Learn Solidworks in 5 Minutes+ [Part 1] Extended Solidworks Tutorial

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we are back by popular demand to learn SolidWorks in five minutes if you remember all of our original episodes we go file new part hit okay now then we can go down here one of our viewers told us this two millimeters inches where it says and you can simply just choose inches pounds millimeters I'm gonna go with inches so that's what we're gonna be using for this lesson so guys please don't complain about the fact that I'm doing it in inches we have a lot of us viewers here so stick with me it doesn't matter what you do it in so now that we have a blank page for our new part remember we're gonna go front plain we're gonna go sketch we now have our sketch open and ready to draw I'm gonna draw a box just like that and if we look here you can see that we have different types of boxes we can go corner rectangle if we had one Internet remember we're picking the origin to lock and you can see it draws a box from the corner and locks it into that origin but I prefer the center then we're gonna go smart dimensions two inches on this one two inches on this one you know what let's go six inches by four I'm gonna do something different six inches by four zoom out a little bit so remember this is just a 2d sketch so there's no dick nough Stu it so our next step without closing sketch we're gonna go here to feature and we're gonna go extruded boss/base you only really have two choices the first time out and then we're gonna make it point five inches thick and we're gonna hit the check mark or okay and you can see we now have a flat plate if you'd like what you've been learning so far please be sure to subscribe hit that notification bell give me a thumbs up and leave your comments below I'm gonna be giving you all kinds of SolidWorks tutorials and teaching you how to invent products easily so suppose we want to first make this plate Hollow we have a couple of options here the easiest one to do is just sit here select that face by right-clicking on it will hit sketch we're going to go back to our center square and we can do this and then we can dimension half inch on each side well miss that half inch on each side now you can see we have a square there's also another way we can do this so watch this let's just back out of this let's select this plane hit sketch we're going to select this line we're also going to select this line this line and this line then we're gonna hit offset pattern and you can see that it's now taking those lines and offsetting them by a half-inch but it's on the outside we want to reverse that and that's a quick way that you can do this now you see that so now we have that same box but we can easily change this dimension 0.375 and you see it changes all the sides put it back at 0.5 now what we're going to do is we'd want to cut into this box so we go features extruded cut now this I have been asked about if you go blind it's the dimension that you select so obviously if we go point-five or it's still cut right through to the bottom so we'll do 0.25 and then we'll hit OK and we can select this tool change the plane can you see that I've showed you just feature before but this is a really handy tool to use so you could see it if we select it again it goes off we can change which view we want and then we can drag it through as you see there and then once we hit okay it'll stay that way why we're working then we just hit here and it goes away but let's back out of this because I want to show you a different way of cutting so suppose we want to cut through but not all the way through as I showed you we can just simply do the feature extrude it cut 0.25 inches call it a day but we may want to change this later and we may want to tie to another dimension so there's another way of doing this we can go features extruded cut and we can go from the sketch plane but we're going to offset from surface now we're gonna select the back surface and we're just going to change that to 0.1 25 and I think you can already see what's happening here you see that and if we hit OK basically it did the same thing but now watch what happens when I make this entire part thicker remember we went up and we made the Bossier so we right click Edit feature now I want to make this an inch thick but look what happens the dimension for the cut still leaves that 1/8 inch back piece had we done it the normal way where we just went down 3/8 of an inch the problem is it we would have to change that dimension - but you can see it's now tied to that back plate in the case of this design it might have been a critical dimension so this is a good way to go now that concludes the end of the five-minute portion of this video but because so many of you guys were wanting more information and others wanted to keep it down to 5 minutes you could choose to stop here or continue on and learn more so let's add a few more things to this we can go to features here again and we can look for fill its and then we can simply say we won oh let's call quarter-inch Phillips Point - five and we're just going to select the edges 0.25 0.25 0.25 actually I'm going to make them a little thicker picking 0.5 because then now you know this took me a long time to learn but since our wall thickness is actually a half-inch this is going to be the correct inside fill it because this is the center of that EF inch fill it so we may want to even go further and let's just say 0.75 which is a pretty big fill it but watch then on the inside we do another fill it 0.25 so we're going to go here and here look here here and here we hit okay now when you look at this you can see that the thickness maintains the same width all the way around the part so remember when you're doing outside fill it's to compensate for the thickness of the wall and it'll look a lot nicer now this parts kind of round but we're not really designing anything in particular we're just doing some features to learn how to do things so let's get back to this now suppose we wanted to put some threaded holes in this design once we open this sketch we're going to need some lines to tell us where our threaded holes are going to go we can draw what are called center lines Center lines are basically dotted lines that don't have anything to do with your sketch other than for reference so let's see what that looks like so we're gonna go to our line tool up here and we're gonna select the second one which is center line then what we're gonna do is we're just gonna make and actually what we should do is do it a little different because that was in one direction let's go with midpoint line watch this we're gonna come here we're gonna hit escape to get out of that we're gonna come here and we're