Learning Karate Tips with a Legend "Nicholas Pettas"

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prefecture um i don't know um if um uh any of you know where the shizuoka is that's where the mount fuji is and we're facing through this there are like two prefectures shizuoka yamanashi that's like a share of month fuji and i'm in shizuoka today in the ryokan um the one thing i'm um a bit uh uh not so um happy about um tonight is that the i am um all alone and i'm quite lonely uh by myself uh don't what's what what what [Applause] [ __ ] you are not alone because i'm here with you who are you martin sit down sit down sit down i'm the blue samurai and your your name is blue sunlight no that's a nickname nicholas nice to meet you nice to meet you nicholas and he came all the way from uh well you live in japan anyway yeah live in tokyo [Laughter] from tokyo and we are doing a live show together yes and now obviously many of you um know that the uh i am learning something from you today right well i thought yeah i heard that you have a grudge against this other guy the the british guy the british i shouldn't name here yeah we're not naming it it's like you know it could be like you know out of the regulations of uh youtube right yeah i think so too and also i think that i need to teach you that in karate we do not do it for offense but it's for defense right i did not know that oh i couldn't hear it but i did not know that well you telling me i believe you i will teach you how to defend yourself first okay but before that can you like tell the viewers who you are who exactly you are uh sure welcome to the channel i'm nicholas pettis your host from the tokyo show on youtube so the first thing you see the first thing you wanted to say was the promotion of your channel absolutely so not only the the legend uh of um of the karate and the k1 champion but yeah you're also a youtuber right are you a youtuber are you uh yes i'm a youtuber i don't know uh with that only time will tell but for now yes i'm having some fun right coming on your channel my channel yes yes yes you've been on my channel yes yes yes we have now been on each other's channels right uh what uh yeah i i will be am i on youtube already yes you are right right once already when i went to sports with the girls of course of course of course yeah yeah yeah okay congratulations thank you very much congratulations everyone just come back in please yay see we are we are staying at the ryokan the japanese in the hotel room right and um he's been so loud and i hope like no one's on both sides of a room i'm pretty sure if there was anyone in there or over there that we've already gotten a complaint okay i think we're good but remember yeah we're about to do a real karate session yes it's in japanese they call keiko yeah yeah yeah practice yes yeah and that means that i will prove to you that i'm a black belt yeah he's got like one look at that he's got yep three stripes not only like you know not only he's got a black belt but he's got like three stripes like so what what cue does it start from you will start without a belt without a belt okay your pants will just go down your pants will not fall down you'll be fine but you have to win your respect to become a white belt before you're a whiteboard right what belt and then no there's zero zero zero no bell no belts white belt white belt yeah blue belt blue belt yellow belt yellow belt green belt brown brown belt black belt okay and then off the black belt right yeah and then you get better and you yeah so then you get more stripes on your black belt and you've got how many three my god oh my god but all jokes aside i mean i have been in japan for 30 years very nice to meet you guys honored to be here with dyotano today uh but i came here 30 years ago to study karate under the last master of full contact karate credit yeah yeah and so i was already around building denmark but i came here and i started as a white belt so can i ask you what made you come to japan not having an internet connection no it's this funny question but i'll answer it properly of course it's the karate kid the movie the karate kid was my inspiration for coming here did you guys like see the thumbnail of this channel of this of this program me doing the crane pose yeah wasn't that good wasn't that good thought the thumbnail was awesome really awesome that's like classic yeah it had like a lot of crazy yeah it was really cool i was so proud of myself like doing the balancing no but but honestly so when i was 14 years old yeah check this out some random dude at a party like started beating me up really true story i got so scared that i ran away i like i ran away and i hid in a garden and while i was crying all by myself i thought what can i do to get better because i never want to feel like this again right and inside my head i just saw myself oh the karate kid i can do this if i do karate i can become like the karate kid and this is really how i started doing it when you're 14 right yeah and then you started practicing started practicing when i was 14 i just started those at 14 and right practice for about two three years yeah and then some guys said hey you're like those uchidashi living in japan okay and this is what uchidashi like yeah well yeah she's like a yeah a thousand days living uh don't in the dojo course okay with the master right with a master yeah and so this is why i said there was no internet so without knowing what i was going into i just decided to quit high school you just bought a ticket save up money and came to japan like that so so what what was it like to be withishi i wrote a book about it is it english uh actually it's on the tokyo show the first nine chapters you can listen to me as an audiobook another promotion of the channel sorry you know the tokyo show the total show actually it's in the link uh oh really just yeah of this program at the description box i will be generous enough to teach you karate yes yes that's the whole point of this live show right yeah so you're going to uh teach me uh some techniques to defend right you said that first you must learn defense right right and then offense authors if you're good at defense yes all right so it sounds like this is gonna be like a series it has to be you cannot learn karate in one day right right right right okay so now um i've got like many questions actually many comments like it's getting um so fantastic let me just answer some questions here uh okay uh let me