Leadership Lean In with Chad and Julia Veach

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I want to talk to you about what leadership is the key to becoming a great leader is empowering leaders around you we see our whole church as leaders but the fact that you come means that you've accepted the colleague on your life to be a leader hey what's going on everybody welcome to the leadership lean in podcasts where we lean in like that guy hey we are so thrilled to have you I think this is episode number Jeremy rich our team this is episode number four and we are talking about the subject of leadership one of my favorite subjects in the whole world to sit around the table like this and discuss this has kind of been kind of my whole life we'll talk about it in just a minute but my whole life sitting around the table with this lady's dad and my dad and other pastors talking about the subject of leadership says we're gonna do today we got top five coming here in the middle of the podcast this month's top 5 leadership thoughts that I want you to be thinking about that's coming up soon and we're also gonna go to Julia and do rapid fire and I just gave away my guest today none other than my wife is on the podcast and I have to say this is your idea cuz the other day we were talking about the leadership leaning I was like I got it either and she's like you should have me on and I was like you'll do it yeah oh and that's why we're here is because she is she was willing to come on the leadership lean in podcast so a rounding roar of applause to welcome to put some effects in right there are we starting off with an argument because that is not how no no I was I was trying to be a game player okay you didn't have a guest go for the last one and I said you know put me in because that's what I do that's what you do you step into what you need thank God my life would be a disaster if you didn't if you ever leaned out I would just not I just wouldn't have a life so thank you for stepping up since none of our other guests I mean we invited some I'm kidding with it yeah right here I'm thrilled to have you on because I do think that you are an unbelievable leader in your own right I think that you just are a star I think you have obviously a huge voice and so many people's lives you're the biggest voice in my life nobody's opinion matters more to me than yours I am needy and dependent upon here your wisdom and your guidance and your counsel because I think that you're just such an unbelievable person and leader so I can't wait to jump in is where I want to start with I didn't give her any other question I did give her any okay I have nothing no I just it's like we're on a date I this is this is this is just us on our couch you know just how we talk around the house but um I want to talk to you about your pastor's kid you grew up around leadership around some really great leaders who we adore to this day and so what I wanted to ask was how much of leadership is just being in that environment you know like you so many things come natural to you when it comes to people and decisions and I'm amazed with how natural a lot of this is for you and so my question is how much of that is from your upbringing and the environment of your your household and your parents influence and being around great great leaders your whole life that's kind that you say that it's natural for me but I mean we're all learning you know so maybe I faked it really well but uh yeah my my parents were pastors and I was I was blessed to grow up in a pastor's home and for me it was a positive experience I know that that's not always the normal for some people and but I watched my parents not only pastor a church but also lead in areas outside of the church they let in their community my my dad was really involved in local politics my mom was a teacher and so even outside of ministry vocational I watched them lead in different spheres and I watched what it looked like to lead a home my there's four kids in our home and so leadership in all different ways they always led well and I I mean I don't know if it's because I was always obsessed with leading I'm a firstborn child yeah and by nature I love to lead our son Winston characteristic and actually when I was in kindergarten the kindergarten teacher brought my parents and for the parent-teacher conference that I assume that we're about to have next week with our son and they said Julia's doing okay in class but we have a problem because she thinks that she's the teacher so and I was always obsessed with leadership even from a young age because I I possessed like wanting to be in charge characteristics one of my favorite stories about you growing up is that you would you start you took over ordering for the family when you were like 10 years old like you like it's not your parents that are doing the ordering at the restaurant you are do the ordering is that right yeah McDonald's is confusing no so I I always I always liked to lead but I think what I had to learn over time was you know there's being in charge and then there's leading people and you know power does things to people and when I stepped into leading a home our children in our church or employees I had to learn the difference of wanting to be in charge versus leading people into great place so I don't always think it was so natural for me to lead well I think that's kind of you to say but but yeah I think it was a journey for me to learn to lead versus learn how to take charge well I think that's you know what you're saying is really important because I you know the way that I'll your life the journey that you went on was here is a blessed kit you know you grew up with parents like you did in the environment the exposure to great leaders all the time and you know great not just great communicators great people and then you know you go to college and you know you run a successful business which I want to talk about and do really well but then you know