Lecture 09: The Book of Genesis - Dr. Bill Barrick

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okay last week we left off with the biblical evidence that we were surveying as in Genesis chapter 3 and I wanted to just start again there to wrap this up because I'm gonna move you into chapter 4 here in a little bit but as we look at it when we're talking about the flow of Genesis in chapters 1 through 11 we're understanding that we have a historical record we see that from the Toledo statement made in chapter 2 verse 4 and we have no reason to question that this is historical we move on to the events involving Cain and Abel in chapter 4 if we do not take chapter 1 as historical or we do not take chapters 2 and 3 as historical then what causes us to take chapter 4 as historical and today the main viewpoint of many scholars is that you don't take anything historical until you get to chapter 12 that the first 11 chapters are looked at as primeval history / legend and so it's not that which is dependable as history that it may present a series of archetypes of good and evil but it doesn't necessarily record actual history according to some scholars we move on to Adam in his genealogy in chapter 5 and we move into the history of Noah if this is not historical either then we have a problem also with all the way down through chapter none because it's about Noah and the flood the serpent calling crawling on the ground is often one of the issues that someone might raise to say see I told you that this is not historically accurate or dependable and all I would suggest is go catch a serpent skin it take the meat off of its bones and look at its skeleton what do you find snakes have vestigial legs they're part of the skeleton and the usual trying to deal with that as saying well you know that's that's just because something went wrong in the evolution or it just demonstrates that they evolved from some four-legged creature originally how would someone know it here at this time Malaysian being made to Adam and Eve right at the fall god says at that point that the serpent will crawl upon the ground and eat the dust of the ground there's no indication that Adam and Eve had by that time killed a snake and dressed it out and found that the bones that were left behind showed leg bones for it beside its ribs so that this couldn't have originated from them so the only way to then try to account for to say oh well this is only Moses riding he's riding much later and they have a lot of experience with snakes by then and therefore you know this this can be all being explained away and so that this just becomes their story of how that may have occurred well that's assuming an awful lot in there and that's also assuming that God never said anything of the nature of the curse and if God never said anything in the nature of the curse then what happens to chapter 3 verses 15 and 16 if we take away verse 14 about the snake why would we adhere to anything with reality involving the woman in verses 15 and 16 so there are issues here very similar to what dr. Murphy was talking about in Chapel about the inerrancy of Scripture let's move further chapter 3 being the fall has heritage of pain toil and death expulsion from the garden but notice that the very good at the end of chapter 1 verse 31 is obviously now no longer true it's no longer true Adam and Eva fallen they've disobeyed God the perfect paradise is no longer perfect they are expelled from the garden they're guarded from entering re-entering the garden they're put out of it this is and then immediately in Chapter five we begin with this history of death where every individual listed in genealogy lives so many years and they die that's a repeatedly faint refrain all the way through that demonstrates the reality of God saying when you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will die so the very goods no longer true but we have the promise in verse 15 of chapter three of the seed of the woman being victorious over the seed of the serpent another thing to point out and I'll come back to that a minute but another thing to point out while we're in Chapter three is the emphasis on the second masculine singular all the way through when God comes and says where are you that you is second masculine singular it's not plural he's not saying where are you Adam and Eve he's saying where are you Adam he addresses himself strictly to Adam when he says did you disobey my command it's not a plural it's a singular later that's even defined when he says because you listened to your wife Adam it's your sin I'm talking about I'm not talking about her I'm talking about you the ground is cursed because of you so it's very clear here you have the male individual being held accountable this is the headship that exists in Adam from the start he was created before Eve he was the one who named Eve demonstrating his control and his rule over her in the headship order that God had granted and that headship is going to continue even after the fall it is not absolved or done away with the results the fall in Genesis are fascinating theologically spiritual death was what we have immediately evident when God said you will certainly die that very second Adam didn't drop dead physically but that very moment the fellowship with God is broken and he has expelled from the garden very very shortly after that spiritual death is the first evidence physical death then begins he begins to die and will ultimately die by the way the emphatic infinitive absolute here where where God says molt Tom moot you will certainly die it's a pre positive