Learn english conversation English Subtitle Part 1 -Học Tiếng Anh Qua Hội Thoại Có Phụ Đề

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sorry she's not here sure no problem by Aaron Harris oh hi Becca do you always answer the phone like that sometimes that's not the way to answer the phone at work you should say thank you for calling the net cafe this is Aaron I know but what I said was okay right I was friendly yes but you were so informal customers like friendly workers we're supposed to be friendly and professional oh okay I mean it Aaron I wouldn't want to have to tell our boss about this you'd tell Ron I don't answer the phone well enough I will if I have to all right then don't worry sis I'll be so professional that everyone will be happy I hope so okay Aaron thank you for calling the net cafe this is Aaron how may I help you much better yes Becca is available may I ask who is calling one moment please here you go it's a customer she wants to talk to the manager hello this is Becca Harris oh hi mom may I use your phone a minute sure thank you for calling the net cafe this is Aaron how may I help you Aaron I'd like to speak to the manager I'm sorry Becca is not available right now may I take a message no thanks I'll call back later goodbye Becca why didn't you call Aaron and why did you use a different voice I wanted to see how Aaron answers the phone sometimes he's not very professional did he do a good job just now yes he was very professional and polite I want to call him Jeff what are you going to do don't worry Mia Aaron won't even know it's me honey aren't you a little old to make prank calls these aren't prank calls they're Tess hello hello Metcalfe a what specials will you have next week plan on speakerphone okay I'll check for you sir may I put you on hold sure Wow Becca he's very polite yes he is I guess you really listened to me yeah actually it's really cute no I want to call him next sure hello so you Jeff and Mia all called Aron but he didn't know it was you right Aaron told me the cafe phone rang a lot last night now I know why I can't believe you three made prank calls they weren't prank calls I wanted to test Aaron to see how he answers the phone I want to call him hello is Becca there I'm sorry she's not available right now would you like to leave a message can you tell her Ella patiska sure can you spell your last name for me hey amber is that you uh no oh I can't believe you had all those people call me well you did a good job great thank you for calling the net cafe what Ron huh is this Jeff Nick goodbye you've got another prank call funny I can't believe ii told people to call me Erin Ron just called my cell phone no he didn't yes he did look at the caller ID he wants to know why you just hung up on him hi Claire it's a beautiful day isn't it it's not beautiful it's terrible what's wrong so I ran into my car I can't drive it for two weeks that is terrible I know how am I going to get to school you could ride your bike I can't do that if I ride my bike my hair will look terrible you could ride the bus but sure why not it's very convenient do you like the bus sometimes there's a bus dog near my house maybe there's a bus stop near my house well it needs to be the right bus stop which bus do you need to write to school I don't know amber you ride the bus sometimes which buses stop near the University of South Florida I don't know all the bus routes but I think bus 27 goes there does it stop near my house I don't know you live on Beach Street right right why don't you look at the bus routes on the computer good idea bus is 27 36 52 and 99 stop near the University of South Florida do any of those stop near Beach Street let's see no they don't then you'll have to transfer buses 11 and 87 stop on Beach Street then you'll have to take one of those first hey plus 11 and bus 52 both stop on Market Street okay so I'll take bus 11 to Market Street then I'll transfer to bus 52 it will take me to school right that sounds easy how much is the fare one dollar and thirty cents or you can buy a pass I have one that lets me ride 20 times how much was it $26 I could buy that but I hope I don't have to ride the bus 20 times hi Claire I was riding the bus it was easy catching the bus and transferring with no problem how long did it take to get to school it only took 30 minutes when I Drive is sometimes takes longer than that so will you ride the bus all the time now yes I will for the next two weeks hi Rita what can I get for you I've been dreaming about a hot chocolate all day well I'm glad I can make your dream come true me too so how have you been good it's been nice spending more time with Amber yeah it's good you and amber are becoming better friends here's your hot chocolate Thanks amber and I have had our challenges but things are looking up now my mom and I weren't always close I'm sad we didn't become friends sooner but you're close now oh yes maybe one day amber will think of me as a good friend maybe she already does amber thanks for watching the store after school today no problem I should have gone to the post office yesterday but I didn't so thanks again for your help sure never wait till the last minute so where are you going I want to catch my mom before she leaves work I hope we can go get some coffee together sounds good have fun okay see you tomorrow Greg mom oh hi honey what are you doing I was just wondering if you'd like to get some coffee sure mom you're so funny you're too nice I'm glad we're friends mom really yes I hope someday I can be a great mom like you thanks amber it's so nice to hear you say that I like spending time with you it's