Farm compilation with kids ride on tractor, trucks, real tractors, animals. Educational | Kid Crew

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welcome to kid crew we have a ton of farm work to do come on let's go first we're bailing hay with our friends at ano Farms we'll use the big tractor in a minute but now we need to make mini Bales to feed a horse we drive our Baler over the cut hay the hay is rolled and compressed inside time to unload the bail wow that's a ton of hay we have two more to make the Bor collects hay in the front I Smell Smoke oh no we need to check if there's a fire open the back oh no it's on fire did you know that farmers keep fire extinguishers on their equipment just in case squirt fast to put out that pretend fire that's working great wait I put it out looks like we put it out just in time to save that bail back to work all full open the back to roll off the bail we can use our truck and trailer to transport this hay to the horse barn unhitch the Baler from the tractor these Bales are heavy so we will use the scoop on the front of our tractor to load the Bales onto the trailer lower the bucket and scoop up that bail and dump onto the trailer that worked perfect ly okay two more to go lower scoop and dump being a farmer is a lot of work it's helpful to have heavy duty equipment to make the job easier raise the ramps that's not going anyway the horse is ready for her hay let's get moving that hay we collected is full of nutrients that horses need it's fun to drive by all of this [Music] equipment unload the bail and drop some hay into her Bowl she loves it now let's help Dad and the big tractor to make some huge bals I need some help bailing can you come up yeah luckily this tractor has stairs buckle up close the door start the engine turn on the PTO to start the pickup head the pickup head grabs the cut hay from the field as they drive over it each row of hay is perfectly placed so the Bor can work efficiently we'll learn more about this in a minute the Bor is full it's time to let a bail out open the back the Bales are left in the field until they're ready to be collected 1 2 3 4 5 five Bales in the field now let's learn how it works this is how hay Works hay is a mixture of grass and alphalpha that's grown in a field first it's cut by a huge huge mower then a tedar is used to turn the hay and help the sun dry it next a rake makes wind rows that are efficient for the Bor to pick up the Bor collects and compresses the hay for storage hay is then used to feed cows horses and many other animals I love t look it's right there [Music] daddy you think some of are filled with ice cream yeah I hope so I could go with some ice cream right now yeah I was stopped and gave us some ice cream now let's go plant some rope crop corn first we need to loosen the soil with our tractor in order to plant our seeds the discs tear up the dirt this is hard work on our ride on tractor and it's dusty too turn around for another pass oh no no here comes a slippery patch oh no I'm stuck I need a toe I can help you dad started the big tractor he can use it to move our power wheels tractor attach the toe cable do you think this big tractor is going to be able to pull your tractor yes yeah I think it's pretty strong dad put it in reverse tug he got it this thing keeps BL out use it I know it sure does this is a lot of hard work for a Power Wheels tractor dad better finish plowing with his tractor lower the discs off he goes the tractor has huge tires wow it looks great they finished plowing time to plant the corn okay are you ready to plant now yeah remove the disc and hitch up the cedar okay now we just need to fill it with corn yeah okay let's get the seeds they're so heavy should we use the tractor to move them yeah okay good thing this tractor has a front end loader attached up it goes and over to our Cedar I'm excited to use my pil and dump it into the seedar look at all that corn seed yeah Stu scoop it out with the pail and put it in the heater fill it all the way up now let's get to seaing look at that corn fly this is called broadcast seeding you're doing great the ground is still really bumpy but that's okay we turn the cedar off when it's over the grass okay and then you're going to stop and turn it back on again back at it it has a teeny baby b oh my gosh you have spread so much corn do you want me to fill it back up yeah okay corn delivery I knew [Music] you I guess it goes pretty quick wow it's struggling for traction with a full load of corn oh no it's out of battery well I brought another one yeah I take out the old battery and put in a new one turn it back on and go finish it up it's fun to be squiggly look at all that corn on the ground let's water them with our brooder tanker pump the tank and spray with the hose cover them with dirt we're all done planting the corn is going to grow tall now let's learn how it works this is how a frontend loader Works loaders are generally used to scoop large amounts of material at once the loader is controlled with a joystick pull back on the stick to raise the scoop push forward to lower push right to curl down