just um uh um uh fat dumb black belt it's a it's a third dumb black belter that's yourself yeah yeah yeah third done yeah it's like q is it the q is that so so eq so q is like q is the kind of the the the beginning not [Music] yeah it's really strong uh and uh actually uh yeah it's enough rank to clarify you as a sensei right right oh 20p 20p paid ten dollars and just like japan thank you thank you so much and what else what else let me just ask some questions who should i pick just so many questions um uh uh uh the question question question actually many people quit high school focus on kicking and punching okay i'm taking notes yeah no it's true i really did quit high school i went to the principal when i was 17 and i said i'm gonna uh save up money i need to work and save up money to come to support what did he or she say the principal the principal was a lady okay and she said no don't quit she said no you have to figure you got one more year of high school you got to finish high school first your education comes above everything else what did you say no wow that little dennis kid well you know it was this strange drive because when i saw something that i wanted i went for it with everything i had that's that's how you are right now already that's why you believe in one thing yeah just go ahead and deal with it yeah yeah and you and you believe that you're going to teach me how to different i will teach you how to defend yes yes yes yes and so what you're going to teach me today i will teach you the basic move from the movie the karate kid which is the wax on and wax off yes i've seen that and does it really work that's my question there great question is it legendary or is it bs or is it whatever it is i will teach you that it actually works okay and today um i'm lucky enough to have a cameraman who uh who uh nicely uh turned off the light and turned into the lights and so i'm gonna just turn uh the camera uh two how do i do this okay there you go okay so okay so let me we have our dojo ready here okay first things first okay first thing first you must understand that i am now your sensei no no you can relax right it's good it's okay so the basics right right is how to greek your sensei okay please stand over here the way you close your fist is you starts with your pinky rolling in and you lock it with your thumb on top both hands out in front of yourself never take your eyes off your point all right is what they teach you but this is not true okay okay right because if you in a japanese dojo and this is true if you look your senpai in the eye this is what happens oh [ __ ] heart punishments okay okay so do not look me in the eye okay and i will check you i will look you in the eye okay where should i look in the ground is this this is true this is true okay i'm telling you all right so hands up now you look at me of course and then [Music] we are now sitting side by side yep this will only happen because we are on normally we would not sit side by side okay you are not worthy of sitting beside me but it's true but it's true this is yeah because like because you're a black belt exactly okay and you are no belt oh yeah i'm not this is important there's no no no not this belt that's not adult okay we start like this okay are you ready yep close your eyes that she was nervous bit nervous i don't know why but i teach better in japanese than english [Laughter] okay so okay so the basic karate movement so the karate kid is let's just stand a little bit low low not too low but feel nice and centered don't lean in stand straight up now the hand goes around we're just going to relax the fingers not think about anything else so it goes from the inside to the outside inside outside and outside yes yeah so wax on wax off right so do it slowly yeah i will punch you all right wax on relax off good now if you look at the mechanics of the arms right we can do with the hand facing inside inside facing outside either way is good okay whatever you feel like we will do one hand okay striking towards you slowly yes do you like that one yeah i like this one why is this good i don't know compared to this one it's more flexible so let's try both if it comes in and it goes out it's really cool all right when you go up it hits here okay nice and slow try the other one right when it goes on the other side interesting something to think about what is that no because if you punched me right okay say you punched me which hand you were joining us yeah okay so if i was to do this it would be because i would want to grab all right you're not ready for this you're not ready for this i want to though i know i know i know let's stick with the basics okay we shall stand across each other because this is what how we practice basically so i will we will do 10 counts take out okay right all you have to do is this way this way this way or this way it doesn't matter okay sure because it's the arm that does the blocking right it's not the hand it's not handicapped that's important okay so i will try and punch you in the chest area oh [ __ ] okay i'm not gonna punch hard okay you ready okay that's hard so one good two three four five six seven eight nine two yeah i wasn't i wasn't expecting that scream okay so okay we're not gonna drag on for too long i think it's pretty good okay it is pretty good so i will we will greet each other and say thank you all right unless you use anything else you want to learn um pain pain paint up pink down was it uh this one ah so incarnate this is uh this is actually it's the wrists yeah and it's called cocaine okay yeah okay all right this is a secret technique that i'm not sure i should show it to the world yeah just a little bit just a little bit okay i will teach you the application once i've shown you yeah so imagine you hit something you will think of grabbing something with your fingers and your wrist goes up in the air so you're grabbing it goes up good yeah okay when you're facing each other oh i'm so sorry my friend i'm so sorry i'm so sorry you see right you are almost dead yeah yeah i was i was always but you see the application of it it is a sneaky secret table oh okay because i only need this distance to get to here but i said oh sorry i'm so sorry sir so i'm apologizing taking your focus somewhere else and you see you yeah and now you never see it coming because that's what it is very dirty technique so it's not so it's mr miyagi was just teaching that dirty technique daniel no actually this is really cool this is