Learn How to Paint BLUE MOROCCAN CITY with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

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hi there i'm michelle the painter from berkshire paint sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] all right so today i'm going to be painting blue moroccan city which is inspired by a photograph that i took a few years ago when we took a trip to morocco we stumbled upon this beautiful sparkly little blue city i know i'm gonna butcher the name but on paper it looks like it should be pronounced chef chawan but it's probably totally wrong it's probably like chef shawn or chuchuan or something i don't know but chef chawan is how i'm gonna americanize the name so that's what it's inspired by i'm gonna be sipping on a little bit of merlot today and if you do enjoy this video i hope that you like and subscribe to the channel and that you also check out my patreon page where you're going to find additional painting perks so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for my materials today i'm going to be using a stretched and prime 16 by 20 inch canvas if you're painting along with me you can certainly switch up the size but that's what i'll be using i'm going to be using acrylic paint today my colors are titanium white cobalt blue fluorescent purple chrome yellow burnt umber which i'll call brown fire red green oxide and mars black and of course you can switch up those colors if you'd like but that's what i'll be using for my tools today i have a standard number two pencil and i have three brushes i have a half inch wide flat bristle brush i have a number eight round brush and a number one round brush and i will refer to these as small medium and large as we go through the painting process if you're painting along with me you'll probably want a cup of water for washing your brushes as well as a paper towel for drying your brushes and down below this video i do provide you with a couple of additional resources that can help you through your painting process one of them is a link where you can purchase the same exact paint kit that i'm using from the large canvas to the fancy palette and the paint and the brushes and all that good stuff but what i also provide for you down below is a link where you could download a free image of the final painting so you can print that and use it as visual reference as you go through the painting process and there's also written step-by-step instructions down there for you as well and that's all we're going to need today all right so we're going to do for the first step is we are doing an initial sketch of our buildings and our stairway i'm going to be using my pencil to do this and i'm going to give you a couple of markers and we're just going to kind of connect those markers and by the time we're done we'll have some big shapes that we'll be able to color color in for our base coat so i've got my pencil um the first mark that i'm going to make is a little bit to the left of my halfway point at the top of my canvas so if you kind of just eyeball and these don't have to be exact markers just kind of in around in in the vicinity is where i like to go so this is about my halfway point i'm going to go maybe about an inch and a half to two inches to the left of that i'm going to make myself a marker then i'm going to come down about halfway down my canvas and make another marker at about the same um distance so that's going to be my second marker i'm going to come down into the bottom left hand corner i'm going to come in maybe about an inch and a half make myself a marker somewhere in through there then i'm going to come over on the top right hand corner of my canvas and come in i would say about a quarter of the way so if this is your halfway mark you can go about halfway between here and here make yourself a mark at about that quarter way mark and then you're going to come all the way down to the right hand side about i would say a third of the way up your canvas and to know where that third is if you can eyeball about your halfway point then you eyeball your quarter way point it's somewhere in the middle of those and make yourself another marker so you should have five markers one two three four five what we're going to do now is we're going to connect the dots so i'm going to sit here and i'm going to take this one and i'm going to create a vertical line going in through here something like that and again you can see it doesn't have to be perfect i'm going to connect this dot to this dot but i'm going to use an arcing type motion so i'm going to start here and then i'm going to bring it out a little bit and then just curve it in something like that so a little bit of a curve for this one it doesn't have to be a big curve just a little curve then what i'm going to do these two markers are kind of floating so i'm going to be doing a horizontal line here and a vertical line here and they will meet at some point so if you want you could kind of just go straight down from here just eyeball about this distance and make yourself a little bit of a dot you might have to move it a little bit as you um when you come down but something like that or you could use your brush and or your brush or your pencil and measure how far over that is almost lost my pencil there you could measure how far over that is and come down to this point see my eyeball told me it was about a half of an inch further so i can make myself a mark there and then i can give myself a horizontal line here something like that and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come up this area probably i would say about an inch and a half to two inches somewhere in this vicinity and then i'm going to connect this marker to this corner with an arcing line so i'm going to start in through here and i'm just going to give myself an arcing line like that then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come about halfway between here and here and make myself a little bit of a marker what i'm going to do now is i'm going to actually make myself the rooftop uh outline for the rooftop for a couple of this this side of this building in through here and it's kind of going to be i i'm going to say floating a little bit but if you want to have um an easy way to do it so it can have a little bit of movement what you can do is kind of consciously think it's going to be small here and your initial you're inevitably getting it larger into here this is farther away and this is closer so if you were to almost draw an imaginary line in through here that's where your rooftops would occupy that space so i'm going to be making my rooftops in a diagonal type way i'm only going to be doing three so i'm going to take from this mark and i'm just going to go diagonal a little bit like that then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down vertically and you don't want the vertical line to be diagonal you want it to be vertical and i'm going to make myself another one somewhere in through here it's going to be diagonal going in an upward motion for a couple of inches then i'm going to do another vertical line somewhere in through here and yours can be different than mine with the height variation but you want that line to be these to be diagonal going in an upward way and the markers between the roof tops to be vertical so something like that i'm going to bring this up almost maybe about an inch away from the top of my canvas and then i'm just going to create this going like that and that is all i'm going to be doing for my outline we are going to be using our large brush for the next step so once you get this done you can put your pencil away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step alright so what i'm going to be doing for the next step is i am doing the base coat for my buildings i'm going to be using my large brush and the colors i'm using are blue purple and white and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pre-mix myself what i'm going to refer to as like a periwinkle kind of color these buildings in this blue city can be any shade of light blue so every building has a different shade of blue some are more purple some are more on the greener side some are really really distinct and almost like robin egg kind of blue so feel free to tweak this color whatever way you want you could even do a couple of different tones of blue if you wanted this one to be one tone and then this one to be another feel free to do so but i'm gonna make myself one shade um and just kind of color in the whole thing that way we're gonna be putting highlights and shadows on the building later so right now it's just going to be kind of one tone for me so i'm going to be using my blue my purple and white my white and i'm going to go for something in this vicinity of a color so i'm going to take some of my blue a lot of my blue actually a good amount of my purple i'm going to save some of my purple for later and i'm going to add some white to it and i'm just going to kind of spin it around on my in my palette so you want a good amount because we're going to be coloring in a good area on our canvas and if you run out let's say you don't make enough or let's say you have um something you need to do in between and your your paint dries out and you have to make another another batch of your blue paint do not be terribly concerned if you don't make the same exact color because again it can be really any shade of light blue i don't i i'm not quite sure i totally remember the reason why these buildings are blue i think it has something to do with the temperature in this town they paint the buildings blue to something to do with temperature and maybe even bugs i think the bugs aren't as attracted to the blue or something and i think that the blues make the buildings feel a little bit cooler i could be wrong but that's from from memory that's kind of what i think it is and just know that your color is going to get a little bit darker as it dries so this is about the color i'm going for and once you've got your desired color you're just going to paint in those big huge sections it's going to be this section this section and this section and i am just going to be using my big brush you could use a vertical paint stroke you could use a horizontal paint stroke you could use a circular paint stroke it it almost doesn't matter because we are going to be putting uh a whole bunch of other details on top of it we're going to be adding highlights and shadows and we're going to be adding flower pots and all kinds of and stairs and all like little ledges along the sides so don't feel the need to make this perfect when you get to this um section where this building meets this building paint right up to it you're going to be able to tell the difference if you if your pencil mark does not show through my pencil mark is going to show through i know because my paint's a little translucent but if your pencil mark doesn't show through don't worry because you're going to have the visual um marker of this bottom corner and the top corner to know where those two buildings are separated from one another and i'm just gonna go right up to my pencil mark make sure i even paint into my pencil and