Just Tripled My Leatherman Wave's Capabillity !!

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well Leatherman has been celebrating the Leatherman Wave which is a fantastic tool even though I've got one that's beat up and rugged I still really love this tool and as I've mentioned before in the years in the year ahead rather we are going to be adding a ton of tools to this and pretty excited about that now tonight what I want to talk to you about is some really good options to basically triple I would say at least the potential of your Leatherman Wave as it is so what I found is actually some really neat micro tools so the Leatherman Wave comes with the micro driver and it also comes with these proprietary Leatherman bits now you can get adapters from Leatherman that go from the driver here to a quarter inch but one of the things I found from AliExpress is actually this adapter right here and it comes in for a kit this kit right here comes in twenty dollars twenty three dollars shipping and handling at least to my address and then you just fit this and here and then it fits pretty solidly in place and then it comes with a quarter inch driver which if it just came with a quarter inch driver I won't be as impressed but what I liked about it was it came with a quarter inch to four millimeter driver now since it came with that reducer and then this is the four millimeter bit that comes with it then what you can do is this is a small Phillips by the way adapter or four millimeter bit then you can get and use any kind of four millimeter bit you have on hand and then you essentially turn it into this micro bit driver so for instance some people have been a little bit frustrated with their Leatherman Wave they've wished they could add another tool to it but they don't want to miss the micro driver now the micro driver is important to me because my wife and my daughter wear glasses and I have to work on their glasses different times and I really need the option of a micro driver well this sort of solves and you've got three options in one you've got the Leatherman proprietary bits you've got quarter inch bits you can use and then you've got four millimeter bits you can use as well which I think is very valuable at least to me so that gives you a bunch of options you have three different kinds of screwdriver bits to choose from Illustrated right here all these kinds of bits you can choose from and they all can work with one tool which is really neat and then if there's some tool that you wish your Leatherman had you could potentially remove this micro driver and add that one tool you wish it had on the inside into the tool so that makes for a lot more a lot more options so let's go ahead and close this up we're going to leave the Leatherman proprietary bit out because I've got some more options well first of all I did want to mention that this adapter is really good for a quarter inch and four million millimeter rather but it is not the greatest option for using the Leatherman proprietary bit now it does work to some extent let's switch this around I'm going to close the handles because obviously that's how you would use this usually and let's go ahead and bring this in right here and so with a proprietary bit yes I could use it but as you can see there's definitely some wiggle room it's not a great fit it can fall out at times and it just sort of can flop in there back and forth but it is usable so keep that in mind all right so we'll go ahead close this up and then I want to talk about the ratchet driver now one of the neat things about this ratchet driver is that it is one of the most minimal ratchet drivers with the surprise option and that surprise option is it comes with a whole bunch of double-sided quarter inch bits so this driver does work with not only the bits that it comes with double-sided let's see it's put in this side but it does come with standard quarter inch and then it obviously works with its double-sided bits right here let's go ahead and bring this out and I've got to put in this side and so then you've got that option as well and I like how thin it is so it definitely is a very thin option and then you can just store your bit kit in the handle and then one of the things I'm most excited about now is that it does work with your well let's see I got it to work but you have to find just the right side so let's see and maybe you try maybe it's the side there we go so then it doesn't fall out if you put it in on this side and you can go ahead and use this so that is really neat as well if you would let's say for instance you want something different than the Leatherman ratchet this is again is going to be very thin it's going to be almost the same size height wise not too much taller and then if you store it like that it's essentially almost the same footprint on the side is a Leatherman Wave and then it's really neat that it's able to use quarter inch and also Leatherman bits as well so that is a really unique option now both of these are going to come in I think around the 20 range so I know the one from AliExpress does this one I had a little hard time finding it but I did find it on eBay and I think eventually I did end up paying somewhere around twenty dollars to twenty five dollars so this may be an option where it's harder to find I will try to leave a link if I still can sometimes you have to find this on eBay I hope this has helped and this should give you a lot more options for your Leatherman Wave and give it a lot more capability I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Hvac Budget
Views: 12,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multi-tool, Leatherman
Id: dCQ3PavSdhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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