actually a really cool conversation so when i was training karate in denmark and i was brought up on looking at the karate kid right mr miyagi was my hero right i believed in this like there's something in karate called it means you cannot strike first if someone hits you you can kill him but you cannot just go and kill let's go here yeah yeah that's not good so this is the philosophy of the karate kid and then i come to japan i walk into the dojo and my sensei is the one of the first things he says is no don't listen to your opponent knock him out and run away before the cops catch you they actually said that he truly did and i was like oh my god i flew half across the world there was no internet so there's no information i flew half across the world to walk into cobra kai true story anyway let's finish the session go again i'm gonna go yeah alright so we and that was one session of cable wow no i it's pretty amazing you know like um it's i mean now we have friends and all that but like you know about 10 years ago yeah what more that but more than 10 years ago i actually um it was a tradition almost in japan to show the kickboxing and the martial arts like on tv um towards the end of the year yeah oh yeah yeah yeah actually and i was watching fighting on tv i was like yeah it's like you know blue as i'm like go go go and like this guy teaching me how to like wax you you were cool so when i'm training or practicing or teaching yeah um so i'm going gonna change my shirt no it's gone uh yeah and now we can have some party yeah let's do it so meanwhile i'm gonna read some uh questions uh and uh um comments uh from the uh the viewers and thanks so much there's so many uh questions and uh uh things that i am having let me just uh go through some of them uh hold on a second hold on a second let me just read uh okay okay [Music] why does nicholas con have such a strong presence it's just laughing no no oh it was quick that was quick that was quick i'm just reading out some questions right yeah yeah um uh oh yeah okay some some like uh people who know k1 uh any thoughts of andy hood me yeah do i oh man he was my hero yeah yeah he's like you said that once yeah he was more than my hero i was so such a fan i used to have his poster uh plastered on top of the ceiling where i used to sleep when i was in uchida oh really yeah i would always look at his kakatota shizax cake yeah going to bed and looking at that and envisioning and seeing it and said one day i want to do that one day i want to do that have you ever like uh did the train with uh with he did yeah i uh i trained you know the first time i saw him he was in japan fighting at the at the world championships right and i was selling t-shirts at the world championships and he hit it it's true and so he walked he walked past me and and i was like oh thank you and he winked at me do your best boy and i was like oh [ __ ] it was crazy yeah he was a hero like he's in like i would be like a teenager like in the 20-something yeah yeah back then and uh then then then your generation came out right yeah well so she he was exactly 10 years older than me and so i was like just like those two like two blogs so the last time he fought in the world championships was whenever uh 1991 and i fought 95 95 yeah so it came out to be like that it was wow wow really really cool and then i got to spar with him and then i got to he fought into k1 and then i went to the k-1 and the first flight that i had i was in america on a training camp and then there's like oh we've got to do promotion come back because andy hook is also the same karate as me oh he's killed yeah and then so they're like we're going to do this promotional thing so come back to japan and we're going to talk about it and then i was all jet lagged and he was all jet lag and then so we were in mitsumina jinja which is uh in where's that chichibu yeah there's a famous uh shrine yeah and then so i was just like he was jet lagged so i woke up really early like four o'clock in the morning right and i went to the onsen and inside the onsen andy who was sitting there all by himself and i'm whoa i open the door close it he says no no come back in and we sat down and we were just the two of us wow for one hour it's amazing yeah that was cool yeah really cool yeah it was like my hero right he was my hero he was the guy sometimes right like when you're going to like really like a really famous or like expensive onsen yeah or real kind of you know something like this um like this place as well like i i've actually seen some really famous like you know football players yeah because it's such a nice you know and it is the public bath everyone everyone going in it's quite a strange feeling like you you you see like you're a legend but like fully naked what's going on here he was very sexy well okay let me go back to your questions here and well there's a really interesting question here yeah i think what does um what does uh okay uh from uh cameron uh braisley says uh what does us mean exactly that is actually a good question i can answer that great question so uh if you put it this is very specific for kyokushin karate by the way it's not all the karate like all the okinaka they don't use the word us oh really no they don't i don't know that i knew because i did a tv show called samurai spirit for nhk world you can also watch that on youtube or something like reporting or something it's not my show but so so i went to okinawa to study the uq karate which is the the okinawa style where originally came in from china and i was like when olsen was like we don't use us here and i was like excuse me and i said what do you say yeah what do you say yeah you say hi what just say the hi i mean yes yeah but and so and what i said so what if you don't agree with the sensei what do you say you say hi so it's like you know you you can only say yes yeah but so the funny thing is about about the the word for fiction people is like so they're two kanjis right so is to push yeah push the press means yourself yeah so that means that whatever you are pushed to do you need to accept and push yourself to do it that's what also means force yeah well star wars wise force kind of force so it's so us is like made of what way with you pretty much but well kind of like that yeah but then again remember also in kyokushin there is no way of saying no to your senpai yeah but there's a loophole what is it a tiny little loophole what is it and it's hilarious because with one word