then i'm just going to keep painting this entire section in through here and then the same thing when you get to this corner here don't worry about not being able to discern where that corner marker is because you're going to be able to tell because you have this corner identified down at the bottom so even if your colors or your paint makes it so you can't see your pencil underneath anymore that's okay some people use have a a drawing utensil that will actually disappear when you use your paint or maybe your paint is thick enough where you won't be able to see that corner marker in betw underneath the paint don't worry about it because again you'll be able to um detect where that corner is simply by the the the shape in through here and then we're going to use this same brush for the next step but you're going to want to wash it and dry it so once you've got this all painted in you can wash and dry this large brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to do for the next step is i am painting my sky i'm going to be using my big brush i'm going to be using white with a teeny teeny teeny teeny teeny tiny bit of my periwinkle blue because i want this to be really nice and bright and sunny and i don't want it to be much darker than white so i'm going to be using just white paint and and just i'm just tiny i got i don't know if you can even see that i have the smallest little dot of blue on my brush and i'm just going to paint this in with a little circular kind of motion and you could certainly have yours a little bit darker than mine if you want to but i really want my my buildings to look like they're in the sunshine so in order for me to be able to sell that story i want my sky to be really bright so that's why i am using hardly any color in my sky and then i'm going to use this same brush for the next step but i am gonna wash it and dry it before i get there so once you've got your sky painted on i am adding just a teeny tiny bit more blue just to the top um once you've got your sky on here you can wash and dry your big brush and get ready for the next step okay so what we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the base coat of our stairs and this is going to be stairs but it's like a little landing area for we're gonna have a doorway there so i'm gonna use my large brush and i'm gonna be using blue and black paint and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make myself a dark blue color so i am gonna be taking the rest of my blue because i know that i don't really need much more of it for anything else and i'm going to add a touch of black to it i'm going for something that's in this color range you could have yours a little bit lighter or a little bit darker i do recommend that you add the black slowly because it can certainly take over very quickly and get too dark for you so just be mindful it will get a little bit darker as it dries and the black can easily take over so just add a little tiny bit of black at a time so i'm going for something in this vicinity of a color and then once you've got the color that you desire you're just going to paint in this big area down below with that color so you again no need for a fancy brush stroke because we're going to be making sure that we paint over this with some highlights and some details and all kinds of other stuff so just you want to get a a full coat on there but if you see any little scratch marks from your brush or you have light spots and dark spots it's going to be okay because we're going to like i said we will be painting over it with all of our other details later so i'm just going to go a little bit slower here because i want that to stay the side of the building like that and then in through here i'm not really concerned about it being perfect along this edge because we're going to be adding some little ledges in there to have a place for our pots to sit our plant pots to sit and then a same thing with over here on this right edge not terribly concerned if it's perfect because again we're going to be adding those other details that are going to disguise any of our brush stroke marks that we're doing right now and then once we've got this entire area in we are going to switch brushes to our medium brush so once you've got this colored in you can put your large brush away wherever you'd like to take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to be doing for the next step is i'm putting my base coat on any doors that i want so for me i'm going to do three doors i'm going to be doing a big door in this section and through here and then i'll do a door in this section and in this section you might want one over here you might want one over here you can put as many as you want i'm going to be using my medium brush and i'm going to be making a custom color for my doors but i do want to forewarn you that before you start this step that you make sure your buildings are dry so you know you could either take an extra long break if you'd like to or you could blow on it which might take you a little bit longer than expected or you could just whip out a blow dryer and blow dryer that is the quickest way in the way that i did it but whatever you need to do to get it dry maybe yours is already dry but that will make your process a little bit easier on this step so i'm using my medium brush i am using my building color which is that bluish purpley color that we created yellow and white and i'm going to create a custom color it's like a light teal color so i've already pre-mixed a little bit so you can kind of see where i'm going what i'm going to do is i'm going to take some of my blue that my custom light blue that i created and i recommend only adding a little bit of yellow at a time yellows are very powerful and like the black can easily take over so just a teeny tiny bit of yellow and if you want it any lighter you can add a little bit of white to it as well and you just kind of keep spinning it around it's going to be on the greener side so that's where i'm headed i'm headed to like a little bit of a light teal color my yellow got away from me here as you can see the difference from these two so i'm adding more of my blue to it and i'm just gonna kind of keep tweaking that until i get it in the in the color that i would like and once i've got it in the color that i would like i'm gonna identify where i want my doors to go i'm just kind of still tweaking my color a little bit here make sure i've got it where i want it and of course you can certainly make yours into whatever shade you want again these doors and buildings come in a variety of shades so feel free to make yours whatever color value that you'd like to yeah there we go so i'm i'm about there right now so that's about the color that i'm going for and once i've got it what i'm going to end up doing is i am deciding where i want these doors to go so the one on the right hand side i think i say i've got it but i'm like i don't think i have enough paint so i'm making more as i'm trying to talk to you at the same time i think i've got enough now all right so now that i've got my color on the right hand side of this building i think i'm going to come down maybe about two and a half to three inches on the right hand side that's where i'm gonna have the top of my building going and i'm gonna come over maybe i would say about an inch shy of here i think i need mine a little lighter now that i'm seeing it on top of here so i'm adding a bit more white to my color combination just so i can have it light enough so you can see it on top of this because i know that it's going to get a bit darker as it dries so i just lightened it up a little bit as you can see there so i've got my color that i want i'm coming over maybe about an inch inch and a half away from my corner marker and then i'm just going to come straight down to the bottom now i also know that these buildings are not super duper straight and a lot of them are just made with some kind of stucco type cement kind of look to them so it's okay if your edges are a little bit um uneven we're going to be putting some some rough edges along the sides of it anyways so don't feel the need to make it really um straight along the edge once you've got this door done i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to make a couple over in through here so again i'm just kind of using my custom color here and you can you can adjust yours into whatever whatever shade you would like and these two i'm going to make in an arcing kind of um instead of having a square top like that i'm going to have them have an arch to the top of them so i'm going to have this one somewhere in this vicinity and i'm just going to have mine maybe about an inch an inch to an inch and a half wide so something like that and i'm watching the top two corners so i don't make it too wide i kind of want there to be a little bit of an area on the side of them that i can have some of my pretty pots along the edges so something like that and again not terribly concerned what happens down here because we're going to be making all kinds of little variations or details down there just reloaded my brush i think this one i'm going to have a bit taller so somewhere in through here need a little bit more white again so you can see the difference between the door and the wall itself so something like this and then just making myself a little arch at the top and they're not going to be too too wide simply because the the the building itself is not too too wide and i'm just bringing this all the way down to the bottom making sure i meet this area in through here and then we're going to be using our large brush for the next step so once you've got your doors in you can put your medium brush away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step okay so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we're putting our highlights and our shadows on the building itself so i'm going to be using my large brush the colors that i'm using are my dark blue brown my periwinkle blue and white and my goal here is to make the bottoms of the building dark and the top light and on this building it's going to be lighter in through here where the sun is kind of hitting a little bit and this section is going to be the a light section as well so darkest at the bottom lightest at the top but even lighter as it gets in through this little corner and on this side over here so you'll see what i'm talking about but what i'm going to do is i'm not going to use a lot of paint on my brush i'm going to be using a scrubbing or technical terms scumbling effect so you don't need much paint and you're going to be really just kind of rubbing on here most of these buildings are made of like a stucco type material so they can have this roughness to them so that's what i'm i'm attempting to do when i get to this corner here where this left building meets in through here i'm gonna have it darker a little bit darker on the edge of this building and lighter in this little section here so i'm going to start here i'm going to start with my dark blue just a tiny bit on my brush and what i'm going to do is i'm going to start just rubbing it down at the bottom so the next thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to pick up a bit of brown and start rubbing that then i'm going to without washing my brush i haven't washed my brush yet i'm picking up some of my periwinkle color and i'm rubbing that with them so it really starts to give a a textured and a shadowed type effect down at the bottom of this building and i want my entire building to have a second coat on it so whether or not i had a perfect coat on the first shot that i did this is going to make sure that i have a fully rendered look to it and that it gives it that extra bit of texture to it looks like i had a little bit of this color on my brush too which is awesome it just adds an extra little tone to it now i'm just picking up a little bit of white paint on my brush without washing it and i'm going to add this lighter part to the top of the building and i'm just going to start to rub that down so this is going to give it a an appearance that the sun is hitting or light is hitting the top of the building and it's just kind of going down into the shadows as it's making its way around this corner and you can kind of keep tweaking it if you feel it needs a little bit more light or a little bit more of your your purpley bluish color feel free to just kind of keep tweaking this as much as you want to and then once you've got this section done i think i want a little bit more lightness at the top of the building or maybe a little bit of white and brown i like dirtiness in my in my buildings especially when we're talking about these you know old worldly kind of buildings that are made of this material that has been aged over all a long period of time so i like to put dirt in there as well so once you've got that accomplished now i'm going to just kind of move on to my next section so i'm going to do this section next i don't have much paint on my brush so i can get away with just picking up a teeny bit of my dark blue paint and i think i'm going to put a tiny bit of brown with it as well i'm going to start down in this bottom right hand corner of this particular building and i don't know if you notice i just bumped into here i'm okay with that i just want to get this to give the appearance of a shadow type area along this corner here which is going to allow me to see the difference between this corner of the building or this side of the building versus that side of the building and again i don't have much paint on my brush and i'm just kind of rubbing it into the canvas just making sure that i've got good coverage and a nice second coat to that area i think i'm going to use this a little bit of this darker tone in between these two build these two sections of the building as well maybe this section pops out a little bit more than that one and now i'm going to pick up a tiny bit of white without washing my brush to get the top of this section done so something like that and i'm going to work my way to the lighter part which is going to be this section over here i want the edges of my building or of my doorways to look a little on the lighter side like they're catching a little bit of the light this is just a little sliver in here so if you feel like you've got to use a smaller brush for it feel free to do so i can kind of work this bristle brush because it's one of my favorite brushes so but if you're having difficulty working these this bigger as of course i just go right into my my doorway there but if you feel that you need a smaller brush feel free to you know just grab a smaller brush to accomplish this but i want this area to be the lightest by these doors just to give it that look of almost that stucco is maybe just a little bit poked out a little bit and catching the um the color of the the sun the most i'm gonna get it nice and light up at the top and again if you feel like you need a smaller brush to accomplish this feel free to do so and then once i've got this section done yeah that's looking pretty good and again we're going to have more detail in the doors and around the edges so if it's not perfect yet don't worry about it we'll be we'll be adding some little some little details in a bit that will help to to make this fully realized and i think i want this to be a little bit lighter into here yeah there we go i definitely want this section to read as much brighter than this building here so i'm adding a bit of extra lightness in through here i want it to look like we're going around the corner and this this right side of the building is being hit the most with the sunshine so i'm taking an extra minute of care here to make sure that i have sold that story of this being lighter over in through here or catching more of the sunshine and then i've got this section in through here which i want to be a little bit lighter but also a little bit dirtier so i'm gonna have um i just picked up some white and brown on my brush and i'm going to get the whole top area of this to be really kind of weathered and a little bit more on the dirty side and i'm going all the way down this right hand side so this is where we take that periwinkle color that nice pristine new looking color and make it look like it's been it's been around the block once or twice and it's it's got some age to it and it's got some character to it and i want to give the edge of this door a similar look to what i did over here so i'm just adding a touch more white on my brush and i'm going to go right along the edge of that doorway just kind of pushing that that lighter paint right into the edge of the of the door like that and then i'll do the same thing on the top a little bit of white on my brush and just kind of pushing that bit of a highlight right along the edge of where that door is going to be and then we're going to be using our medium brush for the next step so once you've got this done you can put the large brush away take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting stairs i'm going to be using my medium brush and the colors that i'm going to be using are white brown i'll probably use a little bit of my dark blue as well as black and if i'm feeling fancy i might use a little yellow too but i will call the colors out as i'm using them the first thing that i'm going to do is just kind of identify what i want and where i want it so how i'm going to do that is i'm going to put white with a little bit of brown on my brush so i'm picking up just a little bit of white and some brown and this is one of those less is more kind of steps you don't need much paint on your brush again we're trying to make this look like it's really weathered it's been stepped on a whole lot over the past you know i don't know 300 or 400 years or so so i just want to make it look like it's got some texture and some dimension to it and my light source is over there so it's going to be you know really highlighted over on this right side and maybe a little darker on the left so the first thing i'm going to do is kind of identify where um this there's a couple of steps over here and then all of these steps are going in through here so i'm going to come from this corner i'm going to make myself a little bit of a marker and then i'm going to actually make myself a curved line a slightly curved line going over into this vicinity something like that and i'm going to make a whole bunch of other curved lines in this area as well so i'm going to go right from this corner as well and i'm going to make myself another one something like that i'm going to bring this line down something like that and then i'm going to make myself so this is going to be flat i'm going to make this maybe a little bit wider maybe we'll make this one about this wide something like this and then i'm going to make myself another one down in through here so nice curved line like that i want to color this top part in so i'm going to just use that brown and the white just a little bit of paint on my brush and just kind of rub it in i don't need much paint at all i just really am looking for this to almost kind of blend in with the with the floor or with that dark blue that we have on there and have some kind of little bit of an edge to it along here so it doesn't have to be much at all so this is where you'd stand then this is the front of the step this is another step right here so this light part consider the light parts to be the part that you would stand on this is going to be dark in through here this is the side of the step then i'm going to make a really big this is a really big step down here and they're going to get smaller and smaller as they go up so i'm reloading my brush with brown and white from this corner here i'm going to give myself an arcing line that's going to come over to here but it's going to land lower than here by about i would say a half of an inch or a half of an inch to an inch so if you come directly over to the left and come down maybe about a half of an inch to an inch make yourself a marker and then connect these two with an arcing line something like that then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down to this corner here and i'm going to make myself another arcing line that's going to come down to this bottom left corner in through here so i'm going to take this and it's not going to be much of an arc but just uh enough to kind of tell the viewer that there is in fact a little bit of a curve to it and then this entire section is going to be where we're gonna step on so i want this whole section to be really light so i'm using a lot of brown and white on my brush and i'm using a rubbing type technique to paint it on here so it gives it that really weathered kind of rough look to it and i want mine to get a little bit darker as it gets towards this left hand side so when i come towards that left hand side i'm going to pick up a little bit of that darker blue with the brown and the white and it's going to make it go a little bit darker over here on the left hand side and you can make yours as light or as dark as you want you could even use a little bit of black in it so it would be a little bit more on the um like grayer type side totally up to you but you want to make sure that this line that you created as your outline doesn't look like an outline so you want to make sure that you kind of blend that in and get it to work with the neighboring colors and just kind of keep mushing it around until it's a really nice kind of faded look to it you can have the front edge which is the edge that's closest to the bottom of your canvas that can be the brightest because that's the edge that's going to be the closest to you as the viewer and the edge that would catch the most sunlight based on where our light source is so once i've got that one that's the biggest one that's that's the one that's going to kind of set the whole stage for the rest of the stairs so now i'm just going to kind of work my way up my next one is going to be right about i would say at this this corner here i want them all to have kind of a similar curve to it so i'm going to kind of do this one like this i want this step to come up a little bit it's clearly not going to be as wide as this one because this one is the one that's the closest to us and along this edge is going to be all planters and that's part of the