cognate infinitive absolute mote Cal infinitive absolute Tom moot Cal imperfect second masculine singular both from the same root therefore cognate that is emphatic you will certainly die don't ever take it the way some commentators and preachers of taking it where they say oh well that's literally dying you shall die and they take it this way that refers to two deaths dying now spiritually you will ultimately die physically that's contrary to Hebrew grammar if you try to apply that type of interpretation to every occurrence of the pre positive intensive cognate infinitive absolute you're going to have confusion and turmoil throughout the Scriptures it safe construction occurs only 500 times and so you don't dare get it wrong syntactically and grammatically there is no grammatical syntactical support for a direct statement there involving two deaths the only way we can reach two deaths is by the context of Scripture as a whole not by the statement of God in Genesis 2:17 just a little sidelight there what's involved a loss of position and potential a loss of freedom the obstruction of knowledge spiritual knowledge obstruction of the knowledge of God loss of paradise being expelled from the Garden of Eden and then there's a presence then in the individual from that time on of a propensity for sin because now that a fallen nature that he possesses and he has a desire for sin when we talk about physical death that becomes very evident what God says when he speaks to Adam in chapter 3 verse 19 you are dust and to dust you shall return and this is the first statement of that clearly that physical death is involved and it will happen but it's put as something that comes not something that is already here and so it's it's it's your sentence to death but you're gonna die later why not now well if God killed Adam immediately he'd have to start over and if he started over what would be the results and his plan and his statement even before he created the heavens of the earth he's already allowed for all of that and he's planned for it so for him to kill him immediately and start over would be to deny his own plan and his own knowledge and so that's not the case when we look at it again from another viewpoint we see that remember God's not caught by surprise by the fault so he's not going to plan B but he's moving ahead because this is what he has determined will take place and the way he will reveal his program of redemption and Kingdom throughout time the and by the way this sentence of physical death here is really in a way grace and is mercy when my father was seriously ill with congestive heart failure similar to dr. Ross cup the doctor said George this is serious you're going to die from this my father as a believers response was I'm counting on it I'm counting on it I've got a better place to go I got a better body waiting for me I'm counting on you see there's hope that there's an end to this existence that is troubled by the results of a fallen nature and sin and living in a fallen world the very fact that we transition out of this world is a statement of hope rather than a statement of despair it's like God's saying okay you'll suffer for a time but it will pass it's going to be over and it's not that you're living for an eternity but it's also grace because if God had killed Adam immediately or even shortly thereafter how would he have fulfilled his program of providing a redeemer God doesn't ever destroy a people in a fashion that destroys his program for a people take Israel as an example Exodus chapter 32 while Moses on Mount Sinai the Israelites build a golden calf God tells Moses let me alone I'm going to kill them all immediately and I'll build of you Moses a nation well Moses intercedes on behalf of the people it's what God wants him to do this is partly a test of Moses in his leadership and whether or not he is the one to lead God's people through the wilderness he is appointed basically as their leader as their intercessor almost as a priest and so he intercedes but I think part of that underst sessions involved in saying but wait a minute God you've already had me recording here your revelation that you gave long before me to Jacob on his deathbed that said that the scepter will not depart from Judah God have you noticed I Moses am NOT from the tribe of Judah I'm from the tribe of Levi now I don't think he had to remind God of that God knew that and notice God purposes not to destroy Israel immediately he waits and says this generation will die in the wilderness but not until the second generation is raised up his mercy and grace allows them to live out the rest of their miserable existence until he has a new generation raised up with whom he might fulfill the promises involved in even the allocation of the land because the allocation of the promised land has already been somewhat revealed here and there in Genesis chapter 49 and then later in Moses final words in Deuteronomy chapter 33 that certain members certain tribes would be close to the ocean close to the Mediterranean Sea so you have those things God already knows his designed and he's not going to go back on them but if he destroys all of Israel in the wilderness except Moses he can't fulfill any of his prior prophecies and they would be end up as being nothing and that doesn't fit God in his word he keeps his word so you see the mercy shown to Adam here to allow him to live longer is not just mercy on Adam it's also part of the program of God to ensure that the greater program the greater good that goes beyond Adam is going to be taken care of and fulfilled and