Lec-85: Basic Timestamp Ordering Protocol with Example in Hindi | Concurrency Control | DBMS

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hello those so gates questions make us forget they're a pseudonym this is Canadian a time stamp ordering protocol concurrency control protocols made timestamp outing protocol Schiavi variation give us Corinth of basic time stamp hoarding protocol one of the most important be a or yes a protocol achieve maximum students go confuse are--there so guys this video member brought a simple language with the example yup explain Cannizzaro key timestamp ordering protocol ka ka kaam karte a concise key rules the ways fun of it's a vehicle like are they channel to subscribe drive everything happen in a he can please press the bell battle that we have to sorry latest notifications milton it to start kept a sub sepal a timestamp ordering protocol may what is the timestamp UK europe a manger fund i avoid timestamps related timestamp actual my hekia it is a unique value assigned to every transaction how make a unique value transactions cosign career jablow system calendar enter curtain model of jabo system a Agia system may optic amnio squaky unique value addendum value of no score assign cornea is same in malaga comma Club cast significance is the benefit care it tells the order when they enter into the system is same a cap of allegorize same way order poeple agroco intersection system gender ie let's post Mariupol account transaction t1 or transaction t1 let's say it does budget system me I up the Spurs say Jessie go system may I Tamara is quick unique value ik times them they they are let's say minus 4 times 2 MDR 100 up couch me Reza - 1 2 3 10 20 whatever value you want to give unique on hae a the sludge gay let's say thus minute pay but luck thus me not bother T 2 transactions right up Jessie T 2 transaction ie man use good time stamp Kadena larger timestamp dinner larger time Samia picks OHP there is active EXO dovey the is active those who they are so whatever value you want to give is same echo pataka ohanga is say Virgo pathologic eat even panty many times from kodaikanal home time coop a unique array home syrup check correct is code timestamp Co the time step Mirko epic Avatara get even cos x and character it's comical aback it even her older t to her younger you see of course of say panel to hematologic a top jockey up detailed me pathologic appellate basic points of kupatana itching you thought even older a T - younger - Jo delegation bother me I am ooh squid larger times from Java Bo provide got there mostly I say carpe portion me ke Baras a scold a 3k savvy they sit there - based on the question after all that's a still lake in maximum um hehe Fonda use got a cage or transaction poly I have no squeak values at the job arm you have no squid larger than with a D or larger value will go a pathologic icky old rock on see a younger course here let's say t3i does much keep on community so many Cavell at t3 quick 90 value there's any let's say things so they d of a cassock turkey youngest a transaction cons here youngest transaction a t32 is-3 KC Impala betray a path along at a time stream see doosra he appear basket 18 x ki sabzi palette time stamp of the transaction time stamp of the transaction of denote courteous e TS of ta ta what luck t1 and t2 t3 which me Dobby have transaction card number later or tsk time stamp of the transaction Jesse omnia peso those so things so the mclubbe time stamp of t1 katana sword time stamp of T - katana though so III Casey Impaler tiny Road Kathy hyoga apt of first time dusarian can read a time stamp that is RTS retime strength of o'clock a school dances Samina last transaction number which perform the read successfully he asked a sceptic latest transaction which has performed the read successfully cusco both am read time stamp Jesse let's suppose t1 and t2 transaction and t3 transaction T in transactional Athena let's say demon cat angstrom 10 20 30 so younger cons here Matt love youngest consider a oldest goes here here of course could active analogous up let's say Malik Dow happy read of a read of a read of him push me Cassie we have Kissimmee three Kosilek to a be happy they cook evenly radius of sapele up capital agraja piggy sub separate evenly 52 day 53 name - you have a read time stamp of a agora me read time stamp of a in eCollege i to read time stamp of a yoga sub sepilok is Nikki I read t-money fill kiss an Ikea Tito name last week is makea t3g tsunami last me read Keanu who squawk away and latest Agora bath courage is nee a be a periodic EI kuse combo Theory time strim token IKEA Vav read T 3 minute 33 K times from Kathy's 30 so I may read time stamp