too bad we didn't spend more time together before now I feel the same way so how was school today okay I saw Ryan he asked me to go see a movie with them what did you say well I remembered what Mia told me but we need to be wise about what we try I've tried being friends with Ryan and it's not wise so I told him no I'm glad you haven't had second thoughts about breaking up with Ryan I feel bad about not talking to him much anymore but I know that's what is best for me have you been able to make some new friends this year oh yeah there's this girl Judy she's so much fun I'm glad you're making new friends I'm impressed with how much you've changed this year well I've done some things I shouldn't saying you're sick when you're not isn't wrong oh that I felt really guilty about that but then you did the right thing and learned from your mistake and now Liz and I are really good friends working at the stop and shop has been really good for you I regret I didn't do something like that when I was your age it's been fun the break-in really shook me up though I want you to know that I'm sorry I didn't trust you I know Mom but I was so impressed with how you responded well you've all given me a second chance before I guess it's my turn I forgive you you're a great daughter amber really no regrets huh well maybe one what you're so special I regret we didn't have more children yeah a brother would have been cool well maybe Jeff and Mia will have a little boy one day you can play with him Yeah right Erin can you give me that lemon sure what's the lemon for I'm making a sauce for this salmon oh that sounds great Claire will love it well let's hope she loves you oh right do you think she does I hope so you two would be cute together Aaron the salmon is great you have to give me the recipe sure Claire I and how did you cook the vegetables they're delicious oh I just steamed them Claire I Erin I'm glad you asked me over for dinner thank you thanks for coming I need to talk to you about something okay what there's this guy I really like yes we're becoming close friends we are I mean I'm sure you are I think this guy likes me too he does I mean I'm sure he does do you think I should tell him how I feel yes freely okay I'll talk to Graham tomorrow thanks Erin you're a great friend Thanks who is Graham hey girl how's school are you okay it's so terrible what is school I just can't believe it Mandy stop being so dramatic hey you usually say that to me you won't believe who got the lead in the school play who Trina Taylor Taylor the principal's daughter that's interesting Trina's acting it's terrible and her singing is even worse she has to sing yes and she sings like this whoa Mandy be nice it's the truth and now I have to write about the auditions for the school paper Oh good luck so do you wish you were in the play well I would have liked to try out for it but since Trina has the biggest part I'm glad I'm not in it Mandy don't you have any homework to do yeah I have so much homework to do tonight don't you think you should get started oh yeah sorry you probably have a lot of homework to do too yeah I have world history on Tuesdays and Thursdays and that's your class with the most homework right right okay I'll see you later I have an article to write ok everyone if you haven't already please put your math homework on my desk hi Mandy hi mrs. black this is an interesting article you wrote for the school paper Thanks you really like it well I'd like to talk to you about it sometime oh ok oh sorry Mandy I didn't mean to bump into you oh that's okay Trina great article Mandy thanks Chris you really made Trina look bad I love it Chris please raise your hand if you want to say something sorry mrs. black I was just talking to Mandy next time please wait till after class to talk to Mandy yes mrs. black excuse me mrs. black could you please explain that math problem again I couldn't hear you because Chris was talking sure Trina okay so hey Mandy will cost you have next period biology with mr. Thompson in room 204 yes okay I'll tell my boyfriend why he didn't like what you wrote about me in the paper I'm sorry but what I wrote was the truth well I didn't like it either so my boyfriend is gonna do something about it like what you'll see we're going to start by reviewing our principles that we learned yesterday and then we'll go on from there I'm sorry I'm late mrs. black that's okay Mandy teacher's pet do you have something to say Trina no okay class please open your books to page 25 all right everyone please write down the problem I have on the board is something wrong Mandy I can't find my pencil who would like to lend Mandy a pencil i think jenny has an extra pencil Jenny oh sure here you go Mandy this is my pencil are you saying I stole your pencil or maybe you borrowed it oh that's right I borrowed it and forgot to give it back sorry oh no problem can we get back to the lesson girls yes mrs. black okay so as we approach a math problem we have to remember this is black may I please go to the restroom yes Mandie the restroom is this way oh I remembered I forgot something in my locker Mandy are you ok sure well you've come late and left my class early the past two days I'm just wondering what's going on uh I need to go now I still want to talk to you about your article hey how's it going all right what did you do at school today the same thing I did yesterday which is what hide from Katrina Taylor's boyfriend Oh Mandy hey I'm getting good at it although today when he came into the cafeteria I had to hide under the table that wasn't fun can't you talk to the principal or something no it's his daughter