and push left to to curl up remember to keep the scoop low while turning for stability skid steer Scoops operate the same way you know this would be a great thing to scoop and dump with your toy tractor you know how you have your sandbox you're excited to harvest it yeah Daddy's got to figure out how to build a combine spoiler alert we'll drive a real one later it's been hot and dry and the corn we planted on the farm needs water well this looks interesting looks like he has a water trailer a hose and a pump in goes the pump into the water and with a flip of the switch water gushes from the pond up the hose and into the trailer that's feeling great yeah ah great job that's full yeah that's so cool the Water trailer is full of water and ready to be hauled away our corn is growing fast and needs to be watered let's drive our tractor back to the farm with the Water trailer we will have to drive into the field but we will be extra careful not to run over any corn stocks reverse the trailer so it lines up with the plan turn on the spout so water can flow out Ah that's perfect keep going to water all the corn H there must be a problem why is he driving off the field oh no I need to wa fill it I wonder if I can fill it up from the big tractor here comes the tractor and the scoop is full of water I hope it doesn't all Splash out line it up with the trailer oh here he comes with the pump again plop the pump into the scoop connect to the tractor's power port the pump sucks the water through the hose and into the tank so that's what it looks like inside a water tank now we can get back to work back through the field to finish [Music] watering there's nothing like a cold drink of water on a hot day the field is Bumpy Splash it's water I better get my spreading now that everything is watered we can work on the next project spreading chicken poop remove the Water trailer by pulling the hitch [Music] pin and then attach the Manure Spreader our chickens do a lot of fun things but mostly they poop and it's great fertilizer that's why we're going to spread it are you ready to fill up with compost from our chicken manure yes our chicken poop is composted and then stored here scoop it into the spreader I'm loing it up with chicken poop okay let's get back to the farm yeah back back to the field turn on the spreader the tractor is working hard the manure is spread evenly through the field our corn is going to love this oops try not to run over too many plants we used it all up look at how dirty the scoop got it needs a little shower ah so refreshing all clean now we're at the Garden and we have some freshly planted oats that need water remember how we filled up the trailer with pond water earlier well this time we're going to use rainwater these barrels collect rainwater turns out we can fill up our Water trailer with rain collected from these barrels drive out to the Oak [Music] o turn on this bout and drive through the freshly planted oats all done we better have some happy plants after we've done all this watering now let's learn how it works this is how a pump works first take off the screen impeller blades inside push the water when you turn it on they spin pumps are everywhere the superchargers that Force air into these race car engines or pumps and the filter for our Frog's tank are you taking your doggy for a walk that's what it looks [Music] [Applause] like okay duct tape is not the best hose couler wherever you want to go this is making me dizzy [Music] let's fill up uh let's fill up your spreader with this let's fill up the spreader with the compost from the chicken manure yeah he's got some raspberries to take his payment we need him so fast time for a work break it's race day at ano Farms Racers start your Gators go the power wheel jumps out ahead first they need to fill their gas tanks grab their containers dad has further to run pop off the gas cap ooh watch out for overflow good thing that's just water dad unscrews the cap to top off his tank pump the can that was a fast fill up gas can's back in place dad takes a shortcut through the cab but is still lagging behind but his Gator's fast ooh I'm on the edge of my seat the next task load up a pile of hay in their Gators and zoom to the barn to feed the animals kid crew is still out front grab the hay from their beds dad races ahead his adult-sized legs really give him a leg up no pun intended that's not the cleanest drop from either competitor well hold your noses folks it's about to get stinky time to scoop out this stall they each shovel up a load of manure and dump it into the manure spreaders parked outside their ATVs stand by ready to tow those stinky loads the smell of that poop really motivated them to speed up helmet's on uh-oh dad is really fumbling with his helmet he needs to take off his hat and glasses contacts would really have helped in this situation the power wheel is out first oh my gosh he's way ahead this is taking me forever Dad finally mounts his ATV fire it up he's got a lot of time to make up off he goes now it's time to spread this manure kid crew turns on his spreader dad is hot behind kid crew whizzes