Learn Houdini: Howdini101 - 005 - Intro to SOPs

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[Music] so if you press the little arrow button on the left here if you go over this you turn your little arrow and if you press it you see we get all of our contexts here so this is the same drop-down that we have over here these are a lot of contacts in Houdini and like if you watch so maybe somebody in tutorials in the past you know everybody is talking about chops Bob scopes all of these different contacts these are a couple of these contacts you know you can see them over here as well and this is this might be a little bit more of a familiar interface to people using for example cinema 4d or Maya like this this will be the outliner you can see this is our object level so what we're in here is our object level which will contain our objects so these are object notes basically they are called geometry notes they take there are objects and they contain stuff in it so if we click on the little plus icon here and let's say we're gonna click again on it you can see there's a box in in our side our box it's basically box section so what is this does this actually mean well if we click the box so you can see all of our other stuff became ghosted it's about the few poor does by default so if you click over here you can see show other objects hide other objects or ghosts other objects because we're in a different level now and when you show all other objects or calls or objects it will show the stuff from like the object level so but right now we're just inside the network of our box and inside the network of our box who are inside of shop level and so soap is SOP surface operator so that's why it's called soap central surface operator and surface operator M is it's gonna obvious like surface operators operate on each of the individual data types that was what I was like talking about before that's why I wanted to do a little introduction first so this is where we can manipulate different parts of our object if we're if we're like on object level here or we can we can only manipulate entire object in its entirety but array if we're in soft level we can start in manipulating individual points of primitives so let's start doing that let's first delete all of our other stuff here and let's zero out our box because the the the transformations here will be world space transformation so that means that everything inside here so our box here will still be in zero zero zero space but then the entire network here will after that be transformed in world space to whatever is set here and but did this one make make more sense later on but let's run out just zero everything out so at least we know where I'm working in the center and that there won't be any discrepancies between what we're gonna do in here and then what we're gonna do in here for example with you what you would do is like you could for example make an explosion hit inside of shops and then you could say an object okay I'm going to place it over there so just like that's roughly how something like that would work anyway so let's zero out our box or just make a new box you can also just like delete it and click on the box again and then then we have a box and by the way you also get some controls over here when you could create something from the shelf tools which for example I get that these are the sample the size of our box and you can see that this doesn't change the skill just because it this is linked to stuff that's happening on some level but let's let's discuss a little bit more than we had inside soft level so let's do that Doria inside sub level and maybe let's put our few sorry over here we have different fewer stuff so I already showed you the D Coast and high to other objects on the left you can say the shading type so for example I can put it's a wireframe and I see a wireframe or I could put it to you know line invisible but let's put it to smooth wire shaded so now we see our what basically our object with our wireframe on top so on this soft object here we now have individual control over over stuff on our box so let's say for example the XS divisions let's make them four by four by four and then you can see we get some extra lines so we have some extra geometry to work with another I press S on the keyboard you can see I get two well I can select all these individual elements and if I want to change some parameters like the scale of this box in a few product we'd select it here and then press ENTER and if you pardon and I get these red controls and that will allow me to sort of to stretch it in and out you can see then I'm also changing stuff on the parameter set similarly like way like we did before but now that we're over here we can start making edits from our actual geometry all right so here inside soap level we can make edits to our actual geometry so if I use the two three and four keys on my keyboard I can switch between point selections edge selections and primitive selections and our plus five I get for this vertex selection you don't use it in a few port that much but that's how you can do that and if I press 1 it goes to back to like a complete object selection which you will see we will jump up a level so you can see we jump up to a yeah to a certain level all right so we can start making some edits and by the way you can also switch between them over here so with these buttons on here so points edges and primitives of course with the hotkeys it's a lot faster let's say we might want to do an edit on our own on our on our points so select let's select the point and then let's say we want to translate it so what happens if we press T like we did before you can see it puts down an edit note so for all these operations when you would in you will always put down a note so all of the stuff you will do we contained in this note and the edit note is one of the few actual destructive notes it's heart of Houdini what that means is that the Edit note is not really procedural itself like if you do more operate the one it will just keep iterating on itself so let me show you what I mean so again for example drag out this point here and you can see the trend position change and now let's say I maybe want to do it like a soft fall off so it will open up the parameters for this thing and I can just drag this out you can see that it will go all the way soft fall off