Learn to play "Take it Easy" Acoustic by the Eagles I Riff Rundown

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you guys know the drill so so happy you guys are here my name is angela patrilli here with the awesome folks at fishman angela patrilli here to show you some of my favorite tunes every saturday here on the rift rundown live on youtube i go through a tune in an hour live no edits it's super fun we go through it nice and slow so so happy you guys are here today we're going to be going over take it easy made famous by the eagles and jackson brown one i know i say this every week but it is one of my favorite songs ever and i'm so so thrilled to be teaching it to you today so have your acoustic guitar standard tuning if you happen to have an electric today you could totally play it on there too we're going to be going over like the rhythm parts with some riffs i've got one two i've got some riffs here too so it's going to be a really full uh really full version of the song which is going to be a ton of fun mike saunders from the uk thank you for being here you guys are already one step ahead of me i love this so you guys know the drill i'm going to go ahead and play the tune that we're gonna do today and let me know where you're tuning in from and your favorite campfire song so if you're hanging around with some buddies and you're playing guitars and all that good stuff your favorite campfire songs okay so here we go here is take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so there we go we're going gonna be learning to take it easy don't worry we're gonna play the whole song we're gonna save the bridge solo part all that for a little bit later so be sure to stick around again so so thrilled you guys are here i see everybody's tuning in this is great we got england in the house illinois sonora california thank you all for being here so let's let's go ahead and uh let's get started and i see that this is one some of your guys's favorite campfire tune so glad we're gonna be learning it today so here's what we're gonna do here the intro i'm gonna play nice and slow right that three chord progression that's happening there it goes like this [Music] right so what's happening here well it's a series of three chords [Music] they're gonna all stem from this version of g major that we're gonna play today okay so here's how i want you to play this when you get your third finger place that all right on that third fret of the e string here that's your g note and your pinky we're gonna put on the g note but on the high e string right here okay so these first two fingers are gonna be free don't worry we're gonna put them to good use in just a second so that's the chord that's our g chord now it doesn't look like this one and it doesn't look like this one right but why are we still calling this g well in this voicing of g we still have the one three five what do we mean by this these are the building blocks of that major chord g b and d are target notes those are the three notes we need to make that g major chord they are all present in each of these different uh finger styles of playing that g chord but in this case this one's really like cool very country sounding okay and that's that's the kind of g that we're going to use in this intro so what we want to do here as you are placing this third finger on the third fret of the e string it's going to naturally mute that a string hear that i usually don't want you guys muting strings but in the case of this this is good why we don't have an a note in our g major chord so we want to leave that muted totally okay keep that finger there you don't you don't need to curl it too too much we want that e string muted okay and you're just gonna strum the rest so that's how it should sound okay [Music] pretty cool stuff right and you're just gonna nice up down strumming [Music] again as i say in these lessons let the pic do the work for you here nice light touch don't feel it you need to be too aggressive let the pick do the work for you when you're strumming this okay so let's just do that for a moment here [Music] i'll slow it down [Music] next chord okay so notice we're going to keep our third and fourth finger placed where they are for this entire part of this intro okay so these pretend they're glued there for the intro okay we're not gonna move them however now we're gonna put the first and third first and second finger to good use here okay so your first finger i want you to put that on the first fret of the b string that's your c note okay the g string is going to be open your second finger place that on the second fret of that d string [Music] so what is this chord we're going to call this an a minor seven over g so if i were to i'm gonna unglue these for a minute here so see this chord that's our a minor seven i know we've played it in a few lessons previously okay so that's your a minor seven you have your a you have your c you have your e you have a g in there okay so those are the four notes we need to make that chord so that's there we add g in the bass so the slash chords that we see a lot that's what that means you got the you got another note in the bass okay and for good added measure why not add another g on the bottom two so that's what they're doing there and that's the name of that chord that's how we get that name okay so that's that chord now the next chord it's gonna go like this you're gonna get this second finger you're gonna move it down okay to the second fret of that g string that's your a note it's gonna sound like this this we're going to call a d7 sus4 with that g in the bass okay so the notes you were hitting in this chord we've got our g here okay we've got our open d string your second finger should be on the second fret of that g string that's your a first finger that is going to be on your c note first fret b string and your pinky finger is going to be on g third fret e string the little one okay beautiful beautiful cord right so that's what we're doing