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buckle up and get ready for some of the craziest Roblox stories ever from lanky box boxy and boxy getting trapped in an evil daycare to trying to save all the world colors in color story these Roblox stories will have you at the edge of your seat stick around until the end for an insane Roblox game that will literally not let us leave let's go oh man okay this isn't scary when we go inside care daycare daycare all kinds of friends it's gonna be real nice oh yeah okay I'll try my best boxy says who wants to be my friend oh man let's see what they say oh yes okay hey yay thanks guys she's real excited we got some friends Lily says hello my name is Lily okay okay Lily foxy says what happened just played this Lily was not trustworthy but maybe she's had a change of heart yeah and we're gonna try and get a different ending okay okay Bailey's gonna be looking after us for the next two days come on let's head inside oh let's go foxy what should we play with first he says I'm guiding in that bump yeah they can't even see us uh you're a little too thick no I know go down Foxy's actually a musical artist oh that's actually pretty good she says this song is almost as good as the chicken nuggets whoa and the stairs are like rainbow this is so cool wait there's the lunchroom foxy Foxy's looking at the fishies he says I found Nemo that is that Nemo no okay now guys make sure to go to lincolnbox get the boxy and Foxy plushie now Lily says you guys seem hungry let's get some food okay oh man what do you think we should eat cheese sandwich we can get a cheeseburger pizza tacos or a tentacle sandwich what should we get those tacos okay okay I'll get uh I'll get a burger all right it looks like tacos nice taco Tuesday yeah I will go order some right away okay cool Taco dancing somebody's at the door oh yeah there's bunk beds oh there's Taco wait really fire extinguisher foxes I think I remember what that's for yay here you go kids enjoy let's go eating tacos till we drop oh Lily says we should get some sleep now okay okay okay okay okay let's go yay oh yeah I'll I'll take this one still got my top how does the filling not fall out the defies gravity this is the greatest daycare ever dude oh okay Lily's gonna go turn the power back on wait foxy go to the shop yeah yeah yeah go down e-Sword says become the monster Adam and Justin never did that why you should try it foxy says I'm not sure if I want to be evil should we do this we should try it okay let's try it buy it okay I don't know what that's gonna do guys but we'll see okay it says like something's outside the the window or something okay I clicked yes to becoming monster wait how am I inside and also outside oh hey oh what what wait foxy is the monster oh okay I respawned foxy said do I have to attack people what should I do no it teleports me out oh they teleported me right now Foxy's back oh he says that was weird Lily says come on all you head to bed now okay let's go to sleep that was pretty scary wait that was crazy yeah if I says Adam and just did not do that in their playthrough foxy can you tell like a like a scary bedtime story foxy says I've told many scary stories oh one time we were hanging out we ran out of chicken terrifying what's happening ah why am I doing a handstand wait what good morning children says Lily I don't really trust Lily she says come downstairs to the cafeteria for some breakfast okay okay okay okay I don't trust her but I'm not gonna pass on breakfast more tacos please oh breakfast tacos oh good idea today we are having What's it gonna be pancakes okay I mean you could like fold a pancake to look like yeah like this pancake dance yeah I'm gonna eat some pancakes where have we not gone in this like daycare I think we've explored everywhere oh there's a little cat hopefully this one doesn't attack us I can break it this cat just meows when you pet him pet the cat put the cat oh my time oh play time what should we do we should play with this fidget spinner yeah I'm fidgeting hey guys I'm going to go for a short while these always end like this oh foxy says I can change the channel on the TV from what neon cat okay now what is oh do they have neon Fox it's off now break back Nyan Cat Lily comes back soon I'm getting kind of scared as I hope she comes back soon I'm getting kind of hungry oh no oh no oh no what was that what what is what is happening the whole box we're gonna get attacked again no wait is that me wait how am I here and here at the same time oh no oh no oh he's going into the fire no oh no the monster put the house on fire okay we gotta put it out boxing I'll grab the extinguisher okay okay okay grab it we are super flammable due to these boxes yeah we really didn't think we went through oh quick pick it up okay okay okay yeah get it get it foxy says don't worry I learned from firefighter Jesse he's the best in the business yeah oh oh wow okay wait uh yeah he says that's it I am done with this place oh no one of our friends is leaving should we escape this place or wait for Lily to come back what should we do foxy we should Escape we should Escape I don't trust Lily we should Escape of course we will die here true oh this person already knows what's up it's the vent oh right or is it or is it oh yeah do it okay can we get in here maybe we can find it we can crawl out of here I found the vent yeah we need to find a tool to break it open I think I saw a hammer yeah comp getting it not wait what how did this person get outside wait you're not supposed to be able to get outside yet how did she says help how did you do that help how did she do that wait okay wait wait wait wait wait the clock's ticking we gotta go through the vent we have to leave our friend behind we'll we'll get her later because I think we go outside later okay okay okay okay another classic amazing oh no is it the last one wait we can't die we can't five seconds now three two oh yes we made it died three times foxy has to purchase more Robux or break it out of here jump jump let us out nice okay okay we're through the vents okay okay okay just focused on buying some robots okay he's putting in Star code lanky box you gotta make a quick phone call to box of America please uh okay he's buying he's buying oh no but actually literally ran out of money what yeah I got I got kicked back to the lobby wait what no foxy says foxy no wait that's actually so sad wait you're not bad you can't get back no I'm too poor oh wait that's okay that's okay me and you will just work together okay fox says we can do it wait I can smash the glass open with my hammer yeah this guy's gonna do that charging attack oh man do it do it do it do it dude she's all on her own do it do it do it wait foxy maybe if you just run really fast it'll break oh oh somebody did oh yeah we're playing escape out of the daycare whoa these Graphics are really cool that's a nice sand castles yay everybody's leaving no don't get left behind running Foxy's Running foxes he's running you got this you got this obviously you can do it Escape out of the daycare I must do it do it for boxy yeah okay everybody escaped you have to avenge me foxy says I'm gonna chill right next to this loud okay good idea well I guess we'll have to stay in this Forest now Foxy's just dancing this is Foxy's home territory we need to find some food okay foxy says do not trust the apples never trust me is it a Roblox game she has seen Adam and Justin eat them one too many times she says I found some apples for us to eat foxy are you gonna eat them apples wait didn't you just say they were gonna be poisoned Foxy's thinking real hard do I eat this or not I must resist I must resist must resist don't do it foxy foxy foxy don't eat it must resist foxy I will give you some fog streets if you don't eat it okay we'll eat it okay hang on the apples we got a rotten oh wait what if some of your team members eat it and then die okay nobody ate them oh you got some smart people we have to warm up I like Vlogs we gotta make a fire we gotta make a fire it's really cold out here get the logs get the logs I think we should light a fire yes do it oh yeah good idea earlier the monster went into the fire if you make a fire out here want the monster like come to the fire wait wait I don't think we did this before let's try a shelter yeah shelter okay we're doing the shelter okay hopefully this is nice the good choice hopefully let's split up gather long logs okay and build the shelter on the side of this hill do it let's do it okay there's a log right there nice okay oh we're already up to four out of seven whoa let's even zoom in we're up to five out of seven I think there's a log all the way up here yeah your team is a genius team they're working real hard oh they finished already fox says they make a little fox house where is it whoa whoa whoa they did not get to do this this is cool that's so cool okay and there's no fire so the monster doesn't have to come here oh yeah he says I wish I didn't buy the monster thing yeah I think I think Adam and Justin got the bad ending of the game maybe this is how you get the good end because we're trying to get the good ending yeah if it comes down to it at the end and I have to be the monster I will sacrifice myself so this team can win this team is doing really well yeah or wait I think there might also be a secret ending of this game I'm not sure there's three total endings I think oh yeah they're writing there is a secret ending foxy okay we gotta get it we gotta get it oh it says the secret ending only occurs when you're the only remaining player alive foxy says that's not gonna happen yeah your team is too good let's just try to get the good ending yeah good good idea okay we're in shelter looking good it looks like the storm is finally over okay okay guys we're trying to get the good ending no the monster took five oh wait how's possible I Am The Monster Box is what's happening help wait okay our team's coming our team's coming okay they're gonna help you they're gonna help you it seems good oh no hey foxy how's your teleporting help oh no where's the team where's the team what if they don't save you oh no oh nice they found us again okay okay okay okay why does the monster like want you so bad I don't know no he wants to steal your Fox treats we need to break in please save me please I still have the hammer from earlier let's use it foxy says I'm gonna press the button oh foxy bro oh no oh no please don't press the but curiosity killed the fox oh no oh no hopefully it doesn't affect anything it says thank you for saving me Nike Box Shop foxy yes OMG what is this no wait did wait this person don't press it he's gonna die oh no I corrected myself no because I pressed the button should we press it click no click no I already pressed it it's like no maybe maybe it'll change oh no what's gonna happen we've never seen this before I press no all right that button seems like a trap yeah I will smash this capsule with my hammer instead hey that was so scary no we're trapped oh no wait the ground's like open we have to fall we have to fall okay just go in okay oh no now we're down in the cave it's an underground Obby we can do it we can do it we fell into a cave we need to get out of here let's go this guy says yes true go go go go go oh keep going don't fall foxy don't fall I won't you can't die like I did [Music] I did oh you got this oh that was a close one okay we're at the top nice we know somebody fell and died no it's just me and calm wait maybe you will get the secret ending oh no Janie no oh no it's the monster oh who do we have here oh who do we have here OMG oh we got his pancakes I just nibble a job com I have trapped you now there is absolutely no escape from me I am me too wait that the monster is you that's what I'm saying who wants to be eaten first no take me I volunteer as a tribute please don't do this true I volunteer as tribute it's Lily wait Lily's there oh wait what wait what I should bid you to touch them wait we've never seen this before yeah Adam and Justin got a different ending okay I don't tell me what to do oh don't tell me what to do oh I killed you and now I will eat these Lily's protecting us no Lily not on my watch hey Lily okay I know Lily's awesome I see you Lily oh oh with the beams with the laser eyes or Beamers Lily thank you so much for saving us OMG Lily a hero we are really sorry for leaving you true I finally got revenge now I am free wait did Lily die in the middle I don't understand yeah she did because remember she left it never came back oh oh that's actually so sad wait we didn't get that ending Adam when we played it that was we got totally we just Lily was evil and she attacked us yeah this might be the good ending wait what you're doing don't do it foxy says don't do it I'll give you some chicken don't do it we got the good ending nice job epoxy wait I just looked at my calendar do you know what day it is oxy says you know what day it is but it's a Tuesday whoa so we could choose our pet we could be Charlie the doggy we could be Paco also a doggy we could be Walter a doggy or we could be okay this one you gotta finish old you finish the store you get a new pet oh that's cool Misty if you oof 10 cockroaches oh you unlock a little kitty cat Oreo you want to be yeah buy these a little Chihuahua or Bob oh finish the story five times to get Bob the slicer finished 10 times dude we gotta try and get these the pigeon wow what what huh how many pets are there okay I'll be the basic dog now guys this is gonna be max level and we're gonna show you guys this secret ending we're gonna try and unlock those secret pets yeah guys I heard the ending of this game has a huge twist uh oh wait so you're this doggy yeah what's this Adam they got a garbage truck hmm it's a garbage truck oh stinky stinky stinky what's this oh it's a pet adoption center this is this must be where we are oh yeah we just got out of this truck oh so for adoption adopt me that makes sense adopt us please yeah so guys we're both dogs and we're gonna see if we can get adopted by Subway oh foxy what do you think the big twist in this story is