when we start dating and when we get married now you're kind of thrust into leading people and I think a lot of that what was great about that season watching you was so much of that was natural because you grew up in the environment and you know it but then some of it you're feeling your way through and you're learning you're going yeah I've never done it like this before and this is I I watched it but now I'm having to do it with Helmut talking about that season of like when you when it's start to ignite for you and you're like now it's my turn and so I know all this in in theory but this is my first time doing like in practice yeah yeah it's so funny because I like think back and that season all these memories start coming back and you know it's it's so easy for all of us to look at something and to easily criticize like I can I can do that or I I have a suggestion or I I know how to wrote that and a lot of us possess a confidence or should I say get so I looked at that life and I and I said oh I got this I can you know I can do this but it's not always easy and so you know never judge someone who's walking in different shoes and especially in the area of leadership because it's it's a it's a different weight and and I respect people that carry positions of leadership above us and you know and maybe in different fields but when we first got married and I I don't know if the viewers know this like they know that your viewers the viewers you know like the viewers know that you're wearing leather pants okay no when we got married I was like oh I can you know this has been my prayer and my dream is to roll em one in ministry yeah am i calling and but like oh man we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make this we're gonna we're gonna get on track here it's our date no so when we got married like oh you know I've seen this done I I feel like right like I can do this but I remember and having a season in our first year of marriage we had a lot of transition I moved into your world and your world was Chad Beach world and you were very popular and to say that we've lived it it was his own past yes yes and I remember feeling a loss of identity and always growing up as a pastor's daughter I had strong identity strong confidence because it was under the umbrella of my name and who I was in that environment so then I move into a different environment where I'm not known and it's your world and there was a lot of change and being married is a lot of change in itself but I remember one of the arguments that we one of the few we never ever one of the arguments that we had I had tears and I remember I said Julian McGregor used to be somebody that was my maiden name you I think I was maybe even hitting my chest but I don't know what that does you know maybe I'm like bring some testosterone to the table but I think that there you know when you get married there is a loss of identity and you know because your two shall become one while gaining a new name and a new identity and with that there was a lot of transition but learning how to lead and lead well was was something that I was learning alongside you and wrong-side being newly married so a lot a lot of it was I thought I knew that I was gonna be good at it and that was not the case at all right and that that's a difficult reality to enter in something and feel like I've got confidence for this next season but this season is not going the way yeah that I panned out sure so I remember it feeling really lonely actually and I just had to keep learning and loving and trying to regain confidence and strength and write myself and and you really were encouraging during that season but yeah 2008 yeah but I think that's for all leaders right it's um until you do it mm-hmm you know until you always think about David right David can walk into leading Israel in millions because he has when nobody else was watching you know wrestled lions and tigers and bears and until you do it until you have you know the stewardship of whatever leadership or season you have you know you can have all the thoughts and the theories and even the exposure and so I think you know what's great for from you know leadership let's like leading the church I had all these thoughts and ideas about leaving the church but until I do it yeah I was a youth pastor over 15 years going like why are we doing this and why are we doing all these opinions and now that I say I go ah yeah yeah now I know why we didn't do this and why we did and yeah and so you know I think it it's it's a it's a beautiful thing to grow up in the environment and to be around it it's a it's an even cooler thing to work it out yourself and start to go on that journey and become the leader that you know you're supposed to be I want to talk about something that often you know refer to when it comes to you is that if I didn't know you you know we've grown up our whole lives together if I didn't know you your class your elegance your taste I would have thought that you grew up with money okay I would have thought you grew up you know like with just a lot and both of us are from humble beginnings both of us have incredible parents that were education majors with both of them you know worked as special needs and and where are our parents were teachers and then youth pastors and pastors in public and so but what amazes me and what drew me to you was you have this class and this elegance in this next level talk to me about you know how did you where does that come from and how do you get around I always think you know before I married you when I got around greatness I got real quiet and shy I'm like oh my gosh there's this greatness and then when I got around you you were like oh they're great I want to get around them and we're gonna be friends with them where does that confidence and that class come from like talk to me about that um well I you know what's so funny is I didn't realize how poor we were until today until later because my