to you the dis Talmudic rabbi the the Pharisaic leaders try to delete from history and only left one sliver one short verse Hillel and Menahem dis were not in disagreement and when I am left and went out to a bad culture from that one text we connected with the book of and we see the dis man of him they'd become a disciple and a leader in the church in Antioch same inner him that's the first case that I want to bring before you okay we did the book of Acts now in summary when I am had a high position people in high position successful people like a Supreme Court Judge don't easily give up the perks of their life and become anathema to their community right but who was the Apostle Paul I didn't make a slide of that the Apostle Paul was the Attorney General of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem and the fact that the people put their coats at his feet was because he could use the code to sign it's a stay the execution of Stephen or go ahead with it the reason that they had to put the coat there because the only way that he could sign to the execution to go on or stopped but by the way he was waving one of those coats because they didn't have cellphones had they had cell phones they would have called him and say stop we have a new evidence somebody brought new evidence at the court and that's also from the Talmud now the next case very very famous rabbi Rabbi Eliezer was arrested for minute minute means heresy and in that time heresy is only one following Jesus was arrested for minute and brought more for before the roman tribune to be judged said the governor to him the Tribune how can a sage an old man like you occupy himself with this kind of idle things he replied I acknowledge the judge as right the governor thought that he was referred to him though he had really referred to the Father in heaven and said because you have given me this compliment acknowledge me as right I pardon you that were acquitted so here you have rabbi eliezer one of the great rabbis of his time that lived in the beginning of the second century and he is brought before the Roman judge during the reign of hate Trajan Caesar Trajan Triano's and is brought before the roman tribune and accused of having joined a heresy those of you who know history well know that the governor of Asia Minor Pliny had written to Trajan to Rome three letters exchanged three times letters with Trajan and said what should I do about these Christians you know they they are haters of humanity why are the Christian haters of humanity because they wouldn't let their daughters marry pagans and they wouldn't let their sons marry pagan women why and they were cannibals why cannibals because they heard them take communion the Eucharist and they heard them talking about eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Messiah and they didn't know what was going on so they interpreted as cannibalism and they were atheist was Plenty's third accusation why were they atheist because they believed in a god that had no statue and no temple and and he was unknown the way Paul said it to the Athenians a lot earlier and so Trajan writes him in the first letter says you know what get rid of him if they bother you feed them to the Lions put them in the Colosseum do whatever you want to with them so during that period this very famous rabbi Rabbi Eliezer who could have been Paul's nephew from Acts chapter 23 where his nephew was a part of the a terrorist group Jewish terrorist group right-wing terrorist group that decided not to eat or not to drink until they killed Paul and then his nephew who was a part of that group tells the Roman when Paul was imprisoned in the in the fortress Antonia next to the temple and they take Paul by horse during the night and speed him out from Jerusalem to Caesarea of by the sea so this may be the same rabbi eliezer so he's accused of becoming a Christian and the judge pardons him because he said I trust the judge and his righteousness that it be a righteous judge the judge the roman tribune thinks that he's talking about him but he actually talked about our Heavenly Father as being the righteous judge he misunderstood but rabbi eliezer gain by then was pardoned when he came home to his disciples called him call on him to the council him but when but he would accept no consolation rabbi akiva who was a Gentile who converted to Judaism says Master will Dow permit me to say one thing of what thou taught me he replied say it master said he perhaps some of the teaching of the minim meaning of the Jewish Christians had been transmitted to thee and now did approve of it and because of that that was arrested he exclaimed Akiva thou has reminded me I was once walking in the up and market of Sepphoris snick next to Nazareth when I came across one of the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth jacob of the village of far scania by name who said to me it is written in your torah that thou should not bring the hire of a harlot or the price of a dog into the house of the lord thy god what is he talking about in the Torah we have two contradictory precepts one of the precepts is that everybody in Israel should give his ten percent he's tied to the