Learn about DINOSAURS! | Fun & Educational Compilation | Jurassic World Dominion Dinosaur Facts

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learning toolkit today we're going to learn about dinosaurs dinosaurs were alive a long long time ago way before any humans were born who do we have with us today Triceratops [Applause] try Sarah tops can you say it with me try Sarah tops let's learn all about Triceratops Triceratops was found in North America it lived about 68 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period [Music] KRA Tay chess foreign [Music] eratops means three horned face it had two large horns above its eyes let's count them one two the third was a very small one made up of the same stuff that's in your fingernail [Music] do you know how big a Triceratops was Triceratops was as big as a truck [Music] really heavy it weighed as much as two elephants one two [Music] its head was almost a third of the length of its entire body what a big head foreign what did Triceratops eat Triceratops was a herbivore that means it was a vegetarian it ate plants not meat delicious Triceratops had no teeth so how did it eat all those veggies instead of chewing it ate rocks that ground up the plants in its belly imagine a belly full of rocks Triceratops used its horns and the frill around its neck to defend itself against other dinosaurs [Music] it also used its horns and frill to butt heads with and to attract other Triceratops foreign so what have we learned we learned Triceratops was found in North America it lived 68 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period Triceratops means three-horned face it had two huge horns and one that was like a fingernail it was as big as a truck and weighed as much as two elephants it had a very big head and it ate lots of veggies but used rocks in its belly to chew them instead of teeth Triceratops used its horns and frill to defend itself and also to attract other Triceratops hope you enjoyed learning about the fast and fastened Triceratops by Triceratops [Applause] today we're going to learn all about stegosaurus [Applause] how do you say that again stare go saw brush can you say it with me [Music] stay go saw Russ so what do we know about stegosaurus it was found in the United States and Portugal [Music] they lived about 150 million years ago in the late Jurassic Period foreign [Music] this was the same time period as Brachiosaurus so they would have been Neighbors stegosaurus means roofed lizard because it had those plates on its back like the roof on a house we'll talk more about those plates later foreign [Music] do you know how big a Stegosaurus was it was as big as a bus but even though it was huge it had a tiny brain it was only the size of a walnut so it wasn't too smart so what were those plates for scientists think the plates on stegosaurus's back were used to keep it warm by absorbing heat from the Sun toasty scientists also think they were used to show off to other stegosauruses [Music] [Music] so what did stegosaurus eat stegosaurus was a herbivore that means it was a vegetarian it ate plants not meat delicious veggies did you see the tail on stegosaurus on its tail it had huge spikes almost half the size of a human it used them for defending themselves against scary dinosaurs [Music] stegosaurus always traveled in a herd with lots of other stegosauruses so what have we learned we learn stegosaurus was found in North America and Portugal and it lived 150 million years ago in the Jurassic period with Brachiosaurus stegosaurus means roofed lizard because it had those plates on its back like the roof of a house it was as big as a bus but its brain was only the size of a walnut the plates on its back were either to keep it warm or to show off to other stegosauruses it ate loads of veggies and stegosaurus had huge spikes on its tail for defending itself and it always traveled in a herd with lots of friends and family we hope you enjoyed learning about the wonderful stegosaurus by stegosaurus [Music] [Applause] let's learn all about Brachiosaurus [Applause] how do you say that again [Music] do you know how tall a Brachiosaurus was it was as tall as a semi-trailer truck is long do you think Brachiosaurus was Heavy you're right it weighed as much as five elephants which animal does Brachiosaurus look similar to just like a giraffe it had a very long neck it could be up to nine meters long that's nearly twice as long as a whole giraffe just in the neck Brachiosaurus was a sauropod sauropods were a group of dinosaurs that grew to be huge other sauropods include Diplodocus and Brontosaurus [Music] was a herbivore that means it was a vegetarian it ate plants not meat yum a Brachiosaurus walked in all fours but sometimes it stood on its back legs to reach really high trees [Music] Brachiosaurus ate a lot of food not that food plants remember it ate 400 kilograms of plants every day that's the same as 4 000 apples every day the average human only eats two kilograms a day [Music] had lots of teeth 52 altogether for grinding up the plants that it ate foreign do you know what Brachiosaurus means it means arm lizard because it's front legs or arms were longer than its back legs Brachiosaurus was found in North America the same place as T-Rex but not at the same time [Music] it lived about 150 million years ago in the mid to late Jurassic Period [Music] so Brachiosaurus would have been neighbors with stegosaurus so what have we learned we learned Brachiosaurus was as tall as a semi-trailer truck is long it was so heavy it weighed as much as five elephants it was really similar to a giraffe with a very long neck but the neck was twice as long as a whole giraffe it was a sauropod and it grew to be huge just like Diplodocus