I wrote about well you can't hide from someone your full sophomore year sure I can and hey you do it what do you mean you spend all your time after school at home you're hiding from Matt I'm not hiding from him I'm just um trying not to see him isn't that the same thing maybe you know I've been thinking about joining a club hey that's great I want to make friends with people at NPC but it seems like everyone is already friends with Matt can't you be friends with Matt's friends I guess so it's just hard do you wish you lived in a dorm so you could beat more people sometimes but mom and dad wanted me to save money this first semester I'm glad it's nice to have you at home Thanks you have biology next right how do you like it I don't it's my least favorite subject really why I just don't like biology I think it's because mr. Thompson doesn't explain things very well I know what you mean have you done your English homework not yet I'm going to do it and study hall meet you oh I better go me too Mandy may I talk to you for a minute I'm going to be late for biology that's okay I'll write a note for your teacher okay come into my classroom I don't have a class this period Mandy I've been wanting to talk to you about your article you mean the one that has made me a few enemies right well I'm not surprised the truth can hurt you think what I wrote was the truth yes we all know why Trina got the biggest part well it's not right no it's not do you think the way you wrote your article was right I don't know Mandy I'm not good with words that's why I teach math but I do know that words have the power to hurt or to hee and I used them to hurt hmm what should I do that's for you to decide Wow Mandy so what did your advisors say about the article well he didn't even read the article until it came out in the paper then he wasn't very happy but I was so honest hmm why didn't he read it sooner well he really trusts Caitlyn the editor so was your article the truth yes but the things I wrote about Trina weren't very kind so what are you going to do well I need to apologize to Trina good idea yeah I really feel bad now about the things I wrote even if it was the truth I understand hey will you write the article about the play itself maybe I'll ask Caitlyn you never know Trina might do a good job true then maybe I could make up for what I wrote this time good thinking sorry about that everyone Mandy really needed to talk yes she wrote an article about someone that wasn't very nice now she knows that was a mistake well that sounds like a good lesson for her to learn we all make mistakes I'm glad Mandy learned from hers Jeff do you remember that editorial I wrote in college oh yes what happened we thought one of our professors was unfair to women students so I wrote an angry editorial about him for a college newspaper of course now I know I should have talked to him well you learned from that mistake true I learned the same lesson Mandy did I almost made a big mistake in college too what was it I almost married another guy instead of Greg that's right I was dating Greg but then Mitch Ellis he was very cute said he liked me I wanted to date him but Mitch wasn't a nice guy no he lied to me about a lot of things I can't believe I trusted him well live and learn and you married Greg not Mitch so I guess you learned from that experience yeah I made a big mistake when I broke up with Greg her friends kept telling her that liz finally realized they were right I learned a lot about myself from the experience and I learned a lot about Greg - like what he was so quick to forgive me and give me a second chance I could tell he really loved me Jeff do you have any regrets you've learned from um Jeff doesn't make mistakes you're going to regret teasing me if you don't stop oh I thought of an experience you could tell about what well this story is kind of like Liz's Mia let's not tell that story but it's funny not really besides I've put that behind me you used to love telling this story come on Jeff tell us okay a girl I really liked Casey Mae broke up with me it took me a long time to get over her why is that funny because she broke up with Jeff when he was 13 when did you get over her some time in high school wrong you are still bitter when we were in college okay I admit it but that was a mistake you're the only girl for me Mia Greg what about you well you know that big photo contest I entered last month yes I regret not entering more contests like that why he won contest that's great I'm glad you think so Jeff you see I want a trip to Brazil so you'll need some time off right what a day so how is your performance review I got fired me you didn't you're right I didn't don't say things like that I'm just teasing anyway my performance review went very well tell me about it my boss Stan called me into his office then he told me I was doing a good job that's great I'm so proud of you Stan said you're a good editor Mia you handle the job really well he's right about that she said I'm a good writer too she likes the things I write so is there anything you aren't good at well he said I do need to work on one thing what's that I'm not very good at giving work to others he says I'm too nice you are nice you have trouble telling people to do things well I'd rather work harder myself than overwork others I know but then you work too much you have to learn to tell people to do things and don't feel bad about it that's what Stan said if you learn to delegate you'll get more done you're right didn't you have to give some performance reviews today too yes I gave them to both my writers ava's was easy she works quickly and