Learn Kanji with Vocab for Beginners #1

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hello everybody this is mr. from Japanese amo today we are going to learn kanji yay he watched like hiragana video I've already told you about don't care about recorders I show you the right order but nobody cares except for nitpickers and I want us to be cool badass learners who don't pick over people's mistakes first I'll introduce you the easiest countries on earth this is 188 tt-33 some say just lines unfortunately from number 4 it gets a tiny bit more difficult but we will learn them in later lessons next up this kanji means person it looks like a person right and it was indeed made out of the shape of the person walking now all of them but a lot of countries will create it from the shapes of things and this country has two readings one of them is hit top hit top and another one is kimchi and this reading circle cunha me all the Japanese reading and yummy or Chinese reading yummy is the Japanese pronunciation the way the country is pronounced by itself when we hear the creamy of the kanji we know the meaning would which contain only one can't you use the Korea as well you'll see more examples in this video all yummy is the Chinese pronunciation of the country and it's only used when the country is combined with another country to form compound word which is called to Google or it can be used like a suffix so while heater can be used as a noun person gene would be only used in a compound word there are some compound words that are made out of tables that use committee you can spot them easily because you'll see hiragana enter and multiple names of people and places they usually use creamy but not always even Japanese people have a hard time figuring out how to read them in fact when you name a baby you can use whatever color you want and however you want and some lunatic parents decided it's a good idea to name the children pika - it's cute but Pikachu really and chose the kanji for lightning and Mouse this type of naming is called a Kyra Kyra name so like I said that means person so if you want to say this person or that person you DS Hittle so you read these as kono hito and i stopped but when we have a load like American as American person we did like a suffix so America Jane is how we say American it works for any nationalities English person we say Aguirre surgeon Aguirre Soutine Canadian Canadian commodity Australian Tourism Australia gene so we've learned that the country for the person can be read as he taught or gene but how about this one the kind of fool one and person we know we pronounce one as et and since this is a compound one you'd want to use the gene for the person however we read it as he Tori he told why I'm alright but these cases can exist it's because the country was said to the would hit re all along the old existed not the other way around so when learning kanji you will have to deal with this kind of Lovelace okay next up if we have these small lines on the each side of the kanji person we get the cans in fire the clay of me or the difference reading is Kiki so as a noun flyer we must say he the Oh yummy all the Chinese reading is caca so it's used in the compound world you can't remember this country by imagining the Hmong on fire an example of compound word that uses car as a reading is chi yeol b which means tuesday literally fire day actually the name is associated with Mars we call Mars cos a cos a literally pasta it's just like the English word Tuesday that is also associated with Mars this you'll be is a suffix for days of the week in Japanese and this year he also has country but we learn them a bit later next if we are the vertical line through the contact person we get the card for pig this country is also created by the shape of a man spreading his arms Korea me is all but to use this as an adjective pig we Mossad key in hiragana by the way this hiragana bit after the kanji is called Okada ghana oka Ratana okura means to send so it literally means hiragana Dulce now from the kanji so as an adjective pig you must say porky the only means die for example using a compound would daikaku means everything Kaka means to school so it literally means big school die Kaka alrighty remember how we should read this this has only one country so we is clearly the Japanese reading which is oh and the shara ghana accra ghana is key together it is an adjective okey which means big okey what about this one can you try to read it it means a big person because Japanese doesn't have spaces in between each word it might look like a compound word but it is not I briefly mentioned it earlier Vaness this is a compound old when there is hiragana in them you use clean yummy that Japanese reading so we shall read this one as the adjective pig and now person we get okay hito which means a big person next this is a compound word Pig and person it makes the word adult remember the ome or the Chinese reading for the first kanji pig is Ty Ty and for ii kanji person is Jin so you probably want to read it like dieting but the reading is Hana by the way Taizo means Minister it just like the word alone one person Kotori remember as a now adult we have to read it like Oh Donna oh Donna next if we add another vertical line to the kanji big we get the kanji husband quite interesting right with one line a person gets bigger and with another line a person becomes a husband the Korea me is Otto Otto Sohyun easy as a now it means husband especially my husband you must read it as Otto okay try to read this sentence it means my husband is American the answer is Ottawa America's end s Ottawa America's in this next one is a compound now we know the first country and the last one big and husband the middle one you probably will not say much elsewhere the middle one and plus one makes a compound word job which means robust if you offer an old lady a hand to carry something heavy they will be war word thing but it's really happy are you okay you'll say job a desk ara which basically means I'm robust or my body is strong or I'm capable cut out down means because by the way anyway that's not the most common word this one with the kanji big we really like the job by job and it means it's alright no problem you sure this phrase as you'll hear this everywhere in Japan if you fall over people will go daijoubu or daijoubu desu ka' are you okay remember you cannot use this as okay as in okay got it it just means it's not a problem don't worry here say sorry send me my Sam people might say they job but as well next if you had the dot under the can speak we get the for that don't you think it looks like a belly button some 30 people say it looks like something else hanging between legs so you can remember this anyway you want so the Kuya is hooked up and depending on what or critical that you put afterwards the meaning can change a little bit if you say good thorry amends sick or ha but Kelly refer to objects like a look or body part like an arm you say who daughter it is a verb which means to get thought to gain weight you've seen my absolute beginners video you can make this into the muscle and changing to Kotori mass and the past tense would be who Tory master I got far now if you want to say that for people you must say the dot theta dot theta this uses a form called Teflon don't worry you haven't learned it yet but it's actually not unattractive but the translation would be T Beefheart so if you want to say the top data or who taught the EMAs volley in the muscle it means I owe you someone is part without data next if we add a dot at the top of the country big immense dog look it does look like a dog's face maybe you can remember the thought as a bone on ear the economy is in it so the now dog is also in it now let's try to read these ones I'll give you some time think okay the first one means a big dog since there is hiragana you should know that they would have konami so we read it like oke in oke in the second one has a belly button or whatever you think it is so it means hot so for the word fat for people all living things you'd say fifth date right who taught data so we must read this like a doctor eating a hot dog who taught day dureena okay let's really the country long today can you remember the meanings of each kanji person client big husband hot and dog now how to read them I'll say the king of me first and then only on before them for person Chito and jinney papaya key and cut for Big O and die for husband Otto or who go fat who top like who toy for dog in before we finish we will do some exercises let's try to read this one I'll give you some time all key in a girl for she des something go Jose this means I want something so this sentence means I want a big dog next this one again I'll give you some time to think Portola who taught thymus or Toa the tought dey mus my husband is part the last one your means to bang and then they were particle Jolla and car your be des Java Kai or B des today is Tuesday whew we are down for today it took a long time to make this video so you should spend some time to learn the kanji I showed you t if you like this concert video I'll make a series so please subscribe like the video and leave a comment thank you so much for watching you've made it to the end please let me know if you say something like Missa I made it to the end or even in Japanese psycho mother Matteo that will really help me to know whether these videos are good night Joe matinee see you later
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 303,104
Rating: 4.9605374 out of 5
Keywords: Kanji, Japanese, Japanese characters, learn Japanese, nihongo, 日本語, 漢字, Japanese culture, Japanese Ammo with Misa, anime, kawaii, otaku, Japan, easiest way to learn kanji
Id: Xu9HIypscSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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