Learn English Grammar: 10 Types of Nouns

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hi james from invid today i'd like to discuss person place and thing yeah that's that's right e okay today we're going to talk about nouns today what i would like to let you know are there are ten nouns e is referring to the fact that most of us have been taught i'm a native speaker and actually i was born in england live in canada i was taught it's person place and thing that was our basic education for it but there are actually ten different categories of nouns and today we're going to take a deep dive that means go deep into it separate them so that it will help you become a better writer and communicator in english this is actually a good brush up for native speakers as well all right let's go to the board all right so as you can see i have my weird flower here this is actually a mind map i made it like a flower because with the petals each petal tells a different story and when i go through each one it'll help you remember so it may look a little bit weird now but by the time we're done it'll be in your mind let's start off with number one the ten types of nouns the most common one we have and i use the word common it's called a common noun are things in everyday life an example of this is house a canyon if you think of a mountain goes like this a canyon is the other way it goes it dips down okay so think of a mountain reversed where the land is here and there's a kind of a hole in it okay a canyon and girl these are everyday objects and items well maybe not a canyon but you understand what i'm saying there's nothing special about them they're generic when we move to the second petal we have what's called proper nouns this is when we are talking about specific examples of these things what do i mean well you can have a house but we all know or most of the people on the planet know of the white house in the united states of america where the president is you'll notice that the difference between a proper noun and a common noun is capitalization there is a capital put on the words we use it to say sorry these are very specific words they do this in german language as well by the way they capitalize nouns so you know this is a thing in the sentence so you know it's function just a little aside because knowledge is power anyway so my house becomes the white house that's right second black president not gonna happen okay now also canyon i talked about that well in the united states of america people millions of people visit the grand canyon it is one of the biggest canyons in the world and people go to visit it i mean some of these places are almost like reverse mountains you could put a mountain in that hole okay notice the capitalization and i only put nino because nino is a girl but she's a specific girl so she has to have a capital kind of cool so now we have common and proper knowing that common is everyday things like camera right versus um nikon camera which would be a proper noun now let's look at single nouns you notice i have the number one a single noun is any one thing singular cat man marker right easy enough what happens when we have more than one well i've got plus one and we've got plural nouns now the interesting thing about a plural noun is it's not just one because you can have see marker becomes markers that's more than one we add an s sometimes we add an e s to the end of the word right those are what we call regular plural nouns so what's the irregular one you're asking this is what i was saying this is even good for native speakers an irregular plural noun is something where we don't add an s or an e s but it might be very different indeed notice here i have cat if you have more than one cat you'll have cats that would be a regular that would be a regular plural verb but then i have foot some of my students would say oh it's teacher you have foot then you have defeat the foots right i'm like no you have feet you will notice that the feet is very different it has an eet there is no extra s or extra es so irregular verbs take on the form of like for instance a tooth one tooth becomes teeth right they are different in nature that you cannot just add an s to it you actually have to change the world right another one could be person one person people what yeah one person five people there's no s it's not persons actually there's an exception that i'll go into another time when you go into elevators that's another lesson i actually did before only place you actually see persons is on legal documentation and in elevators i don't make the language up i'm just here to explain it to you all right otherwise it's person is one people is the plural we talked about regular or sorry plural and singular and proper and common nouns let's go to this one concrete nouns what's a concrete now well this wall i'm working with is made of concrete so people will tell you it's where you drive your car or the sidewalk in this case a concrete noun is one that you can have with your senses you can see it with your eyes you can smell it you can taste it you can touch it right did i miss one you can hear it these are concrete nouns examples of concrete nouns are apples cats roses because you can smell the rose as well as see it these are concrete they are in the physical world now what about other nouns and this is when people have problem with writing on how to address them because we have other nouns and sorry i should say right now all the times i've been talking to you about plural nouns single proper and common nouns i've been basically talking about concrete nouns right when we move over and this is where people have difficulties with the language especially people learning it is with abstract nouns these are ideas and these are emotions anger anger right so when people say okay anger what is that well it's a noun i can he can have anger right you can be angry descriptive but you can have anger noun oh yeah it's a noun and also ideas democracy