Learn Fashion Illustration from Yelen Ayé

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hello everyone welcome and my name is ellen and this is going to be a quick tutorial on how to do um fashion sketches using markers and a few other materials so let's get started i would like to talk about some supplies and materials that i'll be using in this tutorial first of all since we're going to be using markers um we are going to be using also a marker pad and this is one that i recommend and here is the brand name as you can see bought on riley you want to make sure that you are purchasing uh the type that says marker paper uh they have a few different uh kinds and um this one is great because um if you look inside this page is i would say pretty much uh double-sided but that what i mean by that is it's you can either work on this side or walk on the back side unlike other uh market brands there's only one good side and if you just happen to work on the back side the wrong side more like uh you just end up with quite a bit of mess so with this brand you can't go wrong what i really like to do what you should like to do is to just take out a sheet tear it off and i'm going to close my marker pack and i like using the back of the marker pad because if you look the front has a bit of a graphics going on and since the marker paper is somewhat translucent it's a bit distracting so i'll usually use the back of it and like this and we're ready to go now for the materials that i will be using there are several first of all we have the copic markers these are probably one of the best brands out there uh they're very consistent uh they're refillable and reliable and you know they last for a long time so and they come in all sorts of different colors and i have limited edition here uh limited color palette and this is pretty much all i need and if you're interested in what colors i use you can always contact the magazine and you know we can get some more information on that as well all right so again uh just one quick note though uh these markers that i'm using if you notice the oval shaped body here's the top view and this is kind of a newer design and one tip has a nice little brush tip and the other has nice little chisel tips so both coming come quite handy and i also will be using these tombow pens and they look like this they're pretty nice they're not refillable but um if you want doing it like a quick lay in it's really nice to have you know something like this again this has a little nice brush tip and it's a nice little pointy tip to do some um light sketching as well alright so i'm going to put this away really quick and let's see i'm going to use this little nicer darker version of this top though i'm going to use this little pointy tip over here i'm going to zoom in a little bit and when i start sketching in the very beginning what i usually do is um you know to get myself warmed up i would do a little quick like literally a few seconds uh long sketches just to get the gesture um right and get the flow going so for example you know don't think about it too much just you know let it go and do some quick little sketches like these something like this let me zoom out so you can see the whole thing and i'm going to do maybe a few more i need something a little straighter and maybe something let's see so stuff like this and what i usually do next is to get a gray marker like this out which has a nice chisel to bite this that will cover up an area pretty fast and you know just throw in some volume again at this point you do not have to be very accurate and too precious about this in fact you should not get too precious with your sketches you gotta be able to abandon these sketches at any time it's probably one of the most common mistakes that people would make that they get too quickly into doing some details and before you know it you're just noodling and instead of thinking about the overall the big picture i should say so there you go so this is what i call the uh uh little quick skeletal sketches just to get the post going and the volume going and just to make sure that you know we have enough attitude in the poses as well and you can take this and you know apply some clothing on top and use this as a nice base um so let's say we uh like this first one what i can do next is basically let's see let's slide this over a little bit and now i can go ahead and draw with a number of different um types of pens i um sometimes like to draw with a ballpoint pen sometimes i draw and sketch with the this sharpie ultra fine tip sometimes brown sometimes black and sometimes i would sketch in something a little thinner uh thinner marker pan that i don't have with me right now um so let's use this brown sharpie for now so i'm just going to do a little quick center line so so we got this model going over here and i'm going to have her kind of rest her arm on this hip here and this hand will just relax against her thigh over here so we have this basic form that we can apply we can add clothing on top of so at this point let's zoom in a little bit you have to make a few decisions uh as to what kind of clothing she's gonna be wearing um so let's see i'm gonna give her a little a little v-neck over top on top and the jewelry how about you look three-quarter sleeves maybe a little maybe a little belt to bring this together and maybe a little short skirt just over the knees a length let's see we can go something about there now i'm going to keep it simple with this um a few brush strokes now we have um uh kind of described where where the um skin is going to be and where the the clothing is going to be so i'm going to start shading in the skin tone for this i'm using this um sharp copic brand e as an edward 51 and it's labeled milky white actually but it works pretty well for skin tone uh one thing i would recommend is before you do any uh rendering is to clean or test your marker a little bit right outside the the artwork and make sometimes from previous sessions you might have a little bit of a leftover color and sometimes that still shows up and you don't want that you might not want that so again really quick and as you probably noticed i'm using the chisel tip and not the brush tip a lot of people like to use a brush tip um i find it a little easier to just use a chisel tip i feel like i have more control that way and we can quickly add some shades and for that i'm going to use uh number 13 this another uh this is labeled e13 and it's actually light suntan so it's not too bad again i'm using the chisel tip um typically we have light source come from the top left in that direction so i'm going to send her right side into shadow and then little shadow this way a little this way and underside underside and so on and so forth and let me see if i can zoom in a little more for detail shots and that skirt hemline will cast a little shadow along the uh the cylindrical form of the leg so you want to cast shadow that way a little bit of a curve it on the inside for the knee bump right there and inside a little bit and that's all you have to do on this side same thing again you don't want to render too much and one thing you should do is as soon as you've put in the the dark tones you want to come back in with the light tones and blend it a little bit especially where you want the soft transitions to take place so there you go and i'm going to go with some a little bright red color for summertime and i think i will give her um let's see a little pattern so i'm going to go with this kind of pattern so and every time you're dealing with stripes um it's probably a good idea to change the direction of the stripes at the seam so for example when the uh the um the arms attach to the other body so you have a little more of an interesting you know direction and pattern going on uh let's see and also let's pretend that there's a seam line at the waist there as well and coming down you can also flip the um direction of the pattern so for example i can now go in this direction i'm going to turn this paper around a little bit you may have noticed that i have um kind of uh kept in mind it's kind of a center line that goes down this middle of the dress where these two patterns converge to and depending on what the body is doing that center line might shift but in this case it stays pretty much in the center so you know little things to pay attention to i'm going to repeat this little red color into her uh accessories maybe some little jewelry over here and your earrings maybe some of the lips and of course the shoes and if we want to add a little bit of shading on the dress we could also do that and we can actually use this e13 which we used for the darker set of skin tone and that'll work pretty well so let's see against this body right there uh this whole arm can get catch a little shadow so so so there you go and i'm just going to give a little eyebrow and keep it very simple maybe add a few straps on her shoes a little bit t-strap and i'm going to come back and color this in as well and there you go so again look recap um you want to do a few warm-up sketches and start with just a very simple line work just to get some poses going and you know add some volume with just a neutral grip tone it's just like this um and then when you're happy with it a pose and use that expanded and do a nice full-on drawing and then add some clothing on top and make some texture some colors do a little shading and keep it quick keep it spontaneous keep it you know fresh and keep it in your style most importantly um but you know of course at the same time keeping proportion in mind uh keeping how light and shadow works and you know just making things a little more interesting adding accessory jewelry um the type of print um you know so on and so forth so it could be fun so again here's a little quick i'm gonna slide this down well collection i hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Threads Sewing
Views: 1,333,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sewstylish magazine, fashion illustration, Learn Fashion Illustration from Yelen Ayé, Fashion Illustrations, Yelen Ayé, fashion illustration tutorial, how to draw fashion illustrations, Fashion (Industry), Illustration (Industry)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2012
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