Learning Blender Modeling - Livestream Recap

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[Music] hmm [Music] [Music] yo what's up from honduras what's up man oh so we are going to be uh learning blender part of that journey includes uh this is live for beginners because you're looking at a beginner the number one beginner some have called me um learning how to model so in the lower right you should see what our target is which is a really great photograph i don't know the original artists but i can put it in the link down in the description once i go back and pull it but it's a really great photograph so i sort of was learning on the fly so i figured why not just kind of share it with people because it wouldn't necessarily make a great tutorial since i'm still learning myself a lot of this stuff so here we are this is what we have so far um so you can kind of see we're not going to be exactly proportionally correct but we're going to try to get pretty close so right now i'm working on the door and the windows and i'm using a mirror modifier so i just have to work on half of the building at once hmm is [Music] so um i don't we might make this unlisted so if you're on our patreon we might link it there typically these streams don't do particularly well when they're you know posted after the fact they're kind of long and generally boring especially if you weren't following along with the chat so maybe not posted maybe just unlisted [Music] but i am still learning so literally everything you see is in some capacity um probably not correct in terms of how to do everything [Music] how should i rotate how should i get this to be angled [Music] i'll be honest i do not like that at all the way i did that so probably going to reverse a lot of that i think i've got a start come and be is everyone excited for the holidays to come [Music] joyful do yeah this is for like serious beginners bro serious beginners [Music] you know i could actually um there's a plugin that i can get that'll show what i'm pressing on screen if that's useful to you guys i can get it maybe next time so there's so much that i don't know it's like unbelievable everything is just kind of like a hack for me still there's a way to snap snap to vertice but i don't know how to do it got a lot of bad habits like not knowing how to get rid of this face so just deleting stuff and hoping that it works we'll see how it goes so uh that's what i always hate so you delete the wrong vertice vertice and it just deletes the entire object um i don't think that that's like kosher what i did there but it got the job done so i guess that's all that really matters right oh oh changing christmas tree oh christmas tree such pleasure do you breathe i'll add a door later i think what i want to work on now hey i love your cinema 4d tuts i just completed a 3d mobile game project for a client and honestly i owe it to you i learned cinema 4d from watching your tuts i don't know why i say your tutorials thank you so much i will send that over to eli i'm sure he'll be happy to hear that you enjoy his cinema 4d tutorials works really hard on them puts a lot of time into them and so that's really exciting for him i'm sure yeah dude good luck man good luck working in the industry no it's a competitive one i'm sure so i guess we could probably start adding some detail to this building i think roughly speaking it's in a decent spot all those lines do i add all those lines in geometry or do i do normal maps i don't know how should i do that um i take a look at the bottom at the lower right that's my target it's a photograph that i found on twitter i can't remember the artist but i'll link it unfortunately i found it like ages ago and i only saved the url to the photo uh maybe i could find it with this i hear this did she she might have posted this picture i'm not sure if it was her that posted it it linked back to her but i could do some research and i could find it it was definitely someone i followed so i will find out who posted it share it with you guys i'm just really wondering how i should do this i wish i could oh man um i wish i could create a i wish i didn't have to deal with that corner of that edge but i don't know how to do it without having to deal with that edge because otherwise i can just do a bunch of lines and then extrude them out but i don't think that that's really the best option i might just go with a normal map honestly quite a bit of geometry [Music] one day i will learn blender [Music] just want a little bit of geometry not a ton [Music] the rest i'll just try to do with normal maps well dude good luck doesn't take much to be me you just um upload videos and put them on the internet that's the beauty of the internet is that anyone can do it and it's it's like there's so much talent out there that like you know a lot of people say oh man how do you learn after effects so fast it's like there are people out there that learned after effects like i got like decent in after effects and then like other people just like blew past me in terms of skill [Music] it's kind of amazing actually um just how fast people got good at this kind of stuff and i am decades behind in terms of blender but i feel like blender like just started getting good you know i don't know if that's like an accurate statement or not but i wish there was just an easy way to get all of these points to be aligned but i just literally can't find one if anyone knows a good way to like see these are like misaligned i mean it's probably fine but have i ever said a monkey hit on fire yeah um lots of lots of tutorials i've watched with monkeys heads being set on fire that's for sure so i can see up here there's actually like a window here's an idea can i right click and subdivide just this i can't i don't know if this is a good idea or not i'm feeling that this is actually a bad idea there's just so many key shortcuts that i just do not know and you know it will take a long time for me to learn them all like there's a keyboard shortcut and i just know for a fact that there's a keyboard shortcut to allow me to move this only along this access i have to watch the blender guru tutorials i just don't want to add another whole another subdivision like across like because then that adds additional geometry like just across the entire thing and still doesn't solve my problem um oh here's what i could do we insert a face it's not going to be perfect but it might just be the only thing that i know how to do yeah it created a line on the center