and Brontosaurus Brachiosaurus was a herbivore it ate lots of veggies it sometimes stood on its back legs to reach leaves on really high trees and to take lots of food 400 kilograms every day it had 52 teeth for grinding up all the plants it ate and Brachiosaurus means arm lizard because its front legs were longer than its back legs Brachiosaurus was found in North America like T-Rex and it lived about 150 million years ago in the Jurassic period with stegosaurus we hope you enjoyed learning about the fascinating Brachiosaurus by Brachiosaurus [Applause] let's learn all about the most famous dinosaur ever Tyrannosaurus Rex [Applause] how do you say that again Tai ra na so Russ Rex it's often called T-Rex for short though T-Rex was really big and quick fact it was as big as a bus and it could run as fast as one how heavy was a T-Rex a fully grown T-Rex was really heavy it weighed as much as four rhinos it walked on two huge legs and it used its large head to balance its very long tail [Laughter] T-Rex had two arms and while they may look small they were very powerful [Music] and featured two clawed fingers yikes [Music] what do T-Rex eat that was most definitely a carnivore that means it ate meat from other dinosaurs no plants here T-Rex had huge teeth its teeth were the largest found from any carnivorous dinosaur around 30 centimeters long it had the most powerful bite of any land animal ever [Music] a T-Rex had growth spurts just like humans do when T-Rex hit the age of 14 it would put on loads of weight around 600 kilograms a year over the next four years 600 kilograms is how much a large polar bear weighs T-Rex had really good eyesight and it could see four times as far as humans no need for glasses here do you know what Tyrannosaurus Rex means it means king of the Tyrant lizards because it was the most famous of a group of ferocious dinosaurs T-Rex was found in North America just like the giant Brachiosaurus but not at the same time [Music] it's lived about 75 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period [Music] so they would have been neighbors with Triceratops but they weren't friends [Music] so what have we learned we learned T-Rex was as big and quick as a bus and it weighed as much as four rhinos it walked on two legs and used its huge head to balance its very long tail T-Rex had two small arms that were surprisingly powerful was a carnivore which means it ate meat not plants it had the biggest teeth found in any carnivore and it had the most powerful bite of any land animal ever a T-Rex had growth spurts when it turned 14 years old it started putting on about 600 kilograms a year for four years it could see really well no glasses here Tyrannosaurus Rex means king of the Tyrant lizards and it was found in North America just like Brachiosaurus it lived about 75 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period alongside Triceratops we hope you enjoyed learning about the amazing Tyrannosaurus Rex the most famous of all the dinosaurs by Tyrannosaurus Rex [Applause] let's learn all about velociraptor [Applause] how do you say that again the law [Music] sometimes they were just called Raptors Velociraptors were smaller than you might think after seeing Jurassic world they were roughly the size of a turkey it was quite long though about as long as a full-size bed [Music] how much did a velociraptor weigh they weighed up to 15 kilograms that's about the weight of two small dogs [Music] Velociraptor walked on two legs and had sharp claws measuring three inches long on its feet these were used to catch its food smaller dinosaurs [Music] foreign scientists think the Velociraptor actually had feathers like a bird this was probably to keep them warm though or to show off not to fly it's thought that Velociraptor hunted in packs so it would have been surrounded by lots of other Raptors do you know what Velociraptor means it means Speedy Thief because it was so quick and agile so fast that it would have the world record in the hundred meter sprint if it could race [Music] foreign Raptor was found in Mongolia and China it lived about 75 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period it was the same time as T-Rex [Music] so what have we learned we learned that Velociraptor was only the size of a turkey and it only weighed as much as two small dogs they walked on two legs with a big sharp Claw on each foot they probably had some feathers but they weren't for flying they hunted in packs with other Raptors Velociraptor means Speedy thief because it was so quick and agile it was very fast it would have the world record in the hundred meter sprint Velociraptor was found in Mongolia and China and it lived about 75 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period same as T-Rex we hope you enjoyed learning about the exciting velociraptor by velociraptor [Applause] [Music] how do you say that again and key Lo saw Russ [Music] how big was an Ankylosaurus it was as long as a bus and as heavy as two hippos it was like a tank big and strong and covered in armored scales [Music] ankylosaurus means fused lizard because bones in its skull and other parts of its body were fused together making it very tough [Music] whilst their top was very hard they had a very soft underbelly that was not protected by any armor it also had a big old Club on its tail this was used to defend itself against predators like the T-Rex [Music] which was around at the same time [Music] ankylosaurus would eat leaves and plants that were low on the ground easy for it to reach because it was so big and heavy its top speed was only around 6 miles an hour that's the same speed as a human jogging not fast enough to outrun a T-Rex though [Music] ankylosaurus was found in North America just