Learn Kanji with Vocab for Beginners #2

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hey guys it's Mesa from Japanese amo this is the second lesson for learning kanji I hope year via the kanji real and last time this time we'll start off with the kanji for three again this country was created out of the shape of a tree the Konami all the Japanese reading is key the enemy is maka so as the noun tree you use key so secretary in Japanese would be Sakura no key Sakura mochi now let's try reading this sentence do you still remember the reading and the meaning of the second can see from the first video it looks like a man spreading his arms right and it means big so this sentence means that tree is big isn't it now how do you say three key right so altogether it is unlock you ah okey this Anette unlock you ah okey Bissonnette next this one a kanji and then it says you'll be remember you'll be is the suffix for the days of the week right though we haven't learned the county for yo viet we will learn how to write it in this video so this would be a compound now the first kanji means fire and fire plus space you'll be mix Tuesday do you remember how we said Tuesday it's coyote coyote we use the onion before the county fire so we should do the same for the second kanji three plus you'll be makes Thursday literally good today but again it comes from the word maca say Jupiter so we say moku you'll be for Thursday altogether it says Chi Obito mo kio be WA s Olga she'd s Tuesday and Thursday are busy Oh I'm busy on Tuesday and Thursday Kop Tomoki obi-wan ahsoka see this by the way we add another two trees we get the cans full forest pretty interesting huh the reading is Maudie Maudie next if we combine the cons for person and three we get the kanji for to rest to seamen see a person resting against the tree Takuya me is yes with origami it is about to rest yes the onion is key used in the compound world and depending on what okra Ghana you put the meaning can change a little yes una means to rest author you take a day off yes me means day off holiday and break all verbs have good sound at the end so you know which one is the verb and which one is a now you say hiroyasu me it means lunch break it is a compound noun has hiragana in it so you still use the king of me okay let's try reading this one it's she got all yes uma she go - oh yes ma it means to take a day off from work basically it means to not go to work so we put the word see go to work or job we can put for example school ghako and with me not go to school like when you have a cold okay next shoe Matsu means weekend sir all together she must've ah yes sir me this which means weekends are days off next if we add a vertical line through the country three we get the cars for book origin and true this one is a strange one because when we hear all yummy all the Chinese readings most of the time we don't know what kanji or what you're talking about without looking at the kanji but for this kanji the ome we immediately associate it with the meaning of book so Han doesn't have to be in the compound war ii mean book because of the reason a lot of Japanese people also think that holy is the Konami but it's not an easy way to figure out if it's on Oakland is that most of the time when the reading has at the end it is an onion me anyway there is a Cunha me for this kanji but it is where they use so we're gonna skip it just remember this as home so let's try reading this sentence it means this is a book so we read it like whatever on this next one is a compound word very important one so you should remember it means really we hadn't had the second kanji that looks like the Kappa Gamma yo with eyelashes the only me who this kanji is tall and it usually means right as in right or wrong so together it honto really if you change the intonation like Kanto it's a question really Kanto you don't have to put the knee but you'll hear both ways honto or Han Tony as ready next do you still remember the kanji for the rest we are going to put the kanji for brick instead of three and we get the cans full body just imagine resting your body under the tree with a dumbbell on the side and the reading is kurata karada i'll show you some expressions that is karada first Kara Danny II the knee particle means T it was and II means good Kara Danny II means good for you or good for your health you can use it about healthy food so for example yes I wa Cara Danny II means vegetables are good for you and if you want to say bad for you then put the word pad which is watery instead of E so for example we can say Marco Cara Denis Wadi which means McDonald's isn't good for you market is how we say McDonald's for short by the way next we have a countable mouth it's one of the easiest candy as you just need to draw a box the cleome is cootie there is an amoeba it's not coming out so I'll skip for now and they remember what the katakana roll looks like it looks basically the same because of this reason when I was a child and so this package I didn't think that the second character was the candy mouth but the kataka model it was especially confusing because choco is written in