of the window which isn't technically correct and there's also a keyboard shortcut to like oh man there's just so much stuff that i don't know why don't i save this though before we get to windows let me rename this yeah i know the x to move on the x axis is why i move on the y axis but what i want to do like if i just move it on the y axis you see how it like separates from that edge there's a way to like constrain it to that edge but i'm not sure how there's like in blender there's just so many keyboard shortcuts like it's it's unbelievable um you know i'm almost to the point where i don't really care about the window up there for being honest um we're just gonna put a sign there maybe like a an open sign or something i don't know i mean i could just do this it's just i i hate to add additional like weird geometry in weird spaces but screw it yeah we um we just posted a video about the isometric um basketball court so you should definitely go check that out we actually posted two videos on an isometric basketball court one was the design and one was an animation so you should definitely go check that out okay so i think our building is like roughly speaking done um proportionally not super accurate but it is what it is um i guess i'll start maybe i'll add the door create a door i guess we'll start with a yeah i'll let eli know he worked really hard on that video and the video the views are doing okay but not you know not fantastic so he'll be happy to hear that that you're enjoying that video views are just down in general for us we you know everyone's busy when everyone works we don't have a ton of time make videos all the time but we definitely like to turn cavity and shadowing on so we can see the depth in the model mode not sure what that means i know could go in this view but i don't know if that's what you mean the question is would this man be able to fit through the door is the door not wide enough you um i'm not sure if i will make this available um in the future or uh i don't know if i'm gonna make this available i haven't decided yet it will likely be available on our patreon not to like you know kick people over to our patreon but i think we'll make it available there just because you know we're always looking for stuff to post over there but depending on how this comes out i might make this available on our patreon as well okay so now i guess we could start making some materials yeah i i've i measured this wide but then i wanted it to be inset a bit so you know that's just i'm not it's not 100 perfect i think it's actually pretty close go to your shading tab yeah i'm not entirely sure i still know what you mean be under view i don't know i think that i think we just start adding some materials now i need like i really don't want to have to model the inside of this so i kind of like what they did was like they was like cardboard in the windows just the windows look really dirty um so i guess we start making some materials um so we need some wood um let's see let's look under categories i need to find a wood or i need to find a like something that's like a slotted material you know if i use this and i invert the normal map that might work let's try it doesn't have to be perfect right and then uh cardboard i guess probably just gonna um i do not know when the next one will be up now i have literally downloaded this image like 10 000 times so it's wood floor one and wood siding five you literally not enough light in this scene okay i need to un uv unwrap this which is like the biggest nightmare in the world um i save oh what the uh i just spent all that time selecting all these faces uh oh blender froze okay man i really just don't feel like unwrapping this i used to have a plug-in that would um i need to i need to get this uv unwrapped um you know what's funny is i don't even need the color of this i just need the um the normal you you you know some people wonder how i learn how to use these programs so fast and the truth is i just use them all the time and i'm just like constantly practicing in my free time i know that that kind of sounds like obvious but i mean it's just 100 percent the truth if you're not practicing all the time like it's going to be very difficult to get good at a pro at a software and i'm not trying to say that i'm like good at blender or something but okay so i got one material down a few more to go uh uh rizwan mater yeah if so i'm getting notifications that you keep posting stuff that's getting blocked so just fyi i don't know what you're posting but it's just getting blocked by the youtubes all right let's work on the second material now well first thing we can do okay i found literally a blog about dirty windows and i don't know where the photo comes from but there's like now oh i guess shutter stock is where they come from that looks like that window from shutterstock okay unsplash here we come i'm just going to try to make some glass out of some weird textures see which one works wow that looks really cool i don't know what that is but that looks really cool blender is not easy that's for sure i was just going to use a glass shader but truthfully like i just don't think that that's gonna work because i don't want to model the inside of a building definitely not the image i was expecting okay so turn the roughness all the way down translucent so i see transmission rooms do i do that what do i get nothing okay got it so i want like a window that's like semi-translucent and i i guess i mean let's just let's just pick translucent and see what we get oh well okay i know why we're not getting a texture why is a sign not working ah maybe now any ideas yeah blender is difficult honestly it like someone tells you blender's not difficult well they're probably lying um but you know what like i learned it way faster than i thought you know i was following a ton of tutorials and not to be like negative on the tutorial side like obviously you know we make tutorials but you just gotta jump in and start making something on your own before you start to figure out what you don't know how to do and what you do know how to do i really don't know which shader to use here because i i feel like principle should do everything i need it to do but i just can't get like a translucency like transmission oh i guess that actually worked pretty well actually um yeah that actually worked pretty well let's just add a light can i use nodes on this light or no oh use notes perfect 6500 really should not be that pink what yeah for some reason