Learn from my MISTAKES!!!!! (Solo Leveling Arise)

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all right guys forag here welcome back to the brand new video here we are Solo leveling arise will be the topic more precisely we're going to talk about my own mistakes that I've done as a low spender in this game roughly $250 I spent in this game and there are certain mistakes that I've done overall in this game um so hopefully you're going to be able to learn from me and you're going to know more about Soul leveling AR rise after watching this video okay leave a like subscribe guy pleas subscribe guys please uh leave a comment it will help me at done I'm on a road to 50K so let's get it please subscribe okay so let we start my biggest mistakes that I've done in Solo leveling arise okay so first things first let me go here into the game mode this is my little mistake that I've done over as a low spender so here in the gates I sometimes rushed it overall and I used a lot of sweeping with the actual Essence a little bit more that I should have this is also one of the mistakes that I've done as a low spender but I wanted a little bit faster progress so I can showcase more things Etc uh so yeah I used a little bit too much Essence for this type of sweeping especially when you can do it on auto pretty much so yeah just wanted to mention that mistake again not big of the deal it was my own choice but definitely try not to sweep okay the second mistake that I've done is related to the army of Shadows okay let me explain here everything now okay load come on okay here we are so Army your shadows uh the mistake that I've done is choosing blades now don't get me wrong uh blades is extremely helpful he's boosting that attack increase extremely helpful for and many other teammates so this is not the biggest this is not like huge mistake that I've done but definitely in my case since I have Emma literally with three duplicates the best character for me in the game currently she would benefit the most from this okay from Iron he's increasing Max HP and Emma is going insane and she's working from the max HP more XP more max HP you have bigger damage overall she's going to do okay have that in mind so overall related to the army of Shadows choose what is the most helpful for you choose for your best character I would say okay so for example Emma would get that Max HP increase with iron and that would be the best for me overall plus I I have Min right n min I I cannot remember his name but I believe it's Min he also can uh can prosper with Max HP for example okay so this is the logic you should think about related to the army of Shadows like whatever you unlock it's pretty good legally you cannot make a mistake but you should definitely think about which characters will prosper the most from unlocking Shadows so in my case like I said Iron would be the best choice but blades as well not bad at all my account is more uh about attack uh crits uh Max HP not so much about the defense that's why for me even though he can stun even though he can stun um he was not the best choice for me at that moment now I will see what I will unlock next because at the end of the day he can stun and he can decrease defense um okay with that Max HP increase so I'll have to think about that but if I want my ammo to go completely insane iron is the way to go but at the end of the day that's a little mistake that I've done because I'm still really happy that I choose blades that increase attack can be extremely extremely helpful overall okay let me increase that a little bit Shadow okay so that's about the Shadows be careful literally it really depends what character you have and which character are you using so just think about that what what unlocking certain shadows will do overall to your account okay so uh that's about that part now we go go to the artifacts this is where I've done uh biggest mistakes I would say overall uh first of all I've done the mistake in the beginning of the game where I was increasing attack uh cool down critical hit Precision I I was I was increasing pretty much everything at the same time don't do that of course I already made a guide Rel related to the assigned stat points for the song and overall the biggest is pre Precision I already explained why uh because when you increase the Precision your minimum damage dealt to enemies increases so overall here you're getting the biggest boost of the damage at the end of the day so overall I recommend here going to about 80 to 90% of precision and then everything else to attack and additional MP coold down reduction mainly for now I I I've done all attack and precision but I also test few things and it works really well when you actually lower a little bit attack and add additional MP coold down reduction but okay furthermore testings is needed to be like 1 million per sure but guys please work on your precision and attack that's like the two main stats you want to work on overall and then as you go you can test out other things to level up and see how s will act here you can see like Precision 87.9 go to roughly about 80% plus 80 to 90 and then go everything in a in a attack because the critical hit rate damage you can get that from artifacts and many other things okay have that in mind so precision and attack are the most important things right here related to the artifacts Okay so yesterday I made a guide about the artifacts and I've done certain mistakes that I definitely want to point out now because I believe it will be extremely helpful like for example using this uh blue necklaces setup for the sunk It's not the best best deal What I've Done Right because I I don't know how I didn't notice that but it really at the end of the day I'm still getting stats here guys I'm still getting stats defense attack additional attack uh D for example I'm still getting critical hit damage I'm still getting something something from this but the complete set is wrong when tagging out increases the attack of you and your team members by 12% so sunk is not tagging out right so this was one of my biggest mistakes that I've done I build it up I buil up the set for song that actually doesn't work for him pretty much okay so be careful when you're creating the artifacts be careful on the sets be careful on the stats and the sets overall will that be effective for your character have that in mind so for example here I I will I'm working on it I will change it but for example the best thing for s for example would be like Beast necklaces for example when Landing a critical hit has 25% chance to increase attack by 0.8 that's really really good if I can get that set completely which I can um when attacking enemies with 40% or less HP increased damage dealt so you should be more focused on increasing the damage from sunk and that's pretty much it also red necklaces rings and all of that it's pretty good increases attack by 5% and then the attack increases effect stack maximum increases to four instances so definitely I need to replace this I need to use other like but I can I have the sets ready to go as you can see the sets are ready so I will replace it today work on it uh further more but definitely like this I will use I will lose bunch of coins that's the problem if if hopefully they fix it please remove that we need to use coins to exch to yeah to exchange our our artifacts that's like the biggest deal I have with this game you when you level up your artifact you need to use your coins to actually switch them up that's so that's that's terrifying honestly so you cannot afford to make this type of mistake especially as a free to play you will lose a bunch a bunch of coins now related to the left part of the artifacts so for example critical hit rate increased by eight that's good increase the user's attack by 5% that's pretty good always I would I would say in most cases you want to use two set combinations for example now on S also