off but there's a problem this is not looking good for Dad ah it won't start he didn't turn on the fuel got it off he goes I'm going to stay far away from those spreaders they both made it through the field now they must both load up a hay bale and drive it away scoop and load nicely done he's ahead again forklift on fork and lift ah but the race isn't over yet folks here comes the fork lift and he's off and running to the final task get is on the move right behind it's a foot race to retrieve the chicken eggs man down oh no he's getting ahead with speed and precision handling he retrieves an egg I'm going to catch up dad grabs his egg right behind the finish line is in sight it all comes down to this dad's gaining dad lunges to the line but it isn't enough ooh it's going to be a long bus ride home for Dad I won I W you did again congratulations the kid crew pulls out the wi proving what I think we all knew he is in fact the quickest farmer a well-deserved Victory lap for our champion now let's learn how it works this is how a forklift Works forklifts lift things with their Forks they are often powered with batteries so they're like huge Power Wheels they can lift things really high frontend loaders can be used as forklifts too this one is unloading a plane and here's one that's specialized for shipping containers I did it fast you did it so fast I'm I'm going to [Music] win look daddy it's making mud mhm he's flying dad's going to have a back cake [Music] tonight okay can you show me how it dumps nice and then can you did the whole thing dump then yeah that's cool The Taming of the [Music] bow pick your mama can you hear her she's yelling at you we're not going to hurt you oh see she just had a party sometimes you got you sometimes you just got to go potty hey honey yeah I think we need a minivan this is amazing can you count how many cup holders are in this vehicle 12 cup holders that beat our one should we get a minivan there's even extra seats back here it's like we're filming a minivan commercial I know if you're wondering how much damage we can do to a rental car in 3 hours the answer is a lot and this is after I removed 10 cups in water bottles and he isn't even exaggerating that race was great but it's time to get back to work it's harvest time at anago farms let's head out to the field in our tractor the combine is harvesting soybeans once its grain tank is full it needs to be unloaded we can help with our grain cart here comes the unloading pipe he must be ready to unload hurry over he'll park under the unloading pipe quick get out of the way here comes the crab perfect aim it filled the trailer now the combine can get back to work and we can head to the farm yard to dump it look we're driving past the hay cutter in the barn I have to feed the seep he's heading towards the barn with his [Music] load collect a scoop uh I'm not sure if that's going to be enough and put it down they're so excited can you come help me with the combine climb up the ladder get in the cab and buckle up okay ready to go yeah fire it up boys and drive to the field yikes that's a muddy patch farming can be dirty work but don't worry a little dirt never hurt okay we got through time to turn on the header and drive into the crop wow wow the combine mows it down so cleanly it's really dusty out there but it's nice and clean here in the cab they're making quick work of this job is he burn out the grain tank is filling fast he's putting out that unloading pipe again he must be full now they will unload into this semi TR now carefully pull the combine up this truck can carry a heavy load with all of those axles let's count them 1 2 3 4 five unload the beans that's so much food well thank you so much for helping me welcome now let's head to the grain elevator climb on into the [Music] cab and off he goes the sunite can drive on roads much faster than a tractor so it's the perfect delivery vehicle you never know what tractors you'll see on the road just one turn to go he's pulling into the facility to unload there's a door on the bottom of the trailer when it's open the soybeans dump out it's pouring out so fast within minutes almost 30,000 lb of grain is unloaded now let's play along at home we have a field to harvest in a grain elevator to fill up and we have just the right toys for getting the job done bring on the combine it's Towing its header because it's so wide first unhook the trailer then come around to attach the header great that's done now open the grain tank and put down the header let's go here come the crops the combine mows them down and leaves a clean field the grain tank is full grain cart I need need some help unloading okay I'll be right there dad's running the cart now attach the trailer and pull it into the field they're going to unload while they're still in motion what a cool move the grain is pouring out of that auger they're done harvesting now dad needs to unload he's heading to the silo back up to the augur okay dump it out I'm ready to fill up the grein sh okay here it comes he's dumping out the grain door and it heads up through the augur in the pipe and Into