Learn Lightroom CC (Lightroom in the Cloud) - 14: Lightroom on a Tablet

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hey guys this is Anthony Morgan tee from online photography training calm welcome to my video series learn Lightroom cc also known as Lightroom in the cloud you in this episode I'm going to give you an overview and give you some navigation tips on using the mobile version of Lightroom and really right off the bat I should clarify some terms in the past adobe would call the mobile version of Lightroom Lightroom mobile well in their quest to make things as difficult and confusing as possible they now call the mobile version of Lightroom Lightroom that's it it's just called Lightroom it's not even called Lightroom cc it's just called Lightroom now of course the desktop version that syncs with the mobile version the desktop version is called Lightroom cc and you'll remember in previous videos we would sync images by syncing collections in Lightroom cc and when you open up the mobile version lightroom called lightroom you'll see these images here now once you have Lightroom open it works very similarly to Lightroom cc but because you know it's a touch interface there are some slight differences and we're gonna go over that and one thing this demonstration will be done on a twelve point nine inch iPad pro this is the latest iPad pro probably was announced around November of 2018 I'm sure if you have an Android tablet some things are going to be a little bit different also mobile phones are going to be considerably different and I'll do a video on a mobile phone the mobile phone version of Lightroom in the future and I'm going to probably do two videos on the the tablet version of Lightroom in this video as i mentioned it's more of an overview and some navigation tips now first of all when you open up lightroom on your tablet you'll be presented with something very similar to this if you don't see this if you look at the very top left hand corner that little like bookcase thing or book thing if you click there you could see how that opens and closes this left-hand panel now it's very similar to Lightroom cc on the left hand panel at the very top we have the all photos gallery these are all the images they I synced from Lightroom cc to the cloud so they're all here on my tablet now you'll notice that the postage stamp view is very small if you'd like to make those the bigger you just pinch and zoom so take your index and thumb and place it anywhere on the right-hand side where the images are and just kind of push your fingers apart from one another and you can see how it's showing a sample image and what size it is so then now there are a lot bigger if you want to make them a little smaller just pinch in so again put your thumb and index finger down and you could adjust the size of these images now when you adjust size they go across all the galleries and all the albums so if I go to like this album images I'm currently processing so you can see how big they are if I go to pinch and zoom or pinch and zoom out like that how they're really small now I'll go back to all photos and you can see they're really small so basically when you adjust the size in one place that size you adjusted it to carries through everywhere now I mentioned we have these galleries at the top I'll make it a little bigger if you click that left facing arrow right down there and we'll roll that down you can see that there's other galleries there we have Lightroom camera photos these are images that I've actually taken taken with my iPad with with Lightroom not just images you take with the camera of your iPad you take these from within Lightroom and to do that if you look over in the bottom right hand corner you'll see there's a little camera icon if I click on that it opens up it opens up the camera app in my iPad now you can see it's blank and that's because I have my iPad on a base and it's blocking the camera but then if I took a picture right now that image will show up in that gallery now I'm going to close this down in the bottom left-hand corner there's a little X there click there and that's closed down so that's that Lightroom camera photos gallery below that are recently added are just the images in the order they were added and basically date order and you could scroll up and down by just dragging your finger up and down across the face of your tablet below that are images of people and you can see I don't have any here so these are the galleries along the top below that are the album's and you remember again because they want to make things as confusing as possible in Lightroom cc they're called collections so we have collections in Lightroom cc you sync a collection and when you sync the collection it will be an album in the mobile version of Lightroom also in Lightroom cc you have collection sets when you sync a collection set that becomes a folder in the mobile version of Lightroom and you can see that where it says albums I have a folder called my pictures if I tap there I have five five uh what do you call these things again albums five albums within that folder and each you know there's the Buffalo zoo and you can remember from previous videos where I sync these images now I have outside of that folder I have another album called images I'm currently processing and there's images there and you'll notice that each of those albums has three dots to the far right wherever you see three dots that's telling you there's a menu there and if we click on those three dots you can see that there's a menu there that I could add