Learn Subtraction Countdown from 10 | Looking by 50 to 100 BIGGEST Numberblocks Number

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Number Block 109 + 109 plus Number Block 109 what's Number Block equals 327 take number blocks away from nine to leave five four you got it 9us 4 equal [Music] Hi Five yes you got it take number blocks away from six to leave two you solved it 6us 4 equal 10 [Music] two okay good job add number blocks to make seven five two you solved it 5 + 2 equals seven [Music] I am seven Great tap now take number blocks away from nine to leave five three three three correct 9 - 3 - 3 = [Music] three [Music] yes the blockzilla find a bigger number me blockzilla me like bigger number nine you cracked it nine is greater than [Music] eight oh I am three look at me can you open the treasure chest by tracing the number seven you got [Music] it well done you found the treasure try another adventure next continue [Music] [Music] add number blocks to make four two two correct two plus two equals [Music] four 2 by two [Music] amazing share the number blocks evenly to make two groups of six one one four two that's right four + 1 + 1 equal 6 4 + 2 = 6 6 = 6 I am six in the mix I think three might need one's help to get past that wall oh yeah 2.2 take number blocks away from 10 to leave eight that's right 10 minus 2 equals [Music] eight octo block yes I'm not so sure four is going to fit through [Music] there you made [Music] it share the number blocks evenly to make two groups of three drag the number blocks onto both sides until they have the same number of blocks [Music] two one two one correct two plus plus 1 = 3 2 + 1 = 3 3 = [Applause] [Music] 3 three [Music] yes yum yum Here Comes big tum it's big tum tap to play [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he e [Music] find the missing number to reveal who's inside big Tums tum 10 n Yum Seven yum yum who's in my T drag the missing number to the square gate you solved it [Music] eight was in my tum yum yum well done 10 9 8 [Music] 7 see you next [Music] time can you open the treasure chest by tracing the number six that's [Music] right wow well done you found the treasure try another adventure [Music] next continue [Music] add number blocks to make seven drag number blocks into the middle until you fill all the [Music] spaces three three one you solved it three + 3 + 1 1 equals [Music] S I am seven [Music] excellent share the number blocks evenly to make two groups of six two three 2 1 right 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 4 + 2 = 6 6 = [Music] 6 I am six in the mix ooh add number blocks to make 10 five five that's right 5 + 5 = [Music] 10 I am [Music] 10 oh how is one going to get a I am seven I am eight octo block coming through how can we add number to make nine here to help seven two you cracked it seven + 2 equals n [Music] nice well done this is [Music] great the blockzilla find a smaller number B blockzilla by correct five is less than [Music] [Applause] [Music] six can you open the treasure chest by tracing the number eight you solv it [Music] well done you found the treasure try another adventure next [Music]
Channel: iMarionetta
Views: 7,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEARN MATH WITH NUMBERBLOCKS ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE | FIND THE MISSING NUMBER, NUMBERBLOCKS, NUMBERBLOCKS REMIX, NUMBERBLOCKS GIANT NUMBERS, A BAND OF NUMBERBLOCKS, LEARN MATH WITH NUMBERBLOCKS, NUMBERBLOCKS LEARN TO COUNT, ASMR Video, Learning Resources, How to Make Numberblocks 1 to 20 & More | Numbers & Counting Compilation, Numb3r, Champion Compilati0n Numberbl0cks, Numberblocks Count Googoltoll, Numberblocks are Buried
Id: dpzW1xF5grw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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