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Man, i wish i would have watched this video 25 years ago.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/headlice 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

What a helpful video.

Thanks a lot mate.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Imsquishie 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks. This really helped

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/IceColdRedundancy 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ha, finally I understand why a guitar-playing musician friend of mine taught me the circle of fifths starting with B.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/desertsail912 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Is this the father of My Chemical Romance's vocalist? He must be reputable for this reason!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/69beards 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2017 🗫︎ replies
this request to do this video which is how to learn all the notes on the fretboard dead easily so what we're going to do is we'll go through this and what it's going to require is that I'll sort the camera out and we'll do a few bits and bobs and and I'll take you through it now so this is how to learn all the notes on the fretboard dead easily and it's a system that enables you to do it okey doke so here we go so first things first what we're going to do is we're going to talk about the cycle of fourths and to do the cycle of fourths what we're going to do is we're going to start on the note B I'm just going to do all natural notes here because when it comes to doing the keys you can amend each of the notes here with relevant sharps or flats to find the proper true cycle of fourths for that key and so if I start here though with this B this would apply there and therefore with no sharps or flats to the key of c-major right so but I'm starting on the B because this is the first letter in our mnemonic so we start with this B here the next note that we'll get is a see the one after that is going to be a d and then after that we get an e notice I do that big and bold there and then if I jump from there to there you can see I've gone up one two three four so B to the e now what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue to do this in a cycle round until I meet myself back up at the be there so if i if i do this i got e f and g you can see that the no after that is going to be in a so the jump from there to there you can see that that links up there and a B C then we get the D here so the D goes there d e f and then we get a G so we jumped up another forth as you can see one two three four one two three four one two three four G means we're going to go a B get to a C there so you can see we roll around to a c c d e f i've got a feeling I may have run out of thinking of these here all right and then f G a B that brings us all the way a lot ties in beautifully I think drop this kind of like weird flower shape and you can see that the cycle of fourths go around clockwise that way and here we can take these letters here and extrapolate what the circle of fourths is spelt like and you see that what we get is b e a d G C F we get all be8 D G C F and then we're back to the beginning again now what happens here is is this is actually the order of the flats in our key signatures order of the flats so and then a handy mnemonic to remember that is and I'll write it here battle ends and down goes and running out space Charles's father so that's the one we want to remember buckle ends and down Girls Charles's father bottle ends and Down Goes Charles's father that's important for us to remember because this this this fourths thing is really key to how guitar works how guitar is imagined right so the next thing is let's look at how the guitar is tuned right so here we've got the guitar and if we look at the strings here we've got the either ear the day the G the B and the E and this is the way the guitar is tuned in standard tuning so you can see we've gone from the e to the air there well if we think about it from the e to the a the distance between their B F G a we can see that it's actually a fourth and that's the way that the guitar is tuned all the way across there it's the fourth and if you if you want to think about it if you want to hear what it sounds like it's here comes the bride so if you want to know if you guitars in tune if you just sing that if you've got your bottom picture you go here comes the bride then you could should get the tuning here comes the bride and what I did there was I just showed you a demonstrate that the distance between the a and the D is 1/4 as well the distance between the D and the G is our fourth and here this is where the guitar falls down a little bit with the way that it's tuned but don't be fooled because this kink in the tune in the difference between the G and the B right well with the look if we start on a G like that and when a and then you can see it bees next you can see that that's a third that's a fourth and this is the third so you can see there we get a third and that is you know the come by a milord that one or there's lots of other intervals that you can use for the third there's morning has broke or when the saints there's all sorts of different ones that we can use for that and then we go back to the B to the e yeah we go back to the fourth again so apart from that third all the way across we have fourths and that becomes a really useful tool for us to learn how to tune the guitar learn the names of the strings and just for understanding what things are going to be placed yeah the reason is because you know most people will try and figure out what new is you know say the seventh fret on the g-string or somewhere and not have any idea where they are and have to and this is the common thing counter from the head know if you've gotten seventh fret and you can't know it from the head no it's all a Boreas process we don't want to have to do that you know you need to have to count across from the seventh fret you know so so hopefully this will explain how this works here so that's how the guitar is tuned in fourths that way and actually you can possibly already see from that mnemonic that I had which was