Learn Vibrato in 8 Steps | Violin Vibrato Tutorial

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hi there I thought I would show you today how to do vbr now I love um wrist vbr and I know so many people have a lot of different opinions on different kinds of fatos I love wrist FBR it's the one that I actually didn't begin learning by R for but it's my favorite that I have learned since and so now I teach it to all my students and it's my favorite and I actually think it's pretty easy to learn um it's ver though so ver is never going to be a I've learned it and I have a tomorrow type of situation it's always going to take at least I usually see it take a few months to get really really good at it to get your basic ver down I would give yourself a good month to learn it so I'm going to kind of walk you through the process of how to learn V but just know to give yourself plenty of Grace and plenty of time to actually learn Rob it's not going to happen by watching this video as you're playing going to be like oh my gosh I got it hey if you do let me know but usually it's it's going to take a little bit longer so I have eight steps and while that sounds daunting because it's eight steps I'm going to show you and break it down and show you why and how and what we're going to do so the first thing you don't need your bow put your bow down we're just going to start with your violin now the first thing before we even start our eight steps if your nails are long you need to cut them your nails should be no longer than your fingertips because you need your fingertips to be touching the violin to do this for brto now the next thing is you also need a shoulder rest if you're not having if you if you if you are playing without a shoulder rest it's going to be really really tough to learn V because you're going to notice your violin is shaking and maybe your bow is shaking and all the things so make sure your fingernails are nice and short and make sure you actually have a shoulder rest um I also want to say just before I start teaching this um a few things to make sure that you can do before you learn vbr is you want to be able to play a basic G Major scale which goes like [Music] this so make sure you can play at least a basic G Major scale and make sure you can play that with a nice smooth bow and also make sure your posture is really good so those are just a few things to think about before you start playing um before you start learning ver um if you're a beginner in Violin focus on getting all those things really really solid before you learn ver I know it's something that everybody wants to just jump into and like start doing it immediately but just know make sure you have those foundations down really good because if um if you try and start adding ver to that first of all that's where it's not going to work like you're going like I don't even know why is this not working that's because your Basics are not um I solid point for you to learn B um another thing is ask your teacher if you're ready to learn ask your teacher to teach you B they're probably going to teach it to you completely different than I teach it and that's totally fine and they might decide to teach you arm ver instead of wrist ver or something like it's it doesn't matter there is so many options that there is not like one way that every single violist teaches it plays it does it all the things violent is as unique as ver is unique as every single person doing it because is something that you as a person figure out how to do so gosh so many disclaimers goodness let's get into it um so first step again put your put your bow down put your bow down ouch jeez Louise I just pulled my hair out okay Step One is you're going to do the wave and how you do that is you're going to glue this is fake glue glue your um hand right here do you see these little lines and creases that you have glue those lines right there on the bottom Ridge of your violin right there like that and now you're going to wave just wave at yourself nice and easy with that hand glued there perfect we're just getting your wrist used to this movement the next thing you're going to do is you're going to put your thumb behind the violin keeping your wrist glued and now you're going to do that same wave just again just getting your hand your wrist loose getting it used to this movement that's going to be happening and that's the only goal for this okay really easy you can wave faster if you want to you can wave slower doesn't really matter okay third step this is one of my favorites I love ski slopes so how we do ski slopes again your wrist is glued now there's a little bit of flexibility in this wrist gluing for this beginning part because I like to make this movement really big like we're on big huge ski slopes so have your violin just slightly angled up just slightly not crazy slightly um and you're going to bring your hands all the way to the top do you see how my fingers are almost all the way to the end of the BL bring them all the way up and they're nice and flat and your wrist is curved like this I know it looks weird but trust me it's fine and then you're going to bring your hand all the way back now my wrist is glued so do you see how my hand is back like this with my glued wrist and bring it back up and bring it down my wrist is glued hand up and down and up and down these are just huge ski slopes again we're kind of getting our hand used to um the violin being moving around the violin being loose all those things now step four we're going to go a little bit smaller and a little bit faster I'm holding my violin if you need to do that you can another thing you can do is you can press it up against a wall and that kind of just helps to hold your violin in place so moving it faster moving it moving it um smaller my wrist is is glued you can see that right there we're just moving it faster smaller go a little faster too little faster good now when you're at this point I want you to switch now step five is switching to One Singular finger I think my second finger is the easiest finger to learn the the ver brto on and I always do it on the a string so putting that second finger now he's lightly touching all these ski slopes are very very lightly touching we're not pressing down on the string they're skiing on top of the of the violin so that second finger