741. Top Jokes from Edinburgh Fringe 2021

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hello listeners to the podcast hello video viewers how are you how is life treating you today i hope that it's basically treating you okay um and that the world is not such a bad place for you at this particular moment in time here is a new episode of my podcast with the video version which you can see on youtube here we go let's let's get started properly okay listeners okay video viewers stick with me listen closely pay attention you can definitely learn a lot of english from this episode so let's get started and here we go so welcome it's time to dissect the frog again as we look at some of the most popular jokes from the edinburgh festival fringe of this year 2021 i'm going to read the jokes to you and then explain them so you can understand them fully and also learn some new vocabulary in the process this is something i've been doing every year at the end of the edinburgh festival at the end of august the beginning of september when the list of the most popular jokes is published in newspapers last year i didn't manage to do one of these i didn't do one of these uh episodes because ed fringe got cancelled due to covid19 good uh but the festival was back this year so here we go again let's find some popular jokes told by comedians at the fringe and use them to learn english so some of you might be going ed fringe what is ed fringe what is the festival fringe what are you talking about i know edinburgh and that's how we pronounce it edinburgh i know edinburgh what's all this stuff about edinburgh fringe well just in case you don't know the edinburgh fringe and the full name of that is the edinburgh festival fringe this is basically a huge comedy festival that happens every august in edinburgh in scotland edinburgh is the capital city of scotland so it's basically a big comedy festival sometimes it's called the edinburgh festival fringe uh sometimes it's called edinburgh fringe sometimes it's called the edinburgh comedy festival ed fringe uh just the fringe or simply edinburgh okay um so it's referred to by various names but the official name is the edinburgh festival fringe it's one of the biggest comedy festivals in the world and every august comedians travel to the city in order to perform comedy to the large crowds of people who travel there for comedians august in edinburgh is a huge opportunity to get exposure and experience but it's very tough especially at the beginning when you have to drum up an audience of people to come to your shows every day i've never actually done edinburgh myself as a comedian i always chose not to do it and also back in those days august was always the most popular most busy month for the school i've worked in so it was very difficult to get time off but apparently edinburgh yes very very tough it's grueling if you do the entire month it's exhausting um there's a lot of tension a lot of pressure probably a lot of drinking late nights and um probably very hard work but very good experience uh if you are a comedian and just in case you don't know stand up that's stand-up comedy is a form of entertainment that involves one comedian standing on stage with a microphone have i got a microphone to hand standing on stage with a microphone telling stories and jokes in an effort to make the audience laugh so someone goes up hello there that wasn't exactly the funniest beginning to a stand-up comedian hello there anyway stand up is an extremely popular form of entertainment in the english-speaking world um i do stand up it's not my main job but i do it although since covid arrived i haven't done it very much anyway this episode is about specific jokes told by comedians during the fringe this year but stand-up comedians don't really just go up and tell individual jokes one after the other that's not really what stand-up is it's not like hello folks so why did the chicken cross the road or um you know why did six why was six afraid of seven because seven eight nine haha that's not really what it is it's not just individual jokes being told one other one after the other except in the case of some specific comedians people like tim vine who do that most people most people will fit their jokes into stories or observations about the world or confessions about themselves okay however the list of the best jokes from the fringe just picks simple one or two line jokes from people's performances so it's not necessarily a great reflection of what the comedy routine was like it's more just like okay let's just pick a few jokes that we can take from some of these routines and then publish them so i've written here lower your expectations now i expect that taking these jokes away from their original performances will not help the jokes these jokes will probably be less funny outside the comedy show that they came from because we're going to remove the context of the joke we're going to remove the attitude and personality of the comedian who told the joke and what was happening in the room that particular evening and all those elements have a huge impact on how funny the joke will be so it's not very fair to judge these jokes on their own like this outside of their original context but this is still an interesting experiment in learning english so here we go here's how we're going to do this first i will read each joke one by one and there are nine jokes in total how many jokes do you get if you get a joke it means that you understand why it's funny ideally you will laugh but you can also groan and groaning is kind of like going oh like that as if it's painful and if you've grown it