learn how to create cloud storage using aws, create files using git and push to github 1080p

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okay so um remember from the beginning I want to so we can quickly do revision reverse what we've done before in the past so then from there we move on to the next uh uh phase so um so remember we have a requirements right and uh if you look at the the study material the life cycle of develops okay let me just say this way uh let me say it this way in the first place why would do we need a developed engineer what what our duty as a developed engineer for example we all know Microsoft right we know what's the only thing they produce is software all kind of application we have um Microsoft Office uh we have Exel um micro I mean Word documents right and also PPD uh PowerPoint all right now for example we have all these options this is the application and it has functionality now this um application if you look we look at is looking good the front end is looking good but the back end will always look rough just like the Jons we are always writing here let me see vs vs let me see let me open this uh let me maybe I'll see one of the old file no okay uh one second um I like using picture when talking always like let me make sure that I let allow anybody everybody in let me just leave this one open here so see people when joining so okay okay let me use the is okay uh one second I'm trying to pull up a picture um okay okay let me see which one is okay let me just use this let me use this as an example okay so always always an application when you say application even though our bank up we all have bank accounts and we installed the we downloaded the uh what is it called we download and install the bank application on our phone but when you operating the phone the app is always good looking good the front end will look good but when you look at the back end it's always rough like this you see all this Jons at the back end that's software for you so that's what we be seeing we see all sort of stuff like this is always looking rough to us but when you see what we are doing in real life the application we're trying to process where we see it is always looking good and like Microsoft we we are producing only only um software and before software will become a software it will have a raw code the raw code will build the code we will test the code make sure the code is working fine that's what we that's what we are called to do we need to prepare the code we need to prepare the software we need to build the software we are is not our duty to write this code but we process the coding we process those application to make it a software so now how do we do that what are the things that those the application need to pass through before it I mean the code will pass through before it become uh software is what we are doing so I just want you to have an idea of what we are doing have the concept of what we are doing so now to have a code to have a code in pleas let me scroll up there is a life cycle there is a life cycle let me see I know we've talked about it in the past okay now look at the life cycle here again we will have a requirement we have a requirement definitely what are we building what kind of application are we building that will give us Direction that will give us Direction when we know what we are doing right now the application okay um customer a approach us that oh okay we want it to build a software for us what do you want the software to look like we want the software that when I on my computer in the morning should say good morning [Music] John so definitely I have idea of what I want to do so now look at it here we will now come up sit down analyze the U requirement how do we want us to create this what are the things we need what are the components what kind of code do we want to write this is when the the design will come in and if you look at what we've been doing right if you look at it you been following us you'll see that we have a requirement here now look at the requirement said a partner reaches out to us I mean to to you to help them make an upgrade to one of their existing software imagine software is supposed to help eliminate Mana processes normally they will check team members out of the warehouse for security purpose but they want to build a self checkout so that's the requirement that is the requirement we actually need that will give us Direction and now when you look at the next um next pH here we are talking about design what do we need to do how do we go about this we started analyzing the requirement what are the things we will need to do it now we've gotten all we need here these are that the design we've got all we need to achieve the um our objective all right so now look at the next step here look at the next step here it say now we'll start with coding after requirement we've designed it now we're talking about coding coding is those files we've been creating now we need to create um an application maybe um a coding line that uh a coded line about okay you I'm creating developer one is creating a login um login page right and then we have developer two creating um own front page or home home page of the software right so so on look at it we um allocate this um design for each developer right in one of the example we allocate we allocated this um this examples I mean this um files now those each I mean the each we want um each developers to write so after the coding what Remains What remains we need to start test we need to deploy it all right so now what we've been doing so far for a couple of weeks now is this we've been doing all this creating files branches all those things as may we are creating recode now recode you see you see code like this you see code like this is but we are not cre we are just creating the file creating template for training purpose so those are the basic knowledge of what we need to go to move I mean to build a software so from the explanation I don't know if you anyone if you have any question if you have any question because after today I want us to start um to start um the testing building I want us to start this start with this we build the code and it test the code the final stage