big twist might be a cinnamon twist I want to send him a Twist oh Canelo says woof you must be a new pants I'm a new dog I'm the new dog in town well my name is Canelo oh press Q to talk oh I beat you we can bark okay and then press e to bite oh you could bite whoa you could Chomp people oh there's both oh so guys this is how you get like the hundreds of Bones to unlock stuff oh so you gotta play this game probably a lot watch out and I'll chop y'all oh you're rescued by Susie she was the human in the counter wow where's Susie we gotta say thank you there she is she's our hero I'm a bark at her Susie you're the nicest person ever we love you yeah awesome I believe we've already tried [Applause] yeah she takes good care of us oh wait there's a doggy over here in a cage this is a slicer this is I think if you play the story like 10 times you can be slicer whoa he's got a red eye says humans are disgusting liar humans are disgusting that's slicer yeah what do you mean what do you mean slice your humans are nice stay away why he's in a cage for a reason maybe he had some bad experiences with humans that's sad you will be here forever just like me no that's not true I would get adopted I'm cute yeah a bite your slicer I've heard they're going to take him to what oh no wait where are they gonna take him the deadly shelter oh that's probably a shelter where it's like really scary oh no once a pet goes there oh they're gonna oof it never comes back no oh that's actually really sad that's sad that shouldn't happen to slicer I feel bad but you don't have to worry about that oh I'm getting all the bones out here it's a little Ivy oh nice I'm a well-trained dog anyway peace have some fun I am always Oreo wow it looks like Ari I would take a bite of him I don't think he's actually an Oreo are you okay okay he ran away he left me alone oh this game is cool so yeah if you play a bunch of times you can unlock secret ending secret pets and if you collect all the bones you can unlock even more secrets yeah and if you're able to play as like slicer or something that's like a huge Flex dude that would be crazy do you think that could change the ending of the video of the story maybe no way I don't know Canela let's go hang out and play I wonder if her favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla what because Canela probably likes vanilla huh because it Rhymes oh yeah I wonder if her favorite if canelo's favorite food is cannolis I don't even know what a cannoli is I don't either you know what a cannoli is no but I know we got a visitor a visitor who is it wait someone might be here to adopt us guys remember to be a good pet oh I ate some food oh wait food he gives you energy oh buy the food there's food all over here I didn't see any of this eat the food wait so yeah you guys can see on the bottom left we have like a health energy bar but that might mean that we are gonna get in like a fight I'm a steel slicer you're not eating it it's mine it's mine oh it's Granny whoa Granny hi granny good morning sweetie good morning Granny uh you should adopt me and just me just me my name is Gertrudis but you can call me granny adopt me adopt me not Aiden well hello Grady I'm the alpha dog back up upgrady's mine Susie says would you like to adopt a pet today me me me me me me me me me Granny says sure thing see this is like what dogs do when they're really excited they run around you yeah yeah awesome follow me then me me me me me me me oh please I hope she adopts both of us oh man oh man what if she adopt slicer and not us that would be really sad that's Canela oh there's canel wow Canal does look good with the bow ties yeah super cute yeah pretty good there's Canela okay canelo's waddling around so they're introducing all the dogs at the adoption center she is super friendly truthful yes she was very cheerful and very nice to us yeah yep that's that's us lanky box shot foxy I'm playing on Foxy's account dude that's us that's me she's super thick and like strangers and is very loyal true say I'm loyal yeah I have a real one that's like your box games that's me super cute it's gonna say it sheds a lot of seats on it uh true that slicer oh he looks so mean he's very aggressive oh wait he's not gonna get adopted if you say that Susie yeah I mean that's kind of sad it's actually his last week with us oh he's going through this you know the oof Place uh oh that's all we have for now adopt me granny they are also beautiful yeah look at my nice fur yeah without me ready to do it which would you like take oh me back up Adam back up all of us back up Adam I don't know if she could adopt almost back up she might be able to oh she's naked us all right and Canela yay wow the cuteness worked adopt us we're gonna be cool whoa City says are you sure you can handle them yeah wow she adopted she came in here adopted three dogs that is a flex that's pretty rare yeah I think I don't really know she says I could use some company at home oh Granny's probably lonely grainy yeah Granny's lonely so we're gonna become best friends with Granny I'll be your best friend granddaughter we're getting the back of granny's truck all right okay Granny's really is booking it she's real excited yeah Granny's quick oh we got 20 seconds webs if you don't get a truck youth uh maybe she just doesn't take you that would be kind of sad no yeah I gotta go wow all right guys so I guess we're gonna head to Granny's house our new house yeah it was pretty cool huh wow wow that was so exciting I hope she has some treats for us at home she Banner yeah I'm running away okay oh we made it home Granny says welcome home thank you Granny you're the best thank you for adopting us all right are you gonna let us in yeah oh we're inside the house whoa and there's treats everywhere over here whoa that's awesome oh there's some in the garage I missed them she says go ahead and explore the house it's boxy and his whole family some treats oh cool oh we can't go outside it's boxy's Mom and Dad how do you get treats up there how do you go up there can you climb the ladder no I can't go out there oh hopefully you find the pet sleeping room for later oh there's more food I'm gonna eat it so I'm gonna try and fill up my energy whoa I could tell something crazy is gonna happen yeah I have a bad feeling that we're gonna get attacked Misty says You must be the new pets welcome oh she already has a cat whoa wow what a pigeon call it called dump cat what oh it's a bird but you can play as the pigeon right oh Squidward I hate pigeons anyways I need your help what do you mean pigeon oh okay I'll talk to you at night oh the cat's top goes hello Misty wow so if you beat the game you become Misty or no wait Misty I don't know you had to do it become Misty all I know is that Misty is gonna talk to us at night because she has a task for us she got a quest yeah we're gonna help Misty at night maybe that's what's gonna be about like the secret ending huh I don't know wait I already got like 48 bones you probably need like 500 to get some rare skins uh something like that yeah I could do that yeah probably basically says granny is going to sleep okay cool awesome cool okay cool and the pigeon is just still watching us where's the pigeon uh it's in the room with uh Misty where is the pageant it's a pageant back up you little pigeon now Misty says this is going to creep you out a little bit oh oh What's it gonna be is Granny evil no every night when Granny goes to sleep uh oh what is it does she turn to a monster no please don't say that the house gets Infested by cockroaches every night nah I don't mess with that bro you need to help me oof though what we gotta oop cockroaches that's not my job to get this guy to do it he likes to eat cockroaches imagine you went to sleep at Granny's house and woke up covered in cockroaches oh Missy said just make sure not to touch them when they fly what happens when they fly oh they're coming out the walls um all right so guys I don't think this is the twist but this is the first big task is we gotta oof all these cockroaches just get every last break cup from this house soldiers he got France oh I guess so this cockroach has more friends than we do oh well that's not that hard where are these cockroaches I'll fight you but he says oh no it's starting please you gotta oof them oh and they're flying oh I just bit him and just needed them yeah guys you gotta bite them to Oppa guys I don't think dogs and catches most of the oof cockroaches I don't think that's a thing that's pretty gross oh yeah all the all the roach juice would just explode oh granting me to clean up wait did we just oof from that fast there's two left it says there's two left all right yeah you guys can see the red dots on our screen I don't see any maybe they didn't get it we've always won up here get them yes all right we did it oh disgusting all right Misty says wow you really ooped all the Cockroaches my goodness that was pretty gross oh Granny says what is all that noise uh it wasn't as granny it wasn't us we were being good dog yeah I always try to help you Granny's mad not our fault granny hey I'm a dog so I'm a drink after this don't do that don't ever don't let your pets yeah either it's not clean yeah it's dirty so we're gonna have to pretend that we were just sleeping the whole time I passed out yeah yeah Justin's the only one that gets the bed yeah and we just get the floor in real life yeah Granny says must be my bad dreams again yeah we weren't awake I was definitely asleep I was just like this yeah I was knocked out wow we fooled her guys we fooled granny all right let's see what the next part is I'm still curious what that twist is gonna be misty says well we are skunking here now the pigeon just watched all that go down and he didn't say anything Penny says haha stuck what do you mean you can't even hunt what yes I can oh he's saying because there's a glass window in front of us we can't get him don't you have anything better yeah go away Mr pigeon like you've been here the whole day just making fun of us go do something else yeah you should just be nice let go hunt a rubber ducky what does that even mean I guess he's like well I'm a bird so you can't get me so Gohan's a rubber one oh out oh okay Mr Paige not the best insults we should teach that thing unless in true yeah so who's boss how are we gonna get out there there's a window here unlock the window dude I'm gonna lock it wait a minute There's a garbage truck here you realize how much trouble you're in now right I'm biting wait oh they got our content why'd they pull up with a truck full of our time wait it's like in the middle of the night where is it why is there a garbage truck not as much as you are what's going on yeah that's a good point what he just flew away what we fell into the trash Oh no guys oh we're being transported away from Granny's house oh no wait how is Granny gonna find us Brady's gonna miss us yeah who's she gonna make cookies for meat oh yeah yeah I forgot okay maybe granny went to all right Canal says what just happened we're at the dump oh look at all that trash dump we're at the dump yard yeah oh that's crazy all right I'm eating more food Adam I think you just talk about food if you see any okay good idea what did why did we go after that pigeon oh such a silly idea yeah that wasn't the smartest idea we should have known yeah find a way to leave this place we need to get back home well dogs have really good smelling maybe if we smell Granny's cookies then we can make our way home you kind of smell green no just the cookie she makes oh yeah good point I had a good point yeah cause cookies smell yummy yeah all right canola says we need to find a way to leave this place and get back home okay oh wait there's a door over here can we go through here there's a key oh I pick up the key what is this uh I'm gonna look at the door what is this the door's locked oh this is for the door's lock if we fight a key the key's right here all right open the gate I got it I found it cool you look great yeah why is it close up my nose I found it ew it's a wrap come back here ready give me that hey we need that I will oof you I bit him oh I'm bit I'm biting him does it work he says oh you want this yes I want that stop running we need it to get out of here right he just jump you just tell a potato oh he got on the Roof oh we can't get up there oh he says let me tell you my family is really hungry what oh he's got a rat family and we could use some food what you know what I'm saying I don't know what you're saying eat the trash yeah maybe he's talking about trying to eat us oh I don't want to get eaten by a rat are we the food no rats can't eat dogs oh there's enemies we gotta oop them oh no way wait I've been eating food I would gotta heal up oof this rat oh yeah you can do damage oh they got a lot of Health oh we just knocked that guy over okay get this guy get this guy oh I'm taking damage all right I got one oh these are these guys are pretty strong okay we got him we got him five one more one more one more bite them yeah we got him oh we got him they keep like spawning don't ratty says huh what do you do to my family that was his family uh oh I'm ready we ate the mommy rat what you want this key says ready you are going to have to catch me that seems pretty easy he's just a little rat all right guys it's all up to Justin candy catch ready he's so fast I got it I got him I'll give you that give me that eyes good job what what's wrong with that do you see that I saw it I knew what it was oh boy great open the gate so we can get out of here I'm getting out of here guys we're gonna Escape or we're getting back to grainy I open the gate let's go awesome okay no we gotta run past the traffic oh no guys we don't want to get hip hop bro don't eat them don't can you imagine how sad granny would be if we got oofed granny doesn't care about us yeah she just cares about her cat yeah Misty that's okay though how come Misty was the one fighting with the pigeon right yeah how come Misty didn't try to move to Pigeon with us why did we take the fall um because we're not that smart I guess okay see if we can find any