you can have a whole conversation okay so that means yes yeah right yeah okay so if i don't agree with you if i think maybe you're wrong i'd go oh [Laughter] right so um so you know make it clear so depending on how long or how like a strong that you your intonation yeah absolutely you change that yeah yeah check it out if i if like i'm saying yeah yeah yeah now i'm really agreeing with you right and then and that if i'm not sure about that it's like oh oh that was like a i don't understand quite what you're saying can you please say that again no but if you like really don't understand it's the language there's a question here the question mark is like it's like you really understand what right yeah you're right you're right right it works it works it really works oh my god i'm i'm learning something new every single day you know how i learned this why because when it comes to ucd the only word we were allowed to use was also okay and how was it japanese when you actually started the uh as a wichita i didn't speak any japanese oh that's awesome i knew i also knew some words like you know yeah or something yeah technical technical names techniques good all right so um now uh since he's changed with his hoodies and everything um uh i want to share a little bit of topic here uh today we are in shizuoka yeah right and shizuoka is famous for wasabi wasabi and i'm pretty sure many of you here have tried wasabi in a sushi restaurant or without eating with sashimi but and i think those of you who have tried i think wasabi must been from a tube i would yeah i think so like chew you know yeah exactly like ketchup but wasabi and here in shizuoka here in shizuoka the uh they they actually serve wasabi with the from the the actual plant fresh fry get fresh yeah that's what it would yeah yeah fresh fruit that's what it is um and so uh today we had like what's what was that what was the thing we had a wasabi don wasabi don't wasabi bowl like a beef bowl they only put not only but well we thought it was just going to be wasabi on top of rice but they put like bonito flakes yeah bonito flakes and wasabi and that's it though yeah and that's what else and soy sauce and so wasabi was the main character right oh yeah absolutely of the whole whole bowl well so we got to like you know shave down the real wasabi root yeah and then you mix that in with some soy sauce and put it on top of the cotton and the rice right and we thought well i don't know what i know what i thought i thought this was going to be absolutely horrible yeah and just that was pretty good it was really good it really worked really good yeah yeah and that actually proved that like you know this is the origin you know this is the place for eating wasabi so what i've um prepared for tonight's program is that i have wasabi kitkat can you believe that like japan must be the only country i think right i don't know if tell me if it's wrong but you know uh japan is the only country that produces every type of kitkat like using every type of food that represents each prefecture and shizuoka in this case what's up what's wasabi yeah that's nuts seriously that is nuts you would try this yeah but see so if you look at the package yeah actually it shows this is a root yeah so that's the root where is my finger that's the root that's what it looks like it's a little green and underneath it's the it's the oroshi yeah it's the board that yeah that you um shark skin on yeah yeah yeah that's shark skin shark skin sharp skin is actually kind of it's it's kind of like your skin on when you have a you know a two day shave yeah and maybe i could use my skin i just shave it for the yeah i got a nice beard so i'll keep that so this is the root so um so they used uh uh oh the kitkat or nestle yep yeah this swiss company right and they it was nice is this a swiss company well it's a swiss i mean okay okay let me tell you i i learned this i studied this um it was originally a british company and it was it was acquired by nestle so now it's swiss used to be british nestle was japanese company no soy sauce oh my god you've been to me in japan too long well anyway have a break have a kitkat right and the thing about kitkat in japan i don't know about tell me about you know uh people from other countries or from overseas kitkat somehow it's got this little space here that you can take a note you can write something why a message like i love you whatever you want if you want to give instead of like a you know like a love letter you can just you know put your loving message here and just give it to your friend hmm i'm not a should we try and eat it because i think it's really green it's like almost like fluorescent green look at that it shines in the dark try i'm just waiting for you to die before i eat it no a little bit a little bit yeah just like slight slight slight hmm listen to your nose listen to your [Laughter] nose give it to my cameraman too to be honest it's just chocolate to me um like i'm okay yo how many women do you have to buy chocolate for during the white day a lot i wish okay next thing so are we done i'm done because we've got too many things to do yeah i'm done with that one i'm okay okay okay that was like the next one i don't know it's slightly disappointed actually yeah well well it's good good to start with right yeah yeah yeah i mean like i think it's getting better and better and better next potato chips wasabi potatoes and it's terribly wasabi it says wasabi so green tea wasabi potato chips which is also a really famous product of shizuoka yes green tea okay when you when you hear the word japanese people right when you hear the word shizuoka and we or you always remember three things three two oh yeah three three things okay um ocha the green tea yeah wasabi wasabi and wild boars they're called inoshishi they're really famous for it they run around in the green tea fields all the time they're very dangerous is it because like you you say whiteboard because i i you know i rap oh you rap yeah i did that christmas people absolutely oh my god oh so we're doing a rap off now yeah that's just oh people stop commenting on that pretty sure right yeah um so no three things right not why both yeah of course mount fuji yeah look at that what is the the density what is the uh the urban legend of uh of mount fuji what is it the people said no what is it no godzilla was born there oh is there yeah oh sorry whoa you didn't know that cool i'm winning extra let's eat let's eat let's eat let's