Alpha Beta Pruning in Hindi with Example | Artificial Intelligence

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hello friends welcome to great special of kiss freedom M distance signature a alpha beta pruning kibarim a or a CDMA alpha beta pruning a per diem sorry important point is his career drop kick competitive exams the Africa college or university exams kala b-boys other beneficial on game to subsequently points M distance curve the a key job alpha beta pruning method a is called mini Mexica advanced version people's their kanakamma Club camp a minimax algorithm key to time complexity edge of performance a Vavoom order of becky power D may calculate Kurt a Matlock Anika Kagan Mary PASOK game tree hair or whose game tree may the branch factor of oh happy MATLAB are ignored KB number of child or the branch factors of B here or hamari pasture game tree a game tricky depth to do I bequeath near be touhou markers you time complexity evanthia minimax give up on the order of be keep our D or as actually easily a Q key I'm sorry nodes go explore Cathy or her my karmic yamaraja main aim ki ki ha may max Kelly a gym X player who's Kelly best path find karna so max player Joe Kimura root level p.m. consider Kurt they're so skinny - best path friend can name a total hemay sorry no to explore can report a or hamari pass your time complexity when Geneva order of B keep our D also alpha beta pruning a SVM actually make a thicker Hameed oh ye juice exploring and it's exploring cover make cut of karma or yeah II am an important point liqueur he cut off the search by exploring less number of nodes MATLAB agar have number of nodes to explore conquering a so obviously marriage of performance of Ober jayegi matalava marriage of time good time definitely America Malaga kiss me alpha beta pruning me or he actually I'm Karthik as here hum again America's already Pathfinder via a guru Marcus only dick best for Onaga tombak egauge epatha uncooked prune guarding a prune kimitaka that cut of cardinal mclubbe harmonica exploring the Koran gay to keep Omar a final decision may cool problems you have a create nahi curvy Oracle Marcus already path mil Gaya to embark a path to explore my anger anger on come true or yeh method combos there alpha beta pruning or actual my heck alpha beta alpha beta though values or alpha generally have max node Kelly consider Katya or beta value johannajulien min node Kelly can see it occur they're licking a mere alpha beta key value find out Kelsey Cartier or Cassie improve that the a values go MATLAB on path go Cassie prune Cartier nodes cook a Supreme Court there or have less number of nodes cook assets floor car there and other than minimax for point hum is game tree say they can get to subsequently many aperture game freely or many already examples you ever thought of Bharani awaytake aku sorry Jo KC's I won't go makes me consider can do or after pathology k alpha beta pruning Joey bukas a cavity a tomar became three may the root load by max you have next America's min have or film XA fill me now last me my bus terminals engine come leaf node both there so sub Seppala jovem generally consider car taking max Muslim make max playroom or max player may open eternally Malibu SUNY APNIC Padua to skier whos kappa the mintues ganga film x2 arica firming choose ganga is three key or marcus terminal pay already you utility here joven news have over already america's hair so any values K helps him they can get kick-ass away beta or alpha kimandluke Oh find out Korea or cassia may nodes ko nahin explore car nama club keno to explore karma or kin Konami carry to be a very pass best path Malay yeah here alpha beta pruning to start cutting subsequently Jessica you made depth-first search K Cottingham escúchame the depth first search made I'm obviously subsequently table approaching a is terminal node pecan chicken or is terminal no to pay America's value key 3 L 3 Jesse up to you Jovie value wealthier akka thrilled Carla Cooper am alpha scam in or min node given lead you have oh how I'll cue late cutting Alec no sip alum beta key value find out currently be talking when you're picking I did many Paraiba that a beta key value a min node taken Co to curtail alpha MX p beta min pay alpha max be a cheetah have already fell ill accept you or of America's Jessie terminal pain left side may left both side me Marcus value III Athene Humbert a give a look okay occurred English ethnicity teen fix car thinking lake in it snowed kid you mean valuer yeah I mean II father like in Excel me here in gaja yoga he agar is not keep beta value thinner to mean value thinner at the in sector movie obviously a girl Mary pass teen value is key be tacky at the air so it's an old key term in value where we are Nov 10th of our APIs already yeah 15 second okey Hanukkah kia is northagen Jesse listen Ortega is making three value have four so obviously am in order to win may be tacky may look with me raggy teenie raggy kooky already in a new Java to Yahweh pathology yeah it's an old key German value we have epiphany okay yup a3 confirm okay a be a kitten evaluate yeah p3 gas second through key harmony its value Covenant they cut three be tacky me Lucas ask is atop Cocker the fix 3 Lake intuition or came in valuer what the NBA's 50th in succumb to your sector QK agree epic shark image I though so obviously ski to mean value epiphany or jacket - Oh shaggy or beta