parents did such a great job of providing an environment where we had fun and lived life and who loved art what what we had we had family pride and I think my parents talked a lot about what we had and instead of what we had not and my mom was committed to making our environment cultured so even though we didn't have a lot like she made us try innovative foods I remember we went out to like a cool Asian trendy restaurants before Asian was trendy you know like we my mom would find coupons and drag us to the art museums and and and she would dress us up and we would go out to eat and like order share one soup you know just like so I think I grew up with a mom that was really committed to to raising us in an environment where we had awesome experiences and my dad was really big on that as well I think also from a young age I I felt like I knew what I was called to when I I think God really gave me specific vision for you know I I wouldn't say that this is everyone's calling but I new to some capacity that I would have a level of influence I always thought that it would be in the area of like youth ministry and working you know working alongside you you know my future husband would which is you so I think when you when you when you see specifically what God has for you you walk in a level of confidence coz you know what the path is you don't know what you're preparing for right and and I think that's how I live my life from a young a young young age and I just you know and I was kind of quiet with those dreams you know I I was but I was specific in my heart I had ambition to go after yeah different things because I knew I knew what I had saw yeah I love those stories like when you're like in middle school that you're talking about those like those days those years when you're like I don't know what grade but you're like you're in your room listening to worship music like you know you really at a young age like you're saying had this encounter that shaped your life yeah I mean I was blessed to be in an environment where I loved church you know I loved going to church and right um I enjoyed it I didn't endure it and I liked great community of friends from a young age which is such a blessing to a you know girl and but I I did have like specific moments where I encountered God's presence and it really did change who I am it really spoke over who I am and that in those moments that were was where dreams were birthed and that's why I loved so much and the model of a conference because a lot of you know a lot of things were spoke to me in a conference setting you were in a special service I mean or a special night service setting and I think those dreams and those specific words that I received help navigate you through a lot sure and I you know I never I never really went wayward with those like I always know those were in my heart yeah and in fact at 19 I like wrote I think I read it at our wedding reception but I wrote like a journal entry when I was 19 that like I would do this and that and it was like verbatim what like our life looked like you know 10 years later but it's amazing I am yeah I don't know I I think that I what I was really passionate about Jesus and I spent a lot of time in my room trying to navigate who I was called to be who I was supposed to be and worship through worship at the time I loved gospel music yeah Fred Hammond no but I yeah I just have a lot of moments yeah and you know feeling like specific calling was lonely and you had to make a lot of decisions to and to follow those dreams that felt like not exciting or not the normal and right yeah but I think you know well you know being around you even in you know when you're younger you you exhibited confidence and identity and this is sureness about you that was like when whenever I was around you a year we were younger I'm like this girl's off force you know like this girl is confident and you know knows who she is and I always sense that about you even when we were young and you you brought up something that you know I think is important for for for all of us to understand is that here you have the just say the God side the G aside that you took very serious and you have moments that I think are really important but then you also in even where Dayton this was you know a big part of your life you have this I don't know a better way to call it let's just call it marketplace or business so when I look at you always think here's Julia she has this massive ministry calling you have ability to to speak to people you have an ability to lead people you have this massive side that is a let's call to Jesus side but then you also have this business side on you and you know before we got married you owned five houses I owned one you made all I married you for money honey hallelujah but but but you were making a lot of money in those days and you were in real estate and you weren't in ministry at the time you were doing that part and I'll never forget going to the prophetic assembly which I didn't know whatever you buy to me when you buddy the viewer yeah the viewership is crazy we're a dog the view ships crazy but when when you were telling me come this assembly I was like I just thought a school assembly but we go this meeting people pray over you and everyone that prayed over you was like you're called you know fun the kingdom of God and you're called it make money and I always think you have this tension within you hmm you know you have the the God part and that's a big coin but then you have this business part on you then you could be you know doing real estate right now you could be doing any entrepreneurial endeavor that you wanted to talk to me about how how do people navigate you know like how do you conclude and resolve for you because I've seen you in seasons of this and I've seen you in season two that how do you know what you're supposed to be doing so good yeah I think navigating is like such a key word yeah and that I mean I loved what you