CORS in 100 Seconds

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cross-origin resource sharing or cores is a mechanism that allows a website on one url to request data from a different url and it's frustrated both front-end and back-end developers since the dawn of time you may have tried to use an image on your website that lives on a different url only to end up with a broken image or your website might try to fetch data from your api then fail with a coors error in the console that happens because the browser implements the same origin policy as part of its security model which allows a website to freely request images and data from its own url but blocks anything from an external url unless certain conditions are met when the browser makes a request it adds an origin header to the request message if that request goes to a server on the same origin then it's allowed by the browser with no questions asked however if that request goes to a different url then it's known as a cross origin request when sending the response the server will add the access control allow origin header its value needs to match the origin header on the request or it can be a wild card which allows any url to make the request if it's a mismatch though the browser will prevent the response data from being shared with the client this results in an error in the browser but for security reasons there's very limited information about what actually went wrong the solution to a corsair lies on the server if you don't control the server you're out of luck if you do control it you likely just need to configure it to respond with a proper header in express.js for example that can be achieved with a single line of middleware code which tells the server to include the course headers on every response now certain http requests like put or any request with a non-standard header will need to be preflighted and just like at the airport it's a sanity check that ensures the passenger or request is safe to fly on the airplane or server the browser automatically knows when to preflight and will first make a request using the options http verb the server will then respond saying yes i allow this origin to make requests with the following methods at which point the main request can happen without fear of disaster that may sound inefficient but the server can respond with a max age header allowing the browser to cache a preflight for a certain amount of time if you happen to be facing a coors error right now open the network tab in the browser find the response and look for the access control allow origin header if it doesn't exist you need to enable cores on your server if it does exist the url may be a mismatch with the website or if it was preflighted it may not be allowing those methods or headers in the request all of which are things you can configure on the server this has been cross origin resource sharing in 100 seconds thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 385,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial, 100 Seconds of code, cors, rest apis, cors error, fix cors, cross origin resource sharing, web, chrome browser
Id: 4KHiSt0oLJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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