black body is not working on this light i don't really know why what maybe because this isn't set to white this is how you learn though because 6500 that's what i was thinking it should be a pretty white light in fact like realistically you would expect this place to have like a much bluer light than what we're actually getting out of that but so in the photo there's really like no light inside it's like very very minor if if any actually but those lights are much brighter okay so i think we're actually getting somewhere now slowly but surely well i want it to be glass but i also want it to be like dirty glass if that makes sense one thing that gets annoying is that every time blender updates it's like all your plugins get uninstalled um that's really annoying actually so i need to find that cardboard image you you you know in retrospect i should have added some uh thickness to that cardboard before i duplicated it i actually um it's so funny you you mentioned moonless golf is uh i just downloaded that one but i didn't think that it actually turned out to be all that great like it's like way too bright and i actually didn't really like the color temperature that i got it was very orange and so then i had to come in and do a um a hue adjustment to make it a little bit less warm and then this light take a look at that light it just turns like basically to neon blue which i was like uh do i want that i could reduce the saturation actually look half bad actually actually that looks pretty good i'm gonna keep that actually but i don't want that background back there so i'll just have to figure that out later all right we're getting somewhere actually um why does it do that it's so annoying that the first material you assign is like just the material that it's going to have and for this metal i mean i could do something interesting with it but i actually think once i change the material this like front of this building this is one of the other reasons why i was talking about earlier how i didn't want too much weird geometry because once you start getting all this weird geometry everywhere like you have to like select it all or you know i don't know it's not a very it's not like super clean feeling to do it this way and i just not good enough yet to know how to how to build a model correctly i should really start naming these huh god damn it did i the heck is going on here so oh it's a piece of cardboard dark greenish watercolor for the glass that could help i need to start naming these materials like pronto so we have the glass why why is this and then we have what do we have this we have this one is the with the wood slats and then we just this is just like a flat white the high roughness i would love to add some dirt to it but just not gonna happen so now i got to add the new material which is going to be wood red and that's going to use the other wood that i downloaded i know there's a way to like get all of your materials to link but another thing i can't remember how to do so it was called wood i think let's just take a look and there's also a keyboard shortcut for that but i can't remember that so this redwood it appears to be like up the side you hi from kazakhstan what's up dude control l links the material that's a good idea good to know you you know the green windows don't really work all that well just because um just because the the lighting is so orange i think we need a couple scene lights maybe the moon the heck happened to my moon there is like a really orange light shining onto this building and i don't think that it's from the overhead lance the overhead lights you it could also be that sign in the background that's doing it it could also be that that sign um i guess we could work on the floor maybe which also this door like this metal material is not really doing much for me it is a color ramp so it's so hard about scenes like this there's just so many elements that it's like impossible to make a tutorial on something like this it's just too much our music stopped again oh my camera's flipped i'm not left-handed you are the first person to notice that by the way i totally forgot to uv unwrap this by the way so i thought it was wood siding i think it's wood floor this is like way harder than i thought um um it's very difficult to to like learn talk stream and do it all at the same time it's very difficult yeah i probably should i just know that like for sure i'm not going to be able to model this entire scene today so i'm like well maybe i'll just try to get as much done as possible no it's not a cyberpunk screenshot but that would be cool if it was um so there's actually something really weird in this scene and it's that you know the building is actually on a ledge and i realize that the guy's actually not on the ledge so my proportions of the guy's a little wrong so the building is wrong because his feet you know he's a lot he's a little bit shorter or taller than i was expecting and the other thing is we noticed that we've got this like weird walkway here that's also elevated off the ground i'm not gonna do that everyone's seen those like ghetto gas stations where um there's uh everyone's seen those ghetto gas stations where there's like i could talk but i don't know how to press buttons come on come on there or there you are with like those old planters in the front that are like i don't know actually maybe not maybe this is a house i don't know all right we're gonna wait on to do on the we're gonna wait on the floor i don't know how to do the floor um well this point you can't really see with the cardboard all that well but in the window oh i did attempt using f-spy to set up the scene but that did not work at all for me um god what do i do next though i guess i kind of want to learn how to do a neon sign in blender but oh hell no we're not modeling that motorbike i i think the sign is next i think the sign is next what the heck did that not get textured dang it do you know what i really love to do i actually really love to like make stuff in real life scan them in and then put them into the into blender i think that that's just so cool i just think that is so cool all right let's try to do a sign i literally i'm just gonna have to watch a video uh i'm using cycles so let's look at the sign liquor down for that i literally don't know how to add text so i'm guessing it's going to be shift a text there we go it wasn't so hard how do you modify the text you know these are all questions um learn on the fly here folks um that didn't change