she's very responsible that's good jeromy's wasn't easy why not Jeremy needs to improve in several ways like what I'm not happy with the way he uses his time he waits until the last minute to do things that sounds like Rita she could use her time better to and Jeremy isn't very responsible why not he doesn't do things then he says I never told him about them for he blames someone else he doesn't sound like a good employee I'm afraid he's not I don't want to fire him I really hope he improves I hope so too firing someone isn't fun I'm glad I only have one more performance review to do will you do it tomorrow no I'll do it right now here's your performance review mine I have talent in cooking uh thanks honey you're welcome and what's this I watched too much TV and I don't put away my clothes I snore but don't worry honey I'll never fire you all of these universities look good Erin that's because these catalogs make them all look good how can I know which university is best for me you should talk to more people about this they'll have some good ideas for you I will but not yet I don't know if I'll get into any of these schools I'm sure you will thanks Jeff what about this school West Side University I like West Side because they have a new computer lab are the academics good at Westside they're okay I also like the University of South Florida it's close to home and that's where Claire goes to school yeah I still can't believe she likes someone else I'm sorry Aaron I'll be okay well maybe you should go to an out-of-state University what about Alabama knowledge I heard that's a party school I think you're right I probably shouldn't go there their academics aren't very good either you're right I'd like to ask the others about schools but I'm not ready to tell them yet command hi Claire hi guys what are you two doing nothing we're just talking are you looking at colleges uh no this catalog just came in the mail this University has a beautiful campus but I like my campus better really why we have a new Student Center what do you do at the Student Center my boyfriend Graham and I go there almost every day after class we meet our friends and talk you have a boyfriend I do now thanks to Aaron hey Claire are you ready to go I am let's go five boys hey I really likes Graham huh I think so Aaron you need to hear the Brad Munroe story huh Brad was Mia's first boyfriend in college okay he and Neal were in student government together she really liked him why are you telling me this because they weren't together very long Brad graduated and Mia met me so so you don't know what will happen give it time morning Mia hi honey what would you like for dinner tonight whatever you want I won't be here where will you be did I forget to tell you the girls are having a sleepover at Becca's I'm so excited uh sleepover why you're not 13 anymore sleepovers are fun at any age bye honey love you hey Becca I invited Jeff and Nick to our place tonight we're going to play xbox sorry but I need the apartment tonight I'm having a sleepover what you didn't tell me calm down Aaron you can stay at Jeff's me Oh we'll be at our place okay so why are you having a sleepover we got the idea yesterday we girls should get together sometime soon that would be fun hey maybe we could have a sleepover I love sleepovers yeah great idea what are you girls all smiling about we want to have a girl sleepover would you like to come sure that sounds like fun really great we're going to have a wonderful time so that's why we're having the sleepover well I hope you girls have a good time what else should we bring tonight I think we have enough snacks and movies do you have enough masks Aaron stop making fun of us well isn't that what girls do at sleepovers put masks on their faces we're not telling you what we do hey Aaron are you ready to go almost Oh tonight will be so much fun why are you so excited ever I can't wait for our sleepover what the girls do is sleepovers anyway they put on mud masks and talk about boys you think that's exciting guys don't understand yeah we know how to have fun right girls right yes I won not again let's watch TV now no let's keep playing xbox yeah this is fun I bet we're having a lot more fun than the girl sir oh I'm sure we are they were so excited about their sleepover they couldn't stop smiling I know why do girls like sleepovers so much who knows they sound boring to me oh this is fun I never laughed this much and mom never has this much energy amber where is your mom she went to the bedroom to get something that was 15 minutes ago I'll go check on her I hope she's okay I guess mom had too much fun she's sleeping Wow Aaron you won again I wonder what the girls are doing probably doing masks yeah Mia loves those why she says they're relaxing and they're good for your face are they really maybe we could try them what No yeah why not no one will know I'll get me is that good do you have any cookies no sorry I have some at home I'll get them I'll go with you hi guys we oh my what's that on your faces are you wearing masks I knew this was a bad idea no it's a great idea and I have a better idea what I'll get the other girls they have to see this look Liz this is the itinerary for our trip to the Amazon really let me see oh we're going to the rainforest this will be a fun trip it sure will I'm glad we're taking this trip together we need some time away from Tampa look at this list we need to take all these things let me see first let's look over the list and see what we already have we both just bought new shoes and we have rain hats do we have our visas yet yes we just got them back with our passports