Learn English: Cause & Effect – so, since, hence, due to, as a result...

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hello my name is emma and in today's video i'm going to teach you some new vocabulary this vocabulary is very useful when we are giving explanations or when we are talking about cause and effect cause and effect might be new words for you so i'm gonna teach you about those words as well as other words we use when we're talking about explanations or cause and effect so what is cause what do i mean by cause when we talk about cause we're talking about why something happens okay so we're talking about a situation or an event or a reason that leads to something when we talk about effect we're talking about the outcome or the what the what happened so for example here are some examples of causes and their effects study okay so study is the cause if you study hard the effect is you do well okay you study hard is the cause the effect is you do well if you drink a lot of tequila what what happens well maybe you get a hangover so the cause is drinking tequila and the effect is hangover this leads to this okay what about um if you forgot your boyfriend or girlfriend's birthday and you've been going out for eight years what do you think's gonna happen the effect of that might be a big fight or a big argument so we have here the cause you forgot the birthday and we have the effect a big fight so now let's look at some sentences where we actually use cause and effect vocabulary okay so the first word we're going to focus on when we're talking about cause and effect is the word so we use so a lot when we're talking about cause and effect so for example i drink tequila we already talked about that that's the cause so i have a hangover that's an effect the word so connects the cause with the effect you'll also notice there's a comma here okay so it's comma so i have a hangover let's look at another example john forgot his anniversary that's the cause so his wife is angry that's the effect and again we use the word so to connect the cause to the effect and these explain something that's happening these are also explanations okay so when i'm talking about cause and effect i'm also talking about explanations explanations answer the question why why am i hungover because i drink tequila why is john's wife angry because john forgot the anniversary okay so so is very useful with this now you're going to notice that when we use so the cause is first and the effect is second now let's look at another word that we use when we're talking about cause and effect that word is because we use because when we're talking about cause and effect because i studied hard i did well so the cause is i studied hard and the effect is i did well when we use because we can switch these okay so we can have the effect first and the cause second so in this case i can also say i did well which is the effect because i studied heart which is the cause and we connect the cause and the effect using the word because so it's similar to so but in this case because allows us flexibility we can start the sentence with because because and then we can have the cause because i ate all the cake i have a stomach ache okay that's that rhymes um or we can also have it reversed okay let's look at another example um we can also say for example because you forgot i will tell you again so you forgot is the cause and the effect is i'm going to tell you again we can switch these where the effect comes first and the cause comes second i will tell you again because you forgot so the key here is the placement of because because comes first if the next um because comes first if the cause is at the beginning of the sentence and effect is the second part of the sentence because comes in the middle if the effect is first so in this case this is the effect and this is the cause okay we can also use the word sins since is like because so for example here i can say since i studied hard i did well i can also say i did well since i studied hard so we're using it the same way as because and it also allows us to change the position of the cause and the effect since you forgot i will tell you again i will tell you again since you forgot so the words we've learned so far are so because and since let's look at some more formal words we use when we're talking about cause and effect we also have more formal language we can use when talking about cause and effect so when we're talking more formally we might be doing this because we're in college or university and we're writing about cause and effect maybe in an essay or maybe we're at work and we're a professional and we want to sound more formal and professional so formal language is the type of language you use with your bosses with you know when you're in school it's not the language you use with your friends okay so let's look at some more formal language and again formal language we often use with writing less so with speaking so we have here some vocabulary we use when we're talking about cause and effect as a result as a consequence due to so let's look at how these can connect a cause to an effect as a result of oceans becoming warmer coral reefs are dying so what part is the cause the cause is the oceans are getting warmer and what's the effect coral reefs are dying so just like because we can put as a result at the beginning of the sentence to say as a result cause effect as a result of the oceans getting warmer coral reefs are dying like because we can also switch this around coral reefs are dying so this is the effect as a result so this is our cause and effect vocabulary of the oceans getting warmer okay and this is the cause so it's possible to use as a result like you would because it's the same with this word or this phrase as a consequence when we're talking about consequences consequences are usually negative things so we're usually talking about a cause that leads to something negative a negative effect so we can change this and use as a consequence if we want as a consequence of oceans becoming warmer coral reefs are dying we can also use the word due to due to oceans becoming warmer coral reefs are dying so these are interchangeable meaning we can use these um in the same way and now just like as a result we can also switch as a consequence in due to so here we have coral reefs are dying we can change this too as a consequence of the oceans getting warmer coral reefs are dying due to oceans getting warmer so my main point here is that we use these expressions to link cause and effect and there's different ways we can do this we also have some other words these words are very formal okay so we don't use them in speaking a lot but we have words like thus therefore hence i would only use these words especially thus and hence in writing if i'm writing something very academic but i can use this when i'm talking about cause and effect in writing this is not an academic example but i'm using an academic word here i drank tequila period thus i was hungover so again we have the cause and we have the effect and it's connected with the word thus although this time we're using it in to connect two different sentences i drank tequila therefore i was hungover i drank tequila hence i was hungover again these words you use in very academic formal situations okay you would not actually use it with your friends talking about drinking tequila but you can see the grammar of it and how we would use it in a sentence so we've covered a lot of cause and effect vocabulary we've covered so because since as a result as a consequence due to therefore thus and hence so these are a lot of words and what i recommend you do is come visit our website at www.invid.com and there you can actually do a quiz to practice these words that link cause and effect and you can also practice identifying cause and effect because that's a very important skill too if you are writing the ielts or the toefl we often use these words in essays so that's very important as well as anyone going to university or college or um high school where they're going to have to write essays in english these words are very important there too and professionally so i highly recommend you take our quiz to practice more i also recommend you come visit or you subscribe to my channel where you'll find a lot of different topics on grammar writing reading vocabulary speaking and many more so thank you for watching and until next time take care
Channel: English with Emma · engVid
Views: 266,312
Rating: 4.9634805 out of 5
Keywords: cause, because, since, consequently, due, hence, thus, therefore, ESL, vocabulary, grammar, writing, IELTS, TOEFL, English, Learn English, English lessons, how to say, how to say in English, English grammar, slang, pronunciation, idioms, spelling, anglais, ingles, speaking, engvid, educational, lessons, lesson, instructional, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, إنجليزي, EnglishLessons4U, how to, how-to, Emma
Id: Iinar3iM8NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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