means you've understood why it's funny or why it should be funny you understand the joke you just don't think it's funny no okay if you don't understand it you need to say i don't get it i don't get it means i know you've told me a joke but i don't know why it's funny i don't get it the main thing is you have to notice and acknowledge that a joke has been told to you okay and when you start to hear more and more jokes you start to get a sense of their rhythm and timing and structure so listen to the jokes do you get them all that's the first thing then i will go through each joke one by one and i will break them all down explaining exactly how they work showing you double meanings explaining any specific vocabulary or cultural reference points and giving you all the information that you need to be able to understand these jokes properly okay there is a lot of vocabulary to be learned from this which i will highlight as we go through and then i'll recap it at the end so get ready it's time to dissect the frog again and of course i have to say the quote don't i explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog you can learn something from it but the frog dies in the process so sorry frogs actually here's a um an illustration so video viewers you can see this on the screen audio viewers i'll just describe it for you so i don't know when this was maybe a couple of years ago i received this from evgenya who is an illustrator and evgenya wrote this as her depiction of me um maybe at the beginning of one of my episodes in which i'm about to explain some jokes in fact i'm about to dissect the frog and so it's an illustration of me with my headphones on and i've got a scalpel and a pair of scissors and there's a frog on the desk in front of me and i'm about to start dissecting it the poor thing well i shared this on twitter some people thought that i was about to start eating the frog but no no that's not what we're doing we're dissecting the frog like in a laboratory you open the frog out in order to understand how it works that's called dissecting similarly with these jokes we're going to open them up in order to you know understand how they work but unfortunately the jokes will die in the process thanks evgenya for this uh illustration right let's move on so yes i expect i will be killing all these jokes by explaining them and you're not really meant to explain jokes and if you do the joke suddenly becomes less funny it's like magic most jokes work by surprise when you're not expecting something to arrive and then it does you know it's the surprise that's that's the trigger really getting the double meaning instantly is usually the only way to find a joke funny it has to happen instantly so i can't guarantee that you will laugh at these jokes but this is certainly going to be good for your english in any case just a reminder of some joke types so a lot of these jokes the ones that we're going to look at use these things so there are synonyms often come up in jokes this is where these synonyms are obviously different words with a similar meaning um and these are like moments when the language overlaps you know like when words sound the same but they're different words or when words uh mean the same thing but they're different words um you know it's just like moments that language overlaps with itself these create little wormholes that you can use to create jokes like when two things mean the same thing at the same time and oh my goodness it's like two meanings at the same time common fixed expressions and sayings are often used in jokes homophones these are different words that sound the same similes these are ways in which we find similarities between otherwise different things so expressing similarities is very common in jokes this is like this because of this and then the pull back and reveal which is an old joke telling technique where you start with certain amount of information and when you get extra information suddenly the whole situation has changed with hilarious consequences so top jokes from edinburgh fringe 2021 and i'm getting this list from the website chortle.co.uk which is the uk's number one comedy website chortle.co.uk and um so are you ready you're ready to start going through the list you're saying yes look we were ready ten minutes ago okay i better get started then so without any further ado let's go through this list of jokes nine jokes in total which ones do you get here we go number one i thought the word cesarean began with the letter s but when i looked in the dictionary it was in the c section joke number two my therapist told me a problem shared is a hundred quid third joke me and my ex were into role play i'd pretend to be james bond and she'd pretend she still loved me number four the roman emperor's wife hates playing hide and seek because wherever she goes julius caesar number five marvin gaye used to keep a sheep in my vineyard he'd heard it through the grapevine number six my grandparents were married for 40 years but everything took longer back then number seven i think chewbacca is french because he understands english but refuses to speak it number eight i don't know what you call a small spillage from a pen but i have an inkling number nine people say zoos are inhumane but that's because they're for animals okay [Music] [Laughter] is that the sound of thousands and thousands of lipsticks going huh is that what just happened did you just kind of go okay not funny not funny not funny i don't know maybe or maybe you just went huh don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it mape i think i get it not sure let's find out okay so actually this