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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my final tests destiny beckons I never reckon surfaced when I do bad hybl always recall that this is the for me a tribute to runway of to pay tribute to my favorite Broadway star in the house this is the moment this is the day when I sent all my doubts and demons on their way every endeavor I haven't made ever they're coming into the lane it's here and now today this is a moment this is the time - and the moment give me this poor is precious chance I'll gather up my mast and make some sense ha this is Oh when all the war this is the day since my Cola tried when all [Music] and now the time is power to build final test test with me beckoned I I moved the town Oh whoa this is now whole word the sweetest Oh this day Oh God oh look bad call this is that rainy thank you and good evening its Martin in the house from the so there watch party thank you for watching us you're not gonna miss this episode as we pay tribute to Broadway although every song I'll be singing tonight it's not a Broadway song that my guess has popularized in fact none of them are all I know is tonight is a Broadway night for me I'm a big big fan not just a Broadway and the Broadway songs as I've been doing through the years in my career but the Broadway star you're about to meet now it doesn't mean that we don't have songs that she herself has popularized [Music] listen carefully [Music] have the world's away [Music] half just hear them I am lonely traveler in most every way ask me what you want [Music] this [Music] stars are all too and their mom too by the way I can see you bear [Music] [Music] I have to stop and I have where are we tomorrow I can only the dog I [Music] it's gone [Music] and they're bound to guide and by the way [Music] gone missing well it adjourn [Music] drop my Andy and is not [Music] and they're bound to guide my ways when this [Music] and what a journey that she has taken us through the journey of my favorite amazing star from Rocky [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for spending this evening with us how are you I just find it funny that you've been doing this every single isn't it crazy all night I'm listening to you guys I'm at my bed and I'm knitting something and and you guys are just keeping me company just talk just you guys are just talking singing whatever I'm singing along like in Vicky's doing a solo I'll just be singing along with her having just a good friend that just happens to be right there beside you it's it's it's nice I mean you do risk some overexposure but I mean it's you it's you so I mean it's it's it's fine and people can kind of come and go as they please no my goal is just to keep them company and then to make a little noise in their house because is it quiet in your house because I imagine everyone's house is quiet down so we're we're trying to give noise with this Martin in house concept how quiet is it in your house but normally I'll have music playing or I'll be watching something on TV or my daughter were like okay when I pass her room like there's normally noise coming out of it like she's chatting with her friends or she's watching different things on YouTube so it's not the most quiet house and and I guess it might be a function of the work that we do where we're always so used to having noise or music or something happening but I do like my moments of solitude when nothing is happening and it's just it's just atmospheric right yeah but it's not the quietest house when you're studying for a role like for instance Sweeney Todd is the last one I saw you and you were amazing in Sweeney Todd no but that's a lot of practice a lot of memorizing a lot of you're checking your your-your-your accent with an accent the acting is the the witty almost punch line type lyrics yourself it's a lot how do you study for something like that you give yourself the time truly you need to give yourself the time I got my script and my score my score I got my script and my score around like maybe a few months before like we started running and we started rehearsing in September I got everything in like June so that I could start learning everything and studying everything especially the music I had to focus on the music first so that when we got to staging everything I didn't have to worry about the songs anymore so yeah so I started you know I was flunking things out on the piano I was listening to so many different versions on so many different cast albums so that I could have like a consistent reference and I I landed on the 2012 West End run with imelda staunton also known as Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter movies who played Sweeney Todd opposite Michael Ball you know that was your page she was mrs. Lovett yeah so that was my peg so my peg was her just because it was a darker interpretation in a darker production so I went with that so we so Bobby and I were like yeah we're gonna go with that and then I had a dialect coach to help me with the cockney because it's it's it's actually not an not a difficult accent to do as long as you know what you're supposed to be hitting and what you're supposed to be dropping as far as the consonants but it's not that hard to do and I guess it was helpful that I lived in the UK for a while so a lot of that kind of stayed in my head do you have to I mean that's another good point do you really to get into a role do you have to be that person I'd like you said now to be to have that accent you have you had it around you in the UK when you were the one in other roles that you've had did you have to dive into that were you that person 24/7 when when you're talking in the house with the people that around you do you speak in that language in that accent I have to leave everything in