photos now we've covered how to add photos with Lightroom cc that's Lightroom for the desktop when no you know so we've added photos they synced with the cloud they show up on our iPad well you could actually get images onto your iPad directly from your iPad or from your tablet excuse me if I say iPad if I do it just means tablet any tablet device now you can see there's a headphones and there's three different ways you could do that and if I click there you can see from the camera roll so if I click on that it's going to open up my camera roll if I click properly and there's the images that are on my iPad on my camera roll say I want to bring that one into Lightroom so I'll just click and it select it if I want to deselect it just tap it again and then at the bottom add one photos and then it added that image now that's one place or one location you could bring images into the mobile version of Lightroom and I call that I know but anyway and it notice it brought it into that album so if I wanted to bring images into the Buffalo zoo album let's say I could click on that one add photos from my camera roll and I don't have a zoo image here but let's just say I did and then I click it and bring it into that album okay so we'll go back here we'll go to add photos and at the very bottom I'm going to skip that middle one for a minute you see from files now with the iOS and Apple ecosystem we have iCloud now I'm not sure what Windows versions have and Android versions have but in this case when I click from files its opening up my iCloud and these are the images I have on my iCloud so if I want to bring that one in I just tap on it it automatically will bring it in so that's an image from my iCloud now I skipped that one in the middle because that says all photos let's go and I'll show you real quick from all photos what that is is really here so if I have an image that isn't in an album and I want to put it in an album I could go to the album click on that three dots go to add photos go from all photos it's just showing all my photos that are on my iPad and let's say I want to bring that one and I'll click add photos and then it brought that into this album so that's all that is now again these three dots that's add photos at there at the top that's also accessible over here on the bottom right you could see that there's this little icon with a plus sign on it if I click on that so that's the same thing from the camera roll from all photos or from files and that will bring your images into this album now over on the far right you'll notice we have three dots in the top right-hand corner if you click there there's different settings you could adjust here you could different sorts you could sort by capture date how you want them displayed but that's called segmentation you just experiment here and see what works for you we also have add photos here so you have add photos in three different places you also could do a slideshow of the images that are currently being displayed and there's also settings down here and I just want to cover one thing real quick you're noticing when I'm tapping around there's that red dot appearing that's actually a feature of Lightroom that is normally turned off if you go to settings and you go to gesture shortcuts you can see at the bottom right here where it says interaction show touches I have that toggled on and that's creating that red dot which is helping you see where I touch and you know know whatever now I have my iPad in airplane mode and the reason why I have it in airplane mode is because I didn't want notifications to keep interrupting us as I'm doing this video so you'll notice that next to those three dots you'll notice that that little cloud has the exclamation point there that means that it cannot a sync at all as you're doing adjustments or moving images from albums to albums and things like that it will sync with the clouds so then when you open up Lightroom cc on your computer everything will get synced to your adjustments you're moving from albums whatever but because I'm in airplane mode none of that is being synced to the left of that you'll see there's this kind of little wineglass thing that's just filtering so if you want to filter your view of images by the star rating or by whether it's picked or rejected or what type of media it is keywords whether or not it's edited you could do all that with that filter icon now to the left of that is a magnifying glass and you can see that's grayed out that's just to search for an image and I mentioned Lightroom cc that's the Lightroom that's on the desktop Lightroom cc uses a new search technology that isn't available yet in Lightroom classic CC they it's called sensei and it basically could recognize it uses artificial intelligence and it could recognize let's say there's a tree in your image or a bird in your image just kind of knows and so if you search for images with birds theoretically it will show all the images that are on or in this album or if I was up here in all photos and I click that magnifying glass and I search for birds birds it would show all images that are on my iPad basically of birds the reason why it's grayed out though is because I'm in airplane mode um it doesn't it needs to access the Internet apparently the database it uses and the artificial intelligence it uses to do this search is not like inherent in the program it has to access it online so that's why that is like that now once you you know find an image and you want to process it you could just click on it right and you can see that it opened up this image