like Triceratops and T-Rex [Music] they lived about 67 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period again with triceratops and T-rex [Music] so what have we learned we learned that ankylosaurus was as big as a bus and as heavy as two hippos it was like a tank covered in armor very tough ankylosaurus means fused lizard because its bones were fused together but while the top was hard its underbelly was very soft it had a big Club on its tail to defend itself against dinosaurs like T-Rex it ate very low leaves and plants because it wasn't very tall because it was so big and heavy ankylosaurus could only run as fast as a human jogging it couldn't outrun T-Rex it was found in North America and lived 67 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period with triceratops and T-rex [Music] hope you enjoyed learning about the brilliant Ankylosaurus by Ankylosaurus [Applause] let's learn all about Spinosaurus [Applause] how do you say that again spy no so Russ can you say it with me spy no saw Russ do you know how big a Spinosaurus was it was one of the biggest carnivores that's a meat-eating dinosaur that ever lived it was bigger than a T-Rex it was as long as a semi-trailer truck how much did Spinosaurus weigh it weighed as much as three elephants [Music] Spinosaurus means spine lizard can you guess why because of these huge spines on its back the spines grew up to seven feet long that's taller than a human much like the plates on a stegosaurus scientists think that the spines were either used to keep it warm from the Sun or to attract other Spinosauruses had a unique head for a carnivore just like a crocodile [Music] long and thin [Music] and like crocodiles it's thought that Spinosaurus could also swim unlike lots of other meat-eating dinosaurs spinosaurus had large arms so strong this meant that as well as walking on two legs it could also walk on all fours Spinosaurus was found in North Africa they lived about 100 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period KRA Tay chess [Music] foreign [Music] so what have we learned we learned Spinosaurus was one of the biggest carnivores that ever lived bigger than a T-Rex as long as a semi-trailer truck and weighing as much as three elephants Spinosaurus means spine lizard because of those huge spines the spines on its back were bigger than a human they were up to seven feet long and they were either used to keep it warm or to attract other Spinosauruses it had a head like a crocodile probably swim and also walked on two legs or four how versatile Spinosaurus was found in North Africa and it lived about a hundred million years ago in the Cretaceous Period we hope you enjoyed learning about the incredible Spinosaurus by Spinosaurus [Applause] let's learn all about Diplodocus [Applause] how do you say that again [Music] how big was the Diplodocus it was one of the longest dinosaurs ever it was as long as nearly four and a half buses most of this length was taken up by its neck and tail it would walk around with both of them parallel to the ground balancing each other how heavy was a diplodocus it was as heavy as a dump truck thank you [Music] it was one of the slowest dinosaurs around its top speed was only 9 miles per hour so a regular human could easily outrun it Diplodocus would use his tail like a whip scientists think he could even break the sound barrier he used it to defend itself against scary dinosaurs Diplodocus had smaller front legs and bigger back legs so it would often rear up onto two legs to reach higher food he never skipped leg day front of its mouth which it used to strip leaves off of grasses do you know what Diplodocus means it means double beamed lizard that's because it had unique double bones all along the underside of its tail [Music] depolicus was found in North America just like T-Rex [Music] but not at the same time they lived around 150 million years ago in the mid to late Jurassic Period [Music] so they would have been neighbors with stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus [Music] so what have we learned we learned that Diplodocus was as long as four and a half buses and the length was taken up by its neck and tail that balanced each other out it was as heavy as a dump truck so it was very slow its top speed was only 9 miles per hour a human could easily outrun it depolicus could use its tail like a very fast whip this was used to defend itself against other dinosaurs it had shorter front legs and longer back legs so it could stand up to reach higher food and it's only had teeth at the front of its mouth to strip leaves from trees Diplodocus means double beamed lizard because of the double bones found in its tail it was found in North America and lived about 150 million years ago in the mid to late Jurassic period with stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus we hope you enjoyed learning about the amazing Diplodocus bye Diplodocus [Applause] to learn about more dinosaurs please make sure you subscribe or Click The Links at the end of this video [Music]
Channel: Learning Toolkit
Views: 9,595,346
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Keywords: stegosaurus, brachiosaurus, triceratops for kids, stegosaurus for kids, ankylosaurus, diplodocus, triceratops, t rex facts for kids, spinosaurus, dinosaur facts for kids, brachiosaurus for kids, dinosaur facts, triceratops facts, t rex for kids, triceratops facts for kids, dinosaurs for kids, spinosaurus facts, dinosaurs for kids educational, ankylosaurus for kids, t rex facts, dinosaurs facts for kids, velociraptor, home learning, home schooling, jurassic world, dominion
Id: ZM7Vsv86058
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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