Learn English with Gordon Ramsay - Vocabulary & Grammar (From LEP432/433)

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let's actually get down to business now and listen to some scenes from one of the episodes okay now the scenes i'm going to play you are all on youtube and these are these scenes actually come from an episode called gordon ramsay's great british nightmares which was shown on tv between series 5 and series 6 of kitchen nightmares it's basically the same as any other episode of gordon ramsay's kitchen nightmares and in this this one is called gordon ramsay's great british nightmare dovecote bistro and in this one gordon goes to visit a restaurant in devon called uh dovecote bistro devon is in the southwest of england uh he goes to this place called dovecote bistro which is run by a guy called mick okay now let me just tell you a couple of let me give you a brief summary of the episode first so you get some context which will help you to understand the little scenes that we're going to listen to okay so mick is the guy who runs the bistro and he's a former truck driver and burger van operator a burger van that's like a you know a van van is an english word for a kind of a utility vehicle you know like a a car with a large area of storage on the back so you can use it to if you're transporting loads of furniture you need to get a van okay a van the the net in america they'd say a truck um okay a van all right so uh mick used to run a burger van a burger van these are it's a van that has a window in the side and he cooks burgers in the van and sells them through the window that's what he used to do okay not usually the um cream of the cream in terms of uh you know cooking is it really a burger van but anyway that's what he used to do and he's he's since then he's opened a bistro which is like a you know a restaurant basically with his wife and his adopted daughter so it's mick his wife and his adopted daughter running this bistro his daughter is called michelle adopted now let's listen to the first scene and here we're going to to hear um let's see let me just find the right one so this is where gordon first arrives in the restaurant and he sits down he first he comments on the the decor of the restaurant then he sits down to try the famous lamb shank and let's hear what he thinks about it so as you're listening to this i'd like to just try to notice so this is just about three minutes i might pause it in the middle but what i want you to notice is um what does he think of the food and what does uh michelle the daughter what does she say about the way the food is prepared okay and the other thing is of course watch out for the swearing okay uh so if you don't like swearing then just sort of like brace yourself and if you do like swearing then just you know try to notice the ways in which gordon ramsay swears because he is one of the best in britain at swearing okay here we go let's see what this ex-trucker can do an eating experience you must try the steaks local produce chicken dishes duck lamb shanks oh lovely all food is freshly cooked [ __ ] me hello hello michelle michelle nice to see you i'm pleasure to meet you your blouse matches the wallpaper i feel like i'm tripping out never touch this stuff but i feel like i've just swallowed an e holy crap compared to the hideous wallpaper the menu is very attractive simple freshly cooked food on paper it looks delicious wash spoon full of gravy rich and meaty it's called clay a lot of them say it's the best they've had so it can't be that bad can i first up mix house special duck with orange sauce excellent that's the potatoes are just jesus christ [ __ ] me do i need sunglasses what is that sauce i think maybe it's the orange squash he uses did you really say orange squash it looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate gives it color ah [ __ ] me jesus christ that's worse than [ __ ] benelux next up is the lampshank who will love them shanks [ __ ] it now okay excellent thank you there's local lamb they're they're actually vacuum packed ones uh actually they can last for about a year just say that again they're bought in they're vacuum packed the lamb shanks and they've actually got a life shelf of about a year and they don't have to be kept refrigerated holy [ __ ] yeah hold on a minute so where has that been hanging around it's just in a box they're kept in a box in a hot kitchen yeah i've got to tell the truth i can't i know i know i respect your honesty well [ __ ] me i know on the bottom as a first admit i'm not going to taste it that's fine [ __ ] that might just be the worst food i've ever come across that might just be the worst food i've ever come across okay uh so he doesn't like it then i think that's obvious isn't it um okay let's let's go through that again and i'm gonna pause it and just explain things bit by bit so the first thing is he arrives at the restaurant he has a look at the menu and then he comes in and he comments on the decor and then he sits down [Music] let's see what this x trucker can do let's see what this x trucker can do so he's an x ex-trucker because we know they used to work in a truck right an ex-trucker former trucker let's see what this ex-trucker can do an eating experience you must try steaks local produce chicken dishes duck lamb shanks all lovely all food is freshly cooked all food is freshly cooked it says on the menu freshly cooked really okay um so he seems to like the menu because you know the menu is fairly simple and it's got some ingredients that he thinks look good so anyway he's quite impressed by that now as he walks into the restaurant what does he say so imagine him walking in and he's looking around what's the first thing he says and it's a swear word [ __ ] me did you get that did you catch that he just walks in he's like literally walking in having a look at the wallpaper [ __ ] me he walks and goes [ __ ] me so there's a swear word for you there's a swear word [ __ ] me okay now [ __ ] me uh what does that mean uh and it doesn't doesn't mean he actually wants someone to you know he doesn't he's not interested in uh yeah i think you know what i mean he's not trying to shag someone uh [ __ ] me it's a way of saying oh my god okay oh my god [ __ ] me look at that okay so [ __ ] me is a way of sort of expressing surprise or shock okay like [ __ ] me it's hot isn't it okay and and it's not always negative it can be positive [ __ ] me that was delicious okay so [ __ ] me as a way of saying surprise like a way of expressing surprise or shock and that's the first thing that he says as he walks in because he's he takes a look at the the wallpaper and he's like [ __ ] me and he sort of says it under his breath [ __ ] me hello hello and then he sees michelle hello hello and how do they greet each other michelle nice to see you pleasure to meet you nice to see you yeah and pleasure to meet you nice to see you pleasure to meet you house matches the wallpaper your blouse matches the wallpaper very charming gordon hello hello michelle michelle nice to see you pleasure to meet you your blouse matches the wallpaper i feel like i'm tripping out your blouse matches the wallpaper because her blouse is kind of like black and white striped and so is the wallpaper and he and he says i feel like i'm tripping out if you're tripping out it means that you are um it means that you've like taken some drugs or something and you're hallucinating or something like that i feel like i'm tripping out because the the wallpaper is so dazzling and and psychedelic i feel like i'm tripping out and then he says what um i've never taken one but i feel like i've just had an e i've never taken this stuff i've never touched the stuff but i feel like i've just had an e so he's saying i've never tried ecstasy but i feel like i've just had an e i feel like i've just taken some ecstasy because of the wallpaper very funny gordon ciao nice to see you pleasure to meet you your blouse matches the wallpaper i feel like i'm tripping out never touch this stuff but i feel like i've just swallowed an e i feel like i've just swallowed an e okay fine crap holy crap he says holy crap which is another way of stating surprise it swallowed an e holy crap compared to the hideous wallpaper the menu is very attractive compared to the hideous wallpaper hideous uh hideous all right there's another one hideous means disgusting really ugly compared to the hideous wallpaper the menu is very attractive and he's very attractive simple freshly cooked food on paper it looks delicious on paper it looks delicious so you're on paper which is a bit like saying in theory okay on paper or in theory um so you've got on paper and then in practice okay see what i mean so on paper meaning like if when you see it written down on the menu it looks delicious but in practice when you actually taste it it's not so on paper or in theory you know on paper the business plan looks great let's see if it actually works so on paper and in in on paper in theory and in practice okay so on paper it looks delicious it looks delicious now we see a video of um of mick uh cooking with his orange squash which is not pretty and gordon can't see this because he's sitting in the restaurant orange wash spoon full of gravy orange squash this is mick orange squash spoonful of gravy so he's poured a bunch of orange squash into a frying pan and he's pouring a spoonful of gravy gravy as a kind of meat sauce basically rich and meaty it's called plate a lot of them say it's the best they've had a lot of them say it's the best they've had a lot of them say it's the best they've had so it can't be that bad a lot of them say it's the best they've had so it can't be that bad mick is convinced