the text thought i was being clever [Music] um does that change the text no so um now for how to add text in blender okay um what the heck did he just do there okay so he hit tab he tabbed into edit mode of course duh how did i not guess that um that's so obvious once you know or once why i don't want the cursor i no uh what object okay oh great no okay i don't know why okay the cursor is just there i don't know how to move it um go into edit mode yeah i'm an idiot thanks guys um yep i got it cool uh now to change the the font type which is clearly under the font um button um okay so i don't know any of these fonts so i guess that looks horrible definitely not going to use that font that actually kind of looks cool i'm going to be honest we're going to stick with that um that actually looks kind of cool it of course doesn't match what they have but i know theirs is way cooler um no theirs is way cooler okay well i'm just gonna mark this one down though rockwell condensed mold you guys have to remember that snap terrible terrible been there i've literally used that one already it's just so boring you know theirs looks so cool here's a tip [Music] i'm gonna use what the font now i can't lie i'm very disappointed in this i'm very disappointed in the results here but we're just gonna go back to the one that we used which was rock well it's alger okay we're wasting time rock why doesn't it remember rockwell like we literally just had it okay we're just gonna use that how big would that sign be i have no i have no clue zero clue how big that sign would be um give it a shot we'll see what roboto looks like uh roboto is not even here that kind of looks stupid actually um we're not gonna do that i'm pretty fine with this i literally have no i'm guessing let's just let's make an educated guess here that the sign would be large enough to go into the top of this building like anything larger than that would kind of be just an enormous sign in my opinion um okay so let's work on it up here and you know i'm i'm not really sure what to do with this but i'm looking for wireframe doesn't exist um so i'd love to convert this text into um i would love to convert this text into edit make it editable how do i do that anyone know uh how do we extrude text here we go again how to extrude text in blender he spelled tutorial wrong that's okay i'm learning can't be critical okay he's showing you how to okay he's in texture space geometry thickness got it texture space geometry okay geometry thickness extrude there we are i would just really appreciate if i could actually make this i would love to make this outlines instead of just like but you know what beggars can't be choosers here and i'm getting tired the other thing we have to realize is in the photograph they've obviously used some luts and so who the hell knows what colors these things are normally it's clear that the light coming off of it is like an orangish color but the light itself is actually appearing to be red so whatever that's worth so this light is like down the street er i mean it's got to be at least that high off the ground it's got to be at least that high off the ground but it actually looks pretty tiny in the photograph now that i think about it like providing no light to the scene even like it looks really far in the photo but then it's providing so much light onto that is it because my world is too bright maybe that's exactly why i mean obviously their lighting is turning out way better than mine but i don't hate that i i really hate it actually but i i don't know why the color's red and the light is orange yeah dude i i went to y i went to modifier tab on the modifier add mod what the heck add modifier i don't see wireframe here array bevel build decimate edge split mirror remesh screw solidify subdivide surface triangulate weld wave warp smooth it's normally where i go i do have i do have um i do have illustrator add a diffuse and a mission you got it i um diffuse and then mix guessing okay convert to mesh is something i guess i can do right click convert to mesh there you are let's see add i have a feeling um that mesh looks funky huh you just can't add wireframe bro you can't do it like you go to add modifier there's no wire frame here so the alternative is to convert it to a mesh i guess a curve i kind of like to convert it to curve because then it's not like no but curves don't let you out a uh had it either totally weird we're just gonna go with that for now but you know to i'll be honest i'm not seeing what this i do have ai denoiser on yeah oh crap is it automatic it should be set to optics there is no wireframe modifier one time i felt a test because i i defined something as something sucks and the teacher was not having any of that uh let's just keep moving forward um no need to get too hung up on that um when we could make what is this music i i really don't know why my origin points up there can i set this to like zero zero zero no sure can't no idea how that got moved but why am i do why am i going through all that when i could just what i could just click the text i wish you know this is something i love from after effects i could just copy the position and then i could paste the position in this it's like oh you want to copy location copy x y z freaking you know copy everything so it's like 7 29 9. great that's close enough is it no i don't know that's all the way over there for some reason great okay something's messed up here yeah so it's real like you know real life just works differently you know like this light is these lights and cycles just don't quite work like you would expect i don't know if it's exposure i i really don't know what it is adding that mix shader didn't seem to do anything realistic that light's about that light but in the picture it's completely blowing out the image um and it's casting light but yet for some some way you could see the sign behind it doesn't make much sense to me but we ain't got time to just stand around we gotta just keep moving forward and i'm going to kind of do something that i understand is not the greatest and that is i'm just going to bevel the edges um why why does like what is broken here like i i'm not understanding why this isn't working uh oh spaghettio blender is frozen that's never good you know we r we we retro die you you're 100 correct oh okay i'm just reading comments yeah dude you're right like the lighting like because you don't know what's gonna be in the scene and what other things are casting light it does get confusing