preserved the Messianic line shame is a result of their disobedience they were ashamed that they were naked fear God says where are you well I'm hiding because I'm naked and I became afraid fear the evasion of responsibility that woman whom you gave to me she gave me from the fruit of the tree so I ate as dr. Murphy said the first blame-shifting right there Genesis chapter 3 evasion of responsibility the guilt including hereditary guilt Adam is accountable for the curse upon the ground because of his disobedience here's something else the fall of man has a broader impact than just on mankind it impacts all of God's creation job talks about the heavens being polluted in God's sight because of man's sin in inequity Romans chapter 8 says all creation groans and travails together awaiting the day of restoration Romans five deals with death and mankind don't use Romans five to prove that animal death occurred after the fall because Romans five deals only with human death Romans eight deals with the curse as it impacts all creation and that's where we go to demonstrate that and so it comes about you see at the very beginning the ground is cursed because of you the ground didn't sin the ground wasn't disobedient the ground didn't rebelled but the ground is impacted by Adam's sin especially when you go through all the way through Scripture you see the way that God says now if you obey me your animals and your crops will be produced the way I have intend them to be and you'll have abundant if you disobey me your animals will not produce and your crops will not produce the impact of disobedience upon the physical creation itself when Nineveh repented God points out that he also then preserved the animals and the cattle are mentioned there as well as being preserved because of their repentance sin always impacts everything in creation look at the flood we come to the flood God says I will destroy all of mankind because of their disobedience to me together with all the earth and all that lives upon the earth sin has a broad impact and it's because we see that so clearly elsewhere in Scripture that we can be certain that here in Genesis 3 even though it's not directly addressed whatsoever other than the serpent but not talking about the Serpent's death that there is definitely then death will come upon creation decay and destruction John Murray I love John Murray I don't know if you've read any of John Murray old Presbyterian theologian exegete he wrote the commentary on Romans in the old New International commentary on the New Testament series and I highly recommend it you'll find some very interesting material in there he says this inside of his collected writings his collected rags are a three-volume set that I prized highly as part of my library I also have in my files a letter from John Murray when I was in seminary I sent him a request to be able to reproduce an article that he had published in the banner of truth magazine and it was about full-time pastors how pastors should be full-time primarily and how the scripture seemed to indicate that one who is called to be a pastor one who has that calling upon his life should be spending all of his life doing that and not just doing it part-time and I thought was an excellent article I want to share it with everyone and I had started a my own journal so to speak my own rag I wall has in seminary so I wrote and told him what it was about told him what I was doing what the purpose was and asked permission to reprint that article in there and he wrote back giving me permission for that so I prized that very highly it's a man I highly regard in many ways we have a few disagreements theologically eschatologically private primarily but other than that a lot of agreement and he's probably the clearest writer on the fall and its impact and results that I know of second to him I would put Tom Shriner Tom Shriner which i think is so fitting both these men wrote commentaries excellent superb commentaries on Romans and these two men have a far better view of this issue than hardly anyone else I can point to original sin deals with our depravity inability deals with the fact that our own depravity is humanly irremediable notice the distinction between inability and depravity it is inability to discern love or choose the things that are well pleasing to God he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned he cannot love them because his mind is enmity against God he cannot choose them because those in the flesh cannot please God makes a very good definition there and you you have to deal with Genesis 3 with its theology and theological implications it's it's a heavy text to deal with but it must be dealt with the curse is always accompanied all the way through God's statements here both to the serpent the woman and to ma'am it's tempered by grace and mercy there are statements of judgment but they're also statements of grace and mercy let me show that for example you have enmity with Satan enmity between the offspring of the serpent enmity between them and the offspring of the woman the seed of the woman but the promise is given that the seed of the woman will prevail look at that he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel compare that to Psalm 22:16 they pierced my hands and my feet and look at Luke 24:39 where Jesus says behold my hands and my feet that it is I myself the picture up there is taken from a publication that I got at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem and it shows a first century Roman crucifixion notice where the nails are placed they're not placed in the