is going to be the vocabulary focus now um let's go through these jokes again let's go through those jokes again and break them down so you can understand them fully picking up bits of vocabulary along the way so here are the broken down uh versions and i just want to say sorry to all the frogs who i remember i'm about to dissect so the first one um who who wrote this joke i need to write the credits in masai graham wrote this one this was actually listed as the the best one i don't think it is the best one but anyway so masai graham wrote this i thought the word cesarean began with the letter s but when i looked in the dictionary it was in the c-section right so the the key things here are the words caesarean and also the phrase c-section now these things are synonyms they mean almost the same thing a cesarean it's not a very pleasant thing okay and this is not something that we regularly talk about in the uk it's not like a common topic of conversation like oh cup of tea or how's your caesarean you know it's not normal sort of water cooler chat like when you come to the office for the first time you know after your summer holidays oh how was your holiday oh it's fine how's your caesarean all right you know we don't really do that a caesarean is something a procedure that might be done during childbirth and normally when a child is born the child passes through the the mother's birth canal which means that the child passes from the womb out of the woman's body in the normal way right through the birth canal very painful complicated process sometimes that process is actually too dangerous and too risky or there are other complications during childbirth and so sort of plan b needs to be carried out which is the caesarian and that's this is when um uh the the the mother is cut essentially cut open and the baby is removed without it going through the birth canal so as an operation is done surgery is done in order to remove the baby directly from uh the womb um so there you go that's a caesarean obviously a very you know important quite serious uh procedure during childbirth and so don't get the wrong impression we're not talking about caesareans all the time and we're not joking about caesareans all the time but i mean you know humor comedy stand up on stage not humor in everyday life but doing a performance on stage sometimes you end up touching on subjects which are a little different and which are a little bit shocking or the sorts of things that get a reaction from people things that are slightly taboo things that maybe you shouldn't really talk about sometimes in comedy those things become very funny for some reason maybe because there's a sort of slight sense of risk or something about them anyway so that's a caesarean it's a medical procedure to remove a child from the mother's uh womb uh by uh cutting um it open rather than the child passing through the birth canal as usual right so cesarean it's spelled c a e s so it begins with a c c a e s a r e a n poor difficult spelling because of all those vowels you've got an a e and an e a in there as well c-a-e-s-a-r-e-a-n so the joke then i thought the word caesarean began with the letter s it does sound like it begins with the letter s doesn't it caesarean but when i looked in the dictionary it was in the c section so c-section this phrase is just another way of saying a cesarean okay they that you know doctors carried out a c-section doctors carried out a caesarean same thing c-section caesarean caesarean c-section same thing so they're synonyms so there you go there's the basis of the joke i thought the word caesarean began with the letter s but when i looked in the dictionary it was in the c section all right so i mean if you don't find that funny at least you can take away the two phrases caesarean and a c section right so everyone's a winner ultimately okay all right let's move on to number two and by the way as we go through these listeners viewers um what should i what am i gonna ask you to do first of all tell us how many jokes you got the first time round tell us how many jokes you got the second time round and then just tell us any other comments that you have any other thoughts that arrive in your head as you go through this listening to these jokes and hearing them being broken down okay let us know your thoughts in the comments section i'm very curious to know what you think of all of this uh joke number two by ivor dembina was this my therapist told me a problem shared is a hundred quid please so my therapist told me a problem shared is a hundred quid please so this is based on the common phrase um a problem shared is a problem halved i don't know if you've ever heard that a co a problem shared is a problem halved a problem shared is a problem halved so if you share if you've got a problem and you share that problem with someone you talk about it then somehow the problem becomes less heavy it's you reduce that problem by 50 you halve the problem to half something cut something in half halved is the past form of the verb to halve something it's to halve something isn't it rather than to half something hold on a minute let me check to half something here we go half h-a-l-v-e which is the verb meaning to cut something in half when you halve something or when it halves and the l is silent it's reduced to half its previous size or amount okay so where was i a problem shared is a problem halved so you cut the problem in half when you share it with someone which is you know old an old saying probably true you reduce problems when you share them but this is something okay so that's the basic phrase my therapist told me so a therapist