rehearsal I mean Sweeney Todd is such a dark dark show I mean there's a lot of humor in it to counter the the bloodiness of a story thank goodness for all the humor it was it was such a good balance it was it was such a genius show but no I'm not one of those people that kind of lives in the skin of a character for 24 hours a day I can't do it was one of those things that I had to leave in the rehearsal room and go back to my own life when I would leave the you know when I would leave her herself like okay back back to back to normal I had to I had to like try to get rid of it you can you can do that you can turn it off and on off and on yeah yeah yeah after a while it becomes like second nature you know when the lights hit you you're the character when you're backstage then it's it's back to speaking it's back to when you do theater given all of the technical stuff that could go wrong you still have to have a foot in reality right just so you don't stop you know your your awareness of your surroundings doesn't just go off because yeah I think in film you can afford to do that because there are other people who will take care of everything for you but in theatre it's not like one of the stage crew can run and fix something you kind of have to make do with you know if something goes wrong you're right yeah but what comes first we do you have a system Malaya where you have I'll do the script first the acting in the lines of work on that person and then the music or do you do it Sbisa by what is your system of studying sometimes it's it's nice to do everything kind of all at the same time but for something like Sweeney it's had to be the music first because there were complicated patterns that a lot of us had to figure out and some of the like time signatures would change like you you'd have stuff that would change on a dime and just just like oh god okay now it's going you were going now from like 3/4 all of a sudden you're going into another time signature like even just for one bar something will change so we we all had to have as much of the music as we could so we had there were a couple of days of music rehearsal in August I liked all the principals had one day and the ensemble had another day and those who would go back and forth between ensemble and principal would have to attend those rehearsals for both days so we had a session with Mon Mon on Seco who was our vocal director just to go through every single song because some of those some of that it's not easy no hard not easy no hard and those of us that could read music were already having a hard time and then we had members of our company that didn't read at all and they had to kind of find their own way around - for the score to make sense and it was tough it was really really tough and it would drive us crazy it would drive everybody nuts but I'm sure yeah yeah it was tough but yeah so a lot of us had to do the music first to get all of the stuff that was written down into our bodies and then we could do and then we can start focusing on the story and on the road dialogue because the dialogue itself was it difficult it's it's really the music that is hard in write in a song time show and in the end how much of your person do you put into your role especially that one because that's that's so not you it's about so I hope yeah right the nice the cool thing about it is that it's there's nothing about this woman that's me so it was so much easier to dive into her because then it was just imagination its maybe oh who do I know that's like this and then kind of incorporating essences and bits and pieces of that other person into the role and and kind of magnifying you know personality traits of other human beings and that so it became it was just a lot of fun because it was like a coat that you could put on and then take off you seemed so at ease at that with that character and at the same time I was telling my telling Angela watching I said remind me we're never eating in Laius house especially pie we're not having any fun right that's the first thing I said we're not having pie in your house now all your roles that you have played who is the mo who is the most the closest to lea salonga to your character to your person to your values there will be there will be part of me that's in there whether it's just even if it's my laughter even if it's just how I will naturally respond to certain situations I think all of the other ones there will be an element of who I am somewhere in there but love it is like a complete 180 now when you are on tour when you're a liquid when you're on stage and you're away from the Philippines and you live your community or your your actors are becoming your family yes do you miss that I mean you've been especially not they were in quarantine do you think about that you ever recall what was more in other words what is more but what do you miss more opening night or closing night because others those are the two most special times right oh yes opening nights are exciting because it's the beginning of something you're beginning a run and it's kind of well then think about opening eyes and ending in a beginning it's when the rehearsal process is that's that's the official ending of it so basically you freeze everything once you hit opening night and then you focus on continuing to organically develop this character and grow where it sits it just kind of develops on its own in the course of doing a run and when you're in a long run then you're blessed with more time to to really shape this this character and by the time closing night arrives sometimes you feel like it's not enough time and even though you may have advanced and developed this character far more than what opening nights version was sometimes you feel like okay I've had enough I'm done you know I'm good I'm good with what I've