The Silo I broke down it looks like the combine broke down open the access panel and fold down the ladder to fix the engine it looks like he got it check here too all good now let's learn how it works this is how a combine works it's an amazing machine that's able to take whole plants and separate out the grain that we eat first the header cuts down the plant with tons of small teeth then inside the grain that we want is separated from the plant the waist is blown out the back and it's really dusty the grain ends up in the tank on top of the combine and it can be unloaded with the augur into a grain cart or semi then the grain is stored in a silo until it's turned into food watch out for the [Music] camera well didn't account for the crown of the road do all of your couch cushions go missing too oh no he's in the grain tank what do you think about this big Beauty are you happy in here [Music] yeah well that's the last time those pellets weren't all over the floor wow that's a full graen [Music] tank I all way what does it feel [Music] like let's try to speed up the unloading [Music] process that works great yeah let's get out of his way and then we'll come pick this up with the [Music] gator it's nice to be able to travel fast on the [Music] field we can even attach the Power Wheels trailer to The Gator great job what do they feel like little [Music] Pebbles he's sitting in soy [Music] beans we love these hay bales dressed up as spiders okay you can you're up there with the kitty and we love kitties i' love to slide down okay you're going to slide down w we also have a ton of pumpkins to deliver from our Harvest what's that huge rubber band on the trailer what's he going to use that for I'm so glad you're here to help me here's a map of the pumpkin deliveries I have to do wow those deliveries are really far away that must be why he brought the rubber band load up the pumpkins on the trailer and drive to an open area wow it's bumpy oh no we lost a pumpkin here's a good spot load the first delivery and Let It [Music] Fly wow there it goes coming in for a landing perfect let's launch another Zoom another perfect delivery the last delivery is going to be hard it's under a porch aim precisely and let it go oh it's so cool in slow motion and it's up Bullseye wow this pumpkin got here fast I need to thank the kid crew let's do some more deliveries I need a pumpkin delivery first we need to load the pumpkins on the semi scoop with the front end loader it's so strong grab another all loaded up time to drive to the train station this is a huge big rig load me up please no problem unload with the skid steer we could use a crane but it's a little busy holding up the track all loaded up turn on the train and go the Lego train is really strong [Music] it's a cool view from in the cab now coming around the corner wait there's chickens on the track flip the signal to Red ah stop phw the chickens are getting off the track safely Now flip the signal to Green so we can go it's the final leg of the [Music] journey unload the pumpkins with the forklift then open the barn door and store the pumpkins the animals will eat them over Winter thanks for the pumpkin delivery now let's learn how it works this is how you launch a [Music] pumpkin as I stretch the rubber band it stores potential energy and then when I release that potential energy becomes kinetic which means moving how far do you think we can get a pumpkin to go we laid out markers in this field up to 80 [Music] ft wow that went farther than 80 ft so do you think the pumpkin will go farther if we point it up or if we keep it flat let's try first let's do flat okay now let's try the steeper angle this time the pumpkin's going to go up farther which should probably give it more time to fly let's see [Music] the one with the flat trajectory landed here and the one with the Curve trajectory landed here so if you want something to fly further put an angle on it that was good that was a great one can you believe how far it went what else could we [Music] sling s what are those little chicks like why is he being so crazy no like why what is that foot can you tell me how he got stuck he got pounded in very hard why did he do that he was trying to get the pumpkin out oh my God uh let's launch a little bit over y oh my gosh it was so far I can get I'm going to try to make it go into space okay oh my God that one's gone it went into the woods it went into the woods a lot of running in this kid crew we can hear the landscapers turn on their mowers in this park we're in right now so we really have to run cuz we don't want to be in their way you think I can juggle you can try maybe let's try with two nope is it fun with me walking my pumpkin doggy now we have a huge pile of dirt to move into the garden what kind of truck should we use our back ho of course reverse up the Dirt Pile deploy the stabilizers the seat reverses to make it easier to control the bucket on the back mom is coming for a load scoop and dump the levers control the arms and the bucket 1 2 3 4 5 it's full off for delivery we're using our Gator because it's bad dumps just like a