that this is a delicious um uh recipe plate a lot of them say it's the best they've had so it can't be that bad can it first up mix house special duck with orange sauce this is the house special duck with orange sauce and this is the sauce made from orange squash and it's a bright orange color excellent all allah says gordon which is a french expression me you know another expression for surprise so we've had uh [ __ ] me and we've had holy crap and now oh la la which is you know it's not strictly english i think gordon picked it up from french chefs he's worked with probably the potatoes jesus christ jesus christ there's another rude one another expression of surprise because of the way it looks i mean it looks like it's radioactive for goodness sake [ __ ] me do i need sunglasses [ __ ] me do i need sunglasses what is that sauce uh-huh maybe it's the orange squash it uses did she really say orange squash it looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate okay uh notice that he says [ __ ] not [ __ ] so which is a slight difference in his accent which suggests that he's not from london he's from somewhere further north looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tatama plate um okay it looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate a lemon tart you know it's a pie it's like a sweet pie made from lemons and it's usually bright yellow color looks like someone's dropped a [ __ ] lemon tart on my plate he's now tasting it gives it color and he can't eat it he's he's put it back onto the fork because he can't eat it because it's too disgusting jesus christ that's worse than [ __ ] benelim next up that's worse than [ __ ] benellin uh benellin is a medicine that you would take if you've got a sore throat okay imagine you've got a sore throat i've got a bit of a sore throat take some benelim and it's like you know a bottle of medicine and you pour it onto a white spoon and it tastes disgusting but it helps your throat that's benelim and you know that kind of medicine is usually bright coloured as well and tastes horrible and apparently this is worse than benellin that's worse than [ __ ] benelim next up is the lamb shank who would love next the lamb shank [ __ ] it now okay there you are excellent thank you there's local lamb they're they're actually vacuum packed right so this is where where he realizes that it's not local fresh lamb and she admits openly that it's vacuum packed lamb which is like cooked already somewhere else and then vacuum packed and then is stored in the kitchen in a box just stored in a box on the floor in the kitchen in a hot kitchen they're actually vacuum packed ones uh actually they can last for about a year they can last for about a year so there's the word last meaning they can continue uh they can last for a year okay last nice nice word a nice verb meaning to just you know use to describe how long something continues for example the film lasts 100 minutes the flight lasts eight hours okay you know i took some paracetamol and it only you know it lasts for four hours okay so uh the food lasts for how long 12 months or something there's local lamb they're actually vacuum packed ones uh actually they can last for about a year they can last for about a year or imagine having pre-cooked meat stored in a box in the kitchen for a year oh that's not right it's got to be full of chemicals just say that again they're bought in they're vacuum packed the lamb shanks and passive voice you notice the grammar here they are bought in so mick buys them in okay they are bought in they are vacuum packed so passive voice mick buys them in the factory vacuum packs them they're vacuum packed the lamb shanks and they've actually got a life shelf of about a year and they don't have to be kept refrigerated they have a life shelf of a year and they don't have to be kept refrigerated they have a life shelf now michelle gets that wrong probably because she's a bit nervous because she's speaking to gordon ramsay it's not life shelf it's shelf life they have a shelf life of about a year if food or products have a shelf life it means that that's how long they last okay so for example in this case these lamb shanks have a shelf life of a year a shelf is where you store things right you have shelves in your kitchen and you've got shelves at the top and shelves at the bottom you know like these places where you can store things so a shelf life that means they can stay on the shelf for a year um in this case i don't have to be kept refrigerated holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] so we've had holy crap uh holy holy [ __ ] [ __ ] me jesus christ and oh lala as well hold on a minute so where has that been hanging around so where has that been hanging around where's that been hanging around meaning where's that been waiting where's that been just sort of spending its time hanging around i think you know the expression what did you do last night oh nothing we were just hanging around in the park playing football just spending time in a place so where's that been hanging around meaning where's the food just been vaguely kept not in a specific place where's that been hanging around and i think she says it's it's been hanging around in a box hold on a minute so where has that been hanging around it's just in a box they're kept in a box in a hot kitchen yeah i've got to tell the truth i can't i know i know i respect your honesty well [ __ ] me and i'm on the bottom as a first admit i'm not going to taste it that's fine that's a first for me i'm not even going to taste it that's a first meaning that's the first time that he's not he's ever experienced that that's a first for me it's the first time he's ever been served uh lamb that's been uh kept on the uh on the kitchen floor like that um all right okay let's carry on oh [ __ ] that might just be the worst food i've ever come across that might just be the worst food i've ever come across there's a phrasal verb to come across something to come across something means to just sort of discover it by accident so let's say you're just walking along the street minding your own business and then oh look 20 pound note i just came across a 20 pound note in the street you know and kept walking and then a few minutes later i came across another one another 20 pound note take that and then i came across another one but what's going on just keep coming across 20 pound notes in the street anyway keep walking keep walking keep walking just make sure no one's looking i kept coming across 20 pound notes eventually i picked them all up and it was like a trail of 20 pound notes and when i got to the end of it there was a dead bank robber with a bag full of money oh what did i do i'm not telling you it's not a true story but anyway that's the expression is to come across something and he said that's the worst what the worst what just be the worst food i've ever come across that could just be the worst food i've ever come across strong words the joker who made it could be beyond my help the joker who made it could be beyond my help yeah sounds like he's exaggerating a little bit for the for the tv camera but still anyway let's go with it it's the worst food he's ever come across the joker who made it might be beyond his help this actually may be true because you see from the episode that he tries to help mick and mick's not really up for it hello in 21 years of [ __ ] cooking i've never ever refused to taste the dish in 21 years of [ __ ] cooking i've never ever refused to taste a dish so here he is in the kitchen now talking to mick and mick's wife and he's not mincing his words he's getting straight to the point in 21 years of [ __ ] cooking i've never ever refused to taste a dish cooking i've never ever refused to taste a dish and when the lambshank arrived on the table i got told that it has a shelf life of 12 months doesn't need refrigerating and dad didn't cook it when the lamb shank arrived on the table i got told that it had a shelf life of 12 months something something something and dad didn't even cook it what was the something something something refrigerating and dad didn't cook doesn't need refrigerating that it has a shelf life of 12 months doesn't need refrigerating and dad didn't cook it it doesn't need refrigerating so this lamb doesn't need refrigerating interesting structure isn't it something needs doing right for example this lamb needs refrigerating another way of saying it this lamb needs to be refrigerated it needs refrigerating in this case this lamb you know this lamb doesn't need refrigerating you can keep it on the shelf for 12 months it's got a shelf life of 12 months should be alarm bells if you're a proper chef no doesn't need refrigerating and dad didn't cook it how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pound for that how in the [ __ ] could you charge 11 pounds for that tell me now here's another use of swearing right now in questions wh questions where who why what you know when and so on um you can just add not that you should you shouldn't of course really but people do people add the word [ __ ] [ __ ] if you're from the north of england [ __ ] [ __ ] lots of different ways of saying it anyway [ __ ] it's one of those episodes so you can add the word [ __ ] directly after the question word okay and it's a way of emphasizing it so for example what the [ __ ] is this like what is this what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] it's actually the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this who the [ __ ] are you for example what the [ __ ] is going on all right like where are you where the [ __ ] are you uh what what you know it's not with what time is it uh not what the [ __ ] time is it it'd be what [ __ ] time is it uh uh uh how how are you how are you how the [ __ ] are you for example um and what does gordon say gordon actually says how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pounds so you know there's another option how the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pounds for that and how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pounds for that how in the [ __ ] it's a pretty weird example of language but it does show that [ __ ] is one of the most versatile language versatile words in the english language it can go almost anywhere in the sentence we can transform it this way that way it's incredibly versatile isn't it interesting that that swear words often are the most sort of as i said most sort of adaptable words grammatically and we use them in lots of different uh sentences how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pounds for that now you could put the word [ __ ] in that question in different places for example [ __ ] how the [ __ ] how do you charge 11 pounds for that how in the [ __ ] do you charge 11 pounds for that how do you [ __ ] charge 11 pounds for that how do you charge [ __ ] 11 pounds for that how do you charge 11 [ __ ] pounds for that how do you charge 11 pounds for [ __ ] that how do you charge 11 pounds for that for [ __ ] sake okay be aware that um uh swearing is considered to be very rude in most situations but you know here we are gordon ramsay using it i'm just trying to help you understand the way that people swear in british english i'm not saying you should do it do what i do do what i say don't do what i do all right and when the lam shank arrived on the table i got told that it has a shelf life of 12 months doesn't need refrigerating and dad didn't cook it how in the [ __ ] can you charge 11 pound for that tell me most pubs around here all use the same sort of system mick you're running a bistro where's the lamb shank that's the last gordon that's his famous landscape there you are gordon that's his famous lamb shank so he's like asking where the lamb shank is and she brings the box out and opens up the box and there it is this box of lamb shanks oh god it's not pretty oh if you're eating nice lamb you want it to be fresh don't you don't want it to be vacuum packed and kept in a box for nine months doesn't bear thinking about mick what in the [ __ ] is inside the lam shank what in the [ __ ] is inside the lam shank mick gordon ramsay right i didn't tell you what he looks like i mean he's sort of he's got this bright blonde hair he's stocky and quite well built and he's got like this face right he's got like these lines in his forehead he's got like this sort of i don't know how to describe his face really his face just seems chunky he's got a square jaw he looks tough and he looks intimidating and you know he's quite i'm sure he's quite a frightening person to deal with so if you've got gordon ramsay's face right up in your face going how the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is in these lamb shanks mick it's going to be quite off-putting and quite intimidating but you know the point is that the the the reason why gordon ramsay can do it is because he backs it up he backs it up with all of his experience and all of his knowledge of cooking and he backs it up with a sort of passion that shows he does he is trying to make people cook good food ultimately that's how he justifies being rude to people you know i mean does it justify not everyone likes gordon ramsay he's quite a controversial person you know obviously because of the way he talks and the way he acts and a lot of people don't like him but you can't argue with the fact that he gets results anyway and how long has that been cooked for how long has that been cooked for so mick doesn't know what what the ingredients are of the lamb shank in this plastic bag he doesn't know how long it's been cooked by the manufacturer which is again not a good sign for for a restauranteur is it you've got to know what's in your food that you're preparing and providing to your customers and how long has that been cooked for for a dish never to be refrigerated [Music] it's all chemicals in it he says with a sort of slightly smug look on his face and gordon ramsay at this point is like hopping mad chemicals that's all chemicals chemicals e number two e6134 e627e 262 thickener e415 god how many e numbers was that oh e numbers are like you know these evil chemicals i say evil i mean you know they i guess they're used to preserve the food or to enhance the flavor and you know you know some people say that e numbers are very unhealthy and that they can you know they're very bad for your health because the body can't really process them properly because they're basically just some like synthetic chemicals uh e this e102 e1 this e all these different e numbers it's it's really really awful that orange squash remember the orange squash i told you about before the stuff that you used to get in the supermarket in the 80s in these big bottles this industrial orange squash that all of our parents used to feed to us because they didn't know any better that orange squash was revealed now there was this thing right in the 80s where a lot of kids had hyperactive behavior hyperactivity that's where the kids suddenly are running around and you can't stop them they're just running around they've got far too much energy running around all the time they go they're going mad and all the parents were like what's wrong with these kids why have why are they so insane why they got this energy why can we not shut them down and why are they losing you know why that why do they get so upset and so crazy um and it turned out it was the orange squash the orange squash contained a chemical called e102 and e102 uh was people said that it caused uh major hyperactivity in kids and uh and so there was this big scare around the around uh the media and stuff about e102 which is otherwise known as tartrazine uh and um it's a synthetic lemon yellow dye it gives the color uh let's have a look at e102 side effects um so e102 otherwise known as tartrazine is a synthetic yellow azo dye derived from coal tar coal tar tar is that thick black stuff that they use to put on roads it's so tartrazine is derived from coal tar and it's been banned in several countries like austria and norway because of serious side effects such as causing potentially lethal asthma attacks and and rashes on the skin dna damage and adhd attention deficit hyperactivity disorder so i mean that's just one of the e numbers but this bloody lamb contains all these different e numbers uh i don't think it's got e 102 in there but a lot of e numbers for you know preserve preserving the food and providing color and flavor it's basically a bag of chemicals e number two e six one three four e six two seven e two six two thickener e four one five e four one twelve do you feel like having a ship oh my god do you feel like having a [ __ ] e e102 e164e457 thickener e749 do you feel like having a [ __ ] to be honest i've never i've never heard that uh question before except for in this show do you feel like having a [ __ ] mick do you feel like having a [ __ ] because you you should feel like having a [ __ ] this is shocking do you feel like having a [ __ ] four one five eighty four one twelve do you feel like having a [ __ ] thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it oh god thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it okay which is another like you know thank god i didn't eat it thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it oh dear don't be offended all right don't please don't be offended because it's just not worth it all right because they're just words it's it's not really that bad don't be offended it's all fine just don't use them you don't have to use them but at least learning how people really speak and this is this show was a seriously popular show on the uk it used to be on um in the week i think it was on like a wednesday evening at about 9 00 p.m um 9 p.m is the time in the uk when you get after 9 pm that's when children are expected to be in bed and that's when they start to show programs that contain more adult stuff like rude language and and things like that so it's probably on 9 or 10 p.m and many many millions of people used to watch this stuff and we all survived despite the swearing um so uh thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it so what did we have before we had what the [ __ ] is that okay now there is a less rude version you could say what the hell what the hell is that or even what the heck what the heck is that now that's the same thing but less rude so you don't have to say what the [ __ ] is that you could say what the hell is that or what the heck is that and thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it thank [ __ ] we didn't go out look at the rain thank [ __ ] we didn't go out thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it you could say thank god instead thank god i didn't eat it all right which is generally in the culture less rude than saying the f word um all right do you feel like having a [ __ ] i have amused by that one i have to say thickener e415 e4112 do you feel like having a ship thank [ __ ] i didn't eat it sugar flavorings color e 150d spices emulsifier e 322 yeast extract come on mick [ __ ] me i'm surprised you haven't [ __ ] killed off half the population in oakhampton i'm surprised you haven't [ __ ] killed off half the population of oakhampton to kill off the population i think you get the idea not just to kill the population but to kill off that means completely exterminate not just kill them