OMNISPHERE Sounds That Blew My Mind

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hello and welcome to piano Shack with me Woody thank you for tuning in now omnisphere as you may know has a special Mode called multi mode where you can combine up to eight different sounds into one massive sounding split and layer and think about this every sound in omnisphere can be four different layers so that's four oscillators then you can combine eight of those into a multi and then you can start adding Unison and dual oscillators to the layers you end up with a sound with 60 70 80 hundreds of oscillators perhaps I haven't done the math but these are Mighty sounding sounds and I'm looking forward to demonstrating some of my favorites for you right now that really did well they didn't really do it but they blew my mind metaphorically speaking let's get into it oh thank you yeah you see what I'm talking about hello it's editor Woody here I'm sorry to interrupt the broadcast but there's something I just wanted to clarify for those of you that might be new to omnisphere so I'm in the editor here if I'm just going to jump up so I can explain what you're seeing on the screen here so I realized when I was editing the video that I didn't really capture the best page the omnisphere user interface consists of tabs and pages and what I'm showing here in the main area is information about the first part in the multi so the multi here has eight different parts and this page is showing information an overview of the first part what I really should have done is clicked on the multi-tab and then I could have shown you all of the different parts that are making up the multi so what I did afterwards during the edit is I went and grabbed screenshots showing how each of the multis is made up and this one shows how the different parts here are distributed across the keyboard so two different views this one is showing just whatever happens to be the first part of the multi this one is showing more an overview of the multi and how the different parts are stacked together so yeah that's what's going on there [Music] all right [Music] [Music] just as we're getting to the finale I have fluffed up the notes sorry what a beautiful sign though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] some of these multis are quite loud so I've mapped this knob here I'll just faded to control the master volume otherwise it will clip and we don't want that [Music] bring in the choir [Music] thank you yeah pretty nice at one time I did have these faders mapped up so that I could control the level of each of the parts in the multi but I've now overridden that so I can control the layers in the part or the patch so yeah I need to do a little bit of tweaking so sorry if I'm not manipulating the sounds as much as I could do it would be possible to map all of these faders and control the levels of the eight different patches that you can hear in each of the omnisphere multis but we'll save that for another video I'm going to do a video actually where I describe how you can configure this Innovation launch key to control many of the parameters in omnisphere for live playing so stay tuned for that but let's move on to the next preset I've actually mapped up yeah this is nice this is one of the very few synthesizers where I've been able to map up buttons on my midi keyboard to step up and down through the presets so I don't even need to look at the synthesizer I have no idea what we've got now so let's play an A flat chord take a listen lucky dip oh [Music] beautiful and these multis as I said are playing up to eight different sounds they're called patches in omnisphere I'm still trying to figure out the terminology yeah so a multi has eight different parts okay it's a bit similar to the role into terminology multi has eight different parts and on each on each part you can load a patch and each patch can contain four layers so incredibly deep we're stacking up lots of oscillators here and what I wanted to get to the point I wanted to get to is that on my PC here I don't see any glitching or anything at all we have massive synthesizer processing going on here but the system is behaving quite nicely even though I've got my streaming software running here to capture the omnisphere window and I'm running my Daw to capture the sound of my microphone and omnisphere but I'm not having any issues with glitching or anything so far so good people do sometimes say that omnisphere is a bit CPU hungry I haven't really noticed any ill effects yet anyway let's Press On again I have no idea what's coming up okay we've got a Trancy lead sound here no it's not what is it [Applause] yeah it's just a lead monophonic oh hang on [Music] [Applause] again some of these multis are quite loud so apologies if it's clipping I need to remember to adjust the master volume which is saved with each multi as well so it's not enough just to set it once okay moving on nice Bells by the sound of it which is pretty typical Omni sphere Fair [Music] [Music] beautiful yeah I'm wishing I had spent a little bit of time now mapping up these sliders to control the levels of all of the different parts but we'll save that for another video today we'll just enjoy the sounds stepping onwards okay another choir yeah I remember now when I auditioned some of these sounds and favorited them a couple of days ago actually some of these pad sounds and the choir signs I thought were simply uh stunning let's take a listen see if I can do them Justice [Music] oh morphing to a difference Arrangements [Music] [Music] lovely lovely foreign [Music] [Music] wow I'm beginning to understand why omnisphere is so popular with TV and movie score soundtrack composers yeah you've heard many of these kind of sounds before I'm sure in TV dramas beautiful another nice choir oh bells and choirs again I told you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] yeah instant soundtrack I mean wow this has to be up there one of the most beautiful sounding since I've ever played let's go for a nice a flat again wow a bit hot [Music] oh [Music] I remember [Applause] [Music] now this keyboard doesn't have aftertouch and I think a lot of these patches are going to respond to after touch so I've actually mapped up a knob here but I forgot to use it so if you see me twiddling this then that's what I'm doing I can also adjust the tempo everything is synchronized to the clock here in omnisphere and I can adjust the temper of that but it's something I haven't been doing so far okay let's Press On I think we're probably nearing the end of my list of favorites but uh if you're enjoying this then I am so let's Press On whoa there we go wow yeah another soundtrack here instant soundtrack instant movie drama yeah you've got to play some of these quite Tastefully I think to get the best out of them let's try something do that again [Music] you can be quite sparse because the synthesizer is doing most of the work let's try the mod wheel oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amazing wow [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] yeah just wonderful wonderful [Music] [Music] didn't see that coming we need to adjust the gain just a bit [Music] thank you yeah I wasn't sure how to play that one sorry about that but I think that's a good as Point as any to wrap this up we've explored I don't know 10 or 20 of these so far there's actually surprisingly few multis we have about as it's 13 000 something like that sorry I haven't fact checked but uh many multiples of thousands of the patches that you layer into the Maltese but the multis themselves just a few hundred I think so I'm not going to play anymore because I don't want to spoil it for you should you decide to get this synthesizer yourself and explore the Maltese I'm sure you will have a lot of fun just like I have done and I hope you enjoyed it wow some truly astonishing sounds there and I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did I'll see you next time cheerio
Channel: Woody Piano Shack
Views: 16,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synthesizer, vst plugin, software synth, sample library, omnisphere demo, omnisphere, omnispohere 2, omnisphere 2.6, omnisphere vst, omnisphere presets, omnisphere 2 tutorial, spectrasonics omnisphere, omnisphere 2.5, spectrasonics omnisphere 2, omnisphere 2 review, spectrasonics, keyscape, trillian, plugin guru, the unfinished, stylus rmx, eric persing
Id: -20KoSDbX2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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