help oh some biscuits oh nice what's the biscuits oh watch out for the cars though this is so dangerous oh no no no no whoa that was close I wanted the biscuits I had to risk it for a biscuit literally oh I was oofed all right it's me you and Canela get more biscuits get more biscuits I got them I got him get more biscuits get more biscuits all right guys we're almost at the end we're following Canelo right yeah we're gonna see that twist ending that secret surprise ending yeah guys I was reading a bunch of YouTube comments about this story and apparently yeah the twist at the end is really crazy oh no don't run me over don't there's some friends over here yeah we got it Adam we got it no problem oh okay some doggies Bob bulk and bull they got some cool names nice hello guys what do you want I want some friends you don't look like Street dogs I'm not a street dog we are trying to find our way back home I'm not a street dog is that what they call when they sell hot dogs on the street street dogs that's Street hot dogs I love that sometimes we get those if we're really lucky yeah yeah I don't think you're going home anytime soon what Bob wait what I thought we're friends tell this puppy what we do to fancy dogs like that what are they gonna oof us why would they we're all dogs yeah but these are like Bulldogs oh that's easy we helped them yeah Bob help us yeah Bob's nice no Bob we talked about this what what are you guys talking about you're talking about we chase them what no don't chase him then eat them no don't hate us all right they're gonna chase us and eat us what are you doing you troll it's a doggy dog world so much damage hey yo we gotta run back through traffic it's actually a doggy dog I lost half my health bar oh man and I heard there's a big boss at the end this is not the boss bro not the big boss I hope you can uh respawn I hope so dude I have half my health bro uh oh it says Roblox on the wall is kind of cool wow Roblox all right guys let's see if we can get back to grain bro bro oh wait it's these dogs again we're cornered haha there is nowhere to go this course is wow on the side wow oh no where Doom says Canela why are we recorded oh Animal Control oh good timing okay they're gonna oof these dogs or something don't move them wait if they think that they're bad dogs they're gonna think we're bad dogs I'm not a bad dog I'm a good dog yeah oh boy I wouldn't want to be you right now what quickly what do we do there must be something we can do there must be oh food I just ate okay cool oh what's this oh what was it I broke down the planks we can go through here oh really hey what do you think you're going I'm out of here I don't care guys see you later we're making our Great Escape yeah we're getting out of here dude I'm not messing around with animal control dude yeah nah bro nah but wait Canela is not with us anymore where did she go oh no dude no where's canal oh no this is not good guys bro Animal Control took Canelo okay so not only do we have to rescue her but then we gotta get back to Granny are you serious look over there oh she's crying no hang on Canelo will come save you uh oh we gotta save Canela uh which way do we go that was Adam's one chance to find a dog girlfriend yeah come on hey let's go back out again come on oh watch out we gotta watch out for animal control they're everywhere whoa whoa whoa how do I get these Treats they're standing in it go go go go go go go go go go go go oh I like snuck I snuck the treats oh that was really close yo this is tricky whoa and it says in the distance oof shelter what yeah that's a really scary shelter it says oofy shelter bro yeah don't oofy shelter on me are you sure we should even go in here we gotta save Canal Adam we gotta save our friends okay I think I know where they took Canal took it take her at Uber no I was laughing at my dog characterize his tongue out I said Adam looks when he's about to get some money okay let's let's go in we might not have too much time we're gonna they're gonna oof Canela don't do that they're gonna oop her unless we save her we gotta save her yeah we gotta save her oh it's probably sleeping all right here we go guys we're entering into the deadly shelter let's go let's go oh boy oh there's more food Adam make sure you heal up oh we gotta walk slow and quiet uh don't get caught the guards asleep let's go through here let's sneak through the back room how do you do that how do you do that oh it's probably this door over here oh yeah I think you're right I think you're right I think you're right guys we gotta be real sneaky okay we're sneaky sneaky let's go let's go wow there's treats everywhere this is getting real spooky Adam uh I think they're looking at us the dog's in the cages these are dogs oh but their eyes are all yellow oh they're scary oh we gotta be brave it's Canela Canela you're still alive get out of here don't buy the slicers here don't bother it's too late for you already what are you doing here slicer oh cause he got sent to the oofy shelter oh yeah slicer was the mean dog at the start guys can I be oofed what oh I should wait what and what did you do to help I didn't we couldn't help you dude you were in a cage well you tried to take his food no I didn't no I didn't luckily the oofish shot through it doesn't mean no it's gonna oof you slicer oh boy they need someone to do their dirty work like what slice is a dirty dog slicer don't be a dirty dog now I'll let you be the next in line in the fire she's gonna be a cup of hot dog literally no no save Canelo safe okay guys so slicer is the boss wait wait can't you play a slicer yeah what do you think happens during this fight if you're slicer can you oof the other players um I think maybe you get to play as the boss yeah so you think you could oof the other players yeah no guys this is still not even a Twist I heard there's something even crazier this is nuts Adam dude we got an oversizer how do we move slicer I don't know he's doing like deadly barks at us stop slicer stop ouch oh no he's spinning slice is like a ballerina I guess we gotta wait for him to cool down then we can move him yeah he'll he should be able to be dizzy pretty soon reminds me of Scary Larry I'm taking so much damage uh wait for him to stop spinning stop it slicer stop it almost there almost there why are you doing this we're all dogs in this together oh he's down get it oh we did a heart of damage slicer says stop resisting I will never stop resisting you're not strong enough dude we're in like a fight area all the other dogs are watching us Rumble in the Jungle yeah it's literally gonna be life or oof doggy dog world except I don't eat I wouldn't the slicer we don't get any slicer yeah we're just gonna make sure he's nice to us yeah exactly exactly wow it's a doggy dog world he's gonna start doing that spinning thing again watch out we gotta save Canela save her Adam save her all right I'm trying to I'm gonna bark at her savor Savor I'm barking saver nice I'm barking too stop it it's ballerina slicer all right it's only going to have to adjust it for some reason no way I will lead them to you hey all right I will take the damage what why just run yeah I'm running put your tongue back in your mouth look around here he's gonna get dizzy here we go here we go go go go go go bye now oh he's Superman now get ready for your end oh he's faster than before Oh no guys oh he's really fast all right he's on his last heart uh we're gonna get you for this slicer watch out oh he looks really angry he's so fast watch out watch out watch out all right is he gonna spin I don't know he's gonna do the Barking thing again oh he's so fast all right we can avoid it this time though easy we should be able to do this Adam no problem yeah I think you need to stay on the edges it can't get you really yeah no he'll move he's spinning oh he's been into winning all right can me and Justin survive don't do it slicer don't don't all right keep running I'm running do one more thing of damage to him stop it all right we're almost there guys we got it we got it we got it come on come on watch out watch out for size yeah we did it slicer he just get away he's scared of us he's going into fire he actually turned to a hot dog I didn't want to do that wow I feel real bad at least we saved Canela right or canela's hero slicer is gone could someone get me out I'll get you out that was really sad wait what happens if you're the player in your uh slicer I don't know you might get oofed in the fire that would be a crazy ending no oh no animal controller here what are you doing outside of your cage nothing oh boy nothing let's take them back here no don't bro we're innocent bro please somebody please help us we're just trying to get home to Granny please somebody help us bro uh oh it's grainy Granny says not on my watch how did she even get in here she could oof them what's going on wow it's like 4am right now honey I've been looking everywhere for them nice wow granny saved the day here I am I'm barking of course there are pets how does she find us um I don't know maybe she heard all your barking or something no if you'll excuse us we're leaving this creepy Place yeah this is messed up they just come in here oof dogs yeah that's not cool oh that's a little Easter egg there were the dogs try to Rufus they were the back whoa you unlock Canela we got the good ending Wow Let's Go Ethan says hey guys we're finally here at the bowling alley are you guys excited oh so Ethan's our friend wow that's gonna be so much fun yep yes yeah this is gonna be so much fun okay okay I'm going to get a coffee you can play something or come get a coffee with me should we play Oh someone says they're a huge fan cool should we play bowling or should we go get a coffee let's just explore dude when you walk on the bullet guys never do this ever in real life it's like slippery look at that wow so guys this is Roblox colors story it's super popular right now oh wait you can play bowling I just spent oh I need five dollars to play bowling oh maybe there's money hidden around the bowling alley wait is this you wait what no that's not me hey yo there's a clone in here Bob wow you gotta find money to spend and to play bowling so we just got dropped off in the store it looks like our friend Ethan over here he's like the leader he's getting coffee over here oh I got it and yeah there is some cash hidden around the bowling now oh this is so cool you could buy coffee for ten dollars right this is cool what if you have to save money to get coffee in case you get oofed later whoa that's awesome where'd you find money I got no money um just try looking all around me plants yeah the bowling thing is really cool I'm gonna buy cash I only have 10 seconds left to play bowling I gotta play bowling all right you got it man all right bought some cash all right guys here we go I'm gonna play bowling I get one chance oh oh oh what about okay wow not my fault okay it's almost 7 P.M too so it's time to go to bed I think that's what they're saying we gotta read the story bro I don't know what's going on yo I have an idea let's go back to my house and play some games oh yeah man that sounds great you guys saw how good I am at Bowling oh yeah sure can't wait to play that skateboarding game we're gonna skateboard wow this is gonna be cool all right let's go oh man it's about to be lit bro okay okay so it looks like we're just having like a cool afternoon to hang out with all of our friends look at how many friends we have bro wow and we get to hang out at Ethan's house yo this is awesome shout out Ethan man they have so many friends what is this lemonade oh you can buy it for two dollars I'm gonna buy some lemonade it probably gives you health yeah yeah guys this game is very popular right now so we're really excited to play SpaghettiOs why do we need health though well you don't think we're gonna get like hurt in this game bro we better not get oofed bro oh boy okay okay now we're chilling whoa Ethan's got a sweet house wow [Laughter] okay okay okay now we're just chilling oh they got some garbage over here they got our cotton candy in here they got all these cool photos of animals wow it's a golden retriever okay who's ready to play some games we're ready they got a PS5 wow that's fancy guys wait so we're like in the video game in Roblox jump over obstacles and reach the end yo we're in a video game in Roblox we're in the game in the game we're in the meta metaverse wow and we have to jump over all these options I just took damage what oh but I drank lemonade and I got my health back oh God that's cool impossible I can like see your ghost there's like ghosts of the other players on screen you see that yeah that's crazy yo this game is lit bro this is so much fun guys this game is awesome we're literally playing a video game inside of a video game like that's technology right now yeah so first we went bowling now we're skateboarding I wonder which games we're gonna get to play next probably um pin the tail on the donkey oh that'd be cool love that game yeah for uh egg toss all right love that game yeah this is lit dude this story is fun okay but we're playing a video game so why are we taking damage I'm not sure about your max health so we're all right I'm doing all right but I had to drink my lemonade yeah and I heard the ending of this color Story game is insane what like it might make you turn like no color at all what yeah it's gonna be awesome don't turn me into no color bro right guys so I think I'm in the lead I think I finished first nice let's go dude cool let's go that was awesome wow that game was fun that was fun oh you can see a lot of people took a little bit of damage that no problem no problem yes I know right anyways oh is Ethan evil no no I'm probably just gonna go and make some coffee hey Ethan how much coffee are you drinking it's not safe to drink that much coffee who wants a coffee I want a coffee I had one oh sure why not let's go you trust Ethan what I mean what if you put oof in the coffee not what yeah nah bro I don't know guys we'll find out I trust Eaton yeah it could be poison this coffee is really nice right Willow