there so we're going to do now we're going to go over this nice and slowly here again keeping the arm moving we'll talk about the accents in just a second but let's go over these three chords first before we worry about what's happening with the right hand [Music] starting to hear it come together [Music] all right so keep this in mind too i think this is going to help some of you out today okay when you're going to that a minor 7 over g switching to the d7 sus 4 leave the first finger where it is only move that second finger like this to there okay so i'll go ahead and do that a few times so you can see that movement just move the second finger okay so let's do that a few times nice and slowly here from the top [Music] see that movement there go ahead so you can catch it again [Music] all right so that's what's happening there not too bad as i say in all of these lessons you can't play anything fast you can't play slow so really take your time as you are playing these chords be sure to you know really take your time with this make sure the fingers are curled all that good stuff we're not getting any buzzing be mindful of the placement near the frets all that good stuff all the stuff you guys already know all right so just keep it in mind [Music] all right so now let's go ahead and do that speed and then we'll go so let's talk about the accents first so at for the version that the eagles play [Music] they really accent whenever we change that chord right a minor 7 for g b i'll do that without the commentary [Music] notice how they're upstrokes okay [Music] now i'm someone me personally when i play my arm moves a lot like that comes kind of naturally to me if that seems really strange for you guys you don't have to be as you know as big in that move as i am if you want to just go back just a little bit totally cool too [Music] so if you want to subdue it a little [Music] you can do that [Music] but i know like i've played this song a million times like many many gigs and yeah you just get really into it people get excited and they're singing it and stuff and yeah i will you know pull it a little harder but if you want us to do it it's totally fine so all right here we go let's go ahead and hear that again from the top and then we're going to go into the riff okay oh and also too with that and again we're live folks so when i think of things like on the fly that i want to mention i do want to mention that if you want to do a quick one of those down up down to open things feel free to do that or if that's a little too much just just go right into it it's going to rock just as hard so don't worry but yeah if you want to do that bigger just do it a little faster just like that again it's like a level two you want to do that [Music] so that's the intro there it's really really fun to play again can't play anything fast you can't play slows take your time on that take your time on that and also too this is a live q a so if you guys have questions about certain parts be sure to write them in the comments those of you watching on youtube and facebook i can see them through here so uh when there are segments within our lesson today if you guys got questions happy to answer them for you so that's the intro chords let's go ahead and do the riff now i'm not going to do the riff that you hear in the eagles version i am going to do the riff in jackson brown solo version that he does on solo acoustic because those pedal steel bends that they do in the on the electric guitar is pretty difficult to do on an acoustic guitar because you you you need this whole step bend so we're gonna do jackson brown's version of that riff instead and if you guys are familiar with the version it's one of my favorite versions of this song um it's on his solo one acoustic album and you can hear jackson brown play this he actually has the guitar tuned down a half step too and it's just it's got this beautiful warmth and just uh just one of my favorite songwriters ever he's great so [Music] that riff that he does that we're going to do here because the way i planned out this lesson for you guys today is i'm assuming most of you're going to go and you're you're going to play this around a campfire right you're going to play this solo acoustic and i want you to enjoy both the rhythm parts of this as well as the really fun riffs that are in here too so i i borrowed from jackson brown's version and i borrowed stuff from the eagles and put them together so that you have a version that you can play at home or at a gig or wherever you are that you can go ahead and just uh and just play and have fun and get the best of both worlds so that's we're gonna do here so this riff is the one we see in jackson brown's version and that is the one i'm gonna teach you guys today so how we're gonna do it is like this we're gonna use our first two fingers here okay now what you're gonna do is you're gonna get your first finger place that on the c sharp on the second fret of the b string and your third finger place that here on the b flat and then we're gonna slide it up a half step so just like that okay now those of you having a look at my right hand here you all you will be noticing that i am hybrid picking and you would be correct i like to grip it that way could you go ahead and strum it you could i like to have a bit more control with this riff and it's really the only time we're going to do sort of a you know hybrid pick because the rest of the riff we're just doing some nice alternate picking here but again i'd like really clean sounding riffs [Applause] and i have found and been playing this i prefer to do it as a as a hybrid pick so let me tell you how we do that you're you're you're holding your pick right with your thumb and your first finger okay at least that's how i'm doing here today all right have the the hand or the fingers with the pick the pick is going to strike the g string and your middle finger is going to pluck upward on the b string and you're just going to lightly pinch it