done with her or oh my gosh this wasn't enough time I wish I could have had more to grow this this part of her right and something jet bong-gun said like after closing night he said I finally met the Sweeney I wanted to be on the night we closed it's like it's yeah it's and that's our closing in Singapore when we had like a couple of months already of it in our in our bodies so it's it's like you know blessed are those that get to have a run of months and months because of just how far you can take something and you read a lot I can see that you read a lot to you there's books back there but there's a there was one that I just finished and it's one that I would highly recommend Trevor Noah wrote a book called born a crime and it talks about his childhood and growing up in South Africa during apartment and it's a really interesting story how somebody like him with a white father and african black mother was because of the laws he was literally a crime yes he was born and it's it's not a difficult read it's he kind of writes the way he speaks and you get a little bit of insight into why he is so calm and you know during his hosting stance on the daily show how he doesn't get all neurotic it's like because he's grown up under far worse circumstances oh yeah the stuff that he's reporting on The Daily Show now it's he's very intelligent very insightful so it's it's a it's a book I would highly recommend being Filipino being Asian have you ever encountered that kind of a feeling were you ever given any kind of bad looks or do you think maybe someone favored someone over you because they weren't Asian you get my point yeah yeah not been allowed to audition for roles because of my racial background which was interesting then a few months after that happened I got cast as éponine and Lim is and I'm like well okay that's that sort of karmic cancellation I guess of sorts and I guess I felt as an Asian performer especially after getting cast as éponine I felt I needed to prove something not so much that I had a chip on my shoulder but I felt like I had something to prove that casting like this it's it shouldn't just be considered a stunt to get people into the theaters during the bad winter season I mean it you know it's not it shouldn't just be about that mm-hmm but that this kind of casting can be done and that this kind of casting makes sense and that it doesn't hinder the storytelling mm-hmm you know and a show like lame is where race isn't even in the discussion that's right meaning it's it's absolutely possible for something like this to you know to be a much more common thing what about in allegiance allegiance had a had a different type at the ward store yeah this one was a war story and this one race was absolutely yes an uncredited cast member yes so we needed to visually we needed to see that yes these are Asians and yes these were white people that the soldiers had to be Caucasian had to be played by Caucasian men and that the internees had to be played by Asian actors so there was there was me there's George Takei there's telly the young Michael Kaylee we had and we had an opera baritone named Krishna Mora who played my father we had a whole bunch of amazing singer dancer actors of Asian descent that did this role that did this show and it was we just felt this was our story to tell and we get to tell it and the way we want to it's a great story it was and the music was great thanks for coming layer just so you know anything that you do we all and I don't I speak for everybody especially the artists who admire you because I don't know if you think about this but we are so proud that your Filipino visit you wave our flag whether you know it or not when we see you with Rosie O'Donnell or we see you with Oprah or Ellen or anybody who has anything to do with with the with the world of the entertainment where that we want to touch you're actually in it you're in it do you is it a conscious effort on your part how how proud are you not just of your achievements but what your achievements do for us this country I don't know if it's something I think about necessarily but I do try to always be on my best behavior under those you know in those situations only because I don't I don't like it when we are spoken of with derision or if there's an insult her and hurled in our direct I do like it when I'm associated with being Filipino in a positive way I just I do the best I can I guess I can you hear that you hear yeah you hear it positive things too right oh yeah oh my god I love the Philippines goes blah blah blah blah yeah I do and it's it's nice to be able to be able to contribute to to that sort of or you have a positive image big time they are big you are I ought to keep telling you this and I and I post it all the time that you are for me you're a national treasure because we've all and I speak for all the artists we've all wanted to have that kind of exposure but at the same breath we wouldn't know what to do with it you on the other hand once you're there when we see you and I really want to watch I'm going on and praying please let us hear the right things and you always do it's like you're not even intimidated by the person you're talking to how would you get this confidence are you ever okay better question were you ever in fan mode where someone oh my god it is talking to me did you ever have that moment where the person was interviewing you or was with you on stage or with you in the audience in the Tony Awards or whatever that you couldn't believe that he or she was there sometimes it happens where I start fangirling say on a red carpet and I get selfies with people and then they start finding fangirling or fanboying over what I've been able to do so I guess there's I guess the confidence is is knowing that chances are it's going to be a mutual admiration society