Learn SCCM Step By Step | SCCM Backup, Disaster And Recovery

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this conference will now be recorded okay guys let's get started so today we will do disaster in recovery disaster and recovery is what it's basically suppose your SCCM and your database server both of them are deleted or crashed let's say hardware failure on those computers and you have to get all your files and folders back all the configuration back so you need to do it using backup file so first of all you have to make sure the backup files are there okay and once the no suppose if the backup was taken last week right and today the sec MN and database server are deleted accidentally or purposely somehow so you can use the backup file to restore everything and once you restore everything you will have everything as it is as you had when the backup file was taken got it clear guys yes Alfred are you logged into the service now no carpet no okay so would you would you login now because we will be doing the backup restore on York s ACM server okay I can do that one I'm gonna make you press ENTER okay fine so for example in the meantime or fact you log into your service SCCM and database server now I'm just going to show you suppose my SCCM server is let me just okay so if I go to this administration and inside administration I'll go to site configuration and sites and inside sites you have primary side I'm going to right click and go to side maintenance and the first one which says backup site server currently it is not enabled but you have to make sure this is enabled so that it will keep on taking the backup on a regular basis so I have already shown that to you how this backup is taken now if you I'm gonna go to domain controller and I think I have the old backup here in C Drive and NCCM and database backup you see this is taken on 26th of August like two months almost like one and a half months back we had taken the backup of SCCM and database so these are the backup files the first file is CD dot latest and this is an installer file using this I can reinstall CCM the second one is a database file this is your database and the third one is your SEM site configuration file now to take and if there is a log file double click on that and see when was the backup taken so backup completed on this one Monday 26th of August at so-and-so and date and time you know so backup completed on 26th of August and this is a healthy backup I don't see any error message so if suppose my SCCM and database servers are crashed and I am gonna use this backup files so whatever I had on 26th of August everything will be restored whatever the changes I have done after 26th of August till today I won't be able to get them because I don't have the latest backup understood guys you guys following back here in well yes so the backup is is very crucial in production environment because if you don't have backup and something goes wrong you will have to end up doing all the things you know from scratch so this is done this is the full backup right so let's say if we take a backup every day and we know the last backup there was some problem with the last backup so can we take the one that was before like the two days before then the layers back and normally what we do once the backup is taken suppose today we this backup is taken right so you know the the job of a CCM administrator is to copy this back up and put it on somewhere else got it with the date and time so that the new backup if as you said the new backup has some issue but the last backup if you don't copy the last backup then you will not get it because when the backup is taking it caesium deletes the existing file and put the new file here the whole file will be deleted from here so basically it cleans up the folder first and then put the file new file but normally but normally the backup is taken successfully in case of backup is failed then only you know you get a alert in secm that the backup till the last backup was failed or something and then you have to come to the new you need to fix em troubleshoot and fix it normally it does not happen okay now our fat are you logged into the service at first yes okay I'm gonna make you presenter so share your screen okay did you take the backup or fat no no okay that was one of the assignments okay nobody's can you give me control yeah give me control please okay so have you restarted database already i just restarted database and Essien okay fine I will just verify whether we have taken the backup in this computer or not now in companies Oh normally what we do we take a snapshot of the computers slapshot is like you know every day we suppose the computer is on VMware or hyper-v we take snapshot or daily basis or probably once in a week so that in case in case something goes wrong we can come back to the previous snapshot okay backup is not there okay so let's take the backup and then we will do disaster and delete the service so this is a CCM server and I'm gonna go to the console here now while it is launching the console let me go to domain and create one folder I'm gonna save my backup files in domain controller because I will delete data base and secm so my backup files should be present here so let me just create a folder called SCCM and DB backup that's the folder name but this folder has to be a shared folder so that we can access it from a different computer on the network not a local path so we have to make it right click on this and choose share with specific people every