katakana and also I didn't think the first character was the cause evil one but though it was the sign that makes a long Bell like caudal God we put the line but it's impossible to read the long line at the beginning so I was trying to read like row chuckles alike then I asked my grandpa if I was right and this package was misprinted or something he's only it's supposed to be read as he told gee Joker which means bite-sized chocolate the Canterville he talked to tea literally means one month but it means one by all one bite-size the reason why we don't use all yummy for this compound well they start Japanese has crazy counting systems that have no rules not just learners but native speakers also cannot always figure out how to read words without include numbers and counters so you basically just need to memorize each counter next I'll show you an interesting expression that uses cookie can you try reading it the mouth isn't used as a compound word so you should use the Konami God is the particle that indicates the subject Kadri means light as in light weight can you guess what it means it means loose tongue it describes someone who never keeps all those secrets next this is a compound noun so both countries have on your main net do you remember the onion before person it's gin and though I didn't tell you Oh yummy for miles it's cool so together its dinkle immense population the county for multi used to be used as accountable people as the mouth represented how many people needed to be fed and then it turned to the meaning of population next from the kanji mouth we can get the kanji for watt which is very important to know adding the cans full person on the left and something that looks like tea on the right side maybe imagine a man's face whose mouth is wide open and beard is a bit messy again now let's try using this money in sentences can you try Corella money it means what is this this is an informal way you can even meet the article and say Corre money formally you'd have to put discount at the end and the one thing I want you to be careful about is that with this disco the country has to be read as Nam not Lani so altogether it Carrera Nam deskah remember you cannot say nanny deskah just nan desu ka' Cora WA nan desu ka' next this is also tricky one these are the colorful lot and person right it can mean two things depending on the reading first he read this as non-region then it means what nationality line eating and if you read this as Nam name then it means how many people so how do you know when to read which you just need to get from the context for example take a look at this sentence Misawa bla bla disco and also says Misawa Nihonjin desu then it's weird to translate this question as how many people is missile so we translate it as what nationality is Mesa then there is the suffix full nationality so we really as landing Jim Misawa naniji deskah Misawa Nihonjin desu next when we add the vertical line in the middle we get the County for day or sometimes some but only in compound was like sunburn or sunlight it kind of looks like a calendar don't you think the Kaname is surprisingly show it's just he he so as the ward day we say he but because of the crazy Japanese rules for counting stuff once you start learning how to count days you might get connect so for now let's skip that and focus on actually useful stuff can you try reading these the first one means this day and the second one means Mother's Day they are not compound words so they should be read like corn or he and haha no he respectively next this one can be a useful phrase ty Hannah means tough hard as a hard time or rough it says hi Hannah he data which means I had a rough day hi Hannah he data this is informal so you want to make this formal you just change the data into desta ty Hannah he dashed up next do you remember this first kanji person leaning against the tree it means to rest right so with the lucky Ghana its Yasumi Yasumi on its own campaign day off but to be more accurate we sometimes say yes me no he of course you don't need to write the brackets like I did but one underneath is a compound now and it means holiday in the sense of national holiday like Christmas and so on so using the on yummy it is cutie to remember cutie is a holiday but yes Amina he is more like a day off next this compound now is probably the most important learning Japanese yes it means Japan so maybe some of you might be thinking what are they and book to do with Japan apparently Japanese people read the most amount of books every day in the world just kidding the kanji for they can also represent some and the cancel boot Council represent origin so basically it means the origin of the song like where the Sun rises because we ain't in the East right anyway we read it like be home be home so next one should be easy to read can you read it it means Japanese person so Nihonjin Nihonjin so you should be able to read the sentence now mrs. Japanese Misawa Nihonjin this next one is also a compound word do you remember we had countries for Tuesday and Thursday finally we are going to learn the context for the suffix your B here is a tip for