palm of the hand because the Romans found out that can be torn out there's only sin you and skin here easily pull out they figured that if you put it here just below the wrist bone between the tibia and and the ulna here you can put the nail in there with a piece of wood over the top and you won't come out of it you won't get out of it and on the feet the same thing occurs if you put it between the phalanges of the foot it can be torn loose the same as here in the hand so they found that if you put it right under the ankle bone between the ankle bone and the heel bone you cannot get away you cannot get out of it and I find that fascinating because it says here you shall bruise his heel look at the accuracy of the detail here consider that the first century crucifixions that have been recovered in Israel have at least two that have ankle bone or heel bone left and remaining specifically and I think in at least one case and part of the heel bone another case in one case you have the nails still there another case you only have the markings where the nail was both demonstrating this form of crucifixion and of course you have the the you shall bruise he shall bruise your head those scene of the woman shall bruise the head of the scene of the serpent look at revelation 13:3 where John says I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded the head of the Anti Christ and so this is a fascinating point of special detail that there's no way to understand that back at genesis 3:15 but even though there's no understanding of that God is careful to give the detail that is consistent with what he knows is going to happen so that when later revelation comes we can look back and see how exact and detailed God has been god never gives his word to us on the basis all they'll never understand this or they can't understand this now therefore I can't say it now now sometimes he says I'm saying it now even though they can't understand it fully now even though they will not understand it fully now I'm still going to say it in spite of their ignorance or lack of knowledge because according to my plan there will come a time when those people I desire to know this truth will know it and see that it is true now I do not believe that that Ben offers us an excuse to say oh I found something brand-new in the Word of God today that no one throughout history has ever seen before no I run away from that as fast as I can because it's very doubtful that in two thousand years of the church and prior that in the history of Israel that that truth wasn't already seen by someone and already known does not excuse us or give us opportunity to come up with brand new things and claim oh the reason I understand that now is because I'm the first person in all of history whom God has given and illuminated my mind where I can understand his scriptures when you see that in writing or you hear someone say it it's almost a guarantee that what they're saying is heresy so watch out for that this is only within the scope of the revelation given in the Word of God that this can be taken place it's not something that comes after the completion of the written revelation it's during the process of it in the making of it multiplied sorrow I will greatly increase your conception and your sorrow notice I will greatly increase that meant that prior to the fall number one there is such a thing as conception or could have been they fell too quickly though but it was the design of God that the the woman would conceive he told the man woman be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth also there was pain prior to the fall pain is a natural mechanism in the body that protects and preserves it but the pain that comes as a result the fall has increased not necessary physical pain but the pain that is more like sorrow and grief as when Adam and Eve observe one child killing another in chapter 4 that is really the beginning of an increase of sorrow and pain beyond that which was part of their perfect creation multiplied sorrow multiplied conceptions is a blessing not a curse why is it a blessing without multiplied conception a woman who has a decreasing lifespan because they have fallen now they're going to start dying and the lifespan is going to gradually decrease until after the flood it is down to where average 70 years how then is it possible for the promised Redeemer to come the seed of the woman how is it possible fill the mandate be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth God in His grace and mercy does something here to multiply the conception to either make the conception easier or to make the the gestation period shorter so that then His grace is observed through that that's a blessing not a curse it's a blessing not a curse the marital relationships are going to first of all continue as they were from before your desire will be for him I gave you that desire when I created you he will rule over you I gave him that rule over you by creating you out of him and bringing you to him and having him name you this is not something new it's the same as before this is part of the grace and mercy I'm showing you that this relationship that I created and made and I established prior to the fall Genesis 2:24 that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they be one flesh this is going to continue and the headship is going to continue because that's the only way we can bring about the fulfillment of the plan of redemption through the seat of the woman and the only way we can continue to try to display in the life of God's people the relationship between God and