yesterday that's good what about the stop and shop amber can't work during the day should we close the store for a week that's a good idea staying in the rainforest will be a real adventure it sure will uh-oh what we need to see the doctor before we go oh no we have to get shots you can't be too careful when you visit the rainforest that's true Wow just preparing for our trip will be an adventure huh hi you too Liz Greg told me about your trip it sounds like a lot of fun Brazil here we come I know you'll have a great time we just got our itinerary today what time is your flight our plane leaves Tampa next Monday morning at 9:30 when do you come back we return on October 22nd we're going on a six-day adventure in the rainforest Wow where are you staying we're staying on a houseboat a houseboat that sounds like fun I hope you two are ready for an adventure we are but we're not ready for the trip we have a list of things to get when Amber gets here you and I should go shopping good idea it looks like you two went shopping we needed new backpacks and clothes for our trip so you're ready to go almost we just need a few more things and we need to pack do you have time to have dinner with us tonight we might have some things you need sure that would be great that was a great dinner thanks Jeff no problem I wanted you to have one last dinner before you go before you get eaten by piranhas huh yeah maybe you'll be swimming and right behind you getting ready to thanks for the bug repellent that's one more thing we can check off our list we bought a lot of bug repellent for our last trip I'm glad someone can use it so what are you looking forward to the most I'm looking forward to leaving the city me too we can't wait to get out in nature Liz loves a good adventure and Greg is looking forward to taking a lot of pictures I know you two are going to have a great time thanks I think it's time for us to go we have a lot to do thanks again for dinner we'll see you soon have fun in the Amazon and remember don't get eaten by piranhas hi Erin hi mom's meeting me here for coffee she says she has a surprise for me what do you think it is I don't know but mom says I'll like it hi mom so what's the surprise you can't wait can you no okay we're going to take a trip to Europe Europe I've always wanted to travel to Europe I know when are we going where are we going how long can we stay we'll go during your Christmas vacation we'll stay about a week but where will we go dan says you and I can decide Wow let's go to Paris Rome London wait a minute we'll only have a week for sightseeing that's right you can't see all the famous places in one week so we should choose one place yes okay hmm what do I want to see in Europe Paris is famous for great art museums London also has some great museums and we can speak English there so how are we going to decide why don't you look on the computer good idea let's see which cities have things we really want to see there are so many places to go in Europe let's just choose two cities and decide between them that would be easier we can each choose one where do you want to go Paris I think why I want to go to Paris to see the Louvre what about you amber I want to go to London there are lots of attractions there so you'll decide between Paris and London right there are some cool castles in London I know those would be fun to see so let's go to London but I would love to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris too which city is easier to get around both cities have subways that would be the best way to travel around this isn't going to be an easy decision Paris and London both have interesting attractions and delicious food and cool stores and they're both expensive you can't choose the cheaper place how are we going to decide well let's go home and talk to dad right we'll just have to tell him tell him what tell him we need a longer vacation hey are you really busy right now sort of I'm studying for a test why what's up I need to go to the mall to exchange something can you take me I'd love to but you have a lot of studying to do right can mom take you maybe but you've seemed a little sad lately I thought shopping would cheer you up you're right it would okay I'll take you thanks Mandy so what do you need to exchange my new basketball shoes the ones I helped you pick out why are you exchanging them there's such cool shoes I know but they're white and my team just decided to get black shoes this year oh do you have the receipt right here great let's go let's go exchange my shoes first then we can shop wherever you want okay so you don't want to do any shopping no I can look at clothes with you or whatever you want but then can we go to the ice rink sure let's go to the food court first and get a drink okay then we can talk about guys what that's what you're sad about right well never mind we'll talk when we get our drinks so how are things going with none okay it's still awkward when we see each other but it's getting better are you still sad about breaking up sort of I know it was the right thing to do but it's so hard you really miss him don't you yeah I feel like I lost my best friend you're so good friends with Jake right yes we don't hang out that much but he's been helping me get to know other people at NPC he's a really nice guy yes he is I wonder how Matt's doing he seems fine whenever I see him he's with a big group of friends he's always laughing and having a great time that sounds like Matt let's talk about something else there's more to life than guys Wow Olli I never thought I'd hear you say that very funny yeah I guess I've learned a lot from