will be to deploy the code so any question I'm still going to take us through this what we've done in the past just review before we jump to to uh the testing stage of an application so now I want to log in I'm logging in to my ac2 bad request what happened okay okay so that's what we've been trying to do what we've been trying to achieve right so I want us to understand the concept and why do we always start I love this running again how do we start excuse me how do we start this one we will need files we will need a lot of stuff right and we need storage just for example my this is my computer now if I want to create a file or folder I need a space to create it on my computer that'll be the first thing or imagine I have a phone I want to take picture with my phone and I have no memory no space I won't be able to take that picture my phone will not even allow me to be asking it to be asking for um asking for what is it called storage place to save so that is the first thing we need to do we need to create storage and to have that we using AWS is to instance that will be our virtual machine remember I mentioned this earlier in oding days what they do they have a server room a giant computer they have all sort of servers in there let me see if I'll see the picture again uh like I said I like talking with picture so that you understand what we talking about um old server so look at all this and I'm sure some of us will will be familiar or would have seen this before all this this server room if you for example comp um Bank bank have this a lot so some of us will have SE come across all this this how server look like before cloud or no Cloud issue came up look at it you have all sort of CES join together you have all this join together you have this also these are servers then you have all this you enter some office you see a big room a big room is server they call it server and that is the storage area of the company that's where they s save the data the company's data the customers data everything but with this uh Cloud aw is everything now is stored in the cloud this this area we call it um virtual machine and this in vir machine if you look at this pictures here is like your normal computer it's like normal CPU whatever so and this CPU this um clouding version machine also it has all the components you have here all the components this it work as this remember the all this thing also they to have like hard dis that hard dis is like memory card once one is full they in Che it put another one you see your it then use pen to maybe label the um address save somewhere I mean keep it somewhere whenever they are looking for a data stuff like that bring it out but with this it has eliminated all the stress of running cable and they having multiple computers they have eliminated it with this all the component in your computer this version machine also have it and is very easy to access is secure so that's about the storage we need to have storage first to do that and then this this AWS is very broad like I always say it's very broad it has so many things so many tools and they professional also manage working as um AWS practitioner they are also there are some people called uh Cloud um architect or Cloud engineer also their job is based on clouding alone to manage this environment but in this developed engineer we only have to touch some Bas I mean some basic Bic place we need to do our job we don't need the entire area so those places we need I'll show you that so one we need um this ec2 instance we need um Security Group we need security group right because we got to be creating server and we don't want any random IP to access our server and then the third one we need um um elastic IP this El elastic IP okay look look at it here this elastic IP you know even though your um phone your own internet if you ear it down you have a um IP address you have a IP address the IP address will come but me the moment you turn off your the moment you turn off your um computer I mean your server your internet on it back the IP will change it will change and now because we will be creating server here we don't want the IP address to change because we may not have access to the server again if you lose the IP address then we use elastic IPS to all the IP address IP number so just so I'm just working it through again doing a revision of what we've done so far then after then we jump to the next two so now to have this presently I don't have any instance running I don't have one so I'm going to go ahead create one I'll go ahead create one instance so launch instance launch instances click on launch instances right and uh here you click on the name you want to name your instance right I can name this I can name this um jins jins jins Ser so that's one and I look at the operating system here same thing on your computer you have operating system also you have so now I'm still Contin with this continue with this these are other options too we are using um Mark you use this for for the operating system you can use obun to Windows red out and so many so many but we are using is depending on what your company wants you to use they almost the same almost the same just like when you have phone you have iPhone you have Samsung all right they have different functionality so but the same operating system same operating system so uh okay so look at this 64 you also have your computer you look at your computer type you see also so and I'm okay with this so far with this setting so far and I'll scoll down all this instance type also you can change it I've mentioned this before depending on the memory size how fast you want your um operating system you know when you buy a computer also the memory also will determine the speed all right so if you have like 8 gig on your computer so it's we are operating it to be fast right and also if you have 1 gig ram um if you operate it to it may be slow so depending on what your the capacity of your computer but for this reason because we are not putting much load on it so we still use this and it's free also and also this keep here also I explained it in the past you need to create a keep here if you want to use your local computer I mean your local time now on your computer like vs code