lightly pinch those two those two strings together okay like that so let's do that a few times here [Music] like that okay so again it's not the version that we see in the eagles but it's the version that jackson brown does and it's it sounds super super sweet on acoustic guitar so now that part there so get your third finger okay i want you to slide it from that fourth fret of the g string to the second fret of the g string playing that a note and then releasing g string open [Music] okay so nice and slowly here's how this is going to sound and pull up notice how i did a pull off right there with that second finger like that okay let's go ahead and do that again hybrid picking [Music] pick on the g string only for that okay let's do that one more time one more time good luck why one not time like that okay so that's what i'm looking for there again when you are practicing this at home nice clean consistent moves here because again we we don't want to we don't want to cut corners here really want this to sound great now get that second finger place that on the second fret of the d string that's your e note and then open g string [Music] okay second fret d string e note open g string g now let's go ahead and do this next part give it a little context nice and slow here [Music] one more time [Music] one more time [Music] okay so that's what's happening there now the final bit of this riff is going to go like this [Music] we're hitting a b we're hitting an a and we're getting a g okay so that's what's happening there now with that g when we play that final note of this riff i like to do an upstroke it leads for a little more space for me to then go back down and strum the g chord that comes at the top of the verse okay so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to play this whole riff nice and slow at first and we're going to go ahead and do it at varying speeds and then after this i'm going to go ahead and leave some time questions if you have live questions okay so here we go again nice and slowly here again [Music] a little faster [Music] again alternate picking here very important it's going to make this a lot smoother [Music] okay let me get to the verse so that's what's happening there that's the intro again folks take your time with this make sure it sounds awesome awesome take your time with it we got folks saying could this work on a 12 string absolutely you want to play this on a 12 string it'll sound great it's going to sound nice and big absolutely absolutely but yeah again this is a super super fun song and i'm so thrilled you guys are here to to to learn this with me this is great this is great again if you guys are enjoying these lessons be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel angela petrilli music i have weekly riff rundowns live guitar lessons and it's just it's just a blast and also too i'm starting to play out a bunch more at live shows so those of you be sure to check out my website angela petrulimusic.com and you can see if i'm playing in a town near you so yeah it's good stuff it's good stuff also too if you guys want to play this with with a lighter pick perhaps a pick that bends a little bit more this would be a really good song and a good opportunity to use a lighter pick if you guys like heavier picks that's fine too um i'm using a bit of a lighter pick today just because it felt good with the song just felt like it fit really nice so i'm using a 0.60 pick here today and it seems to be it's usually a lot lighter than i usually use but it seems to fit the song quite nicely today so that's what's that's what's going on today with this so let's go ahead again you guys type in your questions be happy to answer them and in the meantime let's go ahead and go on to the verse here so with the verse very very basic simple chords that are happening here okay what makes this song so great is the really awesome rhythm okay and the really really good right hand keeping the song moving along okay so when you are practicing this you want to make sure that this arm doesn't stop moving okay unless we have our breaks and i'll let you know when those come up but in the meantime the chords here in the verse we've got g d and c yes so all my beginners out there no excuses you guys can totally play this okay so just to give you context i'll just kind of sing along for a second so so you guys know how this would go [Music] so we're coming out of that riff [Music] so that's what we're doing there okay so basic basic chords that are happening here so here's what we're gonna do g chord i ch i'm choosing to play it like this those of you guys know who do these lessons with me here you know that is my preferred g grip most of the time i like this one but hey if you want to keep it to this one [Music] you could totally do that one too so i will leave that up to you i know for me when i play this song i like to do this one okay but up to you again whatever makes your heart sing folks as far as when it comes to a g chord with this song play it out like play it out you like all right so let's go ahead and do that so you've got g and notice my right hand isn't stopping i'll slow down that strumming pattern [Music] that's how we're doing that [Music] so with that d chord why i like to play g this way is because i have a natural pivot point that's happening from g major to d notice keep an eye on my third finger here see how i didn't move it that's my pivot point all right so that's what's happening there i encourage you if you'd like to switch that way it's going to make it it makes the switch a little more flawless i think and especially having that leading d note [Music] carrying on between those two chords i think can lead to something that sounds quite beautiful so all right so that's we're going to do there so those of you who are you know advanced players you're like yeah angela i know this already we got beginners here too so we've got to talk about it all right and then basic c chord all right just make sure you