Learn Omnisphere in 30 minutes (Tutorial)

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hello illness fear users Mike here and in this video you will learn all the fundamentals of omnisphere in only 30 minutes plus some great bonus tips and tricks that you can use when making sounds for your music let's start the clock and begin learning right now I will start by giving you five quick tips to kick-start your learning journey in omnisphere one interface sighs so this is how all Monsieur looks like when you first start it up but if you have a big resolution screen like I do you might want to zoom in well you cannot drag it down here to scale it but if you go into utility magnify window at the bottom here you see here you can choose let's go with 1.5 and it scales up like that tip to update on the sphere so to make sure you are up to date you can simply click this spectrasonics logo type and it will show some information and you can see I actually have updates available if I click on get updates it will open up the website where you download that click here again to go back tip 3 so this is really important Maltese ports and layers you really need to learn the special workflow that omnisphere works in so first mouth is so the mouth if you click here is actually all instruments you add meaning all ports so this is the basically you can have up to eight different instruments here so you can have the base here at piano here a synth lead here and so on and these correspond to these numbers here so think of this as eight different instruments and those are ports so Maltese is the overall arrangement of all instruments then these numbers correspond to the ports and finally what each port can consist of up to four layers as you can see here layer ABC and D so meaning if I click on layers here now this is the only one active if I play this is just a su square and then you can layer with B and add something else which could be a synth or a sample so let's just go ahead and add anything here this one here and now that is on B so if I turn off a this B layer is added now to this a layer which goes into number one like so and of course you can set the levels here and if you go to multi you can see that the only thing that is moving here in volume is port 1 which is this here so then you can add to the next one to you here another completely different instrument that is independent from this one tip 4 + - workflow and this is because omnisphere is so rich and deep in features that if you want to dive into more detail you simply click on any of these + magnifying glasses here like here if you click on this + it opens up a brand new part of the interface to control the oscillator with various effects and sound design tools click the - and then you go out to the main view again where you were the filters the same here go out - and even if the patch browser here click it up to get the full patch browser and then you can exit out like that and quick tip number 5 blue light means own so you already saw me use this by clicking any of these little blue lights meaning means that it is actually turned on and it's the case of the filter so if I click here it's turned on so remember this little blue light right here so if I go into the main here you can see a and B is on I can turn all off a and now it's gray it's just be here so that is a big part of the omnisphere workflow so this is on here the solar button on this light blue color means that it is on even phone for these extra features like expression and so on alright so those were my five quick tips to get started now let's move along to the main aspects of omnisphere number one the great preset browser so first you can see it right here to the left this is a mini version of the preset browser which you can use just by clicking this little arrow here to expand it and close it but I prefer to use the big preset browser which you can get you if you click this plus sign here to open up the full preset browser or simply by clicking when you are on port one instrument one click here and you open it up right there as well and a really important aspect is if you or if this is turned blue so this is on this number one port is what you are editing then the sound will change on port one when you changed the preset so make sure this is an easy rookie mistake that you're trying to let's say you want to add here but you forgot to change here up here the port number which you're editing so that you can accidentally like switch presets here and also this is the port but you can also access if you click multi multi browser presets and this will actually load up several ports or instruments up here so you can actually load and save multis as well but the main aspect is still the same and if we go back here if you click here on the preset you have the categories of sounds then you have the type so if you go to pads you can see various file types of pads shoulder and complexity so my my favorite is actually the type and you can also right-click and change this to modal author version and so on but you really have to learn how to dive deeper so start by choosing the type of sound and then you dial things down so epi since and you already have three here if you have everything on all then you will have so many sounds to go through here another thing you can do is add a rating here so you can actually see if you sort on your ratings and then your top sounds your favorite sounds are up here you can also choose shuffle to shuffle the sounds so that they are not only in alphabetical order and so on so really learn how to use this preset browser go from the left category and then dive deeper to filter things down well let's move it along to the main views so let's in fact close this out so the main view is really important because here is where you can control the overall sound of any party or instrument you are working on so it will apply to all these different layers of the sound very important so you can have a master filter that controls all a B C and D and so on so if I use this these controls adds a filter to both a and B and it's the same with the solo pitch Bend and so on and you can even choose to control the C no path as shared so now if I go you can see these are yellow now the envelopes and filters and amps and things here or actually share so if I add a filter here it it is actually the same filter on port B as well because they are shared if you have it on normal then it can have a different filter on a from B and so on so that is a very important aspect but you can also set the gain number of voices octaves if I if I set this on one octave above both of these are transposed but if I set it on the ports only that part is changed so the main view controls all the layers the aspects here three layers view so while main view controls all these layers you will probably do most of the sound design per layer so if you click on a here this is now activated here is where you do most of the work because you can change the sound the oscillator or