is someone that you go to if you are having some difficulties or problems like mentally normally and you share those problems with the therapist the therapist is there to listen to you and give their comments and stuff but mainly it's the act of sharing with the therapist which helps to reduce your problems so a therapist might say you know a problem shared is a problem halved a therapist might say that but really this joke is about the fact that therapists charge too much money and that it's kind of a comment on the fact that therapy is it's a money-making um um it's a money-making thing rather than um purely a helpful thing okay a problem shared is a is a hundred quid please quid means pounds it's the slang word that we use in england in english for pounds so a problem shed is a hundred quid please all right i mean there you go what do you think do you think that uh do you think they've gotta think that i've always got a point to think the therapists charge too much money number three me and my ex-wife were into sorry me and my ex so that's x i it's going to be an ex-wife here because it's a woman as we find out later on in the sentence so my ex could be my ex-wife my ex-husband in this case it's my ex-wife me and my ex-wife should actually be my ex-wife and i if i'm gonna be like a grammar purist about it uh my ex-wife and i should is correct but anyway me and my ex-wife or me and my ex it's quite common and me and my ex were into role play i'd pretend to be james bond and she'd pretend she still loved me so this is i think this is the best joke so far i like this joke i think this is a good joke so me and my ex were into role play to be into role play so role play is uh basically means pretending to be someone else or to pretending to be in a different situation often during sex to make it more interesting okay um all right so you know it could be like doctors and nurses or um what else well all sorts of different types of role play you know it means imagining a situation pretending to be someone else in order to improve uh sex to make sex more interesting to pretend to be someone else that means that's when you act like someone else so like when you act like a um a uh a plumber or something who's coming to visit okay so and and he pretended to be james bond and she pretended that she still loved him okay that's good that's good because um it tells you a lot of things about their relationship it tells you that he that he is into her more than she's into him in fact that she doesn't really love him anymore and that she's kind of pretending all the time we did we did role play i pretended i was james bond now we expect him to say and she pretended she was i don't know like miss money penny or something that's what we expect but [Music] she pretended she still loved me uh which kind of tells you all you need to know about their relationship i think okay number four how are you getting on listeners viewers are you understanding these jokes again as i said let me know in the comments section how much of this you understand okay i will be going through the vocab again at the end to help you remember number four the rope okay this one is a bit of a stretch the roman emperor's wife hates playing hide and seek because wherever she goes julius caesar that's by adele cliff now this is a pun uh a word joke and it's just that one it's just that one thing sounds just like something else two things sound the same and the joke here is that julius caesar which is the name of the famous roman emperor julius caesar sounds like julius sees her like with his eyes julius sees her julius caesar julius caesar they sound the same and this is why julius's wife hates playing hide and seek because julius always sees her julius caesar yeah yeah i think you get it do you get it maybe there are other things i need to explain like we've got to play hide and seek hide and seek is a game that children usually play okay and it's basically where one of the children is is on and they count to a hundred and all the other children hide and that the child who's on has to go and find the other kids hide and seek seek means find or look for okay so all the other kids hide and one of them has to try and look for them and find them all that's called hide and seek it's a classic it's a classic game so why does the romeron the roman emperor's wife hate playing hide and seek because julius sees her julius caesar they do sound the same julius caesar and julius caesar they do sound the same and that is important for the sort of integrity of a joke that these little things are important like you know the homophones have to be genuine homophones otherwise the connection is far too weak okay now number five i think is the it's gotta be the worst i'm not sure if it's the worst or maybe the best joke but i'm gonna go for the worst one you can let me know what you think i'd be surprised if many people got this one so number five marvin gaye used to keep a sheep in my vineyard he'd heard it through the grapevine that's by leo curse huh so marvin gaye you have to know who marvin gaye is first of all so marvin gaye is an absolute legend in music and he was a singer with motown records motown was a record label based in detroit and the motown sound is a very famous sound um a kind of soul music particular a particular sound with a certain kind of production value and and and so on so marvin gaye was a singer a soul singer and one of his most famous songs was called i heard it through the grapevine i heard it through the grapevine okay so marvin gaye used to keep a sheep in my vineyard he'd heard it through the grapevine so i think okay first