don't hit the e string when you're strumming that strum from the bottom five strings okay we don't want that e at least in this song we don't want that all right so what we're gonna do here that repeats two times okay so you've got d d g chord it's been a long week folks we're live we're live so we got g you got d and then you got c this happens again [Music] g d c and then we end our verse with another g chord okay so i'm going to go ahead and do this a few more times here i will do again do it at varying speeds so here we go start off slow brief repeat [Music] from there we go to the chorus okay so now i am going to go ahead play that a little faster [Music] again [Music] okay that's what's happening there i'm seeing someone say bill is asking i see your thumb is over here uh can i mute with that thumb in this song now how would i how can i answer this question here if you're a really aggressive strummer sometimes it does help to have like a bit of a mute so if you see there i am muting with my thumb but i have a very well trained right hand to when i'm strumming to know to not hit that e string when i am strumming that d chord i'm starting that strum right on that d string um i guess i use this as a little bit of insurance and also it's a little more comfortable for me to do this so yeah if you could see with these three cords you can see that my thumb is there [Music] yeah it's comfortable for my hand i know some folks will just do this and put that thumb in the middle of the neck with these cords [Music] you could for me it's a little more comfortable to do that but that's just me and i don't know why i'm whispering this is on youtube everyone everyone's gonna hear it so yeah let's see so reckless575 saying my pinky hasn't moved from the g on the first string that's okay take your time you can learn the song go back rewind this video take your time it's a pretty chord though i like that version of shades great um okay so that is the verse okay so now we get on to the chorus so the chorus we have some minor chords here basic minor chords fun stuff okay the chorus is going to start with an e minor so i'm going to go ahead and play it so i'll play the entire chorus [Music] okay again basic chords here what is making a great the great strumming the great strumming so really taking your time keeping this moving keeping it moving folks keeping it moving and again yeah not being played too aggressively okay let the pick do the work for you here all right so e minor all right for my beginners i'll tell you guys how to play this get your second finger place that on the second fret of that a string that's your b note b's and boy and then your third finger is going to go directly underneath it on the second fret of the d string that is your e strum everything that's good stuff love that chord um so that's what we're going to do there e minor simple c we know and g we know and then we've got an a minor here for my beginners let's talk through it here first finger first fret b string c note second finger second fret d string e note okay third finger place that second fret g string that is your a strum the bottom five strings everything except this big e string again minor chords are just so cool there we go so there you go so that's how we play that a minor the other chords in here you already know so i'm going to play this nice and slow down down down up down up [Music] so that's our strumming pattern here [Music] all right let's continue on with that strumming pattern i'm going to keep it at that pace remember slow and steady wins the race here let's do that again [Music] [Music] okay so with this too there are some pivot points particularly with the a minor to c all right so notice there [Music] that third finger right you switch here third fret of that a string your c note [Music] and or g chord okay so that's what's happening there in the chorus now after that chorus you can absolutely do that riff again from the top of you know before we started the first verse [Music] [Applause] so again what i will do here is i will play everything that we have done so far all right so here here we go folks [Music] [Music] there's our verse [Music] chorus [Music] all right and again notice that pivot point from the a minor to the c all right getting some questions in here someone is asking would these chords sound any different in other positions other than first like bar chords bill great question it's not going to sound as open could you absolutely do this like you got your g bar chord here [Music] it kind of it it's they're the same chords right g major and then you would have your a minor seven but again it's not as open now say you were playing in an instance with like another guitar player and you want to do inversions and play bar chords again to kind of you know make make it sound bigger absolutely do inversions i think that's always a good idea i know when i play with another guitar player i'm always thinking in that way yeah terry exactly with two guitars feel free so find different inversions of these chords and then someone was doing this [Music] you know and also two i believe in the original they just got one guitar is doing this [Music] and they're just hitting the changes right [Music] so if you're a secondary guitar player you can do those things too and kind of play with the time as well and seeing like what would be the most impactful putting what chords where again this is how we this is how we become like true musicians really listen really really listen to what's going on i think that that makes a great musician not just playing but listening and adapting and being part of a team i know i know to me that's that's my favorite part of being a musician is listening to others i think it's just really really cool it's fun stuff you can always learn always a student and i say this even though i i teach these lessons and i and i do all this this kind of stuff i will always be a student always be a student so that that search for knowledge