or um command prompt or any other terminal you have to create this skip here without it you won't be a you won't have access to this um um server so now I already have one if you have one you can choose from the previous one I have this so I have this but if you don't have one before you just create new one here so I'm looking at the network um secur settings now I have this firewall you have it also on your local computer this will allow you to allow some apps right to access your your your um computer so same thing now for example if you already have one you can just choose from the old one but if not you just leave it as correct Security Group so now look at this um SSH also so this SSH is talking about the IP address where you want to have access to your um um viral machine right so now look at it here for example I can leave it 00 IP I could use my personal IP or customized IP so if I customized IP I'll just put my own IP there so I can just put this this will be my IP address but let me just use the random this you want to access this from anywhere uh sorry let me choose anywhere want to want it from anywhere so I Str down also look at the storage I don't need big storage for now we're just using this as a to practice right so you can also increase the storage capacity or you leave it this way so so far so good I'm good up to here I'm good so far and as time goes on the more we I mean we still use this Advanced details in the future but for now we don't need for now so this is what we've done before we've covered in the previous classes right so I'll go ahead I can see the summary of what I've selected here so I think I'm okay then I will launch the instance so launching instance launching instance right so I've launched the instance so to show painting this will take some few seconds to start running same thing on your computer also when you on your computer to take some few seconds to boot so now is running and it is still initializing so I'll just go ahead I'll go ahead click on connect there is the SSH to connect this to connect this look at it here just all light it I light click on connect click on connect so this you can connect through either any ways if you want to use AWS terminal all right click on this um E2 instant connection I mean connect click on connect down here let me move this screen you click on this connect this terminal will open which is AWS terminal and also This Ss um client this I I want to use local ter on my computer right I'll just come here click this is the um um pen file that I created for the keep here if you look at it this will be on my local computer saved on my local computer with this name so if I want if I don't want to copy this I can just type all this on my local terminal then I'll be able to connect otherwise if I don't want to type I could just copy this open a local terminal command prom so I'll still use this this is what we've been using before right then after the revision then we'll work on the um clone and and also the vs terminal so now I need to look at the direction of where I have the um KP file downloaded usually F if I download anything go to my download folder so now I need to be able to locate it so to locate it I know my directory CD download see the download so now I'm there so I'm taking my time to do the revision because I won't go back to this again so so now I've copied this uh the SS H code I we created when creating AWS right so now let me see I should be able to connect yes is ask me a question I want to connect yes so now we've connected right so now this our AWS we've accessed it on our local computer and this like our control room this are where we control the um virtual machine the cloud storage area so now from here now uh the first thing I will do if I want to work from here I won't get the result of what I want so just like our computer also we have directory also I showed you how to uh create a directory also in your local computer this is same thing as what we have physically what you can see on your local computer creating file folder so same thing here also before you create folder you have uh local disk all right look at this let me see uh look at this uh maybe let me do it this way uh where's my computer let me see uh let me see I don't want to go too far because of our time but I believe you understand what I'm talking about you have local discs right okay okay so let me okay mhm I have this so for example this is my computer this is my storage this I mean this is my computer same thing this is our look storage this is our clouding storage here and this is my computer this is my computer this my storage the all of computer same thing the all of the all of um your clouding environment here so but now you want to start you you want to start anything creating folder you w just jump to home start creating all this folder this is the starting point of your computer this PC and in this PC you have local dis this is your storage area but you need a direction to access it this how your computer started look at the directory here and the same thing to have a proper directory you need to do this change this e to user P um IP to your roote to the PC this PC you seeing here this PC you seeing you need to create a directory proper directory and to do that use this sudo that will be the first step always remember this sudo sud sudo Su look at it here is2 instance user it that change to um root so that be the first step and after then we're working on G we know that this server for G right for storage and same thing we are using other to also you need to install those to like JS now you install j on it but this one we working with G right now so we need to install G right so to install that sudo Su sorry sudo uh sud sudo sud sudo Sudo um um uh yum install install um G oh sorry I sudo not you sud sudo y install install G so now you is's asking me he brought out the detail showing me the details so please this Jon may look you see a lot of information here but if you look at the information it's just telling about the package the architecture version all this you have it on your system also all right look at what you say you want to install and also they to come with depenses right look at them here just just