the four set can work really well because your critical hit damage increase will your critical hit damage increase will happen by 32% so this is for example like really really good overall you want to increase his critical rate you want to increase his attack you know all of that stuff really really important for sun now I've done more artifacts mistakes uh so let's go here into the hunter part Emma um I made a mistake here you're going to see deals damage of HP okay look 7 777 per of the users's max HP I don't know I usually always do that I played so many games that works like this and I I still made a mistake it happens I rushed it I was like so sure that she needs attack I was sure she needs attack but she actually needs Max HP to prosper to go completely nuts so as you can see my artifacts basic attack damage by 18% okay ultimate skill increased by 25 I would say that's pretty solid with all the stats that I have overall that's not bad at all but definitely for her it would be better that I use this this the user's HP increases by 8% for example these two set so for her it would be the best that I get these two sets the user's HP increases by eight and then I find another stat that can increase attack for example so that would be the best that I use the attack boost and HP boost for her okay so if I do now this change artifact I can use for example this one let's equip again you see that's the that's also one of the mistakes I've done so don't level up your artifacts which you're don't level up your artifacts more than level four more than level four five don't do it unless you're certain you're going to use it constantly okay that's the key to save your coins if you're not sure you have the right artifacts if you're not sure you're going to actually use it don't level it too much of course there is an option when you're not using any more the artifacts you can exchange them with coins have that in mind okay so here for example I would honestly yeah let me just put now this for example okay that would be really good for her now I just need to level up and everything else okay furthermore so we have now the increased ultimate skill by 25 and the users's HP increases by 8% that's pretty good but I can also do this change this artifact and place this one who can give me increased users attack by 5% but still I think in my opinion this is fine increasing her ultimate by 25% is big deal because she's doing insane damage and as well we are getting that increased HP on her now okay so definitely much better logic than previously again you can also use the same logic for everyone go on the skill and check out where they Prosper so users attack users attack users attack users users attack users attack so for him I want to build artifacts that will give me the Boost in attack so again for him as well the artifacts are not the best but listen to this why I've done it like that because they're legendary artifacts and from them I'm getting insane buff overall with attack anyways so you will have to play around like getting the perfect set for the character and the stats are the most important thing but if your set isn't perfect but you have a really good stats on that you can definitely use them okay definitely use them but for example for him I should have went for this increase the users's attack by 5% when attack ignores 50% of Target defense and attack for example this full set for him would be pretty pretty goer okay this one not so much so also a lot of people told me this is one of the best artifacts you can place on your character your power guard acquisition rate increases by 20% full set when the start battle charges power guard by 50% and additionally increases the player and the part's power guard acquisition rate by 20 this is actually one of the best artifacts that you can use this as well for increase uh HP this is for the ultimate this one not so crazy like I thought in ially this one is for attack and this one is for crit so you will have to play around you will you can see I'm getting super lucky with this artifact Super Lucky but unfortunately I cannot get that legendary attack boost and everything else so I'm I have a lot of things to do here overall right also one more tip you can see that here in the artifacts uh when you click here okay yeah here it says what do you want HP critical hit damage healing given increase okay you can also see overall what these characters that's what what what each character needs like literally the game is telling you bro so I missed it it happens it happens at the end of the day that's why I'm happy it's early access so I have plenty of time to work with that okay oh I can even place this bro like this is him him having that full set is actually gottier bro this this actually got here okay now I just need to level this up bro look at this my first char No so now for example I'm fine I can level up those art artifacts as far as I can because I definitely use this set for him and that's pretty much it okay later on you can play play around with stats and see but pretty much the stats are pretty crazy for him right here and this is pretty much what I will use constantly for him here I have also really good set for him okay so he is my actually only character that I build up like for 100% this one it's we we need we need to play around for sure we need to play around okay this one also we need to go more for like attack increase not like he won't creit that much will he even crit probably a little bit but nothing too crazy have that in mind so for him it's all about the attack for her it's all about the HP okay and again again increasing the attack is fine you know at the end of the day but always always work around those things look what your characters need and that's how you build up your artifact the ones you won't use like this one for example I won't use it like crazy I shouldn't have level up to level 14 but there is one trick with with this we're going to end the video that's pretty much all mistakes that I've done the B the biggest ones were with the artifacts but again not the biggest deal honestly um I can always like fix that stuff over time and just build up differently still I'm gaining the stats right here even though the set isn't perfect I will still gain stats so all of this will still help me to progress easier you can use this to actually sell your items so for example I know for a fact I'm not using this let me say it this this like common I I don't needed so you can literally click on this sell and like this you can get your coins back okay that's really important thing you're going to use especially me since I level up certain uh artifacts I leveled up certain artifacts that I won't use so I need to unequip them and then I can sell them like this I will get bunch of coins back but still um if you do constant exchanges with level up uh artifacts your coins will completely disappear and honestly I still think that's not fair what they're doing with those coins and the artifacts because at the end of the day I I believe we should have a freedom to test things out like okay s let me test out now this artifact now this but I cannot do that because unfortunately the coins are like super terrible okay so guys this is like all the mistakes that I've done I will definitely correct them uh when I grind few more different artifacts and then I will play around so guys that's it hopefully you did enjoy the video I believe I didn't forgot anything you also have a m u a video on my channel don't make this mistakes Etc so there you have further more mistakes that you should avoid but I didn't done them okay so that's cool okay guys love you I hope you did enjoy it subscribe road to 50K and bye
Channel: RoKage
Views: 8,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling arise, rokage
Id: VfR8ppv5KB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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