talked about on Sunday like it does require wisdom absolute you know I'm so grateful that you help me again and you know we live in a culture we live specifically in a city of Los Angeles where there are a lot of dreamers and and a lot of people with dreams I support dreams I support running after dreams but dreams change and dreams and you know they take shifts and turns and you know how do you how do you make sure that you're walking in the right place at the right time is like such like a topic you know of young people that we we speak to all the time and I navigate through that a lot between the ministry and the business side and at the end of the day like my calling going back to me in my quiet time when I was journaling as a young girl my calling and is actually the prayer that my dad prayed over me every single night when I went to bed was that God let your will be done in Julia's life and my prayer was always God God let your will be done in my life whoa and I so badly just wanted to be used by God whatever that was well so yes I have a dream and a passion and for business and making money for the kingdom and generosity I love all of that and I love building the house and I love building our house and raising children and I I mean we talk about this all the time you know am I called in this season to be just a mom in my cult to go after specific doors of business am i called to throw everything into the church and it is such a navigation but I I think it's easy for us to navigate and to grab ahold of wisdom because we're so grateful for whatever we do the opposite and agree and I think that a lot of times we get frustrated if we have a dream and maybe it's a business dream and our dream isn't isn't coming to fruition immediately yeah and well and I just you know through our story and and through our dating and you know how we got together and all that I I've just learned time and time again like even with children just is the hardest thing in faith and in our thinking leadership even like because we want to take control is just the trusting part it's it just like I can't like say this enough but I just I trust in His faithfulness yep I trust in His faithfulness when George is not doing good I trust in His faithfulness when I feel frustrated that I'm not doing business stuff I trust in His faithfulness when I feel like all I do is picking up toys he's right I trust faithfulness when my emails are overwhelming you know and so I think you know going back to the both is that when I prayed God let your will be done and I just want to be used by you I have to be satisfied and grateful hmm if that means that in that city season and in that sitting in that sitting season or in that season of going whatever it may be whatever loops I'm so grateful yeah and it's great and and and I there is wisdom and practicalities to that like I recognize that and I'm I'm not wired like I'll say this I'm not wired to stay home with the kids seven days of the mill without breaks no I'm not wired that way I actually am wired to work on your love to work yeah and if you're a stay-at-home mom like I think that's unbelievable right but um but yeah there's wisdom and there's practicalities that we navigate together as a couple and we lean into each other but you know if I'm called to be Chad's wife for a season or if I'm called to be the mom of the house for a season or I'm called to preach more in a month than I've ever called whatever that may look like February yeah yeah ya know um right I don't have to be I just have to trust ya I love that because I do I've seen you I've watched you lay down agenda lay down what you wanted like willingly okay I know it's what I want I knows what's in my heart but for this season I think it's best that I can since I'm supposed to I think I always get myself in trouble if I'm forcing things totally I always think leadership is so tough because most leaders are so gifted and talented they can manipulate yeah and and just like force things you always think we can make whatever we want happen and that's scary yeah because even though I can make it happen doesn't mean it's best and you use the word will that that's a that's a perfect term is what's the will what's the perfect thing what's the you know the god idea or the right idea right now I'm always looking for that and sometimes it's counterintuitive sometimes it's different than what I imagined I think we live like you said in the city of broken dreams and I think that maybe when your dream gets broken we've experienced this you could actually turn it around yeah and still redeem that brokenness redeemed that it's not what I wanted is not what I thought but I love you said if I'm grateful and I can really see how God can use this and and yeah and really stay on the right track within this lane or season I'm gonna turn out all right and you've done that over and over and over again I want to keep talking to get get back to more questions I'm grilling you today I realize this was like so much about my personal story oh yeah well Koli it's about it's about whatever we want you just look here over at this Apple laptop it's a MacBook Pro 15 inch or you never know what the next question would be we're gonna come right back to you Julian we're gonna take a break here for the top five leadership thoughts for the month of January [Music] all right top 5 leadership thoughts for this month's leadership lean in episode talking about all about people you and I are in the people industry let me give you five things on how to deal with people really well write down number one people want your ear more than your advice I cannot emphasize this enough people would actually have your rather have your ear then your advice in other words be slow to speak and quick to listen there's nothing more important in your relationships and giving people the impression that you care and how do you care you care by listening so I want to encourage you to instead of being so quick