my relationship with Matt are you ready to go sure hey maybe you should buy something at the sporting goods store why I don't play sport well maybe you should start don't forget your good friend Jake like for it's Mandy hi can I help you find anything no thank you I'm just looking well if you need anything just let me know thanks Ally oh hi Jake what are you doing here I didn't know you played sports oh I don't I'm just here with Mandy hi Jake what are you shopping for I'm looking for a new football you play football not on the school team or anything Matt and I just play with some of the guys in his dorm I've been telling Alli she should try a sport have you ever played any sports Ally well I was on the track team in junior high and I played on the volleyball team my sophomore year I didn't know you liked volleyball a group of us play volleyball on Thursday nights you should join us but I'm not very good Mandy is the real athlete in our family that's okay we just play for fun well I know playing sports is a good way to get to know people but and you told me you want to make more friends at NPC right right so you should take Mandy's advice and try a sport I don't know it doesn't have to be volleyball what about tennis these racquets are on sale good idea you look cute in one of those little tennis skirts Alli very funny I'm sorry Ally we push you if you don't like sports that's fine oh that's okay actually maybe you guys are right I couldn't try a new sport just for fun are you sure yes which sport do you think I'd like best how about badminton I bet you'd be good at it hmm maybe we already have badminton rackets at home though so I don't need to buy one hey what about softball well you'd need to wait till spring that's true what about soccer I haven't really played soccer before I just played in PE class next time my friends and I play soccer I'll let you know okay we'll teach you how to play it's a lot of fun okay thanks Jake I don't need to buy anything for soccer do i no not if you're just playing for fun okay although I could get one of these cute jerseys just for fun what kind of Jersey are you looking for I'm not sure do you have this in blue here's a blue one Thanks does this come in other sizes I need a medium here's a medium thanks I'm sorry this is too big can I get a smaller one sure here's a small for you Thanks I'll take this one will this be cash or credit credit card please okay may I see your ID here you go Wow that Jersey is 30% off what a good deal it is maybe I'll get one well I'd better go see you girls later oh hey we're almost done here want to go to the ice rink with us oh sure that would be fun that was fun I'm glad I ran into you girls me too I'd really better go now though I have a paper to write okay see you Jake oh hey Ally I wanted to ask you did you hear about Brad's concert at school next month yes are you going of course Brad's a good friend of mine so I'm making sure everyone knows about it okay sure I'll be there great see you later bye so now what Alli where do you want to shop I don't know I know most of your favorite stores are upstairs yeah let's go upstairs now do you want to take the escalator or the elevator oh whatever you want Mandy this shopping trip sure did its job what do you mean you're more cheered up than I've seen you in a month hi honey what did the doctor say Mia you look like you're in shock is it something serious the doctor said I'm not sick then why have you been so sick to your stomach Jeff your dream has come true we're going to have a baby what I'm pregnant really are you sure yes the doctor said I'm already five weeks pregnant Wow are we going to be parents we already are parents oh I know yeah I know this isn't what you wanted right now I do want this this is wonderful but it's really a surprise isn't it we didn't plan to have children for two more years right I love my job I don't feel ready to give it up to be a mom yeah we always said you'd stop working we had kids but if you don't Jeff yes I will stop working at the newspaper when we have the baby are you sure yes this is hard and I may not feel ready for it but I know that every life is a gift even one that wasn't planned so I'll be the best mom I can be I know you will that's why I love you Mia so Jeff and Mia why did you ask us all to come here well everyone we have a surprise we wanted to share it with all of you what is it is me a pregnant yeah Jeff you tried that last April Fool's Day but we won't believe you this time so what's your announcement just tell us well we are expecting a baby you want us to believe you're pregnant I am pregnant she is really I don't know well it was a surprise for us too we're really going to have a baby so I'm buying coffee for everyone Jeff's spending money they must be telling the truth congratulations Sonia how are you feeling well I've been really tired and a little sick to my stomach that's why she went to the doctor yesterday oh well here have a seat get comfortable I'll get your coffee she'll have water what well honey you shouldn't have coffee while you're pregnant it's not good for the baby I can deal with being pregnant but I don't know if I can deal with no coffee for nine months this is such wonderful news I can't wait till your baby's born when is the baby due in June when can you find out if it's a boy or a girl probably in January I hope it's a girl daughters are great well I'm really happy for you too thanks Mia this is exciting but I thought you wanted to wait longer before you have children we did I really enjoy my job but life doesn't always go the way we plan that's true I'm worried about how my boss