B K or J key to o JQ k beta come consider Kurt they're decreasing me metal beta comb jelly belly upper bound leakage Althea plus infinity leakage of their or federal scheme and you could decrease minimum choose Garcia or alpha give a local maximum a club increasing by may lick each other looking up to minus infinity plus infinity leading edge or Taniya up directly b-school corset or bilko simple ways in emails cocoa some gyro top ovary pass each node is you mean value of of its away Keith any team I'm Karen gay er page of Max's job America see ignored keep a new fixed so yeah I mean value a max value fixed so yeah hummus Cooper like Agatha Jaap a max value to her Alpha Team a Luca hunk according a team guarding a or is Lord key job max value where it's kevanna may have many pathology to me hey metalliguy key it snowed key max value Kaneohe team yeah teen say Jonna lot love Kanaka keen obviously hey Leakey know me max Keith of Jonna to Mexican club care he minimum 13 died he ho sector teen Sujatha voj algorithm in notes go consider terrain like in a cantata is key to max value and VOCA will be greater than or equal to three yeah Mesa Petaling Jaya album j'tia Nietzsche's ki taraf or theorem Japan each a though it's rough Jessie I'm a happy bottle like a value get me yet - Tom nice arc is thought to be tacky well look at any fix cardi to fix cardi simple but Saku Jessie value ja coup de Cuba he happy be tacky value jiggy to lake in it's an old kid you mean value a mean value is Nordica cookie min ki baat karu happy so it's an old key to mean value I would though I adore CKO ki tamaki yeah toward already yeah Finn accepted osika Mahajan lickin Jessie opening up a day cocky alpha key value P 3 up a 3 alpha key value job max value where Voki tinea teensy Giada lick in the edge of beta key value Avoca tenido matlab is not pea to devalue rhaggy yet dosa camera key like an already America sick part mil Gaya joke Eric email up go alpha athenaeus teen Sajjad I'm a liquid acetone come sircome teen Metallica jungle jungle or Jamie Kocher Hakim a up to doe minimum allocation work so obviously hum is cook consider he Nang currently to Yanni it's valine or go huh may explore Konica will fight in here is concocted a tennessee plundered a broom at la misma Sachi nangi then a very party happy alpha give a look at niobium a fix okay team muscle maximum here mu J is path P I can make a jaga to team cafe that the integer utility ever will call me lady he Maliki Allah miss well look open like a dot there so Marcus beat up even look at the knee away up a simply three lake in its Nord key Jimena value where vocal yogi yeah 14 OB yep teen second okie butts up to simple Carnegie did you mean value where would be tacky we're looking at Oh Bravo Rubio set a movie who succumb jab boom in Norfolk's long Karenia Tommy Sikkim LJ lake in minimum Java Kaneohe Tinto hogie hogie album j'tia is Skeeter of Jesse mi abaga in each a hamari pakki epic Anthony I value seven homeless Ark is not be tacky value okay the effexor seven Jessie I may be talking about Luka seven fixed-gear it's an orca German value we're bukit Neoga q km minimum giveth Korea pay though isn't level pay mean level pay value you have to subtly yes our second movie yet of this lease is nor did you mean valuable you are to Santo be yes on security less okay like in Jesse I'm a a to explore kiya album by Metallica he is key values you have a beta key values are tyranny though or is not key to mean valuable bikini okay yup a 7o v Thomas value Co job America's already at fixed so give value of a miss Cooper Alegria ta to hum alpha key value code character the dan7 Joe have o fix car the 10 lakin it's an orchid of maximum value a vaca o'kiku qiyamah yuppie max an ultimate career so it's an orchid your maximum value was seven or seven Sujatha be was a tier 7 C Cossack tier javabeans Actium at lapa me away pattani lake in minimum seven - holgie yogi ligand Jesse among poor Valley level Paducah did you even a level a karate beta given lucuma teen later but not be tacky value gotten her to yell or get your mean value a yacht about teen hoagie yeah 13 secure way less ubi Ligon here on a path to a vm a kuraki jo alpha key value a bucket near seven so obviously humming is part pajama Cucuy benefit in yoga other miss parks Beach out there trying how many happy and funky value arm enjoy making if selected its could already be tacky very thin minimum will be so you after your teen could do not take our your teen succumb kuru like in America sulfur give a loop a pathology safi asad sajjana so obviously is poor a path o to search your neck o benefit in here up simply care disco Pookie I got a job baby I got up let's say it's good nor those who may say minimum value P 3 and no you have a minimum value no like yoga or yaha way up to Pataki alpha key value with me a 7 oh yeah a 70 up in no t so obviously you're happy value of ethnic our domain no licking cayenne92 raiga ini bukan silica Ragini Yuki's will already be tacky well decode three cardia to a karaoke Mirko yato teen though he have teen succumbed oh look in here on a path to up good no Turk ligature and Nokia agrea Hodja village I the bigger benefit Hogan eqqui armory final decision may we be problem create an anchor a Muslim or a final decision Cooper koi be influenced create an anchor ah - jogger influenced create in Caracas local Factory in adhara so obviously