one ad and that's gonna be read/write permission because database and SCCM server both of them will be dumping files here so we have to give permission so now it's a shared path so we can access this path any other computer as well because we have shared this you see if I just do this last last domain from any computer I will be able to access this as cm and DB backup this is the folder where backup files will be saved so let me go back to Windows okay okay so now to take backup of SCCM and database I need to go to a CCM server and fullscreen and I need to go to administration and inside administration I'll have to go to site configuration and then servers inside system roles sorry sites this one so I have primary site and everything is working fine I need to take the back of right click on this and choose site maintenance and currently the backup is not yet enabled I'm gonna click on edit and enable this task and set path the location where the backup file will be saved on a network path and you need to give the path here domain slash SCCM and DB backup this is the folder where backup files will be saved guys I'm going to click on OK now when would you like to take backup right now the time is 112 a.m. so let's do 113 after like one minute from now instead of one 2:13 between one hour backup should be taken let's see 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 1:13 a.m. to 2:30 name so after one minute from now it should normally it should start back up otherwise if backup is not started that means it s is iam is busy doing something so there is a service in secm services that I may see back up started or what you see backup started it has started taking the backup and the folder has is created s EI backup and inside that it has started copying the database you see nothing is there but it will copy the database file so probably within few minutes from now you should be able to see the UC database file now you should be able to see the backup files and there is a service in this services sms backup SMS side backup I think and that is running why it is running because we have given the time 113 a.m. to 2:30 name so on daily basis it will do this backup task this service will get started and take the backup and then the service will get closed are you guys following I have already taken in this session how to take backup you see it is copying the CCM configuration files and in this folder it is copying the database file so both both a CCM server and database server both of them are dumping files in this folder now is the your subscription getting expired tomorrow I believe so okay that's not a problem when as your is expired let me just share my screen and let you know what you have to do oh gosh boy what about that there is some still credit in there so that will go away you cannot transfer to your bank account okay let me just share my screen and show you what you have to do now when you are when the Azure subscription is expired you need to go to this portal this is a Microsoft hands-on lab okay I will share the link with you guys let me just copy this link and send that to you on the chat window that is Microsoft hands-on lab okay and in that there are somewhere around 160 you see 160 160 of hands-on lab ready-made labs available okay so you need to type in in the search box type in configuration manager there is only one lab you see getting started with Co management and System Center Configuration Manager and in tune you choose launch I have already launched it when you launch when you click on launch it will ask you for username and password you need to give your any email account you know any Microsoft email account like Outlook or live account and anything of your choice so that is going to let you access for 120 minutes whenever you open you will be able to open use that lab for 120 minutes that's the limitation but I see it's a great resource when you launch it you it will take you to this one okay and you have a resources at the right hand side you know you see these sources and I see there are four resources Co n - CM 0 1 that's your SCCM server this is the username and password ok for this computer so in order to log into this computer you just have to click on password and that password is typed here you need to click on arrow and that that's how you log in to the computer and there is a console here pinned in in the taskbar you click on this console and that will the console will get launched 1 there is another server that is domain controller this one is domain controller so there are 4 computers in this lab as you see cm 0 1 DC 0 1 and CL 0 1 that's the client computer ok an MP 0 1 3 server and 1 min client computer start you need to start it ok if it is not started you need to click on start are you guys following or not so this is a great resource you can use this for 120 minutes at the right hand side you see the remaining time one hour twenty-eight minutes so that is the remaining time and you can use this for that that time and later on this lab will get closed you will have to relaunch the lab again and again you will get 120 minutes got it what is MP MP is management point what they have done is they have installed the sequel and a CCM on the same server so on this server we have a sequel database plus a cesium primary side both an MP is the management point they have given the management point on a different server I will show you if you go to sites and servers inside system roles now this is your s ECM primary side server and if you scroll