will react he might not understand why I want to stay home with the baby well I think it's great that you want to you'll be wonderful parents thank you honey you amaze me I do yes you work so hard to become an editor but you're willing to give it up for our family well you amaze me too really yes you've wanted a baby for so long but all day you've thought of me first thank you you're welcome I you and I love you little baby I love both of you - but Jeff are you sure I can't have any coffee baby what do you think thanks for lunch Kara Oh No thank you Liz my music store has really turned the corner really that's great news I'm so thankful for all your help you're welcome I'm really happy for you my dream is finally coming true I have my own business and it's profitable it's also good that you like what you do that's true I love my music store it must be fun to do something you love it is don't you like working at the Stop & Shop it's not bad but it's not easy I always have to compare prices with other stores oh I know what you mean every month I'm figuring out what our prices should be right you're always asking yourself our price is too high what would happen if prices were lower right it's not fun and it's hard to compete with large discount stores it is I wish I could just have a nice little store with no problems I don't like worrying about being profitable every month that's business but it's also exciting right it has been but I've thought about doing something else really what would you like to do managing the stop and shop isn't an adventure but managing profit and loss margins every month can be exciting you really think so I have to atlas I like business really I like it almost as much as I like music wow that's great so what are you going to do oh nothing the stop and shop might not be exciting but it's a good business besides what else would I do I don't know what do you like I like adventure I loved Brazil well business is an adventure maybe one month is it down monk the adventure is trying to do better the next month right right some months I just break even but even that's fun because i know i did lose money you're right it is an adventure doing business can be fun are you two girls doing well we're fine what about you Becca how are your profit margins how are my profit margins actually the net Cafe has been doing really well that's wonderful in fact the people at headquarters might want me to work there Wow yeah it would be an adventure that's business of fun adventure what are all these things on the floor there are things to recycle I cleaned the apartment this afternoon and now I'm tired I can't stop yawning why don't you take a nap before dinner I think I will can you be quiet of course I can be very quiet I won't even turn on the TV okay thanks I think I'll sleep for about two hours do you want me to wake you up sure thanks in two hours that'll be five o'clock that's fine sleep well thanks I'll just read a book hey Aaron Shh what Becca's asleep oh I wanted to ask you to play catch catch no thanks here's your ball catch oh I don't think Becca is sleeping now do you want me to wake you up sure thanks in two hours that'll be five o'clock that's fine sleep well thanks I'll just read a book hey Aaron Shh what Becca's asleep oh I wanted to ask you to play catch catch no thanks here's your ball catch oh I don't think Becca is sleeping now I thought you were going to be quiet I'm sorry Becca we need to go back to sleep we'll be really quiet now I can't not sleepy now well you did ask me to wake you up I know but I wanted to sleep longer than 20 minutes girls thanks for these baby clothes they're really cute you're welcome I can't wait to see the baby I can't either but we have to wait seven more months that's a good thing we need time to get ready what will you name the baby I don't know Jeff and I need to talk about it do you have any ideas honey not yet we have some ideas for you oh really yes we found some ideas online we chose three boys names and three girls names these are favorites you're so nice thank you what did you choose the boys names are John Aiden and David I want the name John but it's too common I want a special name for our baby do you like the name Ayden Ayden that's a nice name but there are too many ways to spell it you couldn't need the baby after Mia's brother David do you like that idea I don't know what girls names do you like we think her middle name should be Mia oh good idea I like my name but its meaning isn't very special it just means my that's right your Mia Mia haha but Jeffrey is a good middle name for a boy okay let's talk about your daughter's first name we like Ava barrel or svet Lana it was a nice name and it's a popular name for girls named Lily but I don't want a popular name oh right then what about Svetlana yes Svetlana is hard to say okay what about barrel the name barrel means jewel isn't that a nice meaning um we'll think about these names then we'll let you know thanks again girls okay see you later bye aren't they cute Claire and amber really want to help us so what do you think honey well I was thinking how about the name pebbles for a girl it's my favorite cartoon uh Jeff let's find a name that's not common or strange hey Liz I got mail from yesterday the postcard just arrived yesterday yes it's cool you sent me a postcard from Brazil it took a long time to arrive didn't it I guess so when did you send it our second day in Brazil that was more than two weeks ago well I'm glad in a ride I'm glad you got it was there a post office near your hotel did you send it from there no we gave it to someone at the hotel that's