Learn ALL About Natural Disasters! | Earth Science Compilation For Kids | KLT

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kids learn it too tornadoes are rapidly rotating Columns of air that form inside supercell storms with you this I will share when they connect with the ground is a funnel of cloud they are officially tornadoes of which I am very proud tornadoes begin with a powerful thunderstorm I tell these thunderstorms are not normal they are called super cells super C thunderstorms reach up to 50,000 ft in height bringing High force winds Giant hailstones and great flashes of lightning so bright supercells are great at causing tornadoes under specific conditions I'll explain the recipe for a tornado this is my mission Rising airs the first ingredient needed to form a tornado let's take a look I will explain how it develops in this show condensation releases heat this heat becomes the energy that drives huge upward drops of air that start the formation of me the more condensation and the bigger storm clouds grow the more powerful those updrafts become this is something you should know in super cells as rising air mass is really strong you see as air climbs it can change direction and start to move more quickly if there's a lot of moisture a huge Cloud base develops it's bizarre giving the tornado something to feed up if it gets that far when all of these things are in place a Vortex develops I assure it forms a wide tall tube of spinning air that gets pulled upwards this is called the mesocyclone which is what you're seeing here but to become a tornado it has to touch the Earth down there outside cool dry sinking air starts to wrap around the back of this mes a cyclone forming a rear flank down draft from above this scenario creates a temperature difference between the air inside the mesocyclone and the air outside you see this builds a level of instability that allows tornadoes to thrive then the lower part becomes tighter increasing when speeds it drives this funnel air moves down into that large Mo Cloud base at the bottom of the storm it sucks it in and turns it into a rotating Cloud that is formed this forms a link between the storm that created me and the earth when that spinning Cloud touches the Earth it becomes a tornado's birth tornadoes are rapidly rotating Columns of air that form inside supercell storms with you this I will share when they connect with the ground as a funnel of cloud they are officially tornadoes of which I am very proud most tornadoes don't live long and only have some power this produces winds between 65 and 110 mph some others last over an hour and are much stronger than these produce a destructive 200 mph wind when tornadoes are that big and fast they destroy everything in its path then people have to deal with their destructive aftermath when the temperature difference we discuss does disappear to none or when the moisture in the air dries up the storm loses momentum and it pulls a tornado back inside then it's done tornadoes are rapidly rotating Columns of air that form inside supercell storms with you this I will share when they connect with the ground is a funnel of cloud they are officially tornadoes of which I am very proud [Music] what makes the Earth shake it's called an earthquake let's learn about the seismic waves that make the ground break what makes the Earth shake it's called an earthquake the violent shaking along faults and tectonic plates millions of earthquakes happen on Earth each year that's what the neic reports but have no fear about a half million are detectable but most are so small they can only be estimated because they can't be felt at all out of a half a million only 100,000 are felt it's true and only 100 out of that can cause damage that we can view what is an earthquake and where can they be found most are found between tectonic Place between the ground seven major tectonic plates cover our Earth you see these are the names of those plates and where they can be seen this is a South American and Indo Australian the antartic plate and the African is great the Eurasian Pacific Plate and North American we'll talk about Minor plates in another lesson plan there are three types of plate boundaries running between these tectonic plates you will see diversion conversion and trans form they all cause earthquakes let's see how they perform divergent boundaries move away from each other producing RI valleys post active between oceanic plates yes plates out in the sea converging boundaries move towards one another and Collide that's where you'll find most earthquakes and volcanoes do reside transform boundaries are two plates that slide past one another the San Andreas fall Lin the best example of this to discover between these plate boundaries the Earth moves inches each year but sometimes the plates get stuck that's where an earthquake does appear when pressure builds up from being stuck in this delay the rock breaks releasing energy causing seismic waves these seismic waves they shake the ground that is an earthquake let's see where massive Quakes are found the most violent Quakes happen in subduction zones no other that's where one tectonic plate is sh beneath another one plate is forced down into the Earth's mantle shown here the other Plate's forced upwards that's where the violent Quake appears this is the same type of earthquake that rocked Nepal in 2015 the Gorka earthquake shook them all when a quake in a subduction zone happens on the ocean floor it can create a tsunami or tital wave let's learn some more a tsunami also called a size Mixie wave is a large volume of water displaced in an ocean or large lake the largest tsunami that was ever recorded was 1720 ft tall in Alaska that's enormous what makes the Earth shake it's called an earthquake let's learn about the seismic waves that make the ground break what makes the Earth shake it's called an earthquake the violent shaking along fults and tectonic plates this is a hurricane and here's a typhoon P produ strong winds what's the difference between the two when hurricanes