eat you taste first you taste this first oh it's not scary it's like it's it's only like what wasabi and um green tea okay i shall try this yeah how is it it's really good it's really good yeah it's really good okay let me try oh it's really good but it doesn't taste wasabi it doesn't taste tea either it doesn't anything like that let me just give it to cameron come on toby well his name is tubby yeah you can do it whoa you're really getting into those i started like feel the flavor a little bit the wasabi no i'm not feeling it i'm sorry i'm not feeling that little bit [Laughter] and you know what i'm i'm all for brutal honesty because if you fake it they will know they will understand that you can't just fake it this is like the the slightest chance maybe a little bit green tea maybe a little bit green tea not wasabi no what no because the potato flavor is overpowering it i think you should take some more nope this is [Laughter] oh maybe the bag is flavored the bag is flavored is my favorite what should we shake it up [Laughter] nice no i don't want to touch the bag anymore let's put another one yeah okay so now um third yeah third wasabi flavor thing is cheese yay i love cheese finally we're coming to the stage where you don't have beard either i know i wish i had i should go with ah yeah really well thank you very much i'm scared to like yeah let's do it together two one [Music] oh yeah absolutely oh wow wow wow this really is yeah this so this is truly wasabi flavor something yeah yeah this one i will give it i would give it like if you're going to go a 10 scale i would give it like a nine hmm because it really tastes like wasabi wow oh oh wow wow you like it i like it okay so how what kind of spicy flavor are you level because i think i think we spoke about this the other day a little bit yeah um you like spicy food i love swiss but like there are two types of spiciness right what is like the the chili spiciness right the silly chili spicy another spice is like um like this one yeah nasal nasal nasals nasal head nasal spicy yo what is the chili then is that more like a throat no it's more like a tongue tongue ah okay but this is the nasal it's like nose right you start crying so it's like getting really hit hard in the face but it goes away no no it goes away right it goes away it goes away but when it hits you on the mouth it doesn't go away no it's like you know when you go to like a really spicy thai restaurant or korean restaurant even right now like you're all your time is numb for like walk like two hours yeah two hours two hours you know it doesn't really matter what you do you drink milk or water doesn't matter right but this one like uh wasabi uh spicy a nasal one it goes away in about like a minute and less actually yeah i feel it goes less it's like you get that whoa and you get a little bit of tears in your eyes and you're okay i'm good next one yeah exactly where's like these chili ones like you can't eat anymore no i said i'm good i'm pretty good with the spicy yeah that's right i like hot hot food but um when he goes beyond certain level no no no no no i agree i agree yeah yeah yeah i went through a spicy thing for a while and it's just like you know what it is destroying my stomach yeah you know it's the next day that's the worst actually i'm not sure we should be talking about this oh yeah it's okay it's it's it's late here at least oh it's morning this isn't what it was it's like yes it's okay it's just but you know what i'm talking about right like the next day after a super spicy meal it hurts man it burns it burns it burns your burns no because i like i love korean food and i love thai food i like spicy food indian food you know i love spices but but you know when again like when it goes beyond the level the the threshold yeah very clever choice of words there then yeah yeah yeah yeah well let's not go into the details but you know but i have a question then i want to follow up and ask you what is the worst like the worst spicy meal you've ever had because i have mine i know exactly which one it was like the just the level of spiciness right yeah i was like it was it was it was in thailand okay it was in bangkok yeah um i still remember the name of the restaurant it's going to phuket oh okay and it's it's in bangkok right but there's a phuket yeah um yellow curry yellow curry well you see there are like three types of curry like basically red curry and green yeah green curry and a yellow curry yeah and uh green curry it's like a stop light i didn't know that i noticed that but green green curry supposed to be um the sweet curry yeah in thai i think thai is a genkiyon they call it it means sweet curry so it's you know it's got some coconut i love green i love green curry leaves so the the red curry is like next level and the yellow curry is supposed to be the hottest wow the spiciest their laptops must be messed up man you get on the top right exactly it's like everybody you go and drive a car over there you'll be like oh no stop friend of mine right and he loves he loves spicy food right yeah you know taro like he wrote he wasn't tired so just you know you should eat this right you should try this it's just the best car in the world i was like and then again a few hours later oh i was like toilet was my you know best friend i've done that in thailand yeah yeah yeah i think i should move on though okay next food next one and next and the last right yeah i know let's let's give like uh this cheese to toby yeah i have some of those cheese yeah yeah that guy told me the cameraman yeah he's got some character he's good yeah he never speaks he never speaks but he eats now he speaks to me sometimes what what did he say strange things ah because you have to come here okay now um rice cracker what's it called in japanese uh it's a persimmon uh seed but it looks like it that's why but nothing to do with persimmon it's it's spicy so is it persimmon or is it persimmon a per person persimmon no it's like i don't have any i can i can i can ask this question but it's all it comes in texture but anyway uh it says it says right and um uh it's spicy that it may make you cry it says i've never cried no no i just wanted to clarify something i've never cried you never cried never sure yeah when you when your ex dumps you or no i might have had some sweat coming up from my eyeballs but i've actually never cried i was joking a while no i'm serious i've only sweated from my eyeballs not cried okay this this may make