to speak and quick to give advice and jump in but in actually maybe what could benefit you more in your relationships is just the ability and the art of listening well maybe next time you're dealing with somebody they're upset or they've got a big victory lean in really listen to where they're at what they're saying I guarantee you'll win with them and you'll gain more trust number to become their biggest cheerleader I love this because I think everybody needs some cheerleaders in their corner everybody needs some people in their world that they can rely on and they can count on and they go these people believe in me they're always cheering me on cheerleaders in your corner you know you can tell them when you're winning and you can tell them when you're losing I remember in high school our cheerleading team they would assign cheerleaders to each of us on the basketball team and so you're chilly they would make your your bag filled with goodies and make signs for you and I remember coming out you know in the warm-ups and looking over and like there's my sign and on the bus I'd have my bag you know that my cheerleader and I felt like at least one person in the stands is cheering for me coach had to assign them but they're there to cheer for me now I hope that you're someone is guilty that the people around you and the people you believe in that your vocal your loud and you become their biggest cheerleader write down number two nothing Trump's national equity cannot this is number three I cannot emphasis emphasize this enough nothing Trump's relational equity remember an account has deposits and withdrawals deposits and withdrawals you want to be good with people make more deposits and you do withdrawals what is it withdrawal conflict negativity bad interaction you got to correct them sometimes these things if they compound over time you can go bankrupt relational relationally I can't encourage you enough to be someone make deposits what is a deposit text somebody encourage them send them a gift show up for the things that are important to them make those deposits and gain relational equity the people that win with others are always those that are making more deposits than they are withdrawals never try and correct someone without making a ton of deposits gain relational equity and watch your world expand like crazy here's the next one number I think we're on four people will always remember the way you make them feel this is so crucial people do not remember what you say they remember the way you make them feel so if you make people feel loved and cherished and valued and welcomed they'll always feel safe and at home when they're around you if you make people feel small and judged and less than and unwanted good luck because they're not sticking around people never remember what you say they always remember the way you make them feel so what is my goal my job is to make people feel known and needed known and you I know you and I need you I want you to be a part of my journey in my world it will take you so much further than you can ever imagine here's the last one if you serve people and not use people you will always have great people around you if you serve people not use people you always have great people around you people that are good with people people that win with others have this ability to whoever's around them they serve them so you could be at the top of the top listening to this podcast if you're the head of the head it doesn't mean you're exempt from serving others get around great leaders and one of this hallmark signatures of all great leaders is they know how to serve their team serve the people that around them old leadership saying work hard for those that work hard for you if you do that you always have great people around you if you just use people and burn people and everyone is disposable and everyone's replaceable that's how you treat people and trust me people will not last around you you're either building a factory or a family in a factory you might produce stuff if people gonna come and go like crazy if you build a family no one wants to leave serve the people that around you and you'll always have great people around you that's this month's top 5 leadership hits love you all right back to miss bolsa CEO must say i'm mahalia like i start speaking spanish like come on ask me questions yeah okay oh no bro Kunta Julio that's all I got probably a question that you get asked a lot I know and I'm gonna what's it like being married you know stuff I've got a I've got a front row seat for this and people people they they ask both of us this question and I want to hear how you feel about this today how do you do it I got a text yesterday from a pastor it was like hey there's a lady on staff at our church she wants to talk to Julia about how she balances life and how does she do you know your life kids ministry travel you go and speak places you've got a you've got a real demand on your life how do you I do not like the word balance at all cuz nobody balances life how do you stay healthy how do you manage your energy how do you do your life what are some keys and some tricks that you're like this is what I try and do in order for me to be my best such a good question right that we're always trying to get better right and yeah you know someone asked me that question after a church a few months ago but she asked it differently she said are you doing it I said come again not how are you doing it was like are you doing it I was like I think I am you know yeah yeah yes is the answer maybe this is your guests that's why we're fine can Julia Julia we are always learning how to expand because we're always growing and if we're not adding children or churches or campuses or employees and you know we're we're not moving forward so right in some regard the last ten years of our marriage you know we have always taken a step forward and so we've always had to change yeah and I think how do we do it balance