construction dump truck well this construction site already has a ton of dirt but it's about to get even more back it into position release the tailgate tip out the dirt in the dump bed good thing the kid crew isn't afraid of getting a little dirty that's some good looking dirt the plants are going to love it all right I think we better do another load back to the Dirt Pile for more scooping and [Applause] dumping I like the looks of that toy where is she taking it dad's coming the other way wait look out for the Tonka oh no she tripped I hope she's okay hey in case you're wondering I actually fell it fell into dad's wheelbarrow but Dad is too distracted to even notice uh-oh that toy is buried my toy I can't find it I wonder if kid crew construction could help me I lost a toy I need help finding it I can help with that he's driving his back to the site to help with the toy rescue effort hopefully the kid crew will be able to extract the missing toy there's the pile back up into position oh man I hope he can find my back ho toy I really like that thing he's got focus and determination so I bet he can do it what was the color of the toy it was yellow he's brushing the dirt with the side of the bucket that's an expert move wait I see something do I see it what is that is that something what is it he'll have to get it the rest of the way out by hand there it [Music] is yay thank you you're welcome there's still plenty of work to do at this construction site let's grab some toy construction vehicles oh wow look at all those toys do you want me to take the whole bucket oh no the front end loader can't cross the hills help we'll need to build a bridge here comes some boards to help place the bridge beams that looks great now the front end loader can pass thank you and so can his friend the bulldozer thank you it turns out we can also use this Digger as a pile driver hey these columns could support a roof what could we use dang this piece would be big enough perfect Park the dump truck in the garage we just made oh what a snuggly home now let's learn how it works this is how a back hole works first climb in the cab then turn the seat around and pull down the control levers use the right stick to curl the bucket in then lift the load use the left stick to rotate the boom then dump the huge bucket backos also have a wide scoop up front it's such a versatile digging machine [Music] action miss miss miss got it should restart her trick shot Channel yeah yeah it's working great do you think this is easier than using a shovel and a wheelbarrow yeah did you ever play on these as a kid no I didn't know these existed just playing towels and coloring and generally following the rules we got a lot of Beverages and know this power wheel has more cup holders than her car is he following your orders do that the kid crew garage a fine tune machine chaos tripping hazards a little bit of tetanus and a lot of love okay now let's Harvest that Garden do you think that we can fill the scoop of our tractor with the vegetables that we dig up Grammy's Garden is full full of fresh fruits and vegetables we'll park the tractor here and start digging for potatoes use the shovel to loosen up the ground put the potatoes in the scoop potatoes grow underground they'll need a good washing before we can eat them this one has a blemish that one's broken so we won't keep that one good throw now let's Harvest some carrots start working the ground with a [Music] hoe I'm [Music] shov the shovel does a great job just like potatoes carrots also grow underground but the carrot greens that grow above the ground are also edible w at the G normous ta it has a big Stu gramy look at that [Music] c that just a teeny weenie it's a family of parot that is going to get eat I think got two same time bees and flowers are an important part of a successful garden now let's pick some juicy raspberries a ripe raspberry is easy to pull off the plant here's F found the one Beauty put the other ones next up are shitaki mushrooms which were grown on this log it kind of feels like SE this part of the mushroom is called the gills that feel te beets were planted here and it looks like they need some water even as the weather gets cold these beets will be safe [Music] Underground when you pick a tomato you just lift them up and then if they come off they're [Music] ready wow look at all of these there are plenty of green ones that haven't ripened get this one we dropped what of those tomatoes that you want to cut one of those that's a hard job I hope you can do it those are spaghetti [Music] squat that looks heavy that's a heavy out board Grammy has a greenhouse that will house many plants over the winter let's cut this pepper I hope it isn't too spicy this is the stem of a Jerusalem artichoke yank it out this [Music] one these white things are the artichokes we did it the scoop is overflowing with fresh vegetables that we picked the tractor is struggling for traction with this heavy load up front wow look at how much we [Music] got time to go home the sun is low in the sky [Music] now now let's plant some bulbs that will grow in the spring