like when I go to the market now or when give a bir to a child it to come with something nothing what they call this long this again it come with that he won't just come alone he needs those things to support itself right or maybe when you go to the market you buy a product that will come with manual same thing these are the supporting package for this git so don't be confused with this all this information you're seeing in here it just showing you version this version that you understand and what's po three so now down here is showing you install eight packages total um total download size we all know what this means right and install size so this is the package when you download an a file also from internet also we want to download an application to First download before for install so now asking me is this okay I answer yes so now I have it have been installed so what's the next thing that I need to do I need to initialize it those are the steps remember yesterday I forgot one of the step and we had trouble we couldn't push because I forgot to initialize and that one took a lot of time but when you have a a directory you have your notes write it down let it be part of you so that you won Miss anything because if you you fail to do one or two things then you may not get the result of what you want yesterday I didn't initialize I close the um time I reopen it I forgot um initial and you were having trouble to push though I understand yesterday was was one of the bad for me right I understand and I apologize I apologize for that so I apologize for that okay so now look at it here so to initialize this G gate in we need to initialize it now it has been initialized we can start doing whatever you want to do so and if we use this command we have nothing in a nothing and as to start creating directory project same way been doing just we just doing a revision for people that joined that just joined us we're just doing a revision of what we've done in the past so to have a Direction I mean to create a project to start with you wants to have a clean directory you create um directory by using this mkdir I always use project but you can name it whatever thing you want you can name whatever thing you want project one so now I have a directory for project one so if I want to go into project one remember the command CD all right CD project one project one so now if you look at it here this where I was before right look at where I am right now I'm in Project one so look at project one I have not in Project one so but I need to start creating an application so how do I create an application I also need the directory for it m KD i r application one application one in this project also you can have as many projects as you want and in this project one you can have as many applications you want and you can name it anything you um to be that will be easy to for you to remember so now look at we just created this application one and if we do LS we have application one created I can as well create application to mkd application 2 so if I do LS again I have application one and two all right so in application one maybe the software I want to create it contains so many components so many join join and leg um and leg head uh bom bom whatever I want to design different segments in a web in theb website I want to develop a web page right or web app in the web page you see home screen you'll see um login page you'll see profile you'll see all sort of pages and now I want to separate those um um um Pages different pages now let me just go into application one to create um those pages okay application one now I'm in application one if I check I should be in application one okay now okay let me see okay I'm in application one look at my directory I'm in application one right so this application one now let me see for example want to create a web page so I want to create those files if want to have different code for each of those pages tou um onom page on page right on page on page this own page right and tou tou tou um profile page profile page and tou touch tou um um login login page P login page um tou tou um uh uh what again sign out or product page product page product page so if we look at this files we've created now all right remember when I was explaining it that if you look at application look at website you see beautiful website right when you see Beau website if you look at the back end or for example now the our company website if you look at the front is looking good more attractive but if I open login show you the back end you will see a lot of join join over there same thing when you look at server also when you look at a picture of that Ser I've close it you see a lot of cables around right look at a lot of cables around look at s all sort of computers joined together same way you have different section also of for different um parts of the website but look at it now these are the four FES we've created so far if you do this you should have it look at those four files right and this files we have different stages in git we have staging area um um staging um working directory staging area and um we have um uh remote right uh your local dis whereby after you commit um the uh commit all these files changes so now we have all this but if you do this G status you see that they are all still um working directory let me initialize this again sorry so gate gate status so now look at it we have all this waiting for us so this is our working directory this are working directory so now to get this done we can add those file by using G add let me try to see this if this is still working get add or h no okay it's not get add add and let me see uh uh okay so let me just um get add um what our first file let me clear this drons I have a lots here so now um g g status right so we have um four files right G add um onage so we added this if I do this ke status again I will see the file has been added to working I me to um staging area but we've not committed the file yet so also uh we could to add other files and get a um login login page login page so get our um production page or product page right product page product page and I get get um at profile profile page profile page profile page so uh no uh oh sorry I