Learn Python With Me In 2 days | Code With Me

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hey friends welcome back to my channel we are going to be spending the next two days together learning python as a software developer i am constantly learning new programming languages frameworks libraries uh both front and back and technologies and i want to go through with you today learning python the steps i would take to learn a new programming language and hopefully this will help you too when you are learning something new before we go any further though make sure to hit that subscribe button for more tech and coding related videos shout out to some of these subscribers here thank you for your comments questions feedback just for being amazing okay let's get started before we get into this video though i want to do a very real disclaimer here and that is if you are someone who is picking up your first programming language or learning something from scratch although i am taking you through these two days of learning python together don't set your expectations to align with learning as quickly as maybe i am in this video the reason being i have been a software developer now professionally for almost five years and i'm constantly learning new languages on top of that i am very familiar with javascript which is pretty similar to python in many ways actually on that note let's pull up here some similarities between python and javascript okay as we can see here on google it says python and javascript have a few notable similarities in use and structure both of course are object oriented making them ideal for large and complex software development so as you can see there are already a lot of similarities between python and javascript so as someone who is very familiar with javascript picking up python for me will be much easier than say if you are coming from a background with no experience in javascript or even coding in general i also want to know don't set these expectations that after two days of learning python you are going to be a pro by any means you will definitely not nor will i but i just want to show you really my thought process the steps i take to learn something new and also to how you can learn so much in such a short period of time okay let's get into it i'm going to share with you the steps i'm going to take to learn python the first one being for anything not just python i go to the documentation i go to python's website and read the documentation what they suggest i focus on first reading about the language itself and really getting a deep understanding to the fundamentals and the basics okay once i'm done that the next thing i'm going to do is start with a tutorial a very simple tutorial using um kind of the fundamentals that i've read about and having an understanding of them as well is how they all fit together once i'm done my tutorial i might make one or two smaller tutorials until i start feeling more comfortable during the time i'm spending on my tutorials though if i feel like there is an area that i'm really stuck on i'll go back even further to basics to the documentation and read more about um you know the fundamentals of python after the tutorial stage slash back and forth with the documentation it will move on to making my own project usually what i do for my first project i make though if i'm learning something new is for one of the tutorial projects that i made i will add on to that it's a great way to already have an understanding and a project to start with and then just kind of adding on a piece a new part of the project okay let's get started okay so the first thing i'm going to do as i mentioned is start by reading the documentation that is a step that i used to skip so often is by simply just reading the documentation i get too excited and go straight into a tutorial and really get caught up in that tutorial cycle and now i can't even imagine i can't stress enough the importance of reading the documentation most of the answers you are you're looking for will be found in the documentation so it's a really important step for that i simply just google python documentation and it comes up right away so here is the python documentation i'm also going to actually copy this and put it in a new um tab here because i also want to go to just their home page it's the same website just a different page but just to have a better understanding from right from the home page so as you can see here they have which i really like beginner moderate advanced and general so depending on where you're at in your python journey you can really select uh what documentation is best needed for you because we are starting this journey together from scratch we are going to go with beginners guide new to programming python is free and easy to learn if you know where to start getting python okay before we do anything we really need to have python installed on our machine so next install python3 on your computer okay see beginner's guide slash download for instructions to download the correct version of python okay let's do it okay so for me i'm going to start by downloading uh mac os version of python and just going through the steps now while it installs we wait [Music] that's all i got for you my dance moves oh yeah so i tell you part of learning there's a lot of waiting involved when you're installing something new oh it's fast it's done okay now let's go back to the beginner's guide we've already downloaded python amazing so we can get rid of these two tabs there are also python interpreter and i use ide bundles available learning python next read a tutorial and try something some simple experiment before we even do that i want to confirm that python was successfully installed on my computer after i have spent quite a bit of time going through the documentation the next step is let's start on the tutorial as you can see here it says um some sites that offer in browsing coding for those who want to learn python a lot of these are really familiar to me i really love co academy so let's do code academy what i usually will do is start by understanding what the course is like what the layout is like and it is suitable for what i'm hoping to achieve and definitely in this tutorial it is it literally starts with the syntax goes through strings functions lists um and beyond the next thing i always do is see how long is this course how long is this going to take me so i can properly time block my time and spread it out if needed so this is 25 hours to complete if we're going to get through the basics of python in two days i'm not going to spend 25 hours doing this course so let's go back to the beginner's guide however if i was going to spend more time and get really serious about python i definitely would check this out but because i do have a background in javascript i don't think it's really necessary to go through too much of the fundamentals especially when it goes to functions and strings and console output although it is a little bit different it is so similar that it's not totally needed but this is a great place if you are looking to really dive into python okay so i looked around at other tutorials for python and honestly i feel like codecademy is such a great one that i am going to sign up and start taking it i might skip over some of the basics depending on how it goes and how um i'm feeling about it but i think it's a great way to kind of get into python and i also like how they do have a project that you can build so that's pretty cool to me so let's get started okay i had to get coffee this is also essential when you are learning or if you're going to be a programmer or really anything in that coffee is like life it's life okay okay so i signed up for the python course here um and i'm going to get started into it obviously i am not going to do 25 hours worth of work for python um to get started but it's still really great course and i'm just gonna start do maybe an hour or two today and then an hour or