that's a good tip appreciate that tip oh it's definitely photoshopped i think i get what you're okay um okay we're back um i really appreciate your guys's help seriously like learning these programs is like you know it's tough you you could do this in blend instead of before doing like two minutes yeah i mean i'm sure if like you if someone knew blender they could probably do this in two minutes as well like part of this whole adventure is that i i don't know blender um now we need more music again it's getting like warm in this room i've got an rtx 3090 and it like literally kicks off more heat give me one second okay let's let's give up lighting for a bit but really you know there's not that much left in the scene because i'm definitely not modeling a car like that's that's out of the question um it's not going to happen now i could model let's look at the picture again let's look at the picture together i mean that vehicle is not out of the question but i would say that you know it's probably not going to happen so this is done now we could do this little tank over this little cage over here we could do the cage um let's do that let's do the cage it's real simple right because other than that like you know this shipping container just download the shipping container online i already have one actually um the cone easy maybe the uv unwrapping will be annoying the sign is done there is like a lot of these like light poles in the scene that you don't really notice until you start drawing over them with red pens like all of that adds to the scene but i think this is like super easy to do and you know it could add way more geometry than it's necessary but you know also do you guys notice like dude why is there a washing machine out here is that a washing machine i think that's a washing machine or a freezer i don't know dude there are so many lights in this scene like are a light pulse that really adds to it a lot it does um but let's make a propane tank or the propane thing let's see what you guys have to say yeah yeah pretty much you're right um now for this one i actually might just do a wireframe modifier oh crap whatever my picture man like i really don't know why youtube puts the stream all the way on that one side like i literally can't see it the text okay so it's literally just a box i think we're on the right track i think we're i think we're doing okay here um i'm an idiot though i think um if i i think i got it i got i think i got a little a little tip here that could work if i go to um er i was looking for i wanted to get i want to connect vertex path connect vertex path i think that this actually might be a pretty good little instead of having to model a bunch of like extra stuff okay i'm just going to use j as the hotkey and now if i add a wireframe yes that's what we're talking about there folks and i'm just going to use the metal which one was the metal material four shall rename to metal i mean it's like so clearly metallically metal but in the picture it's painted but um now it does have like a mesh on it which um i'm just looking up a mesh pattern i am just i am just downloading stuff off the internet in a horrible fashion i hit free download and then nothing happens which makes me concerned so i'm going to leave that say like i literally just need a repeating mesh png um let's see if co textures has one bring you guys along for this i know quick so will have it i don't want to spend any money what would this even be called metal uh mesh oh my god it's here we're just using it anyone i don't really care i mean to be fair it's not really that thick and that's green like white whatever honestly this doesn't matter yeah this channel you know i feel like a lot of other channels have pivoted to being more entertainment not to say that you don't learn a lot like you do learn more it's the same if not more but i feel like they've been able to pivot towards entertainment which is which is not something that um that we've done i don't know how to cut this out so i'm just going to cut this out in photoshop [Music] i literally i don't know how to just only okay why oh so you click on the wire click on the wire control i in versus the selection delete doesn't inverse a selection i don't want to do one of these at a time why want this inverse to selection ctrl i what no ctrl i maybe it's just i no it's not like i don't why oh it's just one of those nights i can't why is this not working i do this literally every day i grab a color let me just right-click select inverse delete jesus oh [Music] [Music] oh i remember okay we're you know we're getting somewhere if i don't know why it keeps using that ugly stupid background but whatever that mesh is that mesh is to [Music] this song is just horrible jesus okay that that's looks terrible but that's what we have that's what we're going to use because that's all the time that we have yeah blender guru is really awesome i watch pretty much all of his videos that he posts why is this metal like translucent doesn't make any sense this object is like translucent i obvious like why is this translucent i just don't because it's intersecting got it i literally had to make it a glowing object just so i could freaking see it so dark what do i think of cinema 4d versus blender um i i love that blender is free and i love how good blender is getting like it really makes learning this stuff like way more interesting um i have um cinema 4d but to be honest there's just it's getting so expensive and it seems like they're like making it cheaper but every time they make it cheaper it seems like it's it's not cheaper so i don't know like blender it's so free to get started that you literally don't have to you know worry about a lot of things that you actually have to worry about in this but from what i understand if you go to like a design facility like they're not going to be using blender so in that regard like you know it's probably good to it's probably good to know it's probably good to know cinema 4d if you plan on actually working in like a facility i will never work in a facility so i don't have to worry about that i have very little intention of uh of doing something like this like professionally i guess that's not completely true because i kind of am doing it professionally now technically but it's like a very a very big technicality that i'm doing this professionally you know i was going to do this in one part i think i'm just going to i think i'm just gonna do this in two like i'm trying to imagine having