put multiple I mean get at um profile profile page so now that me mistake again get add Prof our page yeah give stat okay now come on use status okay now we've added all the four files we've created so far into the um staging area so now what else do we need to do we need to commit this files so get commit commit M all right and then we need to put um U put commit message this commit message anybody who say this commit we know exactly what you actually what you what happen here the activities you perform now for example now I created this file I um I committed it without any commit message if other people see it will not know what happen they will not understand why you created this in the first place but because you want to make um our directory our job clean for people who see to understand without raising questions now want to name I mean want to put a message to the commit now I want to see um commit the first message um I can let me see um I created new files okay so now I've done this I've committed this right so G status we've committed it on you see working through I use this G status and if we look at it here when I use G status here look at what I have and also when I use get um status here get status where I use it okay status look at the activities happen here when I committed this added this first um file and also I use same G status look at what we have here so G is tracking our ities is TR activities and now when you commit a application I mentioned it before by default we have Master Branch otherwise if we need more branches we create those branches ourself and also we can merge branches together the fs in different branches we can merge them together by default we have this master Branch we have this now look at it so now to um gate Branch let me just show you g Branch we have Master Branch this in is in our local um I mean sorry is in in our remote I mean local repository is saved in our um Cloud right now those this files imagine we have code in those files you know these are just blank files that we just created them just like noral office I mean do world right so this also the same thing but we don't have anything written in those files those are empty files but those files also saved in the cloud so now I'll jump to push this right to push this to our remote repository so I'll go ahead uh okay I think I still have one okay um token I created so now to do this let me [Music] see so to clone I mean to push this you need to create a directory here first I mean a repository in your remote repository this remember how we created um GTH up right remember that but I won't want to go through that today because of our time okay so remote repository uh if you still don't know have the account watch the previous video to create an account okay so I want to name this uh okay revision right revision okay so uh okay so uh you put uh description here is optional right if you want to you put it otherwise you skip this stage and uh you jump to public either you want to make it public or private you have the option if you want to add this add uh read me file is also an option right so otherwise and they look at the Lin sense also I've explained all this Parts in the past so just going through this again with you just to make sure you understand so after all this then I'll just go ahead create a create the repository so now this repository is empty right now nothing in here so to um add this as your uh origin you can either do this copy this completely copy this completely which is shortcut or you come yeah un look look come on or you come here let me see oh sorry look at it here either you come here you copy this you can either copy this or you copy this but when you're using this um URL then you have to manually type this to your terminer you have to manually type this yourself and then you copy this paste this after you type this but same URL here this same URL here you have it here this same URL you have up here so instead of typing instead of typing typing I'll just copy this completely then go to my terminer to add this so now I've added a remote this origin this origin you can change it to whatever thing you want you can change it to John right but when you want to add to remote or push to remote you have to use the same name this name is like you label this URL you label this URL so but this name you can leave it this way or use any name of your choice and also you can rename it at any point of time so now I've added this right I've added this as my URL if you look at it here um gate remote having V so look at it here it has been added it has been added so now to push this get push push origin this origin origin is not the or origin we drink in Nigeria there is not the salomo whatever but you know the origin we mean is that okay this directory go to this URL we want you to copy I mean push this URL that's what you actually mean right so give push URL uh put this then what am I pushing uh what am I pushing let me just take this one out what am I pushing I'm pushing this master if you are pushing pushing Branch a particular Branch you must put the branch name all right master so now asking for my username and uh asking for my password I saved this somewhere yesterday let me see the token I created uh where is it again so let me do this so now we'll push this we'll push this to our remote repository good morning sir good morning sir Mr yeah sorry can we try and see how you created the password again okay okay I we do that so now we'll push this look at it also we read this um options this where we enter the password right it said animating object three done counting object um three of three done uh compressing object under two done writing object so just giving you details of what it push look at the size of the what will push right so it just giving you and the um summary of what we performed so now we're going back to our remote repository you see now that this how we left it but I need to refresh it so look at it here master and look at those files we created so look at them here so that's all about pushing job to um get of repos history so it stages for example we have multiple file I mean branches here so we push Master we have Branch a right you also do the same thing