i think is a really really great thing i think it makes us better players for sure so great great question bill i hope uh i hope that answered that um so yeah it is good good stuff again we are playing and learning today take it easy by the awesome glenn frye and jackson brown so so love this song it is just a super fun one to play so we've gotten through the chorus we've gotten through the verse okay in that intro now we get on to verse two same old thing same chords [Music] now in course two which we just led up to right there okay it's gonna be some variation in the chords slightly slightly slightly slightly easy chords that we all know already but it's just slightly different okay so let's go ahead and talk about that i'm going to go ahead and play it through and i'll talk about it okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i'll do that with some words it'll probably make a little more sense if i kind of sing along to it although i'm sure most of you already know the words [Music] me [Music] right so that that's what's happening there ish fun stuff so again with that second chorus e minor [Music] it's a quick [Music] don't say maybe so it's a little quicker and how we switch those okay so in real time it would sound like this one two like that okay so downward stroke on that e minor to d upward stroke up stroke on c [Music] and up stroke on g2 i will play that a little slower here [Music] again one two three four [Music] one more time [Music] all right after that section of that second chorus go into a minor to our c back to e minor [Music] now we want to do this this is something that i like to do i like adding suspensions and all that stuff i'm sure you guys know that um in jackson brown's acoustic version you can hear this stuff happening too which is just fantastic and awesome um so we've got a minor you can go ahead and climb up to that c again this is level two for my beginners you're like that's just too much right now it's fine just play the chords okay um as a level two an added bonus when you get up to it right [Music] there's my b note right play now with your second finger on the a string and then third finger go to that c note to then complete your c chord so i'll do that really slowly here so you can hear that notice how they're up strokes [Music] i'll do that again [Music] cool stuff right [Music] i do an upstroke on that e minor okay then [Music] i'll go ahead and do that again adds a little movement there's something on here in jackson brown's version too lifting up that third finger the d string is now open then hammer back down hitting the e note gives that e minor really really cool depth [Music] see what i mean i'm gonna play that whole part again that this the first half of that chorus so you can hear what i'm doing [Music] hear that yes it makes a song from like good to great those little nuances at least i think so i think it makes it move and it's just really really cool stuff it's not just the chords but the nuances nuances are so fun embellishments yes frank however you want to call them so that's how we do that now we're going to the second half of that second course now c g upstroke c upstroke g upstroke a minor let's do that walk up again to our g chord this one you want to hold so that g chord we call them diamonds whole note lettering like that okay so let's go ahead and do that again then i want to talk about have people asking me about gear and strings and preamps and all that stuff so we'll get to that right after this so here we go chorus 2. [Music] do an upstroke or a downstroke doesn't matter but let it ring that's the main thing okay so that's what's happening there in chorus two okay let me get to your questions about what's what's going on as far as gear and all of that stuff this is my martin triplo 17e by martin guitars i love this thing super awesome super fun to play it's probably my favorite guitar to teach on great acoustic guitar super light sounds big i think so i bought this in 2017 and it just sounds better with age i love it it's been really fun getting to know this guitar and it just it sounds great i will be sure to put links um on youtube so you guys can see the gear that i'm using today as far as picked pickups here these are fishman matrix vt enhanced that i've gotten here sounds really good so that's what you are that's what you are hearing through today as far as a preamp i've got the fishman rs spectrum di the silver box i talk about i absolutely love it it's great and then i've got as far as amplification is concerned the loud box performer by fishman it's loud it's awesome i love it so as far as gear that's what's happening strings d'addario nickel bronze lights that's what i'm using on here today so yeah they're great great acoustic strings love love love them so d'addario nickel bronze lights are what i'm using here today all right cool so we've got through pretty much like half the song all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to go over the solo bit now since we are playing acoustic we're not going to do the whole solo thing because we don't have you know teles and pedal steel and all that maybe one day i'll teach the the solo but in the meantime again with the how i wanted to approach this lesson today was from just that solo acoustic player perspective so making you know the best out of both worlds taking stuff from the eagles version taking stuff from jackson brown's acoustic version and putting it together so all of you can sit and enjoy and play this one around a campfire okay so here we go so the solo goes like this and i'm gonna give you guys two variations on the solo part variation one is gonna be geared toward my beginners we're just gonna strum it okay basic chords we're just gonna strum it version two i am taking from jackson brown's acoustic version where he picks out and arpeggiates some stuff and gives some good rhythm so i'm gonna give you guys both but we're gonna go through version one first which is simply the strumming um