exterminate them kill them off i'm surprised you haven't [ __ ] killed off half the population of oakhampton all right then should we talk about the duck yeah go on what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce so by the way i'm just gonna let you listen to this it's about a minute and 20 minutes long so i'll let you listen to the whole thing then we'll break it down so that you understand it all bit by bit okay should we talk about the duck yeah go on what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce it's like some [ __ ] sci-fi sperm sci-fi yeah where's the where's the orange juice so it's an orange squash yes a concentrate yeah you know all the reports of the people would do it love the sauce your responsibility is providing them with at least something fresh and especially [ __ ] 11 quid it's about white isn't it about right four times it help well he's a stubborn [ __ ] this one he is a stubborn [ __ ] i'll be the first one to admit that but we desperately desperately need help from yourself and i'm sorry i'm going to get emotional i don't want to get upset i know because my husband's being slated to death and we worked so hard for this business and it's just killing us off wait hold yourself and i'm not denying that you guys work [ __ ] hard i can see that in your face i can see that from your daughter well i just know what i'm saying i'm gonna get some fresh air oh it's all getting a bit dramatic in the kitchen there did you follow that did you follow what the problems were um and uh let's go through that again then and break it down and i'm just writing some notes here on some of the language that uh i noticed and i'll be putting this on the page for the episode so you can check all this stuff out but let's go through it now then and let's see if we can pick up some vocab and just notice a few things about the language all right should we talk about the duck you get that did you get that six words shall we talk about the duck should we talk about the duck can you repeat that should we talk about the duck shall we talk about the duck shall we talk about the duck should we talk about the duck shall we used to to give it a suggestion isn't it shall we talk about the duck shall we shall we talk about the duck should we talk about the duck yeah go on yeah go on what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce what did you put in that sauce what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce what the hell did you put in that sauce what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce put in that sauce it's like some [ __ ] sci-fi sperm that's a pretty weird uh image it's like some sort of sci-fi sperm okay i'm gonna have to explain that now aren't i yes i am okay it's like some sort of sci-fi sperm so the sauce this is this this sauce that was you know served with a duck made from orange squash this brightly colored orange stuff orange juice basically full of chemicals and he's like it was like some sort of sci-fi sci-fi sperm sci-fi you know what that is science fiction right it was like something out of a science fiction movie you know like uh imagine like the blood of an alien or something it would be brightly orange but in this case gordon's analogy is not that it was blood it was sperm sci-fi sperm it's a really disgusting image but you know it it's quite uh it's quite a good image for describing how awful this orange uh source was what is sperm luke do i have to explain that sperm is uh let's try and do it scientifically okay sperm is um is what uh uh so okay so when uh when a man loves a woman um and they want to make babies right now for the baby to to exist yes i'm doing this all right so um right so the the the mum has an egg right and for that egg to be fertilized there needs to be a sperm so one single sperm is what comes through and fertilizes the egg right now men of many species most species i believe have many millions of sperm and and when it's produced when it's produced you note the use of the passive there to avoid having to say who produces it or how or what produces it when sperm is produced it it comes out in the form of a kind of a liquid doesn't it okay so that can also be called sperm so the stuff that is produced uh when um uh when grown married adults um choose to have uh have children uh sperm is is i think you get the idea i think you just google it if you well no don't don't don't google it actually don't do it just look it up in an old-fashioned dictionary not a picture dictionary just a normal one okay anyway uh gordon ramsay said that the orange sauce looked like sci-fi sperm which is like some sort of disgusting uh brightly colored orange sperm from another dimension but that's honestly how disgusting the stuff was apparently but it's quite funny use of language and in fact even in the middle of that mick's wife who's like all serious standing there you know it's a really serious moment she's like sci-fi sperm she almost finds it funny as well because it's such a bizarre image anyway let's not get caught up on sci-fi sperm shall we let's not spend too much too long on that on youtube or oh by the way this is on youtube as well this episode uh all right so anyway let's carry on yeah go on what the [ __ ] did you put in that sauce it's like some [ __ ] sci-fi sperm i fight sperm yeah where's the where's the orange juice so it's an orange squash yes i concentrate yeah you know all the reports of the people we do it love the source so he's saying that all the reports of the people all the reports of the people we're doing i can't really understand what he's getting at but i think he's saying that you know people say that they love the sauce all the reports of the people we're doing we do it yeah anyway people love the sauce he also says the sauce is orange squash okay i've been through that we know what that is it's a kind of concentrated orange juice concentrate concentrate now um so concentrate is a verb we know that it means focus come on concentrate on your work for example that's the verb concentrate but concentrate's got other meanings too and as a noun as an uncountable noun concentrate means usually like juice that's been reduced it's like a concentrated form of juice and it's produced like that because it lasts longer i think i'm not sure quite how it works but anyway you get orange juice which is freshly squeezed and then you get orange juice from concentrate so concentrate means that the juice has been reduced down so that i guess there's less water in it and there's it's more um well it's more concentrated right so all you need to do with concentrate is you add water so when you buy orange juice from concentrate it means that um that water has been added to it to turn it into the juice that you have now so orange juice from concentrate lasts longer but it doesn't taste as good as freshly squeezed orange juice okay so if you ever see the word concentrate or from concentrate on the side of a carton of orange juice it means it's not freshly squeezed okay all right yeah you ever see that you ever see the word concentrate written on the side of a carton of orange juice that's what that means now actually here's a joke for you i'm gonna tell you a joke all right now don't get over excited you probably won't find it funny but i will explain it to you and then you definitely won't find it funny but any in any case i like jokes who doesn't here's a joke for you um so why did the why did the supermodel it's a bit a bit prejudiced towards supermodels but anyway why did the supermodel stare at the orange juice why did the supermodel stare at the orange juice because it said concentrate on the carton it said concentrate on the cars and so so she concentrated on the car carton okay never mind jokes what are you gonna do jokes all right fine so uh anyway what about the juice it's from concentrate and uh mick is like stubbornly unwilling to accept that there's anything wrong with this yes i concentrate yeah you know all the reports of the people we do it love the sauce you know i thought i'd be so honest and you know people love the sauce and the lamb shanks and then michelle the daughter says yeah i've never had one complaint about the lamb yeah as a restaurateur whatever you want to call yourself your responsibility is providing them with at least something fresh your responsibility is providing them with at least something fresh okay that's clear and especially [ __ ] 11 quid especially at 11 quid you know 11 quid quid is pounds that's like you know slang for pounds we say quid 5 quid 11 quid you know whatever so quid your responsibility is to provide them with something at least fresh especially at 11 quid i mean come on he's right isn't he he does mick does have a responsibility to provide them with half decent food especially when you're charging 11 pounds for a dish it's got to be you know proper food right and quit it's about white island but mick's responses is about right though isn't it it's about right though isn't it now what's that what does he say it's about white it's about right though in it did you actually do you know what he's actually saying there can you identify that so your responsibility is to sell really proper fresh food especially 11 quid it's about now it's about right though in it it's about it's about right though isn't it it's about right though isn't it and what he means there is he thinks 11 pounds is about right as a price you think he thinks it's uh an appropriate price it's about right though isn't it 11 pounds and so mick's completely unwilling to um accept that that 11 pounds is too much for this kind of processed stuff and gordon ramsay kind of shocked by that and then he he says mick is stubborn and