Lea Salonga -- The 40th Anniversary Concert (2018.10.20)

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've learned to be ashamed [Music] i know that there's a place [Music] [Music] this is me [Music] this is me [Music] [Music] today gonna drown [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] watching my god [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] and you can't find the fighter but i see it in you so we gonna walk it [Music] out [Music] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and it feels like it's getting hard to [Music] like breathe but i promise we'll take the world to its [Music] its feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] yeah oh [Music] [Music] i will rise a thousand times again we'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you good evening everybody and welcome to the pic sanchez unpredictable thoroughly exhilarating yet also unforgiving and very blessed 40 years i'm grateful for all of it admittedly i have paused in disbelief of the mileage because when you are on this train of show business work is generally scarce you focus on getting work and when you get work you focus on getting your best to work so you can get more work and oftentimes we don't see or pay attention to the odometer so what have i learned this far anyone can whistle that's what they say easy anyone can whistle any old day is so someone tell me [Music] i can slay a dragon any all week easy [Music] [Music] maybe [Applause] [Music] anyone can whistle any all day easy [Music] is i can dance a tango i can read easy i can slay a dragon [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] in in the mirror having second thoughts asking myself a hundred questions will he like me when we meet will the shy and quiet pearl he's going to see be the girl that he'd imagined me to be will he like the girl he sees if he doesn't will he know enough to know that there's more to me and i may always [Applause] is can say how i wish that we could meet another day it's absurd for me to carry on [Music] it's just not too [Applause] all i know is he's just got to [Music] ice cream he brought me ice we were together [Music] is [Applause] i [Music] know i am no i never saw it's sweet [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have you ever wondered what i have about how when i see red for example there's no way [Applause] the speed of light and we're holding i'm not just a bit different from some of my friends these answers that come into my mind written these stories delivered to be fully written when everyone shouts that they seem to like shouting the noise in my head [Music] is [Music] quiet like silence but not really [Music] silent just that still sort of quiet [Applause] like the sound of a page [Music] [Music] quiet like silence but not really silent just that nice kind of quiet like the sound when you are upside down and though the people around me their mouths are still moving the words they are [Music] and it is quiet and i am more [Music] like i saw [Music] [Applause] into the eye of the storm [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] went down the hill [Music] [Applause] [Music] of stupidity living happily the endings are often a little bit boring [Music] i wonder why they didn't just change their story sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty you can always [Music] in the creek is [Music] you think that it's okay and if it's not right [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] tell me princess [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] unbelievable size it's time [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Applause] everyone mr martinez that's all i got to say something about that song it is the gift that keeps on giving so thank you so much for seeing it my honor okay i'm going to leave mark with all of you good people so enjoy the handsomeness and his beautiful voice everyone mr murphy [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming home [Music] somehow is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm coming home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that you are [Music] more [Music] love you [Music] oh oh [Music] me foreign [Music] [Applause] anything can happen no because that happened check that out yeah we may need stage management to come that is a show's worth of drinking water right there now we can just maybe edible sorry you guys you guys okay i have to [Music] now that she's found in the atmosphere [Music] [Music] since her return from her stay on the moon she listens like spring she talks like did you make it to the milky is way [Music] [Music] her way through the constellations [Music] your feet [Music] is is tell me tell me foreign tonight your mind completely [Laughter] you give your love so sweetly [Music] is a moment can i be [Music] will you still love me [Music] okay okay [Music] i'd like to know that your love is love i can't be sure [Music] again [Music] will you still will you still love me why do i feel more excitement coming from the orchestra than i do from this audience and congratulations you've all just admitted do you remember who were the stars the five boys okay wait it's okay there's william martinez graham with lachenko who i already knew from working with him in rep jc bonan god he was cute herbert bautista i can't remember who it is [Applause] do it for doing absolutely nothing you're getting more applause than i am that's just really weird okay i remember didn't bobo i know you're and we were classmates in grade seven and she will remember this as well as i do we sat on the stairs at