His people the same as relationship of a husband to his wife and that is stated specifically when we get to Israel it stated more specifically with the church new fusions chapter 5 but the implication is this has been true from the time he established marriage that is the illustration of the relationship between God and His people and so that part of it is not a curse and it's only because we've assumed it that the everything there is a curse that we have then mistranslated the last part of 316 to make it say something like this you will desire to dominate him but he will bring you into submission that is a translation not merited by the context and is assumed by our assumption that this is a curse statement therefore it must be all negative watch out for that when you go into the word of God because it will hold it will end up in obscuring God's mercy and grace alongside of his statements of judgment I'll come back to that because it has a huge impact on Genesis for today painful toil for Adam the labor he'd already been given in the garden before the fall work is not a curse but work that sometimes does not have adequate fruition and outcome when the crop is destroyed when a flood destroys the house or an earthquake destroys the house you built the grief the sorrow that comes from the accomplished work and the fruit of it being destroyed that is the result of the fall and so in sorrow and in pain and grief you will eat the herb of the ground and by the sweat of your brow you shall eat don't interpret that as then meaning that there was no sweat prior the fall the perfect human body is going to sweat as part of its defense mechanisms to maintain the Korres body temperature when a person at work at hard labor that is natural that is healthy if you do not sweat you have a problem all right and that's why those who don't sweat end up at the doctor's office because it is there the sweat is not a curse he's just saying here you're going to have to work harder than you used to have to work but it's because the ground is working against you because it's cursed and there are thorns and thistles in the way that you're going to have to remove and deal with and if you don't remove them you'll be removing the thorns and thistles from your feet and from your hands when I was at Kerr Bedell McCotter two years ago doing the dig there we had to clear the ground of the thorns and thistles we had leather gloves I had thick shoes and they would those thorns went right through my shoes right through the rubber soles of my shoes right into my foot right through the leather gloves into your hand as i sat there I was impressed by the thorns and thistles in the land and the curse on the ground it's there and how hard it is and it was all over the surface of the ground painful toil but there's an end to it that's the grace dust you are to the dust you shall return there's a time of rest from your labor that will be given to you and a removal from the pain of this fallen world in its grief and sorrow that is hope that is part of promise that as part of grace the death itself is the wages of sin but the death itself is also the doorway into a place of rest and hope that is a very efficient thing let's talk about Genesis for now let me begin this way let me go back here to Genesis chapter 4 and move down to verse 7 when we're looking at verse 7 we have the interrogative particle on the negative in other words is it not so is the idea is it not so that if you do well a lifting up lifting up can be taken a number of ways lifting up of your face because the face the spoken of the countenance has fallen number of ways you can translate that several you translate someone translated is gloomy why are you gloomy another way your your countenance is downcast your face is dark and I forget now what are some other ways that some of you translate it a number of ways to do that this is an infinitive construct it does not state what the subject is one of you just said will there not be exultation that's too ambiguous that can result that can say is there's a lifting up to an exalted position and that's not really what's involved here it's more the idea of favor this idea of your face will be lifted in the sense of encouragement but it's the idea that you are lifted because God wants to favor you he wants to show his favor to you and if not if you do not do well at the door at tough Rove eights now the normal way of translating this is if you do not do well sin is lurking at your door the idea crouched there ready to attack you devour you to destroy you as though it's a wild animal let's think about this a minute first of all the word pop occurs 271 times in the Hebrew Bible a hundred and nine those times it means sin offering sin offering not sin 89 of those 109 are in the Torah now I believe there should be 90 out of the hundred and nine in the Torah should be translated sin offering because I take this one this reference is a sin offering I'll explain it here in a minute the primary use of taught as sin offering occurs in Leviticus and numbers predominantly about five or six times the book of Exodus does not occur at all in the book of Deuteronomy and this occurrence in Genesis I will offer you as what I believe is a reference to the sin offering in fact the first reference to sin offering in all scripture the verb Ravitz occurs of flocks of sheep and goats lying down Genesis 29 verse 2 as an example Genesis 49 verse 14 is another in 49 14 it's the idea of the donkey lying down between the sheepfolds the idea of lying down to rest to recline to sit down it's not the idea of to