and never award that we've really ever been able to get into a rhythm because as soon as we get into a rhythm we're always taking another step right and being married to you is lots of steps I have to learn how to run and I love it I wouldn't have it any other way but gosh you know there's there's so many things that we we do practically and you know I can start off by saying that we the family in the ministry thing is I take I bring the family along on our journey yeah what we do we do together I love it um so Sunday mornings you know if there's people that I know a lot of moms asking me ask me how do you do it on Sunday morning so this is like a simple practical question and we have an incredible team of volunteers that rotate and help me get out the door and and at first I felt like a failure that I not accepted but I would load my kids up by myself and I would drive to church with tears down my eye and I would emotionally text you and you know cuz I I don't know why I was emotionally taxing you I should your game ready to preach and I was like Sunday's are hard this is just terrible everyone's losing their mind yeah but we're on our way we're making it and I and I did things out of duty and it become became unenjoyable and so we got volunteers to help get us out the door but on Sunday morning yeah and I I write a lot of people don't know this I ride with all of my kids church and our kids go to at least three services yes sometimes four services which a lot of people think that's crazy and I respect nap schedules and people's that are on specific schedules but our kids love to come along the journey with us yeah and they even beg to go to the night services hey Winston could he would go to all every service every single one of them they love to be to be with what we're doing yeah and so we bring them along or journey so that's one way that we you know that we navigate life and I think we do this a lot is just always taking inventory yeah always taking always hurry and assessing where we're at asking the other person how they're doing I'm asking our children how they're feeling yeah and you know we we make assessments and then we make changes oh and you're amazing at leading that if it's broke we fix it I I grew up with a dad who is who who was not a football coach and so he raised us girls like like football training camps so this is so real but we we had to do what was our duty and we had to push through and if I had tears I had to run into the bathroom and wipe my face and get back out there and get it done so I have I have duty and grit within me so I know how to do a lot but I don't think that's always the solution so so for me you know loading up the kids every Sunday and getting to church because it was my duty and then getting disgruntled in different areas of my heart and feeling overwhelmed and tired and exhausted but I never said anything about it and that that isn't my idea of a healthy dichotomy of right of work and Parenthood I think assessing and making adjustments and doing things smarter and and allowing you know allowing you to be the best version of you I think one of our new year's resolutions is really inspecting energy and not energy because we're in Los Angeles but actually you know we're getting older don't spit yeah but it's a real reality you know we getting more sleep being healthier yeah practical things eating more water diet all the vitamins all of all of it yeah and is something that's a huge part yeah you know feeding our soul you know yeah quiet time worship music I mean it's just it's all a part of you know what we do but I think that I think the two main things for right now with for young kids yeah we've had three kids in diapers for several years yeah which is like that's a lot in itself you know so we have young kids you know and we have a young church and we're in a fast-moving charging a lot going on and we travel and all that's in between and we're so grateful but I think we take inventory and you know we do it together yeah I think I've you know I'm always thinking there's there's a better way ya out there there's a more efficient effective way and I've got to do my best to to you know go and get around great people go get around people that went before us I got to find that better way because I'm I'm always convinced I'm not doing it the best somebody that's gone before me or something is currently doing it right now has done it better and I want to learn from them and I want to make whatever it whatever it cost me to bring a health yeah you know that's that's kind of like our whole mission for our house that's kind of our whole mission for our life is yeah we will fix anything on a dime if there's a better way whether it's night time routine or or exact yeah get no organizer this is a great case of point yeah because it's about doing it to the best of your ability and I love that I appreciate that about you that you're committed to so much of leadership is not getting stuck this is the way I've always done it this is the way my parents did it yeah this is the way this worked before so much of leadership is going what got me here yeah will not get me there I've got to make changes and you've really helped me be good at change welcoming change that's not always the easiest for any leader now to make the change but anytime you do you can just sense the whole lid yeah the way I'm doing it right now let's put a lid over my life yeah and I'm gonna discover what it is I can lift the lid and grow to another level but I can't unless I'm willing to change I love that about lives is the last question okay have you been good oh you are good at this I'm fine you back thank you okay tell me about a time as a leader that you felt like for the first time I did this you know cuz you've you've been doing this now for ten plus years and leading at a high capacity name a time you're like I really feel like I that's what I was supposed to do are the way I supposed to handle it or I felt