and typhoons form they are essentially the same type of storm the difference is their geographical locations let's look at both to answer all these basic questions a hurricane is a tropical cyclone that form over the Atlantic Ocean when they're blown hurricanes also form when they are in motion over the Eastern Pacific Ocean they typically affect the Caribbean Sea in the Gulf of Mexico in the north and Central America's eastern coast this is a hurricane and here's a typhoon po produce strong winds what's the difference between the two a typhoon a tropical Cyclone went in motion mainly forming in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean impacting countries in the Western Pacific on their run the Philippines Japan China and Southeast Asian Nations this is a hurricane and here's a typhoon both produce strong winds what's the difference between the two I am a volcano I'd love it if you'd learn a bit more about me I am a volcano you can find me on land or in the sea the volcano got his name from vcan the Roman god of fire who was set to live in a volcano this Legend did inspire a volcano a mountain or h that has a crater or vent it's a must which La the rock fragments paper and Gest erupt from Earth's crust let's take a look at the parts that make up a volcano we will learn these parts in this awesome picture that I'll show this here's the magma chamber it's a large pool of liquid rock which Lies Beneath the surface of the Earth where pressure builds when it is block the main vent is the main outlet for the magma to escape secondary vents are smaller outlets for the magma to release and change Landscapes the crater is a roughly circular depression in the ground caused by volcanic activity it's where most of the lava's found layers of Ash and lava make up this mountainous cone shape I'll tell you how a volcano works first lety where most take place most active volcanoes occur at boundaries between tectonic plates most are found in the ring of fire that encircles a Pacific Ocean today the Strat volcanoes are the most destructive their common type of eruptions called pan which is highly dangerous and explosive Strat volcano are most commonly found in subduction zones I'll explain what this is in this animation that is shown subduction zones are boundaries between two tectonic plates where the ocean plate is sinking into the mantle beneath another tectonic plate I am a volcano i' love a if you'd learn a bit more about me I am a volcano you can find me on land or in the sea at a subduction zone a thick oceanic plate slides under a thicker continental plate the oceanic plate is saturated with water which it drags down into the Earth around 60 miles deep that water that is trapped inside is then released this reduces the melting point of the surrounding Rock allowing it to melt this melted rock cools as it rises up the main vent it is felt that magma that reaches the surface is silica rich and thick the gases released while melting get trapped in large bubbles like this when one of these bubbles reaches the surface it does burst which causes an explosive volcanic eruption at its worst the Smoke's a mix of water vapor carbon dioxide sulfur gas and Ash the lava flow runs down the volcano destroying all in its path I hope you enjoyed this lesson that was given to you please like this video and comment below after this song is through I am a volcano I'd love it if you'd learn a bit more about me I am a volcano you can find me on land or in the [Music] sea these are four classic types of Earth volcanoes let this knowledge flow while your mind is blown these four classic types of volcanoes are named by the USGS Cinder cones composite and shield volcanoes and lava domes I do confess the simplest type of volcano know is the cinder cone let's see how they form and how they grow the cinder cone Summit has a bull shaped crater at top its Ascent built from particles and Blobs of lava ejected from its single vent Cinder cones rarely get taller than 6 to 900 ft and they have rocky slopes that are pretty steep there are numerous Cinder cones in North America's West and throughout other parts of the world in volcanic terrains I do a test composite volcanoes are usually thousands of feet tall and may rise to 8,000 feet above their bases as they sprawl there's no covered Peaks are symmetrical cones that are steep-sided composed of lava flows mud flow and pyroclastic deposits Mount St Helen reneer Mount Shasta and Mount Hood are composits found on the west coast of the US for good shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows building gentle slopes now you see lava pours in all directions from a central Summit or group of vents forming a domical shape that looks like a shield from these eruptive events these Shi volcanoes are much wider than they are tall monoa of Hawaii is one of the most famous of them all a lava Dome is a circular mounted shape protrusion with highly viscous lava that accumulates around the vent on its run lava domes are typically thick and they are steep-sided you see their diameter can range from a few meters to many kilometers you'll agree lass and Volcanic National Park contains multiple lava domes Northern California is where these lava domes do call home these are four classic types of Earth volcanoes let this knowledge flow while your mind is blown thanks for watching klt please subscribe to this channel like our videos and check out the klt merch store
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Keywords: KLT, astronomy, education, educational songs for kids, educational videos, educational videos for all ages, educational videos for kid, educational videos for kids, kids entertainment, kids learning tube, learning videos, solar system, space songs for preschoolers, natural disasters, videos for kids, video for kids, volcanic eruption, types of natural disasters, volcanoes for kids, earthquakes for kids, natural disaster, most common natural disasters
Id: UGb_sugQKUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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