of a Keith Nagar dia 30 but see a simple concept - Yara kana a which I be we'll see who sub variables come up table RTS WTS find good thing to WTS care same fund a lake in last transaction year latest objection this way Abey Abey right operation performcare successfully whoa the right time step yes a let's post even a t2 and t3 of let's say it even a subsequently right Kia who's Kevin let's say t3 near idea or fear let's say t2 now right yeah history Casey of code transactions they okay it should do the aware of let's say t1 cat time stamp at 10 is Kalin WAP 20 is Kalin walk 30 a via hop a write time stamp of a Agricola now write a time stamp of a to Castle ecobee kisame amiable latest what club sub say last week it's Nakia he says a social panicking a 10-9 it's nerves Kibaki r22 kiss you time between t be hygge 30 be yoga like an obeah being is making a latest chris make here latest k @ t tuning so t2 got timestamp cattle at 20 so WT is so fake with rajagaha 20 but see here points of who you are that make you key questions jumps all cutting a he points are to use gurney so easily a 18 time read time stamp write time stamp or time stamp of the transaction et no OpCo pathology who is co op node collegiate Q key scare them out there rules bit jokey sub say important pointer in supporting protocol may basic time stamp memory passed though rules a key job transaction the Utica Thea right catatonic Aukerman Tom start captaincy subsets belly up a rock over the tawa squab node Carly subsequently mokuba Tahu you happy let's say Kyogre time step protocol carom bath curry the timestamp ordering protocol may just sub say important point we are the reckoner Joe transition poly a year when he transactions finally complete OB hamesha a g-man catch out there Joe transaction per layer my heap la compañía Tommy Mottola Boulder CO hominy kind of priorities in EA ki all drop Ali I Hawaii Pele complete OB so let's say taken back though transaction Leno T 1 T 2 or T 1 cut time stamp at 100 T took a timestamp lilo 200 abacrombie up a path correct Amit is confused now his limit T 3 que hace and remove card at all your time be - another toe to mess impulse affordable arrow get even car timestamp a happy little hundred or T took a times from many up alia had 200 - Cole Z ultra ye old Walia yeah young of kupatana gap let's say it even a read of a Kia even a read of a Kia or skip bath escape bother p2 words to to do the right of him Earl of T to the right of a colonel even the pally read o fakir T to the right of a curl F tohe Misco allow current queue hunka carriage or transaction Talia hummus Co Hechavarria priority area touka BB strike a problem although a conflict every right lakyn is Mako problem near ha me Scoob or a key a right career lake in year younger a Bothnia otoko economy a see right of a Akram Cartier let's say a atomized Cortado right of here at even a Kia or skate bar the tea tool a read of a Kia the bigger problem the air up is coach ugly though qpm priority the rake is co-holder valley co o third case i remember now you happy the third case Cavanaugh the right of it you're right office maple akia escaper the younger right of a karate accolade oh boy problem yeah pending or read read Jota case woven in the a NICU key conflict be risky of their read write write read write write though read read ethical conflict in here those case home consider any Kathy like him Joe important point I'm voice a and so many are peruse Malika okay P evenly pal a read of a Kia of T 2 bar may accuse go sorry Tito dipali read of a Kia t1i or were right Correa value Co so de Cuyo happy may is quell down Nicaragua here point Balram keep eatin a read or fake earlier at even Kathy Kimiko right corner to a rule pure transaction t2 wants to do the right of it you get T to game bath current t2o by a 32 let's say yato's action bar Mia here sorry here transaction pally lake in a transaction cooperation bad may even bother make a rewrite of it don't even want to do the right of it thomna catch a curler read time stamp and right time self no no check carne or he's come a club ke basically Kavitha a yeah he point but iraqi other kisi transaction may latest a transaction conceal latest its Neoga read kia or cool panel every transaction right garage Athiya how misko allow nickering escobar club care kia career transaction failure yet again he fell a complete OB or a curry hey pal a complete hoagie is my right Kirk a database which early gay or his Nagar update kar diya to a value to read Joker came a tree socarrat value OB q ki silly reading jokey alexia- read kia-ora gay value right Kirk a let's say 20 right Kirk a commit hoagie UK mark each other a year mature yeah they're lucky Joe