temple everybody says all Israel and then in another one of the books of the Torah it says you shall not receive the hire of a harlot or the price of a dog you know if you have a dog and you saw your dog you don't have to give a tithe from that money or if you're a harlot and you receive money for sex you cannot tithe from that money because it's unclean money so you have two contradictory laws in the Torah one says everybody should tie the other one says there are two exceptions the price of a dog and the higher of a harlot so this Jacob who was a disciple of Jesus asks the rabbi you know how do you resolve this seeming contradiction and Rabbi Eliezer has no answer to resolve this contradiction so Jacob offers an answer thus I was taught by Jesus that the Nazarene from the hire of a harlot thou shalt gather them and unto the hire of a harlot thou shalt return them it's a verse they came from the place of pills filth let them go to the place of Filth those words please me so very much as rabbi eliezer that is why I was arrested for apostasy and thereby I transgressed the scriptural words removed I removed away from far from her which refers to the faith in Christianity to the heresy and come not nigh to the door of her house which refers to the ruling power that's one text there is a parallel text in the Talmud that says more or less the same thing and what do we have here we have here a very very famous rabbi who meets a disciple of Jesus in the marketplace in Sepphoris that is only about three and a half miles away from Nazareth and it was the capital of the Galilee at that time and he's asked a halakhah question a question about the law of Moses how do you resolve this seeming contradiction and this disciple of Jesus answers the famous rabbi that rabbi gets so impressed that it becomes a believer becomes a believer in Jesus and then the Roman authorities hear about that and they take him to court before the tribunal it's not something that happened you know in a minute and immediately he realized that no he went home and taught that to his disciples what he learned from Jesus through disciple named Jacob and apparently he was doing it long enough till the authorities of the Roman governor heard about it and it was invited to court and taken to court and judge and dismissed because the judge misunderstood the compliment that he gave God he took for himself so here we have a second case of a very very famous rabbi that is impressed by the teaching of Jesus that transmitted to him by a disciple of Jesus from the village of Chania in the Galilee also not far from Nazareth and impressed enough to share that teaching with his disciples enough to impress the Roman governor that he became a heretic and broke the Roman law and joined the new religion and was judged for it what impressed him the teaching of Jesus and this is something that that today every Christian should inhale take it in because we all believe that Jesus is the Messiah we believe that he's the son of God we believe that he's divine we believe that he will return and they will you know judge the world and humanity one day right but what was his main role during his lifetime his main role that he was a rabbi he's called a rabbi 16-time in the Gospels his enemies called him a rabbi and his disciples called him a rabbi what does it mean a rabbi that he was a teacher of life the statistics are folks that only 10% of evangelical pulpits teach from the gospel 10% of all the sermons are from the teaching of Jesus 10% from the rest of the epistles and of Revelation 10 more percent and 10% from the whole Old Testament 70 percent of the preaching in evangelical churches comes from the letters of Paul which were written mainly to Gentiles and talk about love and grace and all these wonderful things very important things but the four Gospels only 10% of the teaching why because we don't want Jesus as our rabbi as our teacher because he's a very hard teacher he tells you if your eye offends you pluck it out if your hand offend you cut it off if you come late to my party go out into art of darkness if you're not dressed right cast him out right we don't want that we all want love and grace and st. Valentine's Day that's what we want Jesus is popular as long as he's hanging on the cross but if you take Jesus off the cross he may kick your rear end and that's why people don't like so much the teaching of Jesus but this rabbi eliezer is so impressed by the teaching of Jesus that he becomes a disciple of Jesus and he's taken to the Roman Court it's an interesting case my time is getting short there's one more case that I want to share with you also from the Talmud no man should have any dealings with the meaning in other words the Jewish disciples of Jesus the heretics nor is it allowed to be healed by them even in risking an hour's life it once happened that ben de ma the son of rabbi ishmael sister that he i was bitten by a serpent and jacob a native of Farzana the same jacob that was with Rabbi Eleazar Jacob a native for Tonya came to heal him but rabbi ishmael did not let him where whereupon been dama said my brother rabbi ishmael let him so that i may be healed by him I will even cite