two tomorrow and then start building my own project okay i'm going to go back to the course menu because i'm finding even just starting on this course it is really simple for me and it is so similar to javascript that i uh wouldn't recommend doing this if you are just starting out learning a programming language go through the entire course but i know a lot of this basic syntax already and i'm just feeling like it's really not where i need to be spending my time so i'm going to go ahead in the course and look a little further into it streams and console output i also am pretty familiar with conditionals and control flow also pretty familiar with but let's check it out [Music] okay hi friends from me and mr mugs my coworker don't say hi say hello hello oh you're shying out he's so vocal when i'm filming he wants to be part of it and now he's too shy okay fine oh you're tired okay um so yesterday i spent some more time since speaking to you about going through the course i spent about two hours going through it really and it went pretty good honestly um because i have a job i keep on saying this but it's so true because i have a background in javascript learning python for me was pretty easy to pick up um if you're completely new to it though it is going to take time so make sure to really go through the course break it down even explain different kind of concepts or things you're learning to your friends your family your dog your cat your rubber ducky whoever or whatever it is it will really help you understand the concepts better i'm feeling though like today i want to do a to-do list just make a to-do list from scratch um i'm not even going to make do a tutorial um project kind of thing just because i feel like i'm ready to kind of take on and build my own project so that is what i'm going to do now okay so for my project i actually changed from to-do list because it wasn't as i i guess i'm still thinking in javascript so i'm going to actually do a mad libs generator it would be really fun and it's um pretty simple um so i have on my screen here i just went to trinket.io um which is basically uh something that i can use to interact with python but just on the web so i don't have to download kind of an ide for python but if you are someone who's looking to really dive into python i would suggest just googling actual google with you for you and then they come up different ones right here obviously i just go to the top most popular ones and also too i just see in the documentation for python what they say directly to uh to use but for this tutorial or this kind of practice let's just go right into the web okay so for mad libs from my understanding i have the game up here uh you need to do a noun you need to do a plural noun you need to do a um what else do we need to do an adjective and some other nouns so this is my first time playing mad libs so i don't know if it's the best game to make but let's just do it together it'll be fun so the first thing i'm going to do is um make the different kind of questions that the program will use so the first one will be a noun let's just actually comment out questions that the program asks the user and this is going to be noun this first one that input will be um choose a noun straight forward is that then we will go down we'll put down one ah pino we'll call it and this will be choose a plural noun okay and what else does mad lips require they also require another noun so we'll call this noun um and that will be [Music] choose now again oh you guys i cannot spell the life of you today forever uh choose and add something that describes the word okay and we'll do one more now instead which will be again choose okay so now we have the questions okay so next up what we need to do now that we have what nouns places adjectives all that wonderful stuff is we need to start this loop somewhere because essentially we are going to be going through a series of questions with the user so let's start the loop at one and then we are going to make a while loop for those of you who don't well at this point if you're making a tutorial like this you should have familiarity as to what a while loop is and it does go through that as well in the code academy course so if you um are taking that course i really recommended and started taking as well it goes through all that as well but basically we want to make a loop here so while loop is greater than or less than i guess i should say 10 what we are going to do is it's going to go through these series of questions and then based on the user's input this is what we are going to display so we are going to print out quite a bunch of different things based on what the user inputs so we can kind of have fun with this so to start with i'm just going to do print out um like just like a big line to kind of separate everything visually for visual purposes next up i'm going to print um let's do be kind to your and it's going to be the nouns we're going to pass in the variable noun um kind here always i don't know you guys this might be now and again okay that's what's going to print first that is going to be print for someone may or puppy may be some bunnies and then we'll print a noun two again i was not english was not my strong suit so this is gonna be painful now here [Music] do okay i know i sped that up because i feel like if this would be the longest video ever if you just sit and watch me type um so let's see if this code works it might not and we'll have to debug it okay what is this bad input on line 12 now oh i've been working with typescript lately so i think that's why i got a little confusing choose an app your books oh it's one oops oh wow for a puppy maybe somebody's or a puppy maybe somebody's [Music] okay this is kind of horrible noun 3 is not defined 3 oh i never defined down three i guess you could make it noun 2 again but this would be kind of funny all right let's try it again okay let's do this one more time speed it up she's now dog be kind to your book always animals for a puppy may be somebody's cat be coming to your animals in toronto where the weather is always hot you may think that this is the cap well it is makes no sense anyways but we made badly and it's fun and it's really easy and i it's pretty cool so okay friends i hope you enjoyed this video going through learning python with me um and i want to clarify that once again i didn't do this in two days as a complete beginner i mean i've touched python before and i'm very familiar with javascript so it wasn't like right from scratch but i hope it gave you an idea and a sense of the flow that i would go through or do go through when learning something new read the documentation read it read it read it take a tutorial if you're stuck go back to the documentation and fundamentals keep that going for a while to feel like you're in a good place where you can add on or make your own small project and then from there essentially all it is is just continuing to build projects that are tougher and tougher until you one day just are a pro at it anyways before we go make sure to hit that subscribe button for more tech and coding related videos give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed going through and want to see more kind of coding uh videos with me specifically and i will see you all soon thanks everyone
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 38,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn Python With Me In 2 days, Tiff in tech, TiffInTech, Learn Python With Me, Learn Python, python tutorial, python programming, python tutorial for beginners, learn to code, python course, python for beginners, python full course, learn python programming, python crash course, python language, python basics, python programming language, python programming tutorial, how to learn python, how to learn to code, how to learn programming, python from scratch
Id: 2sPSu_foBzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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