gonna draw on another one now the problem and you can see that are automatically perpendicular the problem is that these lines are actually drawing lines and used in sketching so we need to select this box for construction and we do that by clicking on a line properties come up for construction now you can see there dot it which means it won't care about those lines when it comes to actually cutting and extruding and doing all the other stuff so that's what we use our Center lines for just for dimensions and references so now that we have our reference lines what we're going to do is we're going to exit the sketch and then we're gonna go features and then we're gonna look for whole wizard now the whole wizard gives us all kinds of selections so remember I said I want to do threaded holes so we're gonna look for threaded holes which are right here a tapped hole I'm gonna use a number eight so we'll move it up and then we can go drew wall which obviously means that we're going to go through with the tapped hole but let's not do that we know the parts now an inch thick so let's go to three-quarters so we're gonna go blind we're gonna go 0.75 now this is how far the threaded hole goes down I'm gonna change this to 0.5 because that's pretty easy to get you still have a quarter inch difference between the 0.75 and a half inch hole so we're gonna do thread call out we're just gonna leave it like that near sink should be okay so the nearside countersink is just a deburring around the edge of the drilled hole so it's easy to start the tap and also the screw once it's completed so let's watch what happens so we have our for reference points that we used here we can now call out these we go to positions we select this surface and look what happens we're going to put this pencil right on that dot and there we go and we hit OK now you see our credit holes now on purpose I did this I never dimension these lines because I want to show you you just go back hit edit sketch smart dimension and we're just going to edit these lines so that they're in the center 3.5 and this one's obviously going to be 5.5 and you can see now they're black because if if you remember before watch so I just now they're blue which means that we can drag here if I grab that lot if I can grab that line see it's not to mention properly so go back to smart dimension 5.5 there you go exit sketch so these are the exact dimension needed for a number 8 32 threaded holes so you don't have to worry about it beyond this when it goes to making this part the Machinists will see it and know exactly what to do so you don't even have to worry about it from here it's called out it's good to go now there are ways to show the thread but anymore as parts get more and more complicated I don't recommend doing it you're better off getting used to the fact that you don't actually see the threads because it's easier on the processor for the graphics so don't worry about it especially when you're doing complicated parts like my dive light over there you really don't want to start showing all the threaded holes it also depends on your processing power of your computer so let's get back to this so another way we can do this and here's another feature I haven't shown you watch this see this line here we can move this line up and now those holes disappear if we want them back we just drag the line back now keep in mind that this is done in order so anything at the end obviously is gonna have to disappear with it so if you want individual things to go away watch how we do that you can go up to the top hole right click on it and then you look for the one that says suppress and make it disappear if you want that sketch to disappear you can do that individually it also can do the same for the fill it's let's do the inside fill it's will suppress them and you see now they disappear but they're still there we can also leave other things in between so suppress and you notice the Philips are still on the outside and also the box but let's put it back and there we are so we're gonna move our line up and I'm going to show you another way to do some tap holes so let's go back to the service select sketch we're gonna draw our centerline box we're going to go into the center it's now locked on the center we're gonna avoid that edge and then we're gonna hit for construction don't forget to do that and then we're gonna go smart dimensions and we know this is a half-inch let me show you a little trick just if you want to lock it so you don't do dimensions you go here and here hit escape to release the line you can also I don't get used to it but you can hold the mouse down and do it I tend to forget I'm just used to doing it this way so watch this did you see that light up a second ago we had a centerline well there's also a centerline here if we add a little dot for some reason you can't really do this any other way you add a little dot to there now we go to add relations so watch this add relations and we're going to hit that dot that is locked onto that line and we're going to hit there so we have the dot and this line and we're gonna select midpoint now look at that now we're always locked in there on the midpoint and we can do the same thing over here hopefully I'll get it right so we go midpoint that little dot is on that midpoint and then we're going to sit hit okay we're gonna go add relations we're gonna select this line and we're gonna hit that line again point 20 seal I'm one point 20 midpoint and there you go now this is something to keep in mind with any program you're using whether it's SolidWorks fusion 360 any parametric program like this you want to avoid as many dimensions as you can and use those relations by doing this if you make a mistake it's easy to change it because then you only have one dimension to change and everything else will change with it if you dimension every little thing without doing it this way what's going to happen is you're gonna have to go back and manually change every single dimension and you want to avoid doing that because believe me while you're designing things you're going to have to make changes so let's take a look again so now we have this line that goes nicely around the entire box there's a couple of things we can do here so one thing is we can now start calling out more dots so just we could put a dot here put a dot here now remember we just said go add relation I'm gonna that point selected I'm gonna select this point and I'm gonna select this line and I'm gonna go symmetric now keep this in mind symmetry always occurs around a line or an edge so you have to make sure you select a line in the center and then your points on each side and they pretty much have to be the same thing on both sides and obviously symmetry means that it's