down you see it has the database as well like what we did we had installed database separately but they have clubbed them together database and primary side both of them are on the same server and management point they have kept it on a different server as you see management point got it so that is the MP and if you go to a certain compliance and devices I think you have all the yeah all these computers are there they will come as green in few seconds in the client to zero one that's the Windows 10 computer CM zero one config manager the primary side DC domain controller and MP that's the management point server and you can do everything whatever you wanna do you can do it this is the latest version I think if you click on about configuration manager it is 1906 that's the latest one we are using what I think we are using 1706 or 1806 I am not sure what if you guys have upgraded or not but you we are using the old one not 1906 okay so you can use this for application deployment for patch deployment for operating system deployment and there is I think we have the ISO file somewhere no application okay these are the applications which are already downloaded here in this computer in G source application Microsoft so you can use these like office 365 you can try deploying office 365 the more desktop connection manager or if you wanna download something you can download from internet and use that one clear guys any question any question is for all good bro good so you can use this one after your Azure subscription is expired I have already sent you the link on whatsapp so start using this one do all the practical assignment everything and whenever you open you will be able to access for two hours that's the limitation okay now let me go back to our first computer looks like the I hope the backup is taken successfully looks like backup is taken successfully if I go down I see backup completed October 9th right at 1:23 so it took around 10 minutes to take the backup all good guys okay now you see this backup is saved where we always save backup on a different computer not on the database and a cesium so we have saved the backup file on domain controller so even if database and SCCM is deleted our backup file will stay right so this is on domain controller so now let's do one thing can you go to Azure portal please now what I'm gonna do is I will choose this one and this one and choose delete and say yes and click on delete so database and SACM both of them are deleted now this is the disaster now previously we had taken the backup now we are doing disaster and we will have to restore all the settings back so we will use the backup files to restore all our configuration and all the whatever the settings we have done so far in SEM everything should come as a as it is now you remember guys we had taken a snapshot of the computer I think we did not do it with you guys but I did with this one as our fourth so if you go to snapshot I will show you when the snapshot was taken the snapshot was taken on 17th of September got it so on 17th of September we had captured the computer state database and SCCM so after doing all the prerequisite we had captured the computer state so if we use these snapshots we don't have to install all the prerequisite otherwise you can you can start from fresh like setting up a new computer installing all the prerequisite and then use the backup file to restore I'm going to use these two snapshots because if I use these two snapshot I don't have to do all the prerequisite which I had done before before installation of SCCM go ahead how do you guys following or not so what happened the the computers are deleted right so where is the virtual machine you are taking the mouse okay so you see I just deleted SCCM and database and I will not be able to access them you see database is also not accessible and SCCM is also not accessible because both of them are deleted now either you create new server altogether and do all the prerequisite or you use the server which already has the prerequisite so I'm gonna use the server which already has the prerequisite so I don't have to install all of them again now let me rebuild the computer I'm going go to disk and click on add and choose the resource group RG underscore s EI and the disk name let's say this is going to be database this is the hard drive I'm creating out of the snapshot we have taken right so I'm going to create a new hard drive for and the name is database and source type either you clean create a blank hard hard drive or you choose a snapshot here I'm gonna choose the snapshot and in the drop-down I'm gonna choose the DB because it's a database so database snapshot and choose this review + create and click on create so we have used databases snapshot to create a hard drive now I'll go back to disk again and choose add and I'm going to choose the resource group as RZ underscore s EA and the disk name is sec M that is the second disk and the source type snapshot and choose the snapshot SCCM after all prerequisite and click on review + create so let me just open notepad and guide you guys so first thing first what we have done is we have taken backup of secm and in DB configuration it's not server backup make sure I am understand guys it's not the server backup we have taken we have taken the configuration backup SCCM and database configuration backup then what we did we delete it delete SCCM and DB server so this is first is the is the backup second is disaster okay now the third thing what we did we create