and we're now in the edit panel now if I want to close down the Edit panel I could just click in the top right hand where that little slider icon is and I could open and close that if I just tap on the image once it will just give me a full view of the image and it could tap on it again and it can real swing back down I could open up that panel touch the image and it opens it up touch it again and it shrinks it down and it keeps that panel open now we have the Edit panel on the far right below that we have the presets now any presets that you imported into Lightroom that you either you know created yourself or images you import it on your desktop that you might have purchased like images or presets you purchased for me unfortunately they don't show up in the mobile versions of Lightroom they have their own sets of presets and there's no way to import at least as of the making of this video no way to import third-party presets into the mobile version of Lightroom below that we have cropping below that we have the Healing Brush and it works identically to the Healing Brush in older versions of Lightroom desktop version like in classic CC and Lightroom cc you have this little drop-down and you have the clone mode or the heal mode and you have the size feather and opacity now below that these are local adjustments and if you click there well what is it is it the brush or is that the graduated filter is it the radial filter well it's all of them and what I mean by that is when you click on that you'll notice in the far left hand corner now we have a plus sign if you click on that it opens up and you can see that on the far left is the brush below that is the radial filter and below that is the gradient or the gradient the gradual graduated filter I'm sorry so let's say you wanted to brush something you would click on the brush tool and then we have the different you know soft brush large brush and you could then come in and brush things the radiant there it gives you instructions on the radial gradient or radial filter it's telling you to drag on the photo to create a radial gradient like that and you know so I'm gonna cancel out of that we're gonna cover this in a future episode I'm going to go into more detail on how to use these local adjustments but just be aware that they're over here under this plus sign and below that these are copying it's grayed out now b-but but right below that local adjustment right there where it's grayed out that's to copy any processing you've done from or of the image here we'll go to there to the edit there any adjustments you did to a previous photo you could copy just the adjustments or everything that includes cropping and everything else in case there's nothing there so we could go now we could undo if you look at the top you can see right there undo undo like that or you could redo right there now as far as actual editing when you're editing you could do an auto edit right here I'm not going to do it we have our profiles and you could browse the profiles there and you can see that we have the profiles favorites and then we have the Adobe profiles we have the camera matching profiles we have an artistic grouping black-and-white grouping we have modern and we have vintage now again any profiles that you created yourself and imported or something you've got from a third party like presets they don't show up in the mobile version alight room at least not as of yet now we have pretty much standard editing we have the light section with exposure contrast highlight shadows whites and blacks clarity is in a different spot in Lightroom cc one little tip I want to give you remember with the desktop versions of Lightroom if you wanted to get a white or black point you would hold the alt or option key and when you adjust the slider and that will turn the screen either white or black and you could tell where you're clipping and could adjust it accordingly with the mobile version there's of course no alt or option key so to do it what you would do let's say I want to get a white point on this image I would click on this or put my finger on the whites slider then just take the no I hit my right hand on this whites slider my right index finger I'm going to take my left index finger and I'm just going to touch the image and you can see now how it turned black and I could adjust now and get a white point very very easily similarly I could go to the black slider and put my right index finger there and then put my left index finger on the image and let's get it going there we go and now you can see it turns white now I could get a black point there very easily done with two fingers below that we have the color tab and we could get a white balance just like the desktop version we could use the little eyedropper but it's a little different now when you click on that eye drop or you just can't like tap anywhere and get a white balance it doesn't work that way you get that active by clicking on the eyedropper or tapping on the eyedropper then take this bullseye and drag it somewhere like drag it there and let go and you can see how it gave it a real cool kind of white balance now if you don't like that click on it and let's put it somewhere else over there put it over there now you can see that's real warm let's go there so you can see you could get these now when you're satisfied with the white balance that you achieved you would click this little check mark checkbox that is right to the like I don't know one o'clock position of the circle and that will set your white balance that way now if you want to just