to like do this full time and like it just seems so like i would be horrible at it why am i making a frame i guess because i'm getting tired where's my shape tool uh how do i just make there it is like why am i not knowing how to do this i've like forgot how to use photoshop i mean like i'm spending significantly too much time on this one little component but but this is the fun part of it to me to me like this is i love putting something from 2d into it into the 3d world like to me that's the most fun is i mean just like how long did it take me to make that little sign and why is this thing still glowing it's like bro you could just be a metal maybe i don't know maybe you can't there it is i'm not doing the whole like metal plate we're not doing any of that we'll add a second shelf kind of like how big that sign is i know it's not realistic but i like it so we're sticking with it now i'm just gonna make a little propane tank i guess we will actually i know this is going to be so embarrassing even say but we will have a new um a new uh blender video coming out hopefully this week so let me let's let's read the comments break go any further um cinema 4d doesn't have a real-time render that's a big issue now again evie isn't really like i feel like the amount of time it takes to actually get evie going it's like it takes more time to just render the thing for me it's like might as well just use up my entire time rendering something since it's gonna take me so long to you know actually get a decent result out of out of evie so i'm just adding trying to add maybe some maybe some interesting geometry here it doesn't look just like it a boring ass tank but i think i may have failed because it just looks like a boring ass tank um but it's gonna go in a thing anyway so i don't really think it's that critical yeah um never really got into that 3d max never got into that yeah building websites too that's awesome making websites is really cool you know it sucks because that's an alpha i can't see where my freaking shelves are but i'm going to just cheat this will not cheat it i'm just going to add an array i wish that there was a way to like randomly like randomize this a bit like but whatever that's fine later dude have a good night thanks for stopping by and watching me fumble but we're going okay i guess i'm gonna add like maybe like the cameras and stuff like little stuff it just seems like you know all of the detail matters but it's like man like that's like so it's like so much work for just such a small little addition but i guess that's you know 3d for you i don't want to do that yet i like that idea but i'm not ready to do that yet oh uh it doesn't really look like a security security camera but guess what it is it just doesn't look like one oh what is this gonna be made out of um flat white it's gonna be made out of with a glass center and and i don't know where i'm at so i don't know how to do this any other way so this is how i'm going to do it oh well that's a good idea i'm going to do that sketch fab it's a really good idea i didn't even think about that [Music] so okay um i gotta catch up on this chat i can't like like i'm like hyper focused in learning this um let's read some messages now how can i follow you uh but dennis you you could totally share um your stuff if someone's asking for it um so dennis feel free to post your social media and it'll be blocked but then i can unblock it [Music] do you play games i i play way too many games um i play way too many games yeah um i play mostly like i'm like totally a nerd um i play mostly call of duty war zone and i watch a ton of age of empires 2 on this channel called t90 really really amazing channel called t90 [Music] he is like a caster and his videos are like literally the freaking best i watch them like every single night okay let's go browse some free assets on um start on turbosquid free uh free great um i'm sure there's a toothbrush somewhere on the ground in that place um i'm sure there's a gun somewhere there oh what can i put in my scene you said sketch fab we'll probably end the stream here in like 30 minutes maybe we'll catch up next week and pick up where we left off if you guys are interested explore is there free free free free free okay oh this would actually be perfect in oh my god is this blender also this would actually look kind of perfect as this vehicle there i mean it's clearly cartoony but like i certainly wouldn't make something that was real so i guess i have to create an account is the quality of this stream like really bad because in the video that i'm seeing it looks pretty rough i might have to improve that someday hmm attribution well everyone you can see where this came from now we're going to learn something new how do you import a model and all of its textures into blender that's a lot of textures and it's like all unwrapped like perfectly oh my god okay this like stressed me out just opening it first let's save file import object no file append object i'm guessing all of these are part of the plane file append mesh you know what let's do this let's save this and let's open up the blend file is called plane 18. let's just see if um everything is gonna work i was honestly expecting it all to be linked but it doesn't even look like i like sometimes that like like i just can't find like clearly there's like a texture there i could see um like sometimes like i just you just can't actually grab like it's it's lost oh okay let's just see what happens i highly doubt i'm just going to be able to add an image texture here i just totally doubt it but let me actually go back and because i didn't actually import the texture now that i realize append what append what the frick i file append i wanna no i don't no i mean no uh um man i i'm so bad at keeping up with this um dutch people like free i like free also uh hey what's up uh from pakistan how do you light the scene dude i badly is the answer badly um i use a hdri and what the heck my propane sign didn't come the alpha's not working that's not going to change anything whatever i'm not going to fix that um add lights how do you light a scene well you start by hitting shift a and then you hit lights and that's how you light the scene what time is it here it's 11 40. so we only have 20 more minutes how to adjust the camera dude i just i don't know i just i'm copying this image that's all i could say is i'm just trying to copy that image and this dude did you know i thought he was smoking it says no smoking um that's how i set