we're getting help from our toys looks like a construction zone it will take five days to to to plant the balls dig the hole with the mini excavator deliver the bulbs on the trailer they look like onions plop the bulb in the hole and then cover it [Music] up now let's learn how it works this is how a greenhouse Works a greenhouse works by allowing the energy from the Sun in while also retaining Heat this increases the temperature of the greenhouse relative to outside when the sun is out we can demonstrate the effect with this thermometer in a clear Bowl under the bowl the temperature is 68 F or 20 C and outside it is 49 F or 9 1/2 C green houses allow plants to grow when it is colder out as some plants cannot tolerate temperatures below freezing okay the Harvest is done time to take care of the animals we'll start at real life Farm can you come along with us first we need to give milk to the baby goats get the milk from the fridge here you go both hands two hands he's so hungry look at that Tail Wag okay now let's feed the pigs all right come here come [Music] here no wagging here oink oink we need to get more milk from the cow grab the [Music] bucket haul it back to the [Music] fridge [Music] you have to keep the Stalls [Music] clean collect the dirty straw in the [Music] wheelbarrow wow it's dusty dump it into the tractor's [Music] scoop jump into a pile [Music] then dump brush [Music] straw spread it [Music] evenly let's take a quick break on these Bales wow there's a slide up there and another slide time for some dry food for the [Music] goats [Music] like that little closer there you go that tickles time to collect eggs from the chickens go [Music] back I hear a rooster crowing there's three eggs in the coop and some young chicks that goat is kneeling back up the trailer to turn around then drive over to the horse stall [Music] this one needs a good [Music] brushing we love the barn [Music] kitties now let's learn how it works this is how milking a cow works first we wash our hands then we clean the cow and the UTS this step also helps the milk come [Music] out then we gently grip a te as close as possible to the uter and then gently squeeze the milk out into a clean bucket each cow can produce about 6 to 7 gallons of milk a day that's more than I can drink the awesome thing about cows is that they convert food humans can't eat like grass into milk that we can't eat T and tons and T [Music] of nice job pouring yummy the kitties love it too today we are taking care of our backyard chickens do you think we can finish before the sun goes down we're using our truck and trailer to haul the supplies we need this is where they live first we'll check to see if they laid any eggs they always lay eggs in these little Cubbies called nesting boxes open the door how many three sometimes I have to count female chickens also called hens lay eggs each hen lays about five eggs per week now let's let the chickens out we have six chickens this bag is full of treats for [Music] them let's look at them do dried [Music] grubs chickens can actually fly but they're also really good at running look at them go they can move quickly when they're frightened now we'll refill their water and food containers they're stored behind the store first is the [Music] water the chickens get water by tapping their beaks on these fittings fill the container with fresh [Music] water now we'll refill the food [Music] containers the chickens put their heads through the holes in the feeders to eat their feed's first ingredient is corn pour in the [Music] fresh they're excited that their food is full fill this second [Music] container now put back all the containers and close the [Music] door when outside the Cee the chickens peck at the ground to search for bugs they're ALS Al really good at scratching the ground to find more bugs to eat this means they can do a lot of damage to Landscaping but it's nice to have them get rid of some pesky insects the chickens can also eat kitchen scraps this one is enjoying the inside of a pumpkin in addition to food we also make sure they have access to ground oyster shells and grit the oyster shells provide them with calcium which is needed to lay eggs that chicken just pooped we need to clean their house but first we'll take a tour of it the bottom is called The Run they have access to the food and water and also have a swing up the ramp is the coupe where they lay their eggs and sleep at night they sleep up high perched on this board which is called a roost these locks prevent other animals and potential Predators from getting in we'll put these wood chips down in the Cee to help reduce moisture throw it in the Run [Music] the chickens need a [Music] lot now we need to Scoop the Poop in the cop dad's going to do this job he wears a dust mask because it's a Dusty and stinky [Music] job he uses a cat litter scoop attached to a pole we'll fill this bucket chicken poop can be composted for use in the [Music] garden it makes great [Music] fertilizer put some more wood chips in the C [Music] poop now let's put the eggs in this container to keep them [Music] safe one might be