wall so you don't have to really go too invasive with that so i'm going to bring this something like this and then again i'm just going to kind of paint it in in a messy kind of fashion i need some of my original blue because that's a little bit too bright over there and again if you feel like it's too bright you can certainly bring in a little bit of black or a little bit of your original blue just to make this left hand side a little bit darker so something like that i'm going to just lighten up this right hand side a bit and these front steps again are the ones that are going to take the most amount of attention because they're the largest and the biggest once we get up towards those smaller ones we're almost just kind of making little lines so to speak to get them on there and to um give the illusion of some steps now steps are going to go over and up and over and up and over and up but i'm not really going to give it that much detail i just the ones that i can see the edges that are close to us i'll give that kind of detail but once we get up and through here i'm just going to do some nice impressionistic kind of lines but right now i'm still a little bit in the details so i'm going to go up from here in a less of a height than this so just a little bit higher in through here this is going to be my next step somewhere in through here with a little bit of a curve on it so something like that and maybe a little bit darker over here on the left hand side but not much you know just something that it's in the in the shadows just a little bit and i'm getting to a point where i think i'm i'm just gonna start almost sketching these steps on so once i'm in through here i can kind of just go in like this i'm going to go around a corner so they're going to get closer and closer to each other and they're going to be kind of steering their way around that corner so i'm really just with my brown and my white doing these little impressionistic kind of sketchy lines and they can get brighter and brighter as they go to the top too because they're catching more of the light that is around the corner so something like this and then once i've got them all on here if i feel like i need to rework any of this the shadowed area you can just wipe your brush off on your paper towel pick up some of that original dark blue with a little bit of black especially on this left hand side and you can add or just kind of refresh or finish this um the front part of the step that would be the part that would be in the shadows the most so i just add a little bit of black and my original dark blue to get this um front part of the step all nice and finished and then let's see what are we going to do we're going to be using our let's use our medium brush for the next step so once you've got your stairs on here and of course you can sit here and fiddle with them as much as you want until you got them as perfect as you want we're going to use this medium brush for the next step so you can just wash it and dry it and get ready all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting some ledges over here on the left hand side that will be able to have some pop some plant pots sitting on them so i'm going to use my medium brush and i am going to be pretty much using the same thought process that i did with the stairs where i'm going to have i'm going to use these lighter tones on the top and then i'm going to use my darker tones kind of on the side of the building so i want these to be in essence kind of ledges that were built into the stucco on the side of the building so what i'm first going to do is i'm going to start with some white and some brown similar to how i started my steps over here so i have my medium brush and i put a little bit of white and brown on my brush i'm going to have my first one in through here so i'm going to start it maybe a little bit higher than this point here and i'm going to come in this section maybe about a half of an inch or so and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make myself a similar curve and it's going to end up maybe i would say actually let's see if this is going to be my my dark area maybe let's bring it like this and then somewhere in through this area in through here so maybe about an inch or so up this left hand side and then i'm going to bring this in something like this and then i'm going to just kind of paint this in in that messy fashion maybe with some little circles just to get this you i suppose you could bring it right to the edge of where your stairs are but we're gonna we're gonna add a little detail that will get the stairs and the ledges to meet in a second here so just get this brighter part on in through here something like that then i'm going to have another one a little bit higher up so if this goes straight up like this maybe i'll have one in through i don't know maybe this vicinity so i'm going to do kind of like a horizontal line in through here and then i'm just going to kind of put that ledge going up the stairwell something like this so i've got that and then maybe i'll have one more maybe up in through here just a little tiny ledge into here it's going to creep around that corner something like that and now i'm just going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel i'm going to pick up some of my darker blue and i'm going to say okay well this is the back side of the ledge or the uh in the back corner of here and it's going to meet this one up here so i'm just going to paint this section a little bit darker so it ends up looking like this part is a little in the shadow whereas this part is in the sunshine so you can certainly you know make it a little bit more um authentic by the intensity of your highlights and your shadows so i'm going to add that little bit of darkness right here and then fade it up to the lighter section so that's going to make it look like it is going it's dark here and then it goes up into that um the front area of that that ledge so this is where the sun would not shine so that's really kind of the story you're telling is this is the ledge it gets darker because the shadow this is the ledge and you don't see down here because it's you don't see the other side of it but you can make the ledges as light as you want i am going to kind of darken the side of the building too so i'm going to pick up a little bit of my darker color just to get the shadow on the side of the building by the ledges and of course we're going to be putting um the planters on these as well so if they don't come out totally perfect right now your planters are really going to help to to hide or to disguise this area but we just want to give those planters somewhere to sit so that's in essence kind of my my thought process i think i want this one to be over just a little bit further i want this one to come out just a little bit more so just adding a little bit a little bit more on that one and then yeah that that's working a little bit better for me and you can of course keep tweaking yours as much as you want and when we put those when we put those um planters on there like i said they will they will help to make this look a little bit more realistic and then we are going to be using ours let's use this big or the medium brush for the next step so once you've got your little ledges on here and you've got them to kind of work their way into the side of the steps you can wash and dry this medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're finishing our doors i'm going to be using my medium brush and i'm going to be using brown black and white so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a couple of shadows in these doorways then i'm going to make this door look like it's all old and weathered and maybe some peeling paint or something and then we'll put on a couple of doorknobs and then we're going to be done so i'm going to use my medium brush i'm gonna start with some brown paint and what i'm gonna do is i am going to be doing a vertical line on the inside of the left side of these two doors and as i go up towards the top i will get my line to almost disappear or fade into that curve so you can start at the top or at the bottom whatever works for you for me it's kind of easier to start at the top and with a very narrow line and then just make it wider as i come around that corner so i'm going to start about halfway on that arc so somewhere right about here is where i'm going to start and then as i come around that corner let me just make sure i've got that the way that i want something like that and as i come around this corner i just make it a little bit wider so i'm going maybe about a quarter of an inch wide for that shadow something like that i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the other door so i start at about halfway on that arch at the top of it and then i start pushing my brush a little bit harder so i get a little bit wider of a line on the left side as opposed to where it met that top little piece then on my big door over here i'm just going messy here i'm going to start i'm doing these really messy just kind of vertical lines um you can use brown actually i think i'm going to pick up some of my original um color as well just so i the original door color so i can get these two to kind of mix in with one another and then i'm going to pick up a little bit of black paint as well for this particular door and i'm going to give it just a little bit of weathered edges along the side maybe a little seam down the center where it would open maybe a little bit up at the top and of course you can certainly like i just picked up some of my original blue for that door i'm just getting this to really just look old and weathered maybe i've got a little bit of darkness down at the bottom just have fun with it it doesn't have to be anything perfect you just kind of keep working those colors until it looks weathered enough for you and then once you've got it in the um vicinity that you like what i'm going to do is i'm just wiping my brush off on my paper towel and i'm going to pick up a touch of black on the end of my top on the end of my towel on the end of my brush i'm going to make myself a couple of doorknobs so you can have these in the center of the door or on the left or the right wherever you want um the doors could actually open in the middle if you had a little seam like i did for that one but i'm just going to put these somewhere in here so just a little black marker it could be a circle it could be a line it could be a crisscross they have different kinds of doorknobs you know so you could make it really whatever you want so i've got those little markers there i'm going to put a couple of little markers over here you just don't want them too high or too low you want to kind of make sense where you put them so i'm putting them a little bit lower than mid door so something like this and like this then i'm just gonna wipe my brush off on my paper towel again and i'm going to pick up a teeny bit of white paint on the end of my brush and i'm going to put just a teeny bit of a little highlight something like that just to give a little bit of dimension to my doorknobs i'm going to do the same thing over here so keeping some of