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whether you're the ambition one or you have a friend or a boyfriend girlfriend that's like you got to learn how to snowboard this video is for you I'm going to literally teach you how to snowboard in 10 minutes so Cody start the timer and let's get into this I'm going to cover a lot in this next 10 minutes so you might have to watch this back or maybe one section might stand out to you but at the end of the day we're learning how to snowboard in 10 minutes okay first things first we got strap into the board it's really basic really simple your foot goes in and then you feed these guys in like this and then you crank it that's all you got to do feed it in crank it make sure your heel is back and that's going to make that whole process a lot easier once you get one foot in it's not going to hurt to kick around just to break down kicking real quick you want to have your foot behind your snowboard not in front of it in front is a really awkward kick behind is going to give you a really strong balance kick your weight is over the foot that is in kicking with your back foot that's how you're going to kick around on your snowboard strap in Kick around a little bit you're going to feel so awkward once you do that it's time to fully strap in you can sit down like these people that are all sitting down strapping in or I like to kind of make myself a shelf I'm going put my other foot in make sure my heels all the way back and now I'm going to fully strap in now we're snowboarding we have two edges we have our toe side edge and our heelside Edge you got to find out whether you're a regular goofy Rider and the way we're going to do that is one if you already skateboard the way you ride skateboarding should answer that for you but essentially we're going to just use our heelside Edge and then we'll eventually kind of get comfortable going One Direction and we're going to decide like whether we're regular goofy so we're going to first start with what is known as the heel slide let me get to the right spot okay so the heel slide is this position right here my toes are pointing towards the air I got a little Bend in my knees I'm kind of squatting down and my chest is up this is a heel slide going down the mountain like this now eventually if I want to go faster I kind of give myself a little bit of angle and I'm going this way and then I can put the board 90 with the fall line the fall line is if I took a ball and put on the mountain which way the ball would roll that's your fall line that's going to give you speed sometimes we want to fight that sometimes we want to go with that but I'm going to be on my heelside Edge I'm fighting the fall line right now I can go 90 that guy almost hit me and go this way we also want to start on a bunny Hill a nice mellow run like I'm on right now we don't want to go straight to the hardest thing we can find but the more angle you give yourself the faster you're going to go you want to slow down bring that board 90° to the fall line once you've mastered the heel slide which is technically Falling Leaf you want to move to we call a j turn now A J turn is when we're going to take the board we're going to put it directly down the mount we're on our hel side edge and then we're going to stop now the way we do that is once we put the board straight down the mountain we're going I'm going to keep this back foot flat I'm going to lift the toes on my front foot some people call it opening the door essentially we're leaving this foot flat and we're picking the toes up on just the front board and moving this knee forward like this and that's going to create our turn so we're going down back with flat lift thing the toes on the front one boom pulls me around and I'm stopped now we got to do that with to side now with to side you can go back to the Falling Leaf and do toes side Falling Leaf so I'm on my toes so I can go this way until I feel uncomfortable then I can stop by putting that board 90° against the fall line then I can turn my head and I can go this way with my toes and then I can stop and we just work and practice on that toes side edge now once again we go both Direction so whatever Direction you're feel the most confident in it's probably your direction of riding regular Riders are left shoulder folder left shoulder forward goofy Riders are right shoulder forward all right so now we can to do a toes side J turn which is same thing we're going to point down the fall line in speed boom now how we do that is we keep the back foot flat and then we press onto our toes on the front foot the back foot stays put we press with the front foot so our toes flat foot on the back press on my toes pulls me around now when we're doing these Falling Leaf drills and J turn drills and stuff our body position does matter we want to be in a stacked position shoulders over knees over toes our belly button essentially over whatever Edge we are on so if I'm on my heel slide Edge my belly button is centered over that edge I'm not bending over like this staring at my feet like this is a horrible way to be doing it get that chest up belly button back same thing with the toe side if I'm on this Edge and I'm riding you know I got the bend in my knees my belly button is forward not bent over and reaching through the ground and leaning back is a horrible position to be in centered on the snowboard so once we've learned how to Falling Leaf on our toes and our heels and we've learned how to do J turns on our toes and our heels it's time to snag and evolution sticker it supports the dream I'm helping you guys out get a sticker support the dream heck yeah all right we're going to Now link the J turns and turn them into what we call an S turn an S turn is when you officially start snowboarding so the way we're going to S turn is we are going to use that same motion to enter into the J turns to initiate our next turn so if I'm on my heels and I'm riding down I want to go to my toes going to keep this back foot flat press down on my board it's going to put me into that S turn same thing I want to go back to my heels I'm going to keep this fo flat I'm going to lift my toes up it's going to put me this way press that lead foot down it's going to bring me this way lift that lead toe up it's going to bring me this way and I'm going to go across the fall line to control my speed meaning I'm going to go this direction I don't ride off into the trees what we're doing is we're initiating all of our turns with our front Lead Foot what we're not doing is slashing slashing slashing our back foot cuz that's going to cause you to catch an edge and eat it so once again we're going to be initiating with our front foot pressing it down to go to our toes lifting it up to go to our heels pressing it down to go this way and at this point you really are snowboarding we're not here to just basic snowboard let's start to rip if you want to go faster you take these long crossed Mountain turns and make them go straighter so the and you initiate those turns faster faster and more straight you go down to Mountain the faster you're going to go and honestly the last thing I got to say about how to snowbo in 10 minutes is hit the Subscribe button but honestly it's really managing your expectations because you might be able to get to S turns your first day you might just learn the Falling Leaf or you might just learn one of the J turns you might be absolutely terrified of your toeside turn but essentially that is the basics of snowboarding that is how you learn to snowboard in 10 minutes I hope it helped drop a comment on other things that you are struggling with or if I forgot something guys help out the beginners drop a comment Down Below on how to snow in 10 minutes and as always thank you so much for shing with me today and as always thanks for watching keep evolving we'll see you tomorrow another video it's daav h Channel we do do stuff like this D [Music]
Channel: Johnathan Buckhouse
Views: 18,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowboard, snowboarding, ski, skiing, snow, white cap mountain, midwest skiing, midwest snowboarding, East cost snowboarding
Id: -jE0wTShtCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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