up my camera was there an fbx4 actually dude you're uh no was there i just assume that when you open a blend file it automatically just works but i guess it doesn't i don't even remember where where is the vehicle oh here it is um [Music] no it doesn't it has the blend file though it's the blend file so i feel like if you have a blend file it should just be like file open but maybe i'm just stupid i'm trying to append from the on it's on file which is just stupid of me um i mean the textures here oh right click apply texture i wish that was a thing um under the shading tab i really think that it might just be i just don't think that this is uv unwrapped properly but maybe it is i don't know why did oh yeah like that what how was i that stupid um great what other images are here so in here we have normal there we go we can get a normal in a mission um that's going a little too far for me but i could do a normal i wish there was no such thing as a normal and normal map was just called normal because that would make my life easier why open some nice detail added i like it i like it a lot now for the emission do i just do a mix shader with an emission and then add in this kind of feels right but it also like it's kind of like when you try to like learn something and you're like oh like this should work and then you realize that it doesn't work and then you realize that you don't understand it oh that totally works oh that totally works what happens if we go to s that looks pretty good in cycles if i'm beyond it being honest i kind of want to say that this is i want to say that this is maybe the gloss map i don't know why i'm doing this here and not in my main file but i'm kind of just testing this here's a question does this have to be non-color you this is going to work this is going to work this is oh this is gonna work i mean obviously the car cars aren't that large but like a car is that large i think all right all right all right um hey dennis you never shared your um your info donut pen don't append don't append oh it worked yeah yeah um did i wax my snowboard yet uh no i have not but i waxed it last season i didn't use it so i don't know if it's gonna be good or not i'll probably i got a place right down the street it's like 15 bucks to get it like just like a cheap wax done uh game model that the bump wow nice okay perfect okay i'm all cut up uh sorry you guys have to like deal with that let's get that christmas music banging again let's now not allow it to move in the z direction so i mean it's really just barely on in the scene but these lights like are not very realistic because most head headlight beams like focus the light whereas these are clearly not focusing any light and they're really not producing much light either like this is where an ie iec i think it's called or an isc or something texture where you could like design how the light is gonna spray i mean i think we're better off just not having any emission i know it kind of sucks you can't really see see the truck but there is clearly clearly a light pole somewhere um i know i'm breaking the rule um we retro dice um by not or by you know by texturing before it's so weird that the car is like here's a weird idea volumetric use a spotlight yeah that's not bad cool you guys should uh we should get that discord going because it's really stagnant really stagnant what's uh um wait retro dice what's your name in discord because i see dennis here but i don't see you well i don't know if i see you or not um go get some sleep i should well i only have eight minutes left i said i would be off by midnight um i'm going to i is there a volumetric light light there's no volumetric light so what i would do is save first because we're about to add a volumetric i would just add a giant cube and then i'll add a volumetric shader to this what do we call this again a volume man volume just adds so much noise to a scene but it does help bounce the light that's for sure yeah send me a friend request on discord um i actually kind of think that this looks pretty legit like for the time being there's obviously let let's let's do this let's do a render we'll regroup um we'll regroup oh no let's make sure we don't waste time here um let's catch back up maybe um maybe next week at some point um because i i'm gonna mark on here what i like what i don't like and we can try to address some of those things and then talk about what we didn't add yet which then we could later add keep starting blender projects with big ambitions but realize that i don't know how to make what i want to make dude it's the life of learning something new i remember i wanted to learn after effects so badly not actually that's not even true i didn't want to learn after effects i didn't know what i wanted to learn but what i knew what i wanted to do was i wanted to add lightsabers to home videos i would make with my friends on a tape recorder like it wasn't like a digital video recorder it was on tape like that's how long ago this was obviously there was no way to import that tape into the computer as far as i knew at the time which you know later you find out well there's capture devices that you can connect your camcorder to and yeah but i knew i wanted to add stuff into images and into you know onto movies compositing really and i mean when you don't even know where to begin looking that's kind of where i was right like i didn't even know what i needed to find i didn't like how to add lightsabers into into scene i mean that's kind of where i was when i was when i first started and then i got to college and i had this idea for a video and i had ideas for this video and i just searched literally every single thing that i needed to do as i was learning it and i learned after effects very very slowly that way um and that was i was had it been 22 so now it's been like six years and i haven't really gotten any better oh my god that is so that denoiser is having a hard time with that volumetric light let's bring that up to 5000 let's get rid of our denoiser here is the most disheartening thing when i was learning blender it wasn't that i didn't know how to build what i wanted to make i was fairly confident that i can figure that i can go and find this out what i what was irritating to me was how long it takes to render something simple as that and that to me was really the big showstopper it was wow i'm going to make this like awesome thing and i like to do animation still images are cool to share on instagram but i like to do animations how in