oh yes thank you for making this oh oh what oh no the lights went out oh uh sorry guys I'll go and check what's wrong right now Adam and I have never had coffee in real life Adam's mom doesn't allow us to drink it but now I can drink in Roblox yeah and you'll either never return or some random monster will spawn on us like every other game what are you talking about nothing's gonna happen what Ethan's gonna disappear Monster's gonna spawn wait we'll also come with you this is just like every other Roblox game bro all right sure let's go together wow so we actually get to stick around with Ethan okay that's unlike other Roblox games usually the main character leaves and we get attacked right follow Ethan to the power box where's that over around here it's behind the house yeah yeah this is cool this story is fun uh it looks okay to me okay we gotta fix it look at how many friends we got uh by the way is it only me or you also think the colors of this place are weird at night what what colors bro oh no who's that wait we haven't been over there what's that did you all also hear that what was that like somebody screamed oh no what happened bro what's going on let's get out of here I'm scared what happened bro what happened bro I have a bad feeling oh no he's my neighbor we gotta go and check on him is this like hello neighbor the story I don't know guys this is kind of creepy we're gonna just gonna go in his neighbor's house bro don't do that we're going in like the side door oh bro this is looking real sus um I don't know if we should go in here we might never return this is looking real sucks yeah guys no okay he's my neighbor okay follow me and don't make any noise okay so we're just in his neighbor's house now we're like tiptoe we're tiptoeing around his neighbor's house guys never do anything like this ever just Roblox we're in his neighbor's house but I guess we're helping so it's all good yeah I love the pictures of all the animals what I'm saying dude that's what I said earlier what's going on oh my goodness oh my goodness who's that run Runway Runway who is this this is the neighbor and he says run so there's a monster in here oh no dude it's spawned downstairs what is going on Howdy Folks there's a cowboy uh who are you what is going on why you're welcome I saved your life okay whoa okay yeah thanks for you but I really have no idea what's going on look at his facial expression I'm so confused what do we do now I know what to do but first what are your names I'm Summers well that's a cool name Cowboy Summers I'm Ethan he's Peter and these are all my friends yo this is late all right the cowboy just saved our lives so Mr Summers not to be offensive but this isn't Halloween so why the cowboy style okay right listen he just ignored the question well we've got a big problem uh oh someone from Earth has opened a portal to three dimensions which are called Earth black and white paradise and the old Wild West what we would need total three pendants that can be found near the most powerful creatures I have one of them I am the most powerful person from the old Wild West yeah look he has a pendant he's wearing it but I need your help help me to get the other two pendants so I can send everyone to their Dimension the third dimension that's open is black and white Paradise which is the home of the East this is such a cool story if they take over the Earth everything will turn black and white I can already see the colors fading oh yeah it is the colors are fading yeah same but who opened the portal and why bro all I know is that these three pins goes into the hands of evil you could rule all the dimensions if someone can open rule all dimensions then why do we need help you get them I said one could all I'm trying to do is send everyone to the dimension and bring peace bro I want you guys to come with me to find the other pennants you're the only people alive I could find bro one pen it tells you where the others are so I know where to go exactly okay okay so we need to get the pendants this is such a cool story we got to go to two different dimensions maybe you first you guys should go and fight baseball bats oh there's stuff everywhere oh nice you got a baseball bat oh wow everyone has different stuff somebody got a hammer plus you get to choose your weapon I got a pitchfork also cool okay and I still have my coffee wow guys so we have to explore a bunch of different dimensions and pick up a pendant in each one this is so cool guys now the cowboy already has one so we just need to find two more pendants yeah okay follow me he says this is so lit dude all right follow Summers find the pendants guys I wonder where they're gonna be hidden this is such a cool story somebody was just saying and he does oh man oh now we're following Summers outside where are we going we gotta go to a portal into another dimension oh no way we're gonna do another dimension this is awesome this is such a cool story guys it's unlike everything else we've played man it really is I mean what other uh stories in Roblox you you meet a cowboy from a different dimension I know two two hours later guys we traveled in the portal bro wow hey guys isn't anyone else tired we've been walking for two hours you're always tired Willow oh bruh all right fine we can stay at a place for a while no do you trust Summers what if he's trying to trick us what if he's trying to oof us man I do trust Summers yeah yeah bruh but I don't know I mean Ethan I don't know if I trust Ethan though that's what I I agree bro this seems like a good place to stay oh no we need to gather some resources to start a fire we gotta start a fire man I'm too tired he's too tired for the fire can you all gather the stuff please yeah same really really you guys are not gonna help at all really yeah I knew it you'll just stand here without any help like every other Story game okay okay pardon I'm not tired I'm gonna help you folks okay let's go Summers let's go all right let's go find some stuff all right we gotta go find like some wood or something yup yup ah this is cool we all got to work together and build like a shell shelter wow we're making our own little campsite this is a really cool story game Adam this is pretty nice we get a camp out with our friends but wait a minute do we have to like go to two different dimensions why are we building a base right here um I think because we're tired because it's pretty late and we haven't slept at all oh sleep is very important guys yeah you got to make sure you get good sleep I sleep all the time yeah and we have to find all the pendants I'm so excited to see what happens when we get them all bruh We're Gonna Save the dimensions yeah exactly I sleep 23 hours a day that's true guys it's awesome it's pretty lit wow the other hour I watched Paw Patrol look at Peter and Ethan bro they're just out bro they're Zonk wow they're sleepy nice and I found okay nice we did it cool this is a cool story everyone does have to work together otherwise that part would take literally forever yeah you're right now I'm chilling this is good yep no it is not can't you see the world's colors fading it is bro it actually is I'm hungry anyone got something to eat I ate I am hungry yup well I don't have anything sorry come on Peter yeah you guys can see the screen is actually getting less colorful bro it's fading I think we should leave now every second counts but we just sat like 15 seconds ago we need to go man the colors are fading I don't want to get late and live in a black and white world just because you want to sit here okay respect I'm leaving if anyone wants to come with me then they can come I'll I'll go I'll go dude fine let's go I'll go bro I'll go let's do it man guys the colors are fading we gotta go we don't have time to be sitting around on our movies another 49 minutes later the colors are really fading now all right so it looks like the pendant is somewhere here in this lab oh man thank goodness there's no demons oh no there's gonna be demons why would you say that bro this is gonna be demons okay all the Summers to this door yo okay okay this story is nuts bro Hmm this is locked oh SpaghettiOs what are we gonna do about that sir now what what are we gonna do about that sir let's try to find something to open this door okay okay we gotta find like a crow bear or something yeah crowbar like a remote control or something uh I'm looking I'm looking around the science lab I don't see anything uh do you see anything Adam no I'm looking for like a key or something to open this I just want to give the key what about these potions bro what about this glowing yellow potion that doesn't do anything that'd be cool maybe you could turn invisible oh somebody found it I don't even know what they found job all right we got a cool team let's go oh the doors close are opening guys this is awesome all right bro we're all man we're like in an Intergalactic space station but you guys can see the colors in Roblox are actually fading that's so cool yeah guys that's not your screen it's actually getting less colorful Yo Go and show them some colors oh that's cool that's like a cool hero line go show them some colors defeat the demons wait why why is everyone just standing around uh I think we're taking some damage we're just standing around guys dude this game is awesome fight and fight them Yo our team is so strong look at that look at that it really is man easy peasy lemony squeezy you know what I mean wow hey yo this guy's just stood there and dance that guy does not care respect respect cool okay how do we get through this door man wait didn't we defeat the demons why does it keep saying defeat the demons oh we did it we did it oh there's so cool potions over drinking my coffee now what now what do we do we still need to go forward and find the pendant I think it's in the Next Room all right it's right behind here so prepare yo I'm mentally prepared bro like I have mental prepare yeah it might actually be guarded by some more demons so we have to be ready bro you always gotta fight your inner dude that's true guys I know uh oh it's a scientist evil scientist he's got the pendant he's wearing it look who it is the best Cowboy from the big old Wild West oh he's got the pendant this guy's got the second pendant I'm saying yo he's got oof all over him yeah and I would like to take the one you have too yeah you'll never take it really nah and where's the third pendant yep nah yeah about that here take a look at my new friend from black and white Paradise who got the third pendant wait this guy trapped the guy with the third pendant oh no oh my goodness a mega demon oh yo but yeah Cowboy I need that third pennant too so I'll ask you again will you give me the pendant no absolutely not how about you give us both of yours yup that's what I'm talking about let's go Summers hmm fine I guess we'll take it ourselves no you won't no you won't hey yo it's a boss fight we have to survive for 10 seconds wait wait this boss fight is insane what do you mean ah wait I did a lot of damage though oh what is that oh oh my goodness it's an electro spinner I'm gonna zap bus dude this is ridiculous what kind of boss fight dude all the colors getting drained from our screen oh you're right it's almost like no color left oh power usage what does it have to go to like 100 hey yo hey yo everyone's getting oofed what is going on yo yo we are just getting started power usage is at 28 it's got to go to a hundred oh no guys this story is so cool bro his power level's over 9 000. bro this game is insane I'm so bad I'm so we gotta survive okay power usage still at 28. yeah he's like dropping Electro explosions on it Rose Stop dropping Electro explosions bro I know it's crazy guys oh wow you're doing better than I thought power usage went up he's it we're halfway dude he's at 55 he's at 55. this is not good man we're looking great dude we're looking good ice got it dude you got it okay we're doing great dude we're doing really really really good you really are yeah oh no I'm at 45 Health what yeah white this is not good boy okay watch out watch out oh my goodness everyone's taking so much damage guys uh our team might uh yo what's your health at I'm at 42. oh you're you can see your house oh I'm at 60. yeah I'm looking good yeah no I'm at 45. oh oh none oh no no no 35. yo is power usage yeah 73 I think it's the final round is this it guys oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm taking so much damage and the the spinner thing is getting so fast oh my goodness somebody oofed clicked your volume I'll revive them okay good idea I gotta pay Robux I'll revive you bro don't worry bro wait but you're gonna oh my goodness I'm at 17 Health bro I'm at 12. don't wait Adam I'll revive you oh thank you I'll revive you if you survive you I'll revive you don't worry dude his power usage is almost there come on yes it's 99. please please please please no respond bro revive friend revive oh you got it you got it you got it oh my goodness I respond yo Adam moved I'll respawn you bro guys I'll respond everyone on the team but anyway everyone this boss fight is so hard I'm trying to revive everyone I don't know if I did I tried guys I tried to click yeah we're trying our best they're at 90 we the whole team oofed at 99 bro this boss fight is almost impossible boss fight he's nuts like a peanut butter jelly sandwich we did it wow oh I tried to revive Stella I can't that's okay that's okay and now it's just no no color at all that is not screen guys well I'm following Summers yo they blew up bro wow they used so much electricity it Zapped the color out of the screen bro they both are gone bro and Earth turned black and white wow what now at least we have the three pennants can we do anything now get a worried evidence things can still be fixed but there's a problem looks like hey boy we require a human sacrifice from the strongest one from any of the world what that means you summer Summers yes thanks for helping me with this full no that's sad oh man he was our friend now I Must Destroy these pendants for once and bring peace and color everywhere dude no what do we do should