hum is poor a path go consider now Inc array or risk on caviar they prove according to Obama hospital Agia p.m. on a pot of Vesely mil per capita Yukiya up a mere pop beat a key value key three mil da three or we take Valium are past three fixed Soviet or any minimum value gol scheme may occur d3 fix cardi our miss Wendy Cooper leakage out there Jessie Hooper lucky guy he happy I'll even look at me gordium may 3 Cathy Lake him Maxwell look III movie 3 a trees each other max my new coffee shop Kakaako he drove a new up me a key max value sales each other will be toe Karim and New Mexican Athenians each other hos actia Keanu making over part assimilated over Mexico or Java Phi the crevasse a key to Kaymer pastino a light path 180 million caramel or the other beneficial path male factor Hamza the upper right side medium right side mega beta alpha or sita homeopath armenia level pay ponch gay or terminal p-value Keith near to or America see have a beta key values ethnicity 3 Oh Jackie - Jackie or here Jessica came in daughter to me no Lord cometh lucky a girl beat a key-value to have to mean Nordica value yeah to dogie here though said camogie to be though Sujatha valleca to consider any Careca so yahoo is key value dogie yep those at Yahoo be less ok ha make a Kia honey yaha pjc a Grom ya pick Jericho consider karappa so obviously is 11 copy benefit in here - keeyah hop ARP SKU consider Caro Gainey Agra peda have a beatitude so obviously be attacking a new cops ethnicity ah Cordoba one fix card ok Jesse of the beta key value coven fix Kia so it's an old key value do minimum value yet to one huggy Yvonne say come Obito honey happy be tacky value to e or you have a BTech even look at me or given obviously alpha to have a max a voice message of maximally well spoken sealed aggregor or max value in my circuit near to MATLAB here max value to get a leakage RA - yeah nice kupatana alpha female look III a up a maximum - I got alpha key value maximum to her to your heartbeat a key value bikini movie - what lovely job mean her ye baldra he have to make good dope at vallabha quality million him a good dope at me like each other here a boutique second Valachi he had too much shadow borracho yet dose a come halachah a like an old lady Amara past him max no max no to pay her me alpha three already mill took a lot club hey vulajin max inaudible milk already thin wall a path will choke a Medeco teenager allopathic we had to go but ow lake in a villagio beta value K 3 and OH so obviously given Rajjo path ie consider Karenga a few cookie agree Easter of jata though it's code maximum maximum katana forged oka taken already scoped in Cafe de yojoa to hit door equally compassed me Jenny to Egypt Iraq appalraju value hurry up a heap Eureka put in order to have occurred Rangi Ruru ho jayegi but love him in Poe consider her angry me Tiger Winco consider in occurring a table viously marriage a number of nodes Jen come explore career Voki away Camus V Agra Pisgah minimax skateboarding consider McCarthy to be a develop ass - zina Garriga unit use Gregor cooking up a minimum value katana lira a dole era or ERP minimum value get me a team matalava Carmack cierra La Paz choose garage to scope a talaga Mucha comes to confide Athene Cahawba or every Havel apart to spare I modify the dough Koga the Mucha already ate Fida Java for developers will gear to make comfort Emily path exploring a guru yeah alpha beta pruning actual me root do some really summery a so is key but you see here in your nodes in Kui prune cardamom ecology in Co explore he Naga though our mini max sorry notes Lal Khattar - yay Joe alpha-beta pruning he toffee notes cause you explore nature Tora Pacific a secure key best Kasich around consider curry - best case k accordingly order of be keep our D by 2 G Ohio consider customer club best case he average case made order of be keep our day by to leakage of the performance which is higher than as compared to order of be keep our DeMuth lobby sceeto complexity omocha movie performance wise up case activity a bodge other a chair as compared to the minimax algorithm like in worst case myth or suck Table two sorry node Z consider can be part at the worst case me alpha beta be order of we keep our de carga like in best case a graphical see de Caro average consider Caro the order of be keep our D by 2 the number of nodes joannec efika Kerdi prune cardema club explore in IKEA or if schema Josiah was your overall performance may be fight over to Y P up simply cassock to you valisari nodes over income explore he in the hankering e QP hugger who may already evil a path will hear Joe Mexico the Inca benefit Kamara to homie sitcom Valley benefit Valley path go exploring occurring so is Kiva Jesse a number of nodes come explore room D or that's why alpha beta pruning is much more efficient than the minimax algorithm thank you
Channel: Gate Smashers
Views: 267,304
Rating: 4.8986554 out of 5
Keywords: alpha beta, alpha beta pruning, pruning in AI, min max pruning, Artificial Intelligence, Alpha Beta Pruning in hindi, Alpha Beta Pruning with Example, Pruning in hindi, pruning, alpha beta in ai, alpha beta pruning in ai, nta net, nta net june 2019, ai in nta net, artificial intelligence in nta net, alpha beta in nta net, questions on alpha beta pruning
Id: dEs_kbvu_0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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