his wife uh mick's wife goes yeah i'll be the first to admit that so i'm you know i'll be the first person to admit that he is stubborn remember stubborn stubborn means you're unwilling to change let's have a little look at the um let's have a look at the collins dictionary definition for stubborn i've been using the collins dictionary online recently i just find it to be really good let's have a look at how they define stubborn collins dictionary.com says that stubborn is an adjective someone who is stubborn or who behaves in a stubborn way someone who beli who behaves in a stubborn way is determined to do what they want and is unwilling to change their mind and it's often negative okay for example he's a stubborn character he's used to getting his own way his face was set in an expression of stubborn determination okay um and stubbornly is an adverb he stubbornly refused to tell her uh okay stubborn so you know um determined to do what they want i'm gonna do it my way and i'm not gonna change and i'm not gonna change my mind that's stubborn and she says he's in and gordon ramsay describes him as a stubborn [ __ ] so here's a bit of here's an example of how swearing is is used quite creatively we've turned the word [ __ ] into a noun for a person what do you know what's the noun for a person it's a [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] you ugly [ __ ] for example and in this case it's he's a stubborn [ __ ] isn't he it's about a white owner about right four times it help well he's a stubborn [ __ ] this one he's a stubborn [ __ ] this one and she's like i know he is in fact the wife i can't remember her name but she goes help she actually says help at one point uh after mick has gone oh it's about right though in it for four of them about right and she goes help as if to say gordon please help us this man is a nightmare help well he's a stubborn [ __ ] this one he is a stubborn [ __ ] i'll be the first one to admit that but we desperately desperately need help we desperately desperately need help wow that's quite a sincere uh call for help literally uh we desperately desperately need help but it's quite a nice collocation isn't it desperately need desperately need more time we desperately need help i desperately need the toilet for example all right so we desperately need to desperately desperately need help desperately desperately need help from yourself from yourself meaning from gordon and this is where she gets upset because she says my husband's been slated to death slated if someone's been slated it means they've been strongly criticized i don't know who's slated him maybe it's reviewers in in a magazine or newspaper or something maybe it's gordon ramsay because he did just slate him there didn't he saying all these things but it's probably lots of other people too who've slated uh mick for his you know cooking style or whatever he's been slated to death and she says and it's killing us off as a family it's killing us off means that you know what's happening is just killing the family killing the family off means completely killing them it's sad it's really sad that she's really desperate because this guy mick is so stubborn he's unwilling to change even though his actions are causing them major problems causing them to lose money because the restaurant's failing she's desperately in need of his help of gordon's help because her husband's been slated to death and it's killing us off and she starts crying it's quite sad help from yourself and i'm sorry i'm going to get emotional i don't want to get upset because my husband's being slated to death and we work so hard for this business and it's just killing us well we've worked so hard for this business and it's just killing us off and um she says at the beginning of that she says you know and i'm gonna get emotional now you get emotional it means that you you know for example you start crying or you start losing control of your emotions a bit i'm gonna get emotional now and then gordon says i don't want you to get upset because obviously his his purpose is that he wants to try and you know fix the problem i don't want you to get upset now upset is an interesting word because and i think i got a message somewhere on email or somewhere recently from a listener who said can you explain what upset means and how we use the word upset so okay let's have a look at the word upset now to be upset so it's an adjective to be upset and typically to get upset which means to become upset be upset she's a bit upset or she got upset or she don't get upset so if you are upset it means that basically you're you've become emotional now if you're upset it could mean that you are um like sad or it could mean that you're angry but it means basically that your emotions are not sort of um calm so get upset it's usually when you're like really emotional or you get really angry or you start crying and so that's upset so it can be you can be upset for different reasons and you can be upset in different ways one of them would be just sad like for example if you're if your dog died if your dog you know if your dog died you'd be really upset oh poor fluffy oh probably we've had him since we were a kid and just gonna miss him so much it's like oh don't be up don't he's like oh god she's really he's really upset about the dog i don't know what to do like i just i don't know if i can carry on because he just loved fluffy so much and it's like we'll we'll get another dog we'll just get another you don't know we can't get another dog it's not never get a minute all right don't get so upset it's just a dog it's not just a dog it don't say that you know for example um so that's one example of getting upset and the other one would be getting angry getting angry like for example um you know like a guy says to his girlfriend he's like so um you know i've invited all my friends over tonight we're gonna watch the football okay and she goes but it's but it's our anniversary and he's like oh oh god yeah sorry and she's like you forgot i can't believe you forgot about our anniversary simon i can't believe you forgot about our anniversary again simon i've had it with you it's like don't get upset don't get off no never mind i'll call them i'll tell them it's that it's it's cancelled i'm going to cancel it's like no no that's it simon that's it i've had it with you now right that's an another example of someone getting upset so you can get upset because you're angry we can get upset because you're sad so anyway um i think her name is liz but i'm not sure i think liz gets really unhappy she she's sad and she's she's uh she says i'm gonna get emotional now and gordon ramsay says i don't want you to get upset from yourself and i'm sorry i'm going to get emotional i don't want to get upset because my husband's being slated to death and we work so hard for this business and it's just killing us at this point mick has put his arm around his wife and he's trying to comfort her and gordon ramsay's just standing there looking really awkward like uh awkward so he's he's kind of shocked and he's obviously realizing that there's there are lots of issues here a lot of issues around why this restaurant is failing and it's it's the issues are that that mick it's his fault and she's his wife is really upset but mick is like unwilling to change and in fact he's he's going i'll come here darling it's all right it's just really not fair to do that so i think gordon ramsay's a bit shocked by mick and it's a you know it's it's sad really that mick is it's it's it's not good you know he's um his actions are really not helping his family it's kind of sad but he's in denial about it he's not willing to accept the truth and i'm not denying that you guys work [ __ ] hard i can see that in your face i can see that from your daughter i just don't know what i'm saying and mix just like i was i don't know what to say okay i'm gonna get some fresh air and go so i'm gonna get some fresh air okay then all right folks so you're keeping up with this so i did write some notes down there as i was reading this and again as i said i'll be putting this stuff up on the page so you can see the words like sci-fi sperm and orange squash and concentrate and a stub the word stubborn and we desperately need help my husband's been slated to death and it's killing us off i don't want you to get upset and so on all right so let's go on to the next part of the video and what happens here this is where things start to get even more problematic and the this scene is called family at war so this is where the family of kind of split and uh they're not getting on with each other at all so let's listen to family at war and this one is three minutes long so i guess i'm going to play the first minute or so and then we'll go through it uh bit by bit okay then so here we go what's going on can you try and work it out can you listen carefully try and follow it here we are before i can start fixing this restaurant i need to see how bad things really are so tonight i'm filling the visa with 30 locals and i'm gonna watch the martin family in action [Music] have you got peas on no so i'm putting them on that's what i'm saying talk to me then i know what you want nick used to have a burger van and it shows he's working on his own and leaving motor second guess what he's doing mick is there any chance you could talk a little bit to moe at least she could help you a bit more if you open up and ask no if i well if you was to do all your garnishes and vegetables i don't know where i am but i'm doing after your bloody job as well tonight it's like a one-man band in there like he's back in his burger van cooking in and out of the microwave and totally [ __ ] upside down i mean without moe in the kitchen he's [ __ ] we're only an hour and a half into service but there's already a huge backlog of orders a mix started to crumble i don't want no food sent down until i tell you okay no food sent down until he says okay no more food you know more you can't handle it that's what it is you can't handle it sorry how long no more orders i've got to wait until it says if i send one thing down i'll get my head bit off i don't this is ridiculous if mick can't cope sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running her kitchen i don't really care what they say i can only do what i can do i'd rather you didn't take it out with me because i'm just asking i've had to delay two tablespoons okay so basically gordon has said i need to see the the family in action so he's basically he's somehow managed to fill the restaurant with 30 people and uh he's now in the restaurant observing the way in which they uh carry out their service um in the kitchen and it's pretty ugly really because it doesn't work because mick can't really handle it he can't handle the pressure of serving to 30 people especially when you've got gordon ramsay looking over your shoulder so let's let's go through that stuff again and there's lots of lots of language there here we go before i can start fixing this restaurant i need to see how bad things really are before i can start fixing this restaurant i need to see how bad things really are okay need to see how bad things really are so tonight i'm filling the vista with 30 locals and i'm going to watch the martin family in action so tonight i'm filling the bistro with 30 locals and i'm going to watch the martin family in action okay so tonight i'm filling the beast with 30 locals and i'm going to watch the martin family in action did you hear that that sound that was the that was the duck being removed from a plastic bag it's disgusting listen for that 30 locals i'm going to watch the martin family in action [Music] have you got peas on no so i'm putting them on he's going to his wife his wife's name's mo by the way you go have you got peas on no so i'm gonna put them on so he's not very nice have you got peas on no so i'm gonna put them on meaning are you cooking peas no well i'm gonna do it then no so i'm putting them on to put peas on means you know to start cooking peas that's right talk to me then rick and i know what you want mick used to have a burger van and it shows he's working on his own and leaving motor second guess what he's doing he's leaving motor second guess what he's doing second guess i mean surely you could just say he's leaving mo to guess what he's doing but to second guess second guess is a uh is a phrase it doesn't mean just guess it means to guess in advance what someone will do or what will happen so it's really second guesses like emphasizing that it's in advance okay second guess someone is sort of predict what someone else is going to do so she's trying to second-guess what he's going to do she's leaving he's leaving her to second-guess what um what he's going to do next joe's he's working on his own and leaving mo to second-guess what he's doing mick is there any chance you could talk a little bit to moe at least she could help you a bit more if you open up and ask no is there any chance it's a nice way of making a request right is there any chance he could talk a little bit more which is you know that's gordon ramsay being a bit diplomatic there instead of saying [ __ ] talk more he's going is there any chance he could talk a bit more and open up open up you know if you're not communicating you're kind of closed right if you open up it means that you talk about what's going on in your head and you reveal things that are going on open up and often open up we we mean sort of talk about how you feel as well so for example you know if if you're talking to a uh that a friend of yours has got a problem like her dog died or his dog died right and he's still really upset about it and it's like what's the matter with john he's like he he seems really upset uh he's not answering my calls and he just seems all closed off is he okay it's like i don't know i think he's really upset about the dog still i tell you what i'll go over there tonight we'll have a cup of tea and let's see if i can talk to him and then hopefully he will open up and tell us how he's feeling let's see if we can try and get him to open up a bit so to start revealing how he really feels and guess what he's doing mick is there any chance you could talk a little bit to moe at least she could help you a bit more if you open up and ask no i said she forgot so what's the point i tell her and then five minutes later she forgets he says i tell her and then five minutes later she forgets so what's the point all right it's not very helpful he's saying that he tells her and five minutes later she forgets so what's the point if i say anything she forgot so what's the point [ __ ] too high and she goes like [ __ ] do i like [ __ ] do i all right so if i tell her then five minutes later she forgets like [ __ ] do i which is like saying no i don't like [ __ ] do i like yeah i guess the most normal way of saying it would be like no i don't but here is another inventive use of swearing like [ __ ] do i just means i no i don't right if i tell her and then five minutes later she forgets so what's the point like [ __ ] do i [ __ ] too i you do love well whatever oh whatever mate she says oh god it doesn't seem fun working with mick if you're gonna make me look small you're happy you know if and then he goes if you can make me look small you're happy so he thinks that she's just trying to make him look small if you can make me look small you're happy as long as you're gonna make me look small you're happy but if you was to do all your garnishes and vegetables i don't know where i am if you was to do all your garnishes and vegetables i'd know where i am if you was to do like if you did for if you were to do if you were to do all your garnishes and vegetables meaning if you did all your garnishes and vegetables if you was to do is you know technically bad english isn't it um it should be if you were to do all your garnishes and vegetables garnishes are like little side salads that you put on a plate it's like some lettuce maybe some carrots and some other bits of salad a garnish it's just there to sort of provide a bit of decoration to the plate but it's edible that's a garnish usually made of bits of salad if you did all your garnishes and vegetables i'd know where i am but i'm doing after your bloody job as well tonight it's like a one-man band in there like he's back in his burger van cooking in and out of the microwave and totally [ __ ] upside down totally [ __ ] upside down if something's upside down it's the wrong way round isn't it well you got ups upside down so normally uh the bottom is at the bottom and that the top is at the top but if it's upside down then it means the top is at the bottom and the bottom is at the top all right upside down you know for example if you are if you've got some ketchup in a bottle and you need to get the ketchup out ketchup doesn't come out of bottles easily you have to turn it upside down and sort of shake it around a bit right turn it upside down wrong way round would mean that the front is at the back it's wrong way around okay and inside out was would be like if you have a t-shirt and the t-shirt the design of the t-shirt is on the wrong side so the label is sticking out your t-shirt's inside out you idiot um you know or you got it it's wrong way around or it's upside down upside down so um he's saying it's like a one-man band in there it's like he's back in his burger van but everything's upside down it just means that it's all disorganized you're even totally [ __ ] upside down i mean without mo in the kitchen he's [ __ ] without mowing the kitchen he's [ __ ] so another bit of swearing there and if you're [ __ ] it means that you are you're in a really bad situation you're finished yeah only an hour and a half into service but there's already a huge backlog of orders we're already an hour and a half into service and there's already a huge backlog a huge backlog of orders uh a backlog of orders so in the restaurant right you have orders coming through the order comes through you put it up on the on the notice board you prepare that order it goes out okay now the idea is you've got to keep the speed up so that the you you you're cooking the orders quickly enough and eventually the orders start to start to back up you end up with more and more orders and then you get a backlog of orders that's where there's all these orders that need to be cooked and they're building up and up and up there's a backlog of orders so in any other business where you get orders coming in that need to go out and they build up and up and up you end up with a backlog a big backlog of orders it's like john yeah i've got a bit of a problem um look because simon is sick and shirley's not available we've just got a massive backlog of orders so i'm going to need you to come in today and and work in the warehouse all right so a backlog of orders um okay we've got all right but there's already a huge backlog of orders a mix started to crumble mix starting to crumble so crumble i think you know the word crumble right i mean crumble means fall apart collapse imagine an old castle an old stone castle that was built in the middle ages like in the in the 12th century one of these old castles and over the centuries it's got it's got um it's become older and older and the the stones are starting to crumble you know like bits of the stones are falling off um okay crumble also if you had