crouch in hiding to ambush Psalm 23 verse 2 uses the same verb he makes me to lie down in green pastures it's not he makes me to crouch as a wild animal to attack in ambush someone else the hit field there because God is causing his sheep to lie down in fact when you go through the Scriptures only here in Genesis 4:7 is it ever used and interpreted by anyone anywhere as being crouching in ambush even when it's used of lions in the Book of Isaiah it's the lion lying down with the lamb not crouching ready to ambush that lamb or in Psalm 104 where the lion goes forth and eats and it goes back and lies down in its den that's after the hunt things over so to interpret roe veyts here as lurking as crouching and ambush is the only place in all of Scripture and I would submit to you the only reason that anyone goes that direction of a negative meaning here is because they've already interpreted Genesis 3:16 negatively but if you take Genesis 3:16 as positively there's no reason to make it negative here look at the comparison to the WOM a said I will greatly multiply your pain your conception if you do well will not your counts be lifted up in pain you'll bring forth children if you do not do well a sin offering is crouching at the door yet your desire will be for your husband and it's desires for you and he will rule over you but you must master it the last part is where the real rub comes your desire for your husband and the desire of this animal beside your door Cain yes what in other words you're submitting yourself to that individual the woman her desire is for her husband that's the say you're going to submit to him willingly your desires for him you love him you desire to be with him you desire to be under his headship positive not negative and he will rule over you that is his god-ordained position and Cain if you do not do well I am a God who has mercy and grace I provided a sacrifice for you and I've done something very unusual for you that animal is waiting at your dwelling place right now at your door it's lying there quietly its resting its desire is to you it will listen to you I'll do whatever you but you must make the decision what to do with it you are accountable for appropriating the offering for sin that I'm providing for you I find it so fascinating that before we get out of the book of Genesis we see another occasion of that in Genesis chapter 22 Abraham has taken a son Isaac up onto Mount Moriah and when he gets him up there they build an altar and put the wood on it and Isaac says father where is the animal for sacrifice and Abraham says my son God will supply it then he binds a son and lays him on top of the wood on top of the altar and he raises the knife but then God gets his attention and there is a ram caught in the thicket God has provided the sacrifice a repetition of what he's offered to Cain at the beginning I would submit to you that this makes a lot more sense of chapter 3 and chapter 4 than to say that this is a picture of the evil nature of sin as an abstract thing seeking to devour you first of all number one the sin is not outside us beside our door it's within us in our hearts you say but could this be a picture of Satan but you have no way to rule or govern over Satan not even the Archangel dared to reprove Satan when we look at this I don't think there's any other way to look at this than to say this is a wonderful picture of what God has provided and the sad part of the story is Cain refuses Cain refuses the very generous gracious unmerited undeserved mercy of God it says though if he were in Abraham's shoes he would have said to God forget the RAM I'm killing my son is it no wonder than the Rite of Hebrews talks about those who trample underfoot the blood of the Son of God by their rejection of the gospel so I just offered to you that I would take this differently and I would say and if you do not do well a sin offering is crouching or even better would be lying at the door at your door is the way I translate it in the annotated translation I provided for you it's desires for you the animals yielded to you after all your you have my image in you and because of my image in you I gave man rule over the earth and over the animals but you must govern yet I appointed you to rule as my vice regent and part of your rule is accepting the animals I give you for sacrifice for your sin and you are the one that has to do it the animals not gonna come to you and say hey kill me as a sacrifice for sin you have to do it question and animal through like in another you mean like for example in Leviticus numbers those are in regulations concerning sacrifices you wanted outside that type of context oh I see what you're saying no there you there are several passages where there is no specific animal given but the sacrifice for sin or sin offering has talked about right it's referring to an animal but the particular animal is not identified until a later situation which it says for this you bring a ram for this you bring a bull for this you can bring a dove etcetera okay yes yes Chris well let's go back here and look at it very carefully you shall rule over it it's that bow up here over it you here is referring to Cain the you is emphatic with a emphatic personal pronoun which also allows the disjunctive to help occur here with the adversity but but you yourself must rule over it the oh here has as third masculine seeing the first of all my shall followed by bathe the bay that reduces the object of what is governed and so the nearest antecedent is the Rove eighths the Rove eighths as a masculine singular okay yes example of