waveform sample here so if I change that one that is the overall sound you can do synth here and just switch between sample and synth and then left click to open up the browser you see you have so many different waveforms synth waveforms and then you can do sound design on them here is the oscillator section you can do the filter section choose a filter type and then dial in of course the cutoff resonance and so on and then you have the envelopes which is different you have to switch between amp envelope filter envelope and then you even have mod envelopes that you can route to control any parameter so in the layers V you do the main sound design and basically choose what sound you want to have you even have the modulation matrix again with a plus/minus workflow you can control so the LFO changes for example the filter cutoff let's see and then you turn on the filter of course and now that controls no le for one here controls and that is the modulation let's turn it off for now so the various view is the oscillator the filters the envelopes the modulation the elephants basically the main aspects of a synthesizer even though you can use them also on samples this is one of the most powerful things about oma sphere is that it is a incredibly deep synth engine but it works with sound sources wav files and samples you can even go into when you select sample here in oscillator left click here user audio just drag from your finder or filesystem view and then drag in the wav file here and you will be able to work with your own audio recordings as well ok so those are the main aspects of the layers view I mean you have another aspect is if you click on main and then layers if you have several layers activated we see several waveforms or since you can see here then you get the levels here so you can actually mix the pours faster here or you can do this if you click on a you can see them down here turn them on on and off and then the levels down those are the most important features another very important feature in the layers view is of course the pitch so you can transpose this an octave down for example twelve semitones so that layer is now knocked it down you can find a just uni you can even automate this if you want to and even course do slides and so on okay so those are the main interface overviews here in the lair view then let's move on to multi view if you click on multi so the most important thing here is the mixer now we are only working with instrument one part one so what can you do here well you can add effect so send effects just like you do in your DW you can add effect and two effects are already routed a a UX 1 which is the reverb and then a delay which means you can simply add some reverb or add some delay or we go into the effects rack and then change whatever you want to have on these send effect browse you can even have up to 4 effects here pearl send so you can send to several effects in a chain then you have the live view which we will not go into because it's basically for life playing and then the stack mode this is one of the more powerful features because remember this is instrument instrument 1 2 3 and so on and every instrument can have 4 layers but if you click on the if you click on the stack mode you can actually use the entire instrument chain here as layers as a stack meaning that instrument 1 is now 3 layers so this is instrument 1 and this one is only one layer let's activate another one just for the sake of it let's use whatever this one now when I play with a stack mode own you will actually stack instrument 1 and 2 so all these layers and sound design settings will be played at once if I hit C now [Applause] Wow super cool right so if you don't want to use that how do you actually access the next instrument well you have to go into your DW and send set up multiple instrument outputs so you can control this one or if you see see this the MIDI channel one corresponds to the first instrument the MIDI Channel 2 is the second now it's different in different in different DWS but basically you need to set it so that it is in multi instrument that you use omnisphere for so you can map out different channels and ports but I will show that in another video because that's more advanced okay so multis views is basically setting the mixer so you can control this so in stack mode you can actually set so let's say you want to have that lower and pan to the left one some reverb on that but not on this one you want delay on this one pan slightly to the right and now you have [Music] right bonus tip if you hold down the command key at least on Mac and then click or no or the option key now the command key and then left click here it will go back to the default setting I think or or just click right click and reset to default value like that alright so that is the maltese view you have the mixer you have the effects for the send effects stack mode let's skip live mode for now alright let's turn off stack mode by the way so we are working in here again now a5 the effects rack so I really love the effects rack in almost fear because let's face it here you actually have and this is so powerful in instrument one you have effect a b c and d meaning an entire rack with four effects four layer a b c and d each one have an independent chain so i can put on a let's say a cheap limiter that will only affect layer a and then i can put on let's say delay here on layer b that is only sent to layer b and then i have common which is sent to all these four layers so i put let's say some filter on everything and I even have a send rack here so that I can actually send from the individual layers to a certain aux send effect chain so now I have added a chorus echo here on the aux it doesn't do anything I need to push this return up but now it doesn't add anything but if I go into Oh click here on the B then I can so these have a delay on it right now but that's not why now I can send you you extend so this B layer will not only have these insert effects here but also can send delay no delay which is this delay here so now I can actually use send per layer if I go to a send that one hmm well how much you add is this slider here or the C one and so on and of course you can have not only that but you can have the common effect so individual effect chain per layer shared effect chain of all layers and send effects that you can dial in per layer now you are starting to realize I hope the power of the effects rack and of course the effects rekt Rex or independent for each instrument as or all settings here so if I click on the next one here it's a completely different effects chain so that is marvelous you can do so much imagine this when you use it in stack mode different sound sources WAV files sound design and different effects racks and different mixer settings on the whole multi port alright so let's move on to the next part which is the or pga tour also one of my favorite aspects in omens fear let's just use let's use this one here so now we are only using the C layer on