transaction belly i yeah why am panel a complete college at the toe agree a complete okay so he's in a database maker than 20 so 10 well do you concede inner cavity here a value wrong so it's value Co Hanukkah corner who name the hidden Autobot lock right agree of performcare Akira Nabisco carding a a rollback cutting it even go home can you roll back second case t1 t2 same case a 100-200 canción de e ultra yeah younger a second case a right of a read of him MATLAB T Tauri already right kardia t 1i to even get the mercury Colonel the console chalega Havel Arusha lega t even Cathy Kimiko read off a Colonel Tom catch occurring a period conflict discus of the Third Reich kisseth don't write check during a or night time stamp obviously Java you can right away because snare idea t2 or t2 per time stem Java to his comic love care Kyogre a young girl named Abby away right Kia or older no score read curly kale guys see here the cool it's Nia gonna let us say 20 right here it's an a reading earlier 20 curly AG Tom Monica catch out I'm a barber cavora kiddo transaction pal yeah yeah what he Pamela complete Obito Yanni here to complete array isn't it 20 go Radia complete away come it away or year let's suppose a future major caifano be or under a fail okay to rollback okay so what is the validity of 20 new 20k appear here 20 compare hi Nene so he thought Gullah the data pecan car Gaeta so EC coat on ball recap yato up to 30 read kind of problem like in his mam Monica Chao Phraya he opted my older Co he priority they need Joe pally aya who seek Aoyama linear toys case Mia bullying he could read K karna name Humpty recoreded nahi karna dengue the to rollback hoja to Hermes case maybe even coral Becker dang it he don't look a SUP Kuya only change a third case t1 t2 y same case 100 200 up t to lay let's say panel a he right guardian or even bother me right Karachi is same variable P yeah our economy Shaba a a helical Dow a Grabeel area to be V Helena a be McLaren aku kab meth of a baby confusion hoagie in equal conflict tiny let's say T to name young girl a right Kia Orozco overwrite karna cha ta older so other older over kitchen eje so obviously cow lost update problem here to open a led to me talking or let's pose under here future magic a fellow me to Mary Jo updation of ok or jegi lost so Jackie too hominy is scuba neon a Dana to escoba him coordinate even KO rule Becker they make it even to roll back Roger Humpty Rico allow nahi curvy so is case matheno cases up Co pathology Tino cases up we are donating here huh I got read palette older career or younger Bosnia K right Korea a read career table problem here Hamas coupon is a thank you cam Monica Chatwin Joe transaction Pelle I here why he Perla cometo he amongee jewelry buys by default e assumption a key Joe transaction pal a avahi pan a comma togi Agra PN many mono kiku Baca Valley cases maybe problem like any like any 18 okay subbu Monica Charlie who skive reason back avada Tom Q key here the older transaction data or heejun the transaction to he protocol him a shockable their key serializability casa follow curtain t 1 goes to t2 hamesha a key serializability follow Careca key old a pan a ho or younger bath may commit no thought even goes to t to go home kappa bring a case study case a serializable to go conflict serializability go follow kurta so he celia member misha himemiya Kisco carry a key a guru younger Nakia couch we younger maker read key i a younger may right here yeah be incarnated kia european garner idea or older bothame a key right here read perform carbonara theöto Helios go perform terrain antenna up occur books a the COAG a Cohiba materials is a COAG a Quay concept clear in yoga himesh a student is who crammed Carol area table cool crammed math karna a key should operate a year rule a food economy of a telegram like in your rules of my question may apply which Mila Giga Kamisha 18 okay Cece agna Kyogre old earn a younger mega read write Kia or older Bosnia RK Cusco read or write garage at the a thumbnail school now Lincoln Abba see a concept a basic time stamp ordering protocol Khatami Escobar ja-a-ake numerical distance carnage era through some numerical I do jaga kickassia me rules go apply corner thank you
Channel: Gate Smashers
Views: 122,021
Rating: 4.9549975 out of 5
Keywords: timestamp ordering protocol, explain timestamp ordering protocol, what is timestamp ordering protocol, basic timestamp ordering protocol example, timestamp ordering protocol in dbms, timestamp ordering protocol for concurrency control in dbms, timestamp ordering protocol example
Id: 27NtGV1vNoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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