you cry then oh okay yeah yeah this is like a wasabi rash cracker right okay okay all right this is this is like a russian roulette where you say okay you do five i do five what is this i'm gonna junk in like who's gonna go oh yeah okay let's smell them let's smell them first yeah ah not so bad no not so bad but okay try ten whoa no no i think we should put them up on the table and figure out who's going to eat them first because i feel that you have you know waited for the last moment to bring out these things because they got to be the worst no all right it says like what it's a geek kara super spicy that means like super spicy it's not even super meat like i think with giganto spicy it's nasal spice so it's not that spicy you know you know what okay you know i'm going to call you up man yeah because i'm not a wuss you know let me see like five five okay that's like five that's five that's fine it's like it's like poker okay i'm gonna do five okay just showing yourself five there here it goes inner peace i am one with the nose the nose is one with me oh man oh this one dude this this stuff is real i mean i'm telling you i need something i need something [ __ ] wow hey toby why don't you not get us some beers man we need beer for this stuff wow oh my god you went back all in okay wait wait let's see two four six six eight eight ten ten i call you out man i'm doing ten you're ten yeah i'm doing five here goes [Laughter] oh wow oh my god oh my god oh my god no the trick is the trick really is okay swallow fast that's what i saw [Laughter] wow that nasal burn goes like this man what's going on what's what's what's this thing is this like legal this is like a drug man like a drug wow oh dude no thank you they use thai rice can i get some of the cheese please [Laughter] yeah i mean compared to this like cheese is nothing nothing so much better yeah like oh man i got that hip right there you know you know right there like yeah yeah yeah and you know what that's something i noticed right this this rice right oh this this thing was made in thailand what sis says you and your yellow curry is stirring all back again here well see because they are pros you know they're like professionals are we sure this is wasabi then what is this this is like a interesting i think we need to investigate this so let's let's give this something to toby yeah come on toby toby's got 30. we can't see them there's a real person there like 30. when he starts sweating from his eyeballs we will turn the camera on him yeah this is his test actually he's a really spicy poodle guy oh yeah actually yeah yeah he like he likes the spicy stuff so you guys there's like this this curry shop in japan called coco curry and you could do like level one yeah and that's really like just normal curry then you can do like level two oh he's over there sweating from his eyeballs then there's level three right which i'm good with level three right which i feel is almost as spicy as this one here we have now but they go all the way up to level 10. and then he's [ __ ] up man i wasn't listening to it because i was really busy like looking at [Laughter] go turn on a cold shower so you could like cool down everything or like uh toby is chris's submissive name [Laughter] yeah that's a good one that's a good one that's good we're building wow wow wow wow uh they love these comments and uh oh okay from 1990 pk 1990 some nice looking deal fellas what's up if chris's next video is about the learning aikido or something you know i love these comments love this comment thank you guys oh my god people people uh let me just go through some other questions uh can you like okay like let's listen let's share just share it with you get milk boys but did he cry uh no actually i voted for him he was uh he was a hardcore man yeah yeah yeah it was like just about just about by getting he just kind of get i think there was a nasal mini sharing happening oh yeah sorry yeah so i apologize no no no no no no no no no there's something comments like you know whenever you say like a holy [ __ ] it's not that bad like it says like like would you like to show it it's there's experience it's like it's okay it's okay that's okay um uh what's up wasabi plus mint is the best combo i've never heard of that ever heard of that is that the theme how do you how do you do that i don't know what wasabi like minton's hot i don't know like raw mint leaves and raw wasabi and then you like grind it up together into a paste and what do you what are you eating with yeah exactly what do you put on mojito ah that's a good one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah or like a couple shot or something yeah something like that yeah yeah something that'd be good well yeah let me try that tomorrow oh yeah actually wasabi and steak oh that's beautiful yeah we just had that tonight yes oh so good so good and having the um having a steak with wasabi in thinking that godzilla was born just around the corner oh talking about combo yeah right talking about combo yeah combos like do you have like do you have like combos like when you do karate like you have like combo stuff like you do this you do this like you know you have the steps like too i i actually believe that the secret to to becoming like successful successfully fighting is combinations is it yeah because it's like it's like having an argument with someone okay like if you if you don't have if you say okay here comes another swear word if you if you say [ __ ] you and i say [ __ ] you back that doesn't mean anything no because now we're even right right but if you say [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] that's at the exactly the same level it's even worse no because then i doubled it right yeah yeah i thought you were gonna say something like you know more logical or something like more rational yeah no so i'm yeah i'm sorry i'm going to tone down the the swear words a little bit here we're going to go back to normal level but but so but it's true because it is combination right it's like if you jab me right and i go and i jab you back then we're just jabbing each other all day right right true but if if you jab me and i do a right hand and a hook right right so you jab i spaw i block pom-pom right now suddenly i'm giving you double force back right right let's just imagine that you do a one two three or you do a two three right right right and then i do a two three low kick yeah it gets very technical very fast but what i'm saying is