a biscuit if you like i'm gonna take this biscuit to to work with me today and you put the biscuit in your pocket and you're going to work and you get on the train and people bump into you and you're like oh god the biscuit's going to crumble in my pocket and you you put your hand in it's like oh time to eat my biscuit when you get to work and then you realize it's been it's crumbled it's it's been crushed in your pocket and it's just crumbled into dust oh what happened to my biscuit oh what's the matter oh it's my biscuit it's all crumbled oh don't try not to get too upset all right so mick is starting to crumble so he's he's kind of collapsing um because he can't deal with the pressure orders a mix started to crumble i don't want no food sent down until i tell you i don't want no food sent down i don't want no food so this is more of mixed dodgy english although you know plenty of people speak like that but i don't want no food so it's a double negative it means i don't want any food i don't want no food sent down started to crumble i don't want no food sent down until i tell you okay no food sent down until he says okay no more food no more he can't handle it that's what it is he can't handle it he can't handle it to handle it it's like to to be able to deal with the the the pressure he just can't handle it he can't handle the pressure handle h-a-n-d-l-e he can't handle it he can't can't deal with it can't take it you can't you just can't handle the pressure he can't handle it no more footage you can't handle it that's what it is you can't handle it sorry how long no more orders i've got wait until it says if i send one thing down i'll get my head bit off by den if i send one bit of food down i'll get my head bit off again not quite correct english i will get my head bit off what's wrong with that what's what's where's the incorrect uh part of that i will get my head bit off it should be bitten right to get your head bitten off now to get your head bitten off is a you know it's a decent phrase interesting expression if someone bites your head off it means they they get really angry with you and probably shout at you like for example mick um duck on table for two i told you no more food for example sorry neighbours sorry apologizing to my neighbours like oh why is he shouting again oh he's probably doing another podcast yes i do that shouting on the podcast um so what was it uh to get your head bitten off it's when someone shouts at you some angry thing like i told you no more food now get out oh god he bit my head off okay to bite someone's head off right no not literally of course but just it's an idiom to bite someone's head off means to shout at someone or be really angry say some really angry things to someone you know like you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna send any more orders down because i'll get my head bitten off to get your head bitten off okay um all right i dent i don't do it i dare not do it i don't dare do it i don't do it i'll get my head bit off or i'll get my head bitten off i've gotta wait until it says if i send one thing down i'll get my head bit off by den this is ridiculous if mick can't cope sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running her kitchen if mick can't cope sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running a kitchen okay now i'm gonna let you listen to the second half of this without any interruption let's see if you can just follow what's going on all right here we go sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running her kitchen i don't really care what they say i can only do what i can do i'd rather you didn't take it out with me because i'm just asking i've had to delay two tables so i have passed upstairs michelle's impressive she's the one person here who is in control sadly she's now been left to face the fallout from her dad's incompetence yeah i've been waiting about hour and a half too long to be fair i've lost count of the minutes and too long really we're hungry desperate those meals mick did manage to get out the kitchen are now being sent back we got a phone there to communicate don't come down here and try and make a scene because you're on camera oh you're the one doing it can you ask me my husband's big [ __ ] dream is a complete fart where's he gone i don't know gordon i don't [ __ ] care okay now mick come on i can't i'm not gonna [ __ ] have a heart attack over this i don't want you to have a [ __ ] heart i don't want i'm his daughter and he speaks to me like [ __ ] like mum you know and that's his wife you know anything so he does it because he thinks he gets away with it he can't get away with it i can take the knock so i think i tried to take all the knots for everybody but even i've got a breaking point oh okay so you know basically what you heard was um um it all falling apart and the kitchen closes and mick goes outside to smoke a cigarette and basically it's all falling to pieces and you know they're all arguing with each other it's bloody awful this is ridiculous if mick can't cope sending out ready meals he shouldn't be running her kitchen he can't cope he can't handle it he can't take it he can't deal with it four expressions he can't cope uh can't cope can't handle it um okay can't take it i can't deal with it all right i don't really care what they say i can only do what i can do i don't really care what they say i can only do what i can do so despite the the uh according to mick he's doing his best basically i can only do what i can do you know what they say i could only do what i could do i'd rather and michelle's very calm and she says i'd rather you didn't take it out on me i'd rather you didn't take it out on me if you take it out on someone it means you express your anger and frustration and you project it on someone else don't take it out on me for example right and we've all had that we've all been in that situation where you're with people and let's say you know you're feeling really angry and stressed out whatever the situation is maybe you're driving you're trying to get somewhere with your family and you're driving and it's stressful and you're trying to find the right exit off the motorway and some you know someone else in the family is navigating and you're stressed out and they've made a mistake and you're and or you made a mistake and you missed the the the turning and i'll for christ's sake what the f can't you read a map and the and you've you know the person who goes don't take it out on me that was that wasn't my fault don't take it out on me so i'm sorry i'm just feeling really stressed out i know you are but don't take it out on me it's not my fault to take it out on someone means to sort of put your anger and stress on someone else just take it out like um to uh re to release your anger and stress and put it on someone else to take it out on someone don't take it out on me i'd rather you didn't take it out on me notice that i'd rather you didn't i'd rather you didn't take it out on me so don't take it out on me i'd rather you didn't take it out on me yes i'd rather you didn't so past tense um i'd rather you didn't take it out on me yeah past tense even though she's talking about the present we don't say i'd rather you don't no it's i'd rather you didn't mm-hmm i'd rather you went to i'd rather you didn't let's see i'd rather you go i'd rather go i would rather go obviously we know that one right i would rather and then an infinitive form it's like what would you rather would you rather have tea or coffee i'd rather have tea please okay but i'd rather you if you're talking about uh criticizing someone's behavior asking and saying that you want them to behave differently it would be i'd rather you and then a past tense not to talk about the past but to talk about the present or the future all right it's like a second conditional i'd rather you didn't talk to me like that i'd rather you worked a bit harder in the restaurant please okay i'd rather you didn't or i'd rather you did something i'd rather you didn't take it out on me he shouldn't be running her kitchen joe i don't really care what they say i can only do what i can do i'd i've had to delay two tables until half past eight this is michelle talking the daughter and then gordon ramsay's obviously quite impressed by michelle she's the only one who seems to have a cool head you know mick is a disaster he's crumbling his wife is just you know trying to do the best she can but michelle is is you know she seems to have things under control uh and so gordon ramsay says michelle's impressive michelle's impressive she's the one person here who is in control sadly she's now been left to face the fallout from her dad's incompetence sadly she's now been left to face the fallout of her dad's incompetence the fallout this is basically the the the result of a of a bad thing like you know something happens and then all the bad things happen as a consequence so the consequences or results of a bad thing like a mistake for example you know the uk is now experiencing the fallout of brexit you know like since the you know the eu referendum since the uk voted to leave the european union we've experienced a kind of fallout where there's been sort of chaos in parliament and you know uh the the pound has dropped and you know all these other problems uh the fallout of the brexit uh the referendum result um okay and michelle has been left to face the fallout so the fallout of this is the fact that she's now got a restaurant full of unhappy customers who are waiting and waiting and waiting and she's left to face the fallout so she's got to actually uh you know deal with this situation and she goes around the restaurant and we can hear