Learn How to Parallel Park With an Instructor

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already in Reverse how much are you going to turn the wheel to the right 360 let's go and then we just hold and pivot and during our pivot you're still looking behind you and maybe in the left mirror but mostly in the right mirror as we approach the curb so you know when to [Music] stop hey it's jacn and I am here with with Tiffany and we are working on parking specifically parallel parking but just kind of the big picture was just kind of getting to know the size of your car did that feel right for you yeah yeah so when we first met about an hour ago Tiffany had this feeling that she had no idea about the size of the car and that parking was just a mystery but you have been working on a couple different things to figure out your spacing I would love for you to share that if you feel comfortable um I fig or I learned that that my left leg lines up with the speaker box of the car left speaker box which lines up with the left um front mirror or what is it front light yeah yeah and the same for the right side nice and then how about the mirrors when you set your mirrors we made a big deal about the back door handles have you been using your mirrors when you've been practicing your parking yeah and what does it show you it shows me when I'm parallel with the curb and it helps with parking yeah and it's kind of weird because I remember when we first started you were like I don't really get how that's going to show me but then I've noticed every time we've done it like I say stop when you're parallel and you're like boom right on it so it's fun for me to see um you experiencing it yeah um okay some other things we've worked on are how much to turn I think it's fair to say that in the beginning you sort of felt like you had to turn the wheel a lot a lot a lot and now we're sort of nor in how much to turn so we've been working more with like 360° angles things like that um all right wait so is the full if I turn all the way how many angles is that is I think it might be two and a half or something I don't know I never really count it when it's all the way I just think about all the way if I'm in a really tight spot when we've had to reverse out of parking and we want to do those tight curves or if we were making a U-turn we'd do all the way but yeah and then we've done some bigger parallel parking spots we did our first one with no car behind us so it was very low stakes and then we did it with like a lot of space and you were just asking well yeah but what if it's a really tight spot so we're going to challenge ourselves with different kinds of parallel parking let's see how it goes um all right so first we'll just go out on the road you can make your left lane change and then I guess we'll go down this road and we'll see if there is a parallel spot for us so when I'm approaching a parallel parking spot I think about finding a spot that looks about two spots bigger than my car that for me is like going to be the easiest parallel parking so let's parallel park behind the gray truck up here that can be our first one so right turn signal mirror blind spot pull up next to the truck and what are you going to match the mirrors is that not close enough to the car it's going to be okay yeah but since this car is bigger than us let's reverse a little bit to start and instead of matching the mirrors let's match our back tail lights nice that way when we do our turn we won't accidentally bump them okay so already in Reverse how how much are you going to turn the wheel to the right 360 let's go wait up got it all right and then you're going to sit up tall and look in the right mirror and Visually you're waiting for the curb to disappear under the front door handle so you're going to wait for that spot you'll know when you see it and look in the right mirror and over your right shoulder and in the left mirror just because and in the right mirror okay all right so that process put the back right Tire close to the curb where you want it and now you already did your good work turning to the left you're going to turn all the way and then we just hold and pivot and during our pivot you're still looking behind you and maybe in the left mirror but mostly in the right mirror as we approach the curb so you know when to stop awesome how did that feel oh good awesome okay go ahead and push P yes I'm going to open up my door so we can look at your beautiful parking nice and parallel next to the curb perfect distance so when you were looking in the mirror that time it felt to me like you have a better sense of what you were looking for it's becoming more familiar good okay let's reverse just a little bit and then we'll exit and we'll go find another good spot and look over your right shoulder really good and again using the right mirror to make sure you're parallel and look over your right shoulder go back a little more and stop perfect and then put us in drive and when it's safe yes so maybe we'll find a tighter spot on this side of the road and if we don't we'll just go around the corner and we'll look for something else but I definitely want to give you that Challenger looking for of doing a tighter spot do you have to parallel park where you live no oh Hallelujah I have like a little parking lot okay is it diagonal or