green hills theater to see this movie and i think my seventh grade class must have ditched just to watch it i never did i'm a goody two shoes but i did but i had permission my mom came with me so anyway the whole place was swooning screaming i thought the roof was going to come down especially when this then newcomer and neon drenched agamula came up on the screen with his you know with his superbly gelled spiky hair high cheekbones perfect skin my god wasn't beautiful and oozing with so much charm dude what happened to you okay we're always like this he gives me that promise i have no idea what kind of revenge he's going to pull but anyway but but here's my point remember like we were like 12 13 year old girls transitioning into young ladies and we were naively beginning to appreciate the aesthetics of young male movie stars i think all the girls in my class and [Music] probably some of the boys we're imagining ourselves to be some version of valdes or job el salvador or yayo aguila from the movie we were awkward and unrefined kind of reminds me of um princess winifred from this musical titled once upon a mattress awkwardly swooning and imagining the baguettes brew as our princes or knights in shining armor hey is it you there was no way i could have done that in front of my mom though can you imagine she would have been like no no no no no no no no no no hang on [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's [Music] of view i've always been shy i confess that i'm shy can you guess that is [Music] i pretend to be strong [Music] probably [Music] [Applause] when suddenly confronted with and she's likely to fall on her face when she's finally face to the face [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am [Applause] it's true what they say the older you get the more you turn into your parents in my case i'm turning into my mother no i'm not i promise everyone miss nicole chin [Music] this next song is one of my favorites from the musical theater canon [Music] in a very unusual way one time i needed you in a very unusual way you were my friend [Music] but somehow [Music] i i want to cry [Music] is and you're the reason why you're the reason what you do to me looking at you it scares me so that i [Music] i never [Music] since the first day how could i ever [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] a special guest who came from a far far away land called london i will always be grateful to him and he will always have a very special place in my heart because when i was thrust onto the world stage at the age of 18 for miss saigon uh frighteningly young and he was slightly older than me he was a gentleman very patient with me in our scenes and hands down one of the best actors i've ever got to work with and one of the best voices i've actually gotten to sing with and he is just getting better with age we saw each other a few years ago at the 25th anniversary gala of miss saigon in london and it's it's like we just picked up from where we left off he is super funny still super charming very very sexy he still has those gorgeous curls it's his very first time here in the philippines so please give him your warmest welcome mr simon bowden wow joined by [Music] the sky we have been blessed [Music] you [Music] [Music] did we [Applause] your mood falls away [Music] so seems real i have [Music] in a world where nothing can last i will hold you i will hold you ours will change when tomorrow comes all right [Music] it's telling me to hold you tight and dance [Music] i will take [Music] oh so the pride that tells us dreams you won't need me so stay with it's the me night [Applause] [Music] what did you say just basically one word that's like it's the real thing dude man you have not changed and i mean that in the best of ways truly i know and you're a great liar i don't lie um no i'm too transparent um trying to think of the right words to say besides thank you for traveling all this way to be a part of this you have no idea that was yeah but between simon and myself there are there's so many stories from originating kim and chris in the original london company of miss saigon i we have a few friends here in the front row who actually got to see us do it back then who we did the show friends sitting beside my mom and another friend sitting over here and they remember they were they were there in london in 1990 to see it oh you haven't changed either have you but um yeah we haven't we do have a lot of very [Music] stories fun and uh but you know what um many people ask me stories about you what's one of these i've i've said so many things but i'd like to cut to the chase really okay my memory of you from 17 to now is basically this when i first let let leia salonga it isn't it yeah yeah we'll just say that um yeah first impressions let's let's go all the way through very quickly she was 17. my first impression was she was so shy i was 17 at the audition for saigon yeah 30 years ago 17 and i thought started working with and i thought wow this this teenager is um very quick very witty like a sponge photographic memory and then on top of that conducted herself with professionalism had a wise head on young shoulders which is a very very rare thing right and then it was kind of always behaved in the immaculate manner of seriously respectful people always knowing to try you know saying the right things at the right time and basically and this is this is without saying about talent yet i've just gone on about her attributes i mean that on top of being talented actually adds even more to somebody's talent somebody wants to love you someone likes your company it