the verse from the Torah that he is to be permitted permitted to heal him but he did not manage to complete his saying when his soul departed and he died wherever whereupon rabbi ishmael exclaimed happy art thou been dhamma for thou wert pure in body and i so likewise left d impurity nor has thou transgressed the words of the of thy colleagues who said he who breaketh through offense a serpent shall bite him it is different with the teaching of the meaning for it till it draws for it draws and one having dealing with them may be drawn after them an interesting situation this Ben Dhamma a rabbi is bitten by a poisonous snake and he wants to all the disciple of Jesus Jacob to come and pray for him and heal him in the name of Jesus rabbi ishmael does the one to allow him to call this jacob disciple of jesus of nazareth to heal him that's an interesting situation why would Ben dama ask for this Jacob to come and pray for him in the name of Jesus because he probably already had a backlog he had a reputation of being able to heal people praying for them in the name of Jesus otherwise they wouldn't chance to call a guy who was ever known as a heretic to come and pray for him it's not like the television evangelist here is like Peter and John who went to the temple and they said silver and gold we don't have but what we have will give you get up and walk they said to the laymen at the golden gate in the temple there was no maybe to it they had a gift from God from the Holy Spirit and they knew that that gift works it wasn't fake it was real and this Jacob had that kind of reputation but rabbi ishmael is objecting to bring Jacob and to pray for Ben Dhamma in the name of Jesus because he suspect that if he prays for him in the name of Jesus he will be healed but Ben dama dies from the bite of the snake poisonous snake before he is able to call Jacob from Konya to pray for him and rabbi ishmael blesses him and says you are blessed that you died before they prayed for you in the name of Jesus to be healed okay this is another case I have more but my time is up but I want to just summarize here we are seeing an interesting relationship between the community of the believers in Jewish believers in Jesus and the rabbinical community some of the great rabbis become disciples do I have more time Charles okay then I'll go to the next case the next case is even more interesting than this okay I'll do it in six minutes there are four very famous Jewish rabbis before the Year 125 another very beginning of the second century and they have a spiritual experience of ascension to heaven like Paul had in 2nd Corinthians 12:12 Paul said I knew a man who was caught up in the third heaven and so forth and so a similar experience three of the disciples and their teacher their teacher is called Elisha the son of Abuja and they have this ascension experience one misunderstands what he sees and he lies in heaven he dies another one nothing happens to him this Gentile convert Rabbi Akiva nothing happens to him he comes out clear elisha ben abuja comes down and and they change his name they called him he changed he became different a hair in Hebrew he became a hair he changed whatever he saw in heaven he changed and to make because I only have six minutes what happens when they when it comes out of that mystical experience he no longer respects the rabbinical interpretations of the law he gets on a horse he rides a horse on Shabbat he doesn't observe the Sabbath limit that is rabbinical essentially and essentially elisha ben abaya becomes ameen becomes a disciple of Jesus what made what did he see up there that made him become a disciple of Jesus he saw a man sitting on the right hand of God and before God nobody sits even though Archangels stand in the presence of God but Elisha been a booyah saw a man sitting at the right hand of God that convinced him to become a disciple of Jesus now imagine this we have the story of the crucifixion we have the story of the resurrection and we have the comments in the revelation about Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father right and here you have a very famous teacher who was the teacher of the other three that went up with him seeing a man sitting at the right hand of God that changes his life he gives up his position as a great rabbi as a teacher of the Torah Gambel's everything away of his life like the Apostle Paul in order to become a disciple of Jesus so what does that tell us first of all that not only idiots and ignoramuses become disciples of Jesus it's an important point that that's true until this very day in every community you have some ignorant and ignoramuses yeah but then and now God chooses any men of any social standard in any position in the community and those who say yes to God change like elisha been a booyah changed and his name in the Talmud no longer is called elisha ben abui is called a hare the guy that became different and he became different praise God and we can all become different and some of us have to give up position and father and mother and honor and respect in order to follow Jesus and nothing has changed from the time of the Apostles until this day we all still have to give