it's an idea it's a noun right next we go from these things oh sorry i should also say these are things that you cannot use your five senses and that's where we can tell the difference here you cannot see democracy you can see examples of democracy you can see people vote right you can see institutions to protect law and order but you can't say that's democracy i can show you and hold it to you and give it to someone it's an idea that we use in different means and you can see examples of it but you can't say here is this democracy i give it to you okay and that's the difference between a concrete idea an apple which i can give you and an idea like anger you can see an example of it but it cannot be touched tasted you know what i'm saying number seven this is going by fast collective if you watch star trek the collective is the borg the borg is a collective but we live now unfortunately and any collective is a group if you have a crowd these are collective nouns groupings of things usually people but groups you can have what you can have a collect of of a team if you've got 10 people playing on a team i don't know any sports release so i don't know what team has 10 people nine people in baseball team i think i think anyway and everyone has just lost lots of respect for me now he doesn't know sorry i do other things play chess anyway so team is about a group a crowd is a group a collection of people so even though it's a single thing a crowd is made up of many things and that's important to notice when you talk about it when you can say uh america's team right they'll say the team the team which is an article that says something specific and singular but we know it's made up of more than one person yeah and the crowd it was the largest crowd in inaugural history in the united states and 2016. right it wasn't the largest crowd there was 25 people 20 i mean there was about a thousand i'm sure but it was a group all right collective moving on compound nouns these are your interesting ones and you'll notice i have this little minus sign it's not a negative sign it's not a minus sign it's a hyphen sign and i gotta be honest i gotta be honest i am the worst with that because a lot of times there are words that i've know but i've never written for instance when i was looking down for dry cleaning i would write dry cleaning and not realize it's dry hyphen cleaning so compound nouns are a combination of two words it could be either with a hyphen which means two words drawn put together like dry cleaning or something that you would never think about that we say all the time bookstore bookstore is a combination of two words the reason for the two words is to give a greater descriptive power yes i want my clothes cleaned but maybe it's made of leather and leather doesn't go well with water so i need dry cleaning and when someone says they do that i know my leather is safe what about a store there are different types of stores there are tire stores there are book stores there are computer stores but i need to get books so i want to go to something well-defined book store and that's the use of compound words now interesting history over time some words that are separated by a hyphen will eventually they drop the hyphen and just make it one word simply because it's in a lot of use and it saves time so who knows maybe one day my dry cleaning could be one word i doubt it okay now the last two i want to talk about is something that most people learn funny enough as english learners but native speakers don't necessarily know i know it sounds odd but it's something we just know internally but we don't actually think about consciously right and these are our countable words now one two three four sounds like a song i'll give you some more things you can count fingers and toes and even my nose i have one nose five fingers and fourteen toes i'm not from here not for these parts anyway okay things you can actually count now i'm going to give you oh no that's later on i've got my bonus section i've got something interesting for you it's tasty you'll like it things you can count anything in literally and we can go back over to our senses or our concrete nouns are generally going to be countable generally not always we're going to get up here and they're going to talk about things that you are have as an everyday experience and you go james i go i got you covered all right so generally things that we touch and play with a lot are countable nouns we can go back to our house our girl our cat our teeth they're all countable but what about those things that theoretically aren't countable like what water uncountable nouns are those things that when we do count we don't count the thing we measure the quantity of it salt water money you know where you can count it it's like we count bills but there's too much money in the world to actually count in fact if the average person wanted to count a billion dollars one dollar at a time you would die before you could count it one dollar at a time too much but you would die happy one for me one for you one thing one for you anyway joke so these are uncountable and i have counted now i've gone to one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and got all the nouns or the types and nouns that you will encounter when you're studying english all right now giving you this doesn't mean anything if you can't use it so let's go to the board for the second time i'm going to do our quiz are you ready and we are back we're going to go from well we learned 10. i'm going to quiz you on five as a bonus i'm going to teach you two extra words that you might be confused on and then some that times native beakers get confused on this one and then we have our homework as per usual all right so let's go to the board and do our quiz i told you about different types of nouns so i'm going to give you examples of the nouns now and what you're going to do is you're going to tell me what kind of noun it would be so let's start off with the first