Leaders downplay chances of 'imminent' deal in Gaza cease-fire

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more than 4 months since Moss terrorists invaded Israel on October 7th and now this war is the deadliest conflict between the Waring sides since Israel's founding in 1948 President Biden says a ceasefire deal is imminent however sources now telling ABC News Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that's news to him our foreign correspondent Tom Sufi Burge has the latest from Tel Aviv so Tom Israeli officials are still describing hamas's demands as delusional when it comes to a deal so what is Biden talking about when he says a ceasefire is minut it ker I think both things are true on the one hand we are according to sources away away from a deal at the same time there are some positive signs I mean we're getting a lot more detail now coming out from Hamas as well about this possible framework which the two sides are looking at I mean Israel has already briefed us on the broad details of that or Israeli officials 6 we ceasefire 40 hostages out potentially hundreds of Palestinian prisoners uh in return turn but you know there's some fascinating details here and we've sort of seen this already but bit more detail about the fact that certain hostages will carry a perceived higher value so therefore the price which Hamas is exacting or demanding for those types of prisoners like female soldiers is higher there are also less contentious issues we're learning about I mean look Aid the flow of Aid getting more Aid into Gaza that's a crucial Factor also for example the amount that Israel has surveillance over the Gaza St strip and probably the biggest sticking point is what happens to Israeli troops Israel is prepared to potentially with redeploy around the Gaza Strip Hamas wants to ride out of the Gaza Strip isra Israel isn't willing to do that so when we say redeploy what does that actually mean it's a complicated negotiation it's a very sensitive time the clock is ticking Tom Sufi Burge there in Tel Aviv for us Tom thanks hi everyone Geor Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 15,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abc, administration, animated, ariana, biden, china, debose, francisco, gaza, gma, ground, hospital, invasion, israel, news, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-107643936, palesitne, san, war, wish, xi
Id: ioEnsrG4ANo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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