up sometimes our position our honor our family in order to follow Jesus and I was lucky enough I gave it up when I was 16 but when I was 21 my parents my sister my nephew's all became disciples of Jesus god bless you okay I'm assuming this is reference to non messianic rabbis it says how do rabbinic scholars handle Isaiah 53 easy Jewish rabbis are masters in handling anything and there's only very few rabbis that have confessed that Isaiah 53 is talking about the Messiah the other rabbis starting from about the 12th century say he's talking about the nation of Israel we are the servants of God as a nation but mark is a lawyer I can tell you it doesn't fit because if we are the people who suffered for the salvation of the world then who was the person that was rejected and despised and by whose stripes we were healed yeah we can't be the ones who are receiving the stripes and then healing ourselves so that that's the case but but if you read rabbinical commentaries they find a way they find a way to describe that there are chickens that lay square eggs you think I'm joking but I'm not they're easier to pack well that is a nice lead-in to this next question how has your understanding in science and chemistry affected your belief in faith in God I defected my the way I read the Bible that's how it affected me because since I was a child every toy I got I had to take apart to find out how it works and that's how I discovered that this Menachem from acts 13 is the same Menachem that is mentioned only one time in the Mishnah and only one time in the Talmud and in Josephus because you know I am I doubt everything I have a hard time believing anybody but when I believe I stay with it until the end do you have an opinion about what Paul meant in Romans 9 through 11 when he spoke about making my people Jewish people jealous yes I have not only an opinion I have experience of many years of what the Gentiles should do to make the Jewish people jealous first of all they should believe in God more than we as Jews believe in God not in religion religion is the big all religion Judaism Christianity every religion there was the biggest enemy of faith yeah religion has brought division and war and hatred to humanity faith love hope those are powers powers for life and Gentiles should show they loved the Jewish people we have been you know more than a thousand years a thousand four hundred years and the little if even a little more receiving hate in the name of Jesus anti-semitism in the name of Jesus it came from Christians Muslims were a lot more tolerant or Judaism until the Jews and Christians were we have been walking the Via Dolorosa for sixteen hundred years all in the name of Jesus that's why my parents were good people kicked me out because when I believed in Jesus and the day wise was baptized they thought I joined the enemy yeah so the first thing you can't make the Jews jealous with your money they do better than you do my average you can't make the Jews jealous with your academia the percentage of Jews that received Nobel prizes is higher than any other ethnic group you could check it out and you'll see that I'm right the only way you can make the Jews jealous is if you love their God their Bible their Messiah more than they do and if you support Jewish causes with a sincere heart and with pure motives and generously of course obeying the command of the Apostle Paul first of all to the household of God that means to the Jewish believers and then to the State of Israel to the UJA to the fund for long soldiers you know we have now you know John Hagee's we have the Christian embassy in Jerusalem that don't preach the gospel and just support Orthodox Jewish causes which is good it's not a bad thing it's a good thing but it's a better thing for you to support your brothers and sisters who are preaching the gospel who are feeding the poor who are doing good works humanitarian works with the name of our Savior in the middle that's the way to make the Jews jealous okay um do you have an opinion on Paul's views on dietary laws yes I do would I suspect the follow-up is would you sorry don't ask a do if he has an opinion about anything we have opinion about everything would you share your opinion on that one please yeah well actually you're a lawyer I want you to read a text the most famous takes that all Christian theologians think that it permits them to eat anything they want okay I'll give you the text here oh you've got your own I happen first Timothy chapter 4 read from verse 3 through 4 or 5 first Timothy verse 3 and 4 let's try that okay okay read it aloud okay okay as a lawyer not as a first Timothy chapter 4 verses 3 and 4 and 4 which language in any language you want I will tell you rabbi Joe and I had the same Greek professor though we were apart by a couple of years everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected if it's received with Thanksgiving for it is made holy by the Word of God and prayer this text says you need anything or does it limit you this text does not say you can eat anything and it does not limit you neither it limits you I don't think if you can say thank you God for this porkchop and if it is according