confident that they gave me a boost in my leadership and name a time where you're like I wish I could get this one back Wow if I could get a redo and I could shoot that shot again I know I'd nail it but I I missed it and it was a bit it was a learning lesson yeah I don't whichever one you want to answer first but I love yeah it's kind of stuff because I'm always thinking about oh I could go back I would I would handle that so much differently yeah and this over here is like oh man like thank God I think I did good with that all right like I think I can think of several misses yeah just give me one exactly myself yes as well but give me one way like this one stands out I wish I could get this back I think letting my emotions dictate how I handle the situation reacting versus responding for sure and for sure my intensity might drive my passion came through unloving and professional and the feeling of inadequacy and failure after that was enough for me to be like I don't want to do this anymore Wow and I struggle a lot on the heels of mistakes as a leader a feeling not enough Wow and what's helped me with that is resolved yeah and harmony mmm and being really quick to say I'm sorry yo and you know I Justin from the belief that you're never too big to say you're sorry yep and um I think a lot of people on our staff or that were closest to have heard me apologize to them because I you know on my own I'm I don't have it all figured out I mean I'm still navigating how how to lead on how to do it and it's try to do it with sleepless nights with children yeah um but yeah I I think a lot of times especially as like a wife mmm you know cuz then there's like a different layer you know I feel like I'm on the heels of of mistakes I'm always being like am i enough to do this all but um I'm just so grateful that when we're weak he's strong yes and time and time again like I just have to remind myself that that if I just make it right with that person yeah they'll forgive me as quick as I apologize and so yeah I've had several blunders no I think I think it's so important you know I heard someone say this recently I can't stop thinking about it you're only one conversation away from resolving all the issues you have with somebody right that's just the reality well you say things so much smarter you're only one but I just I agree what you know I've made so many mistakes and that follow-up combo sitting down with somebody hey no one's too big to you know to apologize I love that and I've seen you do that and that's what you if people don't have a room for your mistakes they shouldn't be with you yeah if people can't let you fail forward and give you some our job as leaders I think is to give everybody in our world tons of room to grow yeah but if if I can't also have some room to grow win it we can't do life together right because doing life together being married being in community either being in you know whatever organization you're in you got to give room to fail forward and I think that combo allows that okay I give you grace cuz you understand yeah we're not perfect tell me about a time though that you you won and you did well what can you tell me what do an example of me just get tons gosh I think I think I you know I don't know I like gravitate to the underdog the person that like isn't like the chosen or the smartest or the pastor's kid I'll yeah I love pulling people under my wing that have maybe don't have it all all together when and I you know I think that sometimes they're surprised by like how much grace I give them yes and I keep allowing them to yeah keep doing things after they've failed time time again totally and I just you know I I I think that as we see people come and go in our church and maybe their leave leaving because of their offended or her or they want to go check out another church and we just received them back with open arms I think I think that is something that we've valued to do that yeah has allowed us to see people have beautiful stories totally I think I'll give you a few that where you win I think you win the most when you just set it pretty much you are the mom you're your motherly and I think in a community especially when we talk about church context people need both in in our home you know we need dad's home but they need the nurturing side of them of the mom and I think I've watched you win so many times so once I was going through something so and so need some advice also needs a banana pudding son needs a night on our couch to talk and fill in the blank that's where I see you win so much is you know going out to the patio after services and being like mom's out here to greet everybody haven't sold so our house is going through hell on earth and you're making them dinner and they're sitting in our house for a couple hours and you you you give them your your best your cooking and your attend so I I want to say thank you that you are the mom not only to your my mom what weird you too real but but I think you win so big when you play that role in your confident that you go hey I know that's what you do but I bring this to the table and the staff means that and the team needs that and the kids need that right now and I love that I appreciate that I think leadership is about knowing the value that you bring huh and when you can understand I bring value to this yeah you just walk in the confidence of that cuz no one else it's like anybody can do what you do yeah but nobody can replace who you are in who you are such a big deal so I love you thank you for coming on the podcast that's where we make out we did it yeah let's go cheers mate we love you we'll see you next [Music] you
Channel: ZOE LA
Views: 24,327
Rating: 4.9714794 out of 5
Keywords: chad veach, pastor chad veach, pastor julia veach, georgia, chad veach preaching, zoe church, zoe church la, zoe church la sermons
Id: JdQIDOfxjP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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