also do the same thing um gate push from here we've added this one already so you don't need to keep repeating this every orless you want to push it to another repository so now just start the process here after you've added the origin right so G push origin Master instead of Master if want to um push um um Branch b for example you have other branches you have branch B you name it Branch b right you want to name push it you have to specify the name of what you're pushing the branch you are pushing you have to specify the name otherwise it don't push so after then to ask your pass your username and a password so once you have it then it should be good to go so uh okay so that's all about this right and there are see other ones that we did before got to this point that we didn't do it now because this is just revision remember we merge those um branches together and then we do some other things I can't remember them but those videos are there just watch the videos so now we push we are in our remote opposit we can as well pull this back so our local terminal probably want to update do some certain things in here we can do that pull um we can pull it right and also we thought of I mean we learned how to clone from public repository also and push the same to our remote repository right so that's what we've done so far in the past so far in the past and also in this GitHub we learned how to to manage this GitHub how to create um access to probably new um employee or new team member right and also how to withdraw access also so you manage this yourself you manage it you uh give access to whoever uh you need to want to give access to to have access to the particular repository so you can you manage this section also the security the settings and then stuff like that so that's all about gate that's all about gate okay um um Mr mu let me you requested for this let me just show you again the first step you do to create a token password and doing that here let me just explain this again I'm asking for a username use your regular username here he asking for your password not the same password you using for your GitHub account you have to create token for this so to do that you have the token right to have the token you go to your you see we have picture here in under your profile you have picture just click on this click on it after then scoll down to settings to settings so from settings uh yeah from settings scroll down again on this left side so developer settings so this is developer settings so and here look at it here said personal access tokens so click on it click on this particular one tokens classic so look at the one we've have created before this is one I created yesterday oh sorry yeah yesterday right so say last um us within the last week you find it show me the details so now to create name when I've created all these so I'll will click on create new token so just use this for General use for General use so it will ask to log in again for security reason to make sure you're doing creating the toen so now I want to log in again I've logged in so now do I want to put notes yeah yes I want to put notes new to okay so I put the notes so when do I want it to expire I want to expire within 7 days I want to expire within 30 days is 6090 and I I can customize the date I want it to expire in when I can put the year maybe okay 2024 June 2024 you set the day June 2024 you can set date for it or option no expiration but guub will recommend that you should have at expiration date for is for security reason also for security reason because if you don't want toire maybe where you using it someone else have access to it and they can use that to access your repository your GTH up they can AR it so it's always good even when you're working with company maybe after two three months there I send you the IT department will tell you to change your password so when you change your password frequently then it will help you to um to secure your um account so that's it here and then choose this you want this to work for this um below here um if you need all this you can choose them also but for with this uh training I don't think we need them so look at it now after after then you just go through this you apply the one you think you need right you think you need after then you click on generate token now you've uh We've created token here you show you also receive a notification by email that you created new token for security reason so that in case if you are not the one then can come here and delete it so also look at this message here say make sure to copy your personal access token now you won't be able to see it again which is true if we don't copy it now you close this section when you come back all you see is this details here this information here but you won't see this token again so you have to copy it save it somewhere this will be your password when you pushing job to any every anytime you pushing job to your GitHub repository so this all about GitHub g whatever we've been doing this all about it and one more thing that will not that I think you need that have not done um is um to fu G right so we will take our break now when we come back we'll do that and also I would like to I want us to also go through the vs code also one more time and we'll start using it and after then we we still have time then we'll talk about um jackings so let's take our break can we just take 5 minutes break because our time is gone can we just take 5 minutes or we should continue the class please I need your opinion okay guys can we just talk please please please please let's make the class more interactive I think we can take 5 minutes okay thank you okay let's just take a five minute five minute break time 55555 come on uh okay5 okay so we'll come back in next 5 minutes okay thank you sir thank you Mr James uh okay sorry uh okay okay now let's talk about um um deposit for example why do we need to f a repository un likee clone right you know you can also clone from public repository but this F to F is like you're copying someone's else job why do we need to do that maybe some in some cases you're working in a project you don't have the resources you need the application to also support your project but you don't