that black showing that i put for the first round and then i'm just making a little bit of white and that is all i'm going to do for my doors i am going to be using this uh same brush for the next step medium brush so you can just wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are doing the base coat for our pots so i'm going to be using my medium brush i'm going to be using just white paint so i'm going to be doing a standard shape for all of my pots but they will be getting progressively smaller as they go farther and farther away from me so these are going to be kind of a little a little on the oval side for the base they might get a little bit bigger at the top and then they're going to have a little bit of a lip at the top of the particular pot and i'm not terribly concerned as to whether we can see in them or not i will on i have one main focal one that i'm gonna do here where we'll be able to see kind of inside the pot but all the other ones we're just going to be kind of looking at them from the side so i'm not really terribly concerned about if they're perfect or not so i am going to be using my white paint and my medium brush i'm going to put my bigger ones in place first and then we'll we'll go ahead and put all the other ones in place so i'm going to have my biggest one right in through here so i'm going to put my base somewhere on this ledge right in through here it's about maybe two inches wide and it's gonna go for me the this pot is gonna go almost as high as this ledge here so you can even just kind of make yourself a little bit of a marker and then as i go up this pot i'm going to make it just a little bit wider as it goes up the sides and then at the top for me i know that i'm going to be seeing the inside of this pot so i'm just going to kind of make almost like a really wide oval type shape just so i have that oval far enough down and then i'm just coloring it in white so the reason why i'm coloring these in white even though i'm going to be having every pot is going to have different vibrant colors to it i want these pots to be vibrant and to really have this in intense kind of color and i know that i'm going to put my next one up in through this vicinity this is going to be my largest one everything else is going to get smaller after that i know that acrylic paint has a tendency to be see-through so i in order for me to counteract that and to make sure that i have the colors as vibrant as i want them to be i am doing this white base and it's going to help me make the second coat or the colored coat of it really nice and vibrant so that's why i'm choosing to do this with a with a white base so that's going to be my second one i'm going to put another one up in through here and again they're going to get smaller and smaller as they go up higher and higher and as they get farther and farther away and you might choose to do a different shape for your pots but this is um the shape that i saw when i was on this trip to morocco so when i visited this blue city they had this was a very standard shape for their pots i don't know if it's a locally um i'm sure they're locally made pots but they um they're they're just they're just beautiful with all the colors i'm going to put another one over here on this little ledge in through here and of course i'm not as i'm doing these pots i i do have to be mindful of making them straight up because you're working with uh something that has a lot of curve to it so your brain will have i think i want this one a little taller your brain will have a tendency to want you to make curved lines or lines that tip from one side to the other so if you can just kind of be mindful of that and make sure that you kind of keep these in a vertical way that will that will help you to make it look a little bit more realistic let's see where else i think i'm going to have one somewhere in this vicinity and again it's going to go a little bit smaller as it's getting farther away and i'm just kind of kind of freestyling it at this point putting them where i feel that i would want them to go and then they're just getting smaller and smaller i'm going to have another one on this little ledge in through here so you can see my ledges are kind of almost disappearing as i'm making these beautiful pots um because they're just they're just taking up the whole the whole area and then this one's gonna have flowers on top of it so again if it's not if your your things are not perfect it's okey-dokey i'm going to make another little one in through here so something like this and again i'm just putting a little lip on the edge maybe a little rounded bottom to it but if you were to dissect mine you would you would be able to tell that my pots are not perfect i am just having some fun here making them putting them wherever i want to put them putting them in whatever kind of order i want it's definitely not a systematic order this is just there's no math involved here the only kind of i don't know realistic thing is just make sure that they get smaller and smaller as they go farther and farther away so by the time you get far far away you might just be making yourself a couple of little marks like i want a couple hanging off the building over here so i'm just going to make a couple of tiny little marks just to tell myself where i want those ones to be maybe i have one somewhere in through here so i'm just making a little horizontal line and a tiny little vertical line i think that's good for that side i'm going to put a couple in between my doors here so i think i want one in through here and again this white is really just going to help me to make sure that these pots are super bright i want one in this doorway sitting on these steps in through here and if your steps aren't awesome or exactly as you wanted just put a whole bunch of pots of plants along the edges and that will definitely help to just disguise or hide or do whatever whatever you want to to make sure oh i guess oops i guess this one's this one's getting a little bit bigger than i thought it would but that's all right we're just going to make that one a little closer there we go i'm going to have one i just got to make sure it lands on the step so or the illusion of it maybe i'll just extend this step like this there we go i want one right here so we're going to put one something like that there we go that's going to be a nice a nice big colorful one and we're going to extend our step to make sure that that makes sense so if you have to make any adjustments along the way to put your pots wherever that you want them uh let's see what else oh i want i want a couple up here so like that and like that and again you can really decorate this what whatever way you want so you might find that you want yours to be in a much different assortment or arrangement than mine are based on how you did your buildings so feel free to to get it into whatever whatever decorative way that you want there was um in this little blue city they there was just neighborhoods that had these pots just adorning their their walls their walkways i saw a pathway that had probably i would say 50 of these colored pots just lining each side it was just the coolest thing so i knew that someday there would have to be a painting that represented these beautiful painted pots and today is the day so i needed a bit of color to um to just brighten right in the the winter cold so we're just making ourselves some pretty painted moroccan pots here and again you can as these get closer to you or closer to the bottom of your canvas you can have them as big as you want and you can see mine are getting bigger and bigger as they come down these steps maybe this one's going to get a bit bigger let's just make that one a bit bigger and then i'm going to put a couple more on the side of this building and then we are going to be using our small brush for the next step so once you've got as many of these pots on your wall as you would like or on the sides of your building as you would like let's put one more say right in through here once you've got these you can put your medium brush away wherever you'd like to take out your small brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting shadows on the wall of the pots whatever the pots are casting a shadow on the wall that's what we're doing i'm going to use my small brush and i'm using brown paint so the idea here is these pots are on hangers and they are a little bit away from the wall so i'm not terribly interested in making a real distinct shadow of the pot with all this detail i really just want to tell the story that it's daylight and and my light source is it's the way over there but it's still daylight so there's going to be some kind of shadow behind these so all i'm going to be doing is i'm taking my brown paint and i'm going to be making a darker area on the left and below my object so something like this is going to sell the story of there being a shadow of the pot on the surface that it's next to and the brown is nice and see oh this one doesn't have one maybe a little bit underneath this um the my brown is nice and translucent so i can still see the blue underneath it if your brown is uh opaque and you can't see behind it then you might want to use a little bit of water with the paint and that way it becomes a little translucent so you can see the color behind it because you don't want it to necessarily be a solid type color so again i'm just using a little bit of brown and just rubbing it onto the wall behind it and maybe a little bit below it something like that and if you bump into these smaller ones are going to be hard to not bump into the pot don't worry we you can bump into your pot because we're going to be putting the shadow on the pot too in a little bit but and the color on the pot so don't worry like right now i'm just i'm just painting over my pot too because it's easier i like to take the easy route when it comes to when it comes to painting but um i'm just using a little bit of brown paint but i know that you know again on these smaller ones it's really hard to not bump into it so just bump into your pot you'll be able to like i said you'll be able to um correct that when we when we go to paint the colors in and i just got this last couple over here and then i got to do the ones on the right hand side so again i'm just still using brown paint and putting a shadow on the wall to the left and below it and then when i go to the right side i am going to do the opposing i'm going to go to the right of it but i think i have these couple of little ones up and through here that are tough to see because they're on a white surface um or they're on a light surface so i just want to make sure i give a little bit of a shadow right there on those couple of ones too and then on these ones i've got a shadow to the bottom right so bottom right bottom right and same thing i'm just kind of rubbing it in i'm not making a firm um distinct shadow i'm just darkening the surface that it is next to and then same thing with here i would darken the step and the wall behind it maybe this is darkening the door a little bit or underneath it but on this these darker steps you might not even notice a difference you could use a little