nice did everyone get a postcard yes we picked a different one for each of you why did you pick this one for me which postcard did we send you this one oh yes we thought you'd like those shops they sell a lot of cool clothes they're fun I want to go next time you can go with us okay sure I like the stamp too the picture on it is pretty Brazil is a beautiful place hey Aaron look what I found in my mailbox yesterday you got a postcard from Greg and Liz - that's right Liz told me a lot about Brazil it looks like a cool place what looks like a cool place Brazil it does I received a postcard from Greg and Liz today look yours just arrived - well it is a long way from Brazil to Tampa anything else come in the mail today sis a package for me I bought some quotes from a catalogue cool let me see Aaron you got something in the mail - what a big envelope from Dexter College oh it's just junk mail give it to me I don't think it's junk mail why not because it says congratulations on the envelope that doesn't mean anything and they sent it first class so Aaron are you going to college next September no then why did Dexter College send you this because I might go there in January hi Becca hey Claire good to see you where were you this weekend what we talked about taking in a movie on Saturday remember but you never came over oh right sorry about that Claire is something bothering you it's okay you don't have to share if you don't want to well you know we just found out Aaron's going to college yes I was sad all weekend I'm really going to miss Aaron really yes he's such a good friend but you have a boyfriend I know Graham is great but but what do you like Aaron better than Graham would you rather date Aaron oh I didn't mean that Claire can I ask you something sure what don't you like about Aaron what Aaron's a great guy I like him a lot then why don't you want to date him I don't know I never thought about that before oh I prefer older guys anyway I don't think Aaron is interested in me hi Becca hi Claire oh hi Aaron we were just talking about you oh really yes I'm excited for you about going to college yes we'll miss you but I know this is the best thing for you I guess so will you miss Becca - miss Becca why Becca are you going somewhere maybe I might move to Atlanta to work at net cafe headquarters don't worry Wow don't you like working here I do of course I dislike some things about it too well that will be true of any job right but I don't want to work here forever I understand and you could probably learn a lot at headquarters true but will I like it I'm not sure do you prefer working with customers or in an office I don't know I never worked in an office oh I'd rather work with customers I don't like sitting at a desk all day that's one difference between you and me you'll spend lots of time at a desk in college Aaron true hey Becca if you leave can I manage the net cafe hi honey I'm home hi jack what did your boss say first tell me about your day how was work what did you do we had a busy day I'm glad to be home but I want to hear about you did you tell your boss you are pregnant yes I told him everyone knows now that's great so what did he say Stan wasn't very understanding in fact I think he was a little angry what he's angry that you're pregnant I think so oh well you already decided to stop working right right but I asked him if I could work from home and he said no he said no way your boss isn't very flexible is he well we understand it's a lot of trouble to find a new person you'll have to look a long time there's no one like you no Jeff when I rhymed down you always make me feel better do you want me to sing for you please don't I feel bad enough already hi guys hi Rita can I help you no I just needed five minutes away from work Jeff can be really serious sometimes I know what you mean maybe Brazil would be nice Craig I thought we weren't telling people yet telling people what oh nothing why do you two look so nervous nervous we're not nervous what is going on do you want to tell her or should I tell her you tell her I think you should then why did you ask if I sure guys one of you had better tell me or I will be very disappointed okay will tell you Wildlife magazine offered Greg a job in Brazil what I sent them pictures from our trip I just hoped they'd like them and they did that's great Greg but do you two really want to live in Brazil it would be a big change I've never thought of leaving the US but it would be an adventure and you know I like a good adventure we're not sure if we're going or not I don't want to play anymore I hate this game what's wrong Aaron don't worry about it Nick it's not important are you sure I want to go to college but I still have so many questions to answer like what like how will I pay for college yes that will be hard and there are other questions too what are you going to do I don't know sometimes I just want to give up that's how I felt when the band broke up but then Becca told us not to give up and now we have a great band right well then I guess I shouldn't give up right this joy happy you're sad you feel hurt but dog there's joy at the end of the road thanks Nick I feel a lot better now we
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 185,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english conversations, english exercises, english pronunciation, games to learn english, in english, learn english british council, learn english kids
Id: r75Y7XRdlc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 40sec (4900 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2015
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