Learn CORS In 6 Minutes

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we have technology it didn't work [Music] that used to be me every single time i ran into a error until i realized just how easy it is to fix these errors so in this video i'm going to show you everything you need to know about course so you never have to run into these types of errors here's a quick example of a course error as you can see i just have a simple script file that's running on my client it's accessing our server trying to get some data and it's trying to print that data out and on our server you can see we have that data response we're just using express to set up the server listening on port 3000 and as you can see when we're trying to fetch from localhost 5500 to localhost 3000 it's saying that we cannot fetch that because of course and it's saying that no access control allow origin header is present on the requested resource and that tells you exactly what you need to do to fix cores in order to allow a request to go from one origin to another so for example localhost port 5500 to localhost 3000 we need to tell the browser hey we allow requests to come from other urls and this is what the access control allow origin allows us to do it says where do you allow requests to come from so our server is telling our client hey these are the allowed urls that are able to access us by default the only allowed url is the same origin that you come from so we can make requests from our current origin but when you're trying to make requests from a different origin you need to specify the origins that are allowed now in order to do this setting of the header inside of express we're going to be using a library called cores to do that and i'll show you the before and after of what happens we go to the network tab here we can see that this data request is being made and if i just try to come in here and look at the different headers you can see that my response headers has nothing to do with that application or access control allow origins you can see it doesn't exist anywhere inside of here but if we install that coors library so we say npmi cores that's just going to install those for express there's a million different ways to do this depending on what library you're using so if you're using express it's going to be this course library if you're using like python or go there's going to be their own library or you can manually set the headers on your own but we can just say app.use course and this is a function and the first thing we're going to pass to it is our origin and this is the origin of the client that we allow which we know is just localhost 5500 so now if i just make sure that i take cores and require that cores library and i save you can see that if we go over to our console we're still getting that request error and that's because this origin has a value of localhost 5500 but it's not equal to because that's our actual url so let's say now when we save you can see it actually prints out the data instead of giving us a course error if we come in here let's just make sure we refresh all this open up our data and you can see we have an access control allow origin and it has the actual url that we're trying to make the request from so our server is saying hey you know what if you're coming from this you know origin then we allow any request to come up but let's say this is 5501 that's now a different origin so now we're getting that error because it's saying hey you know what you're not equal to the allowable origins also if you want to allow any origin at all just put a star inside of here and now if we save this with just a star you can see that the data is coming through just fine and that's because our axis allowed origins here we come in here our access control origin is for every single thing it's because we have a star here now this works great when it comes to things like git and post request this is going to solve all of your problems for cores immediately but if you need to do something like a put request so if we change this to a put and then inside of here we just make our method a put method well now we actually have a different problem that we're going to run into you'll notice we come in here let's just change this back to http port 550 and we click save here and we go to our console you notice it's printing everything out just fine if we go over to our network tab though and we go to this other section you're going to notice we also have these things called options request and options request is essentially a preflight request whenever we do something like a put or we do something like a delete we're going to need to do this options request to make sure we're allowed to do this put in this delete and if we scroll down to the response headers you'll see this access control request method it's saying hey i want to make a put request am i allowed to do that and if you scroll up you're going to see that we also respond with access control allowed methods and by default this is returning everything git head put patch post delete so it's saying we're allowed to do all these different types of things well inside of course we can actually change our methods so we can just say methods we can pass in an array so we could say you know what only allow git and post request no put no none of that now when i save and i go to the console we're getting a coors error and that's because we're trying to use the method put but it's not being allowed if we go to that options you can see that we only are allowing git and post and that doesn't match the put that we're trying to actually do a request on we can use this method to fine tune what different things we allow other urls to actually do by default it's allowing everything with this course library but we could say you know only do git and post and no puts are going to be allowed or we could remove that and now if this will actually successfully work because put is being allowed now the final thing that i want to talk about with course is going to be how you can actually send up cookies because by default cookies are blocked if we come into here we can just say that we want to pass in credentials and we just say include that's going to include our credentials in the request and you notice we immediately get cores issues again because we don't have an access control allow credentials header so we need to set this access control allow credentials header on the server this is as easy as just saying with i'm sorry credentials and setting that to true that is going to set this access control allow credentials and if we go to our network and we go and we scroll down here you'll see access control allow credentials is set to true that's all there is to cores if you're interested in more security related videos they're going to be linked over here and a full written version of this video is also linked down in the description below thank you very much for watching and have a good day
Channel: Web Dev Simplified
Views: 658,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdevsimplified, cors, cross origin resource sharing, cross origin policy, cors js, cors javascript, cors explained, cors policy, cors error, cors header 'access-control-allow-origin' missing, how to fix cors error, cors node.js, cors node, cors nodejs, cors node js, cors security, javascript, js, node, nodejs, node js, node.js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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