we intervene I think we need to bring the colors back are you serious I'm voting that but you can vote I haven't voted whatever your heart decides I'll vote this for my heart and I'm gonna get a Pop-Tart nice bro I feel bad but we gotta he said he wants to do it I don't know thank you so much Summers we'll remember you this is so sad bro yo our team started like 10 people there's only three of us left wow wow oh color time yo this story is nuts bro wow I never realized how beautiful a colorful Roblox is until the colors got taken away that's true you never know how important something is until you lose it that's dirt right right right wow and we really just brought all this color and happiness back to the world four days later hey welcome guys what's up wow we're back at Ethan's house hey Ethan okay ready to play some games oh my goodness bro now everything seems so colorful wow that's actually crazy Roblox looks like it's a rainbow all of a sudden because they drain the colors and put it back yeah guys that's like you don't know what you got to list on never take stuff for granted nah bro hey do you still think about that cowboy summer sometimes I mean look at that cat though yeah like every day honestly it was cool I miss him it's only been four days I still feel bad I know right anyways let's not talk about it like we said man yeah right let's start the game yeah let's just play video games and forget about it yeah good idea man um I I I I I I I'll never forget you Summers wow Cowboy Summers wow guys whoa is that Patchy the clown whoa he's dancing everyone loves him that's cool this is awesome guys this story is super popular on Roblox right now we're gonna play the whole thing okay patchy is that his boss get out of here hey that's not nice oh man he's got to go perform okay you know the show is about to start okay why is the boss being so mean it's time to throw it's go time and bring your friends with you are we his friends I think so yeah I think we're all friends with patchy are we some clowns ah we're clowns come on guys you are the boss let's put on the best show yet yeah that's a good attitude whoa the stage door watch out watch out watch out watch out whoa this is crazy this story is crazy you gotta watch out for all the different obstacles come on you dumb clowns you're late hey stop that what do you mean why is the boss so mean dude I don't know guys they just yell at us yeah they need to chill whoa wait this is crazy you gotta watch out for the Fallen chandeliers well are we gonna make it in time watch out for the falling chandeliers if you're not hearing 50 seconds you're fired you'll chill it's all right it's all right well the the the the gas like slowed me down you got it you got it oh my goodness that was close we made it with five seconds to go this is crazy guys this story is gonna be a lot of fun why is the boss so mean man just chill out bro just relax is that all of you yeah it's just the two of us okay good now get out of there okay okay calm down I don't know why I hired these kids I'm a great clown yeah we are clowns guys okay yeah we are we are clowns on the internet Okay now what's going on oh wait we're like in a box ladies and gentlemen that is truly outrageous oh prepare to witness the funniest cringiest and craziest stupidest I mean silliest clowns in Roblox yeah patchy and the lanky box gang let's go the goofball Lucky Block gang let's go dude enter the ring oh whoa this is lit we gotta put on a show for everyone that's awesome all right that's pretty cool actually okay yeah wow hey you already know hey I'm gonna entertained let's go are delightful clowns will now fight to the oh wait what wait wait wait what that's literally what Justin said in real life wait what what in our cream pie boil Royale Battle Royale get ready to fight you're lucky he's not a reading Battle Royale Royale you're going down bro hey I'll see you later hey yo I just fall down hey you're going down Adam take that no I dodged it down I knocked him down take that down ah stop it this game is crazy this is actually a pretty good show right here I I I would like this show yeah I would love to go to this show [Music] ah surprise oh you're not gonna Dodge my pie get eaten there we go I thought they were gonna make us oof each other that would have been crazy easy huh yeah this is just pretty cool this is not working why is it we're literally standing here all right let's see who won get eaten get eaten nice that must have been a tie bro yeah that was super fun guys pretty intense huh wasn't that great ladies and gentlemen our clowns sure know how to fight you okay Adam get up that was awful I'm covered in pie it's okay I don't get up don't let the boss hear you complaining yeah dude don't complain it's a fun job the clowns will now race each other oh to the top of our obstacle course oh it's like a hobby the losers will be dumped in slime don't dunk me in slime bro oh no why is everything so messy all over clowns I guess that's part of our job so we have to race each other guys okay I I will beat this oh my goodness what is this on your marks what color do we go on go what color do we go on I guess you just jump I'll see you later dude I'm going to the right side all right guys I'll take your bets who do you think is gonna win see you later bro I'll see you later bro I tried to take a shortcut hey yo hey yo yo I don't even see right okay I'm in the lead oh he's a little bit ahead of me I'll see you later Adam I pressed the button oh no way goodbye Adam wait so that means I get dumped you get Doug in some slime boy no you got a badge for winning that okay wait where's Adam oh did you get dunked in slime um I think I'm about to ha now our clowns are the slimiest and silliest in all of Roblox okay this is a fun job and everything but he's kind of making fun of us why do we need to do this every night well because it's our job it's not like we get paid or anything what then why are we doing this it's just for fun oh okay what are you clowns complaining about stop it stop being so mean it's time for your final act the Final Act what is it oh no this part is the worst what are we gonna do wait please welcome the star of the show oh it's patchy patchy yeah all right okay that Apache looks just like us that's patchy I guess yeah we're all clowns guys man this is such a cool story but why is it patchy's origin is it like it's gonna be sad now watch has patchy's friends work together that's us to build the cannon we're gonna fire him out of Cannon which will launch patchy to the top of the tent he's gonna oof man so he can rescue a brave volunteer from certain oh nah we shouldn't do this good luck everyone I hope we make it this time nah this is bad dude this is bad we might oof our friends and patchy this is crazy guys what do we do find four parts to build the cannon whoa trampoline yo this story is awesome I found one I found one yeah guys and apparently people on Roblox and YouTube are saying the ending of this story might be one of the saddest endings of all time dude I don't I I'm not ready guys I I really don't know where the story's gonna go hey Adam I've already found three parts what are you doing um I'm trying my best what do you do wait why do they got a Roblox Noob hanging up there wait is that the volunteer that's the volunteer well they look happy I guess but this is not safe dude never do anything like it's nice Amazon nice cool all right we got four parts of the cannon oh boy patchy is making his way to the cannon okay I'm right behind him yo patchy you good bro uh I don't think so this is not a good idea guys never do anything like this ever in your lives yeah okay Apache looks confident so does the noob yeah find a torch to light the fuse no see there's the noob up there I'll find the torch item we've almost done it come on I'll find the torch ate him all right you got it yeah I'll look for it let me know if you see it all right I'll try looking oh I see it I see this right here nice nice we're gonna get it dude does that well is the new smiling he looks okay I think so yeah I found a torch I found it yeah he's fine he's totally fine totally fine guys cool definitely not super dangerous here we go patchy oh oh what and the noob got oofed patchy everyone's billing oh no we forgot to check the cannon was aimed correctly and what wasn't our fault what have you done everyone's booing at it my circus it's ruined my eyes my boss is really mad oh my goodness let's get out of here dude it's time to skedaddle bro I'm out of here bro I'm sorry our fault I'm sorry Mr Noob I didn't want it to be like this bro escape from the tent guys here we go my goodness bro this is like the Joker origin story and I'm here to say doctor safe is this the way to go oh yeah wow that was intense once they escape the circus patchy's friends found shelter in the nearby City bro patchy was later found and locked away by the circus Master how was he found he just got blasted out of the cannon to Nowhere well he would have moved so now we're like hiding God searching the dumpster so cold out here dude this is crazy this story is nuts so now we're on the Run guys and we haven't eaten in ages yeah we're running dude we're running from the authorities the city is a scary place for a clown yeah it sure is I know and it looks like the boss called the police to find us nah bro oh boy okay so when you find 10 food and five shelter materials this is nuts this story is nuts okay I'm searching the dumpster again you see anything I'm looking in kind of like the center or town area okay I'll follow you over there oh we gotta find some okay I'm good at that don't worry Foxy's really good at that she says my nose knows right I found some food oh yep I found some materials yeah watch over the police stuff oh they chase you guys they chase you are you serious yup this is so bad this story is crazy they do a lot of damn I'm gonna oop I'm gonna ooh I just took so much damage oofed are you serious wow so don't get close to the uh the authorities okay I won't I won't yeah I won't I won't I'm sneaking yeah I paid to respawn I'm sneaking like I'm for Gotham City guys will call me Batman the way I'm sneaking right guys Justin is so sneaky and so cool oh wait yeah this guy's really fast oh okay we're fine actually okay I'm fine nice okay I found a bunch of stuff Adam's only found one we need to find 10 food yeah well you can check the same bins over and over I think oh okay okay that makes it easier I'm pretty sure you can just watch out for the police yeah got it watch out dude watch out hey I see you yeah I'm searching I found everything I found five pieces already I'll search this bin too all right search them all Adam nice switch them all yeah yeah you could research them got it okay that makes sense just keep doing like laps yep got another one it's a lot of fun guys this story is really crazy guys that was a crazy twist I did not expect the lube just to oof like that man I ooped again okay Adam you're not taking this seriously yeah that's why I'm patchy's right hand man and you're just like the backup yeah right like you know what I mean Justin's like the lit clown I'm like the actual I can actually ride a tricycle across a rope that's true I can I've actually done that in the backyard never try that ever in your lives but I can do that it's so impressive yeah it's pretty lit yeah I'm not gonna lie I never saw him do it but he said he did it so I know I just wasn't filming but like I've had done it and I I submitted it to a circus to try and uh join yeah and Justin never lies I would net why would you even say that of course this is awesome guys all right so what's gonna happen when we find 10 food total we need to find one more I got it I got it okay nice okay this should be enough to get us through the night I mean yeah we got 10 pieces of two let's build this shelter and figure out what we're going to do good that's a good plan that's actually a good plan where do we build the shelter let's see guys man this story is wild man it really is we gotta find out what happened to Patchy okay I heard the boss locked patchy up what oh man why oh this is our shelter this is a nice shelter but why would he do that that's what I'm saying dude seriously you know the boss can't stand us clowns bro we gotta do this bro he promised us a great life in the circus with Fame and money but instead he kept all the money for himself and treated us like rubbish ah we gotta get revenge on that guy we need to go back for patchy we can't leave him behind yup never leave your friends behind guys we gotta we gotta rescue patchy man with the boss did him dirty patches friends decided to go back to their boss's house yup we're gonna save patchy dude yeah to find and rescue patchy so they could escape the circus together let's go dude let's go let's go dude all right guys so we have one mission in this game and that's to save patchy okay we just broke into our boss's house okay remind me why are we at the boss's house that's what I'm saying surely we're gonna be caught here that's what I'm saying this is dangerous never do anything like this ever don't worry we'll be quick we'll be real Speedy patchy has to be in here somewhere yep we're about to be real Speedy bro we got it we got it we're about to be so Speedy bro okay guys peachy help us look for him find Pei we gotta open this door okay be careful and be careful all right you go you you go first yeah you have to like click the doors a bunch of times you go first here follow me I need backup okay we need to see your code what is this on the wall secret code okay it looks like a code for something nice we gotta backtrack and find the code we need to see if there are any clues lying around don't worry patchy we'll save you dude we'll save you enter the correct code okay we got what's the code right here seven seven is orange seven is orange four is yellow four yellow okay four yellow seven orange go ahead and enter those okay did you do it four yellow seven orange did you do it yep and then we need uh purple one more purple I'll find it dude leave it to me got it oh use guest yep nice looks like we got