sort of thing and and I'm just I'm a fan of quite a few people on Broadway people like Audra McDonald and people like Bernadette Peters and and and it's it's like yeah you can absolutely fanboy and fangirl and chances are these people have heard of you also and know the quality of the work that you've done yeah so I guess I guess that one one way to mentally prepare for something even if it's just for my own mental state so that I don't get intimidated by people it's chances are they're fans of yours also and it's important that you walk in with that confidence because you are carrying our flag that's what I'm saying this is what I'm trying to say this is the pressure that you now have now let me ask you this in the Broadway community just like here I mean the entertainment world now is affected just like any other business or world because of what's happening with coffee at 19 what do you think is going to happen it will the community and Broadway be different I want to believe I'd like to believe that Broadway will return to what it was but it it will not happen this year I don't think so it's not gonna happen this year I don't know that there will be live performances in the way that you and I are accustomed to doing them this year I've been here yes even well here we may be able to return to live performance sooner as compared to say the United States we might be able to get back to it if we're able to flatten our curve if we're able to relieve the pressure on hospitals to care for people if we are able to then if by then there's more wide White's white testing there is you know being able to locate where the pockets of infection are and be able to then focus on that and be able to care for the you know care for the sick in that way be able to do more focused and instead of 'crazy right everybody's just slamming the hospitals because they can't breathe I think once it gets to a manageable point where you know the health care system can then handle it right then I think we'll be able to return to a somewhat more normal life right right now while we still have daily cases and the hundreds I mean it's it seems to be coming down it's now in the 100's rather than the 200s that's good news that's always good news and I think if it keeps on going from three digit to two digit and then single digit then I think life can sort of go back I'm just hoping that once things are opened again there isn't another like second wave of infection that slams the healthcare industry sure sure so yeah we'll get back to normal once the virus is you know at a more manageable place azzam it's not yet as a mother though howhow are you what are you telling your daughter I mean of course she's your daughter's different from all the other girls I've seen at 13 years old she's she's the way you were when I first met you she's bright she's quick she's smart she if she likes you she'll converse with you so Lea Salonga anyway um I mean when you are a kid did you see the video I sent you did you even see it I sent you a video someone send it to me I don't know why no you on student canteen yeah yeah I think there are about 10 or 15 people that sent that video to me all at the same time oh you were nine yeah now you what doesn't know what do you tell your daughter what what does she know about this quarantine this lockdown the staying home you can watch her and she knows she knows about it she's aware of it we do talk about it at the dinner table we talk about what it is so she's not sheltered from what this is and I think it's always a good idea to let your kids know what's happening and since she's pretty much a homebody in the way that I am she's like oh I'm perfectly fine with staying home and I've got my video games I mean her parents are around her she's got her friends a phone call away she's you know she's been able to manage this and yeah far better than a lot of other people she's us you know she's she's you know taking it in stride she understands like yep the orders so I stay home and listen so she's it's not even a thing what's the first thing that you will do once we get the thumbs up that we can go out what's the first thing you will do stay home so you just lost 500,000 following right there you see with such a worldly person he's gonna go to the most expensive restaurant and get paid that's not you though right any of these live streams the only I will go so far as to put on eyebrows blush on lipstick that's that's it it's it's I mean I'm not the kind of person that enjoys wearing makeup anyway I guess because I associated so closely with work that it's there I don't find pleasure in in false eyelashes and in the glam I mean I love the results when a professional takes his hand to my face and paints it but I mean like them wedding of my niece remember that wedding of my knees you were in rubber shoes on my feet and I was so all of these women the high heels were looking at my feet going ah you're so lucky I think of that right you can't see your face anyway in a gown you can't see the shoes I mean you can just wear like get a sneaker that has a platform nobody's gonna know what's under there is what is the perfect what's the perfect binge or lazy day for you what's what's the perfect day for you at home the perfect day for me at home I get up I go downstairs I have my coffee [Music] yeah and I got gifted with this really complicated coffee machine last year when I broke my leg someone's like oh you can't go to Starbucks now or anywhere let's give you a really nice machine so I got gifted with this amazing coffee maker so at the push a button that can have whatever it's so fantastic I just have to get the beans for it but otherwise yes it's it's it's amazing then I'll probably go upstairs I'll knit something maybe or I'll watch TV or listen to music I'll make up a playlist or