hard disk using snapshot so we created to hard disk one is for database another one is for a sec em using snapshot okay the benefit of taking creating disk using snapshot is if we don't have to install the prerequisite it will have the prerequisite either you create a new new system all together like a fresh computer and do all the prerequisite or you choose the computer which already has the prerequisite that's the reason I have chosen the snapshot now we have to create virtual machine with same old name now we have to create virtual machines with same old name whatever the name we had before because the we have already deleted SACM and database server now we are reinstalling rebuilding a new server so let's go back to disk and you will see this database NS ECM there are two disk we just we just added these are the hard drive database hard drive and ssame hard drive and I am gonna use these hard drive to create new servers so let's go to database and choose create VM so I'm gonna create a VM and the name same old name what was the name before database right and we are going to choose select size we will use the size as one CPU and 3.5 this one one CPU and 3.5 GB RAM okay and then click on select what happened it's not clickable okay one CPU and 3.5 more M we have selected and if you go down I need to connect this computer remotely so I'm gonna choose RDP so that I can remote into this computer and what else the same name database we had the old name of the computer was database that's the reason I'm using database and I have given one CPU and 3.5 GB RAM and RDP to connect it remotely and then review plus create and click on create now the database server is getting ready while it is getting ready I'm gonna add this one SCCM server so let's wait for few seconds now I'm gonna go to disk again and choose SCCM and create virtual machine and the name of this virtual machine same as before what was the name before sec mps right so we have to give the exact same name as we had before the old name and select sighs I'm going to choose one CPU and 3.5 RAM and select and remote if to connect this computer remotely I'm gonna choose this RDP port what else nothing let's click on review + create and create you see what I have done is point number five is ok create virtual machines with same old name so I have created database the new machine name is what database and sec mps same old name we have taken whatever the previous name was there we have given the same name of those computers now we have to remote into the computers and start using the backup file to restore everything so any question so far anyone on the steps what we have done so far pig bulwark tear Alfred that's red no you understood the concept what this is snapshot concept you understood this well okay so let's see whether we are able to log into this computers or not let me go back to virtual machine again and you see the computers are showing up now ICC MPs and database so let me click on database it will have a new IP address because it's a new computer a fresh new computer and I'm gonna click on this IP address and make it static because it is a new computer so the configuration are changed so save it so I just chose as I have chosen static instead of dynamic let me go back to this and the old IP address I'm going to delete the go to properties and delete the old IP address and put the new IP address oh I did not copy let me go back and copy again look looks like I did not copy this is the new IP address of the computer since it's a new computer IP is different so let's delete the old IP and put the new IP this is a new IP address got it now similarly we have to go back to the azure portal again and go to virtual machine and copy the new IP address for a CCM for the new server copy this IP address this is a new IP and make it static so that it should not change save it so this is the old IP address I'm gonna remove the old IP and put the new IP address and click on OK once you have done that you click on file and save so that the configurations are saved here all good guys so far since the computer was rebuilt we got the new IP address the old one is already deleted now let's connect back very good it is connecting and I'm gonna connect to SEM so these are the two computers where all the prerequisites are already done you know because I had taken the snapshot on 17th of September and I have taken the snapshot after doing all the prerequisites so I don't have to install all the prerequisites that's the only benefit of a snapshot otherwise you will have to is you know do the installation of all the prerequisite one by one so as you see in the database you will see the sequel server is already there let me just full screen you will see sequel server they are already installed but you won't find a CCM database because we have not installed a CCM eh I had taken the snapshot before installing a caesium got it it taking some time let me just start we start this let me just go to s you see em you see this is SEM server but you won't find your sec em there because we had taken the snapshot after doing the prerequisite so I'm gonna go to start you see you will not find a cesium here yes sir it's a the computer where all prerequisites are done but not a cesium so let me just restart this computer as well so now we had removed the old IP address and put the new IP address now we are going to log into these computers connect group so whatever the configuration we had when the backup file was taken everything will be it is stored