Leatherman Multitool addons that will amaze you.

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when I started this channel it was in large part because I like to modify letherman tools turns out I am not the only one and if you do some searching you will find some amazing makers of add-ons for letherman multitools and today I have a new company to share with you that is making some pretty awesome ones let's go ahead and get started now this all started because I saw a video on YouTube showcasing this now this is a scalpel holder for the lean wave series tool so wave charge and so on and this was designed so well I really wanted to have one for myself that I could install into a lean wave or charge maybe even my um charge G10 that's what I was thinking I'd probably do and I really really like the design so I will link to his video and where I like basically found his stuff including his website but this is basically something that I will be playing with in the near future so that's really cool but not all of his tools require you to disip disassemble in fact I think everything else on the table is basically actually that's not true but most of the things on the table that are left here allow you to uh basically use what you already have and then it just enhances it so let's talk about some of them so this first one right here is just an add-on to the letman skele tool so you have a hammering end along with a thumb stud for the scale tool so it's just a inexpensive thing that you can use to kind of expand on the usefulness of that tool so we'll be installing that at a later time and I think the one thing that caught my eye immediately and I knew I had to have is this so this is one of two different designs which is a pen that allows you to use the bti extender kind of in your pocket as a screwdriver driver independently but also sort of as storage for multiple bits so check this out so there's two different variations the shorter one is designed for the new model which has a longer section here and uses a magnet and this is for the old design so I have an old design extender right here which has the collar on the inside so we'll be showing you how we install that so basically you take this here and you move it around till you get the line lined up and then you push it all the way in like you can see now the tail there's some magnetic attachments but take a look at this if I take a bit I can actually insert it here it goes in all the way and is very very strong and then I can cover the cap so I have a spare bit right there now on the other side I remember I look I still have a second piece right here if I take a second bit and stall it into the extender I can actually use this which slots pretty strongly around that other bit and now I have two bits and the extender in a pen format so that's not going anywhere that's not going anywhere and this can go directly in my pocket and be a perfect complement to any Le so with two bits in addition to what you have on the Le itself you have a screwdriver in your pocket that is in the pen shape right uses the extender and uh is ready to rock and roll although it is does hold a little strongly in these caps which probably isn't a bad thing so you're ready to to use this you can just rotate it it's actually pretty grippy I'm not sure what the material is but it is pretty grippy and then uh yeah just cover it back up and you're ready to rock and I think it's probably strong enough to even use like this because the amount of strength you have in your hands you're probably not breaking the plastic if you apply like Leverage and you grab something and rotate it yeah maybe you'll break the plastic but I think it's actually been a pretty damn good design what do you guys think and check this out it fits in perfect Al in this 3D printed case I mean that's just fancy I don't even know if we need it to do that but I greatly appreciate it so thank you for that that is awesome and this like I said is for the new design with the magnet which is probably the one I have to order now because you know got to have that all right what are the things they got here so check this out so you ever had the annoyance of you have a bit driver like let's say you have a lean curl right it doesn't have a micro bit driver but if you get this you have a little holder for the micr bit so check this out little little area in the front slot this in boom and this is just the right length to fit sorry into a bit case so it'll still work in there and now you have your microbit holder how freaking cool is that and yeah you could combine it in fact with the uh screwdrivers here and you could have your micro bit on one side and you could have a regular on your you know regular double-sided bit on the other I mean how long did it take you know you know what maybe I'm glad letherman didn't do this because they probably would have just messed it up I don't know but all I know is these are great ideas that should have been implemented a long time ago oh yeah so check this out check this out I got two of these and I'll show you why these are feros serum rods with magnets installed in these little plastic holders so what is that for check this out so we have the lament Arc and right underneath you'll notice look at all that space underneath the scissor if I take one of these I can just literally just put it into that corner all the way in drop it and boom now I have a feros serum Rod into my lean Arc it functions just fine no issue isues whatsoever in fact I'm going to in since I'm at it I might as well install it on both uh my free P4 and that one so we'll open up the free P4 same thing drop that in boom and it'll work on the free P2 as well so there you go I mean it's just like strictly better right and that's not the only thing that you can fit in that slot so I have some other add-ons that I got as well so one can use a tweezer right here and the other one is the carbide scribe so someone out there I know they use a carbide scribe right that's a really cool add-on as well so those are some great additions and you saw how easy I just you just drag and drop that doesn't affect the warranty or anything right like these are just such good ideas here's another one that doesn't require any major changes these are for the Leatherman signal and I will be doing a video on all kinds of modifications but this is some good on so this one carries a lean bit and also has a Victorinox tweezer that's a nice combo or I guess you could use a a toothpick or Ferro serum Rod or whatever but this also has slots for an additional bit so instead of the sharpener and the whistle you can have two additional bits and the um tweezers got a love that case check this thing out it's just unnecessary but awesome just love that it's like a little Matchbox anyway great design definitely looking forward to playing with that what else we got here ah thumb studs I believe these are for the free P4 um yeah P2 P4 and the mut and then I think the last thing we have here are some thumb studs for the lean wave now I don't usually like thumb studs on the multitools because I think it cuts down on the US usable length of the blade but come on I mean this is some great design right now they also and these are just some extra components that he threw along so I appreciate that so extra magnets cap and um pocket clip so all that's great but this is the kind of stuff that I love I mean there's just so much out there that can enhance the tool and it should be done by the companies that make them but hey it's an opportunity for some entrepreneur to be able to create something unique and interesting and fills a specific problem like right basically covers a certain problem I didn't realize how easy it would be and I I feel silly for not realizing just how much space is present underneath that scissor but look at how much you have available to you that's just there's a lot of real estate there for potentially add-ons like this Ferro serum Rod or the carbide scribe I don't know which one I like I think I'm probably just going to keep the Ferro rod in there just cuz it seems like a a free edition that maybe comes in handy in an emergency it doesn't require me to carry anything else so yeah that's a winner that's an easy one and they weren't very expensive either that's what really surprises me is the the prices were very reasonable even the 3D printed component which I know he purchased directly and then finished himself essentially he's not charging himself for labor right that's the only way he could sell this stuff so cheap or like look at look at the presentation a 3D printed box that snaps in this is someone who clearly takes pride in his work I will leave you a link to the website where I bought all this stuff I have honestly everything here looks awesome and I'll probably never use the thumb stads so I'll probably end up giving those away but other than that everything else I'm absolutely going to play with and use in the future I probably get a couple more of these little micro bits just cuz they're super like convenient to be able to utilize that that small bit in just about any tool yeah that's that's pretty much all I got for you today I'm curious to see what you think this is the website I will be linking it down below uh Kristen vanp patton.com and uh yeah not much more to say another awesome maker in the community you can't go wrong patronizing people who are this inventive right anyway as always thank you so much for your time and we'll talk again soon
Channel: Maxlvledc
Views: 38,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best multitool, custom multitool, edc multitool, gerber, heavy duty multitool, keychain multitool, leatherman, multitool, multitools, pocket knife, pocket tool, sog, swiss army knife, victorinox, custom tool, multitool mod
Id: X9vPcSX45EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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