to the word and prayer then you can eat it but if you if God said don't do it can you say God thank you God for letting me do it okay I can argue that with you okay and I think you make a valid point but my question would be I think the question of this person would be but do we follow the Old Testament law that says not to eat it as a Gentile we have caveats in Romans 14 and in Colossians 2:16 that say don't judge one another concerning these things what you eat or what you drink which holidays you keep or don't write right so we don't have to judge you an eight I'm not gonna look at your plate what you ate or didn't eat you wanna celebrate I'm not going to tell you which holiday to celebrate or not to celebrate we're not supposed to judge that doesn't mean that it's okay not judging doesn't mean that it's okay because the Apostles told the Gentiles in Acts chapter 15 verse 21 they said let after they said these four things you have to you must observe which most Christians and churches don't teach that you cannot eat meat that is not USDA only USDA you can eat because USDA slaughtered in a kosher way and not eat blood okay and then it says tell those Gentiles to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and hear the word of the Lord the word the Torah being read because they understood that the Gentiles it takes them longer to learn than the Jews and so they have to go every Shabbat to the synagogue and hear the Word of God read and hopefully the Holy Spirit will filter through after a while and they'll understand that God gave us wise instructions when he gave us these dietary laws it's not because they taste bad they taste good I ate pork and shrimp and lobster all of my childhood well till after I became a Christian but suddenly I read that text in first Timothy and I understood I can't tell God thank you for some but something he told me not to do so since the national sport of Israel is arguing yes can I argue sure Acts chapter 10 Peters up on the house top about that one to pray and he becomes hungry and wants something to eat while they're preparing food he falls into a trance the heavens open and a great sheet descends and then it are all kinds of animals reptiles and birds a voice says rise Peter kill and eat Peter says by no means Lord I've not eaten anything that's common or unclean are not USDA and the voice came to him a second time and said what God has made clean do not call common this happened three times good then the next chapter Peter interprets the vision that he saw and he says now I understand what that vision meant that God has made no man and clean that every man that says smile adonai eloheynu will be saved calling upon the name of the lord that's what it means translated to Hebrew create Sh'ma calling the holy name accept the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the creator of the world that you God you can be saved that's what the mission because he didn't in a vision you can have sex with Marilyn Monroe after her death in a vision vision is not a reality my wife won't let me Peter Peters didn't kill anything that he saw in a vision you didn't have any ever have his knife with him he was a rabbi without a knife well I would go further to say that as an advocate of my own position on this Peter then goes out among the Gentiles and lives like a Gentile in Galatians two it seems to be a pretty clear reference to the food he was eating not necessarily the company was keeping if Noah says if you live like a Gentile not live with a Gentile live like a Gentile and not a Jew yeah how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews well even if I give in to this because your wife is here I have to be nice to you even even if I give in to you on this case yeah it's not a sin to eat pork well I will tell you even for a Jew it's not a sin I will tell you that my first Hebrew teacher was named Tuvia Kline yeah Orthodox from South Africa yeah though he his parents he was raised in an orthodox home and he's reformed by the time he gets to the US and he and I were reading some Syriac together over lunch we went to a deli he ordered a not just a ham but a ham and cheese sandwich so he's mixing he might as well do it right that's right it's mixing meat and dairy in addition to having ham and I looked at him like what are you doing and he was a short little wiry guy with glasses and he poked his finger in my face and he said I don't want to hear it Moses never would have forbade ham if he tasted it the way my wife makes it III agree with him [Music]
Channel: fleetwd1
Views: 251,728
Rating: 4.6264591 out of 5
Keywords: fleetwd1, Lecture - Joseph Shulam - Heretical Rabbis of the Talmud: Witnesses to the Power of Yeshua's Gospel, Joseph Shulam, Lanier Library Lecture Series, Messianic Jewish Yeshiva, Mark Lanie, Scott Sager, Lipscomb University, messianic congregation Netivyah, Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, messianic Netivyah, Heretical Rabbis of the Talmud: 2nd Century Witnesses to the Power of Yeshua's Gospel, Lecture, February 8th 2020, 2nd Century
Id: Z7vn3ypuqZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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