now let me go to a CCM server and full screen now just consider that this is a new server and we have done all the prerequisite we have installed all the prerequisite whatever prerequisites are needed for SACM now let's restore our SCCM and database so let's go to run slash slash where is our backup files that is on domain slash slash domain and you should be able to see this is our backup file a CCM and DB backup so let's double click on that and choose SE a backup and double click on this CD dot latest and double click on splash this is the Installer I'm using from the backup files itself so whatever I had in the backup files everything will be restored let's click on this okay one more time splash let's click on this green arrow and choose ok what happened let me just close this okay let me click on install and say yes and choose yes now this time what we are gonna choose which option we are we will choose guys good very good Rick over the side so I'm gonna choose the cover aside first time we had chosen install a config manager the first one but now we are restoring everything so recover aside next and the location where the backup files are saved so our backup files are saved in domain controller so slash / domain / hit enter you see CMDB backup and SE a backup this is our backup files so I'm gonna copy this and paste it here now in case if your database was not impacted suppose database was not touched nothing happened with database right what that was unaffected then you choose this skip database right but we have deleted both of them right so I'm gonna recover the database and sec em both so I have given the same path the backup path on a CCM for a cesium and data was below is for database the upper one is for sec m and then next so by default it has understood that it's a primary side server I'm gonna go next I still don't have the license key I'm gonna use the evaluation next I'll accept the license terms and condition and next now I have already downloaded the language pack you remember we had downloaded the language pack while installing that is well that was downloaded on the desktop so I'm gonna use the same file instead of downloading new I'm gonna use that already downloaded used previously downloaded files and that is located on the desktop let's click on browse and choose language next so it already has the previously downloaded language packs so if if a cesium is deleted then you don't have to worry about it you can use this method to restore but in companies we take snapshot on daily basis so you don't have to do all these things you just go back to the yesterday's snapshot that's it that's not moving let's see what happens okay so it has taken the old configuration guys whatever you had before like the side code M the Southeast Asia primary side the name of the side and the location if you want to change the location you can change it like you if you want to put it on D Drive this time you can put it on D Drive console it will install the console here on this computer so I'm going to leave that as it is next now the database name if you have changed the database server name you give the new server a new name here since I have used the same name so I'm going to leave that as it is next next next next and it's checking all the predict ok W so that's fine in W source is not there that's ok you see everything is already there the prerequisite that's the reason I don't see any error message W says warning because W says is not installed here that's the reason it is giving you a warning message that's okay so I just have to click on begin install and now it's gonna take at least an hour minimum one hour or maximum two hours to restore all the configuration back got it everyone Mukhtiar nostril Shana was here yes so we have completed you know login to new computers and start restoring restoring using backup file so we have done all these tasks today or fourth would you send this on whatsapp in the group so that everyone knows what we did today any question in this anyone back here are you do you have any question it well no no I don't iqbal any question from your end our fat ok guys so this is the how we look you print a question sorry no truth she sent a question okay let me see how many classes are left there are two more classes I need to show you the bare metal operating system deployment and endpoint protection three more classes this week we are finishing it off okay no sir are we gonna work with virtual yes PowerShell is also pending that that is the one task which I have to show that to you guys I'll show you the PowerShell ok guys so that is how we do the disaster normally we don't do disaster like the the the restored no ok thank you everyone for joining the session I hope the session was informative we'll meet again same time tomorrow thanks bye bye bye guys
Channel: SCCM Training Videos
Views: 2,907
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Keywords: Make Me It Expert, SCCM Interview Question And Answer, SCCM 2016, SCCM 2018, SCCM Training In Chennai, SCCM Training in Mumbai, SCCM Training in India, SCCM Training in Canada, sccm online training videos for beginners, sccm demo videos for learners, sccm training videos, sccm online training india, sccm online training usa, sccm online training uk, sccm videos to learn, sccm tutorial for learners, SCCM 2019
Id: y00Bm95qqw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 26sec (3326 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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