ying a egg a another egg right now [Music] we finished all of our chores before the sun went down but the chickens are following us into the [Music] garage I guess they want to help us with the project as the sun goes down the chickens come back to their Coupe all on their own then they go up the [Music] ramp they sometimes have a tough time deciding who goes first wait for [Applause] me good night now let's learn how it works this is how you cook a fresh egg first never use a stove without an adult fresh eggs have a film on them that keeps them fresh at room temperature for about 2 weeks but we must thoroughly wash them wash with warm water and use detergent or vinegar to clean the [Music] eggs now we'll cook the egg scrambled style time to get cracking here's here's a tip for parents and kids alike when you inevitably get a piece of shell in your bowl use a larger piece of eggshell to scoop it out it works great then we beat the eggs to mix the yolks warm the pan and melt some butter to reduce sticking then pour in the eggs can you hear them cook start turning them to make sure they're uniformly cooked they're done when there isn't any more running liquid that looks yummy I'm holding 30,000 honeybees can you help me put them in our Hive don't worry you can't get stung through the screen but you know what I could first we need help bringing the empty Hive boxes down we're hauling them with our truck and trailer thanks for the delivery we're ready to start uh I'll be over here while you're opening that box now I need to dump the bees into the hi hey guys oops that could have gone better yeah that's your new home there's so many bees in the hive but there's still tons in the Box reassemble The Hive now we'll put the queen in the hive okay guys there's your queen take care of her there's a ton who aren't in the hive yet we'll make a temporary home okay now you guys need to make your way into the hive okay go take care of that Queen it's been a few days and now it's time to go check on the queens and give the hives a little addition they seem pretty happy to me but let's open it up for a closer [Music] look great the bees left the Box carefully pull out the queen chamber okay Queen chamber's empty maybe don't shake it this is going great they calm down guys I'm giving you an addition watch out beep beep beep you're just peaceful little guys a lot of time has passed and now we get to harvest honey it's a relatively cool day but the bees are still plenty active knock knock excuse me there's tons of bees on that plate that honeycomb is filled with honey this honey is so heavy I need a honey pickup honey pickup loaded on the trailer thanks for the honey pickup up this [Music] hill mama you some scky G yeah I'm not happy he's taking it to the [Music] house now dad's taking off his protective suit that he always wears near the hives time to extract the honey should we start with this one yeah we take this tool and we scrape off the cap look at all the honey under it yeah look at that it's so juicy do you want to scrape some yeah is it hard no no it's easy how you try and I'll fil oh okay isn't that easy yeah now we don't have to buy honey because Mama doesn't buy eggs anymore now we don't have to buy honey anymore yeah exactly okay so now let's flip it over you want to help and then it's going to start coming off on its own we'll crush the Caps the tickles dick them wow a lot came out of that [Music] yeah ddy it's yummy wa way then we filter it we have honey and wax left over we got the bees in the winter it was so wet that day this probably wasn't the best way to do it [Music] we assembled the four hives on stands after putting down a ground [Music] barrier now let's learn how it works this is how a beehive works the bottom board is the floor of the hive this piece is the entrance reducer which the bees use as a doorway next up are the chambers you can stack as many as you need they are filled with removable plates which the bees build their comb [Music] on the plates are precisely spaced so the bees work between them lastly the inner and outer covers go on top to keep out [Music] weather welcome to kid crew oh you were stuck in all that honey oh your wing is stuck y yep just just stop walking into the honey I like this it's cute now I need to just clean up this Hive what well cuz I have the thing out like yeah but you need to go we're on be time thank you for watching kid crew please like And subscribe
Channel: Kid Crew
Views: 6,847,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trucks for kids, ride on, toy vehicles, educational videos for kids, educational videos for toddlers, for toddlers, for children, toddlers, for kids, children, preschool, learn, full episodes, ride on with trailer, power wheel, boys, girls, power wheels, blippi, hudson playground, john deere tractor, traktor, kids tractors, farm work, tractors for kids, farm for kids, farming for kids, toy tractors, real tractors, farm videos for kids, tractor videos for kids, hay, feed animals
Id: K3JlqruEIP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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