bit of black if you wanted to on that shadow if you wanted to and then we are going to be using our we're going to use our medium brush for the next step so once you've got this done you can put your small brush away take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're painting the color on our pots i'm going to be using my medium brush i'm going to be using let's see red yellow white maybe some brown maybe a little black too so i'm going to do this i'm using my medium brush and i'm going to start with just some red paint and i'm painting every pot that i want red with red paint i'm not doing any specific detail i am at to start i am just painting it in red paint and you can see it's a really nice and vibrant which is awesome you can certainly you know make yours darker if you wanted to or lighter if you want yours to be you know uh more of a you know a dark maroon color or something you could certainly add a little bit of darkness to it with uh you know brown or anything i think i'm gonna have this one red and again paint them all whatever color you want there was every color of the rainbow can be used in these particular pots so if you want purple ones or blue ones or green ones feel free to make them whatever color you want so i'm just going right ahead and just painting in the the solid color to start and then i'm going to come in and do some highlights and shadows to to finish them up but right now they just all get a nice coat of whatever vibrant color i want i'm doing a lot of red because i think the red looks awesome in it and it pops well so i'm doing quite a few in red maybe i'll do this one red here too and on these smaller ones if you feel that the medium brush is just too too wide for you you could certainly switch to a smaller brush if you wanted to let's see what else i think i'm going to do this one is going to be red and maybe one or two more on the side and i'm bringing it right up to the edge of whatever whiteness that i had had for that first layer and if you if you notice at all you go outside of the white area you'll notice that that color is so much more drab underneath there so that white really helps to make these colors pop and then once i've got that color i think i'm going to do a couple in orange which i don't have on my palette so i'm going to show you how to pre-mix it i have red on my brush i'm just going to take that red mix it with some yellow which is going to take me back to first grade paint class where i learned that red and yellow makes orange so i'm going to make myself a pretty orange color and i'm going to use that to paint a couple of these pots so i think i'm going to have this one as orange and let's see what else maybe and i've got to make sure that i consciously go to those edges because i don't want to have a weird white edge around them so just make sure that you go all the way to the edges of them maybe i'll have this one over here with a little bit of orange and again make yours whatever color you want i think definitely this one wants some orange and then maybe maybe one more on the stairway we've got this one in through here is going to have some orange maybe i'll have this one with some orange maybe this one too and then i'm going to do the rest of them with yellow but i do have to wash my brush before i go into the yellow so i'm going to just wash and dry my brush and i'm gonna utilize yellow you could if you wanted it to be more of like a light sunshiny kind of yellow you could go yellow and white um you could pre-mix yourself a lighter color but i know that i'm going to be doing a highlight in the next step so that will bring it even even into a more brighter area but right now i am just using yellow to get this on here and i think this one's going to be yellow and this one's going to be yellow and then we are going to be switching brushes to our small brush so once you've got this step all nice and done you can wash and dry your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're putting our plant hangers on so i'm going to use my small brush i'm going to be using just black paint but i'm going to be watering it down a little bit so i'm going to take my black paint and i'm going to add a couple of little drops of water into it just to make it like an ink consistency so that way i'm able to make nice slender lines and then every time i go to reload my brush what i'm going to do is i'm going to spin my brush in my paint on the side of my palette and that's going to make my the point of my brush nice and pointy and then when i go to paint i'm not going to press hard so that's going to be my my tip of the day don't press hard when you're doing this and these plant hangers are not too far out on the wall and they can be as decorative as you want or they can just be as simplistic as you want so you can certainly steer this whatever way that's comfortable for you but what i'm first going to do is i'm going to put a stem or a stick coming from the planter to the wall so i'm going to go about halfway down the planter and i'm just going to make myself a horizontal kind of line it can be a little bit at an angle if you want it to be but whatever you do on the first one just kind of keep true to that as you do the rest and you want it to you know kind of come about as far as the edge of there or you know whatever you feel is comfortable so once i've got that on there then i'm going to make my own little decorations so i'm going to have mine in kind of like a long figure eight type shape so long slender kind of figure eight something like this and whatever i do on this first one that's what i'm going to do on the rest of them so if i have this one coming down to about the base of here on this one every other one that i do should come about to the base and should be a little bit higher than the top so i'm going to put some little decorative little scrolly things on the bottom of this and i'll probably i'm going to put a couple little scrolly things on the top something like this and then maybe i'll make myself a little swirly thing in the middle so you can again just decorate it whatever way you want to once i've got my first one done this is going to be probably the one that is the the most in focus because all the other ones are smaller you don't have to put them on the ones that are on your um little platforms here it's just the ones that are on the wall so then i can go ahead and make my next one and for me i kind of like to it's easiest for me to kind of do one motion at a time at a time so i'm i think what i'm going to do is make all of my horizontal lines right now so i keep them kind of all at the same angle that one doesn't need one and then i'll go back and do all the scrolly marks just my brain works better that way i'm going to go ahead on this side they're coming from the other direction so something like this and you'll find that your brain works one way better than the other and if you can ever determine which way works better you'll have an easier time painting because that's um one of the keys to unlocking a more enjoyable experiences understanding the way that your brain works so then again i'm gonna do my little figure eight thing and i know that it's most important just on these first ones that are the closest to me and then the ones that get farther away i won't really need to do much more than just little lines giving the little impression that it's a similar type um design work and then i'll just do my little scrollies in through there and then again as i'm getting into these ones that are farther away i'm i don't really need to do as much there's so much smaller so i'm really just kind of using the tip of my brush and just giving the illusion that i'm doing the same thing and the trick to doing the same thing is or to making it look like you're doing the same thing is again bringing it kind of to the same point at the top or the bottom in ratio or in perspective to what you did on that first one that's really large so again if you brought it up a little bit above that top rim on the first one and down below the bottom rim a little bit then you do the same thing on the other ones and that's gonna keep you in size proportion in an accurate size proportion and keep spinning that brush in your paint um spin it round and round so that way it's nice and pointy on the tip and then again as i'm going into these littler ones i'm really not doing much right now i'm just kind of doing a little bit of a line because that you'd see it's at an angle so you wouldn't even really see the detail to it so i'm just kind of if i think i need if i think you'd see a little the detail i'll put it in but it's really kind of so far away on these little ones here we go i'm going back in focus a little bit in through here so this one i'm just reversing it oops got to make sure i put that swirly thing at the bottom in the right direction there we go and just a little swirly in the middle and then here we go i got to go a little bit more in focus on this one because it's closer something like that give myself my little swirlies at the bottom and at the top and then just a little swirl down the middle i got one more to go and then i'm going to be using my medium brush for the next step so once you've got your decorative little wrought iron kind of plant holders on here you can did i do that the right direction i did it the opposite direction that's okay who's to know just you guys you're the only ones they're going to know that i did that in the wrong direction so i'm going to get my medium brush out for the next step and just get ready all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are putting the first layer on our plants so or our flowers so all the little flowers and the plants that are inside these pots we're going to put our base coat in there so we're going to be putting little stems and the dark undertones of whatever those flowers are going to be so i'm going to be using my medium brush and i'm going to be using just black and brown paint and i'm going to be doing some little sticks in some areas and then i'm going to be doing some dots in other areas so how i'm going to start this is i'm going to start it with my sticks or my stems i'm going to put some black and brown on my brush at the same time and i don't want these sticks and stems to be too wide so i am going to utilize the spinning technology to make my brush nice and thin or slender at the end and they don't all have to have sticks i'm just going to do a couple because some of these plants are taller maybe they're like herbs or something like that so this one's going to be one of the few that we're going to see the inside of so i'm actually going to start my sticks and stems somewhere in through here and just kind of give myself a couple of little pieces coming out like this and again i'm just using black and brown something like this so that'll work for that i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to pick whichever other ones i want sticks and stems to go so maybe a couple of little ones in through here and maybe i've got a couple in through here i'm going to be doing my fancy dots in a minute but right now i'm just kind of getting my my sticks and stems on i think i'm