so here here we go so it goes like this [Music] that is just the simple level one strumming version okay so we've got g [Music] we've got d again pivot point think about it good thing to do to see this happens again g to d to c back to g now to e minor [Music] to d [Music] to c back to g to a minor to c to e minor looking at my notes d okay so that's what's happening there as far as the chords are concerned let's talk about the strumming [Music] lots of upstrokes here [Music] e minor [Music] so on that one i'm always hitting the up stroke of those chords [Music] all right i'm gonna play that again a little bit slower and then i'll play it to speed and then we're gonna go ahead and get to version two which is the way that i really like to play it so and the way that jackson brown plays it acoustic so here we go [Music] okay upstrokes remember the upstrokes don't be scared of them with upstrokes i know sometimes i know particularly particularly for my beginners it can seem like you're fighting against gravity with this that's why i say let the pick do the work for you let it glide on those strings we don't want it to be really [Music] right and you hear those peaks and valleys like i'm sure we've all heard this when we've been playing [Music] letting the pick do the work for you let it glide don't give any extra like big energy that you don't really need listen versus when you put a little pressure on it that's when you get those peaks in valley so let the pic do the work for you again the sustain of the instrument as well think about an acoustic guitar what is this it's a drum it's a hollow piece of wood right there's going to be sustain there let it work to your advantage particularly in songs like this really really going to come in handy okay let the pick do the work for you okay all right so that's what's happening there my beginners do that get used to that and now we're gonna do version two this is the way that i like to play it i'm gonna get my chart up here so that we can move along with this so with in jackson brown's acoustic version this is the way that he does he does an upstroke on the upstroke on the e minor which is just killer i'm just such a sucker for that i love it so here's how his version of the solo goes [Music] we're live let me do that again let's clean that up [Music] okay so that's what's happening there so at the top of the of that solo you're gonna strum like regular right when we hit that g chord [Music] [Music] so that is going to be the same okay so we're strumming that part different once we get to the e minor in version one we just strum it which sounds great and it's awesome but this [Music] like how cool is that especially if you are playing as a solo acoustic guitar player it sounds like you're soloing that you're soloing and you're playing chords too we're blending the two it fills the space quite nicely so this is something i really really really wanted to hit during this lesson so let's go through this together upstroke let the pick do the work for you folks if you can notice here [Music] when i upstroke i never do it like straight like a straight line i've always got some sort of angle or i curve it a lot of times when i do an up stroke i kind of trace the bottom of the sound hole because then you get like those cool high sounds of the strings [Music] which is rad which sounds different if you did it here see what i mean so again i'm planting seeds here you guys you know play what you think sounds cool i'm just giving you options here [Music] it's almost got like a cool like harp kind of thing happening okay so that next bit after that upstroke of that e minor we're going to do here you're going to hit e and that b note right where your second finger is on that e minor chord keep the time though so in your head i want you to count because if you strum notice how alternate picking here if you're doing this it doesn't really have quite the effect we want a little more seamless see what i mean so i'll do that a little slower here again we are hitting the e string and the a string that's it we're building up good stuff yeah [Music] okay so that's what's happening there so again i'm using a lighter i'm using a thinner pick with this but if you guys are more comfortable with with thicker picks that's fine i'm using a 0.6 pick with this now strum your c chord down stroke second finger hit the b note a string second fret third fret hit the c note with your third finger third fret a string [Music] d open string okay so again [Music] third finger is gonna go and play the g note or second finger third fret e string g note to then get you locked and ready to play the g chord that is right here okay so let's do that bit [Music] and then strum that g chord [Music] or if you want to just get right to the core like i just did you can do that too [Music] i think it's it sounds really there's cool movement when you hit the root first then you play it so let's go ahead do that a mi or e minor c to g bit the first half of jackson's intro or solo [Music] again [Music] cool stuff right let's do a little faster [Music] it's got good movement it's such a great part jackson brown's just the coolest so we've got then we're going to go to our a minor chord but first we're going to hit the a string open then the a minor chord so we're gonna do yet another walk up open a string which is your a note second fret with your second finger b c third fret a string let's do that again hybrid or make sure you're alternate picking with that too that's leading us to our c chord okay so again the a minor part to our c chord okay now let's go ahead and give this some context here i'm going to do e minor c to g to our a minor and then to our c chord okay so here we go [Music] one more time [Music] one more time for good luck [Music] okay so now the next bit here goes like this [Music] let me do that nice and slow here we got our c chord now pluck the c note third fret a string open d string [Music] get your third finger to play that e note