Leap Goes Wrong | Miami Boat Ramps | Black Point | Wavy Boats | Broncos Guru

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foreign and here comes our next crew and on approach welcome back guys to The Greatest Show on Earth and that is the Miami Boat Ranch Channel I'm your host Broncos Guru in collaboration with our boy wavy boats and it's another wavy Guru Productions back at the ramp and today we are visiting the world famous Black Point Marina who's kind of doing that slow roll approach highly recommend that one here at the dock getting shot blocked a little bit by the crew in front of us but looks like they're coming in on seven coming in Stern first gotta watch out that motor is coming toward the dock and oh they're gonna plant the motor right into the dock gotta watch it when you're doing that one they just came in a little off on the angle and the next thing we know they just back that thing right into the pole and our crews looked a little nervous he goes to the line toss from distance misses the ladies yelling and I'm like get it out of the water bro coming in hot Cab's gonna have to put a brake check on it our guys trying to go over the bow Rail and we all know the bow rail acrobatics he fell in our guys going in if you look right here you're gonna see he's barely hanging onto the pole [Music] quick recovery or pole hangers able to get to get back in oh and they smack it right bow first into the dock cap came in a little hot no break check on the second attempt I guess he thought his buddy on the pole was going to be able to help him kind of throws his hands up at him but bro you were driving cap man but our guy was hanging on that pole was able to quickly pull himself up get onto the dock and at least try to help so cap looks back I had to come in on 10. gonna go with the heavy bow first approach mine's up brake checking it and now he's drifting back bro when you get caught in this current like this and you start drifting back bad things can happen he's gonna turn the motor real quick come back into forward gear that was close but I think he saved it I thought for sure he was going into the concrete cap is able to pull off the save and actually Atlanta is pretty solid coming in the winding currents grabbed him a little bit they're gonna miss they're gonna hit on the side of the boat yeah I'm trying to bring him back oh not the brick and they smack the side caps looking down oh and we're gonna back into it as well the double hit and cap looks down at the damage again hopefully it's not too bad but him and his girl both look down like yeah that's gonna buff out then we'll just give it the hard pull over and we'll smack one more time for good measure so our crews trying to line it up the wind and current's been giving everybody fits down here today let's see if this crew's any different so Cap's got two people with lines on the ready so he's got the assist ready to go at least looks like we're gonna go with a Portside dock trying to get close enough over where anybody can try and get a line on and he's kind of stalled out are we gonna see the switcheroo I think so looks like Captain might be switching from port side to starboard I don't see any lines moving yet looks like we're gonna try and stay committed to this port side no there we go now we see the lines moving over to starboard this should be the easier dock the wind and current is kind of pushing that way on them at least it appears the wind is when I see it bouncing off the off the shirt still kind of stalled out here all right so the boat in front of them is pulled out so he can go ahead really try and land on this now and he's just for whatever reason has just kind of stolen out in the middle of the channel I mean obviously the motor's still running it's not really stalled out but he's trying to take it slow and easy and the wind and current just can't decide what it wants to do with them because it almost looks like him it's pulling him back to the port side now so he just seems a little confused and unsure of what his exact move is but the exact move bro give it a little throttle let's get her on I'm soft we've got one on the dock and our guys on as well and we'll finally get her put up so the big deep impact coming in all the way down the far dock so attempt one we have to back out on caps coming for attempt two now a tough time to get the stern to kick all the way around and attempt two is not gonna work as well he's gonna have to back out on this one again so we're gonna back out a little further this time try and give himself a little more room to work to try and get it set up really backing out hard this time I hate this sometimes if you find yourself in a spot where you just can't get the boat to do exactly what you wanted to do it's one of the things I recommend actually is just back yourself all the way out start over give yourself a clean slate Fresh Start plenty of room to work with so here we go with attempt number three still kind of a funky angle I don't think three's gonna land either no he's trying to the battle is kind of turning in but just the way this boat's set up it's gonna be difficult unless somebody was actually to get up there on the bow and get off on that and the phone the phone is ringing so our guy was struggling without the phone let's see if he can do it with the phone in hand we're backing out on three we're gonna go for attempt number four and here we go super matter in his own hands here as he's went over and grabbed the pole himself to try and pull himself in so he's left the helm but nobody was giving him the assist he was looking for he decided he was going to do it himself and is able to pull it off but this crew should be able to get out of here from here and speaking of getting out of here we're gonna get out of here as well thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this episode of Miami Boat Ramps if you did please check out our other content we have wavy boats who does a bunch of great things down at Oliver Inlet my channel Broncos Guru did some great comedy building videos there as well and of course we got boats versus Haulover or main machine take on Mother Nature down at Oliver Inlet if you guys haven't already go ahead and drop an anchor on the Subscribe button here
Channel: Miami Boat Ramps
Views: 63,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miami boat ramps, the chit show, alfred montaner, boat fails, chit show, chit show blackpoint, miami, bikini, sandbar, blackpoint marina, alfred montaner blackpoint, boat ramp, boat ramp champ, boat ramp fail, boating fails, chit show fails, alfred montaner blackpoint marina, broncos guru, wavy boats, haulover inlet, haulover boats, haulover boat ramp, boneheaded boaters of the week, haulover inlet boats, boats vs haulover, haulover news, haulover, boating, 79st boat ramps
Id: OjK2q5uZP4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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