is skiing on top of the a string and he's going to go really small little movement this wrist movement right here he's skiing up and down up and down up and down this movement for your wrist is exactly the wrist movement we want for WR for this is beautiful so my hand is not moving the movement comes straight from my wrist that's it okay so now everything we've been doing we've been trying to just loosen up the hand get the wrist ready to learn ver so the next thing that we're going to do is now we're going to jump into a new portion of this so this is Step six and this is a a lot more close to the verada that we're going to be doing so this is called uh excuse me dut spaghetti all right so what you're going to do is you're going to place your second finger down and I usually place it if you know um third position I usually place this in third position we will be playing this in third position um if you've not learned it yet it's absolutely not necessarily to know third position before you learn V it's helpful but it's not necessar necessary at all okay so place it in third position and usually it's kind of just below the ridge of your violin here where that meets there just below it okay and we're going to keep that wrist glued now something I hear a lot is that oh my teacher doesn't want me to have my wrist in like that or anything like that right now this is different because we're actually in third position where this is actually the correct cor position having your wrist almost touching the violin we've modified it because we are touching the violin but do not worry about your wrist touching the violin don't worry about getting colitis or um carpal tunnel it's not going to cause that don't worry okay so all that being said start here and you have this beautiful dut so your finger is up as high as it can be he has all the knuckles and this flat part your finger is what's facing the sky it's very important so if your wrist is if your finger's like this and your knuckle right here is the highest part facing the sky your fingers too high bring him down you want that flat part to be the top part okay and now he's going to go from this donut into spaghetti and when he goes into spaghetti what's going to happen is you're going to release this knuckle here and your hand goes flat like that that finger is completely straight against the violin your wrist comes back at the same time so this is also remember this is a wrist for br it's not just a finger by itself this is the wrist for br the wrist goes back and then it comes up and I want you to push from here push the hand up so now my hand has come up and now he's going to go back again and the wrist Falls and the hand falls and it goes back up and the hand falls this should be very natural I want you to think about the falling motion is really light and easy and it falls back and it comes up and it falls back and it comes up and that's how you do it and you can do it a little bit faster I have these fingers curved under don't have these fingers curved under I'm curving them to show you but you want your whole entire hand to be nice and loose so when it falls back and it comes up and it falls back and it comes up and do that a few times practicing that n noodle Bagel when he's standing up he needs to be actually pressing the string when he falls back if he releases the string that's fine so bring him up he presses bring him down he releases up press down release very very soft very very gentle movement now you can speed it up a tiny bit if you want to that's fine yep okay step seven is we're going to play our dut spaghetti so grab your bow and very very slowly we're going to do one up movement and one down movement in one bow so it's going to sound like this [Music] back up and release and up and release and up and release now it doesn't have to be any specific note it's okay if it's completely out of tune we're not worrying about that right now it does not matter the important thing is that you have your note and you have the lower pitch and you have your note and you have the lower pitch a few things I see a few times times just to help you troubleshoot a bit if you're wondering if you're doing it correctly um if you find yourself and the finger is the only thing moving you see how my hand my hand isn't moving it's just kind of the finger doing this motion by himself that's that's not correct you want the whole entire hand to be moving back and the whole entire hand to be moving up so it should be it's a whole hand movement okay um if you're if it's feeling tense um it needs to be loose vbr is a very loose movement it's not a tense movement if you feel your jaw tightening up as you play if you're like I'm a tense release relax it's a very relaxed movement as you play um okay so almost done here so then after that step eight is to speed it up now this is the part that's going to take a little bit start slowly start with just one movement in a bow and that's it [Music] and I go to [Music] [Applause] two maybe try [Music] three then try [Applause] [Music] four then try six [Music] I have no idea how many that was I was counting oops 1 2 3 four five 6 2 3 4 five six and you always want to count the upstroke cuz the upstroke is the correct note so after that happens after you're able to speed it up then go ahead and try and take your wrist off the violin but keeping it loose like that so my Roost is still staying still but it's just not glued to the violin anymore more take your wrist off and see if you can do that [Music] movement again you might still be going slow and that's fine but see if you can start to speed it up loosen it and let your hand go so that's how you do ver again it's not going to be something that you're going to get tomorrow and it's going be perfect so give yourself some Grace give yourself a good month to learn V and ask your teacher and make sure you're talking to your teacher about how you're doing it if it looks good and if they're teaching you a different way than I am go with their way that's the best thing to do always trust your teacher okay well I hope you have a good one and I'll see you later bye
Channel: Corrie the Violinist
Views: 42,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PMd2_igyZ8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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