customers uh talking about how they're not happy and how they're having to wait for a long time who is in control sadly she's now been left to face the fallout from her dad's incompetence yeah i've been waiting about hour and a half too long to be fair i've lost count of the minutes really we're hungry desperate those meals did manage to get out the kitchen are now being sent back check out the passive voice in that one those meals that did those meals that mick did manage to get sent out of the kitchen are now being sent back the food is being sent back now which means the customers are sending it back to the to the kitchen because it's not cooked properly or it doesn't taste good or something we're hungry desperate those meals did manage to get out the kitchen are now being sent back we got a phone there to communicate don't come down here and try and make a scene because you're on camera don't come down here and try and make a scene if you make a scene it means you cause like a big problem and it's like you know um obviously a big problem for example a big argument and there's lots of noise and all the other people are oh what's that what's going on are they having an argument oh look at this oh my god what's going on there oh they're not happy are they who are they do you know them yeah they're i think they live on our street it's like don't make a big scene darling don't make a big scene don't make a fuss and so uh here mick is saying don't come down here and make a scene because you're on camera so he's saying to michelle don't come down here and you know argue with me and make a big scene uh because you're on camera so he's you know embarrassed now to communicate don't come down here and try and make a scene because you're on camera oh you're the one doing it can you help me with things you're gonna have to work with my husband like this any longer i refuse to work with my husband like this any longer all right i'll sort it out i'm gonna sort it out i'm so sorry but the beast is closed bistro is closed now apparently and now we see mick outside he's lighting a cigarette he's standing outside the restaurant because he can't handle it and apparently he's suffering he's like having major stress here he's talking he talks to gordon about how his heart is booming his heart's booming like that and he's like i can't handle it i don't want to have a heart attack which is ironic considering he's smoking a cigarette i'll tell you what mate my heart's booming i don't want to have a heart attack about this maybe it's best to stop smoking then mick my husband's big [ __ ] dream is a complete fart my husband's big [ __ ] dream is a complete farce a farce is like a ridiculous comedy of errors like a kind of play uh play in the theater a play where everything goes wrong and it's totally ridiculous a fast my husband's great [ __ ] dream is a big [ __ ] fast did she say [ __ ] fast i don't she might as well have done where's he gone i don't know gordon i don't [ __ ] care he's gone outside come on i can't i'm not gonna [ __ ] have a heart attack over this i don't want you to have a [ __ ] heart i don't want you to have a heart attack over this [ __ ] booming i just don't want it i'm his daughter and he speaks to me like [ __ ] like mum you know i'm his daughter and he speaks to me like [ __ ] to speak to someone like [ __ ] or to treat someone like [ __ ] here's another bit of let's let's say inventive swearing right here's another phrase with involving a swear word to treat someone like [ __ ] or to speak to someone like [ __ ] that means to treat someone badly or speak to someone badly i'm his daughter and he speaks to me like [ __ ] it's his wife you know anything so he does it because he thinks he gets away with it he can't get away with it he does it because he thinks he can get away with it another phrasal verb to get away with it that means you do something wrong and you don't get punished for example to get away with it you know like i've i found this bag of money in the street right i think it belonged to this gangster who he was dead right i didn't do it but i took the money but it's all right because i think i've got away with it and then don't don't police oh god we didn't get away with it that's the police for example all right to get away with it he he speaks to me like [ __ ] and he speaks to my mum like [ __ ] and he does it because he thinks he can get away with it but he can't get away with it he gets away though he can't get away with it i can take the knock so i think like i tried to take all the knots for everybody i try and take the knocks for everybody this is mo and she's crying she's saying i try to take the knocks so a knock is a bit like a hit you know like a like a like a like if you get hit that's a knock i try to take the knocks the knocks means like the bad things that happen to you like the the failures or the just the bad stuff that happens and maybe it's the moments when mick gets angry and says something you know uh mo is the one who takes the knocks she's the one who takes the impact of of the problems so you know mo is there trying to you know protect other members of her she's trying to protect mick and she's trying to protect michelle um and she's the one who takes the knocks and you know it's not fair on her is it and she's upset i can take the knock so i think like i tried to take all the knots for everybody but even i've got a breaking point even i've got a breaking point so a breaking point is the point at which you break even i've got a breaking point so it sounds terrible it's like breaking point for this family um now we're we're fast running out of time here uh but we're not all the way through this story but i think i'm not gonna do a part three of this but i will just basically tell you how it worked out in the end so so um essentially um that you know gordon tried to uh work on on mick and try to make him like face up to the problems that he had like the financial problems the issues with the food um and so on and and the issues with his communication with his family he tried to uh you know improve all those things with mick but mick was so stubborn and maybe in denial meaning not willing to accept the reality of the situation for whatever reason mick just wasn't in a position to to turn things around and so in the end gordon decided that he would change things and he put mick in the front of house meaning mick was out in the restaurant serving at tables and greeting customers and michelle was in the kitchen because he thought michelle's the only one who's got her head screwed on she's got her head screwed on you know so let's put her in the kitchen and he also arranged for michelle to have a little bit of formal training in another kitchen where she learned some some some techniques she'd never cooked in the kitchen before but he put her in at the deep end right in the kitchen and she did a much better job than mick did and it worked out for a while but mick was still the problem because um you know mick was like lazy and all this kind of thing so the problems continued in it and it was really a family issue um and um so they did start making uh they after putting michelle in the kitchen and after she kind of rose to the challenge um that they reopened the place with new designs so they repainted it and got rid of the psychedelic wallpaper a new menu with fresh food and it was a success it was a success it worked and the customers were much more happy everything seemed to work even though there were still some problems with mick and his approach generally speaking it worked so despite the fact that we we listened to a lot of uh the family having problems and arguing and it all breaking down and and the the tears and the uh the arguments and stuff i think in the end it worked out okay after they they managed to solve their problems but you know that's often the way isn't it when you're sort of running a business or something that um you know there are often personal issues that cause the business to go wrong and if you're brave enough to face up to the those issues you can deal with them and move on and make it all more successful and um they changed the name of the restaurant they they changed it martin's bistro not uh not the dove coat bistro it was more personalized and generally good so check it out check out the video on the page for the episode on the page for this episode and you'll see there's also i found the whole episode the entire episode which is about an hour um the whole thing i found it on youtube with korean subtitles so if you're from korea and you want to see that with korean subtitles so you understand all of it then you can find that video on the page as well and if you're not korean if you just want to see the whole episode with all the other bits that you missed you can find it on the page for this episode too because i'm nice like that so i certainly hope that you've picked up a lot more language from that and that um you know that you and sort of enjoyed listening to uh you know this family struggling to make their restaurant business uh successful and that you enjoyed listening to gordon ramsay and his straight talking approach okay that's enough for this episode thanks very much for listening speak to you again on the podcast very very very soon but for now it's time to say goodbye bye bye bye
Channel: Luke's English Podcast
Views: 39,828
Rating: 4.9509597 out of 5
Keywords: learn, learning, english, lesson, lessons, luke, podcast, luke's, vocabulary, native, speaker, interviews, listening, pronunciation, british, accent, london
Id: L_fwEqCbUYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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