always going to follow that Center so watch smart dimensions I'm going to go here to here we can do three inches and you see there it's nice and centered or watch this we could have also done smart dimensions there to that line 1.5 can let's just take a look yeah that's pretty good that's not bad at all right so but notice this one is automatically locked to this dimension if I make it one the other one's going to move if I make it 1.5 it's going to move as well so now we have two there and we have one on this side we can go over to the other side and add another one but I'm going to show you another little trick I don't particularly like doing this but it does work we could take a centerline we can put it here we can go mirror entities we can select this knot we can mirror about that line and it should throw a dot on the other side we can do the same for the top so go center line go here we can select mirror entities one two three mirror about that line and hit OK and there you go now remember we talked about dimensioning because this one line is a reference line the one here you don't have to dimension it it's just floating in space and it's not used in any kind of actual building of the part it's just so we know where everything else is mirrored in this case okay so we select ok we're going to exit the sketch we're going to go back up to our feature select hole wizard we already had those other ones but we erase them so now we go position we're going to say we're going to do it on this surface it gives us one here here here and here and I'm not gonna do these and I'll show you why so we could have gone around the whole thing but I'm trying to teach you guys a lot of neat tricks in this episode because if you watch the first ten you should have an idea of what I'm doing by now so I'm just showing you how to improve the way you design so watch this just like we are able to mirror a sketch we can also mirror features so we go mirror and now we're in features not sketch this is a different mirror and we're going to mirror about a face or a plane a 3d dimension not that line and we are gonna select our top plane and look what happens it's selecting these three and automatically going over here we then hit OK and there you go but we still have to do this one so we hit mirror again now we're gonna do this other plane you see this right so it's this screw think of it sort of like a ping-pong ball table or a tennis court this screw is going to be over this fence on the exact other side and then there you go hit okay and look at that so now we have threaded holes I'm going to get into this in future episodes but there's one thing to know about the way I'm teaching you this all these parts that I'm drawing are C and C machinable this part is not just 3d printable because the fill it's R here and let's take a look at that we are able to machine this so let's look at that closer how would I machine this box well I would take a solid chunk of aluminum I would have to mount it on the bottom somehow if there's no holes or anything what they would do is they would simply take and I'm just rolling this so you understand what I'm doing we draw box we go to display relations add display up shoot we go to add relation we want that line and that line to be collinear this line this line to be collinear there we have it now we're gonna exit and there you go and this is really how they would make it in a CNC machine so and look we have all these lines bothering us so let's do this let's go up find that sketch and we can just go hide you don't want to suppress that because it's used as a reference so make sure you hide it so you can't see it but it's not suppressed because the sketch is being used in the entire model so keep that in mind suppress is different than hide so this is what they would actually build to machine it so they would hold it in device they would cut all this stuff drill your holes tap on do this inside fill it and yes this is machinable let me show you something that is not machinable if we went and we got rid of these so if we just suppress these we can no longer machine this part do you know why well I'll think about it a cutting tool is circular and you need a certain amount of thickness to that tool which means you need a radius so in order to cut inside cuts like that the part is always going to have a curve in it so keep that in mind so you can't do this simply we just took a very simple part to make and made it really expensive and remember we don't want to do that it's about making the simplest parts possible for our inventions put that Phillip back in unsuppressed there you go and remember this is a nice quarter inch radius which means we can use a half inch cutting tool which is really good because they're fast they're cheap we won't have any problems especially if we're cutting this out of aluminum so let's get back to this part and look at what we're going to do so we've cut it we have nice CNC machinable edges the outside isn't a problem oh and watch this I forgot to tell you unlike the inside feature the outside is machinable as a square because remember the cutting tool can go outside and then go down the other and come back around and cut that without problem because there's no inside radiuses inside radiuses are the only thing that's a problem with C and C so let's put that back as well all right so we've machined this part they're gonna turn it over and then they're literally just gonna come and shave this off with an end mill or a fly cutter they'll flip it over by hand stick it in the vise close the vise up and shave it off no big deal so let's get rid of that now there are other things that we could do to improve the design of this part but I just for this video wanted you guys to get an idea of how you can get started making some of these first parts they're not complicated now I use SolidWorks but you can use fusion 360 they're both really good at designing these types of parts but keep in mind you need to be thinking about the manufacturing process as you're doing the design and it's very similar to what I showed you here where you have to worry about cutting tools or the manufacturing processes involved now this was a very simple and quick part that we were able to design and I'm gonna save it because we're gonna go on and do some other things in the next episode you you
Channel: Invention Therapy
Views: 14,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solidworks, solidworks training, solidworks tutorial, learn solidworks, #autocad, cnc for your inwention, invention software, inventor build from scratch, solidworks tips, solidworks tricks, solidworks help
Id: WtmGGquunrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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