of all you got the word heard and this is the principal homophone at the heart of this joke but also you got the phrase to hear some to hear it through the grapevine so heard let's start with this huh herd has got two different meanings one meaning of her that's h-e-r-d as a verb means to move animals into a particular place like sheep or or cows to move the sheep or cows into a particular field herd them in this in a certain direction okay that's herd moving animals and then hurt the other meaning is h-e-a-r-d and it's the past tense of here to hear something right did you hear this joke okay let me go through this by step this is difficult to explain he'd heard it through the grapevine this is a bit of a groaner oh one of those ones that you might hear and groan rather than laugh that's where you go oh like it almost hurts heard it through the grapevine is one of marvin gaye's most famous songs do you know it i heard it through the grapevine how much longer will you be mine which is like a badly sung version of it but heard it through the grapevine is one of his most famous songs heard can also mean to move a group of animals in a certain direction like sheep or cows you heard your sheep into a field now according to this joke marvin used to keep a sheep in my vineyard a vineyard is a place where you grow grapes for wine okay so it's a place where there are going to be lots of vine trees for growing grapes for wine oh this is complicated isn't it so that's the grape vine the grape vine is where the grapes grow but there's also an idiom in english but how many different things have we got in this joke there's an idiom in english which is through the grapevine or to hear something through the grapevine and this is when you hear people gossiping about something when you overhear people talking about something when you hear rumors or gossip about something you can say that you heard it on the grapevine or you heard it through the grapevine so in the case of the song i heard it through the grapevine marvin gaye is singing about how he he hears that his girlfriend is cheating on him and how does he know because he heard it through the grapevine he heard it through the grapevine he heard it through the grapevine he heard rumors or gossip about it but then in this joke we've got he'd heard it through the grapevine meaning move an animal he attempted to move the sheep around through the grapevines of the plants in his vineyard so marvin gaye used to own a sheep what was it oh dear i mean if you have to explain it this much then it's probably not very good joke marvin gaye used to keep a sheep in my vineyard he'd heard it through the grapevine meaning he'd literally make it move through the the wine growing field oh dear [Laughter] so just vocab to herd sheep h-e-r-d to hear something on the grapevine or to hear something through the grapevine okay and a vineyard as well is is there too so at the very least you've learned some words here i i hope but this joke this is too much of a stretch meaning difficult to understand and if you get the joke please let me know write a comment in the comment section do you get the marvin gaye joke and what do you think of it okay final three jokes here so number six um is like this my grandparents were married for 40 years but everything took longer back then that's why will mars my grandparents were married for 40 years but everything took longer back then so this is kind of a clever little joke everything took longer in the past traveling communicating and so on marriages seemed to last longer too but then everything took longer back then didn't it i probably don't need to explain it any more than that and number seven i think chewbacca is french because he understands english but refuses to speak it that's by samia katz i like that joke i think that's funny uh chewbacca is a character from star wars he's the wookiee that's my chewbacca impression so uh chewbacca is this character from star wars the one who's very hairy and doesn't speak english but he understands english which is weird he understands it but he doesn't speak it and samir katz thinks that this makes chewbacca french okay now this is quite funny and of course it hits two of my favorite notes well three in fact there's star wars france and speaking english um so there is a okay so the the fact is here that the joke is based on the idea that uh or maybe the cliche or misconception that french people are able to speak english but they choose not to for whatever reason and this attitude maybe comes from tourists who go to paris they go to cafes whatever the waiters definitely understand and speak english but they you know refuse to speak it instead they just speak french this is what people say when they've been to paris you know the french are funny aren't they because they don't want to speak english they refuse to speak they can do it but they refuse to this is what people say okay so there is a common misconception that french people arrogantly refuse to speak english in paris let's say uh but i find that french people are more willing to speak english than it seems and in fact they're a bit more shy than arrogant and if a french person in paris speaks french to you that's quite normal as you're in france also rather than being arrogant a lot of french people just feel quite self-conscious about their accent and certain common mistakes that french people often make they also might have bad memories from english lessons at school which kind of knocked all the confidence out of them and um they're afraid to be judged by each other so it's more likely to be shyness than arrogance if french people