use the drop down you could see that that gives you previews as the a shot it gives you the little small previews cloudy shade tungsten you can sees real cool we could go to shape you know that's a very warm so we'll go to a shot so or you could just come in and move the sliders if you'd prefer that case I'm just going to leave it as shot vibrance and saturation are here you can see I have saturation turned up below that we have effects we click there and that's where clarity is and we have D haze there as well and again I am going to in our next video I think I'm going to process an image from beginning to end to give you an idea of how to do that here we have vignette and then we have some little controls for the vignette we have midpoint we have feathering we have roundness and we have highlights and grain get grain to the image when you add grain the other two sliders below that become active the size of the grain and the roughness of the grain a split toning is here so we could do some split toning there and one thing I didn't talk about up here in light to the far right you could see there is the the tone curve and when I click on it the tone curve appears right on the image and it sometimes gets a little bit kind of funky to use when it's right on the image but you can see it's it's pretty large right on the image and when you want to get rid of it just click on that icon again so you got rid of that with color right here if you want to do it to black and white you could click there click it again to bring it back in color if you want to open up the HSL pattern they call it color mix here you could click there and you have you could adjust each color individually and we did effects in detail is sharpening unfortunately you know how we got a white and black point by using two fingers it does not work for masking you know how in to get them set your masking with sharpening on a desktop version alight room you would hold the alt or option key and drag that masking slider it doesn't work here when you put a second finger on the image so hopefully that's something they'll fix soon noise reduction so all that is here again I'll cover this in more detail and there's optics remove chromatic aberration and enable lens Corrections unfortunately it doesn't really show you any more info beyond that and we have geometry settings that are very similar to the desktop version now one other thing I want to show you real quick and in our next video we'll get a little more in-depth on everything but if you'll notice we got our image and you remember on the desktop version we had some info over here in the top left hand corner like camera used and stuff like that well if you take and two fingers now it's not a double tap it's just two fingers and tap on the image once you'll notice that we have info up there in the left hand corner also it's showing the flag status and whether or not it has any star rating if I want to see some different info just tap right on those letters and now we see it was one 200th of a second F of 5.6 ISO 100 500 millimeters was a Nikon d800e tap again and it's showing the name of the file it has it doesn't have a title and I don't have a caption but it has a copyright me I'll tap it again and it's showing the date I took that image and then tap again and we have all this other info one two hundred seven the size of the image and excuse me in the date so that has everything there and click again and we'll write that kind of where we started now if you want to see a histogram with this showing take your two fingers again so I got my my middle finger on my index finger and just touch the image or tap on the once and now we have the histogram now unfortunately tapping on the histogram doesn't do anything but if I want to get rid of this histogram take your two fingers again in single tap on the image and now everything's gone so you're cycling through either information or histogram or off by just tapping with two fingers on the image and if you want to see more information or different information when you have the information showing just tap on the information to get a different view of info about the image so I think I'm gonna stop there that's a lot of stuff to digest in our next video I'm going to cover the few things about navigation and some of the idiosyncrasies of this white room which I'm going to call the mobile version of Lightroom and I think we'll actually process an image from beginning 10 so you could get an idea of how to do it with a tablet in a future edition of this video series our future video in this series I'm actually going to use a mobile phone and and the latest mobile phone I have is an iPhone 7 so we're gonna do that and I don't anticipate getting a new phone for a while so it'd probably be on my iPhone 7 so that's it for this video thank you everyone for watching my video series learn Lightroom cc if you could do me a favor and like and share the video and subscribe to my youtube channel I'd really appreciate that as well also in the description below this video will be a link to my website come visit my website online photography training com there you'll find all kinds of free photography how-to articles and videos I'll talk to you guys soon you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 2,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, post processing, adobe, lightroom, photoshop, geometry, straighten, lens correct, tablet, ipad, iphone, android
Id: fquBnEWo5xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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