so in it you can see it it the group is set to 31 in it because our point numbers you know you can highlight your point number here and primitive numbers and like it so that's done on the sidebar here so let's highlight point numbers you can see it's highlighted at 1.30 ones let's let's say if we make this 42 through the same operation on point 32 so so it's just the group 4 now let's say we want to do another transformation we want to do a lot of primitives let's select a primitive and I move it you see it's over it overrode it so this is one of the few nodes that won't drop this down by it dislike won't be procedural by itself if you want to want to do something like that and keep that procedural you could drop down your own edit note so how how I did that was I press tab here in the viewport and then pressed edit so type to edit and then with shift enter I bend it to 2 the thing here I could also just click on it and then drop it down somewhere and then collect the output to the input so if I were to do it like this now I could select a primitive here and then I'd have these two transformations by itself so doing stuff like this so just simple transformations routine you will often drop-down these note by itself so let's say we want to do some modeling type operations let's say we want to extrude a primitive here so we have these shelf tools over here and let's say we want to change some stuff on the polygons so that would probably be under the polygon tab so if we go to polygon you can see there is a poly extrude button here so if we press that you see we get an extruder so we extrude we can extrude a polygon like that and you can see it puts down a extrude node so if I click it again it puts on another extrude node and yet have like options here for example to twist it I could just press Q on the keyboard and then I will put down another it will just redo the operation so I could extrude it again and because of the procedural nature of Houdini I could like let's say go to the to the previous one here and I could change the twist you see because it's procedural if I change the divisions yeah it's also it's also working so I could like make it a little bit smoother but you might say well it's not like super user-friendly to do it like this but let's do a couple of more edits let's try pulley bevel Oh let's select a yeah it's like that you could I just pressed poly bubble all we need to do it sorry you need to do it after the last note else gets confused it's the last node and press press above all we can bubble the edge sample and say we want to chamfer it a little bit so we made a sauce a little model but it wasn't like super user-friendly right because we were going Trudie's yeah through the taskbar here so here isn't also in a more user-friendly way to do that if you want to start doing some body modeling stuff I don't myself don't model that much in Houdini I like I mean on the modeler myself I do model occasionally but it's perfectly fine to actually model in Houdini it's probably not this fast and and maybe user friendly it some other packages but it's perfectly capable of doing modeling as well or even though a lot of people think about think of it as just a effects package but let's let's show another way to do so my qualifications so what I could also do is let's say I want to do another like another bevel let's say I double-click on these edges so you can to like select edges like if you click click on a hold shift you can select more edges if you double click it will select a loop so if I were to do this over here to select the entire round fingers that's proper this is also a proper loop if I do it over here it's not properly but if I hold a and then shift I should be able to hold a and then you can see it allows me to easily slow a will allow me to sort of do this yeah to like have a habit to grow this selection like this let's grow like select it like this now let's do another poly before but that let's not lose you to see of those if you press C on your keyboard you get this little pop-up menu this pop-up menu is sort of context sensitive depending on what this thing is set to so now it's set to poly modeling that will mean the window will be set up for poly modeling ever press C you can see I get a whole bunch of a of options here so let's say I can now go to poly bubble and then you see it will put down poly bevel and then we beveled our anode and you can do this for like other and you see the drop down and other node by the way because this is the old poly Bravo I don't think they updated the shelf tools for the new one yet so so this old one is the new one so that's why it looks a little bit different but that doesn't really matter that much for this for this tutorial let's do some more modifications let's press C let me do a poly extrude let's extrude something that you can see we can just and I press Q you can see we can do simple body modifications like this so it's just a simple sort of way to quickly get to quickly do some yeah do some adjustments I could say poly splits and a good dude like this press ENTER and I split these polygons and then I have this and then I get like probably pretty extruded so my first something so first submenus where you can extrude it and I could like select this and I could like poly bevel it's you can see this probably is actually quite a sort of a way more user-friendly way to sort of do some modeling type operations you can see put in evil just if I press control B by doing a few part I can like maximize a few you can see Houdini drop-down all of these notes oh these are shop notes of surface operated notes nowadays operate on on different surfaces so yeah that's just like simple doing some poly modeling type things inside of the few part right so let's delete maybe what we did here maybe let's showcase some some op proceed a little bit of the procedural nature of Houdini when using these modeling tools let's make a sphere let's type sphere and we're like so on the object level type sphere and that's double click over to go in it and let's put the sphere to on the only parameters here let's put it to polygon sorry pull it on mesh so we get a quad mesh and let's do something that kind of blew my mind when I open to Dini for the first time and right then I tried it like that let's let's let's do a very simple sort of procedure or semi procedural thing all right so let's