choose not to speak english so i mean i actually really like the joke i think it's really funny chewbacca is french because he understands english but refuses to speak it i think it's a really good great joke but just to be clear i think that french people don't always refuse to speak english a lot of them speak much more english these days and often they don't speak english because they're just shy rather than arrogant number eight i don't know what you call a small spillage from a pen but i have an inkling all right this is a clever this is a clever little joke it might be difficult for you to get i'd be surprised if any of you got this to be honest so to have an inkling means to have a suspicion or an idea of something like hmm i've got an idea i don't know who stole the last biscuit but i have an inkling where i have an inkling of an idea who took that biscuit and i think it was you so to have an inkling is to have a a suspicion or an idea okay but an inkling interesting word an inkling does sound like a small spillage of ink from a pen a spillage is when something spills something spills out um a spillage okay a spillage is when something spills for example um you know if you've got your glass of water on the table and you knock the table and then oh no we've got a bit of a spillage here let me clear it up a spillage a spillage of ink from a pen this is something that happens a lot doesn't it you know if you leave the pen in your top pocket you might get a spillage of ink from the pen if you break it the ink might come out if you get the nib very dirty it might clock uh clog up the nib and then you end up with like ink spreading on the side of the pen so we've all had that sort of small spillage of ink from a pen uh what do you call that though not sure but i have an inkling so an inkling would be a good word for that right but it's not the word for that so what do we call a small spillage from of ink from a pen i'm not sure but um [Music] i've got an idea that's what that means uh but uh i have an inkling inkling could be the word yeah okay so to have an inkling i have an inkling that i have an inkling that i know who stole the biscuit i have an inkling who it was and a spillage is when something is spilled okay number nine people say zoos are inhumane but that's because they're for animals said samir katz now i'm not sure i have to explain that do i maybe i do basically it's based on the word humane or the word inhumane so inhum inhumane is a word that we use a lot well a lot when it's appropriate and if something is inhumane it basically means uh that people have not been treated um fairly okay so um inhumane treatment of people for example so if you've got let's say you've got prisoners people in in prison uh even if uh they haven't uh been to court yet even if they haven't been sentenced by a judge yet even if they haven't seen a judge yet people have to be kept in prison right uh but people should have rights even if they're in prison they you know have the right to be safe and they they have the right to um see a lawyer and and so on now if it's a very inhumane prison then those people wouldn't be given rights they might be beaten they might be deprived of food or comfort and social interactions that would be inhumane treatment of people okay bullying abusing not providing them with the right kind of facilities um that's inhumane treatment of people keeping them in cages with no windows and stuff do cages have windows i don't know you know what i mean that's inhumane treatment of people okay so let me just go through my notes here being humane means treating people in a reasonable and humanistic manner treating people with respect dignity and justice inhumane is the opposite okay and although it includes the word human we do use this word to refer to the cruel treatment of animals so inhumane for things that are done to people but we also use inhumane to talk about the treatment of animals for example keeping animals in a cage is inhumane even though they're still animals we use the word inhumane and this is just a funny little thing that can make you laugh when you notice it inhumane treatment of animals but they're not human they're animals that's basically what the joke does people say zoos are inhumane but that's because they're for animals it's a it's kind of a fair point when you think about it okay let's go through some of the vocab again let's do a quick um recap of the of the vocab okay so if you're listening to this on the audio podcast um well what i'm going to do now is i'm going to sort of describe the word or phrase and i want you to tell me which word or phrase it is can you remember now if you are watching the video version of this this is going to be easier probably i don't know it depends i might be able to edit it well okay all right okay let's get started so i'm going to recap the vocab that we've had so far in this episode and what i'm going to do is describe the word or phrase and i want you to try to tell me which word or phrase it is okay um whoops no i will be uh if you're watching the video i'll hide the words and then reveal them when i give you the answer when you're listening you can just listen and try and remember so the first one we've actually got two phrases for this what do we call that procedure it's a medical procedure during childbirth if there's a problem or for whatever reason it is instead of the the baby going through the birth canal and being born in the normal way instead an incision is made and the baby's removed directly what do we call that well that is called a caesarean or a what's the other word for it a c-section okay right moving