combinations is gold is it so it do that really works combinations everything so what was your uh favorite technique in street fighter 2 street fighter 2 i actually never played the street fighter no way oh that's not true actually because i used to host the show for nhk about video games and stuff like that yeah and they sent me all the way to um to shanghai i think it was china right right i don't remember they made you play that and they made me play the world champ wow in street those what a street fighter like no no it was actually one of the older ones oh really the two must be two i don't know which one it was but he beat me by doing like reverse butt butt punches no so one of the characters just turns around and like like butts you it was just so bizarre i was like and he wasn't even looking at me he was looking around my face he wasn't looking at my hand he wasn't even looking at screens he could know what i was doing and i was like wow this was like you know not even like like mastery level it was beyond mastery once again the fourth was right like you could basically see what we're doing without seeing you right there's a really famous um five uh world champion japanese guy called hooty because he used to be great and when he was playing in the you know arcades right he's wearing the hoodie right so he came on the show and he's like i don't need to see you i i can hear you and beat me and beat her i don't sound like a monk i'm serious i'm serious the level of these two guys was like i've never seen anyone play video games i would have seen these two people fighting exactly right like a scientist that would be like uh oh it would have to be in separate rooms and stuff oh yeah definitely crazy but yeah um so i'm not actually a good street fighter uh player to be honest i used to play uh zelda oh god so uh let's just read some comments from you yeah it's too far away from me my eyes that's the best it's like give me a piece here oh i know this guy oh old kyokushin saying when communicating don't work use low kicks [Laughter] so where did you two meet us oh that was like decade actually it's not really a party but it's like people get together and they drink a party that's a party it's a part it's a party so we we met and about a decade ago and then um we met again through a friend right yeah julia yeah julia yeah yeah and then um so that was the time that you kind of just started maybe youtubing yes so it's about well actually honestly i started youtube like 10 years ago oh you what yeah let's talk about this because it's so embarrassing because i went back and i deleted like like 600 videos what what was that because see when youtube first came out i didn't understand what youtube really was and this is honestly honestly i thought it was oh you can just do a blog and just like like video log it you know like oh back and then it was called bbs right right so you were like oh yes today i went to the gym i was sparring i had a good time whatever it was you were writing back then right and then i was like oh youtube's great right i thought it was for music videos uh-huh and then i thought it was like yeah i could just talk to the camera is i don't have to type anymore sure sure like the voice yeah pretty much right yeah it's pretty much what it still is today it's just i was very um so what were you doing exactly in the video well i was doing exactly that but i was just really bad at it but but you kept uploading videos right because i didn't i was never watching it myself i just thought i was just like sending it out there i didn't really know what are there like viewers were there like many like subscribers back then no i had a thousand six hundred so why are you speaking in japanese or in english back then in your channel both i was doing i was actually doing i was so uh if i uploaded one in japanese i would i would like write my name nicholas in japanese right and if i was doing one in english i would write it in english nicholas and then i kind of just got away from it because i started a business and and then i was really focused on the business right right right and then i started filming people working out in the gym because i thought maybe this could be like an outlet you know to get more members show up sure sure and so that's how i the next and then you know a couple years ago i think five years ago i just stopped doing it i was like i didn't see the point i didn't see the return i was a lot of effort was a lot of work and so i let it kind of just like slide away for a while and now well last year right last year last year yeah yeah yeah anyway so i had a lot of time true me too though yeah yeah because i mean you know me and chris we're like making videos like it will be making like so many videos but then you know because of coffee like i you know i had more time right than last year i was like you know i was just talking to chris and they're like yeah might as well just start my channel as well right yeah and then then like a great idea yeah and then um then we got to meet again yeah exactly because when i started i was because one of my members in the gym that i have or julia she's like hey you know um i know this guy who's also a really you know famous youtuber and i was like really and then she goes yeah i was like yeah let me call it so you guys used to be like friends like twenty twenty five years or twenty twenty five years yeah that's hilarious she usually live in sendai oh yeah that's true that's his friend's good friends so it's all kind of connected it's like i think i think it's really funny that people kind of get together and they split apart but they've always had some kind of connections wow that was um like was such a coincidence right yeah we met we we knew each other already like 10 years ago but we haven't really checked you know we haven't seen it for a long time and then yeah we are you know back doing stuff together again it's it's it's amazing it's amazing and uh you know i mean this doing karate like learning from you is you know could not be done without these you know uh coincidences i thought this was awesome man yeah it was great exactly so it's been how long it's been like already an hour what 57 minutes really yeah is it amazing like i can't believe like you just keep talking eating and i mean um like watching toby eating the the wasabi rice crackers almost crying yeah oh no he almost swallowed it from his eyes almost like oh it was a small like you know incident it could have