going to have a little bit i think this one i want to be kind of on the taller side so i'm going to do this one something in through here and if you bump into the colored part of the pot don't worry we're going to be we're going to be adding highlights and shadows in a minute anyways so i think i want some sticks and stems in this one too and it doesn't have to be perfect as you can see i'm just really free forming this and having a good time with the tip of my brush making these cute little um you know base to the plants and now i'm going to start just kind of dotting i'm going to be using more brown than black so i'm not going to wash my brush i just picked up some more brown and this is where i'm just going to kind of utilize these darker tones to give myself almost like a base coat for where i want my flowers to be i know that they will look much more realistic if they've got a little bit of a darker tone underneath them so i'm going to utilize this the brown paint to start my flowers so again i didn't pick up any more black i just picked up a bit of brown and i'm not using much paint at all so i'm not even probably going to reload my brush for this step i am just adding um this base coat and you can see i'm i'm just having fun and being a little bit carefree and letting these plants kind of grow in whatever direction that they'd like to so i do i did notice when i was uh oh maybe i do need a little more paint i feel like i'm just about out of paint on my brush so i need something to work with um so i picked up a little bit more brown i did notice a lot of these plants or flowers don't over grow they almost are um little petite almost like pygmy kind of flowers that don't get too too big and i'm not quite sure why maybe it was just the time of the year that i was there maybe i was just there in a time where they were just growing but or maybe they're a type of flower that doesn't grow so large as to overwhelm the area because if you've got this many pots of flowers adorning the wall you i don't know if you'd want them to cover the wall i guess i guess that would look kind of pretty but um you i think you need to show some re reserve i i don't know maybe but anyways so they don't they don't get super or these ones that i have both that i photographed they didn't get really really huge so i'm just going to kind of keep mine kind of close to the pot but if you want yours to be larger feel free to do so i'm going to have a couple of mine overhanging and growing a little bit further out but they're they're nice and close to the pots and then i'm going to be using i'm going to use the same brush for the next step so once i've got this step all nice and accomplished i'm going to wash and dry my medium brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we are finishing our pots with highlights and shadows so i'm going to be using my medium brush i'm going to be using all the colors that i used on my pots to begin with which would be red orange and yellow and i'm also going to be using black brown and white so how i'm going to do this is first i'm going to hit them with my shadows then i will hit them with my highlights and in between i'll be using the the base color so i'm going to add a little bit of black and brown on my brush at the same time and my shadows are going to be underneath the lip of the pot as well as the side that is opposite from the light source so my light source we're going to consider to be in the middle of the canvas so i'm going to have my shadows on the bottom left similar to what we did on the wall but now we're doing it on the pot as well and for this one pot that i see the inside of i'm going to put a little bit of a shadow on the inside so i've got my black and my brown in my brush on my brush so i'm adding a shadow in the bottom left and the the bottom and the left and you can rub it in as it's drying to the main color of the the pot or you could just have a nice clean line on that particular section so whatever again is visually appealing for you is totally fine i'm adding a little bit of shadow inside this pot and through here because i'm not using a lot of paint you can see through it and you can still see those little stems that i had um that i had created earlier so i'm adding a little bit more black and brown to my brush and i'm just going to continue this process for my other pots so i'm putting it underneath and to the left so underneath that little lip on the left hand side and at the bottom and i'm not terribly concerned if it blends in well with the pot itself with the main color of the pot because i will be able to make it blend a little bit better when i go to um add the the regular color onto it if i need to over here i might not even see this left hand side of this particular pot so i'm just gonna maybe do it under the little lip of that pot and same thing over here i've got it under the lip and over to the left hand side and if you feel that the you would work better with the smaller brush especially for these smaller ones feel free to do so i'm going to just kind of work with my medium brush knowing that i i'm just kind of adding the illusion of a shadow i don't necessarily need to go too in detail with it so i'm okay with still utilizing this brush for this particular process i'm just kind of using the tip of my brush and giving a little bit on the bottom left and underneath that um the um the edge of it so again left and underneath left and underneath left and underneath and when you get to the right side you're doing the opposing so i'm going to the right and to the bottom so right side underneath that lip and right um behind it and underneath the bottom of the right side so like that and like that and if you feel like your brush is a little bit getting out of control like mine is not pointy anymore i'm gonna spin it again in my paint and re-point it and i'm gonna go right back in here bottom right bottom right underneath that bottom right part of the lip of the of the pot like this and you can see i'm just kind of going systematic through the whole thing like this reloading my brush spinning it in my palette so i can just get the little corner and i just keep keep going bottom right and now once i've got those shadows i'm gonna wash my brush so wash and dry my brush and now i'm gonna start adding my highlights so my highlights are primarily going to be white but i wanted to kind of blend in with those shadows so i will also be using my main color as well so i'm going to start with white paint on my brush and kind of give myself this highlight over on the top right so you're doing the opposing side and then you can just pick up your original color and start rubbing it in now when you're on your red objects if you do not dig the pink look that a that the red and the white will create you can add a little bit of yellow to your brush and that will counteract a pink highlight so you can certainly utilize the intensity of that to whatever is your visual preference but if you want if you're if you're not digging how it turns pink with using the red and the white you can certainly counteract it by using a little bit of the um yellow with it and then you can do all of your red ones at the same time or you can go from you know just adding the highlight on all of them with a little bit of white on your brush and then coming back with the um with the center color but again once you get to the smaller ones it's a little bit more easier of a process because you're more or less just giving the illusion of the of the highlight as opposed to going full on detail so on these smaller ones i'm almost just doing like a little dash to put that highlight on there and i really don't have to do a whole heck of a lot i'll probably come back with the base color of the red just to make sure that it blends in but you don't have to do a whole heck of a lot when you get to the smaller ones so i just wiped my brush off to get rid of some of that white and i'm just going back in with the red just to make sure it blends as much as i want it to for these red ones those little ones i don't even really need to touch i'm going to just kind of make sure i've got enough of this blended in the way that i want and then i'll just progressively go to the next um colored pot so right now i've i've worked on my on my red ones just making sure this one pops enough i like that bit of highlight on the edge it really it really um i don't know makes it dimensional for me so i like my my red ones i'm going to move on to my orange one so just making sure that i have enough orange on my palette to make sure that i i get these done properly i'm going to add a bit of white onto my brush to get the highlight going on them and again when you get to these smaller ones you might just get away with a little tiny dot and a dash and that will sell the story as much as you need it to be sold and i'm going to go oh look at that when i didn't put a a base coat for my uh flower in there we'll just have a a very vibrant colorful flower on that one that one's gonna have it's all it's not gonna have that um little dark undertone but we'll still we'll still find a way to make it nice and three-dimensional all right so i'm going to pick up a little bit of my orange just to make sure that this highlight blends in with the main area so i've got a little bit of orange that i'm working with those small ones don't need much so i'm just going to finish these couple off and then now i'm going to go ahead and do my yellow ones so again my highlight is going to be the white paint so i just loaded my brush with white i'm going to stick this highlight over on this side over here and then my little small ones again i'll probably be able to just get away with a dot and a dash on these smaller ones gonna go on the side that the um that my light source is and if you feel like you've done too much on them and you're like oh my god there's too much lightness i i definitely suggest you wait to cast judgment upon it and wait until you get your flowers on there because once you put those flowers on there i'm telling you those highlights they they make a whole lot more sense because they're going to be not so dominating once you have the colorful flowers on so just give it a minute get the um i think i need to blend this in a little bit more and through here wait till you get the actual flower on itself before you determine whether or not you need to um do any more work on your on your flower pots but the contrast of those highlights and the shadows really works plays off well once you've got the um vibrancy of the flowers so i think that's all i'm going to do with these i might tweak them just a smudge more but for the most part i think i have them the way that i want them and we are going to be using this um let's use let's use the medium brush for the next step so once you've got all of your pots finished you can wash and dry this medium brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting the roof tiles so i'm going to use my small brush the colors that i'm using are red yellow brown black that's it red yellow brown and black so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create myself like a rusty color like a terra cotta kind of color