have the resources to have the application or to create the application yourself or your developer couldn't do that but you need it to support your project so remember it's someone else job it's someone else job or maybe it's l St and you need it also but needing it you need to give reference to the author of the application you're trying to copy you need to give reference because when you post it on your post people will see it and it will look like copyright right but you need to give reference so when you f it to be on your publicos at the same time but it so the person's name we are also show that you copy this from this Mr a that mean you given reference to that to the author of the application or the developer that WR the code so that's what this forting means that's what it means so now let's look at it let's try to practice this now these are trending repositories so look at all these all right um probably you look at this or you see this what uh the application this person has built right okay this one built um a chat platform for Alibaba for Alibaba I'm sure I assume we all know Alibaba is a big uh platform also where people sells and buy things like Amazon right so so click on it so when you click on it maybe you go through the software I mean the application you like what you is is I mean it's align to what you're looking for right maybe let's see this Docker Docker file whatever you've seen all this right well definitely this person is from China so you may not understand what it wrote here uh let me see uh let me see ala this also let me see maybe on our website we want to have like a a live chat uh app or Plugin on our web app we trying to build right so we want to have it so let me see we looking for something related to chat right so okay so let's look at this public uh these are the files this person created these are files different files right so maybe I like this I like the coding I like everything right so this person is secured there's a license on it so sorry so let me assume that okay I like this right I like everything here but look at number of people that have this and look at number of people that are watching it these are the rate people who have R this job so far look at number of people who have also copied the job so or share the job on their own um uh getop repository so now to do that to do that I'm not in my account right now I've not I didn't sign in I'm someone's else um page right now trying to F someone's else um um job all right so what I will do I'll click on it once I saw the repository in the particular repository so I like what I'm seeing here and it's also aligned to what I'm going to need it for what I need so then just click on this F right here it ask to log in log Lo into your uh account so I'm logging in so this is what I couldn't get yesterday so look at it here also so I've logged into my account I'm log to my account so now is ask me to create this if also um actually want to um this then I'll click on this again so click on on it so I can rename it or I leave the name here then create so this what I means that it to always be there you see this is the name of this person the author it said f from I've given reference to to the auo so this will show be in public everybody will see who are seeing this or who sees this we know that you copy this from this person from this son so now from this I can now pull this opposit Tre I copy I can now pull it to my T terminal and start editing it or work with it but already if this person say it I will not have any challenge it not report me because I give reference to it so this is all about for from someone's else um um from public repository un likee clone clone will not give reference but this will give reference so that's all about about this and also um question so far question so far if none then uh can talk about this we still have about 10 minutes right um we still about 10 minutes right so I can talk about this um talk about this so actually what is vs code code this vs code this vs code right what is VSS code vs code is virtual um Studio code all right uh this is um this um is a free coding editor made by um Microsoft and it helps you to start um um quickly start coding quickly and also uh it has a lot of um um buildin application that will support your coding experience that will support your coding experience and also it come with a lot of um programming languages also and also it has um support for um uh okay like programming language such as python ja C++ um JavaScript Jupiter node also so it support those um programming language all right and also uh this also is to um help someone who is new to um coding it will help you learn it faster way and also to it has a capacity to suggest um words for you to or to complete words for you and also when you make a mistake it will highlight your mistake it will highlight that a particular line of coding is not correct or is incorrect so that's a good thing about this um vs code and also it has terminal so if you configure this with your uh GP with your GB right all you just need to do is to help you to eliminate some processing a lot of processing and it's faster than using your local um terminal it look more complicated working with it that's how we have to start from the basic knowledge using this um using this stamina is not hard to work with but if you don't have this basic experience then you may not understand what is happening here when you're working with it so now that you have basic understanding of what we are doing here how we creative files branches and all that then working with this should be easy for you so we'll continue working with this using this to work right we'll continue using this to work so um our time has gone I will prefer someone to share a screen with us someone who has not downloaded his or install this to do that to share a screen then we use this to also um work through what we've done yesterday or otherwise we can do that next week or maybe what I should do I'll do a video I'll do a video how to install and configure this because we are behind of our schedule so I and I don't want to be going back every time but so far so good this is what we've done and I believe we should be through with gate g up and