one nouns that are ideas you can talk about anger intelligence democracy you can't use them with your five senses what kind of nouns are these remember i told you i work in a place where we got concrete floors well when something's not concrete it is abstract ideas right and these are things you cannot hold in your hand you cannot see them and touch them but you can see examples of them and say this i know someone has anger when their face is red they're breathing heavy uh they have a lot of intensity those are examples of anger but not anger itself what about this one number two nouns that describe a group of things a team a crowd a committee i didn't give you committee before i like this word committee it's really strange to me because you look it's got it's got two n's two t's and two e's in a weird english word we just doubled everything they got lazy so a committee is a group of people that get together to decide something right so prince you can have a committee of safe to help we in canada we have a health and safety committee which will be four or five people from different areas of a company that would get together and talk about the safety of a building and the health of the workers there right so in case you don't know the word committee crowd group of people and a team could be anything from a professional sports team to a group of people you work with at your office and their team you know the accounting team or branch whatever what kind of noun is that though an old soviet russia we would call this the call that's right the collectives the collected group they come together when they're a single noun don't forget even though they represent plural things it's a singular noun you don't talk about team because you can say teams and that means a group but more like five six of these particular groups right now what about names for specific things like toronto nino and ford ford is rather interesting right now the premium of ontario is doug ford yeah cool it's also a car very specific that's why i've got a capital here now back to you okay these are called english people will love me when i say this and i mean english england they're called proper nouns a proper noun it's not like those other general nouns it's a proper now i think you get a proper slap interesting story that happened i was in england and there was this lady and she was talking a lot and there's a couple behind me from they were british and this one guy turns this this woman and i'm hearing it i'm almost laughing she said that woman talks way too much she deserves a proper slap to move her on and i was like what is a proper slab is it two seconds is it a backhit funny story it actually happened anyway that's why i said british people like that it's a proper slap it's a proper noun a specific noun anyway next [Applause] and for my russian friends who hate when i joke it's fun for me to do this and it makes it fun for other students learning should be a fun experience right you still can learn and have fun next nouns made up of two words now i'm going to talk a little bit to give you some time but also clarify i was explaining to you that over time we have nouns or two words joined together with a hyphen right to to better explain what it is we're looking at right then i said to you over time and i don't mean in a week or two so some of you guys like so i have dry clean today and in three days it becomes just dry cleaning is this what happens yeah this is crazy no i'm talking 50 100 200 years okay we have to use a lot but the new word that's that's created this is a compound noun as you can see it still says book and it still says store it's just together because we use it so often we don't bother typhinating and wasting time that takes time so a hyphenated word is a compound word and if you see a word like this it is also a compound noun okay just making sure you get to that all right so oh damn it i told you if you were listening carefully i told you the answer i didn't want to i didn't really i didn't it was that proper slap see i got a proper slap not mered about right so i lost it it's a compound now all right and finally nouns that you can count nouns you can count on yeah you like that now as you can count on when you can count on something you can trust or rely so if you say i can count on my brother i can't nikki's a good guy it means i can trust and rely on him if you can count on i don't know your boss maybe then they'll pay you for sure okay so nouns you can count what are those those are the easiest ones yeah almost everybody knows these ones countable they're accountable nouns your apples your houses and everything else cool great if you got that you did really really really well still got to go do the quiz at invid though i'm not letting you off the hook speaking of hooks i got fishes up here i'm just a funny guy let's start with a bonus pants and glasses do you remember i told you that when we go from a singular to a plural noun we add an s and that's how we can tell the difference and i told you about the irregular nouns and then there's this boom and now you're going to say well this must be multiple pants right to multiple clauses no something i used to say to my students all the time so you have to listen to the whole thing i say i would tell them english is a very stupid language now the people who weren't really students would laugh and laugh and laugh and just kept living your teachers already so stupid then they wouldn't let me finish i go you have to say everything right meaning that in our language we like a lot of exposition we like to say a lot to explain it and in this case i gave you an example add an s but now i got to say the rest of it that's not always the case when you look at words like pants and glasses it's very specific for instance example pants used to be like this this would be one pant leg but you can't walk around unless you want to get arrested with one pant leg on so you have to add another one so this becomes