learning kanji your goal is to recognize kanji not to write them either need to try to memorize the whole parts of the country just remember the main things that stick out like for this kanji you can just memorize the left part day and the top part that looks like two katakana yup just ignore the bottom one there is no other country that has those elements together anyway now that we know how to read the suffix P the first kanji for day or sound will be read as Nietzsche Nietzsche so the word for Sunday is ETOP it's a line because we're the first country I'm the last kanji are both day the reading is different me to your beat okay let's review how to read Tuesday Thursday as well as Sunday now do you remember the first candy it means fire right like papaya the onion before this is cut so Tuesday is Chi you'll be next one the cans for three the onion is beaucoup sir well cool you'll be means Thursday and they won't we just learnt Sunday is et yo beat next one is a new kanji remember that the kanji for mouth KU t looks like the Kappa Gamma Rho this one has the capitana aura inside the meaning is now the economy is EEMA the ano means con don't you think this comes it looks like a lid on top of a ramen cup you see the bit that looks like the kappa camara is the line a bit when making ramen you need to wait for 3 minutes right that 3 minutes feels so long that you always think is it now is it now impatiently I really used to ask my mommy impatiently EEMA EEMA while waiting for ramen to be ready kid let's try reading descendants this one also is a very useful phrase to remember the two countries are next to each other but they are not a compound word these to remember or ii kanji means there is a small mouth wide open looks like a man saying what if we add eyes on top anyway what is Nani right nonny so altogether the sentence is in Minami cetera in my name is tara and it means what I did now or rather why up till now friends often text each other asking this question this is a colloquial form and actually the all particle and eat between 10 and zero are omitted in informal speech we almost always omit the all particle and data which means doing becomes cheated without the eat in my money she dead he want to say formerly you can say Iman Annie or stay Moscow Iman on your stay in Moscow next one is a compound word with a weird reading perhaps you can guess the meaning the kanji for now and they make today we read it like your kill this one actually can be read as kon nichi which makes more sense with normal on Yami's but it's really is maybe only in a very formal situation do you remember hello is konnichiwa right this konnichiwa indeed comes from this word today plus the wall particle which means like speaking of today but also phrase hello you should write it in hiragana only anyway for the world food today we normally say cool cool so let's try reading this sentence it says today I'll read a book so kilwa home Oh yummy mas kya Oh yummy mas finally let's review the kanji we had today there will a lot of them I'll give you some time to think and then I'll say the meaning first for each kanji three rest book body mouth what day now now how to read them once again I'll give you some time to think I'll take a yam in first and then Oh yummy key and mocha yes oh yes MA without kreega llama and cute yes and you home karada coochie and call nonny or nam-hee and Michi EEMA and calm before we finish let's do some reviewing can you try it means Thursday is my day off so moku you'll be well yes me - Maku you'll be wall yes Emmy this next it's a bit long but you can do it it means what do Japanese people do on holidays or days off so Nihonjin hua Zhu Zhi Jing Yi LAN yo che masca Nihonjin my cue to tune in on Yoshi masca next it has two countries from the previous videos do you remember the meaning is dogs mouths are big so in a No kochira all Kiedis in Anoka - ah okay this next just one country but this is quite useful to remember it's a mama chato I so gosh II guess it means I'm a little busy at the moment or now chato is always written in hiragana and means a little bit and it's okay she means busy Amala total ahsoka she'd s last one there are three same country that means day but it's reading is different it's difficult but II remember the first part means today and second three countries make Sunday yeo-hwa me to your bead s today Sunday go wat need to you or be this few we learn a lot this time make sure to rewatch it a few times to get them right again if you made it to the end please leave a comment I was so happy to see your great comments on the last video thank you so much your support means a lot to me damn I better see you later
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 74,536
Rating: 4.9811893 out of 5
Keywords: kanji, learn kanji, Japanese free lesson, Japanese vocabulary, how to read Japanese, nihongo, anime, kawaii, otaku, Japanese Ammo with Misa, Japanese culture, Japanese characters, hiragana, how to write kanji, how to learn kanji, best way to learn kanji
Id: xljZH3cjkoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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