Leaving Home | A Tragicomedy
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Frame Order
Views: 38,697,593
Rating: 4.8277097 out of 5
Keywords: Uit Huis, Leaving Home, Animation, Funny, Short, Animated short, Frame Order, il Luster, short film, kort!, cartoon, hilarious, leavinghome, animation, Patrick schoenmaker, Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones animation, empty nest syndrome, empty nest, when your kid leaves home, leaving the nest, empty nest animation, empty nest cartoon, leaving your parents, leave parents house, leaving parents house cartoon, tragicomedy
Id: nTB61iR6cVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Aww, this is so good!
Awesome!!! Here's the author's website: http://www.joostlieuwma.nl
Aww, the ending though... I didn't expect that
That was amazing! It reminded me of myself.