pence because this and this but it's one pair it's only one item and glosses if you have bad eyes and two eyes you can't well they used to wear one called a monocle but generally you have one and two to correct both eyes and then they're called glasses because it's actually describing what it is it's two things joined as one this is a singular item even though it says pants even though it says glasses if someone said i left my glasses at home they do not have 20 pieces of little glass they pick up and carry with them wherever they go they're talking about the things they put on their eyes because there are two of them that have to be together as a unit the same thing goes with pants and shorts wow in summertime when it gets hot and people start wearing shorts and they got those nice legs and they're walking in their shorts yeah anyway shorts because it's two legs in the pants they're short pants anyway so these are singular items don't get confused by that okay fish fish is interesting because last night i had fish for dinner and in lake ontario there are many fish and you're going teacher you bad teacher you don't know difference difference is fishes yeah i don't know fish is both singular and plural form this is in teacher you're not smart you put fishes in red too here's one for you and i'm going to give you an extra bonus one because that's the type of guy i am and that's the way the day's going people is plural but it's singular however you can also have peoples why i say aha well people is a collective noun but on the planet earth there are many peoples that means groups of people and to tell you that we have to add the ass that it's not just one group but i'm talking about many groups of peoples the peoples of the earth they're not talking about canadians or the french or zimbabweans singularly they're talking about all of these groups they are not the same and we have to identify them they are different groups of people and they are the peoples of the world the same happens with fishes okay and there's um haddock you're gonna know i was born in english there's haddock there's god i don't know those other funky fishes i just like me fish and chips eh okay so there are different types of fishes and when we talk about the fishes of the world it's similar to the peoples of the world there are different types of fishes so fishes like one group of fish are called fish there are many fish like salmon fish right but if you want to talk about salmon haddock cod battered in beer deep fried for five minutes delicious then there are fishes because we're talking about the different types of groups cool so that's a confusing one for even i would say yeah even peoples i've heard natives go you can't say peoples i'm like you can but it's very very specific situations and the same works with fishes and there's your bonus okay cool oh yes it is homework time you know because this is like a full class here we give you the lesson we give you extra stuff to take away and chew on and digest and learn then we have to give you homework like everyone should get homework today and today's homework will be worth 100 points each you get 100 points for every student who sees your homework and gives a thumbs up if it's on i think youtube or if it's on the invid website and you get a thumbs up or a check mark whatever it's worth 100 points you can give yourself a pat on the back because you are smart all right first question you have to answer is please give me now hmm i have summon assault you have to figure out what kind of noun it is then you'll know how to answer that because these are determiners and they're going to tell you how to use it right salt you have to figure out what kind of noun it is then you'll know which would determine her because ah means one and some means you know a grouping not necessarily counted oh good luck with that one and how about this one here there's james with a small j and james with a capital j and mr e with a small e and mr e with a big e they're friends which one should you use now you got to figure out what kind of noun it is then you'll know if you should use a capital or not a capital right anyway you're the experts now i've taught you all i can so grasshopper it is up to you before we go i want to say this one please don't forget to press like if you liked the video because we're at the end and you're still here so maybe you liked it i think so and subscribe if you've watched more than two videos whether it be myself or ronnie or any of the other people that we have you should subscribe already because clearly you want the information that we're giving it to you it's for free and it's pretty good i would say not in my case but because i'm modest that way but all the other teachers are brilliant you're going to love them right um don't forget to as i said subscribe please uh hit the notification there's a little bell if you dig that bell you'll get everything i do right away so as soon as it comes out it'll be right in your email box or phone or whatever you use don't forget to go to www.as an english vid as invideo.com where there is a bigger quiz and other lessons on grammar for nouns commas and what have you right anyway it's been a pleasure i'm james that's my proper noun the capital i'll help you on your quiz anyway have a good one i'll see you soon
Channel: ENGLISH with James · engVid
Views: 80,533
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Keywords: common, proper, collective, abstract, concrete, nouns, noun, English grammar, grammar, learn English, vocabulary, native speaker, English vocabulary, ESL, accent, American accent, English lesson, lessons, engvid, learning skills, slang, EnglishLessons4U, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, anglais, inglese, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, anglicky, αγγλικά, İngilizce, إنجليزي, Inggris, Angol, tenses
Id: dI8il9qmzzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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