offering that's a good question I think first of all we already have in the text in the first few verses that Abel had brought animal sacrifices and of their fat portions which means they had to be killed they weren't just brought alive and sent off in the wilderness or something but the fat was cut from them so they were killed so that's the only context you have they were brought to Yahweh so that would be the only implication the rest of it is would be silence basically so we're looking at unwritten unspoken revelation or it may be spoken but not written okay yes why it doesn't mention hot top when hot off is normally a feminine singular right well hot da is definitely feminine hot off although it has the Tao it's not a it's not considered to be a construct it's not construct and so hot off is one of those words that can actually be taken as being no gender a common gender used of either feminine or masculine and therefore when it is used in constructs sometimes it's used together with either or or shoes in opposition to something and so I pod here doesn't have to be feminine and drove eights though the idea I think the attention has been drawn to it whether you take lathis feminine or not row of eights has drawn the attention and the focus because of its unusual nature of saying that animal is there and what row veyts does is assume the animal so I think what's happening here is you have there's a sin-offering lying at your door that which is lying at your door is actually an animal lying at your door and it's probably a male animal which the most common sin offering according Levitical law and so therefore the writer automatically switches directly to a mast form of the participle and that grammar by attraction then is what happens with the third masculine singular pronoun no suffix on the bathe it refers also to that animal so it's referring the animal that becomes the sacrifice rather inferring directly to the sacrifice itself okay yes go ahead yeah right I think the translator there was just trying to keep consistency in their language as they were looking at it not necessarily trying to follow the consistency of the gender and the Hebrew because that's admit it first of all the gender in Hebrew can't cannot always be followed in another language too hot top yeah and it does refer to hot talk but Roe veyts brings into view primarily the animal that will be for the sin offering right okay great right well to Succoth oh it's desire that same noun is used in the Song of Solomon with regard to the desire of Solomon and the Shulamite maiden for one another it's not the idea and there it's very clear it's not the idea of to desire to dominate or to control their in that context that's a that's one of the few contacts as Fabian it's very clearly that which is mutual and that which is involved in their love for one another and I would take it the same in Genesis 3 in verse 16 as it is the Song of Solomon yet strong desire is not strong is not involved here cassia Khan doesn't always have that is strong in the marriage relationship it is stronger than other relationships yes relatively speaking and here the relationship I think if we look at the desire is unto you its value that is a god-given desire and willing to submit to you and so say God ordained thing perhaps that is stated here in that way because later when we get out of the flood we're told that the animals will fear you at this point we don't have that but maybe this is an implication that it will occur sometime I don't know but I the idea is it's a God ordained thing the animal is willing it's not just willingness it's the idea that it really desires to please you it's at your command and will fulfill that willingly and voluntarily not seeking to dominate you the way it's been interpreted in 316 okay yes a baron then Daniel there had been some who've used that but notice he's not crouched store him in ambush and it would be only if you interpret for seven as involving Satan can you really do that and if it's Satan then that's a that puts a totally different meaning to the entire verse not just talking about sin but talking about Satan and I don't see Satan here Daniel that's the meaning he's talking about the interrogative hey with the negative low that could it be taken as surely indeed there's a couple of places but that I think the point is that when you have a rhetorical question with this type of interrogative with the strong negative on it the idea is that it's the obvious answer is a strong answer and that's the idea of yes so the idea here is is it not so that if you do well there is a lifting up the ideas if you do well there surely is the lifting up and that's what you're saying right as a literal translation but if you're just doing a translation that is more dynamic and you want to bring out the force of the rhetorical question used here to say it positively with the surely as emphasis would not be illegitimate at all that is its meaning I mean it's a difference between what we say we say this is what the text says this is what it means literally it says this is they're not but in reality that means there surely is and it's not a violation of the grammar syntax to interpret it it surely is and so that's the case where I'd say it's legitimate to translate it more dynamically
Channel: The Master's Seminary
Views: 5,100
Rating: 4.7460318 out of 5
Keywords: The Master's Seminary, John MacArthur, Expository Preaching, Inerrancy, Biblical Teaching
Id: YpUX155xJl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2016
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