Learn Counting 1 to 20 with Numberblocks Mathlink Cube Activity Toy #counting

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let's learn to count with our number blocks one two three 4 5 6 Seven 8 9 10 10 great job that's 1 to 10 what comes after 10 hm I know let's use this number blocks Activity Set to count to 20 okay what comes inside here let's check it out wow that's a lot of stuff we have stickers for the faces a set of instructions some cards with activities all of these colorful blocks and here are some more pieces wo neat it's a skateboard and it has all the colors of the rainbow here we go now we can find out what comes after 10 we'll just pick a card here's 11 for 11 we'll need white blocks here's five blocks and here's another five blocks number 11 is built this way so I'll just take these blocks and and put them together like [Music] this there that looks about right now all we're missing is the one block up here that turns it into number 11 and for that we're going to need a red block there it goes next we'll move over here and add some of these pieces this will make the perfect base to add the f [Music] face and one more red now we'll give number 11 a face here's one eye and another eye with a mouth I'll Place one sticker over here and another one right over here there you go number 11 has a face now and all we're missing is the number right up top and here's number 11 all complete 11 our next number is 12 let's gather our blocks we'll need 10 white blocks here's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that's just the amount we'll need and we'll need two orange blocks I'll need three blocks on the top so I'll add them just like this [Music] now let's add these cover pieces I'll need some white and some [Music] orange now how about we give number 12 a face hm I wonder which one we should pick we have this one and this one let's use this one and we'll also need a mouth We'll add the eyes over here and the mouth over here we're just missing one piece and that's the number where's number 12 could it be this right we'll put it right up here 12 next is 13 oh 13's a little different and I'll show you how we'll need some white blocks here's 1 2 3 4 five and we'll need 1 2 3 4 five more that's 10 let's get them together like this now that we have 10 together we'll need 1 2 three y yellow blocks the yellow blocks go up top here let's add them like this that's one two and three great job we did it now let's look through here and add some of the face pieces we'll use some white but we'll only add it for the parts that the face goes [Music] on let's just add a number on the top where's number 13 here it is let's add it right over here 13 now what's after 13 14 let's build the number 14 we'll need some white blocks here's 1 2 3 4 5 that's the right amount here's 1 2 3 4 5 that makes 10 we'll just add them this way and now we'll need some green blocks here they are we'll need 1 2 3 4 Green blocks I'm going to add these on the [Music] top now we'll just need some of these pieces I'll use some white right over here on the bottom for his face number 14 has rainbow eyebrows let's get one eye on this side and another eye on this side and here goes his mouth now number 14 is writing a rainbow skateboard and he also wears a helmet let's see where can we find those pieces I see a rainbow skateboard let's add him on that and also here's his green helmet let's put that on his head and now let's look for the number 14 let's add it right over here 14 the next number block is 15 I'll need some white blocks here's one I'll add two now let's add three and then we'll add four they sort of look like Steps here's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 now we'll need five more blocks to make 15 and we'll use the blue blocks for that here's 1 2 3 four and five now to add the blue we'll start off on the bottom here then we'll add all of these together and add them all at once now let's just add some of these face pieces I'll add 1 2 3 4 that should be enough and now for a face sticker let's Place one eye here and the other one can go over here and how about a little mouth right over here let's add the number number right on top here it goes 15 now what's next it's the number 16 to build 16 we'll need 10 white blocks here's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and then we'll need six of these Indigo blocks here we go 1 2 3 4 5 and six okay you ready to put them together here we go let's start off with one two here's three and four now we'll do four more on the bottom great how about one more on the side and now we'll start with the indigo ones they're more towards the center now one more white block and then we'll finish off with some more Indigo blocks on the bottom let's do the last [Music] four all right now for some face pieces we'll just do four on the [Music] bottom [Music] now for a face sticker here's one eye here's another eye all we need is a mouth here we go let's get this together awesome you did a fantastic job now for a number we'll put it right over here the number 16 16 let's see what's next it's number 17 number 17 is very colorful and looks like an artist he's even got a painters palette for number 17 we'll need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 white blocks since he's rainbow we'll also need one of each color here's red orange yellow green blue indigo and here's Violet all right let's see how we can add them all together five on this side and let's do five more on this [Music] side now let's add the colorful pieces looks like red is over here and then here is orange orange and yellow let's add green over here and blue right over here next let's add Indigo and on the top we'll add Violet there it goes that looks right now we'll add the face pieces for this one I'll cover all of the white we'll need them later and you'll see why because number 17 is a painter and now we'll add the stickers we needed to cover all the white blocks because number 17 has a lot of paint splatter everywhere here's our paint splatter stickers we'll follow the number 17 picture so we know where our paint splatters go the Blue Splatter goes over here then we need the yellow splatter that goes over here here's the Indigo splatter and then we'll need Violet that can go over here now here's the red and green splatter in one sticker boy number 17 is really messy and how about a face looks like we could use these eyes here's one eye and we'll need one more now for a mouth oh this mouth looks perfect it has a paint splatter it must belong to number 17 here it goes now all we need is to add a number do you see the number 17 anywhere right it's over here 17 next is 18 for 18 we'll use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 white blocks and then we'll also need these pink pink blocks here's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let's get this [Music] together okay now let's add the eight pink blocks and on the bottom we have three three more it looks great now we'll need some face pieces I'll add one white and one pink let's add the eyes to the white part and the mouth to the pink part let's add a number 18 next is 19 we'll build number 19 with one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 white blocks and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine gray blocks let's start building I'll start off with the dark gray then I'll add two of these white pieces now let's add one more dark gray piece right here and two more white pieces we'll continue with a medium gray and some more white pieces then one more medium gray and some more white pieces on the bottom here's the last medium gray piece and now we can add some light gray here's a white piece and I'll add two more of the light grays and the last white now we can add the face pieces I'll add some white and some stickers to complete her face all we need is the number 19 19 our last number is the number 20 the easiest way to make 20 is by adding 10 + 10 and we have 10 block over here plus 10 blocks let's just add them in a way so they stick together that's how number 20 [Music] is now let's add some of these face [Music] pieces number 20 is wearing a top hat that is right here let's add it to the very top now how about a face let's see which face would be perfect for the number 20 here's some eyes let's add those over here and now for a mouse here it is and number 20 is extra fancy he has a bow tie let's add that to the bottom over here all he needs is his number let's add that right on the top 20 now that you know all of your numbers let's count them all together here's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 you're a great counter now you know your numbers from 1 to 20 see you next time
Channel: Tottle Tots - Learning Videos for Kids
Views: 1,013,940
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Id: _AX9_wcbUZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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