it now we need to see what it opens that's really smart you can just guess the last one find the key card we need a key card I guess so whoa this is nice I have to steal some food yeah this is so nice we need a key card um but it's not here so I'm gonna go over here okay let's keep looking guys go that way can't go that way it's a dead end where was the key card behind I'm looking for this oh it's right here this should open that locked door in the kitchen wow this game is awesome patchy must be through here let's go you all right I'm scared of the boss dude get to the basement they lock patchy up in the basement we got Apache tied up in the basement wow this is not okay man why would he do this oh what is this it wasn't patchy's fault we didn't check the Cannons our fault why the bat why'd the boss do this to Patchy patchy are you down here we're here to say you did don't make so much noise yes he's obviously behind this metal door it's Mendel door why else would the boss have this down here yeah that's a good point it's a good point that makes sense open the door oh we probably got oh you gotta connect the wires I got this bro I got this this stand back dude it's like Among Us yeah I'm fixing electrical bro beep beep it doesn't work Justin's got it guys he's one of the smartest people on planet Earth I'm basically doing huge brain nice [Music] look at me man wow look at him go look at me go let's go nice let's go was that it let's go yep it opened crunchy oh no I think I'm in a cage this is messed up bro let him out that is so sad right here's the key right here I found it oh no the door's just closed just got locked in here at least patchy's still happy look he's staying positive patchy we knew you'd be down here good for you patchy what are you doing here you shouldn't have come back no don't worry patchy we came to rescue you buddy oh boy this was all my fault I got what I deserved oh it's our fault we can check the cannon it's not your fault patch you don't blame yourself why are you saying that that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying the boss says that I am always messing things up it's not you patchy Adam's mom says that to us too and that's why my parents didn't love me anymore that is so sad Patchy the boss is lying to you correct correct he just wants to make you feel bad so you stay with him and his Circle don't listen to him patchy don't listen to him bro don't cry don't listen bro come on one we're gonna get you out of here we're getting you out of here bro there must be a way out through that window yep and I got the key too so we can get blood patch yeah that's so messed up man the bus making patchy feel bad about himself so he stays with him I open the door nice we got patchy out of here okay now the Cave's open let's get out of here yeah this we got a badge I think you can actually beat this without letting patchy out but we would never do that yeah I'm gonna get oh can I pick up a hammer do we have to like break the window or something oh I get a wrench I picked up a wrench okay nice picked up a wrench now can I open this maybe I picked up a ranch how do we get out of here bro yeah I can't think he said get out of the the window so that's what I tried to do let's try going over to the door if puzzle breaks use button to open the door that's not even that doesn't even make sense really do man actually can you help oh you could like push patchy don't push patchy don't do the patchy pushy how do you get out of here bro escape the basement um this part's pretty tricky did you pick up a wrench do you see this anything you can click on okay okay do you know what to do buddy please help us maybe if I dance patch you'll figure it out yeah come on patchy you could do it if the puzzle breaks use the button to open door no Adam that's for the other side of the door okay there must be way out here I picked up a wrench oh somebody here wow wow you can use this pipe to hold the window open I got a big brain dude I got a big brain I know what to do let's go let's get out of here dude that is so smart we did it now we just need to use some something to climb up to reach the opening what we can jump up there can we use the Box yeah the boxes the boxes boxes I got it oh cool dude I got it dude I'm solo running this game dude you got it hey patchy get up man get up it's time to go these boxes should do the job this is awesome let's get out come on patchy let's go that's what I said all right come on man don't feel down anymore let's go we're getting you out of here let's go we get it guys after escaping the house with Patchy the clowns hid in the nearby Forest we're still hiding guys we're still hiding from the authorities without any food or shelter they needed a plan and fast we need we need to do something man we're gonna starve to oof yep don't want to do that no I can't believe we made it out of here without being caught I can't believe it either bro neither can I although I'm sure it won't be long before the boss notices patchy is missing nah we're getting out of here looks like an Obby up ahead does anyone have a plan for what we we should do next I got a plan always listen to me what's the plan Justin Justin from lanky box is a genius that's the plan eat forget you hear that sound like dogs the boss set dogs on us oh it definitely did and they sounded close I could I could I could talk to him tell him to leave us alone guys right we gotta run from scary dogs run from the dogs all these dogs chasing us oh no oh watch out watch out watch out they're gonna bite us yeah wait is that Paw Patrol no it's not hey yo Paw Patrol hey yo yo they're really fast oh no no no no no no you got it you got it no no no no no no no no no no no you're going left yeah I'm going left dude I'll be right there all right you're my best friend oh my goodness bro this is nuts bro we got it we gotta save patchy bro we gotta save patchy's life right here yeah guys now remember like we said the ending of this game one of the saddest and craziest of any Roblox game so I heard it's a Twist surprise ending I hope we don't cry watch out for the boulders whoa watch out for the Falling Rocks you know what I mean yeah guys that does not rock watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out dude this story is so sad man Apache blames himself for everything the boss really messed with his mind guys let's hide in that cage yup good idea that's a good hiding spot all right nice dogs will never find us in here ever oh no what is this do we have to go deep into the cave we're going deeper oh no we gotta go up this way oh I see okay why is the boss doing this that's a good question he wants you because you're the star of the show The Boss needs you patchy wow without you then the circus wouldn't be the same that's what I'm saying bro that's what I'm saying and then the boss wouldn't get any more money all about money to the boss man so you mean the boss only wants me for money that's what I just said I always thought you really cared about me and wanted to look after me this is so sad he trusted the boss no Patchy the boss hates all of us and he's been lying to you all along ah I guess I never saw things like that I'm sorry for not realizing sooner it's okay patchy we're getting you out of here I think it's time we taught a lesson to that boss yeah I think it's time you had an English lesson can you read bro once patchy realizes the truth about the boss he felt angry and betrayed he decided to go back to the circus to get revenge for his friends yup I guess we're gonna take down the evil boss once and for all here we go back at the circus but it's 3 A.M it's dark thank you thank you for coming back with me you're welcome patchy yup of course patchy will always be here for you yeah we got some unfinished business we're your family now wow that's deep man let's go this is great that's so deep follow patchy man hey guys where are we going oh the spotlight's just turned on the boss found us nice time to 1v1 this guy is he just he's just a beard wow this guy's a magician how sweet of you all How Sweet It Is one big happy clown fam bro I'm taking you out bro you ruined my circus and I think I need to give you answers I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me I don't know why I'm the one reading this I barely know my own name okay all right we're getting up here let's see how you like this like what hey patchy get up here oh hey yo hey yo this guy is a magician hey yo what's happening in the Box okay the boss put him on safety actually he put him in a jail circus boss here we go I have a boss fight we got a baseball bat get him we have like a laser get him bro what is that like a floating Magic Hat it does so much damage what actually yeah a lot of dude all right well at least it's luckily just going after Adam yeah it's only attacking me good okay good oh what is that oh you got like a Magical Hammer was this the Green Lantern this boss fight looks so cool this guy is actually the Green Lantern what is this get him get him how do we do damage all right he's coming down get him get him get him get him over here over here over here no he's not oh he faked this out wow did you take damage no oh yes I did oh my goodness wow he's only going after Justin now I'll bring him to Adam I'm half Health oh no no no no no no no get him get him get him he's dizzy he's dizzy yeah that that's it oh no we just did no damage okay so after the spinning attack what is this what is that whoa this guy got laser beavers ah it goes back the other way too oh no oh my goodness this boss fight is actually nuts I might oof here guys wait wait I'm taking so much damage away what this is not good yo hey yo get this guy out of here now it's a spinner I had to respawn again I just respawned three times in this story you know I'm still here though I won't have yeah there's no way adjustable ooh he's too talented oh he's doing a little spinny trick again I know this he's faking us out Adam get close to him he's gonna get dizzy and stop all right you got it that's not fair you got it okay I'm responding I'm responding I'm trying it's invisible wall I gotta help at him do damage is he dizzy yeah I'll be right there wait for me dude oh man this is so busted dude wow this bus is one of the hardest boss fights we've ever had Roblox that's true guys it really is this boss fight is nice you got it man we have to save patchy oh wait this hat does so much damage [Applause] wait if you don't play Roblox or Roblox this would be impossible yeah I've already moved three times and I'm not I'm like trying my very hardest okay okay here you come down he's gonna do spinning watch out watch out watch out attack and then right after we gotta hit him with all we got yep I'm gonna let him go after Adam thank you you are my best friend I've never taken so much damage yeah wow okay get ready a huge amount of damage we need one more of those no we need two more probably no we got it here comes the lava spinners yeah if you go ouch oh my goodness oh my goodness that is fast if you guys have friends to play this with you'll probably be able to oofa more we don't have frankly yeah Anna's mom won't play with us either yeah she said nah she she refused to make a Roblox account and play with us so yep it is what it is yeah it's okay though yeah all right got each other yep that's how we have the plushies guys yeah they're awesome okay that's over now he's gonna come down to the spinning attack I've learned I've learned his whole moveset dude if we get him like I've learned his whole movement set dude right go Adam you go be bait yeah Justin's playing chess guys yeah go be bait yeah and everyone else is playing checkers yep I'm playing checkers right chess sir chess right go get him uh oh I was too far away come on do nothing all right one more of those I know we can do it watch out for the magical hat the magical hat is nuts it really is it reminds me of Cappy from uh Mario Odyssey what the the cap the Mario throws I'm not allowed to play that because Adam won't share his Nintendo switch I just do that's what you get that's what you get bro that's what you get oh boy Adam always flexing on me playing Nintendo switch won't let me play yeah it's pretty funny guys it makes sense okay Adam's debate again okay okay nice stay close to him yeah I got it just stay close to Adam he's gonna get heated I'm just gonna run in a circle I think this could be it all right here it is quick and this past you can right here yep click him as fast Yep this is it jump oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah come on eat it let's go is that it yeah yeah that was a super intense boss battle wow wait what what's gonna happen to the boss he zoofed we did it we set patchy free wow oh there's patchy patchy how could you you betrayed us all what do you mean how could you after everything I did for you you didn't do anything to patch you you've been a bunch of money from shooting at a can stop it boss it's over we're leaving the circus and you can't stop us this time that's right it's time to start a new life oh well the boss is gonna oof we're going from the clown life to the Sweet Life right never going back yep oh wow what just happened to Patchy and the boss wait they just fused what is this the ending actually betrayed us Whoa We Got The Show Must Go On award this is just the beginning dude everyone in here knows us oh okay dude what was the last time you went on a vacation ah like years ago oh man what about you I pretty much never dude wait this girl got boxy shirt and boxes awesome dude look at our Squad man let's go oh okay now guys you're gonna actually get foxy and boxy in Roblox now so go get them they'll be linked down below let's go make sure to always go to get the boxy and Foxy plushie okay dude this plane is sick oh okay I'm I'm 9B is my C what's yours I'm over here I'm in 10 um [Music] [Music] oh foxy says oh yeah I was just I'm a pilot really yeah you forgot Fox is a pilot you know that just eating wings doesn't mean you're a pilot right yeah you want a bet okay now wait where do you think we're gonna go on vacation like Disneyland so somewhere