jump to next to which is jings so and here what is jains let me show you quickly is our material also jackins uh Jacks and open um sauce also uh that um that allows us to build our Code test and also to deploy our code and um unlike vs code um Jacks also um it allow us is well recognize is one of the um top 10 let me even let me say set of five um uh tools to deploy code is well recognized and generally accepted so what we use it for we use it to integrate um our application in server and also J allow us to automate um um um process and also uh the complete build life cycle of um a software project so also uh we can configure our jackins to allow us to automate I mean to automatically build automatically test and also automatically deploy our softwares to production and ready to use so here it is here it is so also we can also look at some benefits of um jackins which have mentioned some of it that that uh it allowed us to um to automate all our jobs right and by creating pipeline you you by creating pipeline it to build the code that developer has built push from to GitHub repository it to pull it from GitHub repository it to build the the application and also test the application and push the application deploy it to production or testing area for us to release the software to the public so now we'll be working with jins we'll be working with jins we'll create a server for jins right we still have five minutes I don't know if that would be enough to do that I'm not sure so we will do that uh is an open source like I said is then also um uh it allows developers and um developer and develops engineer to automatically commit code for example let me just you I mean read I mean say this for example this is our starting point right this is our starting point anything we do here if we create anything here we edate any F here the moment we commit it push the the file to our remote repository to our remote repository here it will trigger jins it will trigger jins to build test and also to deploy same application without us interfere all we just need is Right configuration to do that so as time goes on you'll see all this you'll see all this happening in real life okay so let me see we have two minutes maybe we should just do start this next week uh please please have your mind we are done with g g up for now we're going to be using it but all this um creating um we've done with that but there's no we're going to be using working with other tools without coming here without coming to this section but our main go now will be on jings so any question so far anything I still don't understand out that we need to quickly C clear within the two minute that we have we only have two minutes I know people are going to church and then people have events to ATT so want to take your time question so far and also um maybe starting from next week I want I'm thinking of something okay do you want do you have anything to say I saw you a mute okay if none so by next week I'm thinking of this that will also help us and it's like a challenge to everyone and uh with that we I assume that it also help us to practice more um thinking of um having um there's something that will spin right to have every name every member every student name on it uh we will have it a we will spin it anyone that picked his name will share his screen with us we may ask the person to do a certain task for us or show us how to do is how to do this you know that also will help us to be more practice I mean to I me to practice and also just like a revision like the revision that we did now someone can do it for us right someone can do it for us so with that I know when it coming to class next you will have come prepared that oh okay I think I need to know this this um this may pick my name to share my screen and I need to be prepared you know that we help us a lot I believe so we've tried it before and it worked right and also it work right and also having that in mind will help you help you a lot but however it's not but it's not by force if you don't want to share your screen and if you share your screen also you showing us what we want or I mean showing us some revision right if we are Stu someone else can help out we can also help out but we're just trying to encourage each other to make sure that we are also doing this we know this so I hope this idea makes sense to all of us please let me know your opinion on that um let me see guys I'm expecting your opinion please if you don't want to talk you can yeah thank you thank you yeah this will also build our confidence also when we do it together when we do it together I know some of us we practice as as the the class is going on we also do the same thing there are few student who also doing as we doing it in the class following us in the Life Class also some may some even have one or two uh computer also um doing all this do the moments we're doing in the class also following with along which is good enough yeah thank you Mr yeah this is yeah yeah it to improve our it will improve us individually honestly to it's we so when you know it that okay you're coming in you you be you may be called to share your screen you'll be well prepared during the week you practice this and the only way you can know this is by practicing what I'm doing the class if you just watching the video or doing what I'm doing here honestly turn off your computer and then go back to it the next two hours you may not be able to do this is so it's involve a lot of technicality so but constant practice will help you so so please next week we will start at least we be living up U maybe 15 minutes to do that we can tell someone to okay create um a file a directory in G so show us how to do that you know that will help a lot okay if no question and um observation or opinion contribution then we can call it a day here and if you want one on one or want you have anything to say don't want to say it within the class you can stay behind you then we'll talk about it so otherwise you have a good day all right thank you thank you Mr J uh
Channel: benfol_group
Views: 4,392
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Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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