turned to if you'd give him 10 more beans he would have probably started sweating let me know you know what let me just try this kitkat again so okay tell me yeah tell me guys like which one uh would you like to try the best yeah which one of these four kitty cat cheese uh the super spicy uh rice cracker or potato chips just tell me tell me which one you it's a boat and the boat vote on it right on it yeah waiting waiting for you guys [Music] oh there you go there you go what's a spicy one yeah i mean and i i would you know you know i would just kind of export them like you know too because it's gonna just try it but food is something that's really really hard to expose to some countries yeah yeah so we just like it's strict sometimes it's really straight food even worse so with alcohol alcohol is like worse people with attacks right but i'm telling you man i tried to actually export an alcohol from really famous and so they come up with this incredible new socket which is called frozen beauty wow true nice let me tell you about this one because it's really interesting story so they take the namashi bori it comes right from right into the the bin right the the bottle right they take the bottle and they freeze it instantly okay they put it in liquid nitrogen and they freeze it wow and so they keep it frozen and then they give it to you or they can send it to you theoretically anywhere in the world frozen and you take it out of the frozen freezer you put it on your table you let it there and wait for it to fall so you're having dinner you know while you're making dinner it slowly defrosts right and by the time your dinner is ready you open it up and you drink it and it is exactly the same taste as when it came right out of the mill wow and i thought this was an amazing story song yes i'm going to start exporting it sounds really expensive yeah it's fairly expensive but that's not the problem it's like impossible it's almost impossible to sell uh alcohol overseas well that's true gave it up but great story right yeah it is a great story right yep that's where it is yeah yeah yeah so [Music] i don't see too many questions yeah well i was trying to read the uh uh the people definitely the cheese the cheese is actually good cheese actually which one so which one did you like the best so far for me the cheese 200. oh cheese yeah oh really yeah i mean why not i mean you put cheese on anything in the basement i like this one yeah i see yeah okay so that's a good question if you is there anything you can think of that you put cheese on and it makes it worse nothing right see like but you can put cheese on everything exactly like you can add the word extra cheese you can make everything nicer like for instance like right here liquid peppers [Laughter] with extra cheese you can make everything better nicer it's so true exactly so it's so true use the word you know like everyone i just i i work with all the the whole world yeah to add extra cheese to everything you know so the peace will come the peace will come you know my fiance she texted me and she says okay because i said i'll order your pizza right and says yes this one with extra cheese then then you get along more better right i actually yeah i feel very happy and that's thanks to the cheese times the extra cheese right exactly but the extra cheese that brings the piece yeah a world piece can be saved by extra cheese not only cheese extra cheese right very simple cheese is already there yes and you put some more extra cheese yeah and then the world will like will be celebrated i kind of like double cheese like in different flavored cheese i'm stop stop the cheese conversation it's been an hour it's been an hour okay right so okay uh okay it's been an hour so i think we should wrap up yeah yeah so um well i mean so i'd like to thank you for the giving a bit serious uh lesson yeah uh and teach me and i'll told me that how the wax on wax actually works yes and uh i'm sorry it's true story right so like well i mean thank you mr miyagi the pat morita yeah and he um sadly he passed away i think i think a long time ago quite a while ago but anyway so um you know as a character like that i mean i would like to thank uh pat morita because he brought you here yes he did yeah anyway by the way i went to the states uh because their first bureau's day off ferris bueller's deal that's why you went to america i wanted to fail i wanted i wanted to i wanted to get on that ferrari you want california yeah whatever yeah oh that's a great i just yeah like 30 years or 40 years ago that's beautiful it was still still about it's like super classy yeah yeah yeah was that matthew's brother [Laughter] so enough of that so uh thank you everyone yes thank you very much for watching and then uh this time is i mean in japan right so what time is it now it's like 10 o'clock yeah more now um it's good time for us but it's not really a good time for you guys because it's quite um what is it nicholas oh yeah uh yeah thank you very much please check it out that's mine that's my thing actually let me speak about it first and then you then you uh talk about it so uh again um i talked about actually for those of you who started watching this uh program in the middle right yeah um i'd like to again introduce nikolas peters thank you very much and he is uh you got a youtube channel yes i have his youtube channel called the tokyo show with your host nicholas pence yeah and then uh the link to his show is in the description box below uh in the uh in this um the program so uh just take a look uh when you get a chance and i hope you will love it and then uh am i gonna be in it again in china absolutely yeah i also actually have something called the tokyo talks which is like a podcast and this sunday uh konishki the largest the biggest sumo wrestler history is coming he's on the show he's on the show honestly it's coming out this sunday wow wow and actually i would officially like you to come on the show definitely definitely be awesome yeah let's let's talk about wasabi or exactly what you can talk about first beautiful isn't there anything man let's talk about the movies this is basically a podcast i mean this is what it is yeah okay so uh thank you everyone and i'll see you in my next video thank you for watching bye
Channel: Ryotaro's Japan
Views: 14,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wy3XxW8svVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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