the world am i going to do an animation when each scene like this we're rendering right now is going to take a very very long time to render like not seconds not minutes i mean we could talk hours per frame um that was very difficult for me to get over because you make a mistake you know it very difficult to do well nvidia reached out and provided an rtx 3090 founders edition to both me and eli so eli's new tutorials will include octane render with gpu accelerated effects um and it turned renders that would take basically it was about eight times faster than my prior gpu one i was now able to use optics two it was just a faster gpu third is it has ai denoiser which is really great because it allows you to see what you're building as you're building it like you notice i'm almost always in the rendered view because i that's just how i work so um so you know we were doing stuff on real engineering and in a channel called real science that we have and stuff was taking about one minute per frame to render 25 frames per second we do it in 25 frames a second and we're talking 25 minutes per second of video and we're talking about you know 20 minute long videos like there's no way we're doing fully animated videos anytime soon now not to say a 390 will solve that but if 39 you took a one minute per frame down to like five seconds per frame and suddenly at 25 frames per second five times five is 25 it took 25 seconds for every minute or for every second of video you know we could do 30 second clips and it wouldn't take days to render so you know oftentimes it's like well you know don't let hardware software get in the way like you know plug-ins this and that like in the end of the day blender if you want to do animation you need good hardware simple as that if you want to do if you want to do 3d and you want good and you have good hardware or if you want to do 3d in general you probably should have good hardware if you're doing animation it's like almost necessary unless you want to use a render farm um reduce the sample size 512x512 is my understanding is to be the fastest for this graphics card uh what's the song name um this is the list of the christmas songs we've been listening to i could share a link with you you can get 30 days for free with epidemic sounds i think it's actually in the description all right now to the comments let's see send me a request got it [Music] just don't send me a ton of messages on discord like can't stand a bunch of discord notifications uh lightsaber to make a lightsaber that's 100 true that same i didn't even or just start when i then i saw you that sounds like a love story um and render in blender you don't need a ton of samples the problem is this is the denoiser is really great um but it has limitations so i mean you can see here this is what the scene would look like without a denoiser like right here this this block here these blocks have not been denoised so i mean like this is a very noisy image you need to use a denoiser and this is with the 5 000 samples now the argument can be made we're not really gaining much here but let's do this let's disable this oh here i mean this is probably one part of the problem is this volume is like enormous when it doesn't need to be but let's just get rid of the volume and let's see how fast this thing renders even with 5000 samples this is without a volume at 5000 samples without or without denoising i started learning blender about two months ago i think that this little building here has like way too much geometry i think that's one thing um we are using translucent we could probably bring down our we'll probably bring some of those down um we could we could try bringing this to um 256 by 256 i mean all of these i mean i'm obviously renting out 5000 samples i mean it's simple answer is that when you're rendering an image i like to just dump a ton of samples and a ton of um you know settings onto it whereas if i was doing an animation i mean you definitely bring your settings down you just you know you're just dealing with a lot of noise here i think in the next live video i want to continue doing this so you can see here also with me reducing those counts this became perfectly dark so i mean if you're doing animation i mean you gotta this is 30 seconds to do i think there's a lot of geometry here that is unnecessary but uh this car obviously has a lot of geometry as well in the next live i mean the issue that we're facing here is this ground is is really blurry when you use the denoiser there's not enough light in the scene and the glass is is not helping at all so one thing i would do probably it's getting late like probably just end it is instead of using this glass i would probably blender guru did a video where he talked about a different type of node setup if you want to use glass because glass just causes a lot of noise and increases the render time so i'm sure and he used this node setup curious and that could probably help and there's a lot of things that could reduce render times and reduce the noise you know so i mean you can make this last yeah anyways guys it's midnight for me it's actually 10 past so what what we're going to do is i'm going to read the floor and i'm gonna render out one scene one shot with um some improved samples i'm gonna draw on it about what i like and what i dislike and then in the next live stream maybe sometime next week next weekend we will come back and we will and we will uh we'll continue this scene and hope that we get something that looks a little bit closer to what we had wanted before all right and with that said i'm just gonna wrap this up i'm gonna render this scene out and if you wanna support us on patreon you can over at patreon.com you can hit up our discord where you guys can continue this discussion chat with each other um and you know do your thing on discord go check out eli's latest video it's on a basketball isometric basketball court in cinema 4d it's really great and we'll talk to you later anyways guys thanks for watching
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 4,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobox, after effects, tutorial, vfx, motion graphics, after effects tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, blender tutorial, blender livestream, blender modeling, learning blender, blender 3d
Id: ON6QzHV4Bag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 32sec (11792 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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