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bang needs knives I'm Jared and today we're going to teach you how to properly sharpen a knife in five minutes all right guys so you need to get a stone and it needs to be an extra course or a coarse Stone that's very very important if you're using a carbon steel blade you can basically use any stone you want as long as as long as you're starting with a coarse blade from aluminum oxide natural stones diamonds I personally recommend Diamond so that's what we're going to be using today but I will link a bunch of stones down in the description from this video from tri-way stones that are diamond to the Work Sharp bench stone that has angle guides put into it so you don't have to find your own angle they already have angle guides put in there but in this video we are going to teach you how to find your own angle so like I said if you have a bench Stone you can get little angle guides as well sold separately so that you have your angle already set up for you but today I'm going to show you how to find your own Angle now what you want to do is you want to start off with the blade laying on the stone lift it up 90 degrees that's straight up and down now if you cut that in half from the spine to the stone cut that in half that's going to be 45 degrees now if you cut that in half again 22.5 degrees now that's a good edge angle for most knives anywhere between that and a little bit lower or a little bit higher that'll give you an edge angle between 17 and 25 degrees the higher the edge angle the faster you will be able to sharpen and the tougher your Edge will be but the lower the edge angle the sharper it will be but it will take quite a bit longer to sharpen the knife picking your edge angle will depend on the steel you're using and what you're cutting and what you're chopping now you can use this same process whether it's with a folding pocket knife or a chef knife any kind of knife this is how you sharpen it this Edge is a typical shape for a lot of knives now I'm going to cut that in half cut that in half again that's about 22.5 degrees and I'm going to stick with that because I want a nice tough Edge and I want this to go fast so now that I have my edge angle I'm going to lock my wrist and I'm going to use my elbow and my hips more than my wrist because if I use my wrist I could fluctuate the angle I want the angle to be locked on so don't lift going across the stone and don't drop going across Stone lock it on there and act like you're shaving a thin layer off of the top of the Stone without changing angle do not fluctuate the angle now if you start with an extra coarse Stone this part of the process will go very fast now if you're sitting down you're just going to want to move your elbow so get your edge angle lock your wrist and use your elbow to go across every time when you need to get to the tip or if you need to get to the belly of the blade lift your elbow then drop it back down to go back so as you're going across the stone you're going to lift your elbow to get to the tip and drop it back down lift drop that's going to help you get the whole blade shape because as you can see you have to in order to get the tip I have to lift up like right there I have to lift up to get to the tip so it doesn't matter the edge angle I'm gonna have to do that movement regardless now you'll know when you're done with your first side when you can see your scratch pattern goes from the top of the edge bevel to the very Apex The Cutting part of the Edge from the heel of the blade to the very tip and you want to make sure it also has a burr so you want to feel a wire going across the opposite side of the blade that you haven't sharpened yet then flip over to that side and do the same thing do your 90 degrees cut it in half cut that in half that's your angle unless if you want to go a little bit lower or a little bit higher and same thing lock your wrist as you're coming across the stone lift your elbow to get to the tip once you've done the exact same thing on the other side and your scratch pattern is from heel to tip from the top of the edge bevel to the Apex and you have a burr all the way up and down the blade you are ready to switch to your next Stone now you need to figure out what your finishing stone is going to be I recommend 600 grit for most Steels but that's going to vary depending on what you're doing and what kind of Steel you're using but in this case we are going to finish on a 600 grit now you want to rinse or repeat do the exact same thing you did on the first stone so you have the Burr the final Burr once you've finished both sides you should have a final burn the Burr is wrapped around the edge like this so you want to take that Burr and let it snag the snow Stone and rip off you're gonna have to do it on both sides because it'll most likely fold back over to this side once you swipe this side so you're going to take your Edge starting with the tip and with no pressure at all let the edge Glide across the stone no pressure all you're trying to do is snag the Burr off you're trying to fatigue it by letting it fold back and forth until it pops completely off and then we will move to our straw after you've removed the burr from your Edge then you get your strop and you do reverse passes on the strop this is just to take off the little fragments that are still left from your Burr you start with the tip pull down stroke this way you're doing a reverse pass or an edge trailing pass do this about five to ten times per side and now you should have a nice sharp edge
Channel: Neeves Knives
Views: 284,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xIGSylwdMoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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