bottle ends and down goes Charles's father well if you look here ends and down goes they see the third here this illustrates what we have to do is we have to add another fret ends and down goes Charles's and then we carry the fourths across father so you can see there CF and indeed coming from here buckle ends yeah so we get battle ends there yes we get battle ends there so ends and Down Goes Charles's father Sir battle ends and Down Goes Charles's father so that mnemonic will help us all the way across right okay so here we have a diagram of the fret board and what we've got we've only got the natural notes on here because it's a little bit of a folly to put the Sharps and the flats at everything in because it means that we have to think about more steps in the process then that are actually needed but what I'm going to do is you're just just to write that I'm gonna write that mnemonic again I'll write it at the side here so you can see it battle ends and Down Goes Charles's father and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go systematically across the neck now the way most people know their strings yeah is they know that each drink best of all generally tend to the e string and the a string the D string thinks let's get fuzzy g-string things definitely fuzzy b-string things get fuzzy again and if you remember this is an e string then the same things that you notice observations that you make here apply over here as well so it becomes an easy way to understand it so if I show you here and and this is a good spot to start so if we look at the natural notes here at the second fret you can see we've got buckle ends and and here we get that kink in the tuning notice how it adds a fret so we go bar ends and and then we add this little kink in the two in the tune in there but all ends but battle ends and down and then we resumed the cycle of fourths again there down goes so you can see that that kink in the tuning does that and indeed when I did it before it goes ends and Down Goes ends and Down Goes Sir Charles's father so you can see just by highlighting those there that we get there and in fact you can see that this mnemonic thing comes in all the time if I look at that that would be Father and if I start here you can see here again battle ends here stop this and starts on the G so what I do is I continued the demonic along so girls Charles's father Girls Charles's father so take that across there there is a little bit of a thing that happens when we end the mnemonic we have to add another threat to get to the B again so if I if I put a circle around that be there you can see to get back on the mnemonic again I have to follow that kink in the tuning where that third is so I get by all ends and continue the fourths across there coming from the air string here and down girls Charles's father and down goes Charles's father so if I just put that across there you can see there this is battle 7th fret I get battle ends and down girls charles's there's and that's as clear as it's ever going to get at the seventh fret which is I think of as there's been the center of the fretboard so battle ends and down this one here G yet down girls girls charles's so battle ends and Down Goes houses yeah it says the mnemonic and you could actually think of it you see if you had another string if that note there yeah it would be and off just like here if I had another string going along here it would be an a string if I had a finish string probably a six or something like that you can see and it's see here this says C and that and that F is going to be next door because that is Charles's father here starting at this be here battle ends and then if I go across there like this then you see battle ends and and down down girls Charles's father until have exhausted it and if I pull this up here you can see him at the twelfth fret ends and Down Goes Charles's father so we're back to where we started again here so you can see it forms a nice pattern and you can see clearly all the way down you've been between the B and the g string you get the kink in the tuning that slopes across there like that's becomes really really important for understanding how to transpose licks and how to play string pairs and all sorts of different goodies like that so these now these natural notes become the point where use so if you wanted to know what the new was say for instance quickly at the sixth fret yeah what you do is you go and down and then you raise it to find your sharp or battle ends then flatten it to find your E flat so that's the way that that works there it's a nice simple way to visualize all the names of the notes on your fret board super easy yeah and it's a killer way to do it and it then it doesn't take you very long to be able to understand and the kicker is that if you know the notes on your E string because you play punk rock power chords or anything like that then this is going to work for that as well so there you go that's that's how to do that with the tuning on there okay so so you can see there that what we had was we had that mnemonic that helped us to find that just holding up the guitar neck here you can you'll be able to see that if I if I hope you turn like up here and I look at say the third fret there and I go gee and I just go over to go girls Charles's father it enables me to find these notes if I want to know what that note is there well that's the F that's going to give me a shout that's going to be G because and down girl's G flat so it's a really easy way to be able to find and name the notes on the fretboard really really quickly and you can do it in a day
Channel: Ricky Comiskey
Views: 1,837,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn the notes on the guitar fretboard in 1 day, learn the fretboard in one day, learn the fretboard, learn guitar fretboard notes, How To Easily Memorize All the Notes on the Guitar Fretboard, notes on guitar fretboard, fretboard mastery, guitar fretboard mastery, fretboard memorization, ricky comiskey, guitar fretboard memorization, learn notes on guitar, learning the fretboard on guitar, how to learn all the notes on a guitar fretboard, learn the fretboard in 24 hours
Id: nXN7hYNMfhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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