makes a big difference especially in this business with the peers if you're respected amongst your own peers which layer is if he doesn't already know um is a massive contribution to somebody's talent and i just knew i didn't i wasn't guessing i just knew that you would be standing here today coming all that way and you brought all those ingredients you haven't you haven't changed one bit even in the way you look which i hate her for but leia you will start the car yeah no seriously um leah you are and have been will always be a very uh special part of my life my career my heart and that's not just performing because more importantly a special part of my life because you are a true friend i want to congratulate you on your 40 years and um it's only just beginning and this is a new chapter for leia thank you thank you i i don't really know how to follow that i mean i mean i do have a a a good leading man story and this is something that i need to say again you've heard this last night you've heard me or somebody else no no no because simon is was the very first romantic leading man i ever had um which kind of set up all the other romantic leading men that i had since and here's the thing at the time that i was first doing miss saigon i hadn't ever been in a relationship i mean i didn't know how to kiss anybody properly so it was a nightmare when nicholas heitner was starting to stage the more passionate and romantic scenes of miss saigon event you've seen if you you know what the show is um we were at sadler's wells for our rehearsals we were using their rehearsal studios in london and he could feel the anxiety bubbling from within me so after the rehearsal i was outside and my mom and i were outside in that cafeteria area and so he goes first to my mother speaks to her one-on-one privately not what you think and then he speaks with me with my mom there so that she could hear everything that he has to say um [Music] you can trust me i will take care of you don't worry i will not take advantage of you while we're doing this for an 18 year old in her first like real romantic west end leading lady role and with the pressure of an entire country looking at you and in this era of me too i look back on that and i am so thankful that here was this man who took me and embraced me and taught me how to do this and took such good care of me that i felt like i could just enjoy the process and i did um exactly the way you think but truly thank you i don't think i've been able to thank you enough for for all of that all right so without further ado i'm going to go backstage and have a drink um and have a breath and i will leave you to serenade all of these beautiful people [Music] okay are you going then i'm going now okay well before you go okay um i just want to give you something here and um like you and your brother would say happiness is two kinds of ice cream okay everyone another round of applause okay um that was emotional wasn't it um just before we start i'd like to do some very quick thank you seeing that this is the last evening um i'd like to thank personally our writer scriptwriter victor bravic our director the wonderful bob thank you paul um [Music] gerard salonga and his wonderful walkers and last but not least because i know she's going to be getting really jealous by now you know finn's presence uh leia's mum joyce longer where are you joy oh stand up there's a present for you you see i didn't forget you did i now sit down and behave yourself ladies and gentlemen um this next song uh is by a person great singer songwriter who uh sadly passed away about two years ago now and i've been blessed to be given his band i i i i'm on a world tour and i'm with his band so i'd like to dedicate this next song to the late great george michael [Music] [Music] i'd say love would keep us from pain had i've been there [Music] so i don't [Music] in all these years you are the only one to stop my tears take me back in time maybe i can't forget a different corner it's breeze you [Music] i'm so care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] if i could [Music] thank you ladies and gentlemen um do you want one more okay um this next song uh not too long ago i was doing a world tour because it was james bond's 50th anniversary so i'd like to perform for you the the very last james bond song which won an oscar out of spectre by sam smith it's called the writing is on the wall [Music] i'm prepared for this [Music] if i'm gonna make it through the day [Music] this is [Music] i feel like gonna make it through the day [Music] is [Music] [Music] tell me is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] of [Music] as the stars begin together [Music] [Music] how do oh live how do i breathe when you're not here i'm suffocating run through my love tell me [Music] [Music] for you i have to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everyone the amazing leah [Music] salonga [Music] [Applause] so [Music] more [Music] go in more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh [Applause] me [Music] is me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you that was from the musical so after graduating from mataneo he wanted to pursue his post-graduate studies he earned himself a place at the prestigious berkeley college of music in boston massachusetts and i remember that we were driving to boston on such a slippery and snowy day when gerard did his school visit and checking out apartments so our family my mom gerard and myself we all moved to boston together i was living in new york at the time so i hit the pause button on my career and i went to boston to be