I'll play some video games or I'll read a book or we'll have a zoom conference with my friends um well quarantine was meant for you I think yeah because I mean I broke my leg last year and it couldn't go anywhere right except to physical therapy so I guess I was ready for this and you still came out in the Josh Groban concert in a wheelchair in a wheelchair but in full glam in a gown yeah so I wanted to do something fun and I wanted to be able to fulfill that obligation because it didn't involve travel it didn't mean that I had to go anywhere where you know going through security was gonna be like a massive endeavor this was just going to you know the mobile arena and and sitting in my wheelchair and singing sitting in my wheelchair and yeah it was it was completely fine what an experience I bet it was and he was so lovely he was truly truly a lovely person to work with yes he's a great person now and so are you because I see you now you're now a judge on The Voice yeah there must be an experience for you too bringing in discovering new talent and this country is filled with talent it's ridiculous how hard is that it's difficult it's easy and it's difficult the easy part is spotting the talent and figuring out who just naturally is gifted with a voice and it's always the talent first because our backs are turned we have no idea what's on the we'd have no idea what's there behind us until we turn around and then we see and then the other thing that's also difficult which we're we're lucky that we have all of these void actual singing coaches you know it abs-cbn people likely India Chaka saw luening Ning San Jose monsoon faster people like Annie Quinto Zoe I mean we have we have all of these people and then it also then becomes about attitude because it's you and I know longevity will only happen not just because of your talent it's also how you are with other people how are you are you a collaborative sort of person are you a brat in rehearsal are you someone who is just exhausting to be around there's exhausting and then there's exhausting but are you exhausting in a bad way mmm-hmm or is it like do you cause headaches for everyone around you and so I mean I can't speak for the other coaches but I get that sort of Intel and I ask for that kind of Intel how is this person in rehearsal is this is this person difficult is this person easy to teach easy to work with is this does this person have a shot right at longevity in this business and I get all of that I get all of that you know all of that intelligence now with yes there's a voice in every country right there's them America ours and we have like right now two active versions we have the kids version and the teens version but not everyone has that right has kids and only a couple of countries have teens I think it's just us in your opinions in your opinion of all voices the voices out there and I mean the competition voice what does the Philippine voice Philippines have that the others don't have okay that's a tough one that is a tough one but the one thing that we definitely have it's just just how it's just just the talent I mean they're - everybody's talented everywhere kind of ridiculously so I watched I've you know I tend to watch the version in the u.s. in the UK and I've seen where I've seen some blind auditions that came from the Netherlands in Germany it's ridiculous like the the the talent is it's staggering but I think ours we've I think ours it's just we've just been able to sustain mm-hmm the shows because it's almost like the talent pool continues to replicate it's it's almost as if there's an endless supply that's right maybe that's it if there's anything that's different about us it's just like it's it's just that the supply seems never almost never ending and at different ages we haven't done the adults version you know in a while which means that Jason D is pretty much the longest-reigning but he hates that I don't think he wants to give the crown to anybody else but just which is perfectly fine but yeah especially with the children I think we have this almost endless supply right of talent it it's ridiculous I'm sure Gillis yeah tell me how impressed how amazed are you with the musical genius that Gerard is I have three words return music school so I feel extremely proud of the creative output of the you know of just how easy it is all to him and yeah we're I'm so glad that that's what he ended up choosing for himself that that's that that's what he's doing now that that is his career he's humble about it he he works his ass off he's so hard-working he'll be I mean here at case in point we did concerts in Dubai just at the beginning of March before the quarantine was was called so on the plane ride over on the plane ride back he had all of these scores out because he had to prepare for concerts that were supposed to happen that ended up not happening hmm that's why he's still stuck there in Kuala Lumpur he's been unable to come home so he's been cooking and cleaning for himself which which makes us all laugh funny yeah DJ was like so yeah so I mean just how hard he worked it's like he'll be working on my concerts and studying a Beethoven score at the same time who would the red pencil and marking how he's going to conduct it and listening to interpretations of it on his on his phone and his iPad or in his iPod or whatever in order to know so that so when he shows up it that the first day of rehearsal he is prepared so he has that reputation for always coming in to anything that he does knowing more than anybody else what's supposed to go down and how everything is supposed to happen well you did the right thing even before you became a a coach on on on The Voice Philippines you're already noticing Talent you found it in your brother there's a leap of faith for you and not too many people know