second fret of the d string why e minor's next let's make this flawless let's make this floss again really really good technique so let's do that again starting from the c chord [Music] again [Music] actually if you do want to hit that with your second finger too that's okay and then just move it up you have the time to do that that's fine you can do that too either one let's do that again c chord [Music] d chord so e minor to d [Music] all right i'm going to play this whole bit nice and slow and then i'll play it to speed and then folks we're pretty much there we're pretty much there all right it's been such a blast thank you all for being here again if you guys are enjoying this lesson be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel angela patrilli music it helps the cause folks it helps the cost it's good stuff tell your friends too you got guitar playing friends tell them to join us and hang out every saturday at 12 p.m pacific time it's good stuff so so happy you guys are here this is so fun all right so here we go [Music] all right let's do that one more time a little faster [Music] now if you want to add a dsus4 and then go into your verse absolutely you could do that too or if you just want to do d and then move to g fine [Music] and then we get into our verse there okay so verse a minor first three is a little different it's up to c chords and a minor yeah so then you go to g d [Music] again strumming pattern is the same here we've got our chorus same old chords we did before again let the pick do the work for you keep that right hand moving keep that rhythm consistent even if you want to get a little louder on those accents that's great and then let that g ring and then we've got the ooze right there [Music] so that's that part c and g that goes ahead and repeats repeats c to g one more time again basic chords you guys know [Music] keeping the strumming consistent so then you've got that part there you know we've got it [Music] now i've heard some versions where it sounds like an f chord to me [Music] which with g7 the flat 7 is your f so but pretty sure i've i've heard versions where they're it sounds like sometimes it's a g7 sometimes it's an f um and the eagles version and then jackson browns that i was listening to sounded like a g7 so it would go like this you know we got it [Music] so does that pretty simple right we know those chords okay so your g7 i'll talk about that one for my beginners so first finger put that on the f okay first fret e string second finger second fret of the a string that's your b third finger g third fret e string okay so like that think of it as an expanded c chord right you got c bring this down bring these two up and there's your g7 so think about it that way it's a really good practice beginners with your stretching going from g7 to c it's a good one so then we've got e minor that finishes the song right so jackson brown does a really cool walk down in his version it goes something like this so how we would do that c b a e upstroke or downstroke however you want to articulate that chord at the end okay so just like that this is such a fun fun song um i'll go through let's see since we got a little time i will go through the entire thing real quick and um it has been a blast folks thanks so much and again if you're enjoying these lessons be sure to subscribe tell a friend i want to thank the awesome folks at fishman for for making these lessons happen they are just good folks and it is just so fun so here here we go from the very top let's do the nice big big strumming why not [Music] [Music] come on angela [Music] let's do that cleaner [Music] there we we're go [Music] that's our verse into our course [Music] there we go first two [Music] chorus two [Music] [Music] now i'm going to do the solo jackson browns version [Music] another verse [Music] then you got your chorus then you got your outro [Music] with our g7 in there [Music] so there you go fun stuff again we're live so go practice this get your riffs again and think about really playing things nice and clean [Music] like that again this has been so much fun again thank you all for being here it is such a blast i wish you all much much success in your playing have fun with this and you know what when you mess up it's great it helps you remember you know okay what are things that i can do better so embrace the mistakes they are they're not mistakes but lessons to be learned so you mess up learn from it move on have fun that's why we pick up this thing right have fun with it it's good stuff again can't thank you enough you guys are having a blast be sure to subscribe to the channel angela petrilli music i will be playing okay ah someone is asking give us a hint for next week 90s and probably gonna be on an electric 90s song on an electric guitar is what's going to be happening next week so we're going to put we're going to go ahead and put down the acoustic for next week we're going to be playing electric next time so have that ready to go again be sure to subscribe to the channels on fishman you can follow me as well on all the socials let's see youtube facebook twitter instagram tick tock you know gotta gotta keep up with time so there you go folks again thank you all so much wishing you wishing you much success have a blast see you next week
Channel: Angela Petrilli Music
Views: 7,159
Rating: 4.9600797 out of 5
Keywords: angela petrilli, normans rare guitars, petrilli picks, angela petrilli norms rare guitars, take it easy guitar lesson, take it easy guitar tutorial, marty schwartz, fishman aura spectrum di, fishman fluence, fishman loudbox performer, fishman matrix infinity, fishman matrix vt enhance, jackson browne take it easy, take it easy acoustic, take it easy the eagles, riff rundown, angela petrilli john mayer, angela petrilli the eagles
Id: D5TKJkNppxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 39sec (4239 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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