on uh what is it that people say when someone else has got a problem they're feeling depressed or anxious about something and you want to encourage them to talk about it because talking about your problems reduces your problems what is it that people say in that's in that situation they say a problem shared is what a problem shared is a problem halved halved h-a-l-v-e-d a problem shared is a problem halved next one what's the word the slang word in english the slang word in english which means um pounds how much is that 50 pounds what's the slang word that means pounds it's the word quid of course 50 quid um a problem shared is 100 quid please halved to half something h-a-l-v-e to half something means to cut it in half or to you know reduce it by 50 percent role play role play now role play is something that people do during sex but it's also something that people do during comedy and also during language learning you do role plays to practice um you know your english but anyway in the case of the joke it was it was about a sexual thing to be into role play to me to enjoy playing role play games and that could be sexual um and in a role play you pretend to be someone else oh i'm i forgot to do the quiz part of that didn't i so to pretend anyway there's the word to pretend to be someone uh it's when you uh imagine or acts like you are somebody else okay uh next one is a game a game that kids play where uh most of the children um um go to a place where they can't be found and then one of the children goes to look for everybody it's called it's called hide and seek that's right next bit of vocab what's the verb that we would use to mean to to move a group of animals from one place to another place so like imagine lots of sheep and you're there with a dog and maybe a stick or something and you're trying to move all those sheep into a different field to herd sheep i don't know if making sheep noises helped there like i don't know this word and then i go man you're like i've got it to herd animals i don't know if my making animal noises helps at all um what's a phrase that means to um to get some information from general gossip or to get some information by overhearing it or to get some information by listening to rumors that people are saying it's also the a marvin gaye song to hear something through the grapevine or to hear something on the grapevine okay how do you know about that oh i just heard it heard it on the grapevine i've heard on the grapevine that you're going to get a new job for example a vineyard is a place where people grow grapes they grow grape vines to grow grapes which then get turned into wine so a vineyard is a it's like a place or a farm where wine is is produced to have an inkling is to have a little idea or suspicion it's like hmm i wonder who took that biscuit i'm not sure but i have an inkling that it was mr smith it was jeff smith i have an inkling that it might be jeff who took the last biscuit okay to have an inkling a spillage oh i did it again i'm supposed to do this in quiz format anyway spillage is when you spill something right so it could be a spillage of water but also we do talk about things like an oil spillage in the in the ocean don't we a spillage and then we've got the word one adjective is used to describe the way people are treated with respect and dignity and with their rights being upheld it's they are treated in a humane way and the opposite of that is of course what inhumane there you go let me read the jokes to you one more time and just as a final third time before we finish the episode okay here we go so number one i thought the word cesarean began with the letter s but when i looked in the dictionary it was in the c-section my therapist told me a problem shared is a hundred quid please me and my ex were into role play i'd pretend to be james bond and she'd pretend she still loved me the roman emperor's wife hates playing hide and seek because wherever she goes julius caesar marvin gaye used to keep a sheep in my vineyard he'd heard it through the grapevine my grandparents were married for 40 years but everything took longer back then i think chewbacca is french because he understands english but refuses to speak it i don't know what you call a small spillage from a pen but i have an inkling people say zoos are inhumane but that's because they're for animals okay well that is finally it then thank you to you for watching or listening to this it's been a pleasure to be joined by you even though technically i've just been sitting alone in my room but i'm imagining that you're all there having a fantastic time listening to me explain these jokes um i've got nine dead frogs on the floor now i'm gonna have to deal with them um and also thank you for those comedians thank you to those comedians for uh writing those wonderful wonderful jokes um we'll do this again next year as long as edinburgh still exists then and that it hasn't been cancelled for some reason um okay good thank you everyone as i said let me know in the comment section did you understand these jokes what did you think of them all right i'll let you do that in your own time but for now it's just time for me to say again thank you for listening and i'll speak to you soon all right good bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Luke's English Podcast
Views: 12,816
Rating: 4.9586029 out of 5
Keywords: learn, learning, english, lesson, lessons, luke, podcast, luke's, vocabulary, native, speaker, interviews, listening, pronunciation, british, accent, london
Id: TWZaMyQwid0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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