Learning How To Ride An Electric Unicycle

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[Music] all right today we're gonna learn how to write an electric unicycle so first I just want to introduce you to the technology it is self balancing that means it wants to keep itself upright and that's front to back not side to side and yes that is a learning curve on this one as you might imagine but if you want to learn this you can absolutely learn it it's comparable to learning any new skill for the first time like riding a bike or like learning how to ski or snowboard or something like that just got to put a little bit of time in and it'll stick with you just like those all right I'm gonna show you guys how to get started make sure you're in a nice open space like this when you're learning don't keep yourself confined in any area where the wheel might get away from you and damage anything that's around you first of all just make sure your wheel is powered on always check that before you try to stand on the wheel and you can tell because when it's upright you can't tilt it front to back if it's off you can go like this if it's on stays upright but we're gonna start in neutral position so you're gonna choose whichever foot is your dominant foot for me it's my right foot so keep the wheel directly beneath your feet like this in between your legs and put one foot on the pedal now I've got it pretty much centered maybe a little bit farther for it everybody's a little bit different but I recommend keeping your foot nice and centered on the pedal just like this between your legs not front not behind you directly beneath you keep the pressure even on the pedal if you feel like the wheels trying to get away from you like this like front to back or turn off to the side or trying to go behind you it's because you're putting uneven pressure on it you might be putting pressure on your toes you might be putting pressure on your heel so just keep it nice and flat and you'll find that it'll stay directly beneath you if you lose your balance while you're learning you just step off and maybe the wheel will get away from you and that's okay the wheel might take a little bit of scratches here and there but that's why we ride with the cover like this alright now I'm going to talk about posture so posture is really really important we always want to make sure that your upper body is straight up and down you can always have a little bit of bend in your knees those are your shocks on an electric cycle but even when you're standing in neutral position like this and we're not moving your shoulders and your head should be directly above your hips your lower body can have some bend to it bite the urge every every urge you have in you to lean forward your upper body should be straight up and down just like this not this once you feel comfortable in this position then we can move on all right now we've found some railing so you know maybe don't find railing that's right over the water like we've done here so you don't want to lose your wheel in the water but just get into neutral position get nice and stable and bring your other foot up use the rail for support hold yourself up and just get used to that idea of what it feels like to let the wheel balance you it's gonna want to stay beneath you if you push it forward it's gonna slow down you should push it backwards it's gonna slow down it wants to stay right there underneath you but I want you to use it like a pendulum front to back front to back do this for a few minutes get used to what that feels like and step off step back on just like that a few times get used to what this feels like and remember any time you step on or off you have to tuck that knee in to compensate for standing on one side of it so the wheel is never straight up and down when you step on or off you always tilt it over like this alright now we're gonna use the railing as a guide to keep yourself balanced [Music] now remember we're keeping our back straight up and down the entire time no leaning over straight up and down think of the wheel a little bit like the front wheel of your bicycle you might have to twist it a little bit to keep your balance you might have to wiggle it back and forth just a little bit to maintain your balance if you do this enough times you'll start to learn it now that you've got a taste for what it feels like to actually have both feet on the wheel we're going to do some exercises to get you used to learning how to kind of manage that on your own I imagine that your foot that's on the ground right here my left foot imagine that's the needle of the compass let me draw a circle around the foot that's planted so you put a little bit of pressure on your toe to move the unicycle forward like this once you get more practice with this you can start to get it more like this and you just keep it rolling just keep it rolling and eventually you may be able to get it more like this if you keep the machine straight up and down like this if you tried to stand up on this right now you'd fall this direction because all of your weights on one side of it so we have to kind of counterbalance that by pulling the machine over like that I have to tuck this knee over like that anytime I put my body weight on it that knee has to be in the machine has to be tilted over see how that works so I'm gonna stand on it it's got to be angled in like that you're gonna feel the pressure increases right here at the point the unicycle body touches your leg right here the inside of your shin that's actually a really good thing you're gonna feel like it's a lot of pressure but you will get used to that this is actually part of your whole stability and learning how to ride you're gonna brace your whole body in your leg against the edge of the unicycle so just really embrace that and never let that get away from your leg keep it rock solid right there we've got another exercise for you it's top forward a little bit just two foot or two at a time anytime I step up on the wheel keep the upper body straight if you try to lean forward like this on an electric unicycle you're actually putting a little bit of weight on your heels you need all of your weight on your Toad's if you want to help the machine move forward if you put your weight on your heels it's like putting on the brakes and you're never going to get anywhere if you do this enough times you're gonna notice that all of a sudden hey now I can go about three feet now maybe it and go four feet [Music] [Applause] hey maybe now I'm feeling like I can actually get that second foot up on the pedal and I can go a few feet so what you're gonna find is this is your main progression you're doing these little hop forward until you can start playing with the idea of getting that foot up on the wheel bring that second foot up and get used to the idea placing it on the other pedal and then you see how far you can get with the second foot on and eventually you'll be able to go maybe five or ten feet before you have to step off and that's great so just keep building upon that progress and eventually you'll be able to go maybe thirty feet 50 feet and all of a sudden you're gonna be able to go as far as you want let's talk about how you're going to steer left and right look where you want to go so if you want to turn left look left if you want to turn right look right a lot of the steering comes from your upper body so if you lead into the turn with your shoulders the lower body in the wheel will follow naturally [Music] this should be enough to get you started just remember keep practicing be patient and you'll have it in no time [Music]
Channel: EUCO - Electric Unicycle Collective
Views: 1,006,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric scooter, esk8, hoverboard, boosted, cycleboard, onewheel, motorised skateboard, motorized skateboard, motorized scooter, portable scooter, adult scooter, one wheel scooter, one wheel, solowheel, electric unicycle, euc, how to ride, inmotion, glide 3, glide 2, inmotion v8, inmotion v10, gotway, ninebot, EUCO
Id: XZQsEJ88Dj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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