so i'm going to use my yellow and my red to make like an orangey kind of color and then i'm going to add a touch of brown into it so it turns into this like a i guess terra cotta's kind of the best color that i can describe it as so somewhere in this vicinity is where i'm going with the color once you've got the color what i'm gonna do is i'm going to just outline the top of each roof and then make some little curved bumps at the top of it so i'm taking it and i'm going to just draw a line right on the top like that and then i'm going to just make little little bumps like this so you can make them as big or as small as you want if it would make sense as you get to this one that this one are bigger because it's closer to you or closer to the viewer but if you don't get that dimensional element don't worry about it so i'm going to go ahead and do this one in through here so this one's going to get just a little bit bigger i'm going to go right up to the corner of the building and then i'm going to go ahead and make myself some bumps on the top so just some little bumps like that something like that and then i'm going to go ahead and do this final one up and through here and this is a great step to kind of clean up your edges on on the edge of the roof or if you needed to change your angle a little bit this is a great step to accomplish that and then once i've got that one on there then i'm going to go ahead and make my little bumps and i'm making them progressively a little bit bigger just to again keep that dimensional element and then i'm going to wash and dry my little brush and i am going to make some little shadow marks underneath it and i'll use black paint even though this is still wet the black is going to overpower it so i've got black on my brush right now and what i'm going to do is in each little bump i'm going to make a little kind of dash which will um give the illusion that this is kind of a curved piece of uh roof material so you can start somewhere in through here and just kind of give yourself a little bit of a dash something like that and if that looks too distinct for you you can always bring a little bit more of that shadow darkness down towards the bottom something like that if you wanted to so again just kind of a little dash within each one of those bumps so something like this and then if you wanted to blend it in a little bit at that base you can just wiggle your brush a little bit at the base and i'm going to use some more of the black and through these ones up and through here and again if it's blending with your original paint the that terra cotta kind of color that's awesome because that would definitely make it look more realistic and if you wanted to you could certainly i didn't say i was going to use white but if you wanted to if you had um if your sky was a little bit darker than mine and you wanted to give it a extra bit of punch you could take a bit of white and give yourself a tiny little highlight on the top mine's not going to do much because my sky is so light but if your sky was a little bit darker than mine you could certainly you might see it up in through these ones you could certainly add that bit of white at the top of them and they would pop out even more and then we're going to switch brushes to oh you know what i said we were going to use our medium brush on that one and i used my small brush but you guys probably already figured out that i screwed that part up but we're going to use our large brush on the next step so you can just get that out and get ready all right so we're going to do for the next step is we are finishing our flowers i'm going to be using my large brush and i'm going to be using an assortment of colors to make whatever color flowers i would like but i'm probably going to steer on the purple side and the green and yellow side so i think the colors i'm going to be using are purple white green yellow and i might use a little orange but you could certainly have some red flowers or some blue flowers or make up your own colors have fun with it um my thought process when i do this is i want a base color and then i want to highlight we already have our shadow for our flowers now we're going to add the base color and then we'll pop in a little bit of white or a lighter color as the highlight i'm going to be using a dotting technique and i'm not going to be doing a whole heck of a lot except for making dots when i get to the smaller ones i'm just going to use like the corner of my brush so i'm going to start with purple paint on my brush i'm going to do as many in my in in the purple realm as i want and then i'll go into my green palette to do the green ones i want this one over here to have a whole bunch of purple on it so i'm just using the corner of my brush i'm going outside of that shadowy area because i can i want there to look like there's some dimension to it so in order to do that you can extend the colored part further than your shadowed part so that's looking good to me there i think i'm going to put a little bit of purple open this one in through here i think maybe i'll have this one with some purple and this one's gonna be strategically um growing enough to hide the corner of this building into there because i don't like that corner all too much so i will just use my flowers to help me out there i'll put some in through here and i'm i think those are all the purple ones maybe i'll have a little tiny purple one up here and then i'm just gonna pick up without washing my brush i'm going to pick up white paint and that's going to provide me with the highlight on my purple flowers so i just picked up white paint and now i'm going to just don't think of it as smashing hundred percent and making this all into um a solid color if i just utilize the tip of my brush and just kind of dab in these little pops of brightness that will make it look the most realistic and then i'm going to go ahead and add a little bit of these pops of of highlight onto my other purple ones and then once i've got all of my purple ones in place then i'm gonna wash my brush because i don't i i don't want to um have the purple carried over into all of the um into all of the flowers so once i've got my purple ones on here i'm gonna wash and dry my brush and now i'm going to start doing my green ones so i'm going to be using let's see green and yellow as the base coat so i'm actually going to put green and yellow on my brush at the same time because i want it to be a nice vibrant summer kind of green and i'm going to do a lot of these with green almost like they're more plants than flowers but you can certainly interpret it whatever way that you'd like to so when i put the um the highlights of the the yellow and white on it later it might look a little bit more like flowers but there's a lot of plant life there too so we're gonna just do a lot of these with the green and yellow is all i have on my brush right now maybe this one's got some green and yellow i think i'm gonna do this one right here is going to have a whole bunch of my green and my yellow just to put this as the base coat and again you can make these grow as big as you want them to be they can be i don't know if they're herb you know plants or whatever whatever they are they you you can you can make them into your own assortment of beautiful um garden type things and now i'm just going to touch my brush in some white i'll do um i'm going to be using maybe a little bit of orange on a couple other ones oh maybe i'll do this little one right this this one keeps getting forgotten i didn't do a base coat on it and now i almost forgot to put a plant in it so let's just let's just take care of that one right now um so and i also had the highlight on my brush right there too so that worked out well so i will add a little bit of my highlight in through here and being a little carefree and not having the whole thing look exactly the same that will help to make it look more realistic too so if you had a little pop of a highlight over here you don't have to do the whole thing with the highlight maybe just pop a little there or a little there maybe over here i've got it more on the right hand side and you know so don't feel like you have to put the highlight on the entire thing you can just pop it a little bit on those edges make it just to have that bit of of sunshine just you know illuminating the leaves or you know whatever whatever the case may be well i'm dick this is this is the part where i want to start bouncing and dancing a little bit because the color it's making it come alive and the little the little white speckles of the of the twinkly highlights are just they're just popping um i think i want a couple of orange ones too so i'm not gonna wash my brush i'm just gonna go into a little bit of white yellow red i don't know i'm just kind of making up a color right now so i have a couple of extra a couple of little ones in through here that are kind of screaming for a little bit of color but i just i didn't want them to be the same as the other ones so i just added a bit of some kind of orangey type color on my brush and i still have a little bit of white on there so i'm accidentally getting a highlight as i am getting these anyways so i'm not gonna have to do much work to these at all and then let's see i just have these tiny little ones in through here so whatever's on my brush right now i'm just kind of finishing up these little these extra little ones and then we have one tiny little step left to go let's see did i get them all i think i did i think i did i think i did um so yeah i got them all so we have one tiny little step left to go and it's going to be with your small brush so once you've got your plants all nice and potted and growing and beautiful you can put your big brush away take out your small brush and get ready for the next step alright so we are on to the final step this is the final step of every painting which is to sign it i usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right i'm going to use my small brush i'm using black paint i usually do my initials but you could certainly do your first name or the date or symbol or whatever you'd like to be your identifying mark is totally fine and that is going to conclude this painting i hope you enjoyed the process i hope you painted yourself a very old and authentic looking little village and i look forward to painting and sipping with you again sometimes
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 27,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, acrylic, painting, tutorial, lesson, beginner, simple, easy, painter, step by step, tips, painting steps, learn to, how to, paint, sky, landscape, realistic, day, tranquil, peaceful, beautiful, best, colorful, top, sun, tropical, vacation, roof, sunrise, instructions, Morocco, North Africa, Mediterranean, street, urban, scape, cityscape, urbanscape, streetscape, steps, stairs, plants, pots, flowers, blue city, Marrakesh, Chefchaouen, Chaouen, blue-washed buildings, blue, buildings, planters, stucco, red
Id: OYznisrYHGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 29sec (6329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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