Learn Solidworks in 5 Minutes! | Solidworks Tutorial

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I'm literally going to teach you how to use solidworks in five minutes this episode I'm going to show you the easiest way to get started in solid work i'm literally going to teach you how to use solid work in five minutes so let's get started first we go file new and we're going to make a part so here we select part and we hit OK and now we have our screen open now the first thing I usually like to do is go up to this setting here which is options and doing document properties and units and I like to right now it's in inches you can put it in millimeters and a few other choices but for this episode we're going to do it in inches so let's just leave it at inches as i mentioned a few other videos solidworks uses parametrics or power solid and what that means is we draw on surfaces right now we sense as a brand new project we don't have any services what we do have is three planes we have our front plane our top plane and are right plane for this exercise I'm just going to pick top plane so i'm going to go to top plane I'm going to right-click and i'm going to select sketch the most interesting part of solidworks is that all parts can be pretty much be created in three steps sketching dimensioning and then adding features let me show you what that means let's say we want to make a square box all i have to do here let's go up to the square box selection tool which is going to sketch a box selected pick the center origin this is basically a spot that is locked in space it's the center of the world as far as we're concerned so the center of my box I'm going to pick here i'm going to click and i'm going to expand the box now you can see I've created a sketch of a box well the box has no dimensions right now which means that i can make it any size move it around in addition to that there is no references to this box it technically is an infinite side so what we want to do is we want to mention we select smart dimension pick the line and for this exercise I'm going to make a box of one inch wide by 1 inch I now all we have here is basically a box in space but it has no thickness so I want to give it that third dimension or thickness we're not going to draw another kick sketch in this case what we're going to do is we're going to give what's called a feature to this box and watch what happens so I go to feature i'm going to extrude it and right now i'm going to select midplane which means going to go evenly on both sides and i'm going to select that same one inch and now you can see what happened the box male has thickness so we have a square sketch that we've made a feature of one-inch-thick and when I selected you'll see we now have a box so already we're on our way to creating something we've created a box that is one inch by one inch by one inch acute so let's say we want to put a hole in this box these its way to do that is pick one of the surfaces so we'll pick the service here right-click again just like we did with the original plane and we're going to hit sketch now we're going to make a circle we're going to put that circle on this plane and we're going to mention that circle in this case we're going to make it point 75 inches so right now we have a sketch it's on a solid block and that sketches and doing anything it's just a reference to circle now what we're going to do is we're going to extrude cut through this box and it's going to be 7.75 or three quarters of an inch in diameter the cut the circular cut so we select extrude cut and we're going to do through all because we wanted to go completely third surface now you can see that goes completely through the box because we did through all and just to show you real quick if we wanted to we could change that to blind and we could say let's just go a half inch deep and now when you see it doesn't go away through it just goes halfway into the center of the box but let's put that back to go here it's like through all and now again it's completely through so now what I want to do is I want to cut another hole through this box but I'm going to do it on a different surface this time i'm going to select this service going to right-click and i'm going to select catch going to pick another circle going to draw it here i'm going to mention it again we'll get that same point 75 and then we're going to go feature again and we're going to do another extruded cut this time we're going to go through all again and you can see now we have to let's do it a third time so we'll select the top sketch circle select select the center the origin so that it's locked in on the center of the square we're going to mention that again to that point 75 going to select feature extruded cut we're going to go through all and now we have all three services have cut completely through and actually in this case it would be all six surfaces for the four sides and the top and bottom so as you can see we can see through it you can see the intricate cuts on the inside that's not a couple of extra features to this we can go we can give it to fill it i'm going to do some pretty grace Phillips this two point quarter of an inch and watch what happens we do this just keep going around actually since i selected too big of a Phil it's not letting me do it so let's go a little let's cut that in half and try it there we go ok so now i can select different sides and if I close it you can see we have a really nice-looking box at this point we could do a few more things we can add some filling on the inside and then you likely that we have one didn't go through so let's go back and edit that one the way we do that is we just right click on that fill it and now we just be selected that one that somehow accidentally got caught up in our fill it ok so now you can see it's clean again and one more fill it point those 63 in this case and we can go here we're just going to go around and select all the circles and we'll just keep burning basically the edges those are not so short and that's about it that's our first part so if we take a look and we can make it a little easier to view by going in and selecting this one here which will take the lines off and you can see the box that we've created now obviously this is a really simple part and I don't know that it's something you would make but I'm it just gives you an idea of how easy it is to create products in solid left and i just wanted to give you a quick lesson and show you again how easy it is and hopefully you've learned something and you'll start practicing in solidworks and start inventing things
Channel: Invention Therapy
Views: 555,853
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Keywords: solidworks, solidworks training, solidworks tutorial, learn solidworks, #autocad, cnc for your inwention, invention software, inventor build from scratch, solidworks tips, solidworks tricks, solidworks help
Id: hVG5tMAhf3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2017
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