islandera for him now getting into berkeley is a feat by itself because it's extremely competitive there are only a few few spots available for thousands of applicants yes gerard got one of them but he also graduated sumo honda so and these are the things that define my brother dedication focus integrity notes are his colors the sheep music his canvas at the baton his brush professionally speaking i am in awe and has as his older sister i am beyond proud but of course all of that would not be possible without mom so chair would you grab that microphone and sit by me so we can do something for her let's see what happens tonight [Music] wherever i go no fits no fights and no egos [Music] wherever we go whatever we do we're gonna get through it together if i see me then i'll play b-flat [Music] [Music] whatever the trick we can do with [Music] [Music] there really isn't anything to it i knew it i knew together through thick and through all out all with you for me and me for you we'll muddle through whatever we do together wherever we go i didn't cry this time sorry what i didn't cry this time not this time [Music] at least please allow me to say this i am grateful for my disposition and my professional life but it is not always a kind life and that's okay i know that i'm not for everyone's taste or palette [Music] she taught us to never compromise our authentic selves for me when life gets tough when my schedule gets hectic i always think about when my mom used to hold me as a little girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] son [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] so you can be amazing you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a draw you could be the outcast or be the lack backlash god or you can start speaking up nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do when they [Music] [Music] but i wonder what would happen if you say what you wanna say and let the words fall out [Music] honestly oh i wanna see you be great with what you wanna say and let the words fall out honestly [Music] everybody's been there everybody's been stared down by the enemy falling [Music] stop holding your tongue [Music] let the words [Music] fall [Music] silence do you think [Applause] say what you wanna say and let the words [Music] me [Music] i just wanna see you i just wanna see you i just wanna see you i wanna see foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i could have said goodbye i would have said what i wanted to maybe even cried for you if i knew it would be the last time i would have broke my heart into [Music] don't want to start another [Music] don't [Music] even let strangers [Music] [Music] oh when we first met i never thought that i would fall i never thought that i'd find myself [Music] and i want to pretend that it's not true cause my world keeps [Music] here [Music] [Music] is [Music] my god with me [Music] is [Music] i don't wanna feel another i don't want to start another fire [Music] don't want to know when other kids is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again thank you that was from the newest version of the classic film a star is born an original song by the sublime stephanie germanotta also known as lady ganda i am humbled and without words except that i am profoundly grateful thank you all of you for sharing this evening with me tonight i also want to thank everybody here at the pacc for hosting us thank you it's always an honor to sing here a big thank you to our major sponsors east west bank philippine airport grounds support begins with the sun seed we may not yet have reached our glory but i will gladly join the fight and when our children tell their story [Music] tonight [Music] tonight have you ever felt like nobody was [Music] have you there felt like you could [Music] disappear [Music] is [Music] something they can never take away [Music] when you're broken on the ground again [Music] when our children tell their stories no matter what they tell you [Music] tonight [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] uh [Music] oh this is [Applause] [Music] i mean i left the microphone out here and everything that should have been [Applause] this one's [Music] this this one because of of my background in theater i needed to well joy tonight we needed to be able to say to celebrate in our own way um leonard barnstein's centennial was born 100 years ago um this year um leaving us with amazing work like west side story and candide and this song is from on the town [Music] so [Music] where has the time all gone haven't done half the things we want to oh well we'll catch up some other time [Music] this day was just a token [Music] too many words are still unspoken oh well we'll catch up some other time [Music] just when the fun is starting let's just be glad for what we've had [Music] there's so much more embracing [Music] still to be done the times oh well we'll catch up some other times [Music] ah [Music] just [Applause] party for what we want to there's so much more embracing still to be done [Music] is some other times we'll catch up [Music] oh come on to my heart sky highway is wake me [Music] moving it's cold out well i here it would be nice [Music] oh please please don't go can't help but think of yesterday [Music] oh cause if is oh oh no let's go let's go thank you very much [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: Tim's Music Corner
Views: 52,910
Rating: 4.8998809 out of 5
Id: hWgY8K3e0I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 39sec (7839 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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