Learn Polish in 30 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need

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want to get cheat sheets audiobooks lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month welcome to polishpot101.com skoski the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn polish [Music] hi i'm joanna nice to meet you in this series we're going to learn basic polish expressions it's super easy and it only takes three minutes in this lesson you're going to learn how to introduce yourself in polish we'll start speaking right away but first it's important to clarify that in polish often there is a difference between formal and informal language let's first see how polish people introduce themselves in an informal situation nice to meet you but polish people don't really use this phrase in informal situations it's better if you just say niwomi start by saying yes tem then say your name chest yes finally if you want say me yes and now let's see the same sentence in formal speech good day my name is joanna nice to meet you me panna this is what you say if you're talking to a man if you're talking to a woman say jin dobre nasibam na sukhetsuka mimo mi panyon posnach naze [Music] so what has changed from the previous introduction let's take a close look at these expressions together chest has been substituted with the formal greeting jane dobre polish for good day or good morning yesterday also changed yes tem simply means i am however during a formal self-introduction you should avoid saying this it's better to say which means my name is joanna suhatska also in formal situations please remember to say your full name finally pay attention to the ending we went from mimochen posnach to miwomi panna or panyo posnach we changed chen into panna or pano if you use chew you're addressing someone around your age but if you find yourself in a formal situation or talk to a person who's older than you use panna to address a man or pano to address a woman one more time the informal way to introduce yourself in polish is chest yes the formal way to introduce yourself is jane dobre nasivam shayana suhatsuka now it's time for joanna's insights if you feel confused about the nice to meet you part feel free to skip it as i mentioned before polish people don't use it much when you introduce yourself it's a good habit to shake hands it doesn't matter whether you're meeting a man or a woman do the handshake remember to make it quite firm if your hand is too loose it gives the other person a bad impression we also say it feels like holding a dead fish that's it for this lesson in the last lesson we learned how to introduce ourselves in polish in this lesson we're going to learn how to use good manners as we thank people gotovi are you ready let's start there are two ways to thank someone let's start with the easiest one is just one word means thank you when saying thank you very much you just need to add barzo barzo if we want to thank a friend usually we use a different more casual word jenki jenki jenki is very similar to the english things so you shouldn't use it when your friend did something especially nice for you or when the situation is serious we usually use it to thank for small favors for example if a friend bought a drink for us lent us a pen help us carry our backs and so on how do you answer it's easy here are two different ways to do it the first is this means you're welcome niumazatso can be used with anybody except in a very formal situation in such cases it's better to use this expression literally this phrase means pleasure is on my side it's not a very common thing to say among young people or between friends and family members but it will be considered very good manners if you answer with this expression in a formal situation such as while talking to your boss or speaking to someone much older than you you can also simply say it to someone you don't know very well so when someone says jinkuya to you you can reply with nyemazatso or estronia if you hear jenki it might be a bit too much to respond to this casual phrase by saying nyemazatso or shiemnosh so how might you react then you have two options first one is just to say nothing don't worry it's a normal thing to do the second option is to say spoko this means something like it's cool if you want you can also answer using this phrase this means it's no problem now it's time for joanna's insights if you want to keep it simple just use jengkuye or jenkuya barzo when you want to thank someone it doesn't matter whether the situation is formal or informal it's always the same remember not to say preemnosh pomoya estronia to your friends because it will sound a little bit weird if someone thanks you saying jenki just answer spoko but please note that these two words are very casual in the last lesson we learned how to thank people by saying jinkuya in this lesson we will learn some of the most common greetings used in poland gotovi are you ready zachiname let's start there are a few informal greetings in polish chest chest chest means high or hello another informal greeting is shema ma this phrase also means hi but it's used only by young people another very common greeting is hey hey hey hey is very easy because it's exactly the same as english hey all these greetings are very informal and we should only use them with friends or close relatives now let's move on to formal greetings in polish there are only two that you need to know we'll start with jin dobre literally jin dobre means good day we can use jane dobre during the whole day from early morning until evening if it's the evening we would say dobry virtue what should you say when you leave polish people usually say davidsenia when living in a formal situation do videnia davidia means goodbye if however we are saying goodbye to friends or relatives we can use the informal papa or simply pa now you can greet people and say goodbye in many different ways in polish let's review them all again first formal greetings gene dobre use this phrase during the day dobrevicher use this phrase in the evening the informal greetings are chesht shema hey when living in a formal situation we say davidja and in an informal situation it's papa or just pa easy isn't it now it's time for joanna's insights do you remember shema it's an abbreviation of yakshimash which means how are you but we just use it in the same way as hai it's a very common greeting among young people you will find as you continue to study polish that new greetings constantly appear among young people who often come up with new uses for well-known phrases or their abbreviations in the last lesson we learned the most common forms of greetings in poland do you remember them in this lesson we're going to learn a very useful phrase do you speak english if you find yourself in a situation where you need assistance in english this phrase can be a lifesaver and because you're asking it in polish you can be sure that everyone will understand what you are saying even if their answer is no here's an informal way to say it che movie spanglescu is a particle which has no meaning it's similar to the english do in polish verbs change depending on the pronoun that is used since you can understand what the pronoun is by looking at the verb conjugation we usually skip the pronoun itself that's why there's no pronoun after che next we've got the verb movish which means speak then there's pau which we always have to put right before a language name and finally angelsko which means english we're now going to make this sentence formal first of all we have to change muvish into movie because the pronoun is changed from you into a respectful pronoun meaning sir or ma'am then we add pan which means sir or pani which means mam everything else stays the same movie pan excuse me makes the sentence more polite che the response you will receive could be one of these four tak yes no i don't speak english since the last one is a negative statement we