how much you support your family I mean I mean support this way not support this way how you support the family and how how much faith you have in the talent that Gerard truly is and in a way in a way I think like you said investment return them invest in there of course but it must be you see that it's worth it you have to you have to dive in you know you have to dive in headfirst it's it's and have complete faith in what this this young man could do it could have gone another way I mean young man right yeah so that was a good loop in your now talking about leap of faith as far as what you've been doing in your career it's a hit and miss thing also being the young person that you were when you enter the business working with with some of the most popular and the biggest names in the business of Broadway and theater you were there and and and with with you you brought us with you through this journey and I just I'm just one person one of the artists here in this country but more than anything a fan everything that you've ever done Leia has brought tears to my eyes tears of pride and and that I say you know what that girl is Filipino and you know what I can call her friend and you know what if I share one song with her just one I will be a better person and a better singer there's no one I want more I want it's an honor to sing with you and I think I speak for every artist in this country we you bring so much pride I mean I've never been prouder to be a Filipino and a Filipino artist is because I know Lea Salonga that's the truth and I love you you know that I mean Rob requested them for his birthday and I got it wrong and I got it right so I know how to make chocolate souffle chocolate souffle is probably better than do it that would be better than singing with you would try your chocolate souffle that would be the best quarantine you can just make your burgers or your steaks or whatever and I'll cook dessert longer it'll be a team effort in the kitchen we'll do this unless you don't make me any pie thank you so much for your time thank you so much for what you do and still from the bottom of my heart I feel you are the most amazing person I have ever known in this industry and you really bring us so much pride will you sing with me please Lea Salonga in the house [Laughter] [Music] I pray you'll be our and we walk just where we and help us to be one in times when we don't know let this be our prayer when we lose [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then I say [Music] lead us to give us space all young sense of you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] me to find a place with no grace we must wait so [Music] [Applause] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thank You Lea Salonga some are Broadway [Music] it may see a stranger across a crowded and [Music] No [Music] that somewhere see [Music] some enchanting someone love [Music] a story it's [Applause] [Music] my feet Leia [Music] keep up with me now [Music] there's something [Music] [Music] just out of reach down the beach [Music] and suddenly than me we'll never be the same [Music] the girl me mommy [Music] and it's all a movie huh I'll never stop singing but [Music] [Music] from the light turn your thoughts away from cold and listen the musical [Music] [Music] you ah [Music] no talk of Darkness forget these wide-eyed fears [Music] my words will war let me be your freedom let daylight dry your tears I [Music] to God you were him to die [Music] every week [Music] sometime [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything has a season everything has its time show me [Music] [Music] Peter where my spirit come along before [Music] accepting limits someone says this so some things I cannot change too long I've been afraid of yes that's allowed it comes up much too high it's time to try [Music] [Music] you won't bring me down [Music] Nancy had to send her some things Oh elsewhere wrong but listen when [Music] what to those who ground-beef message back [Music] Oh [Music] it's time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the biggest once again to lea salonga thank you so much for inspiring us all to be better than we are and for inspiring us all and giving us the the Filipino pride that you bring to this country every time you open your mouth interview singing whatever it is that you do we're so proud of you and I'm so proud to have her here in our house from her house and two shacks - Gina - Miguel and - Angie did all the special effects thank you so much for your great production bringing us for me one of my most favorite interviews so far lea salonga yes let's hear it really I can't find a single Broadway medley that I have that has a song from Miss Saigon I know I had one before with which I think I sang it with Regine years ago that was perfect yeah I don't know what happened I can't find it anymore so anyway to be continued I guess and my good friend Juan Juan reminded me why not something from Disney because she is a Disney Legend as well with that voice that she's given them they will never forget we will never forget the world will never forget Lea Salonga know she has a lot of songs that she recorded that's right she did through the years she has a really sweet one even from the age of Alec when she was nine years old she was already getting us with Annie and then of course this song is of one of the first centers she even got to touch international fame this next song is let's try that's what's the name of the guy Brad Kane right he's also sang the Aladdin song with her is that right oh okay well there you go this is close wait again this could be a Disney song actually it should be a Disney song [Music] be still my heart lately it's burning on its own it would go just to shine up real close to me still it remains a mystery [Music] anyone who's