else I want to go to the beach really go to the beach okay okay foxy does need a little bit of a tan yeah he really does dude I love seeing how many people have like Foxy and Foxy yeah so cool let's go we got the whole Squad hi guys we're taking it up people says they're crying oh no mild turbulence here she boxes just bouncing everywhere dude oh no people actually lost Health yeah well if they don't sit down they take the damage that's why I said everyone find yourself no okay be safe we should be all right though be safe otherwise Imma have to blow my whistle now the captain says hello passengers we are now a cruising altitude feel free to get out of your seats okay let's go and then maybe they have some snacks in the back oh please oh I got the Fancy Feet Again oh my God everyone is saying hey is this gonna be the whole video it's gonna be nice to stick his vacation I've ever seen hey oh whoa wait what's happening what's happening is the power going out no ladies and gentlemen it seems that we have an unexpected power outage oh no no oh no I'm scared I'm panicking right now already does not like the dark yo we're the four of us are scared but this person just typed just the thing come on guys it's the lights OMG what is that on the right engine what is it no we're going to die no no this is the worst vacation ever wow oh no no wait what do we do wait what is it oh dude I don't know our friends are dying our friends are dying no no no no no Lobster run run run is there a monster on the plane some people with two damage yeah there's a monsters right there it's right there oh no dude I'm running I'm running I'm running this thing's following us I do not like this read my chicken friend alone no he's not ready to be deep fried run no we need everyone to be on our vacation no this person says I will give you donuts for help I can't help you guys run guys sorry oh no run run run I'm going up to First Class he might be oh oh nice good call okay someone finally turned it off okay okay that was pretty bad there for a second I like this guy's outfit the all yellow oh this guy's got our merch on nice hey they're all right they're already spamming hey I didn't even type it guys you see me it's gonna be a long video Fancy Feet oh they're gonna be serving pizza oh get the pizza wait is this gonna be boys I ate mine did you eat yours oh yeah I got my pizza eat it eat it eat it don't be silly says the flight attendant with the chicken with the chicken yeah you know what I like on my pizza so always what is this Adam join the pizza party man hello everyone this is your pilot speaking it seems that we are going through a thunderstorm and severe turbulence oh no uh oh careful guys uh-oh get to your seats we would like to ask everyone to return to their seats get your seats wait I forgot my seat number it's a ticket yeah yeah okay I'm 10g I'm 10g I'm right here nice nice nice dude look how cozy foxy looks how's boxy looking boxy's scared but he's doing good Foxy's just chilling let's go this person's gonna take damage dude go to your seat be safe otherwise lifeguard just gonna blow oh that person Jazz the engine's on fire wait whoa how what do we do put it out oh oh get it get a mask get a mask everyone oh no it's a life that's the lights are we are we going under oh I have what I have what you have when you have one okay okay wait does that mean that we're gonna go into the ocean if we do I'm prepared I'm prepared okay okay okay okay dude whoa this is so sick oh no way I'm taking damage get out of the water get out of the water get out of the wind get on the way and quick but how do you swim how do you swim wait what's what's piece are you on I'm going to the way I'm going to the wings I can't move I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going how do you move you good oh that Wing I'm an idiot he was thinking about some chicken wings okay we made it good job guys oh no is there gonna be sharks or something oh it's a shark I called it be careful Adam be careful oh no I don't like sharks the shark doesn't like the fancy fear yo yo he smells the pizza I'll get on everyone get out of the way get on the way no are you gonna die we gotta help him we gotta help him instead get me instead leave our friends alone it won't let me get on it okay whoa I find this shark dude I'm riding the shark punch the shark I'm riding the shark no way oh oh you like teleported how are you still at 100 health I died I respond I lost my pizza oh okay okay so many of our teammates died dude guys we had to protect them okay now we're on an abandoned Island bro this is so sick okay our teammates honestly look at their health they're not doing too good this is officially the lanky Island we must all protect one another we need to find food right now and build a shelter okay let's work together build shelter there must be some food in this Forest somewhere I'm going to the top of the mountain let's see let's go let's go let's go good idea good idea oh wait I see food I've seen apples I see apples smart apples apples apples what if they're poisonous yeah I'm not gonna eat mine I'm gonna eat mine no wait this reminds me of that other game yeah whoever ate the apples died wait the apples might be poisoned be careful be careful guys somebody said don't eat it just in case yeah true true I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it Adam no I'm eating it I'm looking at it and I'm eating it yo boxy looks so concerned I ate mine guys we'll see who ate there's this guy says don't eat oh no oh no wait oh no I feel sick OMG what about that monster that we saw what if it is here oh no oh yeah what if it followed us dude dude I gotta I might have to do CPR now is Foxy gonna attack the monster no no we might have to do CPR on you at all Adam athem Adam ate the apple I guess you could say it wasn't Adam's Apple hey hey everyone's saying hey this is a good one ow it's raining it's raining run run we need shelter we need to make a shelter no we're too busy talking about Adam's apples no our teammates are gonna die dude yeah someone said that was close yeah look at all of our teammates everyone's on red oh no is it gonna be an Obby oh oh no oh no wait look at how small our our vacation group got what is an Abby go go go go go I'm leaving the pack quick quick nicely good progress looking good okay okay wait why is there a cage oh no what is that I'm gonna try and jump in it what is that no but what if this is where like the monster is gonna spawn everybody's so low Health can I get oh you can climb it let me try and climb it somebody said over here oh this person let's follow them oh they got foxy they know what's up I feel like we are being watched oh no oh no oh no oh I I have a flashlight now oh no but it's in a cave back into the cave I guess uh what the heck Escape The Maze one more time out okay oh no dude we're so mad amazing we sucked it that way yeah I'm going live I went live following you everyone follow Justin oh no I wait is it deadhead is it dead I'm sorry oh left left no one's a day it's a dead end everywhere dude how are we always just terrible at me we're so bad amazing and we got our team kill wait I think I made it to the end what I don't I don't know what I did though because I'm like oh I see her at the end we made it yeah we made it yeah okay yeah we made it wait wasn't that the entrance no either I'm going to die now or I think you're gonna die oh no but I made it to the end oh no no you made it to a dead end you know wait I did make it no you went back to the start you had to start no okay what's up guys that was the wrong way that was embarrassing I'm in the Trap wait what Adam's in a cage what yeah they got boxy on wait he says hang on where's lucky guys I'm in the I'm in the cage that I was trying to jump in earlier wait so we gotta go back to the cave again okay I'm in another yeah is this okay this is the right spot dude this person knows what she's doing let's go find him oh no oh Adam help I'm trapped what if we don't fight you dude my fate rests in your hands that's not a good place to put it oh that one girl with boxy on her shirt made it to me she found you yeah two people found me thank goodness okay I found monkey box games Adam we need to find something to break the cage open oh maybe maybe like one of the pieces washed up on shore this makes no sense because the person with you is in the cave so yeah she says I'll stay here so Esquire is staying with you and we have to find a piece Adam this is it's not looking good for you man I I saw like it oh wait yes maybe it is looking good for you we found it nice got the squad got the squad got the squad yes guys we found it let's go here I am OMG thank you guys oh thank you I'm out he looks like he bout to be barbecue okay okay okay okay we made it out wait do we have to go back down what do we do I'm not feeling so well no is it like apple why is it always you it was the Apple the apples were rotten I'm not gonna lie it's been a pretty good vacation honestly honestly are you kidding me wait everyone died who ate an apple no no the Adam's apples were a trap it's fun guys okay this person responds this person responds we need to light a fire bruh it is getting dark and cold now oh yeah meanwhile let's split up gather logs and start the fire on top of the hill okay let's get logs okay I'm still looking they should be like glowing okay I got one nice oh I found another one nice okay oh no I did find it nice good job good job now let me light it with my Flint necklace okay oh I'm standing in the fire huh do the fire dance party that's true wait what what runs during the fire oh no where do we run wait we just died we just died and respawn no yeah what about the rest of our team OMG run away from the trees no the trees are burning down dude wait they're in there somewhere oh no is it just us please tell me Esquire or broccoli 2000 made it out I'm actually light-headed from the stress I am experiencing right now we started this game with a bunch of subscribers and literally every single one of them died except for us it was all our fault Adam Adam it was all our fault dude the apples killed half of them and the fire killed the rest of them that's true it was us it was our fault how do we escape or should we just run back into the fire let's sacrifice ourselves for our viewers I'll find you I'm dying turning into firefighter Jesse I'll find you a tsunami this game is impossible all your food is gonna get soggy no please dude wait get off this hill get on this hill okay I'm coming I'm coming down it's getting closer no wait this is so scary at least it's gonna put all the fire out okay okay oh our little bonfire's still here okay let's see what happens oh my goodness dude this is ridiculous this is one of the most difficult stories we've ever played by far we're back home we're in a hotel was it all a dream guys wake up don't miss your mom lights wait it was all a dream it was my mom oh we got the secret ending number four wait we got a secret ending nice dude what how okay nice what do you mean Adam you can't leave we're chilling here in Roblox so guys people are saying on Roblox if you try to leave this game it won't let you what are you talking about okay there's a bunch of cool obvious and mini games so wait I'm gonna try and leave okay here here we go leave leave what and it resets you you can't press the leave button wait what you guys saw that right like he tried to leave wait he just put me back in the game wait what try leaving again okay I'm gonna leave what you can't leave this game I'm trapped in the Roblox made the verse ouch I know someone with a sword just open People yeah guys we're gonna show you every single cool thing in this game but yeah that that's crazy it literally resets this game is madness what is this sword fighting oh I just entered a sword oh against Adam of course oh boy how do you get a sword so maybe you have to buy it somewhere oh you drop down you get it oh okay all right added 1v1 all right here we go see here we go dude dude so we're stuck in it can you can you actually leave dude you can't leave this game guys this is so awesome no it's not we're stuck in Roblox forever we might be able to learn a hack at the end of the video where you actually can leave the game maybe if you beat these Hobbies it'll let you leave right I bet there's one game that allows you to leave the game let us leave yeah guys like on a salad yeah because you could literally be trapped in here and this is the only game you could ever play again when you have a salad you have lettuce leaves let us leave I'm getting out of here dude can you beat the Avi if I beat the Avi maybe it'll let me out of the game oh why that would make sense that would be oh I fell I fell I fell I fell guys this is so crazy what is this how how did they program the game to hack us like this yeah I really don't know guys okay making it to the top of the lobby did not let me leave I gotta leave dude let me out let me can't leave Justin what is this game I've never seen anything like this in my life box for cool people I would definitely stand in here because I do be a cool person yeah guys Justin's really cool I do be cool and I do be a standing in the box like boxing yep how do you get in there I can't get in there oh yeah I can nice I can't oh it's trap you have to go that's through like a vent or something oh you gotta find a van it's like a mini game oh got it this is lit yeah there's one person running around just oofing everybody who spawns they need to chill out dude yeah they're being kind of mean okay well it's always like a dance party over here okay okay yeah maybe there's like a code that you have to type in the chat and then it lets you leave are you serious yeah okay I don't know what that code is but it might work guys oh what's up everyone knows this dude people are saying wait lady bucks what's up hello you'll say OMG hi likey box wow you're a VIP what's up wow that's awesome guys I don't know how I became VIP but I guess I am yeah how do we leave this game how do we lead this game yeah you can't leave guys there is a bent in the house I went into oh