need to say before the verb movie notice also that the verb is slightly different than before remember the verb changes depending on the pronoun used we are now talking about ourselves so the sentence is else now it's time for joanna's insights for those of you who are not only english speakers you can obviously use this question with any language you need polish people study other european languages at school so maybe you will get lucky just substitute po angelsko with pony metzku for german po rossisco for russian for italian for hispanic school for spanish po francisco for french today we mentioned the expression separation but did you know that this could also be used as an apology in the next lesson we will learn this and other ways to apologize in polish it's never too late to show your good manners with polish people want to get cheat sheets audio books lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month in the last lesson we learned the phrase shep rashaam is cool excuse me do you speak english we mentioned the word chaprasham which means excuse me in this lesson we're going to learn how to apologize in polish it's very easy first of all good news we don't differentiate between i'm sorry and excuse me in polish we have just one word chaprasham which can be used in both situations when we want to apologize or draw someone's attention there's also no difference between formal and informal situations it's always the same chaprasham let's go through some situations in which bishopracham can be used if you want to draw someone's attention just put chaprasham in front of the question for example excuse me is this seat occupied or she prasham yakdoyza excuse me how can i get to the train station in such a case you can modify the question by adding pano if you're addressing a lady or panna if you are dressing a man for example excuse me ma'am how can i get to the train station the meaning is exactly the same as before we just emphasize the gender of a person who we talk to you can choose whatever version you like better both are correct and polite the other situation in which you use chaprasham is when we apologize as i mentioned before we have only this one word for making an apology we can use it both in formal and informal situations if you want to make your apology more complex you could use this phrase yes please note that this is spoken by a man woman would say yes yes them this phrase means i owe you an apology usually after saying this you are expected to explain what you did wrong or the reason why you think you owe someone an apology there's one colloquial word used to apologize among young people it's almost the same as the english story we say sorry sorry it's okay to say it to your friends but only in the case of a small mistake something not very serious for example when you step on your friend's foot or when you want to refuse going out now it's time for your anna's insights making an apology in polish is very easy it's enough to just say shep rasham here you don't have to worry about speaking formally or informally or the age and gender of the person you are talking to in the last lesson we learned some words used when apologizing in polish in this lesson we are going to learn numbers in polish from 1 to 10 and you are going to learn them in only 3 minutes let's start yet terry okay now repeat after me i'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one piece great job what is before yet do you know it's the same as in english but with a different pronunciation zero zero now you don't have any more excuses you can give your friends your phone number in polish let's try together we will use the phrase numer which means my number is numer zero 0.0 perfect now it's time for your anna's insights in poland we use numbers the most often when we go shopping especially when we ask about prices which you will also learn soon we also buy many things per kilogram all vegetables and many fruits are not sold individually but per kilogram also cheese meat and sausages so if you go to a grocery store or supermarket you would ask the clerk for for example one kilogram of minced meat 500 grams of cheese or 2 kilograms of onions in the last lesson we learned the numbers from one to ten do you remember let's practice yaden great job and now let's continue from 11. vanessa a [Music] okay now repeat after me i'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one shina foreign these numbers may seem harder to remember but you really just have to memorize sternastice the rest of them are just compounds of a digit and nasty like isn't it let's not stop at 20. counting to 100 is super easy now i'll give you the tense [Music] the first three tens may be a little bit tricky because their endings are different from other tense let's take a closer look the vagistia is made from dva and gesture is and finally sterdeschi is chitter and jeshi please note that we cut off the last letter of tere which means four then starting from 50 it gets much easier because we just take the digit and add the ending jeshont let's try together piench and jeshont is piengeshont and finally javiens and jeshont is jevin deschant the last thing to learn today is how to form compound numbers above 20. this is also super easy take the tense and simply add the numbers you learned in the previous lesson let's try it out how would you say 56 in polish let's take it step by step 50 is p injection and then add six chest pins isn't that easy let's make another number for instance 98 take 90 jv injections and add eight ocean give engine ocean after only two lessons you are now able to count to 100 in polish in the next lesson we are going to put your number knowledge to use do you have all the skills you need to go shopping in poland if not i'll be waiting for you in our next pulse gift triminute lesson in the last lesson we learned how to count in polish i hope you spend some time practicing the numbers because they will come in handy today we're going to learn how to go shopping in poland before we go you need to know how to say how much is it are you ready to go shopping in poland let's go you see something you like and want to ask the shop clerk how much it costs the first thing to say is shep rasham do you remember what that means excuse me if we want to be more specific when asking how much is it and refer to a certain type of object we first need to know if the object is a feminine or masculine object if it's masculine add 10 when referring to it and ta for a feminine object and then say the noun for example a watch is masculine excuse me how much is this watch che prasham ile kosh tu ye ten zegarek and skirt is a feminine noun excuse me how much is the skirt and finally if we ask about the price of a few similar items like these t-shirts these apples these toys we have to add te before the noun for example excuse me how much are these apples shaped at this point the shop clerk will usually answer by saying just the price of an item for example pit nash cheswatig stop zwarte or the discharge therapy injection what number is piet nasty do you remember of course it's 15. now it's time for joanna's insights a quicker and more commonly used phrase is which literally means how much then we just add the name of an item we want to know the price of for example or poi zagarek or you can just say and point to the item both ways are perfectly fine at this point can you count zwarte in polish we are going to learn how to do this and much more in the next lesson i'll be waiting for you in our next poloskiftriminutelesson doesn't [Music] you
Channel: Learn Polish with PolishPod101.com
Views: 1,214,484
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Keywords: polishpod101, learn polish, polish language, japan, polish alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, polish pronunciation, polish grammar, basics, yt:cc=on
Id: r37ylwYIkRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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