seen us knows what's going on between it doesn't take a genius to breathe between the [Music] this traditional thing I know what these are symptoms we could remember this myself like a baby [Music] [Music] like voices of angels and it's not just wishful only me I know what these are symptoms are we could be [Music] don't ask why to search distance does conform to place anyone who's seen us knows what's going on between us it doesn't [Music] to read it it's just wishful thing whole street I know what these are [Music] we could be we could be we could be [Music] we could be [Music] you can n delay a segment without a little of the conscious part of variance and now tomorrow will never be the same in her life and in our life as well this is our song so they watch Marty where we'll be having a good time with us here's a promise that tomorrow we'll be a better day [Music] ketchup bottle two more [Music] [Music] when I stop bleep up [Music] I just think I've got you [Music] Oh Oh more [Music] Oh but I'm stuck with a day that's gray I just think [Music] Wow so they've gotta hang on to Oh [Music] you're only [Laughter] [Music] Jemmy time thanks Leah that was great and shots of course I asked for that little Broadway great montage thing you got the quickest fingers ever Jax so quick okay we want to give a shout out to Tita Yoli from Virginia Beach hello Virginia liter Nalgene in DC yes that's Maria we all guys watching all the way from Quezon City California and then Tina Brunner happy birthday yesterday we missed the greeting yesterday but happy birthday from us to you yeah we missed a birthday also just according to Gayle did we from the Bay Area so is everybody okay you guys I thought that was a heavy episode that we just saw I think that was fun we were screaming here did you hear as we're screaming so loud that was fun the audience all framed I would still be able to hit those notes that's an old one so you know that's an old one I know my kids enjoyed I listen Eric are watching and they love probably every song there especially wickedness mine oh yeah and we have to stick that one and after we thank of course Marvin keredo and his band who made that those music for me long long time ago we just put them all together to make it one big long Meg I call it the big big Broadway meddling Regine's watching - hi regine this is our 27th show I'm sorry 37 it feels like 27 it's our 37 nice same thing about his age he takes it regime you feel me there's no pepper in the world for this I'm trying to find your air and Ethan love you too shout out here to Joelle and Janice Pauline Pauline tan front liners from her friends who are front liners from Maryland they're watching us they were watching us yesterday they're watching us now so again to Joelle and Janice Pauline done front liners in Maryland thank you for your service god bless you guys stay healthy because if you're not healthy we're not helping you get no pressure okay so whoo but on how do we move right I I won't be able to move on because you know they has a very even though she's not out of her house she's very busy but she was on that Sondheim birthday special right there right before coming to my house she's a fantastic pitch perfect beautiful fresh yeah she's so pretty - nothing I've always known her to be cute but I never know to be pretty now she's I see her as pretty contagious she's gotta get a good time yes honey because she's she's she's bigger voice and everyone else but she laughs like the rest of us Laura DiMaggio so we have some of that we should be drinking then we have a whole box upstairs there's a spoiler what like any other Lola does I get older or no I'm just wondering with the name like that maybe it got its expired already that no Laura may just okay my one or two sachets that's such a nice word sachet sachet huh it is it is you take one at the sip of that I tried it already that fixes your voice and there's a little energy in you yeah and then you feel like knitting I had no idea why she knits you should have asked to see her but she she makes she makes the play she's afraid that's what I want to taste the tree I want chocolate souffle but if you've seen Sweeney Todd I just want you to know you don't want Lea Salonga to make you pies you think it's an inside joke between us and our go watch Sweeney Todd given the movie you'll see why pies are not a good thing to eat unless along anyway you know there was I wish I should have given you a picture I have a picture where we saw they at the end of allegiance remember I forgot the show maybe we'll show it tomorrow there's a picture where I we were backstage like fans trying to get autographs because the the lead there's was the star of Star Trek not never mind that but with Lea Salonga as well and heroes and it was just I just wanted to go say hello and then that way I know that we were there to support her she brought me through this stage she I don't know if the curtains were open and she had them open the curtains and she goes Martin and she would twit took a bow together she goes now you can say you on Broadway wow that was the best gift you ever gave me Leia wait that's the only gift you ever gave me yep officially that's the only gift and that would be still the best I wanted to cry you know remember week I cried outside when you had a baby I cried community I twinky tweaked his back [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Poofy Butternut
Views: 84,213
Rating: 4.9050279 out of 5
Keywords: martin, martin n, martin nievera, lea, lea s, lea salonga, viral, viral vid, viral video, fb, the, the most, trending, trending vid, epic, facebook, who, what, when
Id: kH0z2407slg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 18sec (4698 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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