really yeah I'll go in there dude I'll go in there in this house uh yeah the big red house oh look at this Avi dude I bet if you beat this hobby you can leave I I actually think if you beat this you can look at how hard that looks right well it's Mommy Long Legs no way how did you get to be so like long oh no she says are you recording bro hey we are bro in 4k yo mommy long legs caught us in 4k right guys right mommy caught us in 4k bro I'm the long legs bro this is crazy Mommy Long Legs catching Us in 4k I'm in the vents bro okay I'm in the Vince we'll Huggy buggy and Mommy Long Legs bro and I guess you just have to keep walking and then eventually will just put you back eventually oh inventually I get because we're in a van that's awesome man that's so funny yeah I mean yeah I get it yeah absolutely zooming on you wait and I can't even leave this vent we're stuck in here so and I can't leave the game right so I'm stuck in the vent forever well I'm in the bench with Mommy long legs too oh no this is bad news bro this is bad news bro you do not want to be hot enough I don't want to be in the vampire with Mommy bro this is crazy this is so nuts guys you see nuts like Macadamia Adam goes oh yeah guys macadamia nuts bro there's nuts like pistachios is this an endless mace uh I was able to get out there was one option and it's just a van you just kept going yeah this is so weird dude I know guys it's so easy to get lost there it is there it is there it is where does it take you back to the house what yeah I did all that to go to sir I turn into Among Us I turn into a crewmate too yeah guys so that's what you get is you become an Among Us crewman is that you uh I'm over here in the middle jumping I turn into a mogas yup here I am I turn into a mogus guys this is not bro I'm a mogis and this is bogus right guys it's not lit it's not lit you can't leave this game bro I know maybe you in front of me right here yeah I can't I I can't make these jumps as the bogus dude we need to get out of here dude we need to get out of this game I I need to leave maybe you could try oh yeah you can't leave you could try some code I'll try if I can't get out of this game I will smash this computer no Justin don't I will smash this computer get my way out of Roblox no no guys because this is my mom's computer we're playing on so please don't smash it I will don't don't don't I'm serious I don't care I have to get on Roblox Justin I have otherwise Roblox head don't become a bacon head I'll become a Roblox baby that would be bad guys yeah guys that's crazy I don't want it mommy long legs is with me here oh no possible bro the obvious very tricky if you beat this hobby I think you might be able to leave yeah this is nuts this is nuts like peanut butter oh no I can't beat that Avi bro and there's um there's somebody just oofing everybody still man so yeah somebody needs to stop that person he has a sword Guys somebody needs to stop that person how do you how to get that sword that's the question maybe they bought it like a game pass or something how no you can't maybe they're the maker of the game oh that would make sense yeah they're made of admin they hacked in a a crazy sword in the game I know they're like following me okay nice that's so cool that's so they must be a fan of yours Adam oh thanks oh I fell okay I got this that part's so hard I got it wow I'll be Pro dude all the fine the games have trained my Avi instincts right guys Justin's really good at Hobby okay oh man if I if I had beaten that I would have let me leave this game bro let me leave so they basically built a game with a bunch of frustrating hobbies that you can't win and then you can't leave if you want to rage quit this is messed up so this is like Justin's nightmare is that a bot is that a real person I think it's a real person is he a real person they're just stand around people they don't have anything else they want to do no I think they think it's probably like funny oh yeah okay okay these zombies are all impossible I know it's crazy guys oh my goodness get me out of here what is this a giant maze okay let's try the maze all right you got it maybe if we beat the maze we can leave all right I'm going to the maze you guys right yup that's it guys all right wow that makes this crazy it's made of rock it's a crazy Maisie yeah there's probably one secret that you have to unlock in this game and then you can leave I think you're right wow what is that I'm a monger I'm I'm sus amongus oh no I'm a moga that's the worst I'm a moga is when you're when you're a crewmate and you look down and you realize you're actually quick to reset no way we'll just get us out again please you're stuck wait try to leave now come on come on it won't let him do let me out of the Roblox metaverse they're much I don't want to be a metaverse mom ever guys that's the worst in the world that's so bad bro I feel sorry man bro for anyone that has to be that whoa right what the metaverse thing what thing no matter is Mommy that you just said oh I know man whoa I know you all right I know all right whoa Lauren it's very tall yeah it's very tall right I will get this I think it said if you climb the top you can leave really I think that's what it said okay it's it's a really tall ladder but I'm I'll get there because I'm really tall so it's I climb it faster people in the chat are typing milky milk milky milk in the chat milky milky man true that is true guys true I was climbing dude I'm just climbing dude okay so he said no yeah yeah I wish there was a way to climb faster dude no Adam you got to be patient that's how we get out of here here's how we get out of here this is crazy guys this has got to work man this has got to work if it doesn't work there's no there's no hope yeah no never guys that's a deep life lesson never lose hope you know me like never ever allow yourself to lose hope we're trapped in this game but I will bust out of this mommy meta verse Roblox Insanity trapped in a metaverse game because if we don't have hope what do we have each other right right and that's nothing and I hope what and I hope that we always have each other that's the hope that we don't have each other we have your mother right and the plushies don't have Donuts I don't have any donuts right now I can make you one out of like salad what we're still besties though right [Music] I'll get you a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts after we're done filming deal all right if you don't Adam fox you'll never forgive you dude how far is this ladder dude it said if we did this we here we go yo what if there's a troll letter and it never ends like Roblox just keeps looping it yeah oh no it said I think it said at the bottom if we get to the top of this um we will leave the game but what if it takes like a year to get to the top a year yeah like a year of Roblox what year of Roblox time is two seconds in the real world that's true guys so I should be okay yeah that's why I'm 200 years old in Roblox that is true guys yeah Justin is 200 years old and in real life in the brain right yeah he's the oldest human on earth in the brain and the thickest human in the brain right yeah yeah in the brain and one of the fastest people on planet Earth as well the only thing faster than Justin is um a cheetah Chester the Cheetah right but no one else is faster than him not even science that's not true it is true I've seen you run you're you're no yeah being disrespectful to people who are really fast you are quick though I do be fast yeah I am the fastest person I know right because I only know Adam and his mom I can beat them both in a race yeah but I don't know everybody that's true guys but I'm willing to try right he's quick [Music] I wonder what's gonna be at the top knock me off oh no please stop please stop please stop please stop please uh oh how are they flying what's going on are they like an admin I don't know maybe yep I think this might be a troll wait are we are we getting there we are so high up oh my goodness I'm jumping down are you kidding me you did all that just to jump down yeah just to see what it was like it's pretty cool you see Adam gave up hope yeah he said they'll give up hope but he just gave up yeah I will show everyone to the top of this ladder I will if it's the last thing I do in my life guys stick around because I will do this yup I I like on items Mama I will do this wow that means it's serious means I'm serious yeah top top top priority is to get to the top of this ladder guys right right guys this is so awesome here we go and do it yeah Rocky's leg my friend sticky says we can do anything you mean candy [Music] yeah it's because they're best friends guys yeah all three of us oh everybody right yeah yeah candy always says we can do it guys yeah it's baby Rocky yeah it's not baby it's the mini Rock mini Rockies dude this is a fake ladder it's not real I don't think it's real yeah that is I see the top I might be the first person ever in Roblox history to climb this okay guys this is the max level we're gonna get to the top of this thing and show you what is actually at the top I don't think anyone in the world has ever done this yeah because no one's patient enough to actually get to the top I'm patient I got patience like I'm a doctor I mean that's you what's going on hey yo there's like a clone of me what yeah maybe this game every time you leave it just generates a clone of yourself I gotta I got patience like I'm a doctor oh oh I get it I get it because um doctors have patience yeah I get it I get it that's awesome everybody's just spamming Adam needs some milk in the chat dude that is true I I would say Jesse come back I can dude I gotta climb this yeah I gotta climb this Justin has one goal in this world this is ridiculous and it's to get to the top of this ladder let me do it come on come on come on come on come on all right we got it it's my only goal in life yeah that's the only goal I have in life all right this is this is lit guys this is really lit and we want to say thank you everyone who's awesome and supports our videos yeah it's awesome because I had to be Superman yeah I'm just really glad our videos are not like embarrassing I'm glad they're not just like super you know just lame like just climbing a ladder for like 20 minutes right no this is good okay there's the top okay Justin sees it there's something there it's in view it's so funny dude I'm just so excited I'm just curious what they're gonna put at the top like what if there's just nothing like that but that's me I I'm going straight to the top yeah in life that's true guys I'm calling places Justin I'm gonna please somebody yeah that's how we say Adam's mom yeah I will be somebody missed my car they're just you wait yeah he's gonna make his own Mark in this world he's gonna change the world I will make my own marker in this world right Justin will change the world guys by the way just he can change the world I believe in him yeah you know what I mean yep this versus we're almost at the top baby straight to the top man wow you made a friend let's go baby this is awesome yup they have hope unlike unlike who gave up you know I I love that for this guy I love that for me right right yeah it's it's so cool gave up on life no I wanted to hang out with people that are uh oh that's what it was that's why gnocchi milk in the in the chat so I didn't want to just oh how kinds of you yeah yo we see the top we made it baby we made it baby we made it wow I just love hanging out with people this is great this is lit I'm zooming guys this is why we love making Roblox videos this is why we do what we do right to climb a ladder in Roblox no we see the top bro we see the top bro we see the top bro oh boy yo I'm I'm there bro this is it guys chat is going crazy right now everyone's just so positive you'd be happy bro they're definitely not saying that we're cringe inside no we're good dude I'm not stuck maybe they meant to type thick and it autocorrect oh yeah that happens to me sometimes yeah you're right I'm not knowing posture no guys Justin's real I'm in pasta though well all right eating a jar of pasta well see we're close I made it bro here we go guys close you like the bond make sure to leave a like And subscribe to lanky box we're gonna get to the end of this this is the definition of crazy bro and then he's gonna jump off no what I'm gonna get out of the game it says I get out of the game no way it says dude go to the bottom ladder it says you get out of the game if you get to the top it literally says okay guys right it says there's a really tall ladder but if you you get a badge for climbing to the badge is congratulations you left the game this is awesome guys come on we gotta do this man oh where's my friend oh there they are all right says we made it we made it you're gonna be the first one to the top let's go to the tippy tippy top you did it but was it worth it we didn't even get a badge oh we did let's go wow guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe go check out get linkybox plushies now did it oh there's Mommy Long Legs you gotta jump off okay I'm just gonna look so cool we all gotta jump off together we all gotta jump together guys it's gonna be lit okay here we go ready which way oh man oh we're high up yeah okay three two one go go go go go go go go go go go go go this is crazy he's gonna land yeah [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 2,909,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, foxy and boxy, foxy, boxy, lankybox world roblox, lankybox roblox, lankybox plushie, justin, adam, rocky, sticky, ghosty, canny, thicc shark, lankybot, milky, fnf, friday night funkin, fnaf, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, kissy missy, mommy long legs, boyfriend, girlfriend, sonic, tails, shadow, compilation, roblox, roblox game, evil roblox daycare, roblox pet story, roblox color story, roblox vacation story, roblox patchy the clown story, secret ending
Id: wDryEICMg4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 53sec (7193 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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