select all of these edges in the top let's delete them so let's delete the top parts of these sphere so if I press delete and you can see put down a blast node to blast away these points alright so now let's start putting down some manual notes power cell so let's say we made I make a transform out so let's type transform and then press shift enter and then it is transform not will allow us to transform the geometry that's that's here so let's say we move this up so we move it up and what we can do is we can template the thing that have we did before is or if you if you hover over this thing and you press the purple button here you can see we can get like a ghost of what we had before so right now transform and you can see what I like what where it where it was coming from and now what I want to do is I want to rotate this one 180 degrees so you can also type it in here 180 degrees now we have this sphere moved up and then down and now let's let's what we can actually do inside of routine e it's we did these two operations become because Houdini is like procedural so it is like the history of the operations that we did we can switch between these operations so what we can also do is if we type merge what this will do is will merge together these two operations that we did so now we have two spheres and they are facing each other with these holes that we made so again this is one of the core concepts of Houdini you do something you can transform it and you can actually merge it back in within like with a previous version of it now let's say what we can do let's press s to select stuff and then to do some extra lectures we need to by the way we need to highlight our merge node because we're gonna gonna do something after our merge node let's double click on the Ring here so we have a ring selection for that thing and now let's maybe do a bridge a poly bridge so we can do it either by pressing tab and then type in poly bridge or I think it's also inside the see menu here he can go to poly bridge so let's do it let's do poly bridge and now on the bottom here you can see a text appear and it's gonna ask us - yeah - to select the destination polygons our edges so this is often what Houdini will do if you use the shelf tools or if you put down notes inside of the viewport so if you're working like inside a few part here and probably it won't do it most of the time when you like put down notes yourself if you put down notes here it will start asking you for stuff like this so what do we want to bridge maybe we want to select some edges on the other fear here so we did that and now let's press ENTER so enter will complete the the tool basically enter you can see now it it bridged these two spheres and we get like a cool connection between them I mean and now we have like like like a halter what do you call her for the for the gym like a wait I guess but the system here that we made is is a it's procedural system I can change the divisions here so what I can actually do and it's actually like really cool and if this was something that I tried like I think of my first day I started doing beanie so what I can do it's like I have this is this transform that I did before right I can start moving this so now you can see that this operation here will be applied based on what I do here now so it's a really cool like procedural systems are again I can against like start moving it so I'm moving it sphere so it's an actual procedural operation and like we can go in here and we can we can chill stay still change the subdivisions so this is like a really not mean this this kinda shows you how cool Houdini is like you can you can do really cool stuff and this this really shows a very simple way if you weren't aware of what the procedural ISM is and what the working why I of foodini is it's like and I'm using two outputs or previous output and the new output merging them together and then do an operation on both of them so these shared it to share sort of the same history merging together and do the bridge so I thought it's like a kind of interesting way to what to show the ghini procedural nature and of course you can do other operations now on this as well and what I could also do for example is let's say okay I want this thing to be bigger it could go back to this node here so select that one I can then press this little arrow icon here you can see then it gets back the selection that I made now you can say maybe I want I wanna I wanna also include these so I know I selected these press enter.now it deletes all of those I can go back to crony you can see now it it made the bridge bigger so yeah that's what if those are like kind of operations you can renew Dini now of course I can do additional operations like I could select these edges and I could say okay I want to bevel double these edges rounded so now I made made like a more round thing over there and again it will all be completely procedural moving like this I could I could do all their operations like I could say over here let me put it to a wire shade I could like select a couple of these polygons and say I want to fully extrude extrude this out and then do some divisions and maybe twist it a little bit you can set a little bit so now we know we have this thing and again if I'm if I were to move this now you can see this will propagate like you expect one thing is because we're now using polygon selections like if I were to change the poly bridge here you can see this thing will sort of move because the point count will change so that's something we need to keep in mind later when we start doing some more procedural networks is that maybe we want to try to avoid using actual point selections and primitive selections as much as possible well it's something for later so maybe just now go ahead yourself and maybe maybe play around with just edit notes a little bit all right then we're gonna dive more into different types of things that we can do inside [Music]
Channel: Tim van Helsdingen
Views: 12,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houdini, howdini101, learn houdini, learn 3d, learn animation, learn vfx, learn motiondesign, houdini tutorial, vfx tutorial, animation tutorial, cinema 4d, c4d, maya, 3ds max, blender, FX, VFX, how do i make animation, sidefx
Id: 5QQ57QXZ96w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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