perpendicular um perpendicular here's our spot what do you think oh okay right turn signal pull up next to the black car a little closer and match mirror to mirror to start our car is a little longer than this one so I think we can go up a bit and we'll match back to back nice and then you do all the good work apply the same pattern car in Reverse oops whoops I got it okay all right and you want to look around just in case a bicyclist was coming or a person why does it feel like I'm about to hit the curve it feels like it but you see the front door handle and if you still see curb then you know we're okay oh okay oh and I think when you only see grass that's when you know you're in the right spot okay and then do your pivot and you can see our tire running just along the curb perfect you you hit the curb with a tire as you landed you felt that go ahead and straighten out your tires turn to the right one more time and push P oh I don't go up a little let's pause for just a moment we are actually in perfect position our windshield wipers are under the bumper so the person ahead of us would be able to get their groceries out of the car the person behind us is a nice nice space away let's talk about that final little bump when you touched the curb that time when you reversed you reversed about an inch further back than the first time and I'm going to open the door so you can see what it looks like we are parallel but we're like right up against the curb so when you were reversing to that perfect spot was that when I turned the wheel to the right or that when I turned all the way to the left that was when you turned the wheel to the right and you were reversing to watch the curb disappear in the mirror okay that was when I AC did this and I realized I was supposed to do this so yeah and that it's interesting just the St the the lengthening of your neck it was that maybe half an inch right kind of interesting but it's okay you were going a nice slow speed even the bump on the curb was so gentle it's not like it hurt anything um but yeah your your goal is not to touch the curb but you're figuring it out you're figuring out your space so let's go out and we'll do it again and we'll see what kind of space we have and how we can do it and I would look left again nice just sometimes if it takes me a little while to get out of a spot I always feel like some cyclist could come from nowhere so you were talking about that turn left here that in Kansas there aren't as many cyclists as in California so you've experienced a lot of cyclists popping out yeah okay we found our last test spot we're matched mirror to mirror with the Subaru you've got your right turn signal on what are you going to do next turnning 360 to the right got it then put us in reverse and then we're thinking about the herb and I'm thinking with that slight angle go ahead and roll back just a little bit more with you you released perfectly you did that just go back a little bit more cuz remember we're just working on that perfect spot I want to make sure that you lose sight of the curb under the door handle okay does that feel good yeah okay go ahead and turn to the left and keep rolling back nice and you're aware of the car behind you and our approach to the curb and you're going to see the perfect spot nice really good it's so pleasing to see on the camera how perfectly you're marked I love that you didn't look at that because I want you to learn how to do it without looking at it I promise you the mirror is your best guide and the the intuition that you're developing about your placement is going to serve you really really well but let's just put the reverse camera on again I know the beeping is terrible but how satisfying to see the line right there perfect space from the car beh ahead of you or behind you and then you can see perfect space from the car behind you go ahead and push P again actually when I like look without this camera it looks like kind of closed yeah oh wait I forgot you said like the wipers below their window exactly and you can see that here and then look over there behind you you can see you've got even more room visually it's sort of this weird perspective of like I don't know 2 in of hood below the windshield wiper so if you really really really had to get closer because you had to wedge yourself in somewhere you could go all the way till the windshield wiper was just above the back window yeah all right elbow bump really good parallel parking thank you for sharing your tips any other tips you want to share with the world about trying parallel parking I guess it's not as scary as I thought it was going to be yeah than thank you all right bye everybody take care [Applause]
Channel: Zutobi Drivers Ed
Views: 23,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn how to parallel park with an instructor, driving lesson how to park, how to park on a side street, how to turn wheel when parallel parking, when to turn when parking, parallel parking tutorial for beginners, parking for first time drivers, parallel parking tips for new drivers, how to park parallel parking easy way, driving lesson with instructor parking, practice parking for driving test, how to get used to the size of your car, how to use mirrors when parking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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