instrument or port one so I can play this which is a junior 60 stop okay now let's go go ahead go to the or pediatr it's turned off you can turn it on by this blue light here on this blue light or on button here so let's turn it on and if I hold a note now it plays in or patio and the arpeggiator is so powerful because you can first set the sequence how many notes in the sequence so let's put it on sixteenth notes and let's use every let's say every other note he writes like that also the dynamics per note so you can have it go down and then up in volume set this slider so the arpeggiator controls the velocity right if you're playing let's say let's use this soundless by the way the arpeggiator controls all layers at the same time so it's basically on the main okay so now you can also control let's say you want to play it as it cooled so if I hold on a chord it will figure all notes here as a chord or hold down a chord and go up and down on each note and all these values settings on how the notes are played as you hold them down hold them down my favorite part of using the arpeggiator is probably like a pulse so just hold down a note like a pulse like that whoops and you can also set the speed so you can increase these to thirty Seconds start doing some changes while you hold the note let's change it you can also control the length these controls basically like in a amp envelope so if I reduce this the notes with the shorter and more staccato like that you can even introduce some sweet so that they are not playing in perfect timing to the grid but here's a really cool thing you can vote and save or pediatr presets so which controls every aspect in the arpeggiator click here and go to let's say ohrp's divided blips and you can see so many things here and what are these settings well if you go back to the blank setting here and then let's make here now this is sitting here note on or off is this button the velocity or dynamics is here but here you can add some cool aspect so you can transpose a note up or down so if I hold down a C or C here this is these are both C notes but if I transpose it up let's say three semi notes then this will always be three semi notes above what key I hold and this could be a cool way to do like let's say an octave jump like that it can do slides you can and you can set the speed slide and you can do chord voicings if you hold on chords this is if you hold on cause by the way low and high step dividers let's do three and let's see step divider here you can do so many cool effects per beat in the arpeggiator so I love that feature as well but again go ahead and just try out various presets right here click here to load them up and you can also initialize your period right here but I have actually created some presets myself so for for palaces 16th note triplets and now ok so it's just one note but it will do 16th note triplets [Music] let's do 6/8 pulses [Music] I mean you can create your own presets and then save our PDE to presets right here as well alright so the final part I was showing on the sphere is the orb probably one of the more powerful features that is neglected because what is the herbal it's it can add crazy modulation and automation either in an automated way or by controlling a certain aspect of your choice if you turn it on doesn't do anything as you can hear nothing changes because you need to introduce movement so you simply click record and then drag this round and then you stop this is one ball recording so now it's on and let's let's do another one then you click dice and every time you click dice it will randomize but underlying sound design parameters changes by the orb so take again take again depth you can increase [Music] again and you really listen carefully okay again something different changes but you can also go into any of these layers click on modulation and here is the modulation matrix very very very powerful click on it choose what source is the modulation coming from the orb and then set the all to control let's say let's say the pitch fine on this or let's do a pitch core so to make sure it's heard maximum setting okay so we are on a now it's not even on like that no mute it okay so you can do crazy things with the or but I actually like it most for just adding those random random features so let's turn that off go to the or guys can add some subtle movement [Music] well really powerful so those are in my opinion the main aspects and fundamentals of Ole Miss here the quick tips you learn now you learn the preset browser how it works main view layer main view is here the layers view here the mouth is filled with a mixer in the stack mode and the multis effects aux sends the effects rack which of course is also different because you can have an entirely different effects rack per layer ABC and D shared for all four layers plus an aux send that you can choose per layer in the effects rack so go to a send to this chain here you learned about the or paid user where you can control the notes on and off how much the dynamics is the speed of the arpeggio the link which is shortening the notes the playing style of the arpeggiator even introduced special aspects and effects per beat in the arpeggiator and the rule to introduce movement and modulation into the sound automatically and random here with the dice button alright so since we have some time left I'm going to show you one final thing which is the utility menu because when you're working with any part here let's say you want to start over you can click on port one go to utility or right click here to get this menu and you can initialize multi which means you will initialize every port you can initialize the patch which is this one if I click on that it will warn me and then it will go back to this default sound on port 1 port 2 is still is still active so and then you can also if you work on layer here let's say you are not satisfied yujeong lots of settings you want to go back to the default setting well you can initialize that lair if that is active now only this layer is initialized and this might be an entirely different sound on this layer and so on so you work on a layer per later basis so remember the utility menu be careful however because you might accidentally initialize the entire multi or initialize deport when you only want to initialize the layer you can also copy for example this layer a copy layer to see click on see paste layer if you want to do some testing like I want to taste some things but I'm